ANTH 23O2 Final

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The earliest pottery making techniques include _____.


Casts of plants in ceramics can be used to _______.

identify the species of plants present

Relative dating relies on the _______.

principle of superposition

Studies of wood charcoal from _______ showed what plants were cultivated and what was imported in the Aegean Bronze Age.


Public archaeology includes ______.

Archaeology Week activities collaborations with descendant groups public outreach through museums

James Deetz examined social organization through _____.

Arikara ceramics

_______ is inherited at birth.

Ascribed status

Archaeologists no longer use water screening to find small objects from excavated soils.


At the African Burial Ground National Monument, archaeological human remains are on display so visitors can learn about the history of slavery in New York.


At the SunWatch site in Ohio, plant remains were available only in the summer.


Because of international efforts, the Bamiyan Buddhas were protected from destruction.


Cause of death can be determined for a large percentage of burials.


Conservation involves two primary activities, cleaning and preservation.


Ethnography is not used by archaeologists.


Evolutionary ecologists in archaeology are also considered postprocessual archaeologists.


Georadar, magnetometry, resistivity, and total stations are all important aspects of remote sensing.


Major characteristics of flakes contain a bulb of percussion and a blade.


The Elgin Marbles have been returned to Greece.


The Fertile Crescent was home to both wild and domesticated einkorn and emmer wheat as well as wild rice.


The Poplar Forest excavations revealed much about the lives of enslaved peoples at President George Washington's plantation.


The chemical composition of obsidian varies greatly within a single source and cannot be used to source obsidian objects.


The contrast between ritual and practical acts is very ancient and widespread.


The units of a typology are called keys or guides.


To make pottery, people usually collect clays from at least 100 kilometers from their residences.


The first ceramic vessels were wheel-thrown.

False- Wheel-thrown ceramics appear relatively late, around 3000 BC

The Ypres Battlefield site contains the remains of soldiers killed during the ______.

First World War

According to isotopic analysis, the first kind of Copan, a Classic Maya center in Honduras, came from _______.


One way that archaeologists understand stratigraphy is through a _____.

Harris Matrix

he archaeologist _______ used historical gravestones in New England to study changes in styles over time.

James Deetz

Microwear studies at the East African site of ________ demonstrated evidence of meat cutting and slicing soft plant materials.

Koobi Fora

Excavations at the _______ in Illinois have uncovered more than 10,000 years of human settlement in North America.

Koster site

Important processual archaeologists include _______.

Lewis Binford

By sending laser pulses or energy beams to the ground and reading the returning signal, archaeologists use ______ to discover archaeological sites below thick jungle canopies.


Important archaeologists who have published on gender include _______.

Meg Conkey Patty Jo Watson Elizabeth Brumfiel

Cutmark analysis at ______showed that early humans scavenged large game.

Olduvai Gorge

The site of ______ shows evidence of the first bioarchaeologically documented gunshot victim in the New World.


Remote sensing techniques in archaeology do NOT include _________.


At the Mesolithic site of _______, there was more activity during the warmer summer months.

Starr Carr

The explorers ________ published wildly popular illustrated volumes about Maya sites in 1841 and 1843.

Stephens and Catherwood

An ethical archaeologist should not provide estimates of the value of antiquities to collectors and retailers.


Anthropophagy has been found in contexts of warfare and ritual in the past.


Archaeologists can determine the sequence of removals and flaking from refitted assemblages.


Archaeologists can use chemicals in sediments to understand activity areas in the past. Correct!


Archaeologists who work at CRM firms often conduct salvage excavations.


Artifact conservation should be considered at the point of excavation or discovery.


Artifact style can vary enormously based on the traditions and choices of the person who made it.


At Smakkerup Huse, small, fur-bearing mammals were likely killed during cooler months when fur is in prime condition.


Both mineral and chemical composition were used to source Salado polychromes.


Excavations on the Mary Rose, a Tudor gunship, yielded a minimum of 179 individuals.


Experimental archaeology is the "hands-on" investigation of the past, often through replicating technologies.


Flow charts that focus on cause and effect are commonly used in processual archaeology.


Function tends to change more slowly than style.


