Bio 110 Final exam prep

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In the emergency room, saline solutions are often run into a person's vein. The saline solution must be

0.9% NaCl

Potassium, a metal with one electron in the outermost shell, will react with how many chlorine atoms? (Chlorine is a nonmetal with seven electrons in the outermost shell.)


If a woman is a carrier for the color blind recessive allele and her husband is normal, what are their chances that a son will be color blind?

50%, since the mother is only a carrier.

What are the correct outputs, during the citric acid cycle from one molecule of glucose?

6 NADH, 4 CO2, 2 ATP, 2 FADH2

Centrioles are absolutely necessary to the process of mitosis in all organisms. True / False?


Cereal grains are one of the easiest plants to genetically modify. True or False?


Crossing-over is the only factor that is responsible for the variation that exists between offspring of one set of parents. True or False?


During mitosis, separation of the sister chromatids ensures that each daughter cell will receive two copies of each type of chromosome. True or False?


Enzymes maintain their same shape when they bind to a substrate. True or False?


Exocytosis and endocytosis are carried out by proteins in the cell membrane. True or False?


Homologous chromosomes are genetically identical to each other. True or False?


If the human population faces potential extinction, cloning of humans is the only technology that will save us. True or False?


In order to produce a new plant via meristem culture, you need to remove the meristem from one plant and place it in a water containing various minerals. The meristem will then develop new shoots and roots. True or False?


In the process of photosynthesis, the light reactions follow the Calvin cycle reactions. True or False?


Only leaves carry out photosynthesis. True of False?


Only organisms with chloroplasts are capable of photosynthesis. True or False?


Oxygen leaves the alveoli in the lungs and enters the capillaries by endocytosis. True or False?


Photosynthesis and cellular respiration utilize the same chemical pathways but in reverse of each other. True or False?


Photosystem I comes before Photosystem II in the noncyclic electron pathway. True or False?


Plant hormones bring about a physiological response in the plant after binding to the nucleus of the plant cells. True or False?


Primary growth of a stem is due to the activity of the vascular meristem. True or False?


Replication of the DNA for meiosis occurs between telophase I and prophase II. True or False?


Since enzymes are not used up during a reaction, they do not play any role in the reaction. True or False?


The first step of the cyclic electron pathway involves the removal of the electrons from water. True or False?


The only 100% method of preventing pregnancy and the transmission of STDs is the use of a male condom along with a spermicidal jelly. True or False?


The only function of apoptosis is to destroy healthy cells when they become damaged or infected. True / False?


The only source of energy for human beings is glucose because it can be broken down via cellular respiration. True or False?


The overall cell cycle is dramatically different for animals than for plant cells. True or False?


The red maple tree cannot photosynthesize because it is not green. True or False?


The refractory period of female orgasm is significantly longer than that of a male. True or False?


The same signaling molecule that binds to the receptor on the outside of the cell is used to alter gene expression in the nucleus. True or False?


The unique value of the ATP molecule is that when glucose is broken down during cellular respiration, all of the free energy of glucose is transformed into ATP. True or False?


Transpiration rates will NOT vary among plants. True or False?


When a kinase adds phosphates to an enzyme, it will only activate the enzyme. True or False?


Since all organisms carry on cellular respiration, all living cells must contain mitochondria. True or False?

False (Prokaryotic cells do cellular respiration w/o mitochondria)

Brock's father has inherited a mitochondrial disease. Is Brock in danger of also having this disease? True or False?

False (mitochondria are from mother to child)

Because plants evolved from bacterial ancestors, the primary plant cell wall and the bacterial cell wall are both composed of peptidoglycan. True or False?

False (primary plant cell wall is not composed of it)

According to the endosymbiotic theory, eukaryotes became the mitochondria and chloroplasts found in prokaryotic cells. True or False?

False (prok became the mito & chlor in euka cells)

A reactant will always produce the same type of product, regardless of the enzymes present. True or False?

False (a particular reactant can be a substrate for various enzymes, each resulting in a different product)

The only end product of alcoholic fermentation is the alcohol. True or False?

False (end products are alcohol and CO2)

Energy, but NOT chemicals, may cycle through living things. True or False?

False (energy flows but chemicals cycle through living things)

The addition of an enzyme will change the end result of a reaction. In other words, a particular reaction will result in a different product if an enzyme is used. True or False?

False (enzymes only lower the energy of activation of a reaction, they do not change the end result)

Cells are not as efficient in their use of energy as gasoline engines. True or False?

False (gasoline engines are 20-30% efficient, while cells are about 40% efficient)

The most efficient method to produce ATP in animal cells is by glycolysis. True or False?

False (glycolysis only results in a net of 2 ATP so it's not as efficient as the electron transport chain)

Heat is not a form of energy. True or False?

False (heat is not a usable form of energy once it dissipates into the environment, but it IS a form of energy)

Will the reaction A + B turn into C, "move" forward if the free energy of A and B is 25 units and the free energy of C is 30 units? True or False?

False (in order for a reaction to go forward, the substrates must have more free energy than the products)

Glycolysis is linked to the citric acid cycle when oxygen is not available. True or False?

False (it's only linked when oxygen IS available)

The final product of glycolysis is oxygen. True or False?

False (it's pyruvate)

Because the inside of a cell is more organized than the outside, the inside of the cell has increased entropy. True or False?

False (more organization means decreased entropy)

There is a net gain of four ATPs as a result of glycolysis. True or False?

False (net gain of 2 ATPs)

All of the ATP molecules formed by the complete oxidation of glucose result from the electron transfer chain. True or False?

False (some come from glycolysis and the citric acid cycle)

All of the energy that a plant stores in the bonds of glucose are available to an animal to power its muscles. True or False?

False (some of the energy is lost as heat, so not all of the energy is available)

The tendrils that support vining plants are a type of stem. True or False?

False (tendrils are specialized leaves)

The citric acid cycle turns once for each original glucose molecule. True or False?

False (turns twice per molecule)

Why are fats a better source of energy than carbohydrates?

Fatty acids have a LONG chain of reduced CARBON atoms that will produce large amounts of ATP when their BONDS ARE BROKEN.

When you cut into most active plant tissue, water appears almost immediately because plant cells are in

a hypotonic solution that produces turgor pressure.

We presume that meiosis evolved later than mitosis. What process would NOT have to evolve in cells undergoing meiosis in order to make this transition? ( ) homologous chromosomes would have to pair up ( ) an additional division would have to occur but without a second DNA replication ( ) sister chromosomes do not separate at first anaphase; centromeres hold until second division ( ) a method of lining up single chromosomes along the metaphase plate ( ) fertilization processes to restore the diploid number in an organism

a method of lining up single chromosomes along the metaphase plate

You are conducting an experiment to determine which brand of fertilizer results in the greatest amount of fruit production by tomato plants. In this example, the response variable would be the

amount of fruit produced by the tomato plants.

In water, a weak hydrogen bond occurs between hydrogen in one molecule and ( ) an oxygen atom in the same molecule. ( ) an oxygen atom in a different molecule. ( ) a hydrogen atom in the same molecule. ( ) a hydrogen atom in a different molecule. ( ) either hydrogen and oxygen atoms of different molecules.

an OXYGEN atom in a DIFFERENT molecule.

ATP contains

an adenine base, a ribose sugar, and 3 phosphate groups.

The structure shown in Figure 2.24 is {H-N-H / R-C-H / OH-C=O}

an amino acid.

Mendel's law of segregation implies that the two members of an allele pair

are distributed to SEPARATE gametes.

Hemp (Cannabis sativa) is a dioecious plant. This means that the flowers of hemp

are incomplete.

From the discussion of long-day and short-day plants, it is obvious that "day-neutral" plants

are not dependent on the length of the night or day for flowering.


are ultimately dependent upon preformed organic molecules made by producers.

Which reproductive technology involves having a physician place the man's sperm into the woman's vagina in an attempt to fertilize her egg? ( ) artificial insemination ( ) in vitro fertilization ( ) gamete intrafallopian transfer ( ) surrogate mother ( ) intracytoplasmic sperm injection

artificial insemination

Surface-area-to-volume ratios indicate

as cells get larger, their surface area gets larger but at a slower rate than the volume increases.

If an enzymatic reaction was controlled by feedback inhibition, we would expect it to stop

as soon as a critical level of end product builds up.

As we become older, the

blood vessels become harder.

Carrier molecules are required for

both facilitated diffusion AND active transport.

The placenta develops from

both fetal and maternal tissue.

Hydrolysis of a fat results in the formation of

both glycerol and fatty acids.

