Art History Final - All multiple choice questions

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1. The work is by: (A) Géricault (B) Ingres (C) Delacroix (D) David


30. The building on the right most closely resembles the earlier work of: (A) Joseph Paxton (B) Antoni Gaudí (C) Gustave Eiffel (D) Louis Sullivan


32. Both buildings do which of the following? (A) Utilize glass curtain walls. (B) Revive earlier decorative styles. (C) Incorporate innovative structural elements. (D) Show the influence of postmodern architecture.


A major patron of Botticelli was: A. Francis I of France B. the Duke of Berry C. the Strozzi family D. the Medici family


A primary figure found in both works is: (A) Lorenzo de' Medici (B) St. Peter (C) Pope Julius II (D) the artist


A striking feature of the artist's works is their: A. Narrative sequence B. Allusion to classical themes C. Sense of poised balance D. Painted surfaces


All of the following are important elements of the work EXCEPT: A. The use of surface texture B. The use of reflection C. References to Classical figures D. Negative Space


Bishop Bernward designed which of the following important architectural features for the church? A. Space between the triforium and the clerestory B. Interior sculptural program C. Cast bronze doors D. Intricate stained-glass windows


Both San Vitale and the Pantheon have which of the following architectural features? (A) Pendentives (B) A dome (C) An oculus (D) An ambulatory


Both buildings are closely associated with a: (A) Greek patriarch (B) Visigoth king (C) Catholic pope (D) Roman emperor


Both buildings are part of a complex built to celebrate: A. The conquests of Alexander the Great B. Athens' domination of the eastern Mediterranean C. The deification of the Roman emperor D. The end of the Trojan War


Both of these works served as: (A) garden ornaments (B) athletic prizes (C) victory commemorations (D) grave markers


Both of these works were created in: (A) Greece (B) Rome (C) Mesopotamia (D) Egypt


Both paintings departed from earlier artistic conventions by depicting: (A) allegorical subjects (B) bourgeois leisure activities (C) subjects drawn from classical antiquity (D) politically charged events


Both paintings do which of the following? (A) Embody a new approach to the figure. (B) Refer to a specific narrative subject. (C) Use color in a purely decorative manner. (D) Use abstraction to carry metaphorical meaning.


Both paintings were created around: (A) 1750 (B) 1820 (C) 1880 (D) 1920


Both plans are best characterized as: (A) axial (B) central (C) basilican (D) directional


Both works contain all of the following EXCEPT: A. Reference to deep space B. Clear differences in figure scale C. The use of vivid color D. Realism


Both works demonstrate an interest in: (A) light and surface texture (B) religious symbolism (C) Classical proportions (D) color theory


Both works have all of the following EXCEPT: (A) chiaroscuro to create volume (B) placement within a larger program or cycle of paintings (C) the same painting medium (D) multiple vanishing points


Botticelli, the artist of the work on the left, also painted which of the following? A. Primavera B. Sacred and Profane Love C. Hercules and Anateus D. Wedding Portrait


Due to the lateral main entrances, each interior side aisle also functions as: A. Narthex B. Ambulatory C. Transept D. Nave


Figurative depictions on the vase on the left represent a: (A) funeral procession (B) childbirth (C) banqueting scene (D) mythological scene


In the building on the left, the triangular area that had been formed by the roof and the cornice is the: A. Volute B. Capital C. Pediment D. Lintel


In the painting on the left, the artist has emphasized: (A) movement (B) line (C) emotion (D) anatomical accuracy


Mondrian intended the painting on the left to establish: (A) a link with photomontage (B) a connection with the human dream state (C) a sense of harmony (D) an awareness of organic forms


One factor contributing to the difference between these structures is the rise of: (A) Islam (B) paganism (C) Christianity (D) Russian Orthodoxy


San Vitale is located in: (A) Pisa (B) Rome (C) Ravenna (D) Constantinople


Several works by this artist show an interest in: A. Grand opera B. Exotic landscapes C. People in asylums D. Factory workers


Stylistically, the sculpture is an example of which of the following art historical periods? (A) Etruscan (B) Hellenistic (C) Gothic (D) Renaissance


The Botticelli painting on the left does which of the following? A. Recalls Hellenistic emotional content. B. Revives the medieval illuminated manuscript tradition. C. Anticipates the compositions of Leonardo. D. Influences Titan's dramatic movement.


