Anatomy Test 2

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landmarks of lumbar vertebrae

largest and strongest vertebrae provide attachment points for back and abdominal muscles

linea alba

runs from the xiphoid process to the pubic symphysis


sacral vertebrae

landmarks of sacrum

sacral vertebrae fuse together to form this sacral foramina provide a passageway for sacral nerves

origin: inner thorax, inner surface of rib near angle insertion: inner surface of second or third rib below action: depresses thorax



the membranous sac enclosing the heart


thoracic vertebrae


3 (or 4) coccygeal vertebrae

Origin: lower surface of each rib (except 12) Insertion: upper surface of rib immediately below Action: elevate rib cage

External Intercostal Muscles


How many lobes are in the left lung?


How many lobes are in the right lung?


attachment point for several muscles and attaches to clavicle

levator scapulae rhomboideus major rhomboideus minor trapezius

back muscles of inspiration

pubis symphysis

cartilaginous portion where left and right pubic bone join

globet cells

cells in the mucosal lining and submucosal glands that secrete lubricant into the respiratory tract that traps pollutants as they enter the trachea and larynx

C1 - C7

cervical vertebrae

scapula clavicle

components of pectoral girdle

ilium, sacrum, pubic bone, and ischium

components of pelvic girdle

oral and nasal cavities larynx trachea bronchial tubes (bronchi)

components of the respiratory passageway

manubrium sterni corpus xiphoid (ensiform process)

components of the sternum

landmarks of coccyx

composed of four fused coccygeal vertebrae beak-like appearance articulates with sacrum by means of a small disc

linea semilunaris

division of the linea alba into two sheets of aponeurosis

alveolar ducts

end of terminal bronchi which communicate with the alveoli


entry of a liquid or solid material into the lungs, past the point of the true vocal folds


exchange of gas between an organism and its environment

origin: lower seven ribs insertion: iliac crest, inguinal ligament, and abdominal aponeurosis action: flexes vertebral column, trunk rotation, compresses abdomen

external oblique abdominis


feeling a structure using one's hands


flexible tub that runs from the inferior border of the larynx for about 11 cm and then bifurcates to become the left and right mainstem bronchi

Boyle's law

given a gas of constant temperature, increasing (or decreasing) the volume of the chamber in which the gas is contained will cause a corresponding decrease (or increase) in pressure


hairlike projections that line the trachea and bronchi and help prevent foreign particles from entering the lunbs

landmarks of thoracic vertebrae

have larger spinous processes than cervical vertebrae contain superior and inferior costal facets that allow for attachment to the ribs

origin: inguinal ligament, iliac crest, the cartilaginous portion of the lower ribs, abdominal aponeurosis insertion: linea alba action: rotates and flexes trunk, compresses abdomen

internal oblique abdominis


large, wing like bone that supports the abdominal muscles

origin: lumbar, sacral, and lower thoracic vertebrae Insertion: humerus action: stabilizes posterior abdominal wall for expiration

latissimus dorsi

origin: transverse process of vertebrae C7 through T11 Insertion: tubercle of the rib below Action: elevate rib cage

levatores costarum (brevis portion)

origin: transverse process of T7 through T11 insertion: bypass the rib below the point of origin and insert into the next rib Action: elevate the rib cage

levatores costarum (longus portion)

pleural lining

lining that provides a smooth contact for rough tissue, as well as a mechanism for translating the force of thorax enlargement into inspiration; decreases surface tension in the lungs


lumbar vertebrae


makes up lower and back portion of hip and fuses with illium and pubis

costal cartilage

means by which the ribs attach to the sternum

inferior articular facet

means by which vertebrae articulate

superior articular facet

means by which vertebrae articulate

inferior costal facet

means by which vertebrae articulate with ribs

superior costal facet

means by which vertebrae articulate with ribs

sternocleidomastoid Scalenus (anterior, middle, posterior) Trapezius

muscles of neck (inspiration)

internal intercostal (interosseous portion) transversus thoracis subcostal serratus posterior inferior latissimus dorsi

muscles of thorax, back, and upper limb (expiration

pectoralis major pectoralis minor serratus anterior

muscles of upper arm and shoulder (inspiration)


near the sternum

phrenic nerves

nerves that pass along the lateral surfaces of the pericardium to innervate the diaphragm

visceral pleurae

pleurae that surrounds the lungs

parietal pleurae

pleurae that surrounds the thorax

diaphragmatic pleurae

pleural lining of the diaphragm

costal pleurae

pleural lining of the inner surface of the rib cage

mediastinal pleurae

pleural lining of the mediastium


portion right below the head of the rib


primary muscle of thorax (inspiration)