The substance that initially traps solar energy in photosynthesis is


Which of these is present in plant, but not animal, cells? ( ) nucleus ( ) centrioles ( ) cell membrane ( ) Golgi apparatus ( ) chloroplasts


Which organelle will give off oxygen and use up carbon dioxide in plants?


Thylakoids and cristae are RESPECTIVELY structures of: ( ) lysosomes and the endoplasmic reticulum ( ) the nucleus and nucleolus ( ) chloroplasts and mitochondria ( ) mitochondria and chloroplasts ( ) the cell wall and the plasma membrane

chloroplasts and mitochondria

Which two organelles are most directly involved in the flow of energy from the sun through all living things?

chloroplasts and mitochondria

Which of the following molecules add stiffness and strength to the plasma membrane? ( ) glycoproteins ( ) cholesterol ( ) phospholipids ( ) enzymatic proteins ( ) phosphate groups


The _____ develops into the fetal portion of the placenta.


The _____ is responsible for gas-exchange in the egg of a chicken.


During crossing-over,

chromatids exchange segments of genetic material.

Which nuclear structure(s) contain(s) the hereditary material?


Eukaryotic chromosomes are composed of


Which of the following structures are NOT found in the cytoplasm? ( ) mitochondria ( ) chloroplast ( ) chromosomes ( ) nucleus ( ) lysosome


In a certain group of people, males are more subject to respiratory infections and are sterile. The most likely explanation for this disease is malfunctioning

cilia and flagella.

A fertilized egg undergoes cell division without further growth in the process called


The most important factor that determines where major ecosystems are located on the globe is


The "antenna" system of a plant that gathers the solar energy consists of

closely packed pigment molecules.

According to the operon theory, the function of the regulator gene is to ( ) code for enzymes in a metabolic pathway. ( ) serve as an on/off switch for transcription. ( ) code for a repressor molecule that can bind to the operator. ( ) bind to the RNA polymerase molecule. ( ) bind to the promoter.

code for a repressor molecule that can bind to the operator.

LH stimulates the

corpus luteum to produce progesterone.

The specialized tissue in a root that functions in food storage is the


If a person has a portion of number 5 chromosome missing, they may have

cri du chat syndrome.

The ATP synthase complex is located in the

cristae of the mitochondria.

In which kind of cross would you expect to have your actual results match the predicted results 100% of the time the cross is made?

crosses of differing genotypes result in differing answers—no cross will produce expected ratios every time

Compound fruits

develop from several individual ovaries.

List the sequence of bonds in order of strongest to weakest.

double covalent - single covalent - ionic - hydrogen

The tissue that regulates entrance of minerals into the vascular cylinder of a root is(are) the


The lining of the uterus that is discharged during the menstrual phase is the


Which is NOT a correct association of cell organelles and structure? ( ) cell wall-cellulose fibers and lignin ( ) centriole-microtubules ( ) endoplasmic reticulum-concentrated chromatin, RNA, and nucleoli ( ) plasma membrane-two layers of phospholipids with embedded proteins ( ) ribosome-RNA and protein in two subunits

endoplasmic reticulum-concentrated chromatin, RNA, and nucleoli

When a cell uses substantial energy to organize its cell contents to a greater degree than the organization that exists outside the living cell,

entropy has decreased.

Stomata open

in the light when a plant is running photosynthesis.

Fertilization in flowering plants occurs

in the ovule.

The reason that missing chromosomes and extra sex chromosomes do NOT cause more harm than they do is best explained by the

inactivation of any X beyond the first as a Barr body.

Which of the following is a reproductive structure of a plant? ( ) roots ( ) stems ( ) flowers ( ) leaves ( ) shoot system


The neural tube of vertebrates develops during morphogenesis of the nervous system by the

folding of ectoderm tissue.

Which of the following plant hormones could be used by industry to increase the size of sugarcane production? ( ) indoleacetic acid ( ) gibberellins ( ) zeatin ( ) abscisic acid ( ) ethylene


Blindness in newborn infants occurs when the mother

has gonorrhea or chlamydia.

Parasitic plants have specialized roots for invading a host plant's tissues. What are these roots called?


Enzymes are specific. This means that they

have a particular substrate.

Each enzyme has a particular substrate because enzymes

have active sites complementary in shape to their substrates.

Water is a liquid at room temperature. This is due to

hydrogen bonding between water molecules.

During which stage of the cell cycle do the chromosomes duplicate?


Which of the following would NOT slow down the electron transport system's production of ATP?

Increase the pumping of hydrogen ions into the intermembrane space of the mitochondria.

Which structure regulates passage of molecules into and out of the bacterial cell?

Plasma membrane

____________ regulation occurs within a cell when the newly formed protein is modified. ( ) Transcriptional ( ) Posttranscriptional ( ) Translational ( ) Posttranslational ( ) Operon


Which components are required for a molecule to be classified as organic.

Presence of carbon, hydrogen, four electrons in the outer orbital, and the attachment of a functional group.

At the base of most food chains are autotrophs. True or False?


Both plants and animals have organs and tissues. True or False?


Chlamydia is a common STD that can be treated by appropriate antibiotics. True or False?


Chromosomes are attached to the spindle fibers in order to move to and from the equator. True / False?


Commercial micropropagation methods result in cloning of plants. True or False?


Cross-pollination occurs when pollen from an anther of one plant is transferred to the stigma of another plant of the same species. True or False?


During arousal the vagina will secrete a lubricating fluid. True or False?


Fatty acids are a more concentrated source of energy compared to a carbohydrate. True or False?


Fermentation follows glycolysis in some cells if oxygen is not available. True or False?


Fermentation is the process that allows bread to rise. True or False?


Glucose is broken down during cellular respiration so that the released energy can be stored and converted into ATP. True or False?


If a particular molecule is brought into the cell by receptor-medicated endocytosis, then changing the receptors will change the molecule that is being transported. True or False?


In a coupled reaction, energy is not released to the environment because the energy from one reaction is used to drive the other reaction forward. True or False?


In asexual reproduction in plants, there is only one parent, instead of two. True or False?


In some plants, the haploid stage is the dominant stage while in humans, the diploid stage is the dominant stage. True or False?


It is the secondary oocyte and not the egg that the sperm fertilizes to form a diploid organism. True / False?


Less energy is needed to bring about a reaction when an enzyme is present. True or False?


Microtubules found in spindle fibers are capable of assembling and disassembling. True or False?


Mitotic division is the normal process of cell reproduction to build and maintain the body of an organism, while meiosis takes place only in the formation of gametes for reproduction. True or False?


NADH and FADH2 bring electrons to the electron transport chain during cellular respiration. True or False?


One of the new technologies developed from tissue culture and genetic engineering is plant hybridization. True or False?


One way to determine whether something is being actively transported across a membrane, is to compare its rate of transport with and without a chemical that blocks ATP production. True or False?


Plant hormones are small organic molecules produced by the plants themselves. True or False?


Pyruvate contains less chemical energy than glucose. True or False?


Since cyanobacteria do not contain chloroplasts and yet they photosynthesize, chloroplasts are not required for photosynthesis. True or False?


Since plant cells do not have centrioles, they cannot be required for all organisms to conduct mitosis and meiosis. True or False?


Some plant leaves and stems are covered with hairs. True or False?


Technically, mitosis refers to nuclear division and NOT cytoplasmic division. True or False?


The cells that make up xylem are no longer living. True or False?


The chromatids are held together at a region called the centromere. True or False?


The female condom is effective at preventing pregnancy as well as the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. True or False?


The length of DNA in each chromosome is longer than the diameter of the animal cell. True or False?


The only haploid stage in the animal life cycle is the gamete. True / False?


The term "metabolism" refers to all of the chemical reactions that occur in a cell. True or False?


The two-stage life cycle in plants evolved as an adaptation to life on land. True or False?


There is an inverse relationship between wavelength of light and amount of energy. True or False?


Upon visiting a redwood forest, you realize that because of their meristematic tissue these ancient trees are still growing. True or False?


Using technology in the field of agriculture has enabled farmers to feed a growing human population. True or False?


Visible light has more energy than radio waves. True or False?


When a plant grows upward, the distance between the internodes increases in length. True or False?


When heat dissipates into the environment, it is no longer usable by the individual who produced it. True or False?


When you eat an apple, the core left over is the ovary. True or False?


You can tell the age of a stem by counting the bud scale scars. True or False?


Ultimately, humans get their energy from the sun. True or False?

True (humans get their energy from their food, which comes from organisms that either photosynthesize or eat those organisms that photosynthesize... photosynthesizers get their energy from the sun)

Enzymes, coenzymes, and cofactors provide a mechanism for a cell to regulate the metabolism of a large amount of cell products using small quantities of chemicals. True or False?

