bible final

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After Moses sent twelve spies into Canaan to explore the people and the produce of the land, they reported upon their return that the land was very productive

but only two encouraged an attack

When Peter objected to Jesus's announcement that Jesus would be killed and raised to life, Jesus

called Peter "Satan"

During the reign of Solomon, he was famous for all but one of the following

carrying out many military campaigns

the proverb about fathers eating sour grapes and the children's teeth being set on edge was intended to teach that

children are punished for their father's sin

If it were true that the church forms the canon rather than that the canon forms the church, then the

church would have more authority than the canon

according to the theory of multiple authorship, Third Isaiah was written

close to 430 BC

according to the theory of multiple authorship, Second Isaiah was written

close to 540 BC

according to the theory of multiple authorship, First Isaiah was written

close to 700 BC

Mark's Gospel is characterized by the teaching of Jesus where he

combines his miracles with answering the frequent questions of his enemies

Daniel's prophecy about seventy "sevens" speaks of the

coming of the Messiah

David endangered his kingship by

committing adultery with Bathsheba, neglecting to punish Amnon for raping Tamar, forgiving Absalom for murdering Amnon

If the founding of Israel described in the first five books of the Bible is compared to the growth of a child in fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant, the book of Genesis fits the stage of

conception and gestation

By the time of Joshua's death, the invading Israelites had

conquered much, but not all, of Canaan

The three temptation of Jesus was to

convert stones to bread, jump off a high place, and worship Satan

Ezekiel showed that there would be a great distress in Judah by

cooking over excrement

According to Claus Westermann, the type of praise that recounts what God has done, and is the dominant praise in biblical psalms and in Luther's hymns is

declarative praise

The seven "I am" statements of Jesus in John's Gospel

define Jesus in picturesque language and remind us of the OT name of God, "I am"

God made a covenant on Mt. Sinai that he

delivered his people and they should obey him

The type of praise that relates who God is, and is the dominant praise in Babylonian psalms and contemporary hymns, is

descriptive praise

The Sadducees were those who

did not believe in the resurrection of the dead, angles, or rewards after death

When Nehemiah inspected the walls of Jerusalem upon his arrival, he

did so at night, in secret, on horseback

In very general terms, the book of Judges teaches that

disobedience brings defeat

Between the years of 900 BC and 700 BC, the Israelites were

divided as two nations, under kings from various families

According to Kugel, the idea of biblical poetry

does not include meter

The events of Elijah's life included his flight to Horeb, the test at Mt. Carmel, the drought, and the anointing of Elisha, in the order

drought, Mt. Carmel, Horeb, Elisha

the historical setting of the work and writing of the prophet Ezekiel is

during the early years of the Babylonian captivity

Jeremiah's prophetic ministry took place

during the last years of the kingdom of Judah

Most biblical wisdom literature was written

during the reign of Solomon

the biblical teaching about the authorship of the book of Daniel is that the book was written

during the time of Cyrus the Great

The death of Saul was followed immediately by

warfare between supporters of David and Saul

John the Baptist

was a relative of Jesus and promoted him at the beginning his public ministry

Ezekiel at the time of his call and throughout the period of his prophecy

was among the earlier exiles in Babylonia

Shortly before Isaac was born, Abraham

was circumcised with other males of him household

Job's confession of sin is particularly helpful to show that he

was more interested in God's mercy than in justice

The ark of the covenant

was the symbol of God'd presence


was under the authority of God's law & Samuel, offered burnt offerings without waiting for Samuel, did not utterly kill the Amalekites

When the Israelites crossed the Jordan River to enter the promised land, the

water stopped flowing, making dry ground

The river of life that flows from the throne of God and of the lamb

waters the tree of life that brings healing to the nations

Because many false prophets have gone out into the world, John says

we should test the spirits to see whether they are from God

The aftermath of defeat and captivity for the people of the northern kingdom (Israel) was that they

were scattered and never able to establish their nation again

A NT textbook written by a historically critic would most likely include the claim that the four gospels

were written by separate communities of believers to pass on their oral traditions about Jesus

Paul became a Christian

when Jesus appeared to him in a blinding flash of light

The main lesson that Paul learned from what he called "a thorn in my flesh" was that

when he was weak, then he was strong

Paul tells the Colossians should not let anyone judge them

when they break the ceremonial laws of the OT governing food and sacred days

Jesus said whoever wants to save his life

will lose it

Paul tells the Thessalonians that those who have fallen asleep

will rise from the dead when Christ returns

Paul teaches the Thessalonians that the man of lawlessness

will set himself up in God's temple

According to 1 Thess 4:13-18, those who are dead, having died in faith in Christ, are now

with Christ in their spirits while their bodies wait for the resurrection

King Xerxes' advisors urged him to depose Queen Vashti to uphold the principle that

wives should respect their husbands

Job called his friends

worthless physicians

The Abrahamic covenant was primarily about how Abraham

would have Jesus as a descendant

Peter says that believers who fall away from the faith

would have been better off never to have known the way of righteousness

If the founding of Israel described in the first five books of the Bible is compared to the growth of a child in fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant, the book of Deuteronomy fits the stage of


Given that words can have multiple meanings, the proper interpretation of the Old Testament prophecies

must always agree with the New Testament claims of fulfillment

Jesus said that whoever wants to be first

must be the last

To say that Script is inerrant is to say that Scripture

never teaches something that is untrue

Jesus called his twelve disciples from each of the following groups, as described in Luke

none of the answers are correct

If one examines the context and lets Scripture interpret Scripture, then the prophecy that God would send a prophet like Moses was fulfilled

not by John the Baptist, not by Joshua, by Jesus

God's law to the Israelites prescribed execution as the penalty for

numerous offenses, including cursing parents

In very general terms, the book of Joshua teaches that

obedience brings victory

the historical perspective of Isaiah tuns, with chapter 40, to the time

of deliverance of the Judeans from captivity

Moses grew up in a royal Egyptian household because

of his mothers desperate ploy to keep him alive

Hebrew poetry

often makes use of repetition of similar thoughts in different words

Mary, the mother of Jesus,

once complained about how Jesus treated her

In reading the New Testament, when deciding on how to understand an individual word, it is best to decide upon

one intended meaning which is signaled by the context

When Jesus was crucified

one of the two criminals crucified with him asked Jesus to remember him, and Jesus assured him of salvation

