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The second human diaspora, when humans colonized much of the planet, including Australia, and the Americas, occurred when?

10-50 kya

When do biologically modern humans appear in the archaeological record?

200 kya

Agriculture has changed the environment by causing

A Deforestation B Erosion C Loss of species diversity ALL OF THE ABOVE

A social archaeologist, such as Dr. Smith, would be most interested in:

A commoner's house

Which of the following technologies were widespread among Homo Sapiens during the last glaciation?

A. Control of fire B. Specialized weapons C. Built shelters ALL OF THE ABOVE

The goals of archaeology include:

A. Discovering evidence of the human past B. Reconstructing cultural history around the world C. Reconstructing past lives and societies ALL OF THE ABOVE !!

Archaeological theories

A. Explain and describe the past B. Provide a broad explanatory framework for material evidence C. Are based on existing evidence and research ALL OF ABOVE

The centers of Maya cities usually included:

A. Plazas B. Temple pyramids C. Palaces D. Ballcourts E. ALL OF THE ABOVE

Who was left after the Maya collapse?

A. Puuc Maya culture in the Yucatan B. Highland Maya communities C. Villages on the edge of the Southern Maya Lowlands D. ALL OF THE ABOVE

Ohio Hopewell people

A. Were fairly mobile year to year B. Lived in small, dispersed hamlets C. Were agriculturalists ALL OF THE ABOVE

What tool tradition, featuring standardized bifaces, was produced by Homo erectus?


You are an archaeologist on a team excavating an ancient site. You find evidence of elite and commoner classes, large public buildings, and a group of people who earned their living making pottery. This evidence suggests the site was____

An early state-level society

Environments and ecosystems that have been heavily impacted or even created by human activity are generally called


The earliest ceramics in the world are found in


Chaco persisted as a political entity influencing a smaller region after moving to:


Periodic markets in the Hohokam area are thought to follow:

Ballgames at ballcourt structures

The beginning of the Neolithic coincides with the end of the Younger Dryas, which was a short period of


Anthropologists argue that construction of Hopewell mounds

Created a stronger sense of community

Differences in oxidation between the core of a pot sherd, and the exterior of that sherd allow archaeologists to infer:

Duration of firing

Which of the following did NOT contribute to the Maya collapse?

Epidemic disease

When making ceramics, clay does not need to be processed after it is harvested from the clay source.


Which of the following is an example of a low-density tropical city?

Great Zimbabwe

Typically, domesticated plants differ from their wild relatives in that domesticated plants:

Have larger and/or more fruits Have impaired seed-dispersal mechanisms that allow humans to harvest their fruits Require humans to help them reproduce ALL OF THE ABOVE

Scholars debate whether the Mayan site of Tikal qualifies as a real city because:

It had very low population density

Of the following, what were the two main challenges people had to overcome in colonizing the Americas?

Living in subarctic environments and traveling from Alaska to the rest of the American continents

Hohokam can be considered a major civilization because it had

None of the above--the Hohokam were not such a civilization

The earliest states that developed through local processes are called

Primary States

____ is the location of an artifact in an archaeological site.


Hohokam ceramics were sourced by

Studying thin sections and using the microprobe

You are an archaeologist excavating a site and you find an artifact of a type you've never seen before. Which method would NOT help you figure out what the artifact was used for in the past?


Mohenjo-daro, an Indus Valley culture, is unique among the state societies we covered in this module because:

The existence of social stratification is not clear given the evidence currently available.

The geology of the phoenix basin allowed for archaeologists to source pots produced in different areas. This allowed archaeologists to reconstruct

The movement of pots on the landscape and trade networks

The two major hypotheses explaining the origins of modern humans are

The multiregional model vs the out-of-Africa model

The idea that pre-contact groups in the New World did not change their environment is termed:

The pristine myth

Phytoliths are plentiful in the archaeological record because:

They are made of silica and resist decay

Archaeology applies scientific methods and theories to the material remains of past cultures to understand human behavior.


Where was the Anu Ziggurat located


Archaeologists that live in other cultures to learn about how artifacts are are made and used are called:


After the Urban Revolution, most societies have communal ownership of land, animals and other resources.


Aztec commoners, such as those at Cuexcomate and Capilco, were poor and oppressed.


Human sacrifice was the greatest concern and dictated all the activities of the average Aztec person.


People chose to practice agriculture because it afforded them more free time and a more regular supply of food.


Radiocarbon dating can date things that lived up to 500,000 years ago.


The Hohokam pottery economy was very simple; every site produced its own pottery and there was little trade.


The geographic area of the Hopewell culture is limited to modern day Mississippi


Tripartite Hopewell earthworks probably never took more than five years to complete


Flotation of archaeological sediments is aimed towards the recovery of:

human remains

Archaeology without excavation

is a hypothesis

Four methods for chronometrically dating the past are Potassium-Argon dating, Radio Carbon dating, Historical documents, and

lithics ... or survey.. probably lithics

A practice that is sustainable when the local scale is taken into consideration, may not necessarily be sustainable at the global scale


A preexisting civil war among the Inka made things much easier for the Spanish conquerors.


Evidence presented suggests that the Tiwanaku Empire expanded as far San Pedro Atacama in modern Chile


Human evolution is not a straight line but rather has many evolutionary dead ends and branches.


Stratigraphy is a relative chronology method where objects are dated in relation to each other by which layer with which they are associated.


The Egyptian state differed from those in Mesopotamia, in that it lacked a market economy


The advent of agriculture is associated with an increase in dental caries (cavities) in skeletal remains.


The archaeological remains of bands and tribes are generally more difficult to find than that of chiefdoms and states.


The hominins that exited Africa during the first out of Africa migration were anatomically modern humans.


When an archaeologist attempts to find sites with a conservation goal in mind, s/he is trying to identify the potential damage of a proposed project by finding any archaeological sites in its path.


The Andean practice of sending out satellite communities to collect resources from other ecological zones in order to maintain self-sufficiency is called:


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