True (since enzymes, coenzymes, and cofactors are not used up in metabolic reactions, very small amounts can regulate metabolism)

Which is a correct example of tonicity? ( ) Water is hypertonic to red blood cells ( ) Turgor pressure is created when a plant cell swells in a hypotonic solution ( ) Plasmolysis results from plant cells in hypotonic solutions. ( ) Crenated red blood cells result when they are placed in a hypotonic solution. ( ) If a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, water enters the cell.

Turgor pressure is created when a plant cell swells in a hypotonic solution

A friend complains that all of her houseplants have bent stems. You examine the plants and find that their stems all curve toward the light. What would you recommend to your friend to correct the problem?

Turn each plant occasionally.

A female that does not undergo puberty or menstruate or lacks breast development may have

Turner syndrome.

A person with an XO genotype is classified as having

Turner syndrome.

In 1940, two researchers named Weiner and Landsteiner discovered that about 85 percent of the human population sampled possessed a blood cell protein called the Rh factor. The presence of Rh factor was labeled Rh positive (Rh+) and was found to be dominant over the absence of the blood factor (Rh-). Under normal Mendelian inheritance, which of the following statements is FALSE? ( ) Two Rh+ parents could have an Rh- child. ( ) Two Rh- parents could have an Rh+ child. ( ) An Rh- child would require that both parents be carriers of at least one Rh- allele. ( ) It is possible with just one pair of parents to have children where some siblings are Rh- and some are Rh+. ( ) Two Rh+ parents can have Rh- or Rh + children.

Two Rh- parents could have an Rh+ child.

Which stem modifications are underground, thin, papery leaves and have a thick stem that lie dormant during the winter? ( ) corms ( ) rhizomes ( ) stolons ( ) runners ( ) nodes


When a lysosome fuses with a vacuole,

its contents are digested.

The failure of which organelle during development can result in a child being born with webbed toes?


Which of the classes of RNA molecules carries the genetic information as it is needed for the construction of a protein? ( ) ribosomal RNA ( ) transfer RNA ( ) messenger RNA ( ) primary mRNA transcript ( ) mature RNA

messenger RNA

The cardiovascular and urinary systems form from the _______ layer.


The last tissue layer to be formed during gastrulation is the


What pathway produces the gametophytes during the alternation of generations in plants?


Which one is NOT a correct association? ( ) cytokinesis-division of the cytoplasm ( ) centromere-point where sister chromatids remain attached ( ) haploid-one of each chromosome ( ) sister chromatids-two identical chromosome strands still attached at the centromere ( ) mitosis-when a cell duplicates and then divides twice to reduce chromosome number by half

mitosis - when a cell duplicates and then divides twice to reduce chromosome number by half

The mitotic stage of cell division consists of

mitosis and cytokinesis.

The cell cycle consists of

mitosis and interphase.

When researchers test a new human cancer drug using mice, the mice constitute the


A differentially permeable membrane separates a molasses solution from distilled water. Over time, the

molasses will become more dilute.

The iris is a plant with long, sword-like leaves. Its flowers have six petals that form a tongue and "flags." When you cut through the stem to cut flowers for a bouquet arrangement, the many vascular bundles form tough "strings" throughout the stem. From this description, it is obvious that the iris is a


The motor molecules associated with actin are called


Ever since the antibiotic drug penicillin was discovered in 1928, the incidence of resistant bacteria has steadily increased as a direct result of

natural selection.

Both plant and animal cells have mitochondria because they both

need ATP for energy.

Nucleic acids are polymers of


Which eukaryotic organelle is the largest?


Within eukaryotic cells, the ____ is surrounded by a double membrane and carries the coding that determines protein synthesis.


Messenger RNA is produced in the ( ) cytoplasm. ( ) ribosomes. ( ) nucleus. ( ) endoplasmic reticulum. ( ) lysosome.


A physician specializes in surgery involving the following group of organs: mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines. Overall, this physician is specialized at which level of organization?

organ system

An unmanned spacecraft has been sent to another planet to detect other life forms that might be quite different from those on Earth. If the probe could only send back one still picture, which property or properties of life would be most evident?


What accounts for the attractiveness of many flowers that helps enhance their reproductive opportunities?


The stalk that attaches a leaf blade to a stem is a/an


Macrophages, a type of white blood cells, are able to remove bacteria from our bloodstream and tissues by


Cold weather can change the ______ of a Himalayan rabbit.


Which of the following represents the physical characteristics of the individual? ( ) phenotype ( ) genotype ( ) alleles ( ) homozygous ( ) dominance


When an intestinal cell ingests substances inside very small vesicles that can only be seen with an electron microscope, this is


Which structure in humans produces FSH? ( ) hypothalamus ( ) ovary ( ) uterus ( ) pituitary ( ) interstitial cells


In the human female, estrogen and progesterone exert feedback control over the ( ) pituitary. ( ) ovary. ( ) uterus. ( ) testes. ( ) prostate gland.


The organ that exchanges molecules between fetal and maternal blood is the


Which modern technology is NOT used in the creation of transgenic plants?

plant hybridization

The megaspore divides mitotically, resulting in a female gametophyte or embryo sac that differentiates into an egg and a central cell with two nuclei called the

polar nuclei.

The male gametophyte in flowering plants will be found within the

pollen grain.

Which of the following is arranged in proper order? ( ) fertilization → pollination → seed formation → germination ( ) seed formation → fertilization → germination → pollination ( ) pollination → fertilization → seed formation → germination ( ) germination → seed formation → fertilization → pollination ( ) pollination → fertilization → germination → seed formation

pollination → fertilization → seed formation → germination

Traits that are controlled by several sets or pairs of alleles, such as skin color and height in humans, are the result of what form of inheritance?


When two or more sets of alleles affect the same trait in an additive fashion, it is termed

polygenic inheritance.

Glycogen is a

polysaccharide used to store glucose/energy.

All the banded sunfish (Enneacanthus obesus) in a pond would comprise a


Which level of primary control in eukaryotic gene activity involves processing early RNA transcripts to mRNA and control of the rate at which mRNA leaves the nucleus? ( ) feedback control ( ) translational control ( ) transcriptional control ( ) posttranscriptional control ( ) posttranslational control

posttranscriptional control

Which level of primary control in eukaryotic gene activity involves changes in the polypeptide chain before it becomes functional? ( ) feedback control ( ) translational control ( ) transcriptional control ( ) posttranscriptional control ( ) posttranslational control

posttranslational control

The genes that code for the proteins of the signaling pathway could be classified as


What specialized types of primary meristem develop from a shoot apical meristem?

protoderm, ground meristem, procambium

Which of these is paired INCORRECTLY? ( ) protoderm-epidermis ( ) protoderm-primary xylem ( ) ground meristem-pith ( ) ground meristem-cortex ( ) procambium-vascular cambium

protoderm-primary xylem

A piece of petrified wood was once part of a living organism, but its tissues have been replaced by minerals and it no longer exhibits most properties of life, except for


Which of the following subatomic particles will be found within the nucleus of the atom? ( ) protons & neutrons ( ) protons & electrons ( ) electrons & neutrons ( ) only neutrons ( ) only protons

protons & neutrons

The nucleus of an atom contains

protons and neutrons.

If digestive enzymes are used to remove the plant cell wall, the naked plant cell that remains is called a


The function of endosperm is to

provide nutrients to the embryo.

If a person had recently undergone major doses of antibiotics accompanying surgery, which STD(s) would likely be collaterally treated? ( ) AIDS ( ) syphilis ( ) genital warts ( ) HBV ( ) HIV


Evolutionary advantages of being "woody" include

tall growth that allows greater leaf access to sunlight.

Why are 2 ATP needed to begin glycolysis?

to activate the glucose

What is the function of reverse transcriptase in the reproduction cycle of HIV?

to produce double stranded DNA from single stranded viral RNA

The energy difference between the reactant glucose and oxygen molecules and the product water and carbon dioxide is 686 kilocalories, yet the 36 ATP molecules produced are only storing 263 kilocalories in their outermost phosphate bond. The rest of the energy went

to provide heat that is soon lost from the organism.

A flower that is missing the stamens would be considered female. True or False?


Which of the following statements is based on scientific observation and reasoning? ( ) Some chemical compounds react differently in different human cultures. ( ) If a tree falls in a forest but this is never witnessed by a human, there are no physical or biological consequences. ( ) Many physical and biological phenomena lack any cause-and-effect; outcomes from one situation may be one way today and another tomorrow. ( ) Objects fall downward anywhere on the earth's surface regardless of the observer. ( ) A scientist records only the data that are easiest to interpret.

