ART 112 Lecture 1-6 Questions

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Contrapposto means:

"Set against"

The word 'Pantheon' means:

"all the gods"

List the stylistic traits that make this Roman mosaic more naturalistic than the scene in the Egyptian Book of the Dead of Hunefer:

-viewpoint - proportion -perspective (modeling, foreshortenning) -movement -expression/emotion

This statue was originally located in: (Peplos Kore)

. The sanctuary of Athena in Athens

Compared to Egyptian art, in Greek art the gods:

1. Appear in more casual poses 2. Are depicted more naturalistically

This statue exemplifies which of the following trends in Hellenistic Greek art: (Aphrodite, Eros and Pan)

1. Comedy 2. Eroticism 3. Gods who behave like ordinary humans

The lamb on the shoulder of this figure symbolizes:

1. Jesus's role as leader or caretaker, like a shepherd with his sheep 2. The sacrifice of Jesus as a means to remove humankind's sins

Which aspects of the Classical style in figural art are present in this statue? (The Laocoon Group)

1. Naturalism 2. Athletic, muscular body type 3. Nudity

during the fifth century 'cultural revolution' in Greece, important and influential developments took place in:

1. Politics and political theory 2. Philosophy 3. Art and architecture

What uniquely Roman innovations in architecture made it possible for the Romans to construct the Colosseum, which was the largest stadium ever built until modern times

1. The arch 2. Concrete

The Arch of Titus is an example of the Romans' use of:

1. The arch 2. Greek architectural ornament

The Colosseum is an example of the Romans' use of:

1. The arch 2. Greek architectural ornament

In the Pantheon, what uniquely Roman architectural feature made it possible for the Romans to construct the largest unobstructed interior space in the history of architecture until the Renaissance period?

1. The arch 2. Concrete

The Pantheon is an example of the Roman's use of:

1. The dome 2. Greek architectural ornament

How many emperors ruled the Roman empire in the five decades between 235 and 284 A.D.?


What are the dates of the Roman Empire?

27 BC - 400 AD

How tall is the Great Pyramid (Khufu's)?

481 feet

What are the dates of the Roman Republic?

509 - 27 BC

This statue was commissioned to decorate: (Aphrodite, Eros and Pan)

A club for businessmen

Discobolos, This statue is:

A copy in marble of a bronze original

The lower part of Augustus' breastplate depicts:

A defeated enemy returning military standards to Augustus

(Gods and Goddesses from the Parthenon Frieze) What is depicted in this image?

A group of gods attending a parade held by the Athenians

This statue is best characterized as: (Discobolos)

A harmonizing of energetic, athletic action and stable, balanced forms

The figure depicted in this statue was: (Portrait of a Roman general)

A military general

The inscription at the base of this statue is best described as:

A mournful tribute to the deceased person's bravery in battle

The term Pax Romana refers to:

A period of peace and prosperity in the Roman empire, which ended in the 3rd century AD

In ancient Rome, portrait busts like the Head of a Roman Patrician would most often be found in:

A private residence

What event is represented in the relief sculptures on either side of the inner walls of this arch?

A procession that followed a Roman victory in Judea

The word "colonnade" refers to:

A row of columns

The symbol illustrated above appears at the center of the Palette's upper register. What is it?

A royal insignia bearing Narmer's name in hieroglyphs

A "portrait" is an artistic representation of:

A specific person (for example, President Kennedy)

The main use of this building was:

A sports arena and place for the public execution of criminals

Where was this painting of Christ as the Good Shepherd located?

A tomb

The sculptor Polykleitos is known to have written:

A treatise on perfect proportions in the human body

What is the goddess Nike shown doing on relief of from the Temple of Athena Nike?

Adjusting her shoelace

What role did Alexander the Great play in the Hellenistic period in ancient Greek history?

Alexander spread Greek culture far beyond Greece

This statue, like many others, expresses the high value the Greeks accorded to: (Discobolos)

All of the above

The key to the contropposto formula for posing a figure is:

Alternation of relaxed and engaged limbs

This temple was dedicated to the god:

Amun - sun god

At the literal level, this work depicts:

An Egyptian royal official hunting on the Nile

Who is Pan?

