Art Appreciation 1113 Final

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Constantine's victory at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge is commemorated by which famous Roman monument?

Arch of Constantine

Which artist from the Netherlands was known for his depiction of peasant life in a humorous manner?


Which Roman emperor aligned himself with both the pagan gods and with Christianity?


To which location did Emperor Constantine move the center of the Roman empire in 330 CE?


Where did the Minoan civilization thrive?


Which biblical character was sculpted by the three artists Bernini, Donatello, and Michelangelo during the Renaissance and Baroque periods?


In which work of art is the figure portrayed in a "contrapposto" stance?

Doryphoros by Polykleitos

Kryzsztof Wodiczko used his artwork Tijuana Projection to raise awareness about issues affecting a community of women working in ________ near the US/Mexico border.


Artistic depictions of death are more prevalent now than during the Renaissance.


What is one major difference between Cimabue's Virgin and Child Enthroned and Giotto's painting of the same name?

Giotto creates a realistic space, while Cimabue focuses on the spiritual aspect

On which type of medieval architecture can spires be found?


Which artist shocked critics by creating a painting of poor workers on large-sized canvas?

Gustave Courbet

Which emperor rebuilt the Pantheon to enhance his status?


Emperor Justinian I was the patron for which work?

Hagia Sophia in Constantinople

What word means "Temple of all the Gods"?


The Sumerians were a ________ society.


The Portland Pubic Services building in Portland, Oregon is an example of ________ architecture.


A "man-made mountain" is another term for a ________.


Which of the following artists was part of the High Renaissance in Italy?


In African art, such as that of the Senufo people, spirit figures are often shown as:

abstract with exaggerated body parts

Dan Flavin's decision to display commercially produced items (see Untitled, fig. 3.9.9) in an art gallery was intended to:

allow us to see the items in new ways

What do the Stela of Naram-Sin, Virgin of Vladimir, and The Ecstasy of St. Teresa all have in common?

an emphasis on the light in the form of rays or golden tones

What is the term used when an artist borrows objects, figures, or entire compositions from the work of other artists?


Sacred places, such as mosques, temples, shrines, and chapels, ________.

are often used for quiet contemplation

Which type of Greek vase painting was invented first?

black figure

The Great Mosque of Djenné and the Great Zimbabwe:

both functioned as trade centers

What purpose are kouros sculptures believed to have served?

grave markers

Which organ was believed by the ancient Egyptians to be the organ of thought?


Wall paintings in tomb chambers tell us that Etruscan women held a ________ status than women in many other ancient cultures.


In the French Academy, which type of painting was considered to be the finest in the hierarchy of genres?

historical or mythological

What does the fowling scene from the tomb of Nebamun, painted c. 1350 BCE, teach us about life in ancient Egypt?

hunting techniques, importance of Nile River and past times of ancient egypt

In the relief sculpture from the west pediment of the Temple of Zeus, Olympia, Greece, the figures of the Lapith people are:


Where is the artist's self-portrait located in The Arnolfini Portrait?

in the mirrors reflection

The Sumerian Standard of Ur, created between 2600 and 2400 BCE, is an example of what art form?


Because of the materials traditionally used to make African buildings, ________.

many of them no longer survive

What is the central space of a cathedral called?


When comparing Ana Mendieta's "Untitled," from her Silueta series, with Pipilotti Rist's Ever is Over All, an important difference between the two works is that ________.

only Ever is Over All is a video installation

Thomas LeClear's artwork is a _________, but depicts an artist working in this medium: ________.

painting ... photography

What achievements characterize the beginning of civilization?

planned cities, written language, agriculture

Pop artist Roy Lichtenstein's Girl With Mirror recalls the Post-Impressionist technique of:


What do the lamassi, the human-headed winged lions that protected Ashurnasirpal II's palace, represent?

power of divinity of the Assyrian ruler

The subject matter of prehistoric art concentrates on sources of food and ________.


Which color is used in both the Hawaiian feather cloak (Figure 3.5.13a) and moai ancestor figures from Easter Island?


Which of the following is a characteristic of Romanesque architecture?

rounded arches

Figure 4.2.3 depicts episodes from the life of Buddha, ________.

sculpted as separate scenes all on one block of sandstone

In ancient Egyptian writing, "he who keeps alive" translates as:


People of all ages were included in Eugène Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People in order to:

show the sacrifice made by the entire community

What type of art decorated the interior walls of Dura Europos?


The Gates was an enormous artwork erected by Christo and Jeanne-Claude in Central Park, New York City. Although the artwork itself was on display for only sixteen days, it took ________ of negotiation with city officials to approve the project.

24 years

The visual appearance of Christ was similar to the appearance of pagan gods until which century?

5th century CE

Some of the oldest art and artifacts in Africa were made up to ________ years ago.


Neoclassicism recalls subject matter and imagery from which culture(s)?

Ancient Greece & Rome

Which of the following are the cultures from the "Classical past" that Renaissance thinkers and artists admired?

Ancient Greece and Rome

Diego Rivera worked in the medium of ________, which was traditional in Mexico.

