APWH chapter 23

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volta do mar

"Return through the sea" a Portuguese sea route that took advantage of the prevailing winds and currents. Enabled sailors to sail from Canaries to Portugal, and taught that sailing around contrary winds was faster, safer, and more reliable

What factors contributed to the dramatic economic growth and the ensuing population growth of Russia in the eighteenth century?

-Conflicts between fellow Europeans and Europeans and Asians from exploration and imperial expansion-mariners competing for trade-commercial and political rivalries- fierce competition generated violence-commercial competition in Caribbean and Americas

What was the significance of Magellan's voyage of 1519-1522? What were some of the challenges for explorers of the Pacific Ocean?

-discovered that world was round-his crew completed 1st circumnavigation of the globe-challenges: sailing through difficult strait new southern tip of South America, malnutrition, rats and scurvy- sailing through icy Arctic circle and disputes between explorers and indigenous people caused death

Bartolomeu Dias

1488 cape of good hope which is the southern tip of Africa


1492 off coast of new world- Bahamas and Cuba

Vasco da Gama

1492 sailed around Africa to India

Ferdinant Magellan

1522 circumnavigated the globes and killed by Philippines

What factors led to the Seven Years' War in the eighteenth century? What was the outcome, globally, of that conflict?

A combination of commercial rivalries and political differences that took place in Europe India, the Caribbean, and North America between Asian, indigenous Americans, and Europeans. Especially commercial competition between English and French merchants trying to dominate the Indian Ocean and the sugar islands in the Caribbean. There was competition in the E and W hemisphere which led to conflict between the European people and by the end in 1763 English had an advantage and dominated world trade.

What were some of the positive aspects of the Columbian Exchange? What were some of the destructive aspects of this exchange? Give some specific examples.

A negative aspect of the Columbian Exchange was the spread of disease epidemics, especially smallpox in South America. Smallpox desolated the Aztecs and the people of Mexico. However, it aided Spanish conquest. A positive aspect of the Columbian Exchange was the gift of new animals, crops, and foods that could be traded and sold to create profit. For example, wheat and cattle truly changed North America and increased the population living there.

Portuguese sailors were able to tack against the prevailing winds by using A)a combination of square and lateen sails B)a sternpost rudder C)a magnetic compass D)an astrolabe E)a sextant.

A) a combination of square and lateen sails

By 1750, all of the following regions were linked by trade and commerce except A)Australia. B)Brazil. C)India. D)Indonesia. E)South Africa.


The Manila galleons were noted for A)carrying large cargoes between Mexico and the Philippines. B)supporting imperial communication since they were small and swift. C)dominating the trans-Atlantic slave trade. D)defeating the Portuguese in Southeast Asia. E)All of the answers are correct.

A)carrying large cargoes between Mexico and the Philippines.

By 1800 European exploration of the Pacific Ocean resulted in all of the following except A)the discovery of a northwest passage from Europe to Asia. B)the first complete circumnavigation of the world. C)mapping of Australia, New Zealand, and the islands of the South Pacific. D)exploration of the coast of Alaska and the waters of the Arctic Ocean. E)European colonization of the Philippines.

A)the discovery of a northwest passage from Europe to Asia.

What did the Portuguese, Dutch, and England trading posts link?

Asian markets

By 1750 all part of wold except ______ participated in global networks

Australia and European merchants were the most prominent

in the 14th century what island did the Portuguese discover?

Azores and Madeiras Islands.

The sea route to the Indian Ocean discovered by Vasca da Gama offered European merchants A)a chance to trade with Muslim intermediaries. B)a chance to buy goods directly from Indian merchants. C)quicker access to the slave trade of West Africa. D)proof that the earth was round. E)None of the answers are correct.

B) a chance to buy goods directly from Indian merchants.

Christopher Columbus believed that by sailing west 2,500 nautical miles he would A)reach the Canary Islands and initiate a spice trade with the natives. B)find a direct and profitable route to Japan. C)discover a new continent and lost city of gold. D)find a quick passage around Africa. E)None of the answers are correct.

B)find a direct and profitable route to Japan.

Spanish forces were able to conquer the Philippines because of A)the assistance of China and India. B)the lack of a centralized, powerful state to organize resistance C)the unhappiness of many of the Philippine people with Muslim rule. D)the desire of the island chiefdoms to enter into a treaty with the Spanish. E)the eagerness of many islanders to convert to Christianity.