The appearance of the building on the left was strongly influenced by: (A) the Pompidou Center (Beaubourg) (B) geodesic domes (C) organic forms (D) the work of Henri Labrouste


The approximate date of the work on the left is: (A) fourth century B.C.E. (B) first century C.E. (C) eleventh century C.E. (D) eighteenth century C.E.


The architect of the building on the right is Frank Lloyd Wright. The architect of the building on the left is: (A) Le Corbusier (B) Walter Gropius (C) Charles Garnier (D) Louis Sullivan


The architectural feature perpendicular to the nave is known as a: A. Radiating chapel B. Chevet C. Transept D. Choir screen


The architectural order shown on the left is: A. Doric B. Ionic C. Tuscan D. Corinthian


The architectural order shown on the right is: A. Doric B. Ionic C. Tuscan D. Corinthian


The architecture most specifically referred to in the painting on the right is that of: (A) Rome (B) Greece (C) Persia (D) France


The artist of the painting on the left is primarily associated with: (A) Romanticism (B) Neoclassicism (C) Post-Impressionism (D) Impressionism


The artist of the painting on the left is: (A) Angelica Kauffmann (B) Jacques-Louis David (C) Eugene Delacroix (D) Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres


The artist of the painting on the right directly influenced which of the following movements? (A) Art Nouveau (B) Arts and Crafts (C) Impressionism (D) Romanticism


The artist of the work dominated painting in which of the following cities? (A) Florence (B) Rome (C) Venice (D) Parma


The artist of the work shown is: (A) Parmigianino (B) Raphael (C) Titian (D) Giotto


The artist who created the work is: A. Umberto Boccioni B. Pablo Picasso C. David Smith D. Louise Nevelson


The building on the left was designed to be a: (A) civic auditorium (B) church (C) private residence (D) recreational facility


The church was built for: A. Charlemagne B. An Ottonian monastery C. Pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land D. Abbot Suger


The composition of the painting can best be described as which of the following? (A) Frontal (B) Diagonal (C) Tripartite (D) Symmetrical


The date of construction of the building on the left was: (A) between 1880 and 1920 (B) between 1920 and 1960 (C) between 1960 and 1980 (D) after 1980


The date of the painting on the left is: (A) 1900 (B) 1925 (C) 1950 (D) 1975


The differences in style between the two pairs of figures confirm the fact that: A. The works were carved in different centuries B. Several workshops were involved C. Different materials were used D. Works were imported from other countries


The elements projecting from the roof of the building on the right are known as: (A) cantilevers (B) cross vaults (C) lintels (D) pediments


The emotionalism and drama of the sculpture is most similar to that of which later artistic style? (A) Baroque (B) Neoclassical (C) Rococo (D) Minimalism


The figures in both paintings can be characterized as: (A) outlined and flat (B) active and spontaneous (C) writhing and elongated (D) balanced and solid


The horizontal band above the columns in both works is known as the: A. Cella B. Pilaster C. Frieze D. Peristyle


The idea for the arch opening that defines the end of the nave is derived from the: A. Roman triumphal arch B. Roman aqueduct arch C. Myceneaen corbel vault D. Greek cella


The illusion of depth is achieved primarily through the use of: (A) architectural structures (B) warm and cool colors (C) cast shadows (D) reclining figures


The kneeling figures at the lower left and the lower right of the painting represent: (A) donors (B) prophets (C) sibyls (D) saints


The medium used in the work is: (A) fresco (B) intaglio (C) oil (D) tempera


The nude in the painting on the left reveals the influence of: (A) Lucas Cranach (B) Antonio del Pollaiuolo (C) Parmigianino (D) Francisco Goya


The objects in the work on the right contain references to: (A) the transience of life (B) ancient Roman ritual (C) table manners (D) paganism


The painting by Mondrian on the left is an example of the style known as: (A) Minimalism (B) Cubism (C) De Stijl (D) Suprematism


The painting exhibits all of the following characteristics EXCEPT: A. Hierarchical scale B. Graphic representation of horror and despair C. A sense of immediacy and drama D. Use of sharply contrasting light and shade.


