AS219 Final

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What nutrient is not considered an essential nutrient?


What are the three nutrients that provide energy to the animal?

Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats

During amino acid oxidation, what entered the TCA cycle?

Carbon skeleton

Brush border enzymes are responsible for digesting (breaking down) what type of compounds?


What is the correct order of the regions in the small intestine?

duodenum, jejunum, ileum

What is coprophagy and why do some animals practice it?

- When a species eats their own feces - Nutrients could be lost in the feces so they consume it again to get all nutrients

Explain the difference between essential and non-essential nutrients


Ruminant animal's saliva contains bicarbonate, how does bicarbonate change the pH?


What nutrient is not directly or indirectly measured in proximate analysis?


Why are carbohydrates the predominant source of energy in livestock diets?


Why are ruminant animal's diets not balanced on amino acids?


Malnutrition is ________________ that causes measurable adverse effects on body function and clinical outcome:


What factor does the ruminant animal not provide for the microbe?


What is one factor that influences the rate of starch digestion in the small intestine?


Whta digestion process occurs in the large intestine of the horse?


From the list below, which one is not directly measured from eh proximate analysis?


What are the end products produced by microbes in the rumen that must be removed to maintain a healthy rumen enviroment? Provide 5 of the 6 end products.

1. CO2 2. CH4 3. Butyrate 4. Propionate 5. Maltriose

What are the three fates of protein in the rumen?

1. Undegradable (RUP) by microbes passes unchanged to abomasum 2. Deaminated & used to produce new microbial protein 3. Unused NH4 recycled or passed to urine

In glycolysis, glucose is converted to what?

2 pyruvates

Overall, about ______% of the worlds land area is not suitable fro tillage.


What is a proenzyme and how does it become an enzyme?

A proenzyme is an enzyme that hasn't been activated yet. It becomes an enzyme by connecting with the product that activates it.

Glucose catabolism yields _______?


Too much heat changes site of protein digestion to _________ in ruminant animals?

Abomasum and small intestine

What are the primary volatile fatty acids produced by the microbes?

Acetate, butyrate, and propionate

What is the purpose of the reticular groove (esophageal groove)?

Allow milk to bypass the rumen in newborn goats

What of these metabolic systems is no important to carbohydrate metabolism?

Amino Acid Oxidation

What is the primary enzyme used to digest CHO in the form of starch in the small intestine of ruminants?


The Cory cycle is part of what metabolic system? `

Anaerobic respiration

Why does gluconeogenesis not occur when the monogastric animal in is fed state?

Animals are absorbing glucose from the small intestine in the fed state

Why are first limiting amino acids only essential amino acids?

Animals commit synthesize them

What is the lowest nutrient composition in the body?

Ash (mineral)

What is a reason that proteins are considered an expensive energy source?

Because converting amine groups into urea takes ATP

Cellulose is a polymer of glucose molecule in _____ 1,4 glycosidic bonds.


Microbes utilize what enzyme to breakdown (digest) cellulose?


A chicken's ration is formulated to include 75% lysine, 90% tryptophan, and 80% methionine. How would growth be influenced?

Chickens would grow at 75% of expected performance.

What country produces the most pork?


What is the purpose of rennin?

Clot milk in the stomach

What is the first milk called hat contains immunoglobulins?


Define nutrition

Consuming nutrients/feeds and using it to grow, reproduce, heal, and/or create product

What are the two proximate analyses that measure carbohydrates?

Crude fiber and nitrogen free extract

The Kjeldahl proximate analysis allows the calculation (indirectly measures) of?

Crude protein

What management strategies are not used to shift VFA production to propionate?

Decrease amount of fat in diet

Water content of the body ___________ as the animal reaches maturity.


What effect does high moisture (water) diets have on water consumed through drinking?

Decreases amount of drinking water.

Why are there so many protein enzymes in the small intestine?

Each enzyme can only cleave at a specific amino acid

What is the reason there are so many different bacterial species groups in the rumen?

Each species can digest only specific substances

What is the primary protein type of digestion in the small intestine?


What is the primary protein type of digestion in the stomach of abomasum?


What is the different between passive and simple diffusion and passive facilitated diffusion?

Facilitated diffusion requires a specific channel for nutrients to pass through

All herbivores have pre-gastric fermentation.


Anaerobic respiration is more efficient than aerobic respiration of obtaining energy from the oxidation of glucose.


Brazil does not include corn in swine diets, it is replace with wheat bran.


Carbohydrates are composed of Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen and supply energy in livestock diets.


If water is safe for livestock, it is ALWAYS safe for human consumption..


Lactic acidosis is caused by feeding a high fiber diet.


Lignin can be digested by microbes.


Pancreatic amylase is able to cleave alpha 1,6 glycosidic bonds.


The US population consumes less park than Brazil.


The ruminant animal produces cellulase.


What is no t a precursor to make glucoses thorough gluconeogenesis?

Fatty Acids

What are the compounds/substrates that are availble for digestion in the stomach of a monogastric animal?> ?

Feed protein

What is not a reason fro having surplus amino acids in the body?

Feeding to meet the animal's requirements

What is he end product of protein digestion that is absorbed into the blood from the small intestine?

