Anatomy Week #3: Upper Limb II - Forearm, Wrist Joint & Hand

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Which *muscles* in the *forearm* are innervated by the *median nerve*?

All muscles of the *anterior forearm* with the *exception of flexor carpi radialis and flexor digitorum profundus for digits 4 and 5*

*True or False*: The *ulnar nerve* passes through the *carpal tunnel*


Describe the location of the *cephalic vein* in the *upper limb*?

Found in the *superficial fascia* between the *deltoid* and *pectoralis major muscles*

Which *muscles* in the *forearm* are *innervated* by the *radial nerve*?

Innervates all of the muscles of the *posterior forearm compartment* Recall that in the arm the radial nerve also innervates the muscles of the posterior compartment (i.e. the triceps brachii)

What is the *key dermatome testing area* for *C5*?

Over the *deltoid insertion*

What is the role of the *palmar interossei muscles*?

Produce *adduction* of *digits 2-5*

The *radius* and *ulna* articulate with one another at the ______________________ joints.

Proximal and distal radioulnar joints

The *deep group* of *muscles* in the *anterior compartment of the forearm* originate from the _________________________.

Radius, ulna and/or interosseous membrane

The *antebrachial fascia* divides the *forearm* into which *compartments*?

*Anterior* and *posterior* compartments

The *flexor retinaculum* holds the long tendons in place ______________________ (anterior or posterior) to the *wrist*.

*Anterior* to the wrist

What causes the *gap* between the *ulna* and *carpal bones*?

*Articular disc*

The *cephalic vein* dives through the *deep fascia* to *drain* into the ____________________ vein.

*Axillary vein*

In the *forearm* the *medial cutaneous nerve* travels with which other *vessel*?

*Basilic vein*

Which *blood vessel(s)* are used to *measure* a patient's *blood pressure*?

*Brachial artery*

Which *dermatome* can be *assessed* at the area *over the deltoid insertion*?


Which *myotome* are you testing with *abduction* of the *forearm/elbow*?


Identify the *spinal nerve contributions* of the *axillary nerve*?


Identify the *spinal nerve contributions* of the *musculocutaneous nerve*?


Identify the *spinal nerve contributions* of the *median nerve*?


Identify the *spinal nerve contributions* of the *radial nerve*?


A patient presents with *weakness against resistance* of *flexion* at the *elbow joint*. Which *myotome* is most likely affected?


Which *dermatome* can be *assessed* at the *lateral aspect* of the *forearm* extending *to the thumb*?


Which *myotome* are you testing with *flexion* of the *forearm/elbow*?


Which *dermatome* can be *assessed* at the *pad* of the *ring, middle or index finger*?


Which *myotome* are you testing with *extension* of the *forearm/elbow*?


Identify the *spinal nerve contributions* of the *ulnar nerve*?


Which *dermatome* can be *assessed* at the *medial aspect* of the *wrist* extending *to the little finger*?


Which *myotome* are you testing with *flexion* of the *digits*?


The *radius* articulates with the *humerus* at the ________________________.


The *wrist bones* are called the __________________________.

*Carpal bones* (8)

Which *vein* is located in the *superficial fascia* between the *deltoid* and *pectoralis major* muscles?

*Cephalic vein*

Which *muscle(s)* produce *abduction* of *digits 2-5*?

*Dorsal interossei muscles*

The *cephalic* and *basilic veins* continue *distally to the hand* where they originate as the _______________________ veins.

*Dorsal veins of the hand*

What is the *myotome test* for *C7*?

*Extension* of the *forearm/elbow*

What is the *myotome test* for *C8*?

*Flexion* of the *digits*

What is the *myotome test* for *C6*?

*Flexion* of the *forearm/elbow*

The 4 *lumbricals* originate from the *tendons* of the ___________________________ muscle.

*Flexor digitorum profundus*

What is the *key dermatome testing area* for *C6*?

*Lateral aspect of the forearm* extending *to the thumb*

The majority of the *superficial posterior muscles* in the *forearm* originate from the __________________________.

*Lateral epicondyle* of the *humerus*

Which *area of the skin* is innervated by the *musculocutaneous nerve*>

*Lateral forearm*

In the *upper limb* the *cephalic vein* is located _______________________ (medially or laterally).


Which *muscles* produce *flexion* at the *MCP joint* * *extension* at the *PIP and DIP joints*?

*Lumbricals* = formed from the tendons of the flexor digitorum profundus muscle

What is the *key dermatome testing area* for *T1*?

