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Railroad companies increasingly tried to avoid competition by?

"pool" agreements or other corrupt arrangements among themselves

Filipino rebels strongly resisted the _______ and __________ imposed by the US

annexation and forced assimilation

In the election of 1856, the Democrats political domination was challenged by both the?

anti Catholic Know Nothing Party and the antislavery Republican Party

Texas's appeal for annexation by the US in 1837 was blocked because?

antislavery forces feared that admitting Texas as a victory for the slavocracy

Many nativist Americans feared that immigrants would?

corrupt American democratic government and lower living standards by working for low wages

Lincolns original plan for Reconstruction in 1863 was that a state could be reintegrated into the Union when?

10 percent of its voters took an oath of allegiance to the Union and pledged to abide by emancipation

Corportations used what two things to prevent much effective government regulations of their activities?

14th Amendment and sympathetic court rulings

In 1850, the number of southern families who owned over 100 slaves was approximately?


One of the most demoralizing forces undermining the American cause was?

corrupt profiteering and speculation by American merchants

By 1775, approximately _______ percent of the American population was African American


The British government sent what to the American colonies?

50,000 convicted criminals and paupers

At the time of the Constitutions adoption, _____ percent of the American population lived east of the Appalachian Mountains


Many black abolitionists like Frederick Douglass looked to?

antislavery politics as the way to end slavery

The Lane Rebels of Ohio were?

antislavery seminary students who preached abolitionism after they were expelled

The Sedition Act of 1798 declared that?

anyone criticizing the President or other federal officials could be fined or imprisoned

Wilson won re-election in 1916 by?

appealing especially to progressives in the Midwest and the West

Bryan's defeat marked the last time that and American presidential candidate attempted to win the White House primarily by?

appealing to rural farmers

The African american family under slavery was most stable in?

areas of the deep south where blacks were a large majority of the population

Eli Whitney's cotton gin enabled?

cotton production to expand from the coastal areas to the vast plains of Alabama and Mississippi

The greatest sectional compromise in the Constitution was the decision to?

count slaves as "three fifths person" for purposes of representation in Congress

The "Great Compromise" of the Constitutional Convention involved?

creating a Senate with equal state representation and a House of Representatives based on population

In the early 19th century, the British generally viewed Americans as?

crude and half-civilized cheaters and violators of international law

The American war to suppress the Filipino that raged from 1899 to 1901 was marked by?

cruel atrocities on both sides and the American descent into the practice of torture

Wilson won the Democratic presidential nomination in 1912 as the?

crusading progressive governor of New Jersey

The rebellion of Pennsylvania farmers against Hamiltons whiskey excise tax was?

crushed by an army led by President Washington himself

The anti Mexican War Congressman who demanded to know the exact spot where American blood had been shed by Mexican forces was/

Abraham Lincoln

Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Toms Cabin reflected the?

evangelical antislavery attitudes promoted by the second great awakening

Englands Glorious Revolution of 1688-89 resulted in?

American attacks on royal authority and the collapse of the Dominion of New England

The Manifest Destiny slogan Fifty four Forty or Fight referred to?

American demands for acquiring all of the Oregon territory from Britain

The crucial issue in the presidential election of 1844 was?

American expansionism or Manifest Destiny

Democrat William Jennings Bryan was decisively defeated in 1900 by President Mckinley in a campaign that focused heavily on the issue of?

American overseas imperialism

One source of economic troubles after the Revolution was the fact that?

American ships were now barred from trading with Britain and the British empire

What were some of the source of conflict between the US and Britain in the 1840s?

American support for Canadian rebels operating from American soil, British support for the antislavery cause and an independent Texas, and the Maine and Oregon boundaries between the US and Canada

The British prohibition of colonial expansion in the Proclamation of 1763 aroused?

Americans resentment and defiance

One immediate consequence of Admiral Dewey's victory in Manila Bay was?

Americas annexation of Hawaii

the federal governments promotion of such things as Victory Gardens and heatless Mondays demonstrated?

Americas reliance on largely voluntary means rather than coercion in the war effort

Britain and France were on the verge of recognizing the Confederacy until the crucial Battle of?


The only group of white southerners who strongly opposed slavery and the slave owners were?

Appalachian mountain whites

The threatened war between the US and Mexico in 1914 was avoided by the mediation of the ABC powers , which consisted of?

Argentina, Brazil, and Chile

Virginias Governor William Berkeley brutally crushed ?

Bacons rebellion and hanged more than 20 of the rebels

One reason that most Americans were hostile to Germany was because of Germany's invasion of neutral


As the worst anti-Catholic violence occurred in 1834 and 1844 in the cities of?

Boston and Philadelphia

The strong support for the Union among the British and French working classes probably prevented?

Britain and France from recognizing the Confederacy

The primary reason that American strategy in the War of 1812 focused on invading and conquering Canada was?

Britain was weakest and most vulnerable there

Among the causes of tension between the US and Britain was?

Britains abolition of slavery in its empire in 1834

America's diplomatic weakness under the Articles of Confederation was demonstrated by?

Britains refusal to abandon its military forts and trading posts on AMerican soil

Wilsons attempts to limit the Allies imperialistic ambitions were largely blocked by?

British, French, and Italian resistance

What were some of the prominent utopian communal experiments launched in early 19th century America?

Brook Farm, New Harmony, and Oneida

The Ostend Manifesto was part of a secret plan by the Pierce administration to seize new territory for the expansion of slavery in?


The Congressional war hawks of 1812 were especially eager to sponsor an American invasion and conquest of?


Two religious groups that gained greatly from the mass immigration of the late nineteenth century wee?

Catholics and Jews

The discovery of gold in California and the election of Franklin Pierce greatly stimulated interest in further American expansion into?

Central America

The three most powerful Indian peoples who controlled the Appalachian Mountains and valleys in the eighteenth century were the?

Cherokees, Creeks, and Iroquois

The Jacksonian charge of a corrupt bargain to gain John Quincy Adams the presidency arose because?

Clay was named secretary of state after throwing his support to Adams

What were some parts of the Intolerable Acts passed to punish Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party

Closing the port of Boston until the tea was paid for, suspending chartered rights like town meetings and jury trials, and granting british authorities the right to lodge British soldiers in private homes

After California, the first major mining "booms" in the West occurred in?

Colorado and Nevada

The Whig Partys official endorsement of the ____________ and _______ doomed its political future in the North

Compromise of 1850 and the Fugitive Slave Law

The movement for the coinage of more free silver to spur inflation was led in Congress by?

Congressman William Jennings Bryan

The New England colonies with the closest connections to Puritan Massachusetts were?

Connecticut and New Haven

Muckraking journalist Lincoln Steffen set the pattern for many other progressive reporters with his expose of?

Corruption in American big cities

The Kansas Nebraska Act deeply divided the?

Democrats and sparked the creation of the new Republican Party

What were some of the religious groups heavily influenced by John Calvins version of Protestant Christianity?

Dutch Reformed, English Puritans, and French Huguenots

The primary purpose of the colonial Virginia Company was to?

Earn quick profits for its stockholders

A southern-born writer whose detective fiction and tales of mystery and horror put him out of touch with general American literary tastes of the time was?

Edgar Allen Poe

What enabled American cities to expand beyond walking distance from their central cores?

Electrical trolleys

Many of the early settlers of South Carolina originally came from?

Englands West Indies colonies like Barbados

Many colonial southern chose to educate their sons in

English universities

Two prominent Americans who were convicted under the Espionage and Sedition Acts were?

Eugene Debs and William Haywood

The greatest impact of the Revolution of 1800 was in demonstrating that?

even a bitterly contested American election could result in the peaceful transfer of power from one party to another

The British victory in the Battle of Quebec effectively marked the end of?

France's colonial empire in North America

The XYZ affair involved?

French government demands that American diplomats pay a bribe for the opportunity to try negotiating the French American undeclared war

General Robert E. Lee's brilliant lieutenant throughout the early years of the Civil War was?

General Thomas Jackson

The British strategy of dividing the American colonies by controlling the Hudson River failed largely because?

General William Howe stayed in Philadelphia rather than moving to meet General Burgoyne as was planned

What are some of the dominant figures of the Constitutional Convention?

George Washington, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin

Among the primary victims of the pro-war propaganda campaign to enforce loyalty were?

German-Americans and socialists

The immediate cause of American entry into World War I was?

Germany;s resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare

The two battles that occurred from July 1 to July 4 1863, and sealed the military defeat of the Confederacy were?

Gettysburg and VIcksburg

Manifest Destiny represented the widespread American belief that?

God had destined the US to expand across the whole North American continent

Robert E Lee actually lost a higher proportion of his men in battle than?

Grant the Butcher

The Democrats nomination of Horace Greeley as their presidential candidate in 1868 was politically disastrous because?

Greeley had spent many years denouncing Democrats as morally deficient slave traders and traitors

The first post-Civil War political party to strongly advocate inflationary monetary policies to aid debtors was the?

Greenback Labor Party

Into what Latin American countries did Woodrow Wilson ending up dispatching American troops?

Haiti, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic

The American Colonization Society established a home for freed American slaves in the African nation of?


