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The table title, which appears above the table, should be:

in title case and italicized

Hunter, J. (2020, January 16). Supreme Court dismisses B.C. bid to limit heavy oil shipments across the province. The Globe and Mail. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/british-columbia/article-supreme-court-dismisses-bc-bid-to-limit-heavy-oil-shipments-across/ This resource is a(n):

online newspaper article- The primary clue for this resource type is the title of the newspaper (Globe and Mail), but the titles of the article and the newspaper also provide clues.

Environment and Climate Change Strategy. (2019). Preliminary strategic climate risk assessment for British Columbia. Government of British Columbia. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/climate-change/adaptation/prelim-strat-climate-risk-assessment.pdf This resource is a(n):

online technical or research report- The clue to this resource type is the inclusion of "Government of British Columbia" as the publisher of the online resource .

Godfrey, D. (2005). Adapting historical citations to APA Style. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 49(4), 544-547. https://doi.org/10.1207/s15506878jobem4904_15 This resource is a(n):

Journal article

The first line of every new paragraph should be:

Left-aligned and indented one tab space (usually 0.5 inch or 1.27 cm)

The alignment of the text should be:

Left-aligned with a ragged right edge (the text begins at the left margin and the spacing at the right margin is uneven)

Please choose the correct reference for this resource:

Rogers, K. (2009). Leadership giftedness: Is it innate or can it be developed?. In L. Shavinina (Ed.), International handbook on giftedness (pp. 633-645). Springer, Dordrecht. https://doi.org/ 10.1007/978-1-4020-6162-2_31

what typeface should be used in a figure?

Simple sans serif in a legible size

The line spacing of the body of a table, which includes table headings, should be:

Single-spaced, one-and-a-half spaced, or double-spaced, depending on what makes the text most readable.

If the cited resource doesn't have an identified author, what information should be provided in the in-text citation?

The first few words of the title of the resource, year, p. X)

Why should an author use a table in an academic essay or thesis?

To provide, contrast, or compare data that is more easily understood in table form than via expression in the text.

In APA Style, page numbering starts at "1" on the title page.


In APA Style, running heads are not required in student essays unless an instructor requires them. True or False


When citing one or two authors in-text, never use et al.; instead, always provide the author(s)' names.


Royal Roads University. (n.d.). Create a preliminary document plan. https://libguides.royalroads.ca/ugrad_essay/createfinal This resource is a: Wiki post

Web page: A clue in this reference is "n.d." (no date), which is often provided in references to web pages since web pages usually do not show a publication date.

If the cited resource doesn't provide a publication or copyright date, which of the following options is correct?

(Lastname, n.d., p. X)

When mentioning a source with at least three authors in a sentence in either a parenthetical citation or in the sentence text, only the first author's name and et al. should be provided: "Lastname et al. (year) argued that...".


If the author's last name and the year of publication are provided in the signal phrase before a quotation, what information is required in the parenthetical citation? For example: "Lastname (year) noted that, "quotation text" (what should be here?).

(p. X) or (para. X)

A digital object identifier (DOI) is:

A unique alpha-numeric identifier that provides a persistent link to the resource's location

The typeface and font size should be: - Serif (e.g., Times New Roman) or Sans serif (e.g., Arial typeface in a legible size (e.g., 12 pt, 11 pt.) - Accessible and widely available. - Used consistently throughout the entire paper. - All of the above

All of the above

what is the correct line spacing?

Double-spaced throughout, including block quotations and references

The figure legend should:

Explain the symbols and be placed within the figure

True or false: It's acceptable to have elements of a figure that aren't legible, such as a minor item in a topographical map, when the focus of the figure is on an identifiable item.


The title of a document is located only on the title page in APA style t or f

FALSE: The title of a paper should be centered and bolded on the title page as well as the top of the first full page of text

Where are in-text citations placed in an APA Style essay?

In round brackets after quotations or paraphrases

what is wrong with this journal article reference regarding the author name Godfrey, Donald. (2005) Adapting Historical Citations to APA Style. Journal of broadcasting & electronic media, 49(4), pp. 544-547. https://doi.org/10.1207/s15506878jobem4904_15

Only the initial should be provided for the first name: Godfrey, D.

Why should an author use a figure in an academic essay or thesis?

to present information that is more easily understood in a diagram or illustrative drawing than via expression in the text.

The year of publication should be included in parentheses when an author is named in the text and a full citation is required. For example: "Lastname (year) argued that...".


Choose the correct format for citing personal communication:

(J. Johnson, personal communication, September 3, 2013)

Which of the following choices is the correct formatting for a citation to personal communication? (Johnson, personal communication, para. 4) (J. Johnson, email, para. 4) (Johnson, email, September 3, 2019) (J. Johnson, personal communication, September 3, 2019)

(J. Johnson, personal communication, September 3, 2019)

Choose the correct in-text citation format for a direct quotation:

(Johnson, 2013, p. 4)

If the only way to cite a source is through a secondary source citation, which of the following citations is the correct formatting? In the examples below, Lastname 1 refers to the author of the text you read, whereas Lastname 2 refers to the secondary author quoted by Lastname 1.