The painting is best characterized by: A. One-point perspective B. Pyramidal composition C. Allover lighting D. Large, flat areas of color


The painting is most closely associated with which of the following art historical periods? A. Mannerism B. Baroque and Rococo C. Neoclassicism and Romanticism D. Realism


The painting on the left is by: (A) Monet (B) Degas (C) Manet (D) Renoir


The painting on the left is most concerned with: (A) atmospheric perspective (B) transitory light effects (C) pyramidal composition (D) the abstraction of the human form


The painting on the left tells a story by: (A) concealing the narrative beneath hidden symbols (B) using continuous narration (C) combining classical and Biblical textual sources (D) creating the scene as an otherworldly vision


The painting on the left was: (A) solely about art for art's sake (B) a description of war (C) meant to reflect universal truths (D) intended as a textile design


The painting on the right is based on the color theories of: (A) Chevreul (B) Daumier (C) Botticelli (D) Leonardo


The painting on the right is by: (A) Auguste Renoir (B) Camille Pissarro (C) Claude Monet (D) Edouard Manet


The painting on the right is by: (A) Cézanne (B) Signac (C) Seurat (D) Renoir


The painting on the right is by: (A) Willem De Kooning (B) Louise Nevelson (C) Jasper Johns (D) Mark Rothko


The painting on the right is generally classified as: (A) Op Art (B) Abstract Expressionism (C) Surrealism (D) Cubism


The painting on the right shocked the public at the: (A) Academy Salon, Paris (B) Salon des Refusés, Paris (C) Paris International Exhibition (D) Armory Show, New York City


The painting on the right takes its theme from: (A) the pastoral paradise from Giorgione to Watteau (B) the Garden of Eden from Masaccio to Dürer (C) bathing scenes from Matisse to Picasso (D) mythological allegories from Moreau to Redon


The painting was done in the: A. 1680's B. 1710's C. 1780's D. 1810's


The plan of San Vitale differs from that of the Pantheon by the inclusion of a: (A) crypt (B) narthex (C) transept (D) westwork


The plan of San Vitale is most similar to which of the following? (A) Sant' Apollinare in Classe (B) Old Saint Peter' s (C) Hagia Sophia (D) The Basilica of Constantine


The process used to produce this sculpture is: (A) additive (B) subtractive (C) assemblage (D) modeling


The sculptor whose work was most influenced by the work shown was: (A) Claus Sluter (B) Ghiberti (C) Michelangelo (D) Donatello


The sculpture does all of the following EXCEPT: (A) actively engage the surrounding space (B) exhibit classical repose (C) utilize negative space (D) express highly emotional content


The sculpture is attributed to: (A) Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus (B) Ergotimos and Kleitias of Athens (C) Praxiteles of Athens (D) Hagesandros, Polydoros, and Athanadoros of Rhodes


The style of both works can be said to be based on: (A) specific events (B) careful observation (C) luxury objects (D) symbolism


The style of the work on the left is: (A) Orientalizing (B) calligraphic (C) Geometric (D) Classical


The style of the work on the left relates it to which century B.C.E.? (A) Eighth (B) Seventh (C) Sixth (D) Fifth


The style of the work on the right relates it to which century B.C.E.? (A) Eighth (B) Seventh (C) Sixth (D) Fifth


The stylistic period of the work is: (A) Late Gothic (B) Renaissance (C) Mannerism (D) Baroque


The two figures on the left reflect the impact of: A. the French court style B. Vase painting C. Renaissance naturalism D. Mannerism


The two figures on the right reflect the influence of which of the following earlier styles? A. Archaic Greek B. Islamic C. Roman D. Byzantine


The work dates from the: A. 1910's B. 1940's C. 1960's D. 1990's


The work exemplifies an important trend in twentieth-century art generally referred to as: A. Formalism B. Regionalism C. Classicism D. Surrealism


The work is made of: A. Bronze B. Steel C. Silver D. Wood


The work on the left can best be characterized as: (A) encaustic (B) tempera on wood (C) a fresco (D) a screen print


The work on the left was found in: (A) an ancient Greek temple (B) an ancient Roman home (C) a Neoclassical English home (D) a Palladian villa


The work on the left was most likely influenced by: (A) Gothic manuscripts (B) Attic vase painting (C) Baroque ceiling frescoes (D) Hellenistic Greek painting


The work on the right does which of the following? (A) Depicts a legislative event. (B) Depicts a domestic event. (C) Uses realistic scale. (D) Expresses intense emotion.