Thomas Jefferson overcame his own belief that the Louisiana Purchase was unconstitutional by?

arguing that its empire of liberty would guarantee the success of the American experiment

John Browns plan in raiding the Harper's Ferry arsenal was to?

arm the slaves and lead them in a rebellion to establish a free black state

The election of 1860 was really two campaigns?

Lincoln versus Douglas in the North and Bell versus Breckinridge in the south

A prominent post-Civil War writer who rejected the turn toward social realism and instead looked backward to the beauty and spiritual unity of the Middle Ages was?

Henry Adams

The great Compromise who helped to make the Compromise of 1850 his last great achievement was?

Henry Clay

Two leading female imaginative writers who added to New Englands literary prominence were?

Louisa May Alcott and Emily Dickinson

What were the three key states in the ratification of the Constitution were?

Massachusetts, New York, and Virginia

The Shawnee leader Tecumseh promoted?

Indian cultural independence and renewal as well as a political alliance against American expansionism

Two nations that felt betrayed by Woodrow Wilsons forced compromises and turned harshly against him were?

Italy and China

What were some of the Border States?

Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland

Dutch New Netherland was an?

authoritarian colony with little toleration for religious dissent or democracy

Who were some of the authors and books that strongly influenced the early progressive movement?

Jacob Riis, Thorstein Veblen, and Theodore Dreiser

The 1906 crisis between the US and Japan began with?

Japan's resentment of the San Francisco School Boards segregation of Japanese students

Who were some of the notoriously corrupt public figures in the late 1860s and early 1870s?

Jay Gould, William Marcy Tweed, and William Belknap

Marylands 1649 "Act of Toleration" still contained provisions for harsh persecution of?

Jews and atheists

Who were some of the organizers of one of the large monopolistic trust corporations of the Gilded Age?

John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and Philip Armour

The prominent English Christian missionary who worked temporarily among debtors and Indians in the Georgia colony was?

John Wesley

Lincoln named Andrew Johnson as his vice presidential running mate in 1864 because?

Johnson was a war democrat and union loyalist from the south

Benjamin Franklins famous cartoon, published to promote the 1754 Albany Congress, contained the slogan?

Join or Die

The two newspaper publishers who led in creating the sensational yellow journalism were?

Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst

The popular destination of many black Exodusters who fled the South after the Civil War and emancipation was?


The English Protestant Reformation was first launched by?

King Henry VIII

What were some of the 18th century wars fought between Britain and France?

King Williams War, Queen Annes War, and the French and Indian war

Early progressivism flourished especially at the state level under leaders like?

LaFollette and Johnson

The first American political parties arose out of the conflict over?

Thomas Jeffersons opposition to Hamiltons creation of the Bank of the US

The key development leading a majority of Americans to favor independence after January 1776 was?

Thomas Paine's brilliant arguments for independence in his publication Common Sense

Roosevelt's basic approach to the monopolistic trusts was that?

bad trusts that harmed the public should be broken up but good trusts should only be moderately regulated in the public interest

Hinton R. Helpers the impending crisis of the south was?

banned and burned throughout the south

Although Massachusetts Bay had an established church with voting dependent on church membership, it?

barred clergy from actually holding political office

The new suffragist leaders like Carrie Chapman Catt argued that women should?

be given vote so they could extend their nurturing roles as wives and mothers to the larger community

The signing of treaties between US government officials and the Plains Indians frequently led to?

betrayal, corruption, and fierce warfare between Indians and whites

During the Revolutionary War, African Americans fought for?

both the American and British sides

The final result of President Roosevelts settlement of the Russo-Japanese War was that?

both the Russians and the Japanese became diplomatically hostile to the US

Lee's invasion of Maryland in 1862 was designed to ?

bring both the border states and the European great powers to the aid of the Confederacy

The legal principle of free incorporation meant that?

businessmen could create corporations without applying for individual state charters

One of the persistent northern demands that was vetoed by proslavery Democratic presidents before the Civil war was?

a homestead act that would offer free farms to western settlers

The Freedman's Bureau was created as?

a kind of federal welfare agency to provide food, medical care, and education to former slaves

The primary advantage that the British enjoyed at the outset of the American Revolution was?

a large, professionally trained army and navy

One major consequence of the Mexican Revolution for the US was?

a massive migration of displaced Mexicans into the US

Some conservative American patriots favored independence but wanted?

a more hierarchical social order that would restrain liberty and keep the lower social classes under control

Besides the end of Reconstruction, the year 1877 was marked by?

a nationwide railroad strike that was crushed by federal troops

After the unsuccessful Peninsula Campaign, Lincoln and the Union turned to?

a new strategy based on total war against the Confederacy

The most fervent Puritans believed that the church consist only of?

"visible saints" who could demonstrate the workings of grace in their lives to their fellow Puritans

The controversy over the Hetch Hetchy Valley in Yosemite National Park revealed?

a philosphical disagreement between wilderness preservationists and more moderate conservationists

American soldiers were especially needed in France in the spring of 1918 because?

a renewed German offensive was threatening to break through to Paris

The Souths refusal to raise taxes to finance the war effort eventually created?

a ruinous inflation that made Confederate currency virtually worthless

The energetic pre-Civil War religious reformers attacked what social evils?

excessive drinking of liquor, slavery, and cruel treatment of the mentally ill

The punishment the Puritans inflicted on the religious dissenters Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams was?

exile from Massachusetts

At the end of the Revolutionary War, the harshest punishment inflicted on most Loyalists were?

exile or confiscation of property

Besides antislavery forces, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was threatened in the US Senate by?

expansionist southerners who want the US to annex all of Mexico

Economist Thorstein Veblen was among those arguing that?

extreme wealth and conspicuous consumption were wasteful and failed to serve the real needs of society

Among the beneficiaries of Wilson's progressive reforms were?

farmers and urban laborers

The ___________ and _______ greatly weakened the Confederate war effort

fear of slave insurrection and forms of everyday slave resistance

Southern anger at the "Tariff of Abominations" was driven partly by?

fear that expanding federal government power could threaten the future of slavery

The Populist Party called for?

federal ownership of the railroads, telephone,and telegraph

Lord de la Warr's use of "irish tactics" in virginia led to?

fierce raids on Indian villages and destruction of their crops

In the wake of their great victory in the 7 years war, Britons were?

filled with pride an determinerd to put upstart colonials back in their place

After George McClellans failure to capture Richmond in the Peninsula Campaign, President Lincoln?

fired McClellan as commander of the Army of the Potomac

The Great Awakening represented one of the?

first spontaneous movements of colonists as Americans rather than as residents of separate colonies

President James Madison gambled that seeing the US resume trade with France would?

force Britain to repeal its restrictions against American commerce

Radical Republicans like Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens believed that the federal government should?

force a complete social and economic transformation of the South

Schools and colleges were more what in colonial New England than in the middle colonies or the south?

highly developed and better supported

Former Vice President Aaron Burrs conspiratorial scheme to break the West off from the US led to?

his being tried on charges of treason

President Madison's fundamental reason for asking Congress to declare war in 1812 was?

his belief that only war could restore faith in the American republican experiment

Senator Stephen Douglas defeated Abraham Lincoln For the Senate in 1858 largely because?

his doctrine of popular sovereignty regarding slavery was still popular in Illinois

Besides the Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln's key step in turning the Civil War into a war against slavery was probably?

his enlistment of blacks as soldiers and sailors in the union army and navy

Perhaps the greatest handicap that weakened William Taft's presidency was?

his lack of political skill and love for political combat

The slave Dred Scotts case in the Supreme Court was based on the argument that he should be freed because?

his master had illegally taken him into a free state and a free territory

Strong features of the background that Woodrow Wilson brought to politics were?

his strong religious upbringing and his skill with both oral and written word

The most fundamental and unifying political perspective underlying the organization of the Whit Party was?

hostility to Andrew Jackson and his followers

North Carolina generally resisted the ______ and ______ that dominated South Carolina

large scale plantations and aristocratic social system

Hamilton believed that, within limits, a large federal debt would?

lend strength to the national government

Until the South fired on Fort Sumter, many northerners had favored?

letting the southern states peacefully secede

Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence was most brilliant and effective in?

linking the cause of American independence to natural law and the universal rights of man

The largest colonial manufacturing activity involved?

lumbering, shipbuilding, and naval stores

War-inspired black migration into northern cities led to?

major racial riots in 1917-1919

A primary reason for the Republicans defeat in the election of 1856 was?

many northerners fear that southern fire eaters would carry out their threat to leave the Union if Fremont won

In the case of US vs Kim Wong Ark, the Supreme COurt declared that?

people of CHinese descent born in the US were full citizens

The African-American population of North America was one of the few slave societies in history to?

perpetuate itself by natural reproduction

Methodists and Baptists were large denominational winners in the Second Great Awakening largely because their doctrines of?

personal religious conversion and democratic church governance

As tobacco production expanded and prices for the leaf fell, 17th century Chesapeake tobacco farmers?

planted ever more tobacco on newly acquired lands

The South believed that Britains economic dependence on cotton made the south?

politcally powerful as well

Colonial taverns were especially important as centers of?

political conversation and organization

In general, the Whig party tended to favor?