( ) Objects fall downward anywhere on the earth's surface regardless of the observer.

A normal male marries a color-blind woman. What percent of their female children will be color-blind?


Tay-Sachs is a recessive genetic disease in humans. If one parent is homozygous normal and the other is a carrier (heterozygous), what are the chances that their child will have this disease?


In guinea pigs, B = black, b = brown, S = short hair, s = long hair. A heterozygous black, shorthaired animal reproduces with a brown, longhaired animal. What is the expected phenotypic ratio of the offspring?

1 black short hair, 1 black long hair, 1 brown short hair, 1 brown long hair

The number of ATPs produced directly as a result of one turn of the citric acid cycle is


If 0.9% NaCl were isotonic to a cell, then

1.0% would be hypertonic.

During a 28 day uterine cycle, ovulation usually occurs on the

14th day.

A cross is made between two parents with genotypes AaBB and aabb. If there are 32 offspring, how many of them would be expected to exhibit both dominant characteristics?


How many total carbons are involved in carbon dioxide fixation with 3 molecules of carbon dioxide and 3 molecules of RuBP?


How many alleles are required to express a monohybrid trait?


If an element has an atomic number of 12, how many electrons are in its outermost shell?


What is the input requirements of glycolysis?

2 ATP, 2 NAD+, glucose, and 4 ADP

How many molecules are formed from the cleavage of glucose during the first step of glycolysis? How many carbons are found in the resulting molecules?

2 molecules, each with 3 carbons

The final products of glycolysis are

2 pyruvate, 2 ATP, and 2 NADH + H+.

How much of the protein content in chloroplasts is made up of the enzyme RuBP carboxylase? Why?

20-50%; the enzyme is very slow

Both parents are heterozygous for Tay-Sachs disease (an autosomal recessive disorder). Three children in a row were born with Tay-Sachs disease. What is the chance that a fourth child will have Tay-Sachs disease?


In humans, assume red hair is recessive to dark hair. What are the chances of a dark-haired couple having a red-haired child if each had a red-haired parent?


What are the chances that two individuals with wavy hair (an incomplete trait) will have a curly-haired child? Curly hair and straight hair exhibit incomplete dominance.


If a species contains 23% A in its DNA, what is the percentage of guanine it would contain? ( ) 23% ( ) 46% ( ) 25% ( ) 44% ( ) 27%


In the human female, the uterine cycle is on the average

28 days.

Meiosis results in a change in chromosome number indicated by

2n to n.

The genetic code consists of ____ bases that stand for one amino acid. ( ) 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) 20


Consider skin color to be regulated by three genes A, B and C. All recessive alleles would be 0 or white on the color scale. All dominant alleles would be 6 or black on the color scale. What color is a person with AAbbCc genotype? ( ) 6 or black ( ) 5 or dark ( ) 3 or medium brown ( ) 2 or light ( ) 0 or white

3 or medium brown

If the probability of event A is 3/4 and the probability of event B is 1/4, then the probability of both A and B occurring at the same time is ( ) 3/4. ( ) 1/4. ( ) 1 or absolute certainty. ( ) 1/2. ( ) 3/16.


A pea is actually a seed. True or False?


An organism has 8 pairs of chromosomes. If sperm and egg did not undergo meiosis, how many chromosomes would be present in a cell that resulted from the fusion of a sperm and egg? ( ) 8 ( ) 16 ( ) 24 ( ) 32 ( ) 64


In Figure 25.4, when replication is finished, strand 1 will have the same base composition as strand ___ while strand 2 will have the same base composition as strand ____. {image of DNA strands where bases of two spiraled strands on the left are labeled 1 and 2, and bases of the other two spiraled strands on the right are labeled 3 and 4.} ( ) 2; 3 ( ) 1; 3 ( ) 3; 4 ( ) 1; 4 ( ) 2; 4

3; 4

In the Calvin cycle, the 3-carbon molecule that will be immediately formed after carbon dioxide fixation occurs is


One carbon atom can form covalent bonds with up to ___ other atoms to form an organic molecule.


How efficient is the breakdown of one glucose via cellular respiration?


In humans, the diploid number of chromosomes is


A male who is color-blind marries a heterozygous woman. What percent of their male children will be color-blind?


Color-blindness is inherited as an X-linked recessive trait. A male who is color-blind marries a heterozygous woman. What percent of their total children will be color-blind?


In humans, widow's peak (W) is dominant over straight hairline (w). If a heterozygous male marries a female with a straight hairline, what percent of their children can be expected to have widow's peak?


The four o'clock flower is an example of incomplete dominance: R = red, r = white, and Rr = pink. If two hybrids are crossed, what are the chances that an offspring will have pink flowers?


Hemophilia (h) is a sex-linked recessive trait. If a hemophiliac male marries a carrier female,

50% of their daughters will be hemophiliac.

The pH of blood is slightly basic. Which of the following would therefore be an expected pH for blood? ( ) 6.4 ( ) 4.6 ( ) 4.7 ( ) 7.4 ( ) 13.8


The isotope 14 6C has

8 neutrons.

If the diploid chromosome number is 16, the chromosome number of each gamete will be


In guinea pigs, B = black, b = brown, S = short hair, s = long hair. Two heterozygous individuals reproduce. The expected results are

9 black short hair, 3 black long hair, 3 brown short hair, 1 brown long hair.

In humans, aniridia, a type of blindness, is due to a dominant allele A. Migraine headaches are due to another dominant allele M. If a man who suffers from both conditions (AaMm) marries a woman who suffers from both (AaMm), what are the chances of an offspring having both traits?


Indicate the genotypic and phenotypic ratios that you could expect if an individual who is heterozygous for Huntington disease has children with a normal individual. (type in answer)

<correct answer not given in long answer questions> Feedback says: The individual who is heterozygous for Huntington disease would be Hh since it is a dominant disorder. The normal individual would be hh. Hh x hh would produce a genotypic ratio of 50% Hh and 50% hh. The phenotypic ratio would be 50% Huntington disease and 50% normal.

Chargaff's rules of DNA structure states that ( ) A + T = G + C. ( ) A + G = T + C. ( ) A = C, T = G. ( ) A = G, T = C. ( ) the number of purines in DNA never equals the number of pyrimidines.

A + G = T + C.

Which is NOT a correct attribute of a metabolic pathway? ( ) Reactants are the input molecules. ( ) Reactants act as substrates for specific enzymes. ( ) The product of one reaction can become the reactant for the next. ( ) If several metabolic pathways have a molecule in common, one pathway can lead to several others. ( ) A constant supply of new enzymes must be produced to keep the metabolic pathway active.

A constant supply of new enzymes must be produced to keep the metabolic pathway active.

Which statement regarding the scientific method is FALSE? ( ) Hypotheses are tentative explanations of observed phenomena. ( ) A hypothesis may become a theory, which may become a law. ( ) Deductive reasoning is often used in the design of an experiment. ( ) A control group is always exposed to the factor being tested. ( ) Conclusions are formed after an experiment is conducted.

A control group is always exposed to the factor being tested.

All but one of the following experiments would allow a scientist to discover if the phenotype of an organism would be affected by environmental changes; choose the experiment that would NOT show environmental effects. ( ) Cuttings are taken from an English Ivy plant and are then grown in soils with different pH levels. ( ) A Siamese cat has patches of fur removed from its hips and an ice pack is secured over the area. ( ) A mouse with the genetic disorder phenylketonuria (PKU) is fed a diet low in phenylalanine for a year and then changed to a diet rich in the same molecule. ( ) A group of mice that show the same dominant trait are fed a variety of diets to determine if they show different body types. ( ) A hydrangea is grown for one year in aluminum poor soil and then grown for one year in aluminum rich soil.

A group of mice that show the same dominant trait are fed a variety of diets to determine if they show different body types.

Peas and beans are considered legumes. Why?

A legume is a fruit that splits along two sides when mature.

All of the genes on a single chromosome are

A linkage group

The location of a gene on a chromosome is called

A locus.

Which is NOT associated with cancer? ( ) It can establish new tumors distant from the site of the primary tumor. ( ) It forms new blood vessels and brings nutrients and oxygen to the tumor. ( ) Cancer cells can undergo cell division repeatedly and indefinitely. ( ) Tumors invade surrounding tissues and are filtered by lymph nodes. ( ) A malignant mass of cells is encapsulated and does not invade adjacent tissue.

A malignant mass of cells is encapsulated and does not invade adjacent tissue.