Mural Painting

Artworks that show interaction between humans and deities ________.


What was the first Modernist art movement to originate in the US rather than Europe?

Abstract Expressionism

Art from ________ has served as a way to communicate cultural beliefs, rules, and fables to outsiders and within the community.

Africa and the Pacific Islands

Which German artist created a woodcut rendition of the artwork The Last Supper, inspired by Leonardo da Vinci's painting?

Albrecht Durer

Frank Lloyd Wright's Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York is geometric.

Is highly geometric

Which of the following is not a characteristic of "community art"?

It tends to be very small, remote, and private

The Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem, is sacred to Jews, Muslims, and Christians, but for different reasons. Which of these religions believe it was the site where Adam was created and where Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son?

Jews and Christians

Which of the following artworks consider multiculturalism?

Jolene Rickard, Corn Blue RoomRomare Bearden, Three Folk MusiciansXenobia Bailey, (Re)PossessedShirin Neshat, Rapture Each answer shown is correct

In which manuscript were the visions of Hildegard of Bingen recorded?

Liber Scivias

This artistic style is characterized by exaggerated poses, proportions, and gestures:


What is a key difference between designs used in traditional Maori tattooing and Australian aboriginal rock art?

Maori tattoos are abstract lines and shapes

What is the period that followed the end of the Western Roman Empire known as?

Middle ages

Balthasar Neumann's Basilica of Vierzehnheiligen is an artwork that exemplifies:


The nineteenth-century European art movement that was concerned with the power of the imagination and that greatly valued intense feelings is called:


Artworks with a vanitas theme are often in the ________ genre.

Still life

Which of the following artworks still physically exists?


Which civilization developed cuneiform writing?


Which artwork was commissioned by Pope Clement VII?

The Last Judgment

The word vomitoria, used to describe the entryways of the ancient Roman Colosseum, conveys the fact that:

Throngs of people spilled from the building as they exited

Mesopotamia means "the land between the rivers." Which rivers does this phrase reference?

Tigris and Euphrates

Qin Shi Huangdi's army of terracotta soldiers

Was found in 1974

What common characteristic do the Sumerian bull lyre, Navajo sand painting, and Gèlèdé masquerade share?

We have to imagine important parts of their original presentation

The nkisi Mangaaka was made by which cultural group?


Leonardo's Last Supper and Raphael's School of Athens have ________ in common.

a balanced composition

What shared aspects of the caves at Lascaux and the catacombs in Rome indicate that these places were sacred to those who used them?

both sites feature paintings connected to the Christian religion

How do bis poles represent the cyclical nature of human life?

by showing the deceased individual along with ancestors

Joseph Kosuth's One and Three Chairs encourages the viewer to think about how we understand the world around us, through looking at the different ways we can experience the object we call a "chair." This is an example of ________ art.


In which area(s) of a Byzantine church were women, such as Empress Theodora, allowed?


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Roman sculpture?

elderly members of society depicted only rarely

Artworks that engage with the theme of the cycle of life ________.

examine the mysteries of life

Gèlèdé rituals, performed by the Yoruba in Nigeria, celebrate:

female strength women as mothers the life-giving powers of women spiritual well-being

Why were the Abelam yam mask and cult house from Papua New Guinea made?

for farming festivals and ritual ceremonies

Contemporary artists assimilate approaches from all kinds of sources. Nathalie Djurberg contrasts the medium of ________, often used for children's movies, with violent subject matter.

stop-motion animation

Whether pagan, Christian, or Buddhist, artworks depicting deities are generally intended to ________.

tell the stories of the key religious figures

William Hogarth's satirical prints were so popular that forged copies became rampant. Protecting his original works led to Hogarth's Act, also called:

the Engraving Copyright Act of 1734

What shared theme connects the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, Giselbertus's tympanum at the Cathedral of Saint-Lazare, and Vermeer's Woman Holding a Balance?

the Last Judgment

What features of the Church of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane tell us that it is the work of a Baroque architect?

the oval space at the center of the plan, curved walls, ornamental surfaces, and dramatic shadows

Absolute monarchy means:

the ruler derives his or her authority from God

Jacques-Louis David's Oath of the Horatii depicts:

three brothers who vow to fight for Rome

In Africa, figurative sculpture has been made:

to serve as realistic representations, to reflect knowledge and identity, in place of a person who has passed away, as a mediator between ancestors and living people (Each answer shown is correct)

In a Romanesque church, such as Chartres or Sainte Foy, designed in the shape of a Latin-cross, what is the shorter axis located near the east end of the church called?


The Swiss-Austrian artist Angelica Kauffmann was one of only how many female founding members of the British Royal Academy of the Arts?


If an artist was working without artistic training, creating paintings inspired by his or her dreams, we would call this person a ________, or outsider, artist.


During the Renaissance and Baroque periods, patrons made many of the decisions about how an artwork would look. For example:

what would be depicted in a piece, how big to make an artwork, what colors to use, and what important aspects of the piece would look like

The light-skinned figures in the Minoan fresco Bull-Leapers are:


Such artworks as the kente cloth and Kanaga mask:

would have been very different when worn

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