a strong federal role in both economic and moral issues

What were some components of Henry Clays American system

a strong national banking system and currency, high tariffs to protect American manufacturing, a network of federally financed and controlled roads and canals

Hamilton raised the first revenues to finance the federal government through?

a tax (tariff) on imports and an excise tax on items like whiskey

The Mexican War demonstrated the usefulness and wisdom of establishing?

a training academy for professional military officers at West Point

Thomas Jefferson was regarded by many wealthy Americans of his day as?

a traitor to his class

The Black Friday scandal of Jim Fisk and Jay Gould involved?

cornering the gold market and bidding the price of gold to great heights

The American colonists felt a new sense of freedom after the 7 years war because?

angered they no longer felt the need for British military protection from the menacing French

The Democrats won control of Congress in the mid-term election of 1910 largely because of?

the growing split between conservatives and progressives in the Republican Party

The Second great Awakening was in part an evangelical religious reaction against?

the growth of liberal religious movements like Unitarianism and Deism

Chicago architect Louis Sullivan was best known for his development of?

the high rise skyscraper

The assassination of President James Garfield by a disappointed office seeker created?

the impetus to establish the first civil service system for federal employees

Perhaps the most negative international consequence of the Mexican War for the US was?

the increased hostility and anti Americanism throughout Latin America

In the decades before the Civil War, one of the great economic problems the South faced was?

the increasing concentration of wealth in a few hands

A primary cause of the Salem witchcraft trials of 1692 was?

the increasing social change and growing social stratification in New England towns

Boss Tweeds widespread corruption was finally brought to a halt by?

the journalistic exposes of the New York Times and cartoonist Thomas Nast

Emilio Aguinaldo was?

the leader of Filipino insurgents against Spanish rule

Thomas Jefferson won the election of 1800 partly because?

the three-fifths clause of the Constitution gave an electoral bonus to the slave holding states of the South

The "Half-Way Covenant" established in New England after 1662 provided that?

the unconverted children of church members could be baptized but not admitted to communion

General William Sherman's practice of total war was designed to?

undermine Confederate morale by attacking southern civilians and destroying their property

The fundamental purpose of the Federal Trade Commission was to regulate?

unfair trade practices, misleading advertising, and the adulteration of consumer products

Roosevelt generally backed moderate conservation policies against both the?

unrestrained exploiters of nature and the preservationists who wanted to guard nature against human use

Personally Woodrow Wilson tended to be rigid in outlook and to look down?

upon people less educated than himself

Before their great migration to Utah in 1846-47, the Mormons had lived in what other places?

upstate New York, illinois

A primary means that colonial assemblies used to challenge royal governors was?

using to withhold the governors salary unless he yielded to their demands

Religious believers and American social reformers of all types formed numerous?

utopian communities in the decades before the Civil War

What were some components of the Republican Party coalition during the Gilded age?

veterans, small towns in the midwest and northeast, and southern blacks

President Andrew Jackson revealed his deep hostility to eastern elites and moneyed interests by?

vetoing the bill to recharter the Bank of the US

Under President Jackson and his successors, the fundamental requirement for holding federal office was?

political support of the president and his party

The 1786 rebellion of Daniel Shays and his followers represented the pent-up grievances of?

poor western farmers and debtors

The colony of North Carolina was originally settled by?

poor white "squatters" fleeing aristocratic Virginia

The southern textile mills generally employed?

poor whites recently off the farms

Americas economic and strategic interests in the island deepened?

popular sympathy for Cuban rebels

The most specific warnings contained in President Monroes speech announcing the Monroe Doctrine were directed at?

potential Russian expansionism in the Pacific Northwest

The Irish immigrants of the early 19th century experienced?

poverty, discrimination, and hostility towards their Catholic faith

A large number of American pioneer families suffered from?

poverty, disease, and loneliness

The intellectual theory that captivated many American scholars and thinkers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, including William James, was called?


The migration of southern black workers and their use as strike breakers helped?

precipitate race riots in northern cities during and after World War I

The muckrakers were?

progressive journalists who specialized in uncovering corruption and other social evils

Immigrants and members of the working class tended to regard?

prohibition as a middle class assault on their traditions and lifestyles

The primary argument of anti-imperialist opponents of the annexation of the Philippines was that it would?

that annexation would dishonor and eventually destroy Americas historic commitments to liberty, self-determination, and anti-colonialism

The Pierce administrations expansionist efforts in Central America, Cuba, and the Gadsden Purchase were basically designed to ?

serve southern proslavery interests

Prior to his election as president of the US in 1860, Abraham Lincolns experience in public office consisted of?

service in the Illinois legislature and one term in Congress

Anthony Comstock was best known for his crusade against?

sexual explicitness and obscenity

The political unity and good will of the Era of Good Feelings was?

sharply interrupted by the controversy over slavery in Missouri

In the 1890s, the vast majority of American women who worked for wages were?


In the early 19th century, almost all women who worked for wages outside the home were?


The great majority of immigrants to 17th century Virginia and Maryland were?

single men in their late teens and early twenties

The knights of labor organized?

skilled and unskilled workers, blacks and whites, women and men

South Carolina was closed tied to the?

slave and sugar growing economy of the West Indies

Most plantation mistresses believed in the rightness of?

slavery and did not protest when family slaves were sold

The Wilmot Proviso, proposed but never passed by Congress, provided that?

slavery should never be permitted in any of the territory acquired from Mexico

Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Toms Cabin focused on?

slavery's destructive effect on black families

What were some provisions of the colonial slave codes written in the late 17th century English colonies?

slaves and their descendants were made chattel property for life, it was a crime to teach slaves toread or write, conversion to christianity did not affect slaves status as slaves

Most slave owners refrained from frequent brutality toward their?

slaves primarily out of economic self interest

Officially, the Emancipation Proclamation freed only?

slaves under control of the rebellious Confederate states

The vast majority of american colonists, before the Revolution, were?

small landowning farmers

The msot dreaded epidemic disease in colonial America was?


The compromise of 1850 was forged in the face of threats by?

southern fire eaters to secede from the Union if the South did not achieve key concessions

Because a primary reason that southern colonial women generally enjoyed more legal rights than New England women was that?

southern men frequently died young, leaving their widows with small children to support

The idea of a written constitution superior to ordinary law meant that constitutions were created by?

special conventions and ratified by a vote of the people

the Great Awakening represented a ?

spiritual and emotional challenge to the loss of earlier fervor in the colonies

New England families were more _____ and _________ than those in the southern colonies

stable and multi generational

In contrast to radical Republicans, moderate Republicans generally favored?

states rights and opposed direct federal involvement in individuals lives

The Anti federalists generally came from among?

states' rights advocates and poorer western farmers

While rags to riches stories were very unusual, American wage earners did enjoy?

steadily expanding economic opportunities

Two crucial innovations making the railroad system possible were?

steel tracks and a standard gauge for the width between the tracks

More than polygamy, it was the Mormons cooperative economic society and bloc voting that?

stirred the hostility of their non-Mormon neighbors

What were some of the corrupt practices commonly engaged in by railroad companies?

stock watering, pools, and secret kickbacks or rebates to shippers

Henry Clay probably lost the presidency when he attempted to?

straddle both sides of the issue of annexing Teas

The political system of the Gilded Age was generally characterized by?

strong party loyalties, high voter turnout, and few disagreements on national issues

Except for the radical Industrial Workers of the World, most American unions?

strongly supported the war effort

Most non-slaveholding southern whites made their living as?

subsistence farmers

In the 1820s and 1830s, most adult male wage earners?

substantially improved their economic conditions

Abraham's greatest strength as a wartime leader was his ability to?

tactfully interpret and lead public opinion to support his political goals in the war

The new Congress that met in 1811 contained a large number of members who?

that Britain should be vigorously confronted and the Indian threat to the West eliminated

Regarding the French Revolution, the Jeffersonian Republicans basically believed?

that despite its excesses it was a necessary victory for the cause of human liberty

Senator Stephen Douglass fundamental attitude toward the expansion of slavery into new western territories was?

that he really did not care whether it expanded or not

The Continental Congress's primary reason for naming George Washington commander of the army was?

that he was a wealthy planter from Virginia and thus provided political balance

The primary international law that the submarine regularly violated was?

that neutral ships had to be stopped, boarded, and searched by warships

The life expectancy of colonial New Englanders was not much shorter than?

that of present day Americans

Even though the purpose of the Virginia Company was to earn quick profits for stockholders, the company's charter guaranteed?

that settlers would enjoy all the rights of Englishmen that they had at home

The sectional division of labor that developed before the Civil War led to most manufacturing enterprise being concentrated in?

the Northeast

The radical Republican law that laid the basis for Andrew Johnson's impeachment declared that?

the President could not remove a member of the Cabinet without consent of the Senate

The Ballinger-Pinchot conservation controversy pushed Taft into alliance with?

the Republican "Old Guard" against the pro-Roosevelt progressives

Northern opinion was radicalized by the passage of the Black Codes and ?

the Souths election of many former Confederates to Congress

The case of Marbury vs Madison established the principle that?

the Supreme Court has the right to determine the constitutionality of legislation

A key to the advancement of the free market economy occured when?

the Supreme Court ruled that exclusive business charters granted to certain corporations were unconstitutional

General John Pershing's invading force was withdraw from Mexico after?

the US declared war on Germany in 1917

Congress passed a law in 1882 that prohibited all Chinese immigration into?

the US for over sixty years

The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine declared that?

the US had the right of preventive intervention in Latin American nations if they were economically delinquent or unstable

The leading African American political organization during Reconstruction was?

the Union League

The two railroads that joined to create the first transcontinental line in 1869 were the?

the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific

The Trent affair crisis with britain came about when?

the Union seized two Confederate diplomats from the British ship Trent

The major landmark in the American separation of church and state occurred with?

the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom of 1786

The Whig victory in the election of 1840 demonstrated that?

the Whig Party could duplicate the noisy campaign style and popular appeal of the democrats

The two final, extremely bloody battles in which Grant frontally assaulted Lee's forces were?

the Wilderness and Cold Harbor

As presented to Congress, the Lecompton Constitution provided for?

the admission of Kansas as a slave state

Lincoln's victory in the election of 1864 was in doubt until?

the great Union victories in the Battles of Atlanta and Mobile Bay

Slavery was enormously profitable for?

the great plantation owners

With a few exceptions, women were largely denied?

higher education before the Civil War

Almost all nineteenth century American historians wrote their histories from the perspective of?