The work on the right is a typical example of a still life from: (A) Renaissance Germany (B) Renaissance Italy (C) Baroque Holland (D) Neoclassical France


The work on the right is among the first works to: (A) respond to the concerns of the Counter- Reformation (B) use tenebrism to heighten the dramatic expression (C) mark Rome as an artistic center during the Renaissance (D) be challenged by the Council of Trent for impropriety


The work on the right is by: A. Jan van Eyck B. Hugo van der Goes C. Titian D. Giorgione


The work on the right is distinguished from the work on the left in that it: (A) incorporates utilitarian objects (B) models form with light and shade (C) is painted in oil (D) is a still life


The work on the right makes use of: A. Disguised symbolism B. Mythological subject matter C. Neoplatonic philosophy D. Medieval heraldry


The work on the right was made for: A. A Dutch burgher B. An Italian banker C. A Venetian Doge D. A Holy Roman emperor


The work on the right was painted by: (A) Perugino (B) Masaccio (C) Bellini (D) Raphael


The work on the right was painted to support the authority of: (A) the ruling elite of Florence (B) a monastic order (C) a militia company (D) the popes


The work was painted about the same time as: (A) Piero della Francesca's Legend of the True Cross (B) Jan van Eyck' s Ghent Altarpiece (C) Rembrandt's Nightwatch (D) Dürer' s Four Apostles


The works of this artist had a strong influence on which of the following movements? A. Cubism B. Surrealism C. Pop Art D. Minimalism


These buildings date to the: A. Sixth-century B.C.E. B. Fifth-century B.C.E. C. Fourth-century B.C.E. D. Third-century B.C.E.


These sculptures are from which of the following art historical periods? A. Early Christian B. Romanesque C. Gothic D. Baroque


They are part of the decoration of a: A. Cathedral B. City Hall C. Theater D. Palace


This painting shows an event from: A. The artist's own times B. The Bible C. Ancient history D. Classical mythology


Unlike a Roman basilica, the interior of the church has: A. Alternating piers and columns B. A central vault C. Apses D. Clerestory fenestration


Unlike most Early Christian basilicas, the church has: A. A hypostyle hall B. A flat ceiling C. Low side aisles D. Double transepts


Unlike the nude in the painting on the right, the nude on the left reflects contemporary concerns with: (A) the exotic (B) genre types (C) allegorical figures (D) Parisian life


What is the subject of the two figures on the left? A. Lamentation B. Flight into Egypt C. Annunciation D. Adoration


What is this building called? A. Temple of Fortuna Virilis B. Erechtheion C. Ara Pacis D. Temple of Athena Nike


When sculptural figures take the place of columns in similar architectural structures, they are called: A. Flutes B. Caryatids C. Jamb figures D. Triglyphs


Which of the following art historical periods did NOT influence San Vitale? (A) Roman (B) Byzantine (C) Early Christian (D) Romanesque


Which of the following designed this building? A. Iktinos and Kallikrates B. Mnesikles and Hippodamus C. Isidorus of Miletus D. Anthemius of Tralles


Which of the following is an innovative feature of these four figures? A. They are part of a decorative program B. They represent biblical characters C. They portray French royalty D. They are nearly freestanding


Which of the following narratives is illustrated by the sculpture? (A) The punishment of Prometheus (B) The twelve labors of Hercules (C) The death of a Trojan priest (D) The expulsion of snakes from Delphi


Which of the following terms best describes the content of the painting? (A) Deposition (B) Lamentation (C) Sacra conversazione (D) Piéta

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