*Medial aspect* of the *forearm and arm*

What is the *key dermatome testing area* for *C8*?

*Medial aspect* of the *wrist* extending *to the little finger*

The *medial cutaneous nerve* of the *forearm* is a *direct branch* of the ___________________________.

*Medial cord* of the *brachial plexus*

The *superficial group* of *muscles* in the *anterior compartment of the forearm* originate from the _________________________.

*Medial epicondyle of the humerus*

Which *bony feature* does the *ulnar nerve* pass directly *posterior to*?

*Medial epicondyle of the humerus*

In the *upper limb* the *basilic vein* is located ______________________ (medially or laterally).


Which *blood vessel(s)* are used to conduct a *blood draw*?

*Median cubital vein* = connects the cephalic and basilic veins in the upper limb

Which *vein* in the upper limb *connects the cephalic vein* to the *basilic vein*?

*Median cubital vein* = often used for venous access

Which *nerve* innervates the *thenar muscles* in the hand?

*Median nerve*

Which *nerve* passes through the *carpal tunnel*?

*Median nerve*

What is the *key dermatome testing area* for *C7*?

*Pad* of the *ring, middle or index finger*

Which *muscle(s)* produce *adduction* of *digits 2-5*?

*Palmar interossei muscles*

The *pinky side* of the *hand* is associated with which *bone* in the *forearm*?

*Pinky side = ulnar bone*

The *hypothenar eminence* is associated with the ______________________ (thumb or pinky).


*Muscles* in which *compartment* of the *forearm* are responsible for *extension* of the *wrists* and *digits*?

*Posterior compartment*

*Muscles* in which *compartment* of the *forearm* are responsible for *supination* of the forearm?

*Posterior compartment*

Which *compartment* of the *forearm* is associated with the *dorsum of the hand side*?

*Posterior compartment*

The *extensor retinaculum* holds the long tendons in place ______________________ (anterior or posterior) to the *wrist*.

*Posterior* to the wrist

Which *blood vessel* is at the most *risk of damage* if a patient has an injury involving the *distal radius*?

*Radial artery*

Which *artery* passes through the *anatomical snuffbox*?

*Radial artery* Note: the anatomical snuffbox is associated with the thumb side of the hand

Which *nerve* innervates all of the muscles in the *posterior compartment* of the *forearm*?

*Radial nerve*

Which *nerve* innervates the *muscles* which produce *wrist extension*?

*Radial nerve* = innervates the posterior forearm muscles which produce wrist extension

Which *bone* of the forearm *rotates* during *pronation and supination*?


Which *carpal bone* directly *articulates* with the *distal radius*?

*Scaphoid bone*

Which *dermatome* can be *assessed* at the *medial aspect* of the *forearm and arm*?


Which *myotome* are you testing with *abduction/adduction* of the *digits*?


The *thumb side* of the *hand* is associated with which *bone* in the *forearm*?

*Thumb side = radial bone*

The *thenar eminence* is associated with the ______________________ (thumb or pinky).


The _____________________ ligament helps to *shape the carpal bones into a "C" shape*. This ligament is part of the *flexor retinaculum* and forms the *roof of the carpal tunnel*.

*Transverse carpal ligament*

Which *ligament* forms the *roof* of the *carpal tunnel*?

*Transverse carpal ligament*

The *ulna* articulates with the *humerus* at the ________________________.


Which *artery* predominantly forms the *superficial palmar arch* in the *hand*?

*Ulnar artery*

Which *nerve* innervates the *hypothenar muscles*?

*Ulnar nerve*

Which *2 veins* are *connected* by the *median cubital vein*?

- *Basilic vein* = medial - *Cephalic vein* = lateral

Name the *7 muscles* found in the *superficial group* of the *posterior compartment* of the *forearm*?

- *Brachioradialis* - *Anconeus* - *Extensor carpi radialis longus* - *Extensor carpi radialis brevis* - *Extensor digitorum* - *Extensor carpi ulnaris* - *Extensor digiti minimi*

What *movement(s)* are produced by the *lumbrical muscles* in the *hand*?

- *Flexion* at the *MCP joint* - *Extension* at the *PIP and DIP joints*

Which *muscles* in the *forearm* are innervated by the *ulnar nerve*?

- *Flexor carpi ulnaris* - *Flexor digitorum profundus for digits 4 and 5*

Identify the *3 muscles* of the *superficial group* of muscles in the *anterior compartment* of the *forearm*?