(Lastname2, year, as cited in Lastname1, year, p. X)

What information may be included in a figure note? Check all that apply.

- A concise and descriptive phrase that describes the figure. - An explanation of all units of measurement, abbreviations, or symbols that are not included in the legend. - An explanation of error bars. - An explanation of probability if statistically significant values are marked in the figure. - The source of the figure (i.e., where the figure was first published). - If the figure was previously published, a phrase to indicate that the figure is being re-used with permission from the copyright holder e.g., Reprinted with permission.

What information can appear in the table note when one is needed? Choose all that apply.

- A general note, which explains the table and any abbreviations or symbols. - A specific note, which explains a particular section of the table. - A probability note, which explains how abbreviations and symbols have been used to "indicate p values and thus the significance of the results of tests of statistical hypothesis testing" (American Psychological Association, 2020, p. 204). - If the table was first published elsewhere (i.e., the table isn't the author's original work), the reference for the table appears in the general note. In a thesis or major project, authors must obtain written copyright permission from the original author to use previously-published illustrations, and copyright permission statements should also appear in the note.

Cropping a photograph (check all that apply):

- Helps to focus attention on the key elements. - May protect the anonymity of photographed subjects.

If an author took the photograph used in the figure (check all that apply):

- No sourcing information is required in the caption because the photograph is part of the author's primary research. - if the author previously published the photograph elsewhere, the author should check if they need to obtain copyright permission from the publisher to re-use the image.

If you want to use a photograph taken and/or published by someone else (choose all that apply):

- Obtain written permission to use the image and acknowledge both the original author and that permission has been granted in the figure note -If the image was taken by a professional photographer, you may need to obtain permission to use it from both the copyright holder and the photographer because professional photographs often remain the property of the photographer -Try to acquire the original photograph from the copyright holder or photographer so that you have a high-quality image in your text.

The table number

- Should not include suffix letters. Instead, number all tables with Arabic numerals in the order they are first mentioned in the text e.g., : Table 1, Table 2. - Should be bolded and in the same font as the rest of the text.

When citing a direct quotation from an ebook that doesn't have page numbers, which of the following is the correct approach to indicating the location of the information within the ebook? -A paragraph number -A heading plus a paragraph number within the section -An abbreviated heading in quotation marks if the original heading is long -Any of these options, depending on how the information is presented within the book.

Any of these options, depending on how the information is presented within the book.

Page margins should be:

At least 1 inch (2.54 cm) on all sides

How wide should the header and footer be?

Authors may use Microsoft Word's default settings, which are usually 0.49 inches (1.24 cm)

Choose the correct formatting for a level 1 section heading:

Centred, boldface, uppercase and lowercase text

Rowe, A.D. (2011). Feelings about feedback: the role of emotions in assessment for learning. In D. Carless, S. Bridges, C. Chan, & R. Glofcheski (Eds.), Scaling up assessment for learning in higher education (pp. 159-172). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-3045-1_11 This resource is a(n):

Chapter in an edited book

When providing two or more authors' names in a parenthetical citation, use "and" to join the names, not the ampersand symbol. For example, (Lastname, Lastname, and Lastname, year, p. X). T or F

FALSE- Use the ampersand within in-text citations and the references: (Lastname & Lastname, year, p. X). Use "and" in a narrative citation: Lastname and Lastname (year) studied XYZ (p. X).

True or false: The introduction should be labelled with a level 1 heading (e.g., "Introduction" centered, boldface, and capitalized).


In-text citations to paraphrased text must provide page/paragraph numbers.

False, though the APA rules permit authors to provide them.

True or false: Every cell in the table should have a full border so that every vertical and horizontal line appears in the table.

False. Lines should be restricted to those needed for clarity. Spacing between columns and rows and/or alignment of data demonstrates relationships, not lines.

Choose the correct formatting for a level 2 section heading:

Flush left, boldface, uppercase and lowercase tex

Where do page numbers appear in an essay?

In the top right header

what is wrong with this journal article reference regarding the publication date: Godfrey, Donald. (2005) Adapting Historical Citations to APA Style. Journal of broadcasting & electronic media, 49(4), pp. 544-547. https://doi.org/10.1207/s15506878jobem4904_15

It is missing a period after the closing parenthesis, but is otherwise correct

what is wrong with this journal article reference regarding the article title: Godfrey, Donald. (2005) Adapting Historical Citations to APA Style. Journal of broadcasting & electronic media, 49(4), pp. 544-547. https://doi.org/10.1207/s15506878jobem4904_15

It should be in sentence case (i.e., only the first word and proper nouns capitalized)

Field, A. (2009). Discovering statistics using SPSS (3rd ed.). Sage Publications. This resource is a:

print book: . There are three clues to this resource type: 1) only one title is provided, which means the author is referencing an entire resource (e.g., book), rather than a section of a larger resource (e.g., chapter in a book); 2) the title is in sentence case (i.e., only the first word, the first word in a subtitle, and proper nouns are capitalized), which is the correct formatting for a book title; 3) the publisher is provided, versus electronic retrieval details, which indicates a print resource

True or false: Figures should be presented with a figure number and title above the figure.


What information should appear directly above the table?

table number and title

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