Which of the following statements is NOT correct about flowering plants? ( ) A sperm nucleus combines with one polar nucleus to form the endosperm. ( ) A sperm nucleus combines with the egg nucleus to eventually form the embryo. ( ) A pollen grain may be carried to the stigma of the ovary by the wind. ( ) A pollen tube grows down the style. ( ) They exhibit double fertilization.

A sperm nucleus combines with one polar nucleus to form the endosperm.

The ability to roll the edges of the tongue upward in a U-shape has been considered to be an inherited ability. The standard assumption is that tongue-rolling is a dominant allele at a single gene locus. Which of the following would CAST DOUBT on this assumption? ( ) Behaviors are not inherited, only structures are inherited. ( ) A student who cannot roll his tongue has a mother and father, both of whom can. ( ) A student who can roll his tongue has a mother and father, both of whom cannot. ( ) With very little effort the non-tongue-rollers can learn to also roll their tongues. ( ) A student who can roll his tongue has a mother and father, both of whom cannot roll their tongues AND with very little effort the non-tongue-rollers can learn to roll their tongues.

A student who can roll his tongue has a mother and father, both of whom cannot roll their tongues AND with very little effort the non-tongue-rollers can learn to roll their tongues.

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? ( ) The follicles in the ovary produce estrogen. ( ) The corpus luteum produces progesterone. ( ) The placenta can produce both estrogen and progesterone. ( ) LH stimulates the formation of the corpus luteum. ( ) A surge of FSH is believed to promote ovulation.

A surge of FSH is believed to promote ovulation.

Which of the following pairs of alleles would be most likely to cross over? A) A..........B B) A...B...... C) A......B.......C D) AB............. E) ..........AB

A) A..........B

Which of the following is an advantage of breast feeding? A) All of these are advantages of breast feeding. B) Colostrum is rich in proteins and antibodies. C) Physiological benefits for the mother. D) Suckling causes uterine contractions that help reduce the uterus to its normal size. E) Breast feeding uses up calories that can help a woman return to her normal weight.

A) All of these are advantages of breast feeding.

Which of the following best defines substrate-level ATP synthesis? A) An enzyme passes a high-energy phosphate to ADP resulting in ATP B) ATP is used to activate glucose for glycolysis C) An exergonic reaction is used to drive the synthesis of ATP from ADP plus phosphate D) Oxidation of a substrate results in a high energy bond E) ATP is synthesized from adenosine plus 3 phosphates

A) An enzyme passes a high-energy phosphate to ADP resulting in ATP

Karyotyping can be used to diagnose which of the following genetic disorders? A) Down syndrome B) phenylketonuria C) neurofibromatosis D) cystic fibrosis E) hemophilia

A) Down syndrome

Which of the following statements about fermentation is NOT true? A) Fermentation involves the citric acid cycle. B) Fermentation does not require oxygen. C) Fermentation can produce lactic acid. D) Fermentation produces a net 2 ATP molecules. E) Fermentation can produce alcohol.

A) Fermentation involves the citric acid cycle.

Which statement is true regarding the Barr body? A) It is found in the nuclei of females. B) It is found in the nuclei of males. C) It is found in the cytoplasm of males. D) It is found in the cytoplasm of females. E) It is a condensed inactive Y chromosome.

A) It is found in the nuclei of females.

Which of the following serves as an insulator for the embryo? A) amniotic fluid B) allantois C) chorion D) primitive streak E) yolk sac

A) amniotic fluid

Which of the following sex-linked disorders is characterized by an abnormal number of repeat sequences in the genome? A) fragile X syndrome B) hemophilia C) color blindness D) Duchenne muscular dystrophy E) none of these

A) fragile X syndrome

Which of the following sex-linked diseases is characterized by the absence of a clotting factor? A) hemophilia B) fragile X syndrome C) color blindness D) Duchenne muscular dystrophy E) none of these

A) hemophilia

Which of the following hormones causes the uterus to contract? A) oxytocin B) estrogen C) progesterone D) testosterone E) prolactin

A) oxytocin

Which trait is not part of the linkage group found on chromosome 19? A) production of elastin B) Muscular dystrophy C) hair color (brown) D) eye color (green/blue) E) colorectal cancer

A) production of elastin

Which of the following develop from the germ layer called the ectoderm? A) skin and nervous system B) muscles and blood C) gut and pancreas D) nervous system and muscles E) reproductive and urinary

A) skin and nervous system

If one parent has type B blood and the other has type AB, what type might the child have? ( ) A or O only ( ) B or O only ( ) A or B only ( ) A, B, AB only ( ) A, B, O, or AB

A, B, AB only

A pheasant breeder starts with two birds in the P generation, one of which is AA and the other is aa. If he takes two of the birds from the F1 generation and breeds them together, what can he expect in his F2 offspring? ( ) AA and Aa ( ) Aa and aa ( ) AA, Aa, and aa ( ) AA only ( ) Aa only

AA, Aa, and aa

ATP can be broken down into

ADP plus phosphate plus energy.

Tumor suppressor genes are ( ) oncogenes that code for proteins that inhibit cell division. ( ) anti-oncogenes that code for proteins that inhibit cell division. ( ) oncogenes that code for proteins that stimulate cell division. ( ) anti-oncogenes that code for proteins that stimulate cell division. ( ) transposons that can be used as cancer therapy.

ANTI-oncogenes that code for proteins that INHIBIT cell division.

Why is ATP used as the energy molecule of the cell?

ATP contains just about the amount of energy required for most cellular reactions.

Some herbicides inhibit the electron transport chain in the thylakoid membrane. Without the movement of electrons, hydrogen ions would not be pumped from the stroma to the thylakoid space and the hydrogen ion gradient would not be established. How would this affect the Calvin cycle reactions?

ATP would not be produced and as a result, the Calvin cycle reactions would not occur.

At night, plants do not carry out any metabolism because there is no sunlight. True or False?


The cyclic electron pathway produces only


If an individual with a dominant phenotype is crossed with an individual with a recessive phenotype, 4 of their 9 offspring show the recessive phenotype. What is the genotype of the dominant parent? ( ) AA ( ) Aa ( ) aa ( ) either AA or Aa ( ) either Aa or aa


Some plants fail to produce chlorophyll, and this trait appears to be recessive. Many plants also self-pollinate. If we locate a pea plant that is heterozygous for this trait, self-pollinate it and harvest seeds, what are the likely phenotypes of these seeds when they germinate?

About 1/4 will be white and three-fourths green since it is similar to a monohybrid cross.

Which statement regarding acids and bases is correct? ( ) Acids increase the pH, and bases decrease the pH. ( ) Acids increase the proportion of hydrogen ions (H+), and bases reduce the proportion of H+. ( ) Acids are harmful, but bases are not harmful. ( ) Acids combine with bases to form buffers. ( ) Acids combine with bases to form sugars.

Acids increase the proportion of hydrogen ions (H+), and bases reduce the proportion of H+.

Which is true about energy of activation? ( ) Energy of activation is measured as the energy that is released after a reaction occurs. ( ) Adding the correct enzyme can lower the energy of activation. ( ) In any one metabolic pathway, all steps will have the same energy of activation. ( ) Energy of activation is the difference between the energy of the reactant and the energy of the product. ( ) The energy of activation is always lower than the energy of the reactant.

Adding the correct enzyme can lower the energy of activation.

An early experiment by Van Helmont (1600s) describes how he grew a tree in a large pot and found that after five years, the amount of soil in the pot had not changed. He concluded that the increase in weight was due to the addition of water. At that time, the compounds of the air had not yet been identified. Today, it is known that he only discovered half the story. Which of these experiments would NOT provide evidence that materials from a source other than water were involved in photosynthesis? ( ) Carbon is discovered as a major element in trees and is lacking in water molecules. ( ) Radioactive carbon in carbon dioxide in the air is identified as part of tree structures. ( ) A very careful analysis of the water taken in and lost by the tree would have revealed only part of the added weight gained by the tree. ( ) After adding radioactive water with labeled oxygen to a plant, radioactive oxygen is given off. ( ) Radioactive carbon is found in stored glucose molecules after supplying a plant with radioactive carbon dioxide.

After adding radioactive water with labeled oxygen to a plant, radioactive oxygen is given off.

Which of the following events would increase the cell's ability to exchange materials across the membrane? ( ) Multiple cellular divisions that restore the amount of surface area ( ) The growth of microvilli on the cell membrane ( ) Specialization in absorption ( ) All of these ( ) None of these

All of these

Which of the following is NOT a class of antiretroviral drugs that is currently available? ( ) reverse transcriptase inhibitors ( ) protease inhibitors ( ) fusion / entry inhibitors ( ) integrase inhibitors ( ) All of these are classes of antiretroviral drugs that are currently available.

