ART 110 - Ch 20

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The figures are on platforms near the water that probably served as altars, the figures are about ____ tall and weigh ____ each.

36 feet, tens of tons

What is a distinctive element of American Plains Indian art?

Eagle feather headdresses

The most remote and isolated island in the Polynesia is known as ____ Island.


Although most adults in the Marquesan culture had tattoos, only the wealthiest or most highly regarded had all over patterning. What were the reasons for this?

- painful - expensive - took a long time

What are some of the features of the work by the Inca stone workers?

- stone-paved roads - echo of nature in designs - rocks cut to fit, no mortar

What are some of the consistent features about the figures represented on this statue?

- Elongated features - Large necks and eyes

What characteristics were depicted in the carved ancestors along the wall and in the center?

- Elongated heads - Bent knees, war dance posture

In what ways is the Inca architecture distinct?

- Inca architecture included construction of massive stonewalls without mortar - Stone and other building materials were considered animate

Which substances does the pipe use in its creation?

- Pearls - Stone - Beaver teeth

What objects might a Kachina be holding as it dances at a ceremony?

- Prayer sticks - Kachina dolls - Rattles

Dreamtime art of the Aborginals depicts which aspects of their belief system?

- Present time - Humans - Ancestral beings - Distant past

What decorative motifs can be found in the Mimbres style of ceramic vessel?

- Sheep or other animals - Stepped pyramids - Geometric designs

Which statements accurately describe the story of tobacco in the Americas?

- Smoking it was considered a form of prayer - The smoke it produced formed a bridge between this world and spirit world - Stone pipe is a North American invention

The Olmec culture influenced which future Mesoamerican cultures?

- Teotihuancan - Aztecs - Mayans

The Palace and the Temple of the Inscriptions at Palenque exemplifies which qualities of Mayan artistic culture?

- The influence of other Mesoamerican cultures - The importance of dynastic history and reverence for ancestry

Why do archaeologists think that the examples from the Mogollon culture have holes and breakage that seem to have been deliberately put there?

- Vessels have been 'killed' as a parallel to a human life - Vessels may have been broken to release the owners soul

The Native American Indians of the Plains culture hunted buffalo for which purposes?

- food - hides

The Incas seemed to have a unique way of relating architecture to nature, as illustrated in several ways in Macchu Picchu. What were some of these methods?

- A boulder carved to resemble a peak in a mountain beyond - A boulder carved to create a staircase and chamber

Which features astonished the Aztecs when they found the Teotihuacan city abandoned many years after the inhabitants had moved on?

- A long central avenue - Gridded streets - A very large pyramind

The meeting houses of the Maori culture are architectural symbols of what beings or places?

- Ancestors - Supreme deity

A central concept in much Pacific art, Dreamtime encompasses which aspects?

- Connects the ancestral past and the present - Refers to the distant ancestral past and creation myths

What aspects characterize Maya architecture?

- Corbeled vaulting - Colorful mural decoration - Long, multi-chambered galleries

What new materials did the Europeans introduce the Native American culture?

- Dyed wool - Glass beads - Horses

When did the Olmec civilization flourished?

1500 to 300 BCE

Why did the inhabitants of Easter Island carve monolithic statues?

As a memorial of leaders or ancestors

Which culture named the large pyramid in the center of the city of Teotihuacan, the Pyramid of the Sun?


The ____ were the most powerful culture in the region at the time of the Spanish conquests of the early 16th century.


The Aztec legend has its people originally migrating from a mythical place called Lake ____.


The Ojibwe created a bag that is worn across the body and is called a ____ bag.


What are the vessels made by the Moche called stirrup vessels?

Because of the u-shaped handle

The tall carved poles made by the Asmat culture are called _____.

Bis pole

The Anasazi people lived in what we now call Colorado, they built what is known as ____ ____.

Cliff Palace

The Olmec are well known for their sculptures of ____ ____.

Colossal Heads

Feathers for the Hawaiian cloaks were collected by the ____ as a yearly tribute to the rulers.


What other metal did the Tairona artists mix into the gold to lower the melting point and result in a firmer outcome than if they had used pure gold?


What kind of subject matter falls under the theme of the Here and Now?

Everyday life of common people

True or False: The Asmat culture had constant interference from outsiders over the course of history.


True or false: The cultures of Mesoamerica were largely isolationist.


True or False: Either men or women were trained to make the special cloaks of Hawaii.

False - only specially trained men were allowed to make the cloaks

Aztec art displays elements of ____ form as opposed to the Mayan use of graceful forms.


T.C. Cannon's life ended too soon, but he contributed much art during his time. What else did he accomplish?

He helped to bridge the contemporary and traditional Indian art.

The Plains culture used dogs to aid them in hunting until the Europeans brought ____ that allowed them greater mobility.


The Mayans had many dynasties that were in constant warfare to gain prisoners for ____ ____ which they believed kept the universe in balance.

Human sacrifce

During the 15th century, the ____ controlled the largest and most powerful empire in Central and South America.


T.C. Cannon stated that any art made by an ____ was ____ art.

Indian Indian

In the Dreamtime religion, as a person ages, they become closer to the realm of their ancestors, and when someone dies, what happens to their spirit?

It is reabsorbed into the Dreaming.

What is special or different about this example of a Kwakiurl culture bird mask?

It represents all four birds rather than the usual one.

A native stone that the Olmec enjoyed working with was ____.


Hopi and Zuni Indian made doll-size version of ____ to help children understand the roles of the many spirits.


The Pueblo culture had supernatural beings that were called ____.


