Anatomy Exam 2 Study Guide

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10 step of muscle stimulation, contraction, and relaxation

1.) ACh released and binds to receptors 2.) actional potential reaches t-tubule 3.) sarcoplasmic reticulum releases calcium 4.) active site exposure, cross bridge binding 5.) contraction begins (relaxation) 6.) ACh removed by AChE 7.) sarcoplasmic reticulum recaptures calcium 8.) active sites covered, no cross-bridge 9.) contraction ends 10.) relaxation occurs, passive return to resting lengths

Which vertebrae is the axis and which is the atlas?

1.) C2 2.) C1

How many thoracic vertebrae are there?


ex of saddle joint:

1ST CMC joint

What digit of the hand and foot have no middle phalange?

1st digit

How many coccygeal vertebrae are there?


How many lumbar vertebrae are there?


How many sacral vertebrae are there?


How many cervical vertebrae are there?


Components necessary for muscle contraction:

ATP, neural stimulation, calcium, sarcoplasmic reticulum, and t-tubules


Backward flexion, as in bending backward either a hand or foot

Actions of the sternocleidomastoid (SCM)

Bilateral: flexes the neck or bend chin downward and unilateral: turns the head to left or right

Action of Zygomaticus major:

Elevates corner of the mouth ("smile" muscle)

Muscle group that straightens or extends the vertebral column:

Erector Spinae


Excessive straightening of a body part

Actions of semimembranosus:

Extends the hip

Actions of Biceps Brachii:

Flexes and supinates forearm

What is the function of fontanels?

Fontanels allow the fetal skull to change shape during childbirth.

joint between two adjacent carpal bones


joint between processes of the vertebrae called articular process

Intervertebral Joints

Muscle that supports organs of the pelvic cavity:

Levator Ani (Pelvic Diaphragm)

What muscles belong to the group hamstrings:

Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, and Biceps femoris


Straightening of a joint

What bones are included in the appendicular skeleton?

UE: scapula, humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges

Actions of abductor digiti minimi:

abducts 5th digit

Actions of gluteus minimus and maximus:

abducts hip

Actions of abductor pollicis brevis:

abducts thumb

joint between acetabulum and the head of the femur


head of the femur articulates with what bone(s)?



adduction, abduction, flexion, and extension

Actions of Adductor longus and Mangus, adductor brevis, and gracilis:

adducts the hip

ex of pivot joint:

alantoaxial joint

describe anterior compartment syndrome:

all muscles of the leg are separated into compartments; each compartment has their own blood and nerve supply and can sometimes cause compression on nerves causing the muscle to die

Describe the extensor expansion and the flexor tendon sheaths:

allows tendons to pass through and holds tendons down close to the bone; improves the efficacy of flexion and extension of digits

Anatomical structures of Anterior compartment syndrome:

anterior, superficial posterior, lateral, and deep posterior

What does the scapula articulate with:

articulates with the clavicle and the head of the humerus

Clinical significance of the piriformis muscle:

below the muscle is the sciatic nerve. The muscle is used to indicate where an injection should be injected (above the piriformis to avoid hitting the nerve and paralyzing the individual)


bending a joint

Where are intervertebral discs located?

between vertebral bodies

Distal humerus articulates with what:

capitulum articulates with prox. radius (head) and the trochlea articulates with prox. ulna (trochlear notch of ulna)

What muscles are involuntary?

cardiac and smooth

3 types of muscle

cardiac, smooth, and skeletal

Distal ulna DOES NOT articulate with?

carpal bones

Joint of the distal row of carpal bones and the prox. end of metacarpals

carpal metacarpal


cell membrane

What vertebral curvature develops as an infant begins to raise its head?


describe saddle joints:

circumduction and opposition

What bones form the pectoral girdle?

clavicle and scapula

Action of obicularis oculi:

closes eye

Action of orbicularis oris:

closes lips

What bones form the pelvic girdle?

coxal and saccrum

What is a unique characteristic of the axis?

dens and articulates superiorly with C1 and allows rotational movement of the neck

What is the galea apneurotica?

dense fibrous tissue of the occipitofrontal muscles that elevates the eyebrows

Action of depressor anguli oris:

depresses angle of mouth

Action of Superior Oblique:

depresses eye and turns it laterally

Action of the depressor labii:

depresses lower lip

Main muscle for breathing:


What bone(s) articulate with the patella?

distal femur

What bone(s) articulate with the proximal tibia?

distal femur

talus articulates with what bone(s)?

distal tibia

Actions of tibialis anterior:

dorsiflexion and inversion

Foot joint movement:

dorsiflexion and plantar flexion

Distal radius and ulna articulate with:

each other!!!

Prox. radius and ulna articulate with:

each other!!!

Actions of triceps brachii:

elbow extension

Actions of Brachialis:

elbow flexion

Action of masseter:

elevate and close the mandible

Action of temporalis:

elevates and closes mandible

Action of Inferior Oblique:

elevates eye and turns it laterally

Action of medial pterygoid:

elevates or closes the jaw

Actions of the Levator scapulae:

elevates scapula

Actions of the trapezius:

elevates scapula, depresses scapula, and adduction (retraction) of the scapula to the spinous processes.

