ap psych worksheets

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self-effacing bias

cognitive bias that results in a tendency for an individual to attribute success and positive events to external and situational factors while attributing failure to internal and personal factors

Ken and Barbie have been married a long time. Their relationship still has commitment and intimacy, but the passion or spark is gone. According to Sternberg, what type of love do Ken and Barbie have?

companionate love

Inga believes that all wrestlers are aggressive. She meets Terry who wrestles, when Terry gets upset, Inga is likely to make a(n)

dispositional attribution

Kelly said that she was carrying a knife to protect her, but argued that others carried knives to attack helpless victims and mug them. Kelly is making a ___________________.

dispositional attribution

Anthony wants his roommate Jason to lend him his I-pad for his weekend trip. In attempt to persuade him Anthony offers to do Jason's laundry before he asks to borrow the I-pad.

reciprocity norm

Jerry owns a company that does kitchen remodeling. In an attempt to gain new customers, he offers free estimates.

reciprocity norm

Nicholas is hoping for a promotion to the varsity team and decides to give his coach a nice gift at the beginning of the practice season hoping that he will have a better shot at making the cut.

reciprocity norm

High school sweethearts Tarah and Timmy are physically and emotionally attracted to each other but they are going to different colleges in the fall and decide not to commit to the relationship. According to Sternberg what type of love do Tarah and Timmy have?

romantic love

A basketball coach constantly tells his star player that he is great. As a result, this player performs well knowing that his coach has faith in him.

self-fulfilling prophecy

Charles is running a race against a highly accomplished track team. He has a feeling that he is going to perform poorly because he is not as good. As he expected, his performance at that meet is sub-par.

self-fulfilling prophecy

Jeremy has to make a speech in front of the class, he is so nervous because he thinks he is going to "choke". As soon as he gets up in front of the class, he forgets his entire speech.

self-fulfilling prophecy

Jen believes that her little sister was crying because the family dog had just bitten her, Jen is making a(n) ________________________about her behavior.

situational attribution

social cognition

worrying, about what others think of us, and then making assumptions about others around us

Despite interference from family and time apart Allie and Noah find each other and marry. They seem to have it all passion, intimacy, and commitment. According to Sternberg what type of love do Allie and Noah have?

consummate love

A team of record producers all really like the sound of a teenage musician they heard on YouTube and met to discuss if they should give her a contract or not. After the discussion the group opinion of the artist was even more positive and they agreed to give her a very large signing bonus and contract.

group polarization

All of the members of the jury entered the deliberation room believing that the company was negligent and that the man who was suing deserved compensation. However, after discussing the case further the jury members became even more convinced that the corporation was in the wrong and decided to award a much larger settlement than they originally were considering.

group polarization

Barney is attracted to the new girl he meets but is not interested in a relationship and does not share any accurate information about himself or actually listen to her. According Sternberg, what type of love is this?


internal attribution

an assumption that bhevaior is driven by such internal characteristics as traits or feelings

In which social psychology experiment was it discovered that individuals would be willing to ignore their own personal beliefs in order to be accepted by a group?


Which social psychologist is known for demonstrating the tendency of individuals to conform to group pressures?


external attribution

behavior is driven by focus and circumstances outside of themselves

A two-step process of gaining compliance that involves first making a request that is so large that it will most certainly be rejected. After the first request is turned down, the actual offer is presented which now seems reasonable by comparison and is likely to be granted.

door-in-the-face approach

Which social psychologist had participants engage in a boring knob turning experiment in which those who were paid the least expressed the most positive attitudes?


Which social psychologist is associated with research on cognitive dissonance?


A two-step process of gaining compliance that involves making a very small request first in order to increase the chances that they will agree to a second and larger request

foot-in-the-door approach

Tamara asks her roommate for a very small favor, and after she agrees to the initial request, then asks for a much larger favor.

foot-in-the-door approach

In 1986 the NASA management team made the decision to proceed with the planned launch of the Space Shuttle Challenger despite protests from several engineers who feared that extreme temperatures could possibly destroy vulnerable seals. The management team failed to consider this information with tragic consequences as the Challenger exploded during takeoff killing all of the astronauts on board.

group think

Because Gideon is good looking, people often assume he is also intelligent and a good leader. This is called the _________________________.

halo effect

The belief that rape victims contributed to their own victimization is a consequence of _________________________.

just world phenomenon

Which social psychology experiment demonstrated the strong tendency for individuals to obey authority?


It's the first home football game of the year. The theme is "white out" and Billy did not hear about this, instead he shows up at the game in all black and yellow and feels like he sticks out like a sore thumb.

spotlight bias

After P.E. class, Nicole accidentally put her shirt on backwards. She was very embarrassed and was sure that everyone noticed and laughed at her for the mistake.

spotlight effect

Casey was walking down the stairs in her school's common area. She received a text and pulled out her phone. As she did this, she fell down the stairs. Casey was very embarrassed and thought everyone saw it; in reality, no one was watching and they had not even noticed.

spotlight effect

____________discovered that the amount of conformity (decreased/increased) if the participants were allowed to submit their answers privately in writing instead of sharing them aloud with the group which showed that the participants did in fact know the correct answer.