An ancient Greek mythological figure who embodies male sexual desire and 'animal' appetites

What is the term we use for a symbolic object or other visual aspect of a figure in art that enables us to identify the figure?

An iconographic attribute

What is a "votive offering"?

An offering made as part of a pledge or prayer to a divine being

The Head of a Roman Patrician is a portrait bust depicting:

An upper-class Roman landowner

Which Greek goddess is depicted in this work? (Aphrodite of Knidos)


What is the lowest part of a classical entablature called?


Match the term to the correct part of this classical entablature: (order bottom to top)

Architrave Frieze Cornice

When was this man emperor of Rome? (Constantine the Great)

Around 315 A.D.

This work was made around the same time as: (Gods and Goddesses from the Parthenon Frieze)

Athena Nike

Plato makes what argument in his Symposium?

Beauty is the quality that physically attractive people and correct moral actions have in common

When, in relation to the fifth-century 'cultural revolution' in Greece, was the Anavysos Kouros made?


In ancient Greece, Kouros statues like the Metropolitan Kouros functioned as:

Both 1 & 2

What does the subject matter of the Palette of King Narmer have in common with the subject matter of the 9/11 memorial we've been looking at?

Both depict victims of violence

What does this statue have in common with Polykleitos' Doryphorus? (Augustus of Primaporta)

Both exhibit contrapposto

How is the Parthenon in Athens comparable to the recently rebuilt World Trade Center building in New York City?

Both were built to replace an earlier structure destroyed by an enemy attack

The figure holding a billowing cloth near the neckline of Augustus' breastplate depicts:

Caelus, the Roman sky god

In the middle register on the front of the Palette, the large figure of Narmer is shown:

Carrying out the ceremonial execution of an enemy ruler

Not counting the building's temple-front portico, the plan of the Pantheon is:


The surface of recessed squares that decorate the underside of this arch is called:


What is the term we use for the arrangement of forms within a work of art?


(Gods and Goddesses from the Parthenon Frieze) Which of the following aspects of the Greek classical style do the figures in this relief sculpture exhibit?

Contrapposto poses

This structure was designed to:

Convey water over a river valley in Gaul

Which of the classical architectural orders are used on the portico of this building?


What is the top-most element of the entablature on this building called?


Which part of a classical entablature projects out from the top, capping off the 'composition' of the building's parts, and helping to keep the rain off the parts beneath it?


With the Edict of Milan, in 315 AD, Constantine:

Declared the Christian religion to be legal in the Roman empire

This statue was created around the same time that:

Democracy was introduced to Athens

What did the Greek philosopher Aristotle say about the depiction of nude figures in art?

Depictions of nude figures should not be shown to young people

Which of the classical orders is employed in the temple of Athena Nike?


When, in relation to the fifth-century 'cultural revolution' in Greece, was Polykleitos's Doryphoros made?


When, in relation to the fifth-century 'cultural revolution' in Greece, was the Parthenon rebuilt?


The Palette of King Narmer was created at the beginning of which period of Egyptian history?

Early Dynastic

What important political event took place in Egypt at the outset of the Middle period?

Egypt fell into a period of political instability, and Upper and Lower Egypt became politically separate for the first time since the Early Dynastic period

The triangular pediment at the top of this building is a component of the building's:


The Palette of King Narmer and the 9/11 firefighters' memorial are both:

Examples of relief sculpture

Which aspect of the Roman character does the Appian Way express?

Focus on practical, pragmatic pursuits

Which aspect of the Roman character does the Pont du Gard express?

Focus on practical, pragmatic pursuits

What is the word that we use for the depiction of objects perpendicular to the picture plane in a 2-dimensional work of art, like a painting or mosaic?


What is another name for stylistic analysis?

Formal analysis

Which part of a classical entablature is often decorated with relief sculpture or an inscription (i.e. words)?