Action of levator labii

elevates upper lip

Mouth joint movement:

elevation and depression

ankle joint movement:

eversion and inversion

Actions of extensor digitorium:

extends digits 2-5

Actions of extensor hallucis longus:

extends hallux and dorsiflexes ankle

Actions of gluteus maximus:

extends hip

Actions of rectus femoris, vastus lateralis and medialis and vastus intermedius:

extends the knee

Actions of extensor digitorum longus:

extends the other four digits and flexes ankle

Actions of extensor carpi radialis longus AND brevis :

extends wrist and radial deviation

Actions of Latissimus dorsi:

extends, adducts, and medially rotates humerus

The three actions of the deltoid:

extension, flexion, and abducts

Action of Inferior rectus:

eye looks down

Action of superior rectus:

eye looks up

True or false: Supination moves the palm of the head down

false: pronation

True or false: amphiarthroses are highly moveable joints

false:slightly moveable



Function of the anterior abdominal wall muscles:

flex the vertebral column and help compress the abdominal context

Actions of flexor digiti minimi:

flexes 5th digit

Actions of sartorius:

flexes hip and knee

The two actions of the pectoralis major:

flexes shoulder joint and pulls humerus forward

Actions of biceps femoris:

flexes the knee

Actions of semitendinous:

flexes the knee and extends the hip

Actions of flexor pollicis brevis:

flexes thumb

Muscle function of the perineum:

forms a base to anchor the external genitalia

Name the 4 paranasal sinuses:

frontal, maxillary, ethmoidal, and sphenoidal

Name the 7 bones the orbit:

frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, lacrimal, maxilla, zygomatic, and palatine

Name the 6 unilateral bones of the skull:

frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, vomer, mandible, and occipital

Muscle that forms the tongue:


shoulder joint (between the glenoid process and humerus)


ex of ball and socket joint:

glenohumeral and acetabular femoral joint

name the six types of joints based on movement:

gliding, hidge, pivot, ellipsoidal, saddle, and ball and socket

Diarthrosis and ex:

highly moveable and all synovial joints

joint that produces pronation and supination


joint that articulates trochlea with distal humerus


ex of hidge joint:

humeroulnar joint of elbow and the knee

What bone of the axial skeleton does not articulate with any other bone?

hyphoid bone

Muscles that form the iliopsoas:

iliacus and psoas major

three muscles that extend the vertebral column:

iliocostalis, longissimus, spinalis

What bones form the coxal bone?

ilium, ischium, and pubis

Muscles that belong to the group erector spinae:

illocatalis, longissiumus and spinalis

Synarthrosis joints and ex:

immovable and sutural

Muscle group that depresses the hyoid:


ex of gliding joint:

intercarpal joints between adjacent carpal bones

endomysium and function

internal and surrounds muscle fibers

joint in toes between the adjacent phalanges


joint between adjacent tarsal bones


Muscles of the pernieum:

ishciocavernous, bulbospongious, and superficial transverse perin

Characteristics of synovial joints:

joint capsule, articular cartilages, joint cavity, synovial fluid, synovial membrane, and accessory structures (ligaments, tendons, bursae)

Where are synovial joints found?

knee and sternoclavicular

What is an abnormal or exaggerated curvature that often develops due to osteoporosis?


Neck joint movement:

lateral flection

What does the clavicle articulate with:

laterally with the acromial end of the scapula and medially with the manubrium of the sternum

What is abnormal or exaggerated lumbar vertebral curvature?


What type of vertebrae have oval bodies and triangular vertebral foramen?


What vertebral curvature develops as a toddler learns to walk?


Name the only bone of the skull that is moveable:


Name the 3 parts of the sternum from superior to inferior:

manubrium, body of sternum, and xiphoid process


microscopic skeletal structure throughout the cell

perimysium and function

middle and surrounds muscle fasicles

Describe ball and socket joints:

most highly moveable joints


movement away from the midline


movement toward the midline

Action of Lateral rectus:

moves eye laterally

Action of medial rectus:

moves eye medially




muscle cell

Whole muscles consist of:

muscle fascicles

muscle fascicles consist of:

muscle fibers

muscle fibers consist of:


Sarcomeres consists of:


myofilaments include:

myosin and actin

What bone(s) articulate with the talus?

navicular, distal tibia, and distal fibula


neurovascular joint

describe motor unit :

number of muscle fibers supplied by one neuron

epimysium and function

on top of and surrounds whole muscle

describe pivot joints:

one bone pivoting on another

Describe hidge joints:

only produces flexion and extension

Action of lateral pterygoid:

opens the jaw or depresses the mandible

Thumb joint movement:


Function of Paranasal Sinuses:

pairs of space in bone, lined with mucous producing epithelium, decreases the weight of the skull, and resonates the voice


palm down


palmar surface of one digit against the palmer surface of the pollex

Where are auditory ossicles located?