Free amino acids

What are two organs associated with the gastrointestinal tract?

Gallbladder and pancreas

What metabolic system uses the most energy (ATP)?

Gluconeogensis to make glucose

How is glucose stored in the body? Hint: it is stored in the liver and muscle


Explain glycolysis.

Glycolysis is digesting the glucose to create pyruvate and energy for the body to break down.

Describe indirect nutrient transfer

Grain/Beans - fed to animals - animals transfer/convert to meat/milk - meat/milk is consumed by humans

Select the correct statement.

Heteropolysaccharides are comprised of different monosaccharides (sugars).

What species secretes bile directly into the small intestine?


What is the reaction called that breaks down (digests) disaccharides?


Why is standardized ileal digestibility used for mono gastric animals of total tract amino acid digestibility?

It is easier to measure the amount of amino acids.

What is the condition called when glucose synthesis cannot supply enough glucose for brain function and lactose production?


What enzyme is needed for newborn survival?


During anaerobic conditions, pyruvate is converted to ______?


Digestibility of proteins measures the difference between intake proteins and proteins at the end of _______?

Large Intestine

Where does gluconeogenesis occur in the animal?


What is the correct order of hierarchy of nutrients use?

Maintenance, Lactation, fattening

How is protein absorbed from the large intestine?

Microbial crude protein is not absorbed, ends in feces

In what part of the call do TCA and oxidative phosphorylation occur?


Why is feed analysis different between ruminant and monogastrics?

Monogastric's diets are balanced on amino acids

What is the primary end-product and site of absorption of CHO for monogastrics excluding horses?

Monosaccharides and small intestine

What is one reason that swine facilities are located in the southern regions of Brazil?

More desirable temperature for raising swine

What is transported from the TCA to the Oxidative phosphorylation metallic system that yields ATP?


What nutrient analysis (currently used on forages) provides an estimate of voluntary intake?

Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF)

What element is found in protein but not carbohydrates?


The proximate analysis that include carbohydrates are:

Nitrogen free extract and crude fiber

How are amino acids classified as groups?

Number of carbons

What metabolic system produces the most energy (ATP)?

Oxidative phosphorylation

What organ produces amylase?


What is the primary structure in a ruminant's stomach that absorbs VFA?


The two types of absorption of monosaccharides are...

Passive facilitated diffusion and active transport

Phenylalanine Valine Threonine Methionine Trytophan Arginine Lysine Leucine Isoleucine Histidine

Phe Val Thr Met Trp Arg Lys Leu Ile His

Farrowing facilities (crates) are similar between US and Brazil pork operations: however, Brazilian's farrowing crates have wood nests. What is the purpose of the wood nest?

Piglet to keep warm

How is protein status of an animal measured?

Plasma urea nitrogen

What compound/precursor is the primary item used in ruminant animals during the fed state?


Define nutrient

Provides nourishment essential for growth and maintenance

What type of true protein should be fed with a high starch (concentrate) diet?


What are the four phases of rumination in cattle?

Regurgitation, Remastication, resalivation, redeglutition

Within the Hofmann's ruminant classification system, what group spends the most time consuming forage?

Roughage Feeders or Grazers

Volatile Fatty Acids can be absorbed where within the gastrointestinal tract?

Rumen and Large Intestine

What does RUP stand for?

Rumen undegradable protein

What is one reason that ruminants produce more saliva than monogastrics?

Saliva is used to help balance the pH and feed the microbes in the rumen.

The majority of absorption occurs in the region of the gastrointestinal tract for swine?

Small intestine

Describe the "best" feeding system to transform the non-functional rumen of a newborn into a functional rumen

Start with milk, then add hay to the ration. Add grain last

What physiological process(es)/function(s) do not require glucose?

They all need glucose

How does the size of a horse stomach impact their eating habits?

They should have 5-10 small meals a day.

Following a period of exercise which caused anaerobic respiration why should horses be cooled down and slowly exercised?

To avoid lactic acid buildup

Explain what happens in transcription and translation during protein synthesis?

Transcription - mRNA is formed from unwanted double strand DNA in nucleus unwinds Translation - tRNA, mRNA attracts tRNA carrying amino acids

What are the two processes of protein synthesis?

Translation and transcription

What enzymes is responsible for activating most of the protein enzymes in the small intestine?


Select the factor that did not regulate digestive enzyme activity.

Type of feed consumed.

List two ways animal close water.

Urine and sweat glands

What structure in the small intestine increases the surface area for absorption?


What is the primary method marine fish attain water?

Water associated with the diet (feed/food)

Demand for animal protein is increasing due to:

World population and economic growth increasing

Starch is a polymer of glucose molecules in arrangement of ________ 1,4 glycosidic bonds.


How is urea recycled in the ruminant animal?

ammonia absorbed in rumen, transported to liver via blood, liver converts ammonia to urea, urea transported to saliva and saliva returned urea to rumen

Where in the cell does glycolysis occur and is oxygen present or not?

cytoplasm with no oxygen

When forage quality is improved, how is rumination influenced?

less time and energy used for rumination

What structure in the small intestine is the primary abosorptive cell?


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