Art Ch.5

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What was the most highly regarded art in Islamic lands?


In northern Europe, artists continued to work in the Gothic style until which century?

Early 16th century

What characteristic is NOT associated with a mosque?

Residence of holy men and home for travelers

What is the term Rococo, an extension on the word Baroque, French for?

Rocks and shells

What supported Nubia which was linked by a trade networked to African lands south to the Sahara?

The Nile

Why did many mosques feature stunning geometric design patterns?

The Qur'an warns against the worship of idols.

Which characteristics describe haniwa?

Unglazed Simplified Natural materials

Which pharaoh changed Egyptian culture from polytheism to monotheism during the Amarna period?


As a way of indicating their importance, royalty, such as Constantine and Theodora, would commission works to be put in ______.


Which monarchs ruled their countries as virtual dictators during The Age of Kings?

- Catherine the Great of Russia - King Louis of France - Maria Theresa of Austria

What does the term renaissance mean?


Baroque was the art of cathedrals and palaces, whereas Rococo had a more ______ focus.


Which artistic pursuits do Islamic cultures hold in high esteem?

Book arts

Writing from the Indus Valley civilization remains ______.


Which period of Greek art do scholars consider to be the finest?


What characteristics in Bronzino's Allegory, made it difficult for scholars to understand the allegory taking place?

- There was a forbidden undertone in the painting. Venus and Cupid were mother and son, yet the interactions suggested a different relationship. - There were too many figures in the artwork doing different things that were unusual, as in a man grabbing his head and a girl holding a sponge.

The Paleolithic paintings in the France's Chauvet cave, discovered in 1994, have interested scholars as the paintings are almost all of animals. Which descriptions capture the interest?

- They are believed to go back even farther in time. - They are meaningful, but the meaning is uncertain.

Which 20th-century artist was inspired by Cycladic art?

Alberto Giacometti

What is one reason that Christians were persecuted in the Roman Empire?

Christians would not worship the gods and goddesses that were recognized by the state religion.

What shape does the gently indented oval shown in the plan of Francesco Borromini's Facade of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane suggest?


The Mughal artistic influence, spread far and wide in Indian courts where painters admired and adopted what characteristic?

Detail with jewel tone color

The Sphinx is thought to have the head of which pharaoh?


The origin of the hijra and the origins of the first year in the Islamic calendar are marked by Muhammad's migration from the city of ________ to the city of ________.

Mecca; Medina

The writing system that was developed in ___________ and used for 3,000 years was called cuneiform, which is Latin for "wedge-shaped."


Which of the following is the most common feature of female sculptures in the ancient world?


The Silk Road is a network of roads connecting which two cultures?

Western Europe and Asia

In the Middle Ages, texts that were richly decorate and illustrated were described as being _____


What is the difference between the Classical period and the generic term classical when it refers to art?

The Classical period is a specific period, whereas the term classical encompasses all of Greek and Roman art.

What period of art history is most closely associated with a revived interest in the art and culture of ancient Greece and Rome?

The Renaissance

The Romanesque Abbey Church of Sainte-Foy was one of the earliest churches modified to include aisles that line the transept and a(n) ______ to help visitors circulate freely.


Regardless of where they are in world, the followers of Islam face the ______ wall during prayers, which is oriented toward the city of ______.

qibla; Mecca

True or false: Vigee-Lebrun's calm personality and steadfastness can be seen in her self-portrait by: the way she gently holds the chalk; the calm look on her face; and perhaps the softness of the cast shadow displayed on the canvas.


In ancient Mesopotamia, a(n) _____ was associated with kingly power, and was often seen in sculptures depicting rulers.


What did monarchs of Europe do during the 17th and 18th centuries?

- Their influence dominated the social and cultural affairs of the time. - They governed as virtual dictators.

What characteristics best describe art of the Baroque era?

- Works of art were embellished with ornamentation - Artists used strong contrasts between lights and dark.

Which are some of the cultural artistic and exports from China?

- Writing - Philosophy - Architecture

Byzantine rulers considered themselves to be the legitimate continuation of the ancient Roman Empire; they were known by what title?