In the Cliff Palace in Mesa Verde Colorado, there are twenty-three ____ which were used for religious ceremonies.


The Mogollon culture was located in which area today?

New Mexico

Inca rule extended 3,400 miles along which coastline?


In the mounds many objects are found but the most interesting are the many ____ that are fashioned in the effigy of an animal.


In the Kwakiurl culture, the occurrence of the cannibal bird invasion is intertwined with a tradition called ____ where a host generously give food to neighbors for several days.


The oldest examples of Pacific are are the ____ ____ of the Aborigines.

Rock engravings

In Maori culture, meeting houses are architectural examples of the supreme deity or body of the sky father. The ridge pole is his ____.


The large figures on Easter Island are made of ____.


Inca culture excelled in architecture in general, but especially in ____.


What discovery best informs our understanding of the ceremonial usage of Maya palace architecture?

Surviving mural decorations

Tattooing was perform ritually by a specialist called ____ who invoked specific deities while creating the tattoo.


What was the purpose of tattooing in Marquesan culture?

Tattoos invoked the protective presence of deities.

The bag is decorate with glass beads that act like a ____ in a mosaic?


What were the first groups of people to live and have a culture in North America, or the Eastern Woodlands collectively called?

The 'mound builders'

What tribe was T.C. Cannon a part of?

The Caddo and Kiowa from Oklahoma

Almost nothing of the major city of Tenochtitlan, built by the Aztecs, remains. Who destroyed the city?

The Spanish conquerors

What did the makers of the Hawaiian cloaks chant while making each cloak?

The names of the ancestors for whomever the cloak was being made

What did the Asmat people of New Guinea create to honor their ancestors?

They made large monuments

Which was NOT a use of masks in the early cultures of the Pacific and of the Americas?

Trade Currency

True or False: Cannibal masks are carved in the current day both for use and to collectors.


Central to nearly all aspects of daily life, the ____ was a frequent subject of and material used in American Plains Indian Art.


Iridescent shells gleam and sparkle everywhere in a Maori meeting house, the shells were used for the ____ of the sculptures.


Dating as far back as 30,000 BCE, the art of the ____ is the oldest in the Pacific.


Laid out in a grid pattern the city of Teotihuacan covered 9 square ____.


In Marquesan culture the specialized who designed and applied ritual tattoos was known as a _____.


In many native cultures, ____ play an important role in ceremonies and for spirituality.

- Masks - Dances

What characteristics best describe the Anasazi Cliff Palace?

- More than 200 rooms clustered together, apartment-style - Stone, timber, and adobe construction - Complex with living quarters, gathering spaces, ceremonial rooms, and storage facilities

The Kwakiurl culture has a ceremony involving the four cannibalistic birds. Which are steps in the ceremony?

- noble families feel their neighbors feasts during the time their son's are away - young men are turned into cannibals - largest bird comes to kidnap the young men of noble families - the elders finally cure the young men of their cannibalism

The vessels made with the Mongollon culture are called Mimbres and are often decorated with ____ patterns and stylized ____.

1) geometric 2) humans, animals, humans and animals or animals and humans

The Anasazi building site, Cliff Palace, is so harmonious that many people believe it is the work of a single ____.


What does 'Pre-Columbian' mean?

Art that was created before Columbus arrived in the Americas

Although many Polynesian cultures used feathers for decoration of items, the most spectacular use is in the ____ of Hawaii.


The Polynesian peoples believed that certain materials, such as ____ , were sacred to the gods.


In South and Central America, the extraction of the precious metal, ____, from the earth began in the south and spread northward with the technical skill of the craftspeople gaining in technique as it spread.


Although most Polynesian cultures practiced body art and tattoos, the ____ culture took the practice to the furthest extreme.


The Olmec culture, from which this colossal stone head hails, is often referred to as the ____ culture of Mesoamerica.


Today, the word ____ is associated with a type of ceramic vessel using the coil technique.


Which statements best describes the artistic theme of the Here and Now?

Mundane subjects can be used to create art.

To which of the Oceanic cultural regions does Hawaii belong?


The earliest art that we find from the Mesoamericans is often called ____ ____.

Pre Columbian

Olmec leaders may have seized power by claiming ____ power.


The decorations that the Mimbres vessel exhibits are ____ and very geometric.


For what artistic innovation are the Moche best known?

The use of molds for the mass production of ceramics

What did the Zuni culture believe might happen if the Kachina dolls were given to outsiders?

There would be crop failure and disaster

What role did the kachinas play in the Pueblo culture?

They appear to bring blessings related to rain or harvest.

What do the bird masks mean to the Kwakiutl people of British Colombia?

They represent the cannibal birds who live in the North end of the world

In this functional vessel, we see a kneeling ____, which was a common image used in the art of the Moche.


The Native Indians of the Plains culture of North America were mobile or ____ and organized life around ____ hunting.

nomadic buffalo

Tobacco was considered a sacred substance, and was viewed as form of ____.


For what were the 'mound builders' building the mounds?

A burial sites

The largest mythical cannibal bird in the Kwakiutl culture, is called ____ ____.

Crooked Beak

Coatlilcue is an Aztec ____ who is massive and fearsome in this sculpture representation.


The Moche culture had many skilled ceramists making pottery and also ____.


The pendant depicting a ruler has wings on either side of the head suggesting that the ruler was also a ____ and could transport between realms.


What North American culture is most closely associated with developing an urban society?

The Anasazi

What is the mountain range that forms a natural boundary for the present day Honduras and Columbia called?

The Cordillera Oriental

We can see ____ elements in the depiction on this hide painting.


All of the figures on an Asmat pole would be ____ members.


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