In ancient Greece, statues like the Anavysos Kouros functioned as:

Grave markers honoring the deceased

This structure is an example of the Romans' use of: (Temple of Fortuna Virilis)

Greek architectural ornament

What is the name for the ancient architectural form represented by the symbol above?

Greek temple front

Who is the male figure in this painting, shown abducting the goddess Persephone? (The Abduction of Persephone)

Hades, the god of the underworld

Tutankhamun's fame in the modern era (i.e., the last one hundred years) derives from the fact that:

His is the only pharaonic tomb to have survived to the modern age intact

This segment of the Book of the Dead of Hunefer depicts:

Hunefer being judged in the afterlife

The body of the Portrait of a Roman general is a good example of:


The opposite of 'realism' is


Why are Roman copies of Greek original works of art important?

In many cases, the Greek originals have been lost, and the Roman copies provide the only evidence of what the original Greek works looked like

What architectural order does this temple use? (Temple of Fortuna Virilis)


The national emblem of which modern country incorporates an image from the relief on this arch?


What is Greek about this building? (Pantheon)

It uses the architectural type of the Greek temple front, with classical orders

Where is this building located? (Temple of Fortuna Virilis)

Italy (Rome)

The Anavysos Kouros is closest to the Egyptian statue of Menkaure with respect to:

Its pose

The central figure in the Christian religion is:

Jesus of Nazareth

The Colosseum was built largely by

Jewish captives

The Christian religion emerged in the Roman province of:


What role does Laocoon play in the famous story of the Trojan Horse?

Laocoon warns the Trojans not to accept the horse, or anything from "Greeks who come bearing gifts"

Compared to the Anavysos Kouros, Polykleitos's Doryphoros is:

Later in date and more naturalistic

Compared to the Metropolitan Kouros, the Anavysos Kouros is:

Later in date and more naturalistic

The action that the missing hand of the Peplos Kore was likely carrying out was that of:

Making a sacred offering

The definition of 'idealism' in art is:

Making objects in art appear in a perfect, pristine, unblemished, ideal state

The expression on this Constantine's face is most similar to the expression of which of these figures?


The smallest of the three pyramids on the Giza plateau belonged to which Pharaoh?


During which period did Sesostris III reign?

Middle period

The original purpose for the construction of the Appian Way was:


When analyzing the significance of works of religious art, we can talk about the "two M's". What are the "two M's"?

Morality and Mysticism

Compared to the figures in the 9/11 memorial, the figures in the Palette of King Narmer are:

More abstract

Compared with the Egyptian statue of the pharaoh Menkaure, the Metropolitan Kouros is:

More abstract

In comparison to the portraits of most Egyptian rulers, these portraits of Trajan Decius and Caracalla are:

More expressive of human emotion

Compared to pagan Greco-Roman religion, Christianity was:

More focused on the afterlife

Compared to the figures on the Palette of King Narmer

More naturalistic

In Ti Watching a Hippopotamus Hunt the low-class servants at the front of the boat are depicted:

More naturalistically than Ti, the higher-class figure

Compared to the poses of the figures in Hunefer's Book of the Dead, the poses in the figures of the Parthenon frieze exhibit:

More variation in the poses

The medium of this image is: (Traveling Musicians)


In the middle register on the front of the Palette, the hawk with a human arm represents:

Narmer, in the form of the god Horus

Tutankhamun reigned during the

New Kingdom

Ancient Egyptian civilization was based:

On the southern side of the Mediterranean Sea

The upper part of Augustus' breastplate depicts:

Pagan (i.e. Greco-Roman) gods

Which of the following terms refers to tragic, sorrow-inducing emotion?


What is the term we use for creating the illusion of three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface?


This image was originally located in: (Traveling Musicians)


Which of the following categories of art object is known for exhibiting strong realism?

Portraits of upper-class male Romans, like the Head of a Roman Patrician

In our comparison between architecture and jeans (i.e. pants), what feature of both are we focusing on?


The face of the Portrait of a Roman general is a good example of:


The plateau of rock known as the Acropolis was an area of Athens that primarily served what kind of purpose?