New England

The declaration of war against Britain in 1812 was most strongly opposed in?

New England

The one state that temporarily permitted women to vote in the aftermath of the American Revolution was?

New Jersey

The two middle colonies most closely associated with Quaker Pennsylvania>?

New Jersey and Delaware

By 1814 the British forces were invading the US on three fronts in?

New York, the Chesapeake region, and Louisiana

In 1585, Sir Walter Raleigh launched the failed English colonial settlement of Roanoke in present-day?

North Carolina

The Copperheads were?

Northern Democrats who opposed the Union war effort

The first American college to admit both women and blacks was?

Oberlin College

The vast majority of the southeastern Indian tribes were removed from their ancestral homelands to?


The stirring patriotic song that captured Americas imagination and inspired doughboys during World War I was?

Over There

The center of the German ethnic population in the colonies was?


While born in Massachusetts, Benjamin Franklins life and career was essentially linked with the colony of?


Besides his classic autobiography, Benjamin Franklin was best known as a writer for?

Poor Richards Almanac

The skeptical public finally accepted Seward's purchase of Alaska because?

Russia had been the only great power friendly to the Union during the Civil War

What were some of the small hot spots that nearly embroiled the US in was in the 1890s?

Samoan Islands, port of Chile and Pribilof Islands

Among the most prominent leaders of the Antifederalists were?

Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, and Richard Henry Lee

The Texas rebels won their independence with their victory in the Battle of?

San Jacinto

The secession crisis of the winter of 1860-61 was deepened by?

President James Buchanan's weak and uncertain policies in the face of southern rebellion

The belief that Catholic Filipinos needed to be converted by Protestant missionaries played a role in?

President Mckinley's decision to keep the Phillippines

The key underlying issue that precipitated the Mexican War as?

President Polks determination to acquire California for the US

The Great Awakening led to the founding of several new colleges, including?

Princeton, Brown, and Dartmouth

Englands rivalry with Catholic Spain intensified during the reign of?

Protestant Queen Elizabeth

The two colonial denominations that were most hostile to British authority and active in rebellious agitation were the?

Quakers and Baptists

The primary center of French imperial activity in North America was?


The primary form of Protestantism that shaped Englands North American colonies was?

Reformed Calvinism

The key tradeoff featured in the Compromise of 1877,?

Republicans got the presidency in exchange for the final removal of federal troops form the South

Roger Williams made ________ the most religiously tolerant of Englands North American colonies

Rhode Island

The two brilliant American generals who conducted the nearly successful invasion of Canada in October 1775 were

Richard Montgomery and Benedict Arnold

The basic contrast between the two progressive candidates, Roosevelt and Wilson was that?

Roosevelt wanted the federal government to regulate the economy and promote social welfare while Wilson wanted to restore economic competition and social equality

The idea that a divinely ordained higher law than the Constitution prohibited the expansion of slavery was vigorously promoted by?

Senator William Seward

World War I began when Austria-Hungary delivered a harsh ultimatum against its neighbor of?


Who were some of the western Indian tribes that waged fierce warfare against the US army in the late nineteenth century?

Sioux, Nex Percet, and Apaches

Prominent among those who aroused the progressive movement by stirring the public's sense of concern were?

Socialists, social gospelers, women, and muckraking journalists

the movement of southern states to secede from the Union after Lincoln's election was led by?

South Carolina

The defeat of the ________ helped fuel a strong English patriotism that was expressed in both literature and colonial adventures

Spanish Armada

What were some of the wealthy new private american research universities created by the large fortunes of the era?

Stanford, University of Chicago, and John Hopkins University

Congressman Preston Brooks beat Senator Charles Sumner nearly to death because?

Sumner had vehemently attacked the South and pro slavery Senator Andrew Butler in a speech on the Senate floor

One fundamental reason for Texas's declaration of independence against Mexico was?

Texans' determination to protect slavery

Germany's Zimmermann proposed a secret alliance with Mexico that would help Mexico recover?

Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico from the US

The election of 1800 was thrown into the House of Representatives because?

Thomas Jefferson and his running mate Aaron Burr received the same number of electoral votes for president

The attempt to create an industrialized "New South" in the late nineteenth century generally failed because?

The south was discriminated against and held down as a supplier of raw materials to northern industry

American industry was slow to develop because?

US manufacturers had difficulty competing in quality and price with imported European goods

General Grant's victories at _______ and _______ effectively split the Confederacy in two

VIcksburg and Port Hudson

In the election of 1860, the strongly pro-southern and proslavery candidate was?

Vice president John Breckenridge

Bacons rebellion and the crisis of indentured servitude led?

Virginia planters to look to African slaves as a better source of labor

Among the states that joined the Confederacy only after Lincoln's call for troops were?

Virginia, Arkansas, and Tennessee

Who were some literary figures associated with the widespread spirit of optimistic individualism and democracy in early 19th century America?

Walt Whitman, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Henry David Thoreau

The Maryland colony was originally established as?

a haven for persecuted English Catholics

The new spirit nationalism reflected in American literature found strong expression in the work of?

Washington Irving and James Fenimore Cooper

The American Region in which federal government has played the largest role in economic and social development is the?


In 1780, the traitorous General Benedict Arnold plotted with the British to sell out the key American stronghold of?

West Point

The antislavery mountain white area that opposed the Civil War was somewhat illegally turned into the new pro-Union state of?

West Virginia

The Shawnee leader Tenskwatawa was defeated at the Battle of Tippecanoe by American forces under?

William Henry Harrison

The final defeat of the British army occurred at the Battle of?


The French Emperor Napoleon III took advantage of the Civil War to install?

a French puppet as the ruler of Mexico

In the Zenger case of 1734-35?

a New York jury held that a newspaper could not be punished for libel if its statements about public officials were truthful

The Populist party's attempt to form a coalition of white and black farmers in the South caused?

a backlash that led to even harsher oppression and violence against blacks

The original Puritan colonists of Massachusetts Bay brought their royal charter along with them as?

a basic constitution

As a condition for ratification, the federalists in Massachusetts and elsewhere promised that if adopted the constitution would be amended to include?

a bill of rights

the election result in 1912 displayed?

a broad public support for progressive reform

What were some of the severe problems that crippled Martin Van Burens presidency?

a canadian rebellion and the threat of war with Britain, antislavery agitation and hostility to the annexation of Texas, and a severe economic depression

Among the potential advantages the Union possessed at the beginning of the Civil War was?

a continuing influx of immigrant manpower from Europe

The native Hawaiian government of Queen Liliuokalani was illegally overthrown by?

a coup of white planters assisted by American troops

Wilson proclaimed that the American entry into World War I was/

a crusade to make the world safe for democracy

The Ottawa chief Pontiac's 1763 campaign to drive the British out of the Ohio country led to?

a crushing Indian defeat and British determination to stabilize the frontier at colonial expense

Among the economic consequences of the Souths cotton economy was?

a dependence on the North for trade and manufacturing

The Peoples Party or Populists first emerged as?

a farmers party but attempted to forge a coalition of farmers and industrial workers

The 1849 gold rush thrust the question of admitting California directly into the Union as?

a free state into the national debate

Despite its military and political failures, the War of 1812 led to?

a great upsurge in American patriotism and nationalism

Andrew Johnsons swing around the circle in the congressional campaign of 1866 led to?

a great victory for radical Republicans and a repudiation of Johnson

One side effect of the Rooseveltian progressive approach to conservation was?

a growing advantage for large businesses that could cooperate with federal conservation programs over small miners, ranchers, and lumbermen

The British Proclamation of 1763 forbidding further colonial settlement beyond the Appalachian Mountains led to?

a growing westward migration and outright defiance of British authority

The first major American military offensive, the invasion of Canada in October 1775, nearly succeeded in?

adding Canada as the 14th colony in rebellion

The greatest difficult that Horace Mann and other reformers faced in creating universal, free public education was?

adequate funding

Under the terms of the Compromise of 1850, California was?

admitted to the Union as a free state and slavery in Utah and New Mexico territories would be left up to popular soverignty

The Cherokees and other southeastern Indian tribes attempted to stop the pressure of white encroachment on their lands by?

adopting practices like settled agriculture, education, and democratic constitutional government

Voting rights in the Massachusetts Bay Colony provincial government was restricted to?

adult male members of the Congregational Church

In the First Continental Congress of 1774, John Adams took the lead in arguing?

against a proposal for American home rule under British authority

Before the American Revolution, about 90 percent of the American population worked in?