How food is prepared can sometimes be inferred from the cuts of meat used.


Human activities can dramatically change the stratigraphy at a site.


Isotopic tracers allow archaeologists to identify human migration in the humans themselves, rather than relying only on the movement of artifacts.


It is important to learn as much as possible about a site before excavating.


Kennewick Man was initially claimed by five Native American tribes for reburial.


One indicator of domestication is increased seed size.


One major change in domesticated plants is the human removal of plants from their natural habitat to new environmental zones.


One principle of ethical archaeology involves making sure that workplace environments are safe and respectful.


Parenchyma are particularly useful for identifying root crops, such as sweet potatoes.


People of European and Asian descent have about 2 percent of their genome from Neanderthal DNA.


Plant remains are usually some of the first things to decompose at an archaeological site.


Several Preneolithic sites in the Near East have shown evidence for human commensals.


Site seasonality can be determined through annual growth rings of certain mollusks.


The archaeological record refers to the body of materials and information that make up the evidence of the past.


The magnificent tomb of Qin Shihuang outside Xian, China, was conceived of as a miniature universe.


The presence of theobromine in Chaco Canyon pottery residues confirmed that chocolate had been consumed there.


The provenience postulate states that the chemical differences within a single source of material must be less than the difference between two or more sources of the same material.


There are an increasing number of archaeological science laboratories and degree programs around the world.


Using deciduous and permanent teeth, bioarchaeologists can determine the age at which children and adolescents died.


Worked bone tools was often used in the Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic in Europe.


Archaeological conservation can be _____.

active stabilizing passive

An artifact's attributes can include _______.

age, style, size and shape

Chert is _______.

also called flint a cryptocrystalline quartz commonly used when available

At Smakkerup Huse, site seasonality was determined by _____.

antler development hazelnut harvesting oyster collecting

The earliest ceramic containers, or pottery, __________.

appeared about 18,000 years ago in china

The Elgin Marbles at the British Museum _______.

are also called the Parthenon Sculptures

After excavation, archaeological objects _______.

are assigned identification numbers are often cleaned are entered into a catalog of permanent records

Accession Numbers _______.

are assigned when an object is incorporated into a curated collection

Rock art sites __________.

are found on all inhabited continents

Metal detectors ______.

are particularly useful at historic period sites emit an electronic magnetic field are of limited use in most prehistoric North American sites

Archaeologists can use _______ to examine stability and change in large, self-organizing systems.

complexity theory

Methods of decorating pottery include _____.

cord-marking burnishing impressing the pottery with shells

The earliest known use of fired clay _____.

dates to about 25,000 years ago was in small animal or human figurines is from the Upper Paleolithic in Europe

After an organism dies, the amount of radioactive carbon in the body______.

decreases at a constant rate

Dating methods based on the principle of the accumulation of layers include _______.

dendrochronology obsidian hydration

The environment _______.

directly conditions human life

Some new directions in archaeological theory include _____.

esilience theory cognitive archaeology practice theory

The archaeologist Charles Leonard Woolley ________.

excavated the ziggurat of Ur

Individuals preserved in peat bogs in northern Europe ______.

exhibit exceptional preservation because of tannic acid

Paleoindian projectile points ________.

exhibit variation in geographic space

An archaeologist might use _______ archaeology when recreating how people made stone tools in the past.


For sites older than 500,000 years, thermoluminescence dating can be used.


Heavier isotopes (such as strontium) fractionate more than lighter elements.


The Black Sea Flood Hypothesis has been tested repeatedly and is now well-established in archaeology


Features at an archaeological site can include _________.

fire pits inhumations cremations

In a flotation system, the lighter, carbonized plant remains that float to the top are called the _______.