The interpreter should search for

only one intended sense

Of roughly sic hundred thousand men who left Egypt in the Exodus,

only two survived to enter Canaan

The historical psalms do not include the time in Israelite history when they

participated in Elijah's test on Mt. Carmel

When Ecclesiastes says, "nothing is better for a man under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad" it means that

people should enjoy the gifts of God

The story of Ruth falls historically during the

period of the Judges

Saul was validated as king by

private anointing, public lot, and victory at war

Because of her role in befriending Israelite spies sent into Jericho, one who was with her family was spared during the destruction of the city was a

prostitute named Rahab


proved that he could forgive sins by proving that he could heal paralysis

An immediate result of Adam's disobedience and fall into sin was that

providing food became hard and painful work

"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?... They divided my garments among them and cast lots for my clothing" comes from the book of


"My body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay" comes from the book of


"Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me... hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me... O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise... the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise" comes from the book of


the prophecy that a virgin would conceive and bear a son is best understood, according to the rules of interpretation, as predicting

the birth of Jesus

Jeremiah explains that when God blesses or curses nations through his prophets,

the blessings or cursing are potential, that is, they are able to be changed through future rebellion or repentance

When King Josiah ordered that the temple be repaired, there was found

the book of the law

When the Israelites asked Samuel for a king like other nations had, the kings generally were

the chief priest, the channel of all divine blessings, either divine or semi-divine

What guided the Magi to the birthplace of Jesus

the chief priests and teachers of the law, Jesus's star, King Herod

the teaching that the single prophet Isaiah wrote the entire book that bears his name is supported by

the claim of the book itself, references made to Isaiah in the book of Sirach, quotations in the NT

Just before Paul was stoned and left for dead at Lystra

the crowd worshipped him and Barnabas as Hermes and Zeus

When the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples at Pentecost

the disciples spoke in many different languages they had not studied

Among the reasons given for rejecting Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch is NOT

the discovery of earlier documents

Rev 20:1-6 presents the Millennium, in a Lutheran understanding as

the entire time from Christ's resurrection until his second coming

The Gnosticism tha JOhn combatted in his epistles taught that

the spiritual world is the realm of light and good, and the goal of those in the physical world must be to escape back to the spiritual

According to James, man cannot tame

the tongue

Until the construction of the Tower of Babel

the whole world had one language

Ephesians 1:3-14 is the Trinitarian section of the letter because

the work of the Father sending the Son, the redemption of the Son, and the guarantee of the Spirit are shown

"For God so loved _____ that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life"

the world

Paul tells the Corinthians that God reconciled

the world to himself in Christ

When oppression and forced labor failed to control population growth among the Israelites in Egypt, the Pharaoh resorted to giving the order that

their baby boys be killed

Ezekiel teaches that a proper way of understanding why God might punish children sinful parents is that children can "inherit"

their parents' sinful behavior

1-2 Timothy and Titus are called "The Pastoral Letters" because

they are from Paul to these men who are the leaders and shepherding pastors of their congregations

James's complaint against his readers in Ch 2 was that

they confessed God to exist but did nothing while even the demons shuddered

The "Pauline Epistles" are so called because

they were all written by the historical Paul

When Peter saw a sheet being let down from heaven in a vision, he learned that

things previously considered "unclean", such as certain foods and Gentiles, were now considered "clean"

The Psalms say that in addition to the wicked, people who do not praise Yahweh are

those who are dead

Phil 2:6-11 describes the humiliation and exaltation of Christ by showing that

though he was God, he did not grasp after a constant demonstration of his equality with God

James and John, the sons of Zebedee,

thought they should call fire down from heaven to punish Samaritans

When Elijah called Elisha to follow him, he

threw his cloak around him

Many of the miracles that Jesus performed demonstrated the Creator's almighty power

thus effectively answering the main question posed by Satan during the time of temptation

When John the Baptist was in prison, he sent his disciples to Jesus

to ask whether Jesus really was the one who was to come

To rely on more clear passages to interpret less clear passages is

to let Scripture interpret Scripture

During the wanderings of the children of Israel in the desert, the lifting of the cloud covering the tabernacle was a sign

to move to a new location

Jesus said, "He who listens to you listens to me; he who rejects you rejects me; but he who rejects me rejects him who sent me"

to seventy-two of his followers he sent ahead of him

If the founding of Israel described in the first five books of the Bible is compared to the growth of a child in fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant, the book of Numbers fits the stage of


Before the Israelites became a monarchy, they had the organization of a

tribal confederacy

A person, event, or institution that foreshadows a future greater person, event, or institution, is called a


Which interpretation of the Song of Songs has the most difficulty with the principle that there is one intended sense


The David covenant as it is recorded in 2 Samuel 7 was


The Greek world "apocalypse" means

uncovering, revealing

If the claims of many historical critics were true, then the first five books of the OT were written by

unknown editors between the 10th and 6th centuries BC

when Jeremiah spoke of the temple becoming a "den of robbers" he meant that it was a place where

unrepentatnt wicked people felt safe

James writes his book with the purpose of

urging Christians to live fairly with one another and to show their faith by their actions of love and purity of life