The English law of primogeniture contributed to colonial settlements because?

ambitious younger sons were unable to inherit property

In July 1775, after the Battle of Bunker Hill, the Continental Congress adopted?

an "Olive Branch Petition" declaring American loyalty to the king and begging him to find a peaceful solution

The Era of Good Feelings was rudely interrupted in 1819-20 by?

an economic recession and a crisis over slavery in Missouri

Jeffersons fundamental policy for attempting to gain recognition of American neutral rights was?

an embargo on all American trade with the rest of the world

The generally unfavorable conditions for New England agriculture led to?

an increasing economic turn to fishing, shipbuilding, and commerce

The blowing up of the battleship Maine in Havana harbor led to?

an overwhelming public demand for war with Spain

The reformer Ida B. Wells was best known for?

her crusade against lynching for her organization of black women

The British military's grand strategy was to?

capture the Hudson River Valley and thus cut off New England from the rest of the rebellious colonies

Britain strongly supported an independent Texas as a way of?

checking the power and ambitions of the US

One of the major social and demographic transformations caused by urban life was that?

children were no longer an economic asset to families in the cities

one of the few monopolistic industries to successfully take hold in the South was?

cigarette manufacturing

The assassination of President James Garfield sparked the movement for?

civil service tests for federal employment

Colonial Americans derived two of their core political ideals from?

classical republicanism and radical Whig theory

Regarding foreign policy, the Federalists favored?

close relations with Britain while the Republicans were pro-French and pro-westward expansion

The Erie Canal was economically most important becuase it?

closely linked the agricultural Midwest to the Northeast and New York City

The lack of a hereditary nobility as well as widespread property ownership contributed to?

colonial Americans belief that they could run their own affairs

The New England town was a?

compact center and forum for managing government, education, and religion

What is provided in the three Civil War Amendments?

complete emancipation, full citizenship and civil rights for former slaves, and voting rights for blacks

W.E.B. DuBois was best known for supporting?

complete social and economic equality for blacks and the best education for their talented tenth

In contrast to the Knights of Labor, the American Federation of Labor advocated?

concentrating on improving wages and hours and avoiding general social reform

The antislavery forces in Congress who opposed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and the annexation of northern Mexico were called?

conscience Whigs

Financer J.P. Morgan exercised his economic power most effectively by?

consolidating rival industries through interlocking directorates

James Fenimore Coopers novels established an enduring theme in American literature by?

contrasting the simple values of noble frontiersmen with the false values of complex, modern civilizaiton

The very lowest social class among white colonists consisted of?

convicts and paupers

The French settlers of Louisiana were largely drawn from?

convincing refugees from British conquered Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island

The conflict over slavery in Kansas reveled the?

deep flaws in Stephen Douglass idea that popular sovereignty could resolve the slavery issue

Wilsons unwillingness to compromise and accept Republican reservations to the Treaty of Versailles sent the whole treaty down to?

defeat and kept the US out of the League of Nations

The primary purpose of New Englands family laws was to?

defend the integrity of marriage

The deepest economic problems faced by most western farmers in the late nineteenth century were?

deflation and lower prices for their products

Senator Henry Cabot Lodge shrewdly built opposition to the Treaty of Versailles by?

delaying consideration of the Treaty and calling numerous hostile witnesses before his committee

The South might well have won the Civil War if western states had?

demanded peace or if the European powers had recognized the Confederacy and broken the Union blockade

Shays's Rebellion struck fear into the hearts of the propertied classes by?

demanding inflation, lighter taxes and relief from the burden of debt

The works of Walt Whitman, revealed his love of?

democracy, the frontier, and the common people

The "Continental" paper currency that Congress printed to finance the Revolutionary War?

depreciated until it was practically worthless

_______ and ______ quickly devastated and then destroyed most of the Indian population along the Atlantic seaboard

disease and white attacks

One of the most difficult new problems generated by the rise of cities and the urban American life style was?

disposing of large quantities of consumer generated waste material

When he arrived in Paris, Benjamin Franklin revealed the diplomatic revolution that Americans favored by?

dressing in simple clothing and refusing to participate in the pomp and protocol of Frances royal court

The Transcendentalist movement especially stressed?

each individuals need to pursure his own truth based on an inner light that transcends the senses

The normal schools that grew dramatically in the late nineteenth century specialized in?

educating teachers

The American victory at Saratoga was critical because it?

encouraged France to become America's ally in the war for independence

Despite British attacks on American interests on the frontier and the high seas from 1790-94, Washington and Hamilton refused to?

engage in economic or military retaliation against Britain

Women made particular advantages during the Civil War by?

entering industrial employment and providing medical aid for soldiers on both sides

The great genius of the federal constitution was that it?

erected conservative safeguards while preserving the principle of popular self rule

A veritcal trust like the Carnegie Steel Corporation essentially worked to?

establish monopolistic control over every phase of business from raw material to final consumers

The dominant religion in the southern colonies was the?

established Church of England

One way in which Jefferson clearly departed from previous Federalist practice was?

establishing a simple and informal style in presidential entertainment and relations with Congress

The middle colonies had a more _____ and _____ population than either the southern or New England colonies

ethnically and religiously diverse

The Sugar Act, the Quartering Act, and the Stamp Act were all fundamentally designed to?

force colonial Americans to pay for the costs of the 7 Years War and the continuing cost of their defense

At the Albany Congress of 1754 Benjamin Franklin attempted unsuccessfully to?

forge a plan for intercolonial unity

The candidate who finished second in both electoral and popular votes in 1912 was?

former President Theodore Roosevelt

Many northern free blacks were especially hated by Irish immigrants because?

free blacks competed with the Irish for menial jobs

The fundamental issue in the election of 1896 was?

free silver coinage

In its first years, the Populist Party advocated, among other things?

free silver, a graduated income tax, and government ownership of the railroads, telegraph, and telephone

Among Wilsons 14 points were?

freedom of the seas, national self determination for minorities, and an international organization to secure peace

The fourteenth amendment provided for?

full citizenship and civil rights for former slaves

Under the theory of mercantilism, the British colonies were essentially expected to?

furnish raw materials to the mother country and buy British manufactured goods

The mountain whites of the southern Appalachians were?

generally hostile both to slavery and to the black slaves

Alexander Hamilton's policies of funding and assumption were designed to?

give wealthy interests a large stake in the success of the new federal government

The Dawes Act of 1887 was based on the theory that?

giving Indians each 160 acres of land would turn them into civilized farmers

Catherine Beecher relentless encouraged American women to?

go into the profession of teaching

After years of tension, both Mexico and the US were eager and willing to ?

go to war in 1846

In the peace Treaty of Paris, American diplomats successfully persuaded the British to?

grant them all the territory west to the Mississippi River

President Andrew Johnson treated the former Confederate planter elite with?

great deference and eagerness to pardon them and restore them to power

Intertribal warfare among Plains Indians increased in the late nineteenth century because of?

growing competition for the rapidly dwindling hunting grounds

The "headright" system for importing indentured servant labor contributed to the?

growth of large and wealthy plantations in the Chesapeake region

During its first forty years of Virginias existence, African slaves?

had only a small presence in the colony

Farmers suffered economically in the late 19th century because they?

had to buy expensive US manufactured goods protected by high tariffs while selling their crops in an unprotected world market

President John Quincy Adams aroused southern and western hostility partly because?

he attempted to deal fairly with the Indians and opposed their removal from Georgia and elsewhere

Theodore Roosevelt challenged President Taft for the 1912 Republican nomination because?

he believed that Taft has betrayed the progressive Roosevelt policies

Thomas Jefferson fundamentally opposed a large, professional American army because?

he believed that armies were a threat to American liberty and a continual invitation to dictatorship

President Roosevelt did not run for re-election in 1908 because?

he felt bound by his 1904 campaign pledge that he would serve only one more term

Admiral George Dewey's military position in Manila harbor was precarious even after the defeat of the Spanish navy because?

he had no American land forces available to actually seize control of the Philippines

Wilsons most effective slogan in the campaign of 1916 was?

he kept us out of war

Andrew Jackson attacked and destroyed the Bank of the US because?

he regarded it as an elitist, undemocratic institution that served wealthy investors rather than the people

President Lincoln pocket vetoed Congress's Wade-Davis Bill because?

he thought it set too high a standard for re admitting southern states to the Union

the fundamental foreign policy problem that Jefferson faced in his second presidential term was?

how to maintain American rights and interest during the fierce Napoleonic Wars between Britain and France

Unlike moderate or gradual antislavery advocate, radical abolitionists demanded?

immediate, total, uncompensated emancipation

A major difference between the World War I Selective Service Act and the Civil War draft was that?

in World War I it was not possible to purchase an exemption or to hire a substitute

The vast majority of the western land distributed under the Homestead Act wound up?

in the hands of unscrupulous real estate promoters and corporations

The North effectively financed its Civil War effort through?

income tax, higher tariffs, and the sale of federal government bonds

Thomas Jefferson's Kentucky resolutions essentially declared that?

individual states had the right to nullify or refuse to obey unconstitutional federal laws

The frontier experience particularly strengthened the American inclination to celebrate?