B)the lack of a centralized, powerful state to organize resistance

European and Arab mariners in the fifteenth century determined latitude by measuring the angle of the sun or pole star above the horizon with A) a magnetic compass B)a telescope C) an astrolabe or cross staff D)a mechanical clock E)None of the answers are correct.

C) an astrolabe or cross staff

Major motivations for European exploration of the world's oceans included all of the following except A) the search for raw materials and mineral resources. B)the search for new lands to settle and cultivate C)population pressures in Europe D)the desire to trade directly with Asian markets E)the urge to extend Christianity beyond Europe.

C) population pressures in Europe

Which trading post is incorrectly paired with a European power?A)Goa and Portugal B)Manila and Spain C)Hormuz and England D)Batavia and the Netherlands E)Cape Town and the Netherlands

C)Hormuz and England

The English East India Company and the VOC were privately owned companies that enjoyed all of the following advantages except A)funds to outfit ships and hire crews. B)commodities and money for trade. C)direct government supervision. D)the potential for tremendous profits. E)heavily armed ships to back up their demands.

C)direct government supervision.

Smallpox, influenza, and measles spread rapidly in the Americas because of A)the densely populated urban centers. B)poor hygiene and contaminated water. C)lack of previous exposure that would build natural immunity. D)lack of access to immunizations. E)All of the answers are correct.

C)lack of previous exposure that would build natural immunity

where did Russian explorers establish?

Central Asia and Siberia.

As a result of the Seven Years' War, Britain gained all the following except A)the French colonies in Canada. B)the French trading posts in India. C)Spanish Florida. D)Cape Town from the Dutch. E)Britain gained all of the above.

D)Cape Town from the Dutch.

Which region is incorrectly paired with a primary trade good? A)Brazil and sugar. B)South Africa and wheat. C)India and cotton. D)Japan and spices. E)Peru and silver.

D)Japan and spices.

The Dutch in Indonesia concentrated their efforts on A)establishing settler colonies. B)establishing a Dutch Reform mission to counter the Catholic presence in the Philippines. C)building a plantation society on the island of Java. D)dominating the spice trade through the Sundra Strait. E)All of the answers are correct.

D)dominating the spice trade through the Sundra Strait.

By the mid-fifteenth century Portuguese mariners used a strategy called the volta do mar that A)enabled them to sail directly into the wind. B)enabled them to measure their location north and south of the equator with accuracy. C)allowed them to avoid the use of sails for extended periods of time. D)enabled them to sail with westerly winds rather than force their way against trade winds. E)allowed them to sneak up on their enemies unannounced.

D)enabled them to sail with westerly winds rather than force their way against trade winds.

In spite of the isolation and harsh climate, Russians ventured over the Urals into Siberia in search of A)trade routes to China. B)access to the Pacific. C)gold and silver. D)furs. E)timber.


How was the Aztec and Inca affected by smallpox?

Densely populated so took a worse toll. In 1519 epidemic small pox in Aztec empire causing a decline in indigenous people. This made it easier for Spanish to conquer

In Eurasia, new American food crops translated into A)overall improvements in diet and nutrition. B)steady population growth in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. C)more varied cuisine. D)better forage for livestock. E)All of the answers are correct.

E)All of the answers are correct.

In the New World, the Columbian Exchange generally resulted in A)the introduction of infectious diseases. B)the staggering loss of indigenous populations. C)the introduction of domesticated animals such as cattle and horses. D)the introduction of food crops such as wheat. E)All of the answers are correct.

E)All of the answers are correct.

Which of the following was not a significant presence in the Indian Ocean by the mid-eighteenth century? A)Britain B)France C)the Netherlands D)Portugal E)Russia


Portuguese mariners succeeded in building a trading-post empire early in the sixteenth century for all of the following reasons except A)the ruthless policies of naval commander Afonso d'Alboquerque. B)the head start that Portugual enjoyed over other European powers in the exploration of the Indian Ocean. C)the use of heavy artillery to overpower other craft and onshore sights. D)the Portuguese control of strategic ports such as Hormuz and Melaka. E)the superiority of the Portuguese navy to English and Dutch forces.

E)the superiority of the Portuguese navy to English and Dutch forces.

who had faster, cheaper, and more powerful ships?

English and Dutch

How were the English and Dutch trading companies organized and administered? How were these companies able to establish themselves in Asia?

