Avid Book 1 Exam

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Apply the stabilize effect (Filters>image>stablize) in the effect palette onto the desired segment. After the clip is analyzed, toggle off the SteadyGlide button. This way, the clip will only move left to right to allow for a horizontal pan while eliminating and up/down movement to eliminate vertical wobbles.

How do you lock down a shot with the stabilize effect? Lesson 7

- Click the Avid Titler+ in the timeline toolbar (Looks like "T+") OR - Choose tools>avid titler+

How do you open Avid Titler+? Lesson 10

-Click the lift/overwrite button in the segment mode smart tool - Move the selected clip along the sequence and filler will remain in its place OR - Make in and outs around the segment - Keyboard short cut Z to lift segment

How do you remove a shot from the sequence and leave a gap/filler? Lesson 5


If you want to drag clips from the desktop to a Media Composer bin, and you want to link clips rather than import them, which modifier key must you press? Lesson 2

Create in and outs around the cuts you wish you have dissolves, select "apply to all transitions" in the quick transition dialog box, then select add

If you want to use the quick transition dialog box to apply multiple dissolves to a series of cut points, how do you identify the cuts to which the dissolves will be applied? Lesson 6

A is the last frame before the segment in the timeline is split at the edit point; D is the next consecutive frame of the segment in the timeline that was spit at the edit point

In a four frame display, why do images A and D look identical? What type of edit is being performed? Lesson 4

Movie settings

In which dialog box can you change the codec used to export the video? Lesson 11

[media drive]\Avid MediaFiles\MXF\1

In which folder are the media database files found? Include the full directory path Lesson 12


In which menu can you find the export command? Lesson 11

No - Real time effects have a green dot on their effect icons. FluidMorph has a blue dot, indicating it is not a real time effect and has to be rendered. - The effect requires rendering in order to view it

Is FluidMorph a real-time effect? What are two ways to determine this? Lesson 7

Expanded nesting view allows you to see the sequence and nest contents simultaneously. This allows you to listen to audio and access all material in the sequence before and after the effect nest you are working with. Additionally, the video monitor is always positioned at the top of the nest and cannot travel into the nest. That way, you can edit the contents of the nest but still see the composite of all effects within the nest.

What is an advantage of expanded nesting? Lesson 8

As you travel down inside a nest, the video track monitor travels with you, enabling you to view the effects in isolation from the effects above them.

What is an advantage of simple nesting? Lesson 8

Filler refers to what appears to be empty space in the timeline. It is derived from the blank celluloid film used to keep picture and sound tracks in sync whenever there was a temporary gap in one or the other during the edit process. You can add edits, trim, apply effects to it and more.

What is filler? Lesson 3


What is it called when you add an effect on top of another? Lesson 8

Media; avid can recreate the metadata, not the actual media files

What is more valuable in a project - the media or the metadata? Lesson 12

Using the Audio Mixer

What is one method or shortcut to adjust the clip gain in the timeline besides dragging the mini fader? Lesson 4

When making an edit, you should enable all the tracks for which you need to maintain sync

What is one way to ensure you maintain sync when editing segments into a sequence? Lesson 3

Copy of your bins

What is saved during an auto save? Lesson 1

Sync lock locks the sync relationship between the audio and video on any tracks for which it is enabled. To enable it, click the sync lock button (a small black diagonal line that is adjacent to the track names) on each track you want to lock together. Additionally, you can click the master sync lock button next to the TC1 track to lock all tracks

What is sync lock? How can you enable/disable it? Lesson 5

Since the ripple trim tool moves all downstream material in a track, you can break sync of the downstream material.

What is the danger of performing an edit with the ripple trim tool? Lesson 5

Unlike a standard quicktime movie file, a quicktime reference file is an empty container that holds no media of its own. Instead it references the original media files used by media composer. They re useful for passing video information between applications on the same system.

What is the difference between a quicktime movie file and a quicktime reference file? Lesson 11

When you link to media, media composer does not create new media, but simply creates a clip in the bin and establishes the connection to the original media file you choose. When you import media, media composer creates new media files by copying the original media and placing a master clip in the bin, with a link between it and the media copies.

What is the difference between linking and importing media? Lesson 2

Lift removes material from the Timeline, leaving filler in it's place. Extract removes material from Timeline and closes the gap left by its removal.