The "sin of Jeroboam" which haunted the Northern Kingdom from its fording to its destruction is

using Bethel and Dan as worship sites

The Persian King Cyrus

allowed the Jews to return from the exile

The festival of Purim commemorates God's blessing the Jews by

allowing them to kill their enemies

The resurrection of Jesus in 1 Cor 15 is

an actual raising of the very body which was crucified

The Levites were

an entire tribe, one of twelve, of the Israelites

One reason Wellhausen's theory about the authorship of the Pentateuch become so popular is that he proposed

an evolutionary reconstruction of theology

John in 1 John writes against the Gnostics who found the incarnation of Jesus to be

an impossibility since they held that human flesh is evil and incapable of being united with the divine good

Paul spoke of he altar to the unknown god in Athens, Acts 17, as

an opening to the Gospel as he could tell them of this unknown God

According to Ps 91, whom does God command concerning you, to guard you in all your ways, to lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone?


At God's command, Joshua repeatedly and characteristically

annihilated many Canaanites and their cities

According to Lowth's system of poetic analysis, "wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses," is an example of

antithetical parallelism

Paul tells the Corinthians that divisions in the church

are a problem that should be fixed

Paul teaches the Ephesians that Jews and Gentiles

are fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household

Paul tells the Corinthians that miraculous spiritual gifts such as healing, prophecy, speaking in different kinds of tongues

are given by the same Spirit and are for building up the one church

Psalm 119 was written

as an alphabetic acrostic

When Isaiah was called he did not

ask God to send someone else

Gideon put God to the test by

asking God to manipulate dew

Paul tells the Galatians that they should not let themselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery

because Christ had set them free from the ceremonial law of Moses

The "it" of the following sentence, "He [God] credited it to him [Abram] as righteousness" (Gen. 15:6) is that Abram

believed God

the first half of Ezekiel's chapter on individual responsibility teaches that

God punishes each sinner for his own sin

The Exodus is important because it recalls

God's faithfulness to his patriarchal covenants

Election, as defined in Ephesians, is

God's gracious choice of those who are saved in Christ through faith

The giant Philistine defeated by David I s


The "father of form criticism" of the Psalms is


Most of the Old Testament, part of the Old Testament, and all of the New Testament were originally written in the following languages, respectively:

Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek

when the death of the king who exalted himself above every god is prophesied at the end of Daniel 11, it is about

the Antichrist being defeated

2 Pet 1:16-21 presents the Bible to be

the product of God's spirit working in and through men

The seventh year, during which time the land was to be left fallow, is called

the sabbath year

The Passover commemorates

the soaring of Israelites in Egypt

The historical record of the apostolic authorship or approval of the following books is relatively weak

Hebrews, James, 2 Peter, 2-3 John, Jude, Revelation

The birth of Jesus is generally connected with the time of

Herod the Great

the major kings with whom Isaiah interacted were

Ahaz and Hezekiah

The earlier of the two best kings after the time of David is


The king of Jerusalem who rebelled against Sennacherib with the encouragement of Isaiah, and was preserved by God is


The king of Judah who, unlike those who immediately preceded and followed him, was faithful to Yahweh, and during whose reign God rescued his people from Sennacherib's Assyrian army, was


Theodicy deals with the question,

How can a just God allow evil to exist?

The prophetess who told Josiah that Yahweh would bring disaster upon the land, but would bless Josiah for his faithfulness, is


In Matthew 5, Jesus frequently used the phrase, "you've heard it said... but I say to you..." what does he mean by the repetition of this phrase?

I am fulfillment of the Old Testament's demands, but I also call you to an understanding of God and his relationship with you that is higher than what you've known previously

the statement that God punishes the children to that third and fourth generation of those who hate him was intended to show that

guilty children can "inherit" sinful behavior

Yahweh promised Abraham that the convenient would be established through


"a shoot will comes up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a branch will bear fruit" comes from the book of


"a voice of one calling: 'in the desert prepare the way for Yahweh; make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God'" comes from the book of


"as rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth; it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it" comes from the book of


"comfort, comfort my people, says your God. speak tenderly to Jerusalem... that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for" comes from the book of


"for my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares Yahweh, 'as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts" comes from the book of


"he was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lmab to the slaughter, and as sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth" comes from the book of


"holy holy holy is Yahweh of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory" comes from the book of


"surely he took up our infirmities and carried out sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by Him, and afflicted. but he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peach was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed" comes from the book of


"the virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call himself Immanuel" comes from the book of


The city from which Naomi had left with her husband and sons and to which she came back years later with only her Moabite daughter-in-law, Ruth, was


"Am I my brother's keeper?" was spoken by


The Medo-Persian king who first allowed Jews to return to Jerusalem and gave permission for the temple to be rebuilt is

Cyrus the Great

The hypothetical document that is highly moralistic is called


When the Philistines placed the captured Ark of Dragon

Dagon fell over

"he will set up an abomination that causes desolation" comes from the book of


"in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heavens" comes from the book of


"multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt" comes from the book of


"seventy 'sevens' are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy" comes from the book of


When Nebuchadnezzar took hostages from Jerusalem into a "scholarship captivity" in 605 BC in order to ensure that the country would be docile, he took

Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and others

The Medo-Persian king who regranted permission to the Jews to rebuild their temple and who warned their enemies not to hinder them on pain of death is

Darius the Great

The king who was not allowed to build the Temple, but did secure Jerusalem as the place for it to be built, was


The woman who served as a judge, settling disputes and leading troops in warfare, was the prophetess


The promise that God would raise up a prophet like Moses, to whom the people would listen, is recorded in


The first of the two hypothetical documents that use "Elohim" as the name of God is


The hypothetical document in which God uses messengers and dreams to communicate is called


"'Meaningless! Meaningless!' says the Teacher. 'Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless!'" comes from the book of