Examples of animals that went extinct near the end of the Pleistocene include _____.

giant sloth giant beavers American camels

Paleolithic tool types include _____.

harpoons handaxes blade borers

To understand the_______, archaeologists must understand the stratigraphy of a site.

history of a site relationships between artifacts and activities at a site activities that took place at a site

The anthropologist Raoul Naroll used ethnographic data to investigate _______.

house floor areas, population size, dwelling areas

Ethnoarchaeological analysis in Pakistan by Mark Kenoyer showed _______.

how bead production was organized at Harappan sites

To identify where a ceramic was made, an archaeologist could ______

identify the kind of temper examine the vessel shape and design motifs use ceramic petrography

Attributes of pottery styles _______.

include design elements and decoration

Between 1900 and 1950, archaeologists _______.

included the first female PhD in archaeology in the United States, conducted famous excavations, such as Tutankhamen's tomb, focused on culture history

The ______ of an element is the number of protons in the nucleus.


The remains of Piltdown Man were ________.

later debunked as a forgery

Sediment samples from lake cores showed evidence of _____ as early as AD 400 in the Andes.

lead pollution

The past can be protected through _____.

learning more about our archaeological heritage contacting legislators in support of archaeological issues supporting local museums

Some archaeologists use ________ analysis to determine how stone tools were used.


Specific organic molecules retained in ceramic sherds have identified the presence of _____ at archaeological sites.

milk wine olive oil

Archaeologists who study extractive sites may focus on ______.

mines where minerals are extracted kill sites were animals are butchered agricultural crops grown in a field

The core of an atom is made up of ______ and protons.


Variations in _____ isotopes largely reflect trophic level.


A _____ results from raising an arm to protect oneself from a blow.

parry fracture

Literally "plant rocks," _______ can survive under conditions where pollen disappears.


Microbotanical remains important in archaeology include _____.

pollen phytoliths diatoms

In Europe over the last 2,000 years, _____ had the biggest impact on average height.

population density

The _______ movement was led by archaeologists including Ian Hodder and Christopher Tilley.

postprocessual archaeology

The Laetoli footsteps were dated using ______.

radiopotassium dating

Artifacts can be classified by ______.

raw materials style and function technology

Archaeological survey can involve _______.

reconnaissance instrumental survey remote sensing

Diatoms are particularly useful for ______.

reconstructing past environmental conditions

The sequence of construction can be determined by _______.

sedimentology thin sections of house floors micromorphology

Bioarchaeological analysis of the Mary Rose showed _____.

shoulder blade deformities in archers

The pithouses of Keatley Creek _______.

showed how space can be used to infer social distinctions

A special kind of sedimentary deposit produced in situ is called ________


Site seasonality can be determined by _______.

specific migratory species specific animal parts, such as antlers the age of the animals present

The French term chaîne opératoire refers to ______.

steps in the process of production

Before 1950, archaeologists used ______ to date artifacts.


Archaeologists use a petrographic microscope ______.

to examine thin sections

Because it is more porous, _______ usually decomposes first during burial.

trabecular bone

The occupation of Pueblo Bonito in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico began in AD 919 according to _________ dating.


Some _____ plants produce little pollen or phytoliths, so starch grains are useful.

tropical root crops

The principle of radioactive decay is important for _______ dating

uranium series

Lindow Man, from northern England, ______.

was conserved for display at the British Museum

Flintknapping is an additive process.


Forager populations were generally larger and more sedentary than agricultural populations in the past.


In his Reese River Valley archaeological survey, David Hurst Thomas relied on Lewis Binford's earlier ethnographic work in the region.


In the last twenty years, the development of new methods and technologies in archaeology has decreased.


Individuals who died from the plague exhibit specific lesions on their skeletons.


An artifact's attributes can be visible or invisible.


Engineers and scientists with Napoleon's army helped popularize Egyptian archaeology.


Some of our earliest evidence for plant domestication comes from _____.

Abu Hureryra

Manufacturing techniques can be either additive or subtractive.


A large number of large animals went extinct in North America around _______.

10,000 years ago

The National Historic Preservation Act was passed by the US Congress in ____.


Since ____, US law has forbidden trafficking in Native American cultural or human material.


In the Near East, archaeozoologists have shown that the shift to sedentism occurred _____.

2,000 years before the origins of agriculture

The earliest worked stone artifacts date to at least _______.

3.3 m.y.a

Archaeozoologists can usually identify about _____ of the bone fragments at an archaeological site.

5-40 percent

Believed by many to have wrapped the body of Christ, the Shroud of Turin has been radiocarbon dated to __________.