All of these are classes of antiretroviral drugs that are currently available.

Which of the following is NOT a function of ATP within the cell? ( ) All of these are functions of ATP within the cell. ( ) Conduction of nerve impulses. ( ) Contraction of muscle cells. ( ) Synthesis of macromolecules. ( ) Energy currency of the cell.

All of these are functions of ATP within the cell.

Which of the following functional groups is present in amino acids? ( ) SH ( ) NHH ( ) COOH ( ) OH ( ) All of these are present in amino acids.

All of these are present in amino acids.

Which of the following organisms will NOT have a dependency on photosynthesis for their energy? ( ) white tailed deer ( ) wolves ( ) squirrels ( ) raccoons ( ) All of these will have a dependency on photosynthesis.

All of these will have a dependency on photosynthesis.

Which component of the extracellualr matrix is responsible for forming proteoglycans?

Amino sugars

During which phase will homologous chromosomes separate?

Anaphase I

Which of the following best characterizes apoptosis? ( ) Apoptosis is bad for an organism. ( ) The stages of apoptosis are different in each cell type. ( ) Apoptosis happens accidentally to healthy cells. ( ) Apoptosis plays a normal role in development and cancer prevention. ( ) Apoptosis results in our going from a fertilized egg to trillions of cells.

Apoptosis plays a normal role in development and cancer prevention.

Which domains contain organisms that lack a membrane bound nucleus?

Archaea & Bacteria

The three major domains of life are

Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukaryotes.

Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning enzymatic activity? ( ) Each enzyme has a preferred pH at which the enzyme reaction rate is highest. ( ) Above a certain temperature, an enzyme will become denatured. ( ) As the temperature increases, most enzymatic reactions will still proceed at the same rate. ( ) Enzymatic reactions proceed quite rapidly. ( ) Enzyme activity increases as substrate concentration increases until the maximum rate is achieved.

As the temperature increases, most enzymatic reactions will still proceed at the same rate.

Which of the following is NOT correct? A) Embryonic cells are totipotent. B) Differentiation is due to parceling out of genes into various embryonic cells. C) The contents of the cytoplasm of an egg are not distributed uniformly. D) If an egg from a frog divides without receiving the gray crescent, it will not become a tadpole. E) Differentiation is influenced by chemical signals given off by neighboring cells.

B) Differentiation is due to parceling out of genes into various embryonic cells.

Which statement is NOT true about Down syndrome? A) It is caused by a third copy of chromosome 21. B) Greatly increased incidence occurs with fathers over age 40. C) It is usually associated with chromosomal nondisjunction in meiosis. D) Characteristics include mental retardation and extra eyelid folds. E) Affected individuals display mental retardation.

B) Greatly increased incidence occurs with fathers over age 40.

Among the disorders caused by changes in chromosome structure are all but one of those listed below; that one is A) Fragile X syndrome B) Klinefelter syndrome C) Williams syndrome D) Cri du chat syndrome E) All of these are caused by a change in chromosome structure

B) Klinefelter syndrome

Which of the following statements is NOT true? A) The end product of glycolysis is pyruvate. B) The citric acid cycle begins and ends with pyruvate. C) NADH2 will eventually produce three ATP molecules. D) Aerobic respiration of glucose has four phases. E) Aerobic respiration uses oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.

B) The citric acid cycle begins and ends with pyruvate.

Which association is INCORRECT? A) chorion—gas exchange B) amnion—blood vessels C) allantois—waste storage D) yolk sac—food storage E) yolk—nourishment

B) amnion—blood vessels

Which refers to the movement of a piece of one chromosome to another nonhomologous chromosome? A) inversion B) translocation C) deletion D) duplication E) monosomy

B) translocation

Which of the following cells was most likely the first type of cells on Earth? ( ) Bacteria ( ) Fungi ( ) Archaea ( ) Plants ( ) Animals


In humans, brown eyes (B) is a simple dominant trait over blue eyes (b). A brown-eyed woman whose child is blue-eyed would have the genotype ( ) bb. ( ) Bb. ( ) BB. ( ) BBB. ( ) BbBb.


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic shared by cellular respiration and photosynthesis? ( ) Both photosynthesis and cellular respiration occur in plant cells. ( ) Both processes produce ATP by chemiosmosis. ( ) Both processes produce oxygen. ( ) Both processes use an electron transport chain located in membranes of organelles. ( ) One or more electron carriers are used in both processes.

Both processes produce oxygen.

Which of the following statements comparing the ATP synthase complex in cellular respiration and photosynthesis is NOT true? ( ) Both require the movement of H+ from inside a compartment to outside of the compartment. ( ) Both produce ATP. ( ) Both work via chemiosmosis. ( ) Both require a H+ gradient. ( ) Both are located in a membrane.

Both require the movement of H+ from inside a compartment to outside of the compartment.

In what ways are photosynthesis and cellular respiration NOT alike?

Both will use the electron carrier NADH. (nope cuz they won't)

If A has a free energy of 38 units, and C has a free energy of 45 units, and the reaction is exergonic, based on the calculation of free energy, which is the substrate and which is the product?

C is the substrate and A is the product

Which of the following is NOT true about a karyotype? A) Homologous chromosomes are arranged in pairs. B) Sex chromosomes are identified separately from autosomes. C) All chromosome pairs are numbered differently for males and females. D) Chromosome pairs are assorted by both size and shape. E) Banding patterns are used in pairing chromosomes.

C) All chromosome pairs are numbered differently for males and females.

Which of the following reactions is NOT part of the cellular respiration pathway? A) glycolysis B) citric acid cycle C) Calvin cycle D) electron transport chain E) preparatory reaction (prep)

C) Calvin cycle

A mother is a carrier for blue eyes (autosomal recessive) and for hemophilia (X-linked recessive). Which of these is a correct statement? A) All sons will have blue eyes and be hemophiliacs. B) It depends on the father's genotype whether the sons will have blue eyes and/or be hemophiliacs. C) The father's genotype can determine whether a son will have blue eyes but cannot determine whether a son will be a hemophiliac. D) Regardless of the father, no sons will have blue eyes or be hemophiliacs. E) There is a linkage between eye color and hemophilia.

C) The father's genotype can determine whether a son will have blue eyes but cannot determine whether a son will be a hemophiliac.

Which statement is NOT true about homeotic genes? A) Each homeotic gene has a variable region and a sequence called the homeobox that is very similar in all such genes. B) They have been found in almost all eukaryotic organisms. C) They are master genes that control all other genes in the organism. D) They are sequentially arranged on the chromosome in the same sequence they are activated during development of the embryo in Drosophila. E) All homeotic genes are thought to be derived from an original DNA sequence that has been highly conserved in evolution because of its importance to animal evolution.

C) They are master genes that control all other genes in the organism.

Which of the following ducts connect the pulmonary trunk to the aorta in the fetus? A) oval opening B) venous duct C) arterial duct D) umbilical artery E) umbilical vein

C) arterial duct

Which of the following describes the process in which cells become specialized in structure and function? A) development B) pattern formation C) cellular differentiation D) morphogenesis E) embryology

C) cellular differentiation

Which refers to the loss of a portion of a chromosome? A) inversion B) translocation C) deletion D) duplication E) monosomy

C) deletion

Which of the following is a substrate of cellular respiration? A) carbon dioxide B) water C) glucose D) ATP E) energy

C) glucose

Which part of photosynthesis does NOT occur inside the thylakoid membrane?

Calvin cycle reactions

Which of the following is NOT an example of fermentation used by organisms to produce ATP? A) bacteria producing lactate B) bacteria producing alcohol C) humans producing alcohol D) humans producing lactate E) yeast producing alcohol

C) humans producing alcohol

Which is a correct association of mitochondrion structure and phase of cellular respiration? A) matrix - electron transport chain B) cristae - preparatory reaction C) matrix - citric acid cycle D) matrix - glycolysis E) cristae - glycolysis

C) matrix - citric acid cycle

Which of the following would not be the same in a male and female? A) the total number of autosomes B) the loci for the majority of their genes C) the types of sex chromosomes D) the inheritance of one X chromosome from their mother E) the need for 2 sex chromosomes

C) the types of sex chromosomes

Most major food plants such as wheat, oats, and rice are in the group of

C3 plants.

Which photosynthetic mode would be most favorable in a desert environment?