Which of the following cultures is known for the production of portrait busts that were displayed publicly at funerals to show off a family's social status and lineage?


Jesus's contrapposto pose, along with other stylistic features of this image, exemplify the fact that the earliest Christian art was done in the style of:

Roman art

The bowling pin-shaped hat that Narmer wears on the front side of the Palette symbolizes:

Rule over Upper Egypt

If we think about the sense of unease or anxiety that this portrait of Sesostris could have produced in viewers who lived in Sesostris's time, which of our three levels of art historical analysis are we considering?

Significance (i.e. consideration of the meaning that the work of art may have had for a particular viewer)

The Appian Way leads:

South from Rome to Brindisi (into Southern Italy)

"Doryphoros" means:


This image depicts: (Traveling Musicians)

Street musicians

For the ancient Greeks, the male nude body expressed:

Strength and virtue

When we notice that Sesostris's glabellar lines are incised rather than modeled, which of our three levels of art historical analysis are we considering?

Style (i.e. consideration of the manner in which the subject is depicted)

This statue was buried on top of the Acropolis by the ancient Athenians after: (Peplos Kore)

The Acropolis and its art and architecture were destroyed by the Persians

This statue served the same type of function, and was made around the same time, as: (Peplos Kore)

The Anavysos Kouros

What resulted from the refusal of the early Christians living in the Roman empire to make sacrifices to the pagan Greco-Roman gods?

The Christians were regarded as outsiders, and often persecuted

The physiognomy (i.e. structure or shape) of this figure's body most closely resembles the body in which of these statues? (Portrait of a Roman general)

The Classical Greek Doryphoros

With its scene of triumph after a victorious battle, the subject matter of the reliefs on this arch is most similar to the subject matter of:

The Egyptian Palette of King Narmer

Which of the following aspects of ancient Egyptian culture can be described as "anagogical"?

The Egyptians' strong belief in an afterlife and spirit world

What does the very high number of emperors that ruled in the third century A.D. tell us about the Empire in this period of its history?

The Empire was unstable, and political order was disintegrating

During the 'cultural revolution' of 5th-century BC Greece, what important development took place in philosophy?

The Greeks established the principles of free inquiry and skepticism

During which period of Greek antiquity was this statue made?

The Hellenistic period

This particular kouros figure is called the "Metropolitan" kouros because it is held in:

The Metropolitan Museum in New York City

What is the connection between the goddess Athena Nike and the Nike brand of athletic shoes?

The Nike "swoosh" logo is based on Athena Nike's main iconographic attribute

Which of these other architectural works we have discussed does the Temple of Fortuna Virilis most closely resemble?

The Parthenon in Athens

This structure was built during: (Pantheon)

The Roman Empire

Which of the following is suggested by the clip you watched from the film The Gladiator?

The Romans believed that the best way to live life was to accomplish great and virtuous things, so that one will be remembered forever by future generations

The Appian Way was built by:

The Romans of the Republican Period

Which of the following is suggested by the passage from the Roman poet Virgil's Aeneid, which I discuss in my lecture?

The Romans saw themselves a masters of practical arts, like government, rather than the aesthetic arts, like sculpture

This structure is an example of the Romans' use of: (Pont du Gard)

The arch

What event took place just before the Acropolis was rebuilt?

The army of the Persian King destroyed the temples on the Acropolis

Where does the Metropolitan Kouros stand in relation to Menkaure on the "coverage spectrum"?

The body of the Metropolitan Kouros is less covered than the body of

At the allegorical level, this work depicts:

The conquest of order over chaos in the universe

Which of the following is true about the measurements of the Pantheon?

The diameter of the dome is equal to its height

The 'cultural revolution' in ancient Greek art, philosophy and politics occurred in which century?

The fifth century BC (500-400 BC)

Which aspect of the Metropolitan Kouros most clearly shows the influence of the Egyptian sculptural tradition on Greek sculpture in the pre-Classical age?

