Ancient India Short Answers

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What was a jati?

A job assigned to a person at birth based on their family's line of work.

What are the Four Noble Truths in Buddhism?

All people suffer, suffering is caused by cravings, suffering can be avoided by letting go of cravings, and the way to end suffering is a path followed by the Buddha himself.

What are the main ideas of the Eightfold Path in Buddhism?

An intentional perspective, honorable actions, and mindfulness will lead to nirvana.

How do historians know that the Indus Valley Civilization created a successful trading economy?

Archeologists found several Harappan artifacts, such as their trading seals, in Mesopotamia.

According to Hindu beliefs, what is the invisible energy, force, or spirit that created the universe and is a part of everyone?


What are the four varnas in India's social hierarchy?

Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaisya, Sudra

What is the difference between the beliefs about reincarnation in Hinduism and Buddhism?

Buddhists believe that anyone can escape reincarnation, while Hindus believe that social class could determine escape from reincarnation.

Who was the ruler of ancient India that promoted the arts, sciences, and Hinduism while expanding the territory of the Gupta Empire?

Chandra Gupta II

Which of the following images shows an example of Sanskrit?

Choice D

What jobs were Dalits expected to do within India's social hierarchy?

Dalits collected garbage, swept streets, and disposed of dead animals.

What is the meaning of the name "Buddha?"

Enlightened One

Who is the popular Hindu god of new beginnings and the remover of obstacles that also has the head of an elephant?


Which body of water, besides typical uses such as irrigation and trade, was also a sacred site in Hinduism?

Ganges River

When was the "golden age" of ancient India when the economy was strong and the civilization made great advancements in art, literature, math, medicine, metallurgy, and science?

Gupta Empire

.According to Buddhist tradition, how did the Buddha reach enlightenment?

He meditated under a fig tree for several weeks.

Why did the Buddha leave his family and home at the age of 29?

He searched for the answers on how to end pain and suffering among people.

Why is Chandragupta Maurya considered an important figure in world history?

He united nearly all of India and formed the first empire across the subcontinent.

Why is Ashoka considered an important figure in world history?

He was an emperor who gave up conquest and actively encouraged the spread of Buddhism across South Asia.

How does a Hindu follow their dharma?

Hindus follow their dharma through honesty, self-control, nonviolence, and performing their job to the best of their ability.

What type of government existed in the Indus Valley Civilization?

Historians do not currently know what type of government existed in the Indus Valley Civilization due to a lack of evidence.

Which group from ancient India is responsible for developing the varnas that would later evolve into the caste system?

Indo-Aryan Civilization

Which ancient Indian civilization lived alongside the Indus River and built the ancient cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro?

Indus Valley Civilization

List the eras of ancient Indian history in chronological order.

Indus Valley Civilization, Vedic Period, Mauryan Empire, Gupta Empire

What religion practices nontheism and its followers are committed to values such as nonviolence and vegetarianism?


What is the ultimate life goal for a person who practices Hinduism?

Recognize that life is an illusion and reunite the atman with Brahman.

Who was the founder of Buddhism?

Siddhartha Gautama

What religion incorporates ideas of Hinduism and Islam, while also encouraging its followers to meditate, practice honesty, and treat others equally?


What are the living conditions of Dalits in India today?

The Indian government banned untouchability, but there is still discrimination against Dalits.

How did the caste system eventually restrict Indians' freedoms over the course of history?

The caste system limited people's choices in marriage, friendship, education, and employment around India.

Why were the monsoons important in the lives of the ancient Indians?

The monsoons brought heavy amounts of rainfall to India for agriculture, but also could lead to dangerous floods.

Why were Dalits called "Untouchables" by other castes over the course of Indian history?

The other castes believed Dalits were outsiders who were dirty and impure because they sinned in their past lives.

How did the subcontinent affect civilization in ancient India?

The subcontinent was surrounded by natural barriers, which separated it from other civilizations.

Why do historians have many questions about the history of the Indus Valley Civilization?

The writing system cannot be translated today.

What was a major achievement of the Indus Valley Civilization?

They created cities that were organized into grid patterns and equipped with drainage systems including baths and flush toilets.

Why are Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva important gods in Hinduism?

They represent creation, preservation, and destruction.

What similarity in the geography of India, Egypt, and Mesopotamia allowed all three ancient civilizations to support large populations?

They were all located near rivers.

Why were many ancient Indians motivated to complete the duties of their varnas?

They would increase their chances of escaping reincarnation.

In what texts did Hindu scholars present their interpretations and explanations about the Vedas and the main ideas of Hinduism?


The Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Bhagavad-Gita are all famous examples of what type of Indian achievement?


Buddhists who follow the Middle Way find a balance between which two lifestyles?

poverty & wealth

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