Which of the following is NOT a frameshift mutation of the nucleotide sequence CATUAUCCC? ( ) CATTUAUCCC ( ) ATUAUCCC ( ) CTUAUCCC ( ) CATUAUCGC ( ) CCATUAUCCC


Which of the following molecules is inorganic? ( ) CH4 ( ) CO2 ( ) C6H12O6 ( ) C12H22O12 ( ) C6H6


Which statement is NOT true about C3 and C4 plants? ( ) C4 plants are more successful in hot climates than C3 plants. ( ) C3 plants fix carbon dioxide in the mesophyll cells. ( ) In C3 plants, O2 competes with CO2 for the active site of RuBP carboxylase. ( ) C4 plants deliver CO2 to the Calvin cycle using bundle sheath cells sheltered from leaf air spaces. ( ) CO2 is fixed at night to decrease water loss.

CO2 is fixed at night to decrease water loss.

NADPH and ATP are used in the

Calvin cycle reactions.

Which of the following is NOT a correct statement about the second law of thermodynamics and entropy? ( ) The amount of disorder in the universe is always increasing. ( ) To maintain organization of a cell, a continual input of energy is required. ( ) Living cells without energy would become less organized. ( ) While the total amount of energy in a system is unchanged, energy lost as heat is no longer useful to the cell in doing work. ( ) Carbon dioxide and water tend to form glucose.

Carbon dioxide and water tend to form glucose.

Which of the following is NOT involved in the regulation of the cell cycle? ( ) cyclins ( ) internal and external signals ( ) growth factors ( ) check points ( ) caspases


There are two sets of caspases operating during apoptosis. Which statement does NOT correctly characterize the role of these caspases? ( ) One set of caspases are called initators because they receive a signal to activate the second set. ( ) One set of capsases are called executioners because they dismantle the cell. ( ) Caspases can be unleashed by either internal or external signals. ( ) Caspases are normally active during the entire cell cycle. ( ) Caspases are responsible for the typical stages a cell goes through during apoptosis.

Caspases are normally active during the entire cell cycle.

Which of the following events would be controlled by an external signal? ( ) Cell division. ( ) Prophase proceeds into metaphase. ( ) The chromosomes align at the equatorial plane before the cell begins anaphase. ( ) All of the DNA is copied before the cell enters into the G2 phase. ( ) All of these are controlled by an external signal.

Cell division

When blood supplies oxygen and food to a cell surface and these molecules diffuse across, we might expect some "resting time." However, if we inspected most cell membranes in a living human body, we would find a nearly continuous flow of substances back-and-forth across the plasma membrane. Which of the following is NOT a reason why? ( ) Cell metabolism is constantly using up oxygen and raw materials; this lowers their concentration so more will diffuse into the cell. ( ) Cell metabolism is constantly producing waste molecules; this increases their concentration so more will diffuse out of the cell. ( ) Cells produce useful secretions; this increases their concentration and more will diffuse out of the cell. ( ) Cell metabolism constantly produces carbon dioxide in respiration; this increases its concentration so more will diffuse out of the cell. ( ) Cells are living entities and in order to live can never "rest".

Cells are living entities and in order to live can never "rest".

____ is a polysaccharide that is found in plant cell walls and accounts for their strength.


The fact that for a given species the amount of purines in the DNA always matches the number of pyrimidines was first determined by ( ) Watson and Crick. ( ) Franklin and Wilkins. ( ) Hershey and Chase. ( ) Chargaff. ( ) Mendel.


Which pathway in cellular respiration will produce ATP, NADH2, and carbon dioxide?

Citric Acid Cycle

You have two true-breeding rose bushes, one with red flowers and one with white flowers, a cross between these two roses yields a bush with white flowers that have red splotches. What condition does this demonstrate?


Which of the following conditions is NOT due to a sex-linked gene? A) color blindness B) hemophilia C) muscular dystrophy D) Klinefelter syndrome E) inability to see red or green

D) Klinefelter syndrome

Which statement is FALSE regarding science? ( ) Science helps us to understand the natural world. ( ) Science strives to be objective rather than subjective. ( ) Correct scientific conclusions are permanent and never subject to change or refinement. ( ) Information is gathered by scientific methods. ( ) Information is gained by observing and testing.

Correct scientific conclusions are permanent and never subject to change or refinement.

What evidence would NOT suggest that the fluid in the nucleus is different from the cytoplasm?

Cytoplasm and nucleoplasm both flow freely into and out of the nucleus.

______ is the parceling out of maternal determinants as mitosis occurs in embryonic cells.

Cytoplasmic segregation

What will the genotypic ratio be of a monohybrid cross of two individuals who are heterozygous for a trait? ( ) 100% homozygous dominant ( ) 100% homozygous recessive ( ) 50% homozygous dominant, 50% homozygous recessive ( ) 25% homozygous dominant, 50% heterozygous, 25% homozygous recessive ( ) 50% homozygous dominant, 50% heterozygous

D) 25% homozygous dominant, 50% heterozygous, 25% homozygous recessive

As aging occurs changes are seen in the function of body systems, among these changes are all but which of the following? A) A decline in the production of hormones leading to menopause and other changes. B) A decline in the function of the immune system leading to increases in certain diseases, like cancer. C) An increase in cross-links between proteins leading to decreased flexibility. D) An increase in the production of hormones leading to menopause and other changes. E) An increase in the size of the heart muscle.

D) An increase in the production of hormones leading to menopause and other changes.

When a baby is born, what change(s) do NOT need to occur in fetal circulation for it to survive? A) The oval opening (foramen ovale) must close. B) The arterial duct must close. C) The umbilical arteries and veins close. D) Blood must be able to pass from the right side to the left side. E) Fetal blood must be shunted toward the lungs after tying off the umbilical cord.

D) Blood must be able to pass from the right side to the left side.

Fermentation is wasteful of the energy in food molecules and poses the threat of killing the fermenting organism in higher levels of toxic alcohol. Which of the following is not a reason why an organism would utilize fermentation? A) If glucose levels are not high, there may be time to disperse the toxic alcohol waste B) The organism can survive short spells of anaerobic conditions and maintain growth and reproduction C) Fermentation can provide a rapid burst of ATP since it does not have to go through the full breakdown cycle D) Fermentation is the preferred process, even when oxygen is available E) For very small organisms fermentation can be a simple process and is less complicated than cellular respiration

D) Fermentation is the preferred process, even when oxygen is available

Which statement is NOT correct about the placenta? A) Oxygenated blood flows to the fetus via the umbilical vein. B) Fetal blood flows to the placenta via the umbilical artery. C) Oxygen and nutrients go to the fetus from the maternal circulatory system. D) Maternal and fetal blood mix with each other. E) The placenta produces progesterone and estrogen.

D) Maternal and fetal blood mix with each other.

Which of these is NOT associated with development? A) Cells divide and get larger. B) Cells become specialized in structure and function. C) Body parts are shaped and patterned into a specific form. D) One cell eventually becomes four sperm. E) Tissues and organs become arranged in the body.

D) One cell eventually becomes four sperm.

Which of the following is NOT true about age related issues? A) Neurons are extremely sensitive to oxygen deficiency so loss of brain function may occur to narrowing of the blood vessels rather than aging. B) With age, some sensory receptors require more stimulation to function at the same level as before. C) Strength in the muscles that control breathing may be lost leading to breathing difficulties. D) Osteoporosis, the loss of bone density, cannot be prevented and all women will suffer from it to some degree. E) All of these are true.

D) Osteoporosis, the loss of bone density, cannot be prevented and all women will suffer from it to some degree.

Which of the following would NOT provide evidence for a genetic basis for aging? A) Children of short-lived parents live shorter lives than children of long-lived parents. B) Cells only divide for a set number of divisions. C) Cell lines become nonfunctional before their maximum number of divisions is reached. D) Smoking and excessive alcohol intake are linked to shorter life spans. E) Certain genes that code for antioxidant enzymes to detoxify free radicals are present in animals that live longer.

D) Smoking and excessive alcohol intake are linked to shorter life spans.

What of the following would NOT be a method that would prevent one species' sperm from fertilizing another species' egg? A) The chemical and other behavioral cues for mating are unlikely to lead to insemination by a male of another species. B) The reactions between the sperm acrosome and the surface of the egg are generally species-specific. C) Any successful fertilization would require a successful match of chromosomes and genes to produce a viable zygote. D) The chemical elements of the layers of the egg match the chemical elements of the sperm acrosome. E) The joining of two differing sets of chromosomes does not provide the proper genetic information for the development of an embryo.

D) The chemical elements of the layers of the egg match the chemical elements of the sperm acrosome.