"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die..." comes from the book of


Moses did not lead the Israelites into the promised land because he

had not honored God bringing water from the rock

When Jesus said "I am the bread of life"

he also said, "unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drunk his blood, you have no life in you"

When Jesus returned to his hometown of Nazareth

he could not do many miracles there

Moses was not allowed to enter promised land because

he did not honor God in the incident at Meribah

After Jesus enter Jerusalem to celebrate his last Passover,

he insulted the chief priests and elders by telling parables against them

When Jesus saw that the temple was being misused by those who were selling and buying there

he overturned tables in his anger

When Jesus performed miracles of healing and reviving from the dead,

he showed that he was the antidote for the wages of sin

In the context of Elijah's ascension into heaven, what did not happen

he told Elisha to stay close to him

When Jesus rose from the dead,

he told women to tell the disciples he had risen

When Jesus said that only the sick need a doctor

he was condemning the self righteous attitude of the Pharisees

Saul, who later was called Paul, became an apostle because

he was confronted by God on his way to kill Christians

When Israel was fighting the Amalekites, Aaron and Hur

held up the arms of Moses

The refrain that is found repeatedly in several psalms is

his love [or mercy] endures forever

One of the main controversies that Jesus encountered early in his ministry was

how the Sabbath should be observed

Paul teaches the Philippians that Jesus

humbled himself even though he was in the form of God

The question of the authorship of the Pentateuch has

implications for its authenticity and truthfulness

Which interpretation of the Song of Songs has the most difficulty explaining how it could be that the watchmen beat the queen, that the marriage was apparently consummated several times, or that the beloved is called both a Shulammite and an Egyptian princess


Daniel's interpretation of the handwriting on the wall, written by a hand during a banquet hosted by King Belshazzar, was that Belshazzar, would

lose his kingdom to the Medes and the Persians

Ezekiel symbolized bearing the sin of Israel and of Judah by

lying on his side on the ground

When the Israelites saw that Moses was so long in coming down from Mt. Sinai, they

made a golden calf and sacrificed to it

The Psalms were written

mainly during the time of David, as early as the time of Moses. as late as after the Exile

The prophet who became so dismayed at his lack of effectiveness that he concluded that he was the only surviving person faithful to Yahweh of hosts was


The prophet who lived for a time with a widow in Zarephath and restored her son to life was


The prophet who on Mt. Carmel challenged 450 prophets of Baal in a confrontation to determine whether Baal or Yahweh, the God of Israel, would send fire to consume an offering was


God identified his name to Moses on Mt. Sinai as

"I AM", "I AM WHO", "The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob"

Ezekiel reports that in his visions Yahweh typically addressed him as

"son of man"

Paul tells Titus that he should teach older men (1), older women (2), young men (3), and slaves (4)

(1) to be temperate, (2) to be reverent, (3) to be self controlled, (4) to be obedient

The Captivity Letters, generally through to be written by Paul from Rome, are

Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, and Philemon

When Satan led Adam and Eve into sin, God said that

Eve's offspring would destroy Satan

"I will place over them one shepherd, my servant David... I Yahweh will be their God, and my servant David will be prince among them" comes from the book of


"I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws" comes from the book of


"so I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet- a vast army" comes from the book of


"son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me" comes from the book of


"the soul who sins is the one who will die... I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares Lord Yahweh. Repent and live" comes from the book of


"then they will know that I am Yahweh their God..." is a characteristic statement from the book of


the vision of the restoration of the people in the imagery of a valley of dry bones is recorded in


visions of the restoration of the Temple, its altar, its priests and Levites, and, with all of that, the resumption of sacrifice and festival worship are recorded in


"the wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat... they will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain" comes from the book of


"though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool" comes from the book of


"we all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and Yahweh has laid on him the iniquity of us all" comes from the book of


the "suffering servant songs" are a feature of the latter chapters of the book of


the destruction of Jerusalem is foretold by the following actions of Ezekiel

making bread from various grains, besieging a clay brick, disposing of his beard

The cities of refuge were appointed by God so that

manslaughterers could avoid capital punishment

The central idea of the book of John may be expressed as the following

that you may know that Jesus is the Christ and have life is his name

The person who thought he would succeed David and had a big celebration, then was pardoned by Solomon, then was killed for requesting Abishag for a wife, was


Jezebel was the wife of


The king of whom 1 Kings says that he "did more to provoke Yahweh, the God of Israel, to anger than did all the kings of Israel before him," partly because he made Baal worship into the state-sponsored religion, was


The Psalm that teaches that the Messiah would be David's Lord is Psalm


The Psalm that teaches that the Messiah would be the Son of God and a king is Psalm


John warns against false teachers in general and says that anyone who welcomes them shares in their work in

2 John

John warns against Diotrephes as a destructive force in the church and praises Demetrius as a good teacher in

3 John

Jesus's public ministry lasted approximately

3 years

The Psalm that directly addresses the Messianic King as God is Psalm


According to Kugel, biblical poetry can generally be analyzed as saying

A is so and what's more, B

The first high priest of Israel was


The high priest who was banished to Anathoth for supporting the wrong person as the one to succeed David as king was


The son of David so ambitious to be king that, after he killed one of his brothers, he organized an armed conspiracy against his father was


The Bible identifies the person who foreshadowed Jesus by showing how one man's actions can affect the entire human race was


The king who-made Baal worship into the state-sponsored religion for the first time is


The neighboring country that had a long history of enmity against the Israelites, including wars at the time of Jephthah and of Saul, and that was descended from one of Lot's two children of incest, is


The Greek king who thought he was a god and forced the Jews, on pain of death, to violate the law of God in many ways, is

Antiochus IV "Epiphanes"