Art is trying to recruit new members to the street luge team at his college. At an open house for all activities at his college, Art begins his presentation to potential members by making a simple request.

foot-in-the-door approach


cognitive filter through which we view the world and interpret information

self-handicapping strategy

cognitive strategy by which people avoid effort in the hopes of keeping potential failure from hurting self-esteem

Brittany conducted a study on depressed teenage mothers, and when interviewing a random sample of mothers she unconsciously focused on when they were crying and upset.

confirmation bias

One boy was a big bully in junior high school. Many in the class still see him as a bully in high school even though he has not exhibited these behaviors for years. People interpret his every action as aggressive even though he is now quite kind.

confirmation bias

During the Cuban missile crisis, President Kennedy met with his team of advisors to discuss the problem that Soviet missiles in Cuba. Kennedy purposely removed himself from discussion numerous times so that other members would speak more freely. In addition he brought outsiders into his inner circle that did not have a loyalty to the team (notably Adlai E. Stevenson ☺).

devils advocate

Liza is hoping to gain a $1 donation from each person who approaches her booth that is collecting money for the Salvation Army. Liza's strategy is to ask for a $20 donation, which she knows, is likely to be turned down first, and then mention that even a $1 donation can make a difference.

door-in-the-face approach

Dismissing the impact of situational variables when explaining the negative behavior of others is known as the

fundamental attribution error

Gary is the first person to turn in his exam. His teacher thinks that he is impatient and impulsive, but in fact he had studied very hard the night before and as a result was able to finish quickly. Gary's teacher is making a(n) _________________.

fundamental attribution error

Those from Collectivist societies are more likely to make ___________________________about others behavior than those from Individualistic societies.

fundamental attribution error

Varad's Calculus teacher was incredibly rude on the first day of class and Varad assumed he was a mean person. Varad did not know that a car hit his professor's dog Fuzzy that morning. His boss had also reprimanded the professor just before class began. Varad is exhibiting ____________________________________.

fundamental attribution error

Members of a jury have been sequestered for an entire week trying to decide if there is enough evidence against a former government official on trial for corruption and bribery for a conviction. The group is under intense pressure to come to an agreement. The members who had hesitations soon stop voicing their doubts and simply go along with the jury foreperson who is convinced of the individual's guilt and a guilty verdict is reached swiftly.

group think

Research has consistently shown that brainstorming sessions do not lead to more creative ideas and solutions but instead makes each individual less productive and less creative. One of the reasons for this may have to do with the fact that the dynamic of a group leads individuals to seek agreement and avoid bringing up potentially controversial ideas or problems with popular ideas.

group think

While working in a study group Joan asks a question and is given an incorrect answer by Dave, another member which the whole group accepts as true and writes down. Although another member of the group has questions about the answer the entire group simply agrees with Dave's answer without checking it and ultimately they all get the question wrong on the FRQ.

group think

After hearing the winning lottery numbers of the evening news, Nikki was disappointed and stated that she knew it was going to be her favorite numbers that became the winners. She regretted having chosen random numbers instead.

hindsight bias

Even though you had no idea which answer was the correct response to the multiple choice exam you took, when you found out by chance you had selected to correct response, you claimed to believe you knew it was right when you guessed.

hindsight bias

It's down to the two final contestants in American Idol. Mary tells her father that she thinks that Kelly Clarkson will lose. When the final results are in and Kelly Clarkson wins, Mary jumps off the couch and says, "I knew she was going to win!"

hindsight bias

You are watching the Olympics and expect Michael Phelps to win the gold medal. When he loses you say, "He's way past his prime, I knew he was going to lose."

hindsight bias

social influence

how we are influenced by others in a social situation

social behavior

how we behave in social situations

When Janis and Neil started dating their friends thought to themselves that "It will never last. Although she is not bad looking, Neil is much too attractive for her." The friend's statement suggests that their relationship violates the social psychology concept of


A jewelry salesperson makes a customer a fantastic offer on a new bracelet. After they agree the salesperson announces that after speaking with their manager, the price is actually 5% higher than they originally quoted.

low ball

A two-step process of gaining compliance that involves making a small request, and then changing the terms required to fulfill that request by revealing hidden costs.

low ball

The idea that individuals most likely will date those who are about the same level of attractiveness is known as the _________________________.

matching phenomenon

The more times you hear a song the more likely you are to like it. This idea, which can also apply to attraction, is called _________________________.

mere exposure effect

Which social psychologist found that a majority of participants would be willing to shock a complete stranger with high levels of electricity in response to the directions of an experimenter?


David believes that he aced his test in Biology because of his enormous capacity for that subject, but he believes that he did poorly in Psychology because his instructor is not very good. David is exhibiting ________________________.

self-serving bias

Leah believed that her boyfriend was short with her because he had a bad day at football practice. Leah is making a(n)

situational attribution

Thor and Helga decide to marry. They have a long history together and are very good friends but they are not physically attracted to each other. According to Sternberg what factor are they missing in order to have consummate love?


Which social psychologist had to shut down his experiment after only six days because the participants were suffering?


Which social psychology experiment demonstrated the effect that the situation has on a person's behavior?


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