AP Psychology Unit 4 Review

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After a small section of his basilar membrane was damaged, Jason experienced a noticeable loss of hearing for high-pitched sounds only. Jason's hearing loss is best explained by the ________ theory

signal detection theory

An exhausted forest ranger may notice the faintest scent of a forest fire, whereas much stronger but less important odors fail to catch her attention. This fact would be of greatest relevance to

perceptual set

As Maria and her little brother looked up at the clouds, he exclaimed, "That one looks like a giant dinosaur!" Maria thought it looked more like a giant duck. Which of the following concepts best explains their different interpretations of the same ambiguous stimuli?


As you look at an apple, its reflected light travels to the eye. The rods and cones absorb the light and help transmit the information to the brain. This process best illustrates

objects are perceived to be the same color even if the light they reflect changes

Color constancy refers to the fact that

hair cells

Cones and rods are to vision as ________ are to audition


Evidence that some cones are especially sensitive to red light, others to green light, and still others to blue light is most directly supportive of the ________ theory.

opponent-process theory

Experiencing a green afterimage of a red object is most easily explained by

Weber's law

Giulio's bag of marbles is twice as heavy as Jim's. If it takes 5 extra marbles to make Jim's bag feel heavier, it will take 10 extra marbles to make Giulio's bag feel heavier. This best illustrates

inattentional blindness

In one experiment, most of the participants who viewed a videotape of men tossing a basketball remained unaware of an umbrella-toting woman sauntering across the screen. This illustrated


Intensity is to brightness as wavelength is to

obstruct our view of distant objects

Interposition is a cue for depth perception in which closer objects


One of the ways we perceive images is by organizing stimuli into an object seen against its surroundings. What is this perceptual tendency called?

many apparent demonstrations of ESP have been shown to be staged illusions

Psychologists are skeptical about the existence of ESP because

linear perspective

The convergence of parallel lines provides the distance cue known as

Sensation 3

The detection and encoding of stimulus energies by the nervous system is called

top-down processing

The effect of prior experience and current expectations on perception best illustrates the importance of

context effects

The horizon Moon appears to shrink in size if it is viewed through a narrow tube that eliminates the perception of distance cues. This best illustrates the importance of


The local fire department sounds the 12 o'clock whistle. The process by which your ears convert the sound waves from the siren into neural impulses is an example of

depth perception

The organization of two-dimensional retinal images into three-dimensional perceptions is called

Sensation 2

The process of receiving and representing stimulus energies through the nervous system is called

stroboscopic movement

The quick succession of briefly flashed images in a motion picture produces

rods and cones

The receptor cells that convert light energy into neural signals are called


The retina is to the eye as the ________ is to the ear


The sense of smell is known as


The study of phenomena such as clairvoyance and telepathy is called

unconsciously processed information is unusually persuasive

Those who believe in the value of subliminal audiotapes would be wrong to claim that

rods are more light-sensitive than cones

Under very dim levels of illumination


We compute motion based on the assumption that shrinking objects are

difference thresholds 2

Weber's law is relevant to an understanding of

change blindness

When Jason briefly turned to summon the waiter, his wife quickly switched her glass of red wine with his glass of white wine. Jason's failure to notice that his chosen wine had been replaced best illustrates


Which basic taste attracts us to protein-rich foods?

feature detectors

Which of the following types of cells are located in the brain's occipital lobe?

frequency theory

Which theory best explains how we perceive low-pitched sounds?

retinal disparity

A 3-D movie enhances our sense of depth perception by simulating the effects of

sensorineural hearing loss

A cochlear implant would be most helpful for those who suffer

organized whole

A gestalt is best described as a(n)

mental predisposition that influences what we perceive

A perceptual set is a

process by which the lens changes shape to focus images on the retina

Accommodation refers to the

conduction hearing loss

Damage to the hammer, anvil, and stirrup is most likely to cause

selective attention

Because she was listening to the news on the radio, Mrs. Schultz didn't perceive a word her husband was saying. Her experience best illustrates

detection; interpretation

Sensation is to ________ as perception is to ________.

diminishing sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus

Sensory adaptation refers to

difference thresholds

Some people are better than others at detecting slight variations in the tastes of various blends of coffee. This best illustrates the importance of


Taste and smell are both what kind of senses?

the misperception of distance

The Ames illusion involving two girls who are perceived as very different in size can best be explained in terms of

vestibular sense

The ability to detect whether your body is in a horizontal or vertical position depends most directly on

parallel processing

The ability to simultaneously recognize the color, shape, size, and speed of an oncoming automobile best illustrates


The adjustable opening in the center of the eye is the


The amplitude of electromagnetic waves determines the ________ of light.

blind spot

The area of the retina where the optic nerve leaves the eye is called the

optic nerve

The axons of ganglion cells converge to form

cochlea 2

The basilar membrane is located in the


The brain's release of endorphins reduces

spinal cord

The classic gate-control theory suggests that pain is experienced when small nerve fibers activate and open a neural gate in the

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