The Medo-Persian king who authorized Ezra and Nehemiah to return to Jerusalem is

Artaxerxes I

in Ezekiel's chapter on individual responsibility, he speaks of

the "fruit" of actions rather than the "tree"

The country noted for its cruelty in war, whose soldiers would cut off hand and feet, noses and ears, put out eyes, and raise mounds of human heads is


The nation that conquered the Northern Kingdom and led its inhabitants into exile is


The nation that conquered the Southern Kingdom and led its inhabitants into exile is


The prophet who was hired to curse Israel but could pronounce only a blessing was


When Paul and Barnabas were making plans to revisit Christians in all the towns where they had preached before,

Barnabas wanted to take Mark with them, but Paul refused

The last "king" of Babylon who was actually a regent for his father and witnessed the handwriting on the wall is


During the period of the divided kingdom, the people of the southern kingdom (Judah) maintained the Temple and the royal palace at Jerusalem, while Jeroboam I of the northern kingdom (Israel) established places of worship at

Bethel and Dan

Moses plays a featured role in the narrative of each of the following books except


According to Ps 90, who or what is responsible for the following things: turning men back to dust, sweeping men away in the sleep of death, consuming men in anger, afflicting men?


Peter's essential discovery at the home of Cornelius, Acts 10, was that

God allows everyone to come to Him, showing no favoritism

To believe in the inspiration of Scripture is to believe that

God breathed his words into the prophetic authors

the second half of Ezekiel's chapter on individual responsibility teaches that

God desires the wicked to repent and live

Daniel gained prominence in governing Babylon because he had

God given skill in interpreting dreams

According to Proverbs, at the creation of the world

God has a companion: wisdom

The canon of Scripture was formed in the following way

God inspires prophets to write particular words on a scroll. Those words work faith in the hearers. The believers acknowledge that the words are God's words, with canonical authority

According to John, the main reason we should love each other is that

God is love, and love comes from God

Paul tells the Romans that

God judges sinners and sends them to hell, God forgives sinners and gives them eternal life, salvation comes by grace, through faith, for the sake of Christ

Romans 4 uses as the great example of justification by faith

God justifies us as those who have not worked but rather only approach him by faith, trusting upon his generosity over the gulity

The godless men who slipped in among believers to exchange God's grace for immorality are compared by Jude to

Israelites who did not believe at the time of Exodus, Sodom and Gomorrah, angles who became demons

The first of the two hypothetical documents that use "Yahweh" as the name of God is


The hypothetical document that has a "primitive" theology in which God is like a man who does not have high morals is called


The judge who said, "if you give the Ammonites into my hands, whatever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites will be Yahweh's, and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering," is


"'the days are coming', declares Yahweh, 'when I will raise up to David a righteous branch... this is the name by which he will be called; Yahweh Our Righteousness" comes from the book of


"'yes' declares Yahweh, 'I am against the prophets who wag their own tongues and yet declare "Yahweh declares"" comes from the book of


"before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart I appointed you as a prophet to the nations" comes from the book of


"for I know the plans I have for you, declares Yahweh, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" comes from the book of


"has this house which bears my name become a den of robbers to you?" comes from the book of


"if at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I has planned" comes from the book of


"the time is coming, declares Yahweh, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah" comes from the book of


the prophet who explains clearly that the curses of God are potential, intended to lead to repentance and forgiveness, is


the prophet who has a long ministry extending from the time of Josiah (626) to after the fall of the southern kingdom is


the prophet who prophesied 70 years of captivity is


the prophet who reports that a number of those not taken into captivity by the Babylonians went to Egypt to escape hostility, although in direct violation of Yahweh's command, was


the prophet who speaks directly about the "new covenant" of forgiveness of sins is


the prophet who was captured by the Babylonians but then released from his chains because of his former prophecies is


the prophet who was forbidden to marry, was beaten, put in stocks, yoked, imprisoned, thrown into a cistern, and nearly killed is


the prophet who was himself taken captive by the Babylonians, but released almost immediately to go back and continue his work among the people of Judah life behind, was


the prophet who, in spite of the assurance that yahweh has set him apart and appointed him to be a prophet from before his birth, still protested, "I do not known how to speak, I am only a child" was


when Ezekiel was in Babylon prophesying about Jerusalem, the prophet active in Jerusalem was


The first fortified city within Canaan to be conquered by the newly arrived Israelites was


The strongest member of the Jehu dynasty is

Jeroboam II

Daniel introduced his prayer for the deliverance of his people in exile with the information that

Jerusalem would be desolate 70 years, per Jeremiah

Of whom do the following words from the Davidic Covenant speak, according to the Book of Hebrews: "You are my Son; today I have become your Father"?


Once when Jesus rebuked Peter

Jesus called Peter "Satan"

The drama of raising Lazarus from the dead was heightened because

Jesus deliberately waited several days before going to raise Lazarus and yet he cried at Lazarus' tomb

While the evening meal was being served just before Passover feast

Jesus washed the disciple's feet

The commander of the army who had disobeyed David on several occasions and who was killed by Solomon's order even though he was claiming sanctuary by holding onto the horns of the altar was


"I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed , yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see him with my own eye- I, and not another" comes from the book of


"Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. Yahweh have and Yahweh has taken away; may the name of Yahweh be praised" comes from the book of


"Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble from evil?" comes from the book of


Luther says that the finest part of the book of Job describes how

Job falters and thinks God is a tyrnat

A fine example of true friendship was that between David and


The leader who commanded the sun to stand still in order to gain more daylight and bring a battle to a successful conclusion was


The man who led Israel into the promised land was


The person who said, "As for me an my household, we will serve Yahweh," is


The king who began his reign when he was 8 years old, found the Book of Law in the temple and reformed the nation to worship Yahweh properly is