The Scots-Irish immigrants were know for their?

individualism and hostility to governmental authorities

The belief that a "New South" based on what would bring wealth and prosperity to the region proved to be more public relations than reality


The depression that began with the panic of 1873 created the first major clamor for?

inflationary policies to be promoted by issuing greenbacks and other forms of soft money

the personal liberty laws passed by several northern states in the 1850s were aimed at?

inhibiting federal enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law

Among the political reforms sought by the progressives were?

initiative and referendum, direct election of senators, and womens suffrage

What were some legally questionable acts committed by President Lincoln during the Civil War?

instituting a military draft without approval by Congress

Bryan's campaign for monetary inflation through "free silver" stirred?

intense panic and resistance among eastern bankers and manufacturers

Even though it was eventually stamped out by federal force, the KKK largely succeeded in its goal of?

intimidating and suppressing black voters

In their attitudes toward international affairs, many German immigrants in the Midwest tended to favor?


The Monroe Doctrine had the unfortunate effect of deepening Americas foreign policy outlook of?


George Washington's Neutrality Proclamation of 1793 indicated that the fundamental basis of American policy would be?

isolationism and realism

Sugar cane growing contributed greatly to the expansion of slavery because?

it could only grown on large plantations with extensive labor

The fundamental result of the embargo was that?

it damaged the American economy while Britain and France remained largely uninjured

The crushing of the Whiskey Rebellion was significant because?

it demonstrated that the new federal government had the power and will to defeat challenges to its authority

The free soil party condemned the expansion of slavery primarily because?

it destroyed opportunities for white workers to rise from wage earning dependence to independent ownership

Lincoln rejected the proposed Crittenden Compromise because?

it permitted the further extension of slavery south of the line of 36 30

Andrew Jacksons victory in the Battle of New Orleans proved important because?

it restored Americans sense of military honor and enabled them to end the war in a spirit of nationalism and self confidence

perhaps the greatest international significance of the Spanish-American War was that?

it transformed the US into a recognized great power on the world stage

Despite its weaknesses, the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 was a significant achievement because?

it was the first large-scale attempt by the federal government to regulate business in the interests of society at large

New england suffered great discredit at the end of the War of 1812 becuase?

its antiwar dissent led to a flirtation with disloyalty and secession in the Hartford Convention

The Norths substantial economic advantage was increased as?

its armies gradually destroyed the South's transportation system and economy

The Patriot militia was most effective in?

its campaign of "political education" in favor of independence among ordinary colonists

The Anglican Church in America was severely handicapped by?

its poorly educated clergy and lack of a resident bishop

The first transcontinental railroad was created by?

joining lines constructed by two seperate railroad corporations

President Tyler cleverly secured the annexation of Texas by?

joint resolution of Congress rather than a treaty that required a two thirds vote

The decisive factor in President Lincolns initial declaration of war aims was to?

keep the four key border states in the Union

One reason it was difficult to develop an industrial labor force in America was that?

land was cheap and abundant

British officials grew angry and impatient with their colonial subject during the 7 years war partly because?

many of the colonists refused to provide funds to support the conflict and their own defense

Jane Addams Hull House in Chicago became a model for?

many women who sought to aid the immigrant poor in urban slums

Andrew Jacksons victory in 1828 marked the triumph of?

mass democracy and the spoils system of appointing political supporters to office

The Second Great Awakening grew out of?

massive religious revivals that began on the southern frontier

the crop-lien system of farming in the South involved?

merchants lending farmers money for seed and supplies in exchange for a guaranteed portion of their harvest

The Seminole Indians of Florida carried out the strongest?

military resistance to the Indian removal

The anti-liquor movement was divided between?

moderate temperance advocates and radicals who favored the complete prohibition of alcohol

Senator Warren Harding effectively undermined the Democrats efforts to make the election of 1920 referendum on the League of Nations by?

muddling the issue and appealing to both supporters and opponents of the League

The most important components that France contributed to America's cause in the War of Independence were?

munitions, money, and a navy that challenged British domination of the seas

The best American painting before the Civil War increasingly turned to?

natural landscapes

Despite his intial intentions of staying out of the Mexican Revolution, Wilson ?

nearly ended up fighting a war with Mexico in 1914

President John Adams won the enmity of his fellow Federalists by?

negotiating a peaceful settlement of the undeclared war with France

Clergy and believers who strongly supported the Great Awakening were called?

new lights

In 1860, three-fourths of all white southerners owned?

no slaves at all

The arrival of horses brought by the Spanish transformed Great Plains Indians from agriculturalists into?

nomadic hunters

What were some political innovations that first appeared in the presidential campaign of 1836?

nomination of candidates by political conventions, third or minor political parties, campaign platforms for candidates to run on

The primary opposition to the annexation of Texas came from?

northern conscience Whigs fearful that Texas would strengthen the power of slavery

South Carolina attempted to block the "Tariff of Abominations" by?

nullifying the federal law through a state convention

Polk's primary objective in fighting the Mexican war was to?

obtain California

Americans especially resented the granting of a monopoly on tea sales to the British East India Company because?

of its ability to sell tea at a lower cost would tempt Americans to violate their anti-taxation principles

The number of Puritan immigrants who came to New England on the first 11 ships in 1630 was approximately?

one thousand

The large trusts like Standard Oil and Swift and Armour justified their economic domination of their industries by claiming that?

only large-scale methods of production and distribution could provide superior products at low prices

What were some of the notable achievement of the railroad network?

opening up the West to settlement, creating a single national market for raw materials and consumer goods and creating a uniform system of standard time zones across the US

Andrew Jacksons election in 1828 marked a turning point in American politics because he?

openly appealed to the common people by attacking the elite interests of the eastern cities

The primary differences between Republicans and Democrats in the Gilded Age involved?

opposing religious and cultural attitudes rather than conflicts over national policies

The Jacksonians put into practice their belief that?

ordinary citizens were capable of holding almost any public office without particular qualifications

Samuel Adams greatest contribution to the colonial cause was to?

organize the committees of correspondence as means for spreading resistance

In opposition to William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass believed that slavery should be ended through?

organizing an anti slavery political party

Paines Common Sense argued not only for independence but for?

overthrowing monarchy in favor of a republican form of government

Besides her advocacy for the immigrant poor in her Hull House neighborhood, reformer Jane Addams became highly controversial because of her support for?


the border ruffians were?

proslavery Missourians who rushed into Kansas to vote illegally and battle antislavery forces there

Congressman preston Brooks beating of Senator Charles Sumner on the Senate floor convinced many northerners that?

proslavery southerners were brutal and violent

Some colonial merchants and planters benefited from the?

protected economic markets of the mercantile system

The freedmens Bureau achieved its greatest success in?

providing education for blacks

The federal government contributed to the building of the national rail network by?

providing free grants of federal land to the railroad companies

Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence was not a legal document but a?

public explanation of the official resolution of independence passed by Congress on July 2, 1776

The Morrill Act and the Hatch Act provided?

public lands to the states for the support of new scientifically and technologically oriented state research universities

President John Quincy Adams proved to be an inept politician who?

pushed unpopular measures like a national university and a national astronomical observatory

the cry "remember fort pillow" arose in response to the Confederate policy of?

putting black northern soldiers to death as rebellious slaves rather than holding them as prisoners of war

Even though they loudly proclaimed their slogan of no taxation without representation, colonial Americans did not?

really want to be represented in the British Parliament

What were some distinctive features of the Quakers religious belief and practice?

refusal to: pay taxes to the established Church of England, swear oaths or remove hats for social superiors, participate in military service or war

The Articles of Confederation provided no effective way for Congress to?

regulate trade or raise revenue through direct taxation of citizens

The Federal Reserve System that Wilson passed through Congress essentially solved the longstanding American problem of?

regulating the banks and establishing a stable but flexible currency

Most of the pre-Civil War reform movements were led by?

religious idealists who sought to turn America into a perfect society without conflict or cruelty

Women played a larger role than the men in ______ and _______ they generated?

religious revivals and the social reforms

What were some of the unusual features of William Penns colony?

religious toleration, widespread advertising to attract non-English immigrants, and peaceful relations between Indians and colonists

What were some functions of the traditional New England town?

religious worship, education, local government and election of officials

Perhaps the greatest political benefit of the war for the American colonists was?

removing their discovery that they were all Americans who spoke a common language and shared common ideals

Besides creating a pan Indian military alliance against white expansion, tecumseh and Tenskwatawa urged American Indians to?

resist white ways and revive their traditional culture

A minority of freed slaves engaged in?

retribution against their former masters

The North African Barbary states assaults on American merchant shipping for Thomas Jefferson to?

reverse his policy of allowing only a tiny American army and navy

The primary agricultural crop of South Carolina turned out to be?


