Art chapter 5-6 study guide

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Define triptych

-3 part format was used by the artist to emphasize the crucifixion as the dominant overarching event that is related to each of the sacraments

What are the symbols of the 4 evangelist?

-Matthew= winged man or angel -mark= winged lion -luke= winged ox -John = eagle

What does the purse cover from the Sutton hoo ship burial tell us about the relation between image & text storytelling?

-Provides details that confirm and broaden our incomplete understanding of the adventurous societies of that time and their beliefs about needs for the afterlife. -insight into the epic tales of such warrior kings as Beowulf -belt buckle/purse cover= gives visual testimony to the tales of dragons and heroes like Beowulf through their expressive and intricate patterns and rich materials.

Can you name the winged creatures illustrated in this chapter and point out what cultures and religions they come from?

-angel Gabriel= tells Mary she's having Jesus -angels in general= generally represent beings that can travel between the terrestrial and celestial realms, but their more specific roles can vary widely for good or evenly purpose -winged creatures known as Nike's= • Ancient Greek and Roman artist •shows a moment of victory • could be gods/goddesses -Genie= horses, bulls, lions, and other animals...shows superiority...god like powers... -Matthew= winged man or angel -mark= winged lion -luke= winged ox -John = eagle

What was the objective and finding of eadweard muybridges photographic series The horse in motion?

-conduct a study of the sequence of movement that is too rapid to be captured by the human eye -proved that indeed all 4 hooves are in the air when the horses legs are under its body... -his findings helped provide info in technology, science, and art

What do the iconographic motifs in Robert campin's annunciation triptych stand for?

-depicts the Christian story of the annunciation to the Virgin Mary by the angel Gabriel that she will become the mother of Christ the son of god -lilies= purity and virginity of Mary but sometimes they can mean death, resurrection, birth, motherhood -candle going out = when Mary agrees to bear the Christ child/foreshadowing of Christ's death/human death in general/fleeting nature of life for all

Why is there a circle on the Celtic cross

-halo of Jesus Christ -Roman sun god

What are the functions of public art?

-it's accessible to everyone -to display an idea -tells a story -symbolism -imagery

What is the format of the carvings of the Column of Trajan?

-posture -gesture -expression -symbolism -imagery -100 ft in height which commemorates the military campaigns of Roman Emperor Trajan against the Dacians. -shows historical events

What is the subject of Eugene Delacroix death of sardanapalus?

-tried to express the extremes of human emotion and experience in his work based on history, literature, current events , & his own travels. Used a lot of color applied in thick vigorous brush strokes Showed beauty, violence, tragedy, and ecstasy with equal passion

Origin of swastika

-used in many different cultures -India -Asia -east -Europe -shows good fortune -positive movement -ground plan for Buddhist stupa worship centers

Celtic Cross

A Latin cross with a circle around the center

What is vanitas?

A still life painting of a 17th century Dutch genre containing symbols of death or change as a reminder of their inevitability

What is a symbol

An image or sign that is understood by a group to stand for something. The symbol, however does not have to have a direct connection to its meaning

Are the colors and patterns in Kente cloth a form of communication? What meanings do they carry?

Black- intensified spiritual energy Blue- peacefulness and harmony Green- planting Gold- wealth and royalty

Necessary materials for cloisonné

Body = copper Also used = gold, silver, or other metals Wire= fine silver/gold

How did the interpretation of Virgin Mary's significance (her relation to that of Jesus Christ) change in Middle Ages?

Christians view: -mother of Jesus Christ Debated: if Mary was bodily in heaven w/her son or if she had to die to experience bodily resurrection. Change: -Mary as a divine status -or her not being seen as divine herself=more secondary status -Mary = "Queen of Heaven" who might be ruling alongside her son -Senlis Cathedral in France: she was depicted as a co-ruler w/Christ -known to only be there bc of the will of Christ

How is cloisonné made?

Decorative work created by affixing metal strips to a surface, making compartments, that are filled w/ powdered material & melted at high temperatures.

What country is the Reims cathedral located in?


What is the significance of a halo in religious iconography?

Glory, rulers, heroes

Relationship between symbolism and iconography

Iconography includes implied meanings and symbolism that are used to convey the groups shared experience and history, myths, and stories. Iconography refers to the symbols used within a work of art and what they mean or symbolize

What artistic movements does Maurice Denis wave belong to ?

Important figure in the transitional period between Impressionism and modern art

What religion is the dome of rock being used for as a temple now?

Islamic council

What advantages does imagery have over text?

It's a stronger way to convey an idea because you're able to see it for yourself. For example, you can read all day long about the civil war/slavery, but seeing pictures for yourself puts a whole new spin to it

Where is the dome of the rock?


What is the other name for aureole?


What is taotie motif in Chinese culture ?

Monster mask commonly found on ancient Chinese ritual bronze vessels and implements


Nazi- bad meaning Buddhism- positive

Has the dome of rock always been used for the same religion?

No: Jewish, Roman, and Christian Faith

What is the religious iconography in Rogier van deer Weyden's Seven Sacraments?

Related to each of the sacraments -provides angels w/scrolls to identify them as if speaking to the viewer -iconography= related to Christian life & Faith

How did romanticism react to neoclassicism?

Romanticism came after and it was a reaction to the lack of expression of the neoclassicism. Romantic artists wanted to bring emotion and free form

What 2-dimensional art is it referring to (column of Trajan) ?

Section of the Bayeux Tapestry depicting the Battle of Hastings

What is iconography?

The broader study and interpretation of subject matter and pictorial themes in a work of art. This includes implied meanings and history, familiar myths, and stories. Refers to symbols used within a work of art and what they mean or symbolize

What are the meanings of the word techne?

The principles or methods employed in making something or attaining an objective

What is the purpose of the wrathful deities in Tibetan Buddhism?

They're fierce destroyers of obstacles

Are all of iconographic motifs in Robert campins anunniciation triptych connected to Mary's virginity?

Yes but they could also have different meetings based on how you interpret it

Latin Cross

a cross in which the vertical member is longer than the horizontal member it intersects. Jesus being crucified.

What is aesthetics?

a set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty, especially in art.

Greek cross

cross with four arms of equal length. Christian martyrs. People who died for their faith.

Define sublime

of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe

What is genre painting?

scenes of everyday life


symbol of life. Power of the sun.

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