AD 1300

New technologies, such as LiDAR and genetic analysis through aDNA, are important recent methodological developments.


One of the reasons archaeologists study the past environment is to better understand climate change, and its impacts on humans today, in the present.


Optimal foraging theory is a concept from biology that some archaeologists use to explain hunter-gatherer behaviors.


Possible explanations for the Maya collapse include internal warfare and climate change.


Resilience theory in archaeology is used to explain why some societies transform and thrive during difficult times while others collapse.


At Jomon sites in Japan, archaeologists have discovered ______.

a subsistence economy based primarily on wild resources

When using the scientific method, it is important to ______.

communicate results, test hypotheses with experiments, test hypotheses with observations

The Folsom site in New Mexico _______.

is an example of the importance of archaeological context showed that humans coexisted with extinct animals was initially discovered by George McJunkin

The initial domestication of plants and animals took place in many places around the world about _________.

10,000 years ago

The Archaeological Conservancy has worked to protect ______.

California's Borax Lake Site

According to the Society for American Archaeology's Ethical Principles, an archaeologist has an indefinite amount of time to analyse excavation data before making the data available to others.


All archaeological sites are protected under the law.


An archaeological horizon refers to open-air archaeological sites.


An important distinction in agricultural plants is made between roots and tubers.


Archaeologists must choose between fieldwork and laboratory work


Context is rarely useful in determining how a ceramic was used.


Data are the observations, counts, and measurements of such material items as stone tools or ceramic sherds.


Historical archaeologists have used the classification of clay pipe bowl shapes to create a chronology at New Town, Jamestown Island.


Macrobotanical analyses focus on phytoliths and pollen.


Micromorphological analysis is conducted in the field, with the sediments in situ.


Microwear analysts plan to use "blind" tests to validate their approach.


Radiocarbon dating can only be used on materials older than 40,000 years.


Researchers isolated the first evidence for the bacteria that causes the plague in human remains that date to about 800 years ago.


Secondary products in archaeozoology refers to meat products.


Sexual dimorphism in animal species is rare and cannot be used by archaeozoologists.


Stature data from Maya sites supported the hypothesis that stature declined before the Maya collapse, reflecting reduced yields from exhausted agricultural fields.


Studies of human skeletal remains usually begin in the laboratory, since human remains are fragile.


The hunter-gatherers at Keatley Creek lived in small communities of fewer than five houses.


Mortuary analysis at the site of _______ in Alabama showed ascribed status.


_______ provides a mechanism for museums and federal agencies to return certain Native American cultural materials.


By combining both modern and ancient DNA, geneticists have shown that ______.

Neanderthals interbred with modern humans

To distinguish naturally broken stone from a stone altered by humans, archaeologists look for _______.

None of these answers are correct.

At the site of ________, macrobotanical remains showed evidence of plant storage so that plant foods were available year-round.


The wild ancestor of corn or maize was _________.


By examining site formation processes and refitting lithic artifacts, the site of ________ was demonstrated to have only two or three possible activity periods.

Terra Amata

A flake can be removed from the parent stone by a blow or pressure.


A growing body of geoarchaeological evidence now shows that Noah's Flood did not take place in the Black Sea.


A number of opinion polls in the United Kingdom support the return of the Elgin Marbles to Greece.


A petrographic microscope is a specialized version of a binocular microscope.


A typology is a formal system of classification for assigning time and space meaning to artifacts.


Accelerator mass spectrometer (AMS) dating can date much smaller samples than conventional radiocarbon dating.


Amateur archaeologists can help discover archaeological sites.


Dendrochronology can provide a calendar age for wood samples.


Differences in vegetation viewed from the air can indicate buried archaeological remains.


Excavations by Nicky Milner followed excavations by Grahame Clark at Star Carr.


Lithic refitting is used to investigate the horizontal distribution of artifacts.


Lower Paleolithic blade technology allowed people to waste less raw lithic material.


Many scholars now agree that the site of Hisarlik, first excavated by Heinrich Scheilmann, is the site of Homeric Troy.


Many stone tools were probably used in a range of activities.


Meticulous excavation is necessary to determine complex site stratigraphy.