What is the difference between the Lift function and the Extract function? When might you use one or the other? Lesson 3

To construct a full assembly of the scene or video that focuses on the story structure with understanding that there are many details to yet to be polished

What is the principal goal of a rough cut? Lesson 3

Command Z

What is the shortcut for undo? Lesson 5

-Play clips or sequences forward or reverse at normal speeds -Play clips or sequences forward or reverse at faster than normal speed -Play clips or sequences forward or reverse at slower than normal speed -Play clips forward or reverse, one frame at a time

What is the value of using the J-K-L keys to control playback? Lesson 2

Deselect the audio tracks in the quick transition window

What must you do to ensure a quick transition is added only to a video cut point and not to an audio cut point? Lesson 6

Project window

Which window serves as the central hub of your project? Lesson 1

You can decrease the size of the waveform, by select the track(s) to adjust (using the Track Selectors) > Command+Opt+L (to enlarge) OR Command+Opt+K (to decrease size)

Your waveforms are indiscernible, how can you create more definition in the waveform? Lesson 3


True or False: The transition corner display shows the first, middle and last frames of the A-side and B-side of the transition. Lesson 6


True or False: When linking media, you can remove the original source drive or camera card containing the media and you media will remain online Lesson 2


True or false: Dragging a transition from the effect palette onto an existing transition in the timeline replaces the existing transition. Lesson 6


True or false: To save an effect template, you drag the effect icon from the upper corner of the effect editor into the effect palette. Lesson 6

False; You can always delete a master clip without its associated media files, just don't select that option.

True or false: if you delete a master clip using the media tool, you delete the media files Lesson 12

False, when you import media, media composer creates new media files by copying the original media and placing a master clip in the bin, with a link between it and the media copies

True or false: the master clip in your bin contains the actual video and audio media Lesson 12

Digital audio scrub plays the digital audio samples associated with each frame as you move the position indicator through the sequence. To enable it, shift drag through the timeline to temporarily activate it, or map the toggle digital audio scrub button from the play tab of the command palette to a blank button in the timeline window bar.

What is Digital Audio Scrub? How do you enable it? Lesson 4

A container file that holds the assets in your project. Named after the physical container used to hang celluloid film in an editing room.

What is a bin? Lesson 1

Handle is the unused portion of the master clip. When adding a transition, it is important to have enough handle on the A and B side of a cut to ensure it has enough material to create the transition.

What is a handle? Why is it important in the context of edits? Lesson 6

A match-frame edit is created by the add edit function. To remove them, -select the racks with the match-frame edit - mark in and outs around the area with the match frame edits you want to remove - choose timeline>remove match-frame edits

What is a match frame edit? How do you remove one or more of them? Lesson 5

Click on and off the green enable buttons for active parameters in the effect editor. Since the parameter group's settings are retained, they can be re-enabled at any time.

After a clip is stabilized, how do you compare the stabilized version with the original video? Lesson 7

Once you decide the parameters you would like for your export, click ok to close the movie settings dialog box; once back to the export settings dialog box, click the save as button at the bottom of the export settings window to save the settings as a tempalte.

Describe the process to create a new export template. Lesson 11


How are freeze frames created? a. They are generated from a source clip b. They are applied to a clip in the sequence Lesson 9


How are motion effects created? a. They are generated from a source clip b. They are applied to a clip in the sequence Lesson 9

Windows > Workspaces > Save Current

How can you save changes to a workspace? Lesson 1

Save work manually: Command+Shift+9 (select bin container) Command+S (Save) If you quit Avid, it will automatically save you work.

How can you save your work? Lesson 2

Open the track control panel by clicking hte disclosure triangle next to the green timecode display, click the waveform button in the track control panel for the tracks you want to display audio waveforms. To activate all waveforms simultaneously, hold ALT and press any waveform key

How can you view the audio waveforms of your source material? Lesson 3

Timeline>New>Video Track (or short cut Y) This allows you to add the title over part of a segment or across multiple segments rather than on a single segment in the timeline. This also means you can easily decide when the title appears and disappears in the sequence.

How do you add a video track to the Timeline? What advantage does this offer when adding titles? Lesson 10

Alt+drag the effect on top of the segment

How do you add an effect to a clip in the timeline on top of an existing effect? Lesson 8

Enter effect mode, select the segments in the timeline to which you want to apply a segment effect, and double click the segment effect in the effect palette.

How do you apply an effect to multiple segments? Lesson 7

Right click the segment mode drop-down menu and click the check box next to the red arrow

How do you change the default Segment Mode tool for when you drag a clip from the Source monitor to the timeline? Lesson 4

While the position indicator is on the desired segment with its track selected, enter effect mode and in the effect editor, drag an effect icon up or down to change its position in the nest

How do you change the order of effects within a nest? Lesson 8

-With both bins open, drag the tab with the name of the first window and release it onto the "eligible edges" (they will be highlighted) of the other bin -With no bins open, select the bins in the Project window, right-click, and choose Open Bins in One Window

How do you combine one open bin with another open bin? Lesson 1

Select the text, then add a drop shadow by using the drop shadow parameter in the avid titler+ tool

How do you create a drop shadow on you text? Lesson 10

Select the keyframe, delete button.