The first American diplomatic openings to China were motivated by?

rivalry and fear of Britain on both sides

John D Rockefellers Standard Oil Company was notorious for its?

ruthless treatment of competitors for extorting secret rebated from the railroads

The Compromise of 1877 purchased political peace between North and South by?

sacrificing southern blacks and removing federal troops in the south

What were some obstacles that long slowed the development of railroads?

safety concerns like fires and accidents, strong opposition from vested canal interests, and uneven gauges between the tracks, requiring frequent transfers

The first ten amendments to the new Constitution were passed to?

satisfy antifederalist concerns that the Constitution should guarantee individual liberties

the "jeremiad" sermons that became common after mid-17th century generally?

scolded parishioners for their waning religious zeal

American troops arrived in France just as Germany was undertaking a final giant offense to?

seize Paris and win the war

The British troops who marched to Lexington and Concord in April 1775 were aiming to?

seize colonial militia gunpowder and capture Samuel Adams and John Hancock

The 1894 Pullman strike was ended by?

sending in federal troops to crush it

The dangerous string that Germany attached to its Sussex pledge refrain from attacking Allied shipping was?

that the Allies had to modify what Germany considered an illegal blockage against Germany

In the Insular Cases of 1901, the US Supreme Court ruled that?

that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights did not apply to newly acquired territories like Puerto Rico

One of Napoleons key hopes in selling Louisiana to Jefferson was?

that the US would be strengthened as a military and naval power to help thwart Britain

Prior to the firing on Fort Sumter, a common northern attitude toward southern secession had been?

that the southern states who wanted to leave should be able to secede in peace

The terms of the Treaty of Ghent ending the War of 1812 provided?

that the two sides would stop fighting and return to the statues quo before the war

Most of the English colonists in 17th century North America were the descendants of?

the "middle" layers of English and European society

Alexander Hamilton believed that the Bank of the US was constitutional because of?

the "necessary and proper" clause of the Constitution

Poorer New England farmers and indentured servants had fewer opportunities for economic advancement in?

the 18th century than in the 17th century

The Mexicans were forced to surrender to the US when?

the American army under Winfield Scott captured Mexico City

In the election of 1856, the Democrats and Republicans were both challenged by an anti Catholic, anti immigrant party called?

the Americans or Know Nothings

The last major Indian military resistance to white settlement was conducted by?

the Apaches of Arizona and New Mexico

The two largest denominational homes for African Americans after the Civil War were?

the Baptist and African Methodist Episcopal Churches

General James Wolfe effectively ended Frances New World empire with his daring victory in?

the Battle of Quebec

the first ten amendments to the US Constitution are commonly known as?

the Bill of Rights

The single most crucial event leading up to the American Revolution was?

the Boston tea Party of 1774

The primary center for the widespread practice of blockade running was?

the British Bahamas

European support for the Union during the Civil War was strongest among?

the British and French working classes

By 1778, Washington had effectively pinned down?

the British army in New York City

The Boston Tea Party was essentially caused by?

the British governments awarding of a monopoly on tea sale to the giant British East India Company

The embargo on all foreign trade hurt the American economy far more than?

the British whom it was aimed against

Besides the border states that retained slavery, the region of the North where an antislavery Civil War was most unpopular was?

the Butternut region of southern Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois

President Roosevelt's determination to build a canal across the isthmus of Panama was originally blocked by?

the Colombian Senate's refusal to grant American access to a canal route

Napoleon III's attempt to establish a French colonial government in Mexico collapsed when?

the Confederacy was defeated and the US threatened to invade Mexico and overthrow its French puppet ruler

The small Swedish colony of New Sweden was conquered in 1655 by?

the Dutch from New Netherland

Culturally, many slave-owning southerners were great admirers and imitators of?

the European medieval era

Samuel de Champlain, the "Father of New France," allied French colonization with?

the Huron Indians in hostility to the Iroquois

The French success in the early phases of the 7 years war was greatly aided by their alliance with?

the Indians

The English settlers' policy of killing or driving out the Indians emerged partly because?

the Indians served no economic function for the colonists

The Catholic religious order that played a large role in exploration and attempted conversion of the Indians to Christianity was?

the Jesuits

In the case of Plessy vs Ferguson, the Supreme Court declared that?

the Jim Crow system of separate but equal segregation was constitutional under the 14th Amendment

The early American claims to Oregon rested largely on?

the Lewis and Clark expedition and a handful of misssionaries to the are

The huge Allied military effort that finally forced the Germans to appeal for a truce and a peace settlement was?

the Meuse-Argonne Offensive

Senator Stephen Douglas's Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed?

the Missouri Compromise by opening those territories to popular sovereignty regarding slavery

The Supreme Courts sweeping ruling in the Dred Scott case was that?

the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional and that Congress could not prohibit citizens from taking their slave property into any territories

Utah was finally admitted to the Union in 1896 after?

the Mormon Church formally banned polygamy in 1890

The Liberal Republican revolt against the Grant administration's corruption foundered when?

the Mugwumps nominated the eccentric editor Horace Greenly as their candidate

The first major national organization to support farmers and promote their interests was?

the National Grange (Patrons of Husbandry)

In exchange for admitting Missouri as a slave state, the northern members of Congress received?

the admission of Maine as a free state and a prohibition on further expansion of slavery north of the southern boundary of Missouri

Womens rights leaders opposed the 14th and 15th Amendments because?

the amendments granted citizenship and voting rights to black and white men but not to women

The most immediate result of James Polk's successful Manifest Destiny campaign was?

the annexation of Texas to the US

One key provision of the Constitution designed to erect safeguards against democratic excesses was?

the appointment of federal judges for life

The term Butternut region refers to?

the areas of southern Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois that opposed an antislavery war

The boom years of the Texas cattlement were ended in part by ?

the arrival of sheepherders and homesteaders who fenced in the land

John Marshalls judicial nationalism provided the strongest legal and constitutional check against?

the autonomy of popularly elected state legislatures

What were some of the American victorys in the war of 1812?

the battle of Lake champlain, battle of thames, battle of new orleans

Underlying the Souths opposition to admitting California to the Union as a free state was?

the belief that Californias admission would tip the balance of political power in the Senate and the nation against them

the focus of black community life after emancipation became?

the black church

The most brutal and widely criticized feature of the slave system was?

the breakup of slave families through sale

George Washington's military skill was most effectively displayed in?

the brilliant New Jersey campaign of 1776-77

The era of the western cattlemens frontier was essentially created by?

the building of rail networks and stockyards that could provide meat for eastern urban markets

The closing of the frontier is dated to 1890 because in that year?

the census bureau declared that there was no longer a discernible line of advancing pioneer settlement

The Seneca Falls Convention based its call for women's rights on?

the claim that all men are created equal

The British imperial government passed laws forbidding?

the colonies from printing paper money or permitting easy bankruptcies

Indian resistance was finally subdued because?

the coming of the railroad led to the destruction of the buffalo and the Indians way of life

The Pequot War of 1637 resulted in?

the complete annihilation of the Pequot tribe and 40 years of relative calm between Puritans and Indians

The most effective colonial protest that forced repeal of the Stamp Act was?

the complete colonial boycott of British goods

The "radical Whig" idea, highly popular with colonial Americans, especially warned against?

the corruption of society caused by patronage and bribery of the kings ministers

the south's last realistic hope for achieving its independence in 1864 was?

the defeat of Lincoln and the election of a Peace Democrat like McClellan to the presidency

Besides economic opportunities, a primary motive bringing many European immigrants to the US was?

the desire to escape religious and political persecution in their homelands

Besides its claim that human beings originated from lower life forms, the most controversial feature of Charles Darwins evolutionary theory was?

the different species evolved through random natural selection

Progressives achieved a major political victory in 1913 with the successful passage of the Seventeenth Amendment providing for?

the direct election of senators

The British defeat of the Ottawa chief Pontiac in 1763 opened ?

the door to American colonial migration across the Appalachian Mountains

Proponents of the Christian "Social Gospel" were among?

the early advocates of reforms to aid the immigrants and working classes

The French settler Crevecoeurs references to the American as "this new man" referred to?

the fact that Americans of many diverse ethnic groups were intermingling and intermarrying

Besides effective military and political leadership, the greatest advantage that the American rebels enjoyed was?

the fact that they were fighting a defensive war on their own vast territory

One consequence of the smaller American families of the early 19th century was that?

the family became more child-centered and focused on shaping children rather than breaking their wills

In the case of McCulloch vs Maryland, Justice John Marshall held that?

the federal Bank of the US was constitutional and no state had a right to tax it

Theodore Roosevelts Square Deal was based on the essential theory that?

the federal government should represent the public interest in the growing conflict between big buisness and labor

Regarding business and foreign trade, the Federalist Party fundamentally believed that ?

the federal government should strongly support private business and foreign trade but not interfere with it

The greatest economic foundation of Frances New World empire was?

the fur trade

The French and Indian war began when?

the governor of Virginia sent George Washington into the French-controlled Ohio country

The most significant change regarding slavery brought about by the American Revolution was?

the gradual abolition of slavery in the northern states

The Louisiana Purchase was a great victory for imperialism with a democratic face because?