The figure's pose

The figure depicted in this statue, Constantine, is famous for being:

The first Christian Roman emperor

The figure depicted in this statue, Augustus, is famous for being:

The first Roman emperor

In what sense can the formal qualities of the Great Pyramids be described as 'anagogical'?

The formal qualities symbolize the Egyptian belief in the afterlife

Which of the following made it possible for the ancient Egyptians to dedicate a much larger share of their labor supply to the production of art and architecture than was possible in other ancient cultures?

The high fertility of the soil on the banks of the Nile

The little baby at the base of the statue depicts: Augustus of Primaporta)

The pagan god Eros, son of Venus

What aspect of the Portrait of a Roman General is typical of Roman, as opposed to Greek art?

The realism of the face

The figure in the image above represents: (head with boat body and payrus stems from the back)

The ruler of Lower Egypt, who has been defeated by Narmer

Who is Eros?

The son of the goddess Aphrodite, who, like Aphrodite, was a divinity associated with love

Portrait statues of the Roman emperors (like this one) played what role in Roman culture? Augustus of Primaporta)

The statues served as a home for the soul of the emperor after his death (as in Egyptian culture)

During the 'cultural revolution' of 5th-century BC Greece, what important development took place in the political life of Greek society?

The theory and practice of democracy emerged

In which century did these men rule as emperor of Rome? (Trajan Decius and Caracalla.)

The third century

On the back side of the Palette, the two beasts with intertwined necks in the middle register probably symbolize:

The unification of Upper and Lower Egypt

What function did the type of Roman monument known as the "triumphal arch" (of which the Arch of Titus is an example) serve?

To commemorate military victory

The primary function of this, like all Egyptian temples, was:

To provide a home on earth for an Egyptian god

Which are depicted more naturalistically, the glabellar lines of the Egyptian pharaoh Sesostris III, or those of Trajan Decius?

Trajan Decius

Laocoon was a.

Trojan priest

Egyptologists believe that Nefertiti was the mother of which pharaoh?


What important political event took place in Egypt at the start of the Early Dynastic period?

Upper and Lower Egypt were unified for the first time under the rule of a single pharaoh

What important political event took place in Egypt at the outset of the Early Dynastic period?

Upper and Lower Egypt were unified under the rule of a single pharaoh

On the exterior of this building, we see:

Use of all three classical orders (doric, ionic, corinthian)

In Greek, the word "Nike" means:


This temple is believed to have been dedicated to: (Temple of Fortuna Virilis)

Virile ('manly') fortune

A work of art that is made to serve as a "gift" to a god in exchange for assistance is called a:

Votive object

The Palette of King Narmer is the earliest surviving:

Work of art depicting a namable historical figure

In Greek, the term kouros means:

Young man

What does the Greek word Kore mean?

Young woman

What is the first thing a person encountered when approaching this sacred building?

a pylon

In art, a "genre scene" is a work depicting:

a scene from everyday life

Which of the following terms derives from the Greek word meaning "another sense"?


Bartolomeo Mantara was:

an author who wrote an essay on a painting by Titian

What is the term, derived from the Greek word for "leading above", that we use to refer to ideas or works of art that pertain to "heavenly" or "celestial" realm?


The object in the hand of the falcon-headed god Horus (bottom register, right of center) is called:


The plan of the Great Temple of Amun at Karnak is primarily:


When, in relation to the fifth-century 'cultural revolution' in Greece, was the Metropolitan Kouros made?


When, in relation to the fifth-century 'cultural revolution' in Greece, was this Peplos Kore made?


What is the point of my comparison between the Great Temple of Amun and the rides at Disneyland?

both are artificial environments that generate the illusion of being in another place, separate from everyday life

Which of the following was a feature of Egyptian religious belief that first appears in the period of the New Kingdom?

both! 1. belief in life after death expanded to include everyone, not just the pharaoh, his family and court 2. belief in correlation between behavior in this life and fate in next one

When we compared the Palette of King Narmer to photos of suitcases packed with clothes, which of the following stylistic variable were we considering?