English= East India Company found in 1600 Dutch= United East India Company founded in 1602 Private merchants gave these companies funds, ships and crews, and items to trade. Their charters granted them the right to buy, sell, build trading posts, and even make war in the companies' interests. These companies were able to establish themselves in Asia by overpowering the weak existing authorities in the Philippines and Indonesia and conquering them. Chinese merchants flocked to the Philippines and Indonesia due to Manila and Batavia, ports and hubs of activity and trade. They had immediate success and got gold, spices, and silver.

Overall, what was the demographic impact (demography concerns the health and size of populations) of European contact with the New World?

European contact first brought down the population of the New World because of the spread of new diseases to the indigenous people of the New World who were unaccustomed to these diseases and were never plagued by them. However, with the gift of new foods, animals, and crops, the New World became a viable asset to the Europeans as its lands were fertile for some crops and cattle that were unable to be created and used in Europe's own lands due to the landscape and climate of them. Therefore, the population of the New World soared because of their newly enriched diets, and so did the world population, all thanks to Europe connecting everyone with networks of trade and communication.

Where did people learn about math and astronomy from?

Europeans used math from Greeks and Muslims used astronomy they found out the earth was 360 degrees and used this to find hrs in days

James Cook

Explored pacific Hawaiian island for British

what were some trade centers?

Goa, hormuz, Melaka, Mozambique

What is the Manila galleons?

Illustrates early workings of global economy in Pacific Ocean basin. 1565-1815 Spanish galleons (fast and heavy armed ships) went to the Pacific Ocean Manila in the Philippines and Acapulco on the west coast of Africa. At Manila they got Asian luxury goods which they brought to Mexico and exchanged for silver. The demand for silver was high in China. Asian luxury goods also went to Mexico or Peru for Spanish ruling class.

What was Java?

In 1619 Jan Pieterszoon coen founded Batavia on the island of Java which served as an entrepôt for VOC. He wanted to establish a VOC monopoly over spice production and trade. Used power to force small Indonesian island to deliver spices only to VOC merchants and took advantage of tensions. By the late 17th century the controlled all ports of Java and spice.

Compare the Spanish conquest of the Philippines with the Dutch conquest of Indonesia. What kind of colony emerged in each case?

In the Spanish conquest of the Philippines, the Spaniards truly forced Christianity among the Filipinos, but brought together the people of scattered, small empires and created Manila, a hub of Spanish activity and a place for Chinese merchants. In the Dutch conquest of Indonesia, the Dutch did not push to spread their religion, but merely wanted to control trade of the spice island. The Dutch created Batavia, a hub for trade and a place for Chinese merchants.

What did the England concentrate on?

India then Pacific Ocean

By the 16th century where did Europeans have trading posts?

Indian, Atlantic, and pacific oceans

What did the Dutch concentrate on?


By the 18th century what became big parts of eurasian's diets?

Maize and potatoes

what Portuguese site did Dutch take in 1641?


What were the changes in European economic society?

Mercantilism: acquire as much money (mother countries) from colonies and slaves Capitalism: free market and enterprise and no govt. inflation: too much money causing a devalue in money Growth of towns and cities Increase in wealth for merchant and European nations Majority of Europeans= poor and lived in rural areas New groups, countries, etc.

What was Columbus's goal in setting forth across the Atlantic in 1492? Was his voyage successful?

Originally, he had sailed west across the Atlantic Ocean to find a water route to Asia. He was convinced that he had found the waterway that he sought and that the Americas were actually an extension of China. Returned from his expedition with gold, encouraging future exploration

what was Manila?

Spanish capital in the Philipines of trade and Christianity. It was a port city with the Chinese merchant being the most prominent. They traded silk which Spanish shipped to Mexico. The filipinoes and Spanish launched crusades against the Chinese due to their success. The Spanish also opened school to spread Christianity and by 19th century most prominent in Roman Catholic in the world.

Columbian Exchange

The global diffusion of plants, food crops, animals, human populations, and disease pathogens that took place after the voyages of exploration by Christopher Columbus and other European mariners between the New World and the Old World. Had consequences much more profound than before, as well as increasing human population

Who did infectious and contagious diseases bring sharp population losses and why was it so sharp?

The indigenous peoples of the Americas and Pacific islands, the people had no inherited or acquired immunities to pathogens

What new knowledge and technologies enabled fifteenth-century mariners to make long overseas voyages? Where did much of this new technology originate?

