AP Bio Midterm

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Golgi complex

A cell is treated with a drug that prevents the formation of new lysosomes. The cell continues to transcribe the genes that code for the hydrolytic enzymes that are normally found in lysosomes and continues to translate the mRNAs for those proteins on membrane-bound ribosomes. The hydrolytic enzymes are most likely to accumulate in which of the following cellular structures?

The graph with even amounts of carbs and lipids and lower amounts of proteins and nucleic acids

A culture of Spirogyra (an autotrophic alga) is maintained in a water solution containing dissolved carbon dioxide and a source of phosphates but lacking nitrogen compounds. A researcher determines the rates of synthesis of several organic compounds found in the Spirogyra before and after several weeks in the water solution. Which of the following graphs best illustrates a likely result of the experiment?


A fish population of 250 in a pond has a maximum annual rate of increase of 0.8. If the carrying capacity of the pond is 1,500 for this species, what is the expected population size after one year?

harms the host in the process

A parasite may be described as an organism that derives nourishment from another living organism and

A (The one without any arrows pointing towards it)

A photosynthetic organism would be represented by which species?

increasing the water potential of the soil

All of the following changes would be likely to decrease the rate of transpiration at 8 A.M. EXCEPT

The base of the pyramid generally represents primary consumers.

All of the following statements about the pyramid of biomass are correct EXCEPT:

The population of predators most often eliminates the population of prey.

All of the following statements concerning characteristics of predator-prey relationships are correct EXCEPT:

Add more of the proteins to the plasma membrane and measure the rate of the particle movement.

An investigator wants to understand whether a newly found membrane protein is involved in membrane transport of a certain particle. Which investigation will help determine whether the new membrane protein is a channel protein involved in membrane transport?

interspecific competition

An overlap in the niches of two species will most frequently result in


Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria. In an experiment, bacteriophages were labeled with either radioactive phosphorus or radioactive sulfur. The labeled bacteriophages were incubated with bacteria for a brief amount of time and then removed. The infected bacteria cells were found to contain significant amounts of radioactive phosphorus but not radioactive sulfur. Based on the results of the experiment, which of the following types of molecules did the bacteriophages most likely inject into the bacteria cells?

Hydrogen bonds between molecules at the surface of the water provide surface tension, which allows the water surface to deform but not break under the insect.

Based on Figure 1, which of the following best describes how the properties of water at an air-water interface enable an insect to walk on the water's surface?

Elk tend to avoid riparian areas where the steep, wooded riverbanks make it difficult to escape predators.

Based on the data, which of the following behaviors in elk could account for the differences between the percent of aspens browsed by herbivores and the height of aspen trees in riparian and upland environments?

Wildfires caused a reduction in ground cover, which in turn caused increased soil temperatures leading to earlier emergence of cicadas.

Based on the data, which of the following describes the most likely relationship between wildfires, soil temperature, and the timing of cicada emergence in the same year?

Predation by wolves was higher than before 1995.

Based on the data, which of the following is the best explanation for the changes in the elk population size between 2000 and 2005 ?

Palmitic acid, because the absence of carbon-carbon double bonds allows the molecules to pack closely together.

Based on the molecular structures shown in the figure, which molecule is likely to be solid at room temperature?

Cicadas will emerge approximately 10 days later.

Based upon the data, which of the following best describes the effect on the timing of cicada emergence if the cottonwood ground cover decreases from 50 percent to 25 percent?

The surface fish populations would decline due to reduced populations of algae.

Beaked whales feed at various depths, but they defecate at the ocean's surface. Nitrogen-rich whale feces deposited in surface waters supply nutrients for algae that are eaten by surface dwelling fish. Which of the following best predicts what would happen if the whale population decreased?

The biomass of coyotes will be dramatically reduced.

Developers have approved a project that will permanently reduce the primary producers' biomass by 50 percent and remove all rabbits and deer. Which of the following is the most likely result at the completion of the project?

B (chloroplast)

Evolved from a photoautotrophic prokaryote

The cuboidal cell

In an experiment, the efficiency of oxygen exchange across the plasma membrane is being assessed in four artificial red blood cells. The table above lists some properties of those artificial cells. Other conditions being equal, which artificial cell is predicted to be the most efficient in exchanging oxygen with the environment by diffusion?

D (The only one with an arrow pointing to E and B)

Members of which species are herbivores?

C (The one with 3 arrows pointing towards it)

Members of which species are omniivores?

Organelles isolate specific reactions, increasing metabolic efficiency.