The later of the two best kings after the time of David is


David first ruled as king over


The Jewish ruler who restored temple sacrifices after they had been stopped by the Seleucids is

Judas Maccabaeus

Moses, his brother Aaron, and his sister Miriam were of the tribe of


The worst king of the South, who ruled for a total of 55 years, during which time he was taken captive and he became repentant, who may have killed Isaiah and whose name is connected to sins that brought destruction upon the kingdom, is


the Bible says that when Jesus was in Bethany with Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus,

Mary poured perfume on Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair while Martha served dinner

The Israelites moved to Egypt and began their sojourn there during the

Middle Kingdom

Moses' sister, unnamed the account of how she watched over him while he was hid by the river bank, is later identified as


The neighboring country that had a long history of enmity against the Israelites, including war at the time of Elisha, and which had opposed the Israelites at the time of the Exodus by hiring Balaam against them, is


When Jesus was transfigured on the mountain, there appeared with him

Moses and Elijah

Heb 11 has the roll call of faith and includes prominently these individuals

Moses. Abraham, Noah, and the people of Exodus

After a violent earthquake ripped open the Philippian prison into which Paul and Silas has been thrown

Paul demanded an apology from the magistrates before he would leave

If the founding of Israel described in the first five books of the Bible is compared to the growth of a child in fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant, the book of Exodus fits the stage of


What is the state of the biblical text as they have been transmitted through the ages?

The original texts have been transmitted very accurately, but scribes have made errors as they copied the texts, so textual criticism is useful

The proverbs that say, "do not answer a food according to his folly... answer a fool according to his folly..." show that

both halves of verses are essential to the meaning

The prophet of Yahweh who confronted David for having Uriah killed and claimed Bathsheba as his wife, i.e., both murder and adultery, was


The king who made Babylon into the greatest city of his day, complete with hanging gardens and powerful fortifications is


Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt during the

New Kingdom

The great pyramids of Egypt were built during the

Old Kingdom

Two major dynasties of the Northern Kingdom are

Omri and Jehu

The hypothetical document that is mainly concerned with temple practices is called


The hypothetical document that provides a chronological framework for other hypothetical documents is called


The annual festival that happened in the spring during the barley harvest was

Passover/Unleavened Bread

The annual festival that happened in the summer during the wheat harvest was


When Jesus was captured and put on trial

Peter denied knowing Jesus

When Ananias and Sapphire donated proceeds from the sale of their land to the apostles

Peter reproved them for lying to the Holy Spirit

The Pharisees differed from the Sadducees in the following way:

Pharisees added new laws to the Old Testament which they saw as legally binding, while Sadducees bound themselves only to the Old Testament

The neighboring country that was the greatest threat to Israel around the time of David, until David defeated them in battle, and who may have decended from tribes who fought in the Trojan war, is


The people who occupied the coastland south and west of the children of Israel and who challenged them in battle again and again throughout the reign of Saul and throughout the period of the judges were the


The strong maritime nation with whom Omri developed close relations is


"If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head and Yahweh will reward you" comes from the book of


"Trust in Yahweh with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" comes from the book of


"Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before Yahweh our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care" comes from the book us


"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb" comes from the book of


"The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone... this is the day Yahweh has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. O Yahweh, save us [Hosanna]; O Yahweh, grant us success. Blessed is he who comes in the name of Yahweh" comes from the book of


The words "Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool" and "you are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek" comes from the book of


The Pharaoh who did NOT live at the same time as Moses is

Ramessess II

During the lifetime of Jesus,

Rome controlled the entire region of Israel and the surrounding countries

What adds drama to the widow Ruth's persistent loyalty to her widowed mother-in-law is that

Ruth was a Moabite, Naomi was an Israelite

The judge who marries a Philistine and yet fought against the Philistines is


The prophet who followed Yahew's direction to select David as future king of the children of Israel was


In response to his name being called out during the night, the answer, "Speak, for your servant is listening," was spoken by

Samuel at Shihol

"Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel." these words were spoken by

Simeon when he held the baby Jesus in the temple

"Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires" comes from the book of

Song of songs

"My lover is mine and I am his; he browses among the lilies" comes from the book of

Song of songs

The neighboring country that was the greatest threat to the Northern Kingdom for most of its existence is


The founder of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, who defeated the Syro-Ephraimite coalition is

Tiglath-pileser III

The first two stone tablets of the 10 commandments were

broken by Moses

The annual festival that happened in the fall during the fruit and grape harvest was


David's daughter who was raped by her half-brother Amnon is


The law of levirate marriage said that

brothers of dead husbands should marry the widows

The OT has this relationship with the NT

The OT predicted that the Messiah would come both as a glorious savior and as a suffering servant, and the NT record the fulfillment of those predictions

Which of the following best describes the messianic promises of the Old Testament?

The Old Testament predictions about the coming Savior were so complete that, based on them alone, Old Testament believers were saved by faith in Jesus Christ.

That the Psalms reflect the experience of God's intervention in history rather than the cult of Israel is the teaching of


The Medo-Persian king who married Ester is

Xerxes I, or Ahasuerus

The personal name of the God of the Old Testament is


The high priest who was faithful to David and Solomon, and from whom future high priest were descended, is


The last time Nebuchadnezzar punished the Jews for refusing to pay tribute, he took captive

Zedekiah and many others

When Jesus rose from the dead

all the other answers are correct

When Jesus said "I am good shepherd"

all the other answers are correct

The traditional Jewish and Christian interpretation of the Song of Songs is


Jesus said that the person who had greater faith than any he had found in Israel was

a Roman centurion with a mortally sick son

With regard to the prospect of life after death, the Old Testament speaks of

a bodily resurrection

Poetry is defined as

a combination of sound and meaning, ideas and feelings

Luke's Gospel is characterized by

a focus on the Holy Spirit, prayer, and parables

To illustrate how precious each person is to God, Jesus told a parable about

a lost sheep, a lost coin, a lost son

Poetic meter is defined as

a patterned flow of language

The book of Leviticus includes

a period of one year at Mt. Sinai, laws pertaining to Levites, bodily blemishes as signs of spiritual sickness