The new knowledge and technologies that enabled 15th century sailors to make long overseas voyages were new ships and sails (building the rudder, by Chinese, onto the stern and creating square and triangular lateen sails) two main types of sails; square sails that were helpful for following a single wind direction, and triangular lateen sails that were very maneuverable (European sailors), navigational instruments (magnetic compasses, by the Chinese, to determine directio. in Mediterranean and Atlantic waters and astrolabes [soon replaced by cross staffs and back staffs]), the knowledge of winds and currents ("wind wheels"), and the volta do mar.

What types of migration happened along the Colombian exchange?

Transoceanic forced and voluntary. Between 1500-1800 migrants enslaved Africans and brought them to South America, North America, and the Caribbeans.

How did bean, tomatoes, and peppers contribute to Eurasian diets?

added protien, vitamins and zesty falvors

why is traveling on land in the 14th century unsafe?

bubonic plague and collapse of the Mongol empire

how to the Portuguese attempt to control trade routes?

by building trading-post empire and forced merchant vessel to pay. By the mid-16th century they had more than 50 trading post between West Africa and East Asia.

what was Goa?

capital of Portuguese colonies in Asia until reclaimed by Indian forces in 1961

Who was Afonso de Albuquerque?

commander of Portuguese forces in the Indian Ocean. Seized Hormuz, Goa, and Melaka and controlled the Indian Ocean by forcing merchant to purchase passes. They however did not have enough forces to enforce this. The Portuguese transported 1/2 pepper and spices in Europe during the early and middle 16th century.

Joint-stock companies

enabled investors to realize handsome profits whole limiting the risk to their investments

What did Spanish merchants built on information learned from Magellan's expedition?

established a trade route between the Philippines and Mexico.

Who was Vasco de Gama?

established a trading Post at Calicut in 1498

what did the europeans get from africans?

gold, ivory, and slaves

what ended the holy wars against Europeans and Muslims in Palestine, Mediterranean Island, and Iberia in the 11th century?

in 1492 Granada fell to Spanish christians.

where did Italians make sugar plantations in the 12th century?

in Palestine and Mediterranean Islands. Portuguese voyages also led to plantations on South Atlantic Islands (including Cape Verdes Island). The demand for sugar was high in Europe. Sailed So --> W Af Af ---> Indian Ocean.

why did the Portuguese influence in the Indian Ocean decline in the late 16th century?

others began their own expeditions: English and Dutch

where did the Spanish and Dutch have small island empire?

phillippines and Indonesia

who was prince henry?

promoted voyages of exploration in W Africa for gold, trade, new trade routes, to gain intelligence about Muslim's power, and win converts and make alliances with Christians. portugal.

What did Ptolemy discover?

put grids on map

How did the epidemic smallpox affect the Aztec empire?

ravaged the empire, the indigenous population of Mexico declined by 90%Spanish conquerors had imposed their rule on Mexico= and the political, social, and cultural traditions of indigenous people had either dissapointed


series of campaign by Christian states to recapture territory from the Muslims (moors)

How did maize and potatoes contribute to Eurasian diets

sharply increased number of calories Maize: In China it was important because it grew in eco-niches unsuitable for rice and millet productionPotatoes: impressive nutritional qualities

who was able to conquer the Philippines?

the Europeans conquered at first. four years after Ferdinand Magellan discovers it the Spanish conquer it. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi commanded them. Since they had no govt. there was no resistance. He names the Island Kind Philip the II. The southern island of Mindano was outside of their control due to the large population of Muslims that existed.

What specific motives prompted European overseas voyages?

the search for basic resources, land for cultivation (make $$), establish trade routes to Asian markets, and expand influence of Christianity.


theory that a country's power depends on wealth

what maritime trade route did the voyages want to create?

to the markets in Asia this would eliminate the muslim intermediaries. Before muslim mariners would bring Asian good though the Indian Ocean and Red Sea to Cairo and Italian merchants purchased to bring to W. Europe.

What were some of the striking aspects of the battle for Hormuz, as recounted by Afonso d'albuquerque? What was the strategic importance of Hormuz?

• Afonso ordered a broadside to be fired, his bombardiers took aim so that the 1st 2 shots fired sent two large ships in front of them with all their men to the bottom• After that many threw themselves into the sea to avoid their artillery • Afonso's men were so well fortifies with their defenses that they did them no harm except some wounded on upper deck

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