Mortuary analysis often includes taphonomic analysis as well.


NAA is commonly used in provenience studies of obsidian artifacts.


New developments in instrumentation allow the analysis of smaller samples, which minimizes the destruction of priceless archaeological materials.


Radiocarbon dating requires preserved organic materials, such as bone or charcoal.


Radiopotassium dating is useful for geologic samples older than 500,000 years


Thermoluminescence dating can be used to ceramics or burned flint from archaeological sites.


Total stations are used in archaeology to measure both vertical and horizontal distances.


Underwater archaeology involves excavating in grid units as on land.


Using AMS dating, rock art from Blombos Cave in South Africa has been dated to about 77,000 years before the present.


Using ZooMS, archaeologists can identify the species of otherwise unidentifiable bone fragments.


For his work on radiocarbon dating, ______ later won the Nobel Prize.

Willard Libby

Different instruments used by archaeological chemists include ____.


Flakes can contain _______.

a bulb of percussion

The archaeologist David Hurst Thomas defined _______ in the Reese River Valley.

a dual-residence settlement pattern

Archaeological pottery is usually made of _______.

a mix of clay and temper

Specialized fields in archaeology, such as ______, are growing rapidly.

bioarchaeology, archaeological science, historical archaeology

The introduction of _______ dramatically increased the amount of cutting edges that could be obtained from the raw material.

blade technology

Taphonomic processes in the archaeological record can include _______.

both natural and cultural forces looting bioturbation

Taphonomic processes that impact faunal remains include _____.

butchery scavenging decomposition

Using organic residue analysis, archaeologists determined that ceramic vessels from Chaco Canyon contained _______.

cacao beans

Residues from the inside or outside of ceramic vessels ______.

can be analysed using isotopic analysis

Archaeological style ________.

can be intentionally or subconsciously added to an artifact

Kilns in the archaeological record ______.

can be open can be closed

Archaeological sites ________.

can be open-air on the surface

By mapping the spatial distribution of artifacts at Meer, archaeologists were able to examine__________.

he behavior of individual flintknappers

Some lithic materials can be ________ to improve flaking.


A soil chemical analysis at Keatley Creek showed _______.

high levels of phosphorus where ash and food remains had been

Using genomic analysis of Ötzi the Iceman, researchers were able to identify _____.

his sheepskin coat the type of leather used to make his shoes the presence of Lyme disease

An early approach to typology involved _______.

indicator fossil fossile directeur

_________ are combinations of elements that do not usually contain carbon.

inorganic compounds

In archaeology, sediment ______.

is a commonly used term is particulate matter that can be transported by water or other fluids can include clay, sand, or leaves

Evidence for anthropophagy _______.

is present at some Ancestral Puebloan sites can come from myoglobin in coprolites is present at Cowboy Wash

The FAI-270 project was _________.

one of the largest CRM projects in US history

Ranked information (such as movie ratings) is an example of _____ scale data.


Geoarchaeology can include studies of _____.

pedology hydrology glaciology

Archaeological ceramic provenience studies include _____.

petrographic analysis

Alien archaeology has been ______.

popularized by Erich von Däniken

The vast Chaco road system was not well known until _______ were available.

satellite images air photographs photographs taken by drones

In archaeology, _____ refers to increasing or decreasing levels of analysis


Plants can reveal the _______ of site use.


Archaeologists can track the movement of people through _____.

strontium isotpes

Successful collaborations between the Squaxin Island Tribe and the South Puget Sound Community College included _______.

student training at an archaeological field school oral history from the tribe the establishment of a museum and research center

Bioarchaeologists can observe the presence of ________ through skeletal remains.

syphilis anemia tuberculosis

Important aspects of site formation processes include _______.

taphonomic processes

Excavations can be ______.

test pits vertical horizontal

Dendrochronological sequences have been developed for ________.

the Aegean region Central Europe the American Southwest

In 2001, the Taliban destroyed _______ as an act of cultural vandalism

the Bamiyan Buddhas

Famous examples of catastrophes recorded in the archaeological record include _____.

the Maya site of Ceren

The archaeologist Brian Hoffman conducted excavations in household archaeology at _______.