According to the most peaceful of competing theories, the Israelites emerged in Canaan through

a process of nomadic infiltration

According to the Bible, the Israelites emerged in Canaan through

a relatively complete conquest in the early 1300s

According to the modified conquest theory the Israelites emerged in Canaan through

a relatively partial conquest in the late 1200s

Mark was

a relatively unknown follower of Jesus, Mark's mother being from Jerusalem

The biblical text says that the leper Naaman was told to go to Elisha by

a servent

In Rev 7:1-17 and 21:1-4, heaven is presented as

a several of all pain, sorrow, and death with the inclusion of people from every nation, tribe, and language

The Colossians heresy which prompted the writing of the book of Colossians included this thought of practice

a slavish follow of rivals which, Paul argues, had been eclipsed by Christ

According to the more Marxist of competing theories, the Israelites emerged in Canaan through

a social revolt of pastoralists

Ezekiel spoke of himself as

a watchman from the house of Israel

In the proverb, "can a man scoop free into his lap without his clothes being burned?" the word fire stands for

adultery, which will bring punishment

the historical critical view of the authorship of the book of Daniel is that the book was written

after Antiochus IV desecrated the Temple

David secured Bathsheba as one of his several wives

after arranging the killing of her former husband

Jesus' birth, as reported in the Gospel of Matthew, comes

after his genealogy, showing how Jesus fulfills the place predicted for his birth

The Bible does not have laws that explicitly require

all NT Christians to avoid polygamy

With reference to the ceremonial laws governing which foods to eat and which days to honor as more sacred than others, Paul tells the Romans that

all food is clean and all days sacred, and they should not fight with others concerning these matters

Paul tells Timothy that God wants _____ to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth

all people

God's monologue on nature in the latter parr of Job has a primary purpose to

encourage faith in a merciful Creator

After Job worked through the pain of being deprived of his wealth, health, and family, he

enjoyed even more blessings than he had had before

In John 3, Jesus spoke of himself being like the serpent that Moses lifted up on a pole. The meaning behind this is

everyone who looked with faith on the serpent and upon Jesus on the cross would be healed

In addition to promoting the marriage of King Xerxes and Ester, Mordecai performed the great service of

exposing a plot against Xerxes' life

When the Israelites were trapped between Pharaoh's army and the Red Sea, they

first lamented that they would die, then walked through the sea on dry ground

The Lord's resolve, "I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth," was stated in anticipation of the

flood at the time of Noah

One of the principles of interpretation is that the proper interoperation of a passage from the Bible is normally one that

follows standard rules of grammar

David would not defile himself with the king's


Paul was arrested in the temple at Jerusalem

for teaching against Jews, Jewish law, and the temple

The type of criticism which is concerned with identifying genres and the situation in life that lay behind the compositions is


Paul most likely has

four missionary journeys

Matthew was noted among the Gospel writers for his

frequent references to Jesus as the one who fulfills the OT

Genesis 1 states that God created man, male and female. Genesis 2 adds the detail that the first female was formed

from a rib of then previously created male

According to the historicist position, the Book of Revelation speaks of events

from the first century AD to the end of the world

2 Corinthians has this emotional aspect on the part of Paul

frustration by Paul because of the continued misunderstanding of his ministry by the Corinthians

A proverb is

generally true

The ark of the covenant was placed

in the Holy of Holies

examining the book of Isaiah by the historical critical method often leads to the conclusion that the book of Isaiah

includes evidence of multiple authorship from hundreds of years after the prophet Isaiah

The book of Ruth teaches about Messiah by

including the genealogy of the Messiah, teaching about Boaz as a kinsman redeemer, showing the Gentiles are welcome in God's kingdom

If the founding of Israel described in the first five books of the Bible is compared to the growth of a child in fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant, the book of Leviticus fits the stage of


When Ester approached King Xerxes about the Jewish problem, she

invited him to dinner twice

According to the Book of Hebrews, faith

is being certain of what we do not see

Jesus is called the King of the Jews. This title

is both a mockery of the Jews by Pilate and an unintentionally true statement

Paul tells Timothy that all Scripture

is breath by God, or inspired

The Protevangelium

is the first gospel message in the Bible

Claus Westermann says that the word "praise" in Hebrew

is used where we would use "thanks"

The first miracle of changing water into wine is appropriate as the first miracle because

it is a celebration, a weeding which recalls the role of Jesus as the coming Groom, and it deals with a small matter, not life and death

The parable of the rich fool can best be summarized as

it is more important to build a treasure in heaven that on earth

The Transfiguration was vital because

it showed the willingness of Jesus, full of divine glory, to remain with the world, even when facing death

John's Gospel has three characteristics

it used ideas such as light, dark, love, hate, has no parables, and is written in a seemingly simple style

Jesus' baptism was necessary because

it would complete all righteousness by which he fulfills the requirements that others could not complete and extend his perfection to all people

The archaeology of Jericho is important to consider in connection to the emergence of Israelites in Canaan because

its archaeology is often interpreted to contradict the Bible

Paul tells the Romans that baptism

joins us to Jesus so we die and comes to life again with him

the major themes of Isaiah are

judgement and salvation

The parable of the 10 virgins can best be summarized as

keep yourself ready for the coming of Christ

Job's protestation of innocence in Job 31 shows that he

knew that sins of the heart were true sins

Jesus, in John 10, describes himself as the Good Shepherd, who willingly gives himself for the sheep,

laying down his life and being free to take his life back up when he chooses

In Galatians, Paul is amazed that the Galatians are so quickly

leaving the Gospel for a justification by their own deeds

In answer to the question, "How can I repay Yahweh for all his goodness to me?" the psalmist says that he will

lift up the cup of salvation and call on Yahweh

"The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against Yahweh and against his Anointed One... 'I have installed my King on Zion, my holy hill... You are my Son, today I have become your Father...' His the Son , lest he be angry and you be destroyed in your way, for his wrath can flare up in a moment" comes from the book of