the many new states of the West could enter the Union as full and equal partners of the original state

Besides the cotton gin, Eli Whitney's greatest technological innovation occurred in?

the mass manufacturing of firearms

Jefferson believed that the universal voting suffrage was only justifiable if?

the masses were properly informed through universal public education

The invention that created the greatest revolution in American agriculture in the early 19th century was?

the mechanical reaper

the highest death rate for captured Africans occurred during?

the middle passage from Africa to the Americas

The return of prosperity and widespread new gold discoveries during the McKinley administration largely brought an end to?

the money issue in American national politics

What were some of the factors propelling America toward overseas expansion in the 1890s?

the need to find new African and Asian sources of raw materials for American industry

the extreme Copperhead wing of the Democratic Party provided active opposition to?

the northern war effort and sought a negotiated peace with the South

Much of the anti-Catholicism of the 19th century arose from protestant Americans' fear that ?

the papal religion would seek to establish itself as an American state church

Popular sovereignty was the idea that?

the people of a territory should determine for themselves whether or not to permit slavery

the theory of popular sovereignty was that?

the people of each territory should decided for themselves whether or not to have slavery

Upton Sinclairs primary purpose in writing his novel The Jungle was to arouse America's concern for?

the poor pay and harsh treatment of industrial workers

even many slaves looked down socially on ?

the poorest class of white southerners

The great Irish immigration of the 1840s was particularly stimulated by?

the potato famine in Ireland

A fundamental American grievance against Britain during the Napoleonic Wars was?

the practice of forcibly impressing American citizens into the British navy

What made the trans-Mississippi West a unique part of the America frontier experience?

the problem of applying new technologies in a hostile wilderness

After the American Revolution, most states reduced?

the property requirements for voting

the event that precipitated the crisis of 1850 was?

the proposal to admit California directly to the Union as a free state without passing through the territorial stage

In the 1820s, Americans were particularly worried about the fate of republicanism in the New World because?

the reactionary monarchies of Europe were actively seeking to crush republican and democratic ideas

The key American force that finally defeated the much larger and well equipped British military was?

the regular professional soldiers of Washingtons Continental Army

Much of the fervor of the antislavery crusade derived from?

the religious revivals of the Second Great Awakening

President Andrew Jackson defied the US Supreme Court when he ordered?

the removal of about 100,000 Indians from the Southeast

Andrew Jackson was able to easily conquer Spanish ruled Florida because?

the revolts in Latin America forced Spain to remove almost all its troops from Florida

What were some reasons that New France grew very slowly?

the royal colonial government was extremely autocratic, french government favored its Caribbean colonies over Canada, Protestant French Huguenots were forbidden to emigrate to the colony

Americans believed that their new national motto, "a new order for the ages," meant that in international affair they would stand for?

the rule of law, free trade, and an end to colonialism

Anne Hutchinson was exiled for teaching that?

the saved need not obey the law and that she had received a direct revelation from God

Minority groups and oppressed nations took hope from two of Woodrow Wilson's 14 points that called for?

the self determination of peoples and anti-imperialism

President Wilson called for a declaration of war on Germany after?

the sinking of the Passenger liner Lusitania

Americas success in the Mexican War greatly stimulated?

the spirit of Manifest Destiny and the desire to acquire even more territory

One sign of greater democracy and equality was that?

the states granted greater representation to poorer western districts

The bible story that played an especially large role in African American Christianity was?

the story of the Israelities in Egypt

One of the most difficult adjustments many formerly rural workers had to make to the industrial system was?

the strict discipline and regimentation of time

The competitive entry of Rhode Islanders and others into the African slave trade after 1700 greatly increased?

the supply and lowered the price of slaves

John Marshalls ruling in favor of the Bank of the US in McCulloch vs MAryland firmly established?

the supremacy of federal authority over state infringements

The Supreme Courts ruling in Plessy vs Ferguson upholding separate but equal public facilities in effect legalized?

the system of unequal segregation between the races

The triple wall of privilege that Wilson set out to reform consisted of?

the tariffs, the banks, and the trusts

Americas first internationally recognized writers, Washington Irving and James Fenimore Cooper, were greatly stimulated in their work by?

the upsurge of American nationalism following the War of 1812

General George McClellan ran for the presidency in 1864 by repudiating the Democratic platform declaration that?

the war was a failure and should be ended

Secretary of the Treasure Alexander Hamilton believed that federal fiscal policies should be designed to?

the wealthy

The Northwest Ordinance of 1785 provided that?

the western territories would proceed through two stages on the way to becoming equal states Union

James K. Polk of Tennessee was the first underdog dark horse presidential candidate to succeed in winning?

the white house

The black solders brave and valuable service in the Union Army strengthened?

their case for full citizenship after the Civil War

The primary reason that American plantation owners turned from white indentured servitude to African slavery was?

their fear that masses of discontented whites would rebel and overthrow their social system

For most American women, the market revolution of the early 19th century meant?

their increased isolation within the home defined as a special sphere separated from economic production

Thomas Paine's appeal for a new republican form of government attracted many Americans because?

their own experience with local and colonial democratic governance had prepared them for the idea

General McClellan's failure in the Peninsula Campaign virtually guaranteed that?

there would be a long and bloody total war between North and South

The colonial view of the professional British army altered when?

they saw the arrogance and vulnerability of the British redcoats

Many female progressives focused on issues like child labor, education, and urban housing because?

they saw these issues as extensions of womens traditional roles as wives and mothers

Women's social status increased after the American Revolution because?

they were given special roles as keepers of the national conscience and guardians of "republican motherhood"

Slaves were often prevented from performing the most dangerous forms of labor because?

they were too valuable an investment to risk losing in an accident

President Roosevelt forced a settlement of the 1902 coal strike by?

threatening to seize the mines and operate them with federal troops

During the Gilded Age, corporate employers were largely able to?

thwart the efforts of industrial workers to organize themselves into unions

the essential approach of the Whig Party to the slavery issue in the election of 1848 and after was?

to avoid discussing the issue in hopes that it would eventually go away

The immediate effect of the Compromise of 1850 was?

to calm the national crisis and create a brief period of good feeling

The reaction of most northerners to John Brown was?

to condemn the raid on Harper's Ferry but mourn Brown as a martyr after his execution

One effect of the first Battle of Bull Run was?

to increase the Souths already dangerous overconfidence

The primary initial goal of the Dutch West India Company in establishing its New Netherland colony was?

to make quick profits from the fur trade for company investors

The primary purpose of Secretary of State John Hay's Open Door Notes was/

to prevent the European great powers from carving up China into colonials and preventing other nations access to its markets

The primary purpose of the Gadsden Purchase of 1854 was?

to provide land for a pro slavery southern railroad route to California

Lincolns plan for the besieged federal forces in Fort Sumter was?

to provision the garrison but not to reinforce it

The primary purpose of the KKK was?

to suppress African American political power

Senators Daniel websters role in the debates leading up to the compromise of 1850 was?

to urge compromise and acceptance of the principle of popular sovereignty in the West

poor planning, strategic confusion, and severe suffering from what marked the American military invasion of Cuba?

tropical diseases

Progressive Republicans grew disillusioned with Taft primarily over the issues of?

trust-busting, tariffs, and conservation

Republican presidential candidate Charles Evans Hughes lost credibility by?

trying to appeal to both isolationist and interventionist segments of the electorate

The proportion of white southerners who owned at least one slave was approximately?

twenty-five percent

The invention of what two things brought large number of women into the industrial workplace?

typewriter and the telephone

After his victories at Fort Henry and Fort Donelson, General Ulysses Grant became identified with the Union policy of?

unconditional surrender

Woodrow Wilson initially attempted to reverse the foreign policies of Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft by?

vigorously opposing imperialistic American actions in China and Latin America

About two-thirds of the cost of the American effort in World War I was raised through?

voluntary Liberty Loans from US citizens

For funding, Congress of the Articles of Confederation depended on?

voluntary contributions from the states

the federal governments takeover of the railroads was one of the few cases of reliance on coercion rather than?

voluntary cooperation with the war effort

The Confederacy's founding doctrine of states' right's greatly weakened it in?

waging war against the Union

By the end of the 17th century, the institution of white indentured servitude?

was in a state of severe crisis that led to a major rebellion by landless former indentured servants

Confederate President Jefferson Davis spent two years in prison but?

was never charged or convicted of treason

Economically, the Quakers of Pennsylvania?

were shrewd businesspeople who attained considerable prosperity through trade

Most of the Africans who came to North America were originally from"?

western Africa from senegal to angola

The real safety valve provided by the late nineteenth century West was in?

western cities like Denver and San Francisco

The governments Creel committee used speakers and propaganda to?

whip up patriotic fervor and hatred of the Kaiser

The radical Reconstruction regimes in the Southern states included?

white Northerners, white Southerners, and blacks

the primary source of labor in the 17th century "tobacco colonies" came from?

white indentured servants

In the election of 1824, Andrew Jackson won the popular vote but failed to ?

win a majority of electoral votes

The most daring demand put forward by the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 was?

womens right to vote

In the intermediate aftermath of World War I, American women?

won a constitutional amendment granting women the right to vote but lost their wartime economic gains

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