provides anterior support for the shoulder and attaches to the sternum and anterior portion of the scapula

xiphoid process

provides attachment to the linea alba


provides the articulating surface with the spinal column

origin: iliac crest insertion: transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae and inferior border of rib 12 action: unilateral contraction-lateral movement of trunk; bilateral contraction-abdominal compression

quadratus lumborum

origin: originates as four or five segments at the pubic inferiorly insertion: xiphoid process of sternum and cartilage of last true rib (7) and the false ribs action: compresses abdomen

rectus abdominus


referring to the mediastium or middle space of the thorax, which contains the heart

True ribs

ribs 1 through 7

floating ribs

ribs 11 and 12

transverse costal facets

ribs 2-9 attach to these on T2 through T9 as well as to the inferior costal facet of the vertebrae above it

false ribs

ribs 8-10

origin: spinous process of T11-T12 and L1-L3 Insertion: lower margin of lower five ribs action: pull the rib cage down

serratus posterior inferior

origin: spinous processes of C7 and T1-T3 Insertion: ribs 2-5 Action elevates ribs 2-5 specifically

serratus posterior superior

landmarks of atlas

supports the weight of the skull very small spinous process

abdominal aponeurosis

tendonous expansion across the abdomen which serves as an attachment point for muscles


the body of the rib

manubrosternal angle

the junction of the manubrium and body of the sternum


the point at which the rib begins to curve forward


the process of bringing air into the lungs for respiration


the process of eliminating air from the lungs

costal pleurae diaphragmatic pleurae mediastinal pleurae

three types of parietal pleurae


top of each lung that points upward and fits into a space bounded by the upper ribs, sternum and vertebrae

origin: posterior abdominal wall at the vertebral column Insertion: transversus abdominus aponeurosis, inner ribs 6-12, and inferior attachment at the pubis action: compress abdomen

transversus abdominis

Origin: lower third of sternum Insertion: inner chondral surface of ribs 2-6 Action: contraction decreases the volume of the thoracic cavity

transversus throracis


uppermost segment of the sternum contains suprasternal notch articulates with the clavicle and first rib

Origin: superior surface of ribs 2-12 Insertion: inferior surface of ribs 1-11 Action: Elevates ribs

Internal Intercostal Muscles (chondral portion)

Origin: superior margin of each rib Insertion: run up and medially insert into inferior surface of the rib above Action: depresses ribs 1-11

Internal Intercostals (interosseous portion)

Origin: transverse processes of C1-C4 Insertion: medial border of scapula Action: elevates scapula

Levator scapulae

Origin: sternal head and clavicular head Insertion: greater tubercle of humerus Action: elevates sternum and increases expansion of the rib cage

Pectoralis major

Origin: ribs 2-5 Insertion: coracoid process of scapula Action: with shoulder fixed, elevates ribs 2-5

Pectoralis minor

Origin: spinous process of T2-T5 (major); spinous process of C7-T1 (minor) Insertion: scapula Action: stabilizes shoulder girdle

Rhomboideus Major and Minor

origin: transverse process of C2-C7 vertebrae insertion: ribs 1-2 action: elevates ribs 1-2

Scalenus anterior, middle, and posterior

Origin: ribs 1-9 Insertion: scapula Action: with shoulder fixed, elevates ribs 1-9

Serratus anterior

origin: mastoid process of temporal bone insertion: sternal head and clavicle action: elevates sternum and rib cage


Origin: spinous processes of C2 to T12 Insertion: scapula and superior surface of clavicle Action: elongation of the neck and head control


16-20 hyaline cartilage rings that open in the posterior aspect

What is the trachea composed of?

corpus (of sternum)

articulates with six ribs

mainstem bronchi lobar (secondary) bronchi tertiary bronchi terminal respiratory bronchi

What are the components of the bronchial tree?

Origin: inferior boundary of the rib cage, xiphoid process, and the posterior vertebral column Insertion: central tendon



air sacs in the lungs

landmarks of axis

allows for rotation of the skull dens or odentoid prcoess protrudes through the vertebral foramen and helps prevent damage to spinal cord transverse ligament allows for movement of odentoid process

transversus abdominus internal oblique abdominus external oblique abdominus rectus abdominus quadratus lumborum

abdominal muscles (expiration)

External intercostal Interchondral portion, internal intercostal Levatores costarum (brevis and longus) Serratus posterior superior

accessory muscles of thorax (inspiration)

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