"What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with the glory and honor" comes from the book of


"Yahweh is my shepherd, I shall not be in want... even thought the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me" comes from the book of


The righteous person is "like a tree planted by streams of water" and a wicked person "like a chaff that the wind blows away" comes from the book of


Following the return from the Babylonian exile, Nehemiah assumed leadership in Jerusalem for

rebuilding the walls and gates of the city

Paul's request of Philemon was that Philemon

receive Onesimus back as a brother

Luke showed special attention to women by

recording the song and thoughts of Mary and recording two unique parables about women

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego brought on Nebuchadnezzar's rage and sentence of death by fire because they

refused to worship an enormous golden image

Ezekiel's description of returning to faith is

regaining the knowledge of God

The central message of Job's three friends, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar, who came to advise him in his difficulty, was that Job should

repent of his sin, to be helped by God

The book of Leviticus is devoted chiefly to

rules for offerings, festivals, and ritual purity

When young David volunteered to represent the army of his people in a duel with the Philistines giant, Golian, Saul at first

said David could not fight, then gave him armor

when Nebuchadnezzar saw four men in the fiery furnace, although only three men had been thrown into it, he

said that God had sent an angel to rescue the men

Peter says that the prophets who predicted that Messiah

searched carefully to find the time and circumstances of the Messiah's coming

in Ezekiel's description of the Good Shepherd, he speaks of

sheep without a shepherd being shattered, Yahweh himself as the good shepherd, destroying the sleek and the strong

Paul tells the Galatians that whoever preaches a gospel other than what Paul preaches

should be eternally condemned

the historical details in Daniel prove to historical critics that the book must have been written

slightly after Antiochus IV set up the abomination in that temple in 167 BC

The offerings specified in the Old Testament ceremonial law were

sometimes mandatory, sometimes voluntary

In the books of Deuteronomy and Samuel, the kings are

sometimes spoken of as evil, sometimes as good

which of the following is an important messianic term for Daniel

son of man

David was not

spared of great suffering

Samuel the prophet did not

steadfastly support Saul


stole the hearts of Israelites

When the Israelites in the wilderness asked the Lord what should be done with the person that had blasphemed the name of the Lord with a curse, the Lord said that he should be


The book of Hebrews, in discussing the role of Jesus, shows that he is

superior to angels, sacrifices, and priests due to his single sacrifice for all, his deity, and his role as creator

Dathan and Abiram, who rebelled against the leadership of Moses and Aaron, were

swallowed by the earth

According to Lowth's system of poetic analysis, "They crush your people, O Yahweh; they oppress your inheritance," is an example of

synonymous parallelism

According to Lowth's system of poetic analysis, "Unless Yahweh has given me help, I would soon have dwelt in the silence of death," is an example of

synthetic parallelism

Ecclesiastes explores the meaninglessness of life in order to

teach about the First Commandment

The kinsman redeemer was not charged with the specific duty of

teaching a relative about the Messiah

The NT teaches

that the OT demanded righteous actions and righteous thoughts, but that Jesus fulfilled those requirements in man's place

Just before he walked to the garden of Gethsemane and was arrested, Jesus prayed for all who would come to believe in him through his disciples' message

that they would be one as he and the Father were one

The holiest day of the year when the high priest would make sacrifices for the sin of the nation and send a scapegoat into the wilderness is

the Day of Atonement

The Bible identifies the event that foreshadowed baptism as

the Flood

The Jewish-Gentile controversy of Acts 15 was resolved by

the Gentiles agreeing to abstain from a few practices that were most offensive to the Jews

Paul's controversy with the Galatians was concerning

the Judaizers who claimed authority because of their association with the Jerusalem disciples

According to postmillennialism

the Millennium will occur before Christ's second coming

"In the beginning was ______, and ______ was with God, and _______ was God"

the Word

Coming after seven sabbath years, the fiftieth year of rest and liberty is called

the Year of the Jubilee

The sign given the shepherds to confirm the birth of Jesus, Luke 2, was

the appearance of a baby wrapped in a manger

Israelite wisdom includes

the fear of Yahweh and the skill as a craftsman

In the book of John, the "I am" statements by Jesus reflecting his divinity include all of these except

the golden gate to heaven

The two offerings that were for thanksgiving and fellowship were

the grain and the fellowship

In 1 Cor 13, love is presented as

the greatest spiritual gift which is an element of heaven which we can share today

After Paul appealed to Caesar

the king Agrippa said that he could have been set free if he had not appealed

The relationship between the law and the gospel in the Bible is that

the law always governs how people are condemned and the gospel always governs how people are saved, in both Old and New Testaments

After King Saul had fallen away from God, he turned away for

the medium of Endor.

when Jeremiah speaks of the "righteous branch" he meant

the messianic son of David

Of the three different aspects of law that God gave on Mt. Sinai and elsewhere in the Old Testament

the moral law regulates how we live

The book of Numbers contains records of

the number of men in each tribe

The Gospel of Matthew demonstrates that Jesus is

the one who corresponds with and surpasses the OT figures such as Moses and Elijah

God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because

the outcry against them was so great

The Bible says that an immediate result of Eve's disobedience and fall into sin was that

the pain of giving birth was greatly increased

On the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said that the following people are blessed:

the poor, mourners, meek, and persecuted

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