Membrane-bound organelles have been an important component in the evolution of complex, multicellular organisms. Which of the following best summarizes an advantage of eukaryotic cells having internal membranes?

The contraction rate increases as the osmolarity decreases because the amount of water entering the paramecia by osmosis increases.

Paramecia are unicellular protists that have contractile vacuoles to remove excess intracellular water. In an experimental investigation, paramecia were placed in salt solutions of increasing osmolarity. The rate at which the contractile vacuole contracted to pump out excess water was determined and plotted against osmolarity of the solutions, as shown in the graph. Which of the following is the correct explanation for the data?

In both plant cells and fungal cells, the cell wall surrounds the outside of the cell membrane.

Plant cell walls are composed of cellulose, while fungal cell walls are composed of chitin. A group of scientists hypothesize that this difference means the cell wall has largely different functions in plant cells and fungal cells. Alternatively, another group of scientists hypothesize that despite their biochemical differences, plant and fungal cell walls serve similar functions. Which of the following observations would best support the alternative hypothesis described above?


Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells generally have which of the following features in common?

The organelle has an internal aqueous environment that is similar to the cytosol of the larger cell.

Researchers claimed that a particular organelle originated from a free-living prokaryotic cell that was engulfed by a larger cell, as shown in Figure 1.. Which of the following provides evidence to best support the researchers' claim?

depend on a concentration gradient

Simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion are related in that both

C (Golgi Apparatus)

Site of modification and packaging of proteins and lipids prior to export from the cell

D (cell membrane)

Site of transport of materials into and out of the cell

Environmental contamination reduces total testosterone oxido-reductase activity in females.

Testosterone oxido-reductase is a liver enzyme that regulates testosterone levels in alligators. One study compared testosterone oxido-reductase activity between male and female alligators from Lake Woodruff, a relatively pristine environment, and from Lake Apopka, an area that has suffered severe contamination. The graph above depicts the findings of that study. The data in the graph best support which of the following claims?

It will affect the primary, secondary, and tertiary structures of the CFTR protein.

The CFTRCFTR protein is made up of 1,4801,480 amino acids linked together in a chain. Some humans produce a version of the CFTRCFTR protein in which phenylalanine (an amino acid) has been deleted from position 508 of the amino acid chain. Which of the following best predicts how the amino acid deletion will affect the structure of the CFTR protein?


The contents of which dialysis tube are initially isotonic to the distilled water in the beaker?

The organism does not have a nuclear membrane surrounding its genetic material.

The diagram above represents a typical rod-shaped bacterium. Which of the following best describes a feature shown in the diagram that is unique to archaea and bacteria?

Eventually the other trees grow taller than the oak trees and form a dense canopy that shades the understory.

The diagram above shows the progression of ecological events after a fire in a particular ecosystem. Based on the diagram, which of the following best explains why the oak trees are later replaced by other trees?

To synthesize and isolate proteins for secretion or for use in the cell

The figure below illustrates a eukaryotic cell. Which of the following best describes how the three structures indicated by the arrows work together?

A (mitochondria)

The following questions refer to the following diagram. For each phrase or sentence, select the labeled part to which it is most closely related. Each option may be used once, more than once, or not at all for each group. Site of conversion of chemical energy of glucose to ATP

B (chloroplast)

The following questions refer to the following diagram. For each phrase or sentence, select the labeled part to which it is most closely related. Each option may be used once, more than once, or not at all for each group. Site of glucose synthesis?

Na+ transport out of the cell requires ATP hydrolysis.

The manner in which several different ions and molecules move through a cell membrane is shown in the diagram above. For each ion or molecule, the relative concentration on each side of the membrane is indicated. Which of the following accurately describes one of the movements taking place?

The amino acid diagram adn the nucleic acid diagram

The observed differences between the groups most likely resulted from differences in the ability of the seedlings to produce which of the following monomers?

the reproductive rate equals the death rate

The population density at point Q indicates that

Environmental conditions do not fluctuate.

The population would be most likely to remain at the level shown at Q under which of the following conditions?

Segment 1 would become denatured at a lower temperature than would segment 2 because A-T base pairs have two hydrogen bonds whereas G-C base pairs have three.

The sequences for two short fragments of DNA are shown above. Which of the following is one way in which these two segments would differ?


The synthesis of protein or carbohydrate polymers always produces which of the following as a byproduct?