Agayadan Village

Dendrochronology is an example of _______.

absolute dating

Hallmarks of processual archaeology include _______.

an emphasis on cultural evolution, using middle range theory, the use of objective and scientific methods

Selectionist archaeologists ________.

argue that cultural change can be explained in terms of natural selection

Anthropogenic materials in sediments can include ______.

artifact debris charcoal fish bones

According to Polly Wiessner, artifacts can exhibit ______.

assertive style emblematic style

Archaeological chemistry is concerned with ______.

authentication (verifying the antiquity of an item) identification (determining the original material of an unknown item) characterization (measuring the chemical composition of a prehistoric material)

The elm decline in Europe was likely caused by _____, based on pollen analysis.

beetle-borne disease

In archaeology, classification occurs ________.

before more specialized or destructive analyses

Absolute dating _______.

can provide an age in calendar years includes radiocarbon dating complements relative dating methods

Identifying the age and sex composition of animals in an assemblage ______.

can provide direct evidence of domestication

Changes in _____ isotope ratios can tell archaeologists when corn became an important part of the diet.


The age of an animal when it died can be determined by ______.

cementum annuli

Information from shells at archaeological can tell us about ______.

climate changes, diet, trade and exchange

The first stage in making pottery is ______.

collecting raw materials

Paleopathologists can observed extreme stress in an individual's lifetime through ______.

dental enamel hypoplasia, increased stature

The terms region and landscape _________.

describe physical (region) and conceptual (landscape) geographic areas

The Squaxin Island Museum Library and Research Center _____.

displays artifacts from the Mud Bay excavations

When sorting ceramic sherds, archaeologists _______.

distinguish between rim sherds and body sherds

Unmodified natural objects found in an archaeological context are called ______.


Trapped-charge dating techniques include ______.

electron spin resonance dating

We understand how materials break through ______.

fracture mechanics

In archaeology, ______ can be used to order artifact assemblages.

frequency seriation

Using _____, Daniel Lieberman showed that Preneolithic residential sites were occupied year-round.

gazelle teeth

Palynologists can identify a pollen grain to the _______.


The branch of geology concerned with the shape of the Earth's surface is called _____.


Common food sources in the Early Neolithic Near East did NOT include ______.


Very high nitrogen isotope values could indicate the consumption of ______.

marine fish

A geoarchaeologist interested in how many times a wall had been plastered in the past might use ______.


Archaeologists commonly use _______ scales of measurement.

nominal ratio ordinal

The chemical composition of a volcanic glass, ______, can be used to source artifacts.


The ratio of arboreal to non-arboreal pollen can show ______.

precipitation patterns, domestication events

Different types of burials include _____.

primary burial scaffold burial secondary burial

An important theoretical development in archaeology during the 1960s and 1970s was _____.

processual archaeology

Recent research in gender in archaeology has investigated _______.

queer archaeology the construction of masculinity gender bias in the practice of archaeology today

The Emeryville site in northern California __________.

reflects a pattern of longer-distance hunting by humans, contains an enormous shell mound, was in use from 600 BC to AD 1300

An organized belief system that promotes cosmology, morals, and values is called _______.


Research on ideology in the past involves _____.

ritual, iconography, cosmology

At the Quarter site excavations at Poplar Forest, archaeologists discovered _____.

sorghum grown in slave gardens

A ______ theoretical approach in archaeology recognizes that an archaeologist's own experiences and biases can impact her or his interpretations of the past.


Age of death can be determined by _______.

the fusing of the epiphyses

Bioarchaeologists can determine the sex of a skeleton through _________.

the size of the mastoid process the shape of the pelvis the size of the mandible

Archaeologists use the scientific method ________.

to evaluate new ideas by beginning with an observation to form and test hypotheses

Underwater archaeologists ________.

use scuba gear while excavating

Georadar is _______.

used to detect subsoil anomalies similar to submarines and sonar also called ground penetrating radar

The Maya calendar _______.

uses a 365-day solar year

The ______ of refitted pieces of lithic artifacts is useful for learning about site formation processes.

vertical distribution

To understand how past inhabitants may have perceived the landscape, archaeologists can use __________.