How do you delete a keyframe? Lesson 7

Click the S adjacent to the audio track name (A1) This will allow you to only listen to the selected audio track

How do you enable the Solo option on an audio track? What is the result? Lesson 4


How many marks are required to create a fit to fill motion effect? Lesson 9

Only make an out point on the source clip

How would you mark a source clip so it is back-timed from its OUT point when edited between marks in a sequence? Lesson 3

Two options: - Fader in clip gain: Click the mini fader button in the corner of the segment you want to adjust, a pop up fader window will appear. Click and drag the fader to adjust the level -Audio Mixer - Can be found in tools, drag the fader up and down while timeline is positioned on the clip you wish to affect

If the music in a sequence is too loud, how can you lower the volume of just the music? Lesson 4


Some of your media is offline. Which of the following is a good troubleshooting step? a. delete the master clip b. delete the mxf folder c. delete the database files d. delete the sequence Lesson 12

When you first hit the delete key, you delete any changes you made to the audio segment such as clip gain. The second time will delete the actual segment.

Suppose you try to remove an audio segment from the sequence using either the yellow or red segment mode tool. The first time you press the delete key, the segment remains in place. The second time, the segment is removed as expected. Why? Lesson 5

A + E

Suppose your sequence contains audio but the quicktime movie you just exported does not. Which two settings in the export setting dialog box could have caused this? a. Used Selected tracks checkbox b. video compression c. audio bit depth d. frame size e. video only option button Lesson 11

Illusion FX

Under what category is the FluidMorph effect located in the effect palette? Lesson 7

To maintain the aspect ratio, use the control handle in the upper-right corner on the outline of the image while scaling the resize.

Using a Resize effect, how can you scale a clip in the Effect Preview monitor but maintain the aspect ratio? Lesson 7

- I(in) O(out) - E(in) R(out) -T select in/out around clip

What are the default keys for marking IN and OUT marks? Lesson 2


What are the first three letters of the media database files? Lesson 12

Interface (file > settings > user > interface)

Which setting allows you to change the look of your interface? Lesson 1

- Duplicated field - Intended for offline use only, as it does not require rendering and therefore produces a lower quality image because it drops on field of the image. - Both fields - Good for shots without interfield motion, for progressive video, and for still shots. When using this option on interlaced footage, you should use evenly divisible frame rates. - interpolated field - Used with interlaced video containing motion, this method calculates the motion effect at the field level rather than the frame level by deleting the second field and creating a new field by combining field line pairs from the first field. - VTR-style - This method calculates the motion effect at the field level rather than frame level by shifting field information by a full scan line. This creates vey smooth motion effects with minimum reduction in detail. Slow motion may however be noticeable.

What are the four types of processing methods available for creating motion effects? When should you use each one? Lesson 9

if you choose Extract/Splice-in (the yellow tool) you will shuffle everything in the Timeline forward, you won't have a gray space to overwrite your segment to. And you should not necessary remove the segment you are dragging to as you are overwriting it. Make sure Red Segment mode is selected You need to select your tracks first in the Source Window (so you control what is being dragged and dropped. Then drag the clip with the appropriate tracks selected to the spot on the TL.

What are the steps to overwrite a segment to the timeline using drag and drop? Lesson 4

-Click the lift/overwrite button in the segment mode smart tool - Move the selected clip along the sequence - Filler will remain in its place

What are the steps to remove a segment from a sequence using lift/overwrite segment mode tool? What is the result? Lesson 5

Place the position indicator on the titler+ effect on the segment in the timeline with the track selector on for that track. Then, you can do one of the following: - Enter effect mode by clicking on the button in the timeline toolbar to open the effect editor. After the effect editor opens, click the titler+ button to open the avid titler+ window - click effects in the workspace to open the effects workspace which contains the effect editor. Then click the titler+ button to open the avid titler+ window - select the segment in the timeline and click the avid titler+ button in the timeline toolbar to open the effect editor and the avid titler+ window

What are the steps to revise a title? Lesson 10

- The Composer window - The Timeline window -The Bin Container window

What are the three principle workflows of the Avid interface? Lesson 1

Motion effects Freeze frames Timewarp

What are the three types of motion effects? Lesson 9

- Under settings, click user, click the user profile drop down menu, choose create user profile - Launch media composer and when the select project screen appears, click "user profile menu" and select "Create user profile" and enter name

What are the two ways to create your own user profile? Lesson 1

- The media file folders were moved or renamed - The files were deleted, either intentionally or accidentally - The drive is turned off or disconnected - Files are corrupted -Worst of all, the drive has crashed

What are three reasons media can be offline? Lesson 12

- simple nesting view - while the position indicator is on the segment with its track selected, clip the step in button at the bottom of the timeline window - expanded nesting view - while the position indicator is on the segment with its track selected, alt-click the step in button

What are two different ways to view the effects inside a nest? Lesson 8

- Command Y (video) Command U (audio) - Drag audio/video segments above or below the existing tracks

What are two ways to add audio or video tracks to a sequence? Lesson 4

- Drag - Double-click

What are two ways to load a clip in a source monitor? Lesson 2

The reduce button reduces the size of the viewing area in the effect preview monitor, making it easier to work outside the boundaries of the visible frame. The enlarge button zooms in.