To model a plant cell, a permeable, nonflexible case is placed around each piece of dialysis tubing. The greatest pressure potential will develop within dialysis tube number

facilitated diffusion

When a substance moves across the plasma membrane along a concentration gradient at a rate faster than would be expected by simple diffusion alone but without the expenditure of metabolic energy, the process is best described as

The one where both the first and second diagram are clumps with no black beads protruding

Which of the following best depicts the tertiary structures of the two proteins in water? The diagrams in the options are not drawn to the same scale as those in Figure 1 and Figure 2.

The backbone of DNA contains deoxyribose, whereas the backbone of RNA contains ribose.

Which of the following best describes a structural difference between DNA and RNA?

The interactions of the different R-groups with other R-groups and with their environment determine the tertiary structure of the protein.

Which of the following best describes how amino acids affect the tertiary structure of a protein?

The change leads to increased protein stability because of an increased number of S-S bonds in the tertiary structure of the proteins.

Which of the following best describes the effect of a greater number of cysteine amino acids on the stability of the proteins?

A covalent bond is formed between a carbon atom and a nitrogen atom along with the formation of H2O .

Which of the following best describes the formation of the bond shown in Figure 1 ?

They occur as monomers, chains of monomers, and branched structures.

Which of the following best describes the structures of carbohydrates?

H+ ions will stop moving through the protein.

Which of the following best predicts the effect of not having ATP available to supply energy to this process?

View 2 because the rate of water movement into the RBCs equals the rate of water movement out of the cells

Which of the following best predicts which diagrammed microscope view the laboratory worker would see and best explains why?

The identity of each nitrogenous base

Which of the following characteristics of Figure 1 best shows that the fragment is RNA and not DNA?

One with high species diversity

Which of the following communities is likely to be most stable?

Nucleic acid #1 contains adenine-thymine base pairs, whereas nucleic acid #2 does not.

Which of the following conclusions is most clearly supported by the representations of nucleic acid #1 and nucleic acid #2 ?

The one with the -COOH group and the NH2 groups protruding

Which of the following correctly illustrates a dipeptide and an amino acid in the optimal position to form a tripeptide

Curve is proportionally negative all the way through

Which of the following graphs is most consistent with the claim that communities with high diversity are more resistant to change than are communities with low diversity?

The bar graph with standard error drawn

Which of the following graphs is the most appropriate representation of the experimental results documented in the table?

An endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and a nucleus

Which of the following groups of cellular components are found in eukaryotic cells but not prokaryotic cells?

The reduction in primary productivity has resulted in an unstable community that will eventually collapse.

Which of the following hypotheses about the effect of zebra mussels on the Hudson River community is best supported by the data in Figure 1 ?

The formation of a covalent peptide bond in a dehydration synthesis reaction

Which of the following is an accurate description of the process shown in Figure 1 ?

It forms hydrogen bonds.

Which of the following is most directly responsible for water's unique properties?

Hydrogen bonds between the oxygen atom of one water molecule and a hydrogen atom of another water molecule

Which of the following is responsible for the cohesive property of water?

The curve would remain flat after the nitrate is added

Which of the following is the best prediction of the algal growth if nitrate is added instead of phosphate?

Flowers produce nectar that bees gather to make honey, and in the process the bees pollinate the flowers.

Which of the following observations best represents a mutualistic relationship?

The carbohydrates have different properties because they have different arrangements of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms.

Which of the following statements about glucose, galactose, and fructose is most likely true?

The ammonia molecules released by the fish are converted by the bacteria to nitrates, which are used by the plants to make proteins and nucleic acids.

Which of the following statements best describes how molecules released by the fish become nutrients for the plants?

Rabbits eat plants and break down plant molecules to obtain carbon and other atoms that they rearrange into new carbon-containing molecules.

Which of the following statements best describes how organisms such as rabbits obtain the carbon necessary for building biological molecules?

Different patterns of energy availability in ecosystems will affect species richness.

Which of the following statements is consistent with the data shown in the figures?

Ions are unable to move through the phospholipid bilayer because the nonpolar tail regions of the phospholipids are hydrophobic.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the movement of substances across cell membranes?

Standard deviation of the nearest-neighbor distances for each species

Which of the following would be most appropriate for identifying the species with the most even distribution of nests?

C (The one with 3 arrows pointing towards it)

Which species would most likely represent humans if they were part of this ecosystem?

The nitrogen has a partial negative charge, and the hydrogen attached to the oxygen has a partial positive charge.

Which statement best helps explain the formation of the hydrogen bond represented in the figure?

It represents a polypeptide chain that is broken down through a hydrolysis reaction.

Which statement is the most accurate description of the reaction shown in Figure 1?

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