viewshed analysis

The preservation of organic materials in archaeology is _______.

visible at Windover Pond

Tempers used in archaeological ceramics include ________.

volcanic ash grog bone

Between 1978 and 1985, fieldwork for the FAI-270 project _______.

was completed before a long-term highway expansion, helped archaeologists understand the adoption of domesticated plants in the region, uncovered spectacular artifacts from the Mississippian period

The Viking Great Hall at Lejre, Denmark _________.

was continuously occupied and rebuilt twice

Regional spatial analysis in archaeology ________.

was developed in the 1970s sometimes uses the gravity model can involve settlement pattern analysis

Ötzi the Iceman is remarkable because he ______.

was exceptionally well preserved

AMS dating in archaeology _________.

was used to date barley samples from Wadi Kubbaniya

Salado polychrome pottery _______.

was used to document a highly integrated trade network

The chemical and biological processes that break down and change the surface of the earth are called _______.


Originally located under the roofline of the Parthenon, the Elgin Marbles ________.

were legally removed and exported by Lord Elgin

Larger pithouses at Keatley Creek _______.

were occupied by elite families had both large and small storage pits had high-status and low-status areas

Secondary products of animals in the past included ______.

wool, blood, milk

Excavated by _____, the Rivanna River site was particularly important because of the ________ analysis.

Thomas Jefferson, stratigraphic

The raised fields of _______ are an example of archaeological knowledge from the past being used to benefit people in the present.


An artifact's provenience refers to its place of origin and is an important part of archaeological context.


Archaeologists use the term iconography to describe the pictorial representation of beliefs and concepts.


Archaeologists who use a functionalist approach generally also take a positivist or objective view of the world.


Archaeology is often able to give a voice to people who have often been ignored in history.


Based on Gordon Hillman's experimental archaeological research, wheat may have been domesticated in as little as 25 years.


Before humans started using metal tools, most tools with cutting edges were made of stone.


Both slips and glazes are applied to a ceramic before firing.


Butchery practices often leave distinctive traces on the bones themselves.


By examining archaeological evidence for weaving, Elizabeth Brumfiel showed how Aztec tribute demands impacted women in Mexico.


Ceramic petrographic analysis at Icehouse Bottom documented ceramic exchange in the Hopewell Interaction Sphere.


Ceramics are one of the most common archaeological materials to survive at sites from the last 8,000 years.


Compared to seed crops, it is usually much more difficult to identify root crops in the archaeological record.


Complete ceramic vessels are rare in the archaeological record.


Equifinality means that different human behaviors can produce the same archaeological evidence, complicating archaeological interpretation.


In the United States, NAGPRA was passed by the US Congress to provide a mechanism by which museums and government agencies can return certain Native American cultural materials to descendent groups.


Leonard Woolley's excavations at Ur uncovered the royal tomb of Queen Puabi.


New technologies can be introduced by diffusion or migration.


Relative dating cannot provide an actual age for an artifact.


Relative dating involves both the principle of superposition and dating by association.


Remains of butchered animals in middens can show what foods were most common in the past.


Salvage excavations at the African Burial Ground uncovered the remains of at least 419 individuals of African descent.


Some archaeologists use a "coefficient of stylistic variability" to examine social interaction.


Some archaeologists use decision trees to classify artifacts.


Some archaeologists use embodiment to understand gender in the past.


Spatial analysis in archaeology can be both within-site and regional.


Taphonomic processes can include decomposition and post-mortem transport.


Tempers are often added to clay to prevent cracking during drying and firing.


The Archaeological Conservancy is the only national, non-profit organization dedicated to acquiring and preserving archaeological sites in the United States.


The Lejre Archaeological Research Center in Denmark is an example of experimental archaeology at work.


The Society for American Archaeology has more than 7,000 professional archaeologists and students as members today.


The importance of preserving our archaeological heritage grew between 1950 and 2000.


The majority of archaeology done in the United States is CRM-related work.


The massive ziggurat at Ur has suffered damage from both US and Iraqi forces during Saddam Hussein's regime.


The scientific method in archaeology is a way of evaluating and testing ideas.