The face of Sesostris seems to express his:

concern about the political turmoil of his times

Which of these words, sometimes used in discussing the medium of a work of art, means "lasting for a short time?"


The ankh is a hieroglyph that means

eternal life

The basic concepts with which to begin an analysis of a work of architecture are:

form and function

The "body language" of the pose in which Menkaure is depicted expresses a combination of which of these qualities?

freedom of movement and unshakable stability

The Great Temple of Amun is an example of what is called a "Pylon temple". From what does the term 'Pylon temple' derive?

from the large gates with sloping sides that divide one section of the temple from another

In the terminology of human facial physiognomy (i.e. the physical form of the face and its features), the creases between the eyebrows are called:

glabellar lines

Compared to the official portraits of the past 45 United States presidents, the facial expression typically seen in Egyptian pharaonic portraiture conveys:

greater detachment from emotional ups and downs and worldly concerns

The exterior surface of the pyramids was originally:

highly polished

The earliest surviving images of Jesus and other figures from the Christian Bible are found:

in Rome

Where is this image located? (Ti Watching a Hippopotamus Hunt)

in an Egyptian tomb

We compared the Palette of King Narmer to an older, pre-dynastic wall painting depicting people, boats and animals. By comparison to Narmer's palette, the composition of the pre-dynastic painting appears more:


The shape of this object mimics the shape of an Egyptian:

makeup compact

The definition of 'realism' in art is:

making objects in art appear in an imperfect, worn, deteriorated state

Compared to the Anavysos Kouros, the Peplos Kore is:

more abstract

In comparing the medium of Tutankhamun's mask with that of the bust of Nefertiti, one can say that the medium of gold makes the image of Tutankhamun:

more abstract than the bust of Nefertiti

The headdress that appears on this mask is called a:


Which of the following shapes is especially characteristic of Baroque architecture?


Foreshortening refers to the depiction of objects that are:

perpendicular to the picture plane

The gold medium of this mask expresses the pharaoh's:

power and divinity

The main function of the pyramids was that of a:

royal tomb

The phrase "one who keeps alive" was used in ancient Egypt to refer to:


A term for the kind of physical desire that the sight of a beauty face or body can arouse is:

sensual desire

The psychological characteristic conveyed by Nefertiti's facial expression appears to be:

serene, detached composure

The primary "anagogical" purpose of this statue was to:

serve as an alternate vessel for the pharaoh's ka

In comparison to the creases of Sesostris's mouth, the creases of his glabellar lines appear:

slightly more abstract

Which of these did NOT occur in Greece in the fifth century BC?

the Athenian philosopher Democritus wrote a book defending belief in spirits, ghosts and other supernatural, immaterial entities

An important contributor to the theory of the relationship between art and social class was:

the Marxist revolutionary Leon Trotsky

The Great Pyramid was the world's largest human-made structure until the period of:

the Middle Ages (c. 1100 AD)

Ti's social status is indicated here by:

the abstract style in which he is depicted

In discussions of the form of a structure, what is meant by 'axial'?

the components of the structure are organized along a line

In comparing the compositional qualities of the Weighing of the Heart & Judgment of Osiris to the compositional qualities of a prayer translated from an Egyptian Book of the Dead, we notice that:

the composition of the prayer and the image are both formal and repetitious

Which of the following aspects of the pyramids is most closely connected to the moral (as opposed to mystical) dimension of human experience?

the possibility that they were built by slave

The ancient Egyptian word ka refers to:

the spirt or soul of an individual

Around when was Jesus of Nazareth believed to have been born?

the year

Why, according to the ancient author Pliny did the people of the island of Kos reject this statue? (Aphrodite of Knidos)

they wanted to show their modesty

The purpose of the Egyptian Book of the Dead was:

to provide the ka, or soul, of the deceased with guidance and protection in the afterlife

This painting was located in a Greek: (The Abduction of Persephone)


How many times does the Hunefer appear in the continuous narrative in the LOWER register of this scroll?


order of ornate-ness of classic column capitals (least to most)

· Ionic · Doric · Corinthian

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