Ben Kinney Listing Presentation (Youtube Version)
What to do before going into a presentation
Figure out what your brand is, determine what personality you're dealing with to determine how to go about the presentation.
Let me talk to you about if you were gonna build a home. If you were going to build a home would you the same person do your concrete, your dirt work, your painting, your framework, the electrical, the plumbing, the decorating, your kitchen cabinets, your roof, the inspections..... or would you rather have the best person do each of those tasks?
In my experience there are 3 things that set our company apart from every other company in town.
The first thing is... we work as a team. Now in a normal real estate transaction we estimate that there are 180 individual tasks that need to be taken prior to even getting your home on the market.
Begin with:
[Name] I wanna thank you for giving our company an opportunity to talk to you about achieving your goal of selling your property for the most amount of money in the least amount of time. Before we get started I want to talk to you first about what sets us apart as an option for you and I know because 99 percent of the people that I meet with never interview an agent after me. You're gonna see that this is the most thorough process for selling homes out there, it's the most aggressive marketing plan that you've seen and we are the most consumer focused, consumer friendly customer service driven organization out there.