petrous part of the temporal bone

Actions Soleus:

plantar flexion

Actions of gastrocnemius:

plantar flexion, knee flexion

plantar flexion

pointing toes

Actions of Pronator teres:

pronates and flexes forearm

Actions of pronator quadratus:

pronates the hand

prox. and distal tibia articulate with what bone(s)?

prox. and distal fibula

What bone(s) articulate with the glenoid fossa?

prox. humerus

Capitulum articulates with:

prox. radius (head)

distal femur articulates with what bone(s)?

prox. tibia and patella

Trochlea articulates with:

prox. ulna (trochlear notch of ulna)

Distal carpals articulate with:

proximal ends of metacarpals

What bone(s) articulates with the distal humerus?

proximal radius and proximal ulna

Retraction (jaw/scapula)

pulling backward

Action of Mentalis:

pulls lower lip down


pushing forward

muscle group that extends the knee:


joint between distal radius and the two carpal bones (scaphoid and lunate)


ex of ellipsoidal joint:

radiocarpal joint

Action of frontalis:

raises eyebrows

Action of levator palpebrae:

raises eyelid

Four muscles of the anterior abdominal wall:

rectus abdominus, external and internal abdominal oblique, and tranverse abdominius

Actions of Rhombodieus:

retract or abduct the scapula

Jaw and scapula joint movement:

retraction and protraction

lateral rotation of shoulder

rotating away from the midline

medial rotation of shoulder

rotating toward the midline

What bone is composed of 5 fused vertebrae?


myofibrils consist of :


Distal radius articulates with:

scaphoid and lunate (forms the wrist)

What bone(s) articulate with the distal radius?

scaphoid, lunate, and distal ulna

What is abnormal lateral vertebral curvature?


describe ellipsoidal joints:

several different types of movements

sarcoplasmic reticulum

similar to reticulat reticulum in other cells

What muscles are voluntary?


What are the functions of skeletal muscle?

skeletal movement, maintains posture and body position, support soft tissue, regulate entering and exiting of materials and thermoregulation

Describe protein arrangements in skeletal muscle:

skeletal muscles, muscle fascicles, muscle fibers, myofibrils, sarcomeres, myofilaments, and actin and myosin

Amphiarthrosis joints and ex:

slightly moveable and pubic symphysis

What kind of tissue is muscle?


joint where the UE attaches to the truck of the body


Joints between the sternum and the cartilage of the ribs


Rigor Mortis

stiffness of death due to lack of myosin

Actions of Supinator:

supinates forearm

elbow joint movement:

supination and pronation

Muscle group that elevates the hyoid:


What are the articulations between most bones of the skull called?


distal tibia and fibula articulate with what bone(s)?

talus of the foot

joint between tarsals and prox. metatarsals


Name the 8 bilateral bones of the skull:

temporal, zygomatic, parietal, maxillary, palatine, nasal, inferior nasal concha, and lacrimal

Joint of the temporal bone and coronoid process

temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)

fine motor unit

ten muscle fibers


tendon is a broad, flat sheet

Endomysium, perimysium and epimysium form:


Muscles that belong to the group rotator cuff:

teres minor, suprasinatous, infraspinantous, and subscapularis

Why are the eyes so well-protected by bones?

the eyes are particularly important as sensory objects

Prox. Humerus articulates with what:

the glenoid fossa of the scapula

what is the relationship of the sciatic nerve and the piriformis muscle:

the sciatic nerve emerges below the piriformis muscle and injections must be distributed above the piriformis to avoid hitting this nerve

extensor and flexor retinacula:

thickening of fascia, and keeps extensor and flexor tendons in the correct position

Ribs articulate with what type of vertebrae?


What type of vertebrate have heart shaped bodies?


What vertebral curvatures develop before birth?

thoracic and sacral

gross motor unit

thousands of muscle fibers

Anterior Cruciate ligament


What bone(s) articulate with the Proximal 1st metacarpal?


True or false: Adduction is movement toward the midline of the body


True or false: the humeroulnar joint is a hinge joint


True or false: the knee is a hinge joint


What is a unique characteristic of the atlas?

tubercle and articulates superiorly with the occipital bone

What muscle belong to the group quadriceps:

vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, rectus femoris, and vastus intermedius

Actions of extensor carpi ulnaris:

wrist extension, ulnar deviation

Actions of Palmaris longus:

wrist flexion

Actions of flexor carpi radialis:

wrist flexion, radial deviation

Actions of Flexor carpi ulnaris:

wrist flexion, ulnar deviation

Joint between distal metatarsals and prox. phalanages


Sliding filament theory

Myosin heads are detached from Actin myofilaments, myosin heads attach to Actin forming cross bridges, myofilaments slide closer together and then they detach again

What is NMJ?

Neuromuscular Joint


Palm up

Muscles of the lateral leg that evert the ankle:

Peroneal (fibular) muscles: peroneus longus and peroneus brevis

Muscles that form the throat:

Pharyngeal constrictors: middle, superior, inferior

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