What do the Enlarge and Reduce buttons do in the Effect Preview monitor Lesson 7?

If you select these functions with the timeline or record monitor active, the position indicator will jump forward or backward from edit to edit, respectively. You can find these buttons in the toolbar under the record monitor. By default, these buttons respond to the track selection, stopping only at edit points that appear on all active tracks. You can make it stop at every edit mark on all tracks by opening composer settings, click move tab, click ignore track selectors.

What do the Go to Previous Event and Go to Next Event functions do? Lesson 3

If avid can't find the corresponding media file on any drive, it flags the clip as media offline.

What does media offline mean? Lesson 12


What function is associated with the space bar by default? Lesson 2

Transition Manipulation Tool

What function must you enable before you can drag within a transition effect in the timeline to change its duration or position? Lesson 6


What functions can be used to find the media for a clip? a. match frame b. find bin c. find d. reveal file Lesson 12

The ripple trim tool moves all downstream material in a track

What impact does ripple trim have on a track and/or sequence? Lesson 5

When you automatically patch tracks based on track activation. To patch tracks using auto-patching, display the tracks in the RECORD column of the track selector panel to which source tracks are currently patched. Then click the record track selection to enable the desired tracks. The source tracks will jump to the newly enable record tracks indicating the patch has occurred.

What is Auto-Patching? How does it work? Lesson 3

When both Segment Mode tools are selected, the default tool is effective regardless of whether the segment mode button is enabled to disabled; the default segment tool is active when the alternative segment mode tool is selected in segment mode but disabled

When the segment mode in the smart tool is half red and yellow, what determines the active tool while working in the timeline? Lesson 4

HSL Auto Contrast HSL Auto Balance Nothing

When using automatic color correction, what is the suggested order of corrections in HSL? Lesson 7 (exercise 7.3)

HSL Auto Balance HSL Auto Contrast Nothing

When using automatic color correction, what is the suggested order of corrections in curves? Lesson 7 (exercise 7.3)

On the camera manufacturer's website

Where can you get additional AMA plug-ins? Lesson 2

In the logged on users' Documents folder

Where does media composer store the project files for private projects? Lesson 1

Folder Browse Button

Which button in the Select Project dialogue box is used to navigate to the location of an external project? Lesson 1


Which button in the export setting dialog box must be selected before you can click the format options button? Lesson 11

The "T" button

Which button opens a tool in Avid Titler+ that enables you to add or edit text? Lesson 10

Scale from legal to full range

Which color levels option should you use when exporting a video for playback on a computer? Lesson 11

Relink; In the bin(s) with the files which lost their link, highlight the files and open the bin fast menu, choose select>offline items

Which function is useful to reconnect media files, and where is it found in the media composer interface? Lesson 12

Depending on the source footage format and action within the frame, you should choose accordingly. Using both fields is a good option for shots without interfield motion, such as static scenes with no movement. When there is interfield motion, there will be noticeable jitter due to the temporal differences between the two fields. This is the render type you should use when your source footage is progressive. Using interpolated field is good for shots with interfield motion because it deletes the second field and then combines scan line pairs from the first field to create a new second one.

Why is it important to set how the freeze frame processes the fields in interlaced footage? Lesson 9

It allows you to visually determine whether your audio is too hot or low, and it allows you to anticipate when the audio will begin or end

Why is it useful to see audio waveforms while editing? Lesson 4

When using the segment mode lift/overwrite tools, all other elements in the timeline stay locked in place while you edit specific elements. This allows you to stay in sync while editing.

Why is segment mode lift/overwrite well-suited for editing audio? Lesson 4

Since you don't want to have gaps in your video track, therefore, you want to work in Extract/Spice, but since audio is sometimes spread out (especially V.O.) using red allows you to drop in bits of audio and then move them with impunity. Obviously the caveat to this is sync dialog.

Why is the yellow segment mode more often well suited for video and the red for audio? Lesson 5

Splice in and Extract edits. Unlike overwrite and lift edits which maintain the integrity and duration of the sequence, splice in and extract edits cause a ripple effect by pushing clips over to the left/right which may cause your video elements to go out of sync if you are not applying your edits evenly to all necessary tracks.

With which editing function are you more likely to break sync? Why? - Splice-In - Overwrite - Lift - Extract Lesson 3

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