Emperor of all the Romans

True or False: The Islamic culture feels that only religious objects are deserving of praise and attention.


What main purposes did the Limbourgs' illuminated prayer book known as Les Très Riches Heures serve?

- Daily devotion - Lives of nobility and peasantry

Which Baroque characteristics were common in the religious paintings of the 17th century?

- Emphasis on emotions - Intense theatricality - Strong contrast of light areas and shadows

Which are characteristics of 17th and 18th century European landscape paintings?

- Focus on architecture - De-emphasis of people - Depiction of the immensity of the natural world

Which 17th and 18th century artists were well-known portrait painters?

- Rembrandt - Artemisia Gentileschi - Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun

The territory that was ruled from Constantinople until its defeat by ______ forces in 1453 changed many times over the centuries.


What was the edict that the Roman emperor Constantine issued in the year 313?

It proclaimed tolerance for all religions.

Unlike Renaissance architecture, what does Baroque architecture offer?

It protrudes into the viewer's space through convex and concave surfaces.

How is Muhammad's emigration from the city of Mecca to the city of Medina is honored and remembered?

Known as the hihra, this marks year one of the Islamic calendar.

What are common media in African sculpture?

Clay Fiber Wood

Besides being know as an accomplished portrait painter, what one event in Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrun's life led the way for other women to gain prestige in the artistic community?

In 1778 she gained acceptance into the French Royal Academy.

Unlike Buddhism, the Jain religion is not widespread beyond the country of ______.


The Indus city, Mohenjo-daro, shows that the people there were quite sophisticated in their architecture and city planning. Which is one of their accomplishments?

Stone house foundations, gridded streets, and drainage systems

What was the most famous structure in England built during the Neolithic Period?


This purse cover features animal-style images and ______, which are intricately woven bands.


Why did the Greeks start using naturalism in sculpture?

They wanted to depict their gods as human.

Who are the three principal deities of Hinduism?

Vishnu Devi Shiva

What reason did the Greeks have for not displaying female nudity in art?

Women were primarily domestic, which was considered private.

During the Middle Ages, most of the great churches and cathedrals, including the Abbey Church of Sainte-Foy, were built in response to the popularity of ______.


True or false: Lorenzo Ghiberti, Donatello's teacher, was the first to design figures an architecture piece on the same scale so that the images in the foreground would look larger than those in the distance.


True or false: Lyres from Mesopotamian times feature stories about heroic epics although the exact meaning is unclear.


True or false: The Romans made marble copies of Greek bronze statues.


True or false: The common design elements used in the Quran and mosques were geometric patterns and stylized plant forms.


True or false: The periods of Gothic art and Renaissance art overlap.


Matthias Grunewald's depiction of the Crucifixion is in keeping with the Northern common tradition of showing extreme agony, which is shown through what means?

- Christ's feet are bent inward as if to relieve the pressure of the hanging body. - Mary Magdalene is weeping. - Christ's hands are reaching outward in an effort to relieve the pain.

What are the characteristics of the Cycladic statuette of a woman in terms of elements and style?

- Geometric - Simplified - Abstract

Which are examples of the cyclical nature of time that both Hinduism and Buddhism follow?

- The cosmic cycles of creation, destruction, and rebirth - The cycles of humans repeating lives

The Age of Kings occurred at the same time as the Age of Colonial Settlement during the 17th and 18th centuries. What are the differences between the two time periods?

- The settlements in the Americas were just beginning to establish settlements. - The Age of Kings occurred in Europe. - The Age of Colonial Settlement took place in North and South America. - The Age of Kings was in an established country which had monarchs and a political system.

Often the subject of Buddhist compositions, a _______ is a saintly being that delayed its own release in order to help others attain enlightenment.


By 3000 B.C.E., there were three developed cultures in the Americas. Which were they?

Coastal lowlands of Mesoamerica Northwest Coast of North America Pacific Coast of South America

During which period of Greek history did Rome become prominent?


What was the relationship between Nubia and Kush?

Kush was the most famous Nubian kingdom.

An artistic trend reflected in a fondness for elaborate or obscure subject matter in which critics described as a negative reaction against the balance and order used in the Renaissance is


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