Bio 102 final

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The cellular components of blood that transport oxygen are

red blood cells

Homo sapiens (human) is in which domain?


You are reading a patient's chart and decide that ovulation has happened. What did the chart show surging to make you think this?


The tightly coiled structure/s inside the testes that produce the sperm cells is/are the

seminiferous tubes

The middle layer of the wall of an artery or vein, allowing it to withstand and modify blood pressure, is

smooth muscle

A neuromuscular junction is a ________ between a ________ and a ________.

synapse; muscle; neuron

A heart murmur is caused by

the heart valves not functioning properly.

Energy is one of the resources obtained by heterotrophs when they eat.


The DNA sequence ATGCATGC will pair with which of the following RNA strands?


Applications of DNA technology may result in negative effects, including

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Meiosis is a process that produces

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What might an ectotherm do to conserve or obtain body heat?

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Which correctly describes B cells and T cells?

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hysical and chemical barriers that form the first line of innate defense include

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The enzyme that breaks down starch is


A three-base sequence (loop) in tRNA that is complementary to a three-base sequence in mRNA is

an anticodon

If a genetic counselor examines a pedigree chart and notices an occurrence of a disease in every generation, the counselor would assume that the disease was caused by

an autosomal dominant disorder

All living organisms

are either unicellular or multicellular

The large vessels of the circulatory system that carry blood away from the heart are


An asexual process used by prokaryotes in which replicated DNA and other cell parts are distributed into two daughter cells is called

binary fission

Like the kidney, a dialysis machine filters all but what out of the blood?

blood cells

To inherit an autosomal recessive disorder requires that the person receive the allele leading to the disease from

both parents

When comparing the genetic characteristics between embryonic and adult stem cells, embryonic stem cells

can differentiate into any specialized cells, while adult stem cells can't

The small vessels from which water and dissolved substances diffuse between the blood and interstitial fluid are


Animals that hunt and eat essentially only other animals are


If you observe an immune reaction involving a cytotoxic T cell, it is a

cell-mediated response

In a process called ________, an army of plasma cells and memory cells are produced from stimulated B cells.

clonal selection

Bypassing a checkpoint in the cell cycle may result in a cancer cell

continuing to divide and replicate with faulty DNA.

Systolic pressure reflects the force caused by the

contraction of the ventricles

The primary function of a vaccine is to

create immunological memory without causing disease.

Animals that consume decaying organic matter as their main source of food are


Thalidomide was given to pregnant women from 1957 to 1961 to help relieve the symptoms of morning sickness. Thalidomide binds to and inactivates the protein cereblon, which is important in limb formation. If a woman took thalidomide during the ________ period of her baby's development, it could result in stunted growth of their limbs.


If working on a diagram of the human male reproductive system, you would label the tightly coiled tube that receives and stores sperm from one testis as the


The condition that develops when there is excess GABA leading to excess dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain is


An increase in the number of red blood cells is called anemia.


If you see cytotoxic T cells, you know that a humoral response is underway.


The causes of PMS are clearly related to hormonal fluctuations, but they are not yet fully understood.


The type of cell that is primarily responsible for initiating and coordinating the adaptive immune response is the B cell.


Crossing over is more likely to separate genes on a chromosome if they are

far apart

The hormone released from the hypothalamus that stimulates release of LH and FSH in both the male and female is

gonadotropin-releasing hormone

The enzyme that unwinds DNA is


The type of skeleton that consists of fluid constrained within a layer of flexible tissue is a(n)

hydrostatic skeleton

A person has a recessive, faulty allele for a disease, but the person does not have the disease since they also have a normal dominant allele. This person

is termed a carrier

The rungs of the DNA ladder are formed by base pairs

joined by hydrogen bonds

Blood in the pulmonary artery would have ________ oxygen and ________ carbon dioxide than blood in the pulmonary vein.

less; more

Which produces bile?


If a doctor tells you to bring all of the bags with blood components that you can find in the lab refrigerator to the operating room, what would you leave behind?


Genital warts are caused by HPV.


If presented with a person who was malnourished because of a refusal to eat, you would diagnose anorexia nervosa.


If you detected large amounts of ammonia in mammalian urine, you would know that the mammal in question had serious problems with liver and urinary functions.


In an autoimmune disease, the immune system attacks the body's self antigens.


The signal for the heart to contract begins at the sinoatrial node.


In humans, the muscular tube into which urine from the kidney first drains is the


If a woman, late in pregnancy, feels contractions of a muscular sac-like organ, she is feeling contractions of her


As part of an exam, you are given a powder to analyze. When you perform various tests, you find that it contains a single chemical that changes the pH of neutral water to a pH of 6. You would conclude that the chemical is a

weak acid

The diploid first cell of a new organism is a(n)


B cells and T cells are


If the DNA in a cell consists of 20% adenine, it will also have ________ thymine.


If you cross RrYy and RRyy pea plants, what fraction of the offspring will have yellow peas? R=round, r=wrinkled, Y=yellow, y=green


A cervical cap is a silicone cup that fits within the vagina and covers the cervix. This contraceptive


A primary "antigen presenting cell," a cell that presents an antigen to a helper T cell, is a


Birth control pills contain a combination of estrogen and progesterone. What effect would this have on the hypothalamus?


Every year the common flu vaccine is designed to protect against three different strains of the influenza virus. How is your body able to raise antibodies against so many new forms of the flu virus?


The role of B cells in adaptive immunity is ________, while the role of T cells in adaptive immunity is ________.


What drives the movement of oxygen from the alveoli into the bloodstream?


Why do lymph nodes often become swollen during an infection?


In a secondary oocyte, meiosis is arrested in metaphase II until


The endocrine gland(s) that produces hormones that help regulate blood calcium is/are the

parathyroid gland

Which of the following are the primary components of the cell membrane and contribute to its semi-permeability property?


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