APES - Unit 1.4 - Carbon Cycle

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Coral reef & marine org. with shells also take CO2 out of the ocean to make _________________

calcium carbonate exoskeleton

Leads to imbalance in which reservoirs or sinks are storing ________


Sedimentation is..

when marine org. die, their bodies sink to ocean floor where they're broken down into sediments that contain C

Examples of Carbon source:

- Fossil fuel (oil, coal, nat gas) combustion - Animal ag. (cow burps & farts = CH4) - Deforestation, releases CO2 from trees

take CO2 out of the ocean & atm. through photosynthesis This is due to...

Algae & phytoplankton

over, long, periods of time, pressure of water compresses C-containing sediments on ocean floor into sedimentary stone (limestone, sandstone) - long-term C reservoir This is


- Done by plants & animals to release stored energy - Uses O2 to break glucose down & release energy - Releases CO2 into atmosphere - CO2 source (adds CO2 to atm.) This is describing...

Cellular Respiration

Some steps are very quick such as

Fossil Fuel Combustion

CO2 moves directly between atmosphere & the ocean by dissolving into & out of ocean water at the surface This is called

Direct exchange

Examples of organic matter

Ex: dead ferns (coal) or marine algae & plankton (oil)

digging up or mining FFs & burning them as energy source; releases CO2 into atm. This is called...

Extraction & Combustion

Examples of carbon sinks

Ocean (algae & sediments), plants, soil

- Plants, algae, phytoplankton - Removes CO2 from the atmosphere & converts it to glucose Glucose = biological form of C & stored (chemical) energy in form of sugar - CO2 sink This is describing...


what is a carbon sink

a carbon reservoir that stores more carbon than it releases

Fossil Fuels (FF) examples:

coal, oil, and Nat.

Burial (formation of FFs) takes far longer than extraction & combustion, which means they increase _________________

concentration of CO2 in atmosphere

Direct exchange Happens very quickly & in _____ directions, balancing levels of CO2 between atm. & ocean


how is Fossil Fuels formed

formed from fossilized remains of org. Matter.

Atmosphere is key C reservoir; increasing levels of C in atm. Leads to ____________

global warming

B/c of direct exchange, increasing atm. CO2 also increases ocean CO2, leading to _________________

ocean acidification

Sediments (bits of rock, soil, organic matter) compressed into sed. rock, or FF, by pressure from _______________________

overlying rock layers or water

Carbon source is the...

processes that add C to atm.

some steps are very slow such as

sedimentation & burial

define Burial

slow, geological process that stores C in underground sinks like sedimentary rock or fossil fuels

Movement of molecules that contain Carbon (CO2, glucose, CH4) between ____________and ______

sources and sinks

similarities between Cellular Respiration & Photosynthesis

⛰️ Both processes are very quick ⛰️ Cycle C between biosphere & atmosphere in balanced amount (no net C increase in atm.)

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