- *Flexor digitorum profundis* - *Flexor pollicis longus* - *Pronator quadratus*

Which *muscles* of the *anterior forearm compartment* have *tendons* which *travel through* the *carpal tunnel*?

- *Flexor digitorum superficialis* - *Flexor digitorum profundis* - *Flexor pollicis longus*

Which *muscles* in the *hand* are innervated by the *ulnar nerve*?

- *Hypothenar muscles* - *Lumbricals to digits 4 and 5* - *Palmar and dorsal interossei* - *Adductor pollicis*

What are the major *branches* of the *lateral cord* of the *brachial plexus*?

- *Musculocutaneous nerve* - *Lateral contribution to the median nerve*

Identify the *five main terminal branches* of the *brachial plexus* and their respective *spinal nerve contributions*?

- *Musculocutaneous nerve* (C5-C7) - *Median nerve* (C5-T1) - *Ulnar nerve* (C7-T1) - *Axillary nerve* (C5-C6) - *Radial nerve* (C5-T1)

Which *movements* are produced by the muscles in the *anterior compartment* of the *forearm*?

- *Pronation* of the *forearm* - *Flexion* of the *wrists* and *digits*

Identify the *5 muscles* of the *superficial group* of muscles in the *anterior compartment* of the *forearm*?

- *Pronator teres* - *Flexor carpi radialis* - *Palmaris longus* - *Flexor carpi ulnaris* - *Flexor digitorum superficialis* Recall: all of these muscles originate from the medial epicondyle of the humerus

*Distal to the elbow joint*, the *brachial artery* bifurcates into which 2 arteries?

- *Radial artery* = thumb side - *Ulnar artery* = pinky side

Which *bones* are most likely to be *fractured* in a *fall on an outstretched hand* (FOOSH)?

- *Radial head* - *Distal radius* - *Scaphoid bone*

The *anterior forearm* is divided into a ________________________ and _____________________ group.

- *Superficial group* - *Deep group*

Which *movements* are produced by the muscles in the *posterior compartment* of the *forearm*?

- *Supination* of the *forearm* - *Extension* of the *wrists* and *digits*

Name the *5 muscles* found in the *deep group* of the *posterior compartment* of the *forearm*?

- *Supinator* - *Abductor pollicis longus* - *Extensor pollicis brevis* - *Extensor pollicis longus* - *Extensor indicis*

Which *muscles* in the *hand* are innervated by the *median nerve*?

- *Thenar muscles* - *Lumbricals for digits 2 and 3*

What are the major *branches* of the *medial cord* of the *brachial plexus*?

- *Ulnar nerve* - *Medial contribution to the median nerve*

Which *muscles* are found in the *thenar and hypothenar muscle groups*?

- Flexor - Abductor - Opponens muscle (deep)

What is the *transverse carpal ligament*?

- Helps to *shape the carpal bones into a "C" shape* - Part of the *flexor retinaculum* - Forms the *roof of the carpal tunnel*

What are the two primary *bones* that form the *forearm*?

- Radius - Ulna

The *muscles of the posterior forearm* are divided into a _______________________ and _________________________ group.

- Superficial group - Deep group

How many *muscles* are located in the deep group* of the *posterior forearm compartment*?

*5 muscles*

How many *muscles* are located in the *superficial group* of the *posterior forearm compartment*?

*7 muscles*

What is the *myotome test* for *C5*?

*Abduction* of the arm

What is the *myotome test* for T1*?

*Abduction/adduction* of the *digits*

What is the *movement(s)* produced by the *adductor pollicis muscle*?

*Adduction* of the *first digit* (i.e. thumb)

Which *muscle* produces *adduction* of the *first digit*?

*Adductor pollicis muscle* Recall: pollicis = thumb

Which *fascia* divides the *forearm* into an *anterior and posterior compartment*?

*Antebrachial fascia*

*Muscles* in which *compartment* of the *forearm* are responsible for *flexion* of the *wrists* and *digits*?

*Anterior compartment*

*Muscles* in which *compartment* of the *forearm* are responsible for *pronation* of the forearm?

*Anterior compartment*

Which *compartment* of the *forearm* is associated with the *palm side*?

*Anterior compartment*

A patient with a *herniated interveretebral disc* between the *C7/T1 vertebrae* is *impinging the nerve that passes *below the C7 vertebrae*, which would present with a *loss of sensation* at which location(s)?

5th digit

What is the role of the *dorsal interossei muscles*?

Produce *abduction* of *digits 2-5*

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