The study of economy in the past involves exchange, production, and surplus.


Ultimately, all archaeological data comes from archaeological fieldwork.


X-ray diffraction can be used to identity the minerals present in rock and ceramic samples.


he French word débitage is used to describe waste material.


Ötzi the Iceman is the highest-altitude archaeological find in Europe, which contributed to the exceptional preservation of his body.


The rescue and reconstruction of Ramses' temple at the Egyptian site of Abu Simbel was sponsored by ______.


Isotopic analysis of archaeological human remains from _______ showed a shift from terrestrial to marine foods as the climate got cooler and harvests declined.

Viking Greenland Sites

The archaeologists Joyce Marcus and Kent Flannery examined ritual activities in _______.

Oaxaca, Mexico

There is much more funding available for heritage preservation than for academic research.


During the 1980s, postprocessual archaeologists _______.

articulated new goals for archaeology, emphasized ideology, examined the biases of archaeologists themselves

One common way to describe hierarchical organization in the past is the __________ model.


In the United States, archaeology is most commonly found in Anthropology Departments along with _____.

biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology

In the United States today, archaeologists _______.

can be employed by the federal government, are often employed by CRM firms and colleges and universities, can include public outreach in museums or in the community

Between 1950 and 2000, archaeology was transformed by ______.

computers and new scientific methods, increasing numbers of archaeologists, new developments in archaeological theory

Different types of trade and exchange systems include _______.

direct trade down-the-line trade emissary trade

Archaeologists who work in Cultural Resource Management _______.

do the majority of archaeological research in the United States

Initial work on gender in archaeology _________.

focused on finding women in the archaeological record

By the end of the twentieth century, the majority of professional archaeologists were employed by __________.

government agencies and private businesses

Pierre Bourdieu uses the term _______ to explain the unthinking acts that people often do with little conscious effort.


Archaeologists who successfully use ethnographic analogy to understand the past ______.

have a good sense of cultural continuity between the past and present

The Stone Age rock at the Swedish site of Nämforsen _________.

is one of the largest collections of rock art in the world, contains both elk and boat motifs, has been interpreted by a postprocessual archaeologist

Classical archaeologists study_____.

literate societies of the Mediterranean world

In the Lake Titicaca Basin, raised fields ______.

maximize agricultural production

In the initial, emergent phase of archaeology _______.

more systematic fieldwork was initiated, the first university chairs in archaeology were created, museums of antiquity were created

Processual archaeology is also called _______.

new archaeology

Archaeology can help illuminate the lives of _____.

people who lived thousands of years ago, enslaved peoples, and Thomas Jefferson

A selectionist perspective has been applied by Ann Ramenofsky to understand ______.

the adoption of horses and snowmobiles

The archaeologist Bruce Trigger examined the relationships between population size and ______ in the ancient Nubia.

the height of the Nile River

Archaeological questions are important because ______.

the questions we ask determine the answers we get, learning to ask good questions is one of the most important parts of being an archaeologist

Demography is _______.

the study of human populations in the past complex, but not impossible, to study in the past related to population density

New theoretical developments in archaeology include _______.

the use of agency and practice theory

In an address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in 2014, Pope Francis said that _____.

there was no contradiction in believing in God and using evolution to understand the history of our planet

After 1950, archaeologists began focusing on culture history rather than culture process.


Agency and practice theory was developed by the French archaeologist Francois Bordes.


All archaeologists who study gender also practice feminist archaeology.


Historical archaeologists focus exclusively on the archaeology of Europe, which has written records.


In 1872, UNESCO's World Heritage program was created to identify, protect, and preserve our cultural and natural heritage.


Looting of archaeological sites is rare and does not generally result in the destruction of the archaeological record.


The construction of earthen mounds and structures in southern Arizona was an important part of the ideological landscape of the Effigy Mound


The pace or speed of the evolution of technology is slowing.


The strata of an archaeological site only refer to the features present.


A flake can be removed through percussion using ______.

a piece of bone an antler a hammerstone

To measure soil conductivity and identify buried disturbances, such as fireplaces or burials, archaeologists use _________.

a resistivity meter

An archaeological mapping project uses ______.

a site datum

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