Which statement is NOT true regarding aging? A) A genetic factor is indicated when children of long-lived parents live a long time. B) Different body processes wear out. C) Lack of calcium in a person's diet may lead to bone loss. D) The immune system increases in activity. E) Some proteins become crosslinked.

D) The immune system increases in activity.

Which one of the following is NOT derived from endoderm? A) gut lining B) hormonal glands C) lungs D) bones E) bladder lining

D) bones

Which refers to the addition of a repeat segment of a chromosome? A) inversion B) translocation C) deletion D) duplication E) monosomy

D) duplication

A gene is physically located on the _____ of the cell. ( ) DNA ( ) messenger RNA ( ) enzymes ( ) proteins ( ) nucleus


For translation to take place, which of the following would NOT be required to be present? ( ) DNA ( ) mRNA ( ) tRNA amino acid complex ( ) rRNA ( ) ribosome


The hereditary material found in all cells is ( ) DNA. ( ) rRNA. ( ) mRNA. ( ) tRNA. ( ) ATP.


Hershey and Chase experimented with radioactively labeled phosphorus and sulfur to determine that DNA and not protein is the genetic material. Which of the following would NOT be an essential part of this experiment? ( ) Sulfur is present in amino acids in the protein coat of bacteria. ( ) Phosphorus is present in high amounts in DNA. ( ) Sulfur is not present in DNA. ( ) Phosphorus is not present in amino acids in the protein coat of bacteria. ( ) DNA contains nitrogen.

DNA contains nitrogen.

Which of the following will produce carbon dioxide in cellular respiration? A) glycolysis B) preparation reaction C) citric acid cycle D) both glycolysis and the electron transport chain E) both the preparation reaction and the citric acid cycle

E) both the preparation reaction and the citric acid cycle

During the process of transcription, the information in ( ) a protein is converted into RNA information. ( ) RNA is converted into protein information. ( ) RNA is converted into DNA information. ( ) DNA is converted into RNA information. ( ) DNA is converted into protein information.

DNA is converted into RNA information.

Which of the following descriptions does NOT occur during apoptosis? ( ) cell rounds up ( ) cells lose contact with neighbors ( ) nucleus fragments ( ) DNA is duplicated ( ) plasma membrane develops blisters

DNA is duplicated

The enzyme that is used to join complementary DNA nucleotides together is ( ) DNA polymerase. ( ) RNA polymerase. ( ) helicase. ( ) ribozyme. ( ) lipase.

DNA polymerase.

In modern biochemical genetics, the flow of inherited information is from ( ) protein → RNA → DNA. ( ) DNA → RNA → protein. ( ) DNA → protein → RNA. ( ) RNA → DNA → protein. ( ) RNA → protein → DNA.

DNA → RNA → protein.

Which of the following domains contains organisms that are adapted to life in harsh environments? ( ) Domain Archaea ( ) Domain Bacteria ( ) Domain Eukarya ( ) Domain Animalia ( ) Domain Plantae

Domain Archaea

If a person has short stature, oriental-like fold of eyelids, fissured tongue and mental retardation, they have

Down syndrome.

Which of the following statements is FALSE? ( ) During cellular respiration, carbohydrate energy is converted into ATP. ( ) During cellular respiration, mitochondria release carbon dioxide. ( ) During photosynthesis, energy from the sun is used to form carbohydrates. ( ) During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is used. ( ) During photosynthesis, oxygen is used.

During photosynthesis, oxygen is used.

What is the most likely reason that cellular respiration would shift from an aerobic state into an anaerobic state? A) The individual was exercising at a level beyond their capability and entered into oxygen debt. B) A smoker has developed emphysema and has decreased lung capacity. C) The individual has had a stroke in the left hemisphere of their brain. D) None of these E) All of the choices are reasons that an individual could shift into an anaerobic state

E) All of the choices are reasons that an individual could shift into an anaerobic state

Which of the following statements about glycolysis is TRUE? A) Glycolysis results in the release of carbon dioxide. B) Glycolysis is a cyclical reaction. C) Glycolysis is a reduction reaction where only glucose is reduced. D) Glycolysis occurs twice per glucose molecule. E) Glycolysis breaks glucose down to 2 pyruvate molecules.

E) Glycolysis breaks glucose down to 2 pyruvate molecules.

Which genetic trait is NOT associated with the chromosome involved in Down syndrome? A) increased incidence of leukemia B) cataracts C) mental retardation D) accelerated aging E) cystic fibrosis

E) cystic fibrosis

Because mitochondria were once independently living prokaryotic cells, if removed from a eukaryotic cell they can survive independently. True or False?


Which of the following is NOT a consequence of the lactate that results from fermentation in the muscles? A) It triggers ongoing heavier breathing to provide further oxygen for the muscles B) Much of the lactate is transported to the liver where it is converted to pyruvate C) Some lactate converted to pyruvate is converted back to glucose D) Some lactate converted to pyruvate is then completely broken down E) It is stored in muscle cells for later ATP production

E) It is stored in muscle cells for later ATP production

Which of the following does NOT describe the role of NAD+ in cellular respiration? A) It accepts 2 electrons B) It is a coenzyme C) It helps to oxidize the substrate D) It is reduced E) It provides the energy for the reaction

E) It provides the energy for the reaction

Which is NOT correct about the preparatory reaction? A) It connects glycolysis to the citric acid cycle. B) CO2 is given off. C) Pyruvate is converted to a 2-carbon acetyl group. D) NAD+ goes to NADH + H+ as acetyl-CoA forms. E) The reaction occurs once per glucose molecule.

E) The reaction occurs once per glucose molecule.

Which of the following does NOT occur during the process of fertilization? A) The sperm cell releases acrosomal enzymes. B) The sperm cell enters the egg and the nucleus is released. C) The nucleus of the sperm and egg cell fuse. D) The plasma membrane of the sperm head and egg fuse. E) The tail bores a hole in the zona pellucida which the head then penetrates.

E) The tail bores a hole in the zona pellucida which the head then penetrates.

Which of these is NOT a change in the skin that occurs with aging? A) loss of elasticity B) loss of adipose tissue C) loss of sweat glands D) loss of sebaceous (oil) glands E) all of these are changes seen in the skin with aging

E) all of these are changes seen in the skin with aging

A karyotype will NOT reveal which of the following genetic diseases? A) Turner syndrome B) Klinefelter syndrome C) Down syndrome D) cri du chat syndrome E) hemophilia

E) hemophilia

Which refers to the loss of a complete chromosome? A) inversion B) translocation C) deletion D) duplication E) monosomy

E) monosomy

Which system below develops first in the embryo? A) reproductive B) circulatory C) excretory D) respiratory E) nervous

E) nervous

A failure of the cells in the ectoderm to differentiate correctly would most affect which of the following body systems? A) cardiovascular system B) urinary system C) digestive system D) urinary system E) nervous system

E) nervous system

Over time, what would we expect in the evolution of C3, C4, and CAM strategies?

Each form of photosynthesis has advantages in a heterogeneous world and as long as environmental conditions vary, all forms will have an adaptive advantage in their unique niche.

What is the equation for photosynthesis?

Energy + 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2

Which statement most accurately describes the FIRST law of thermodynamics? ( ) one usable form of energy cannot be completely converted into another usable form. ( ) one usable form of energy can be completely converted into another usable form. ( ) energy cannot be created or destroyed. ( ) energy can be neither created nor destroyed but it can be changed from one form to another. ( ) energy cannot be transformed.

Energy can be neither created nor destroyed but it can be changed from one form to another.

Which statement most accurately describes the SECOND law of thermodynamics? ( ) Energy cannot be changed from one form to another without a loss of usable energy. ( ) One usable form of energy can be completely converted into another usable form. ( ) Energy cannot be created nor destroyed but it can be changed from one form to another. ( ) Energy cannot be created or destroyed. ( ) Energy cannot be transformed.

Energy cannot be changed from one form to another without a loss of usable energy.

Which of the following statement is NOT true? ( ) Viagra acts to increase blood flow to the penis during sexual arousal. ( ) BPH, a benign prostatic hyperplasia is suspected when men have a more frequent urge to urinate and produce a weaker stream of urine. ( ) Prostate enlargement is often due to the presence of a normal hormone (5-alpha reductase) present at an inappropriate time in development. ( ) Enlargement of the prostate puts pressure on the vas deferens leading to difficulty urinating. ( ) All of the statements listed are true.

Enlargement of the prostate puts pressure on the vas deferens leading to difficulty urinating.

Hydrangeas are a flowering plant with large showy blooms. When a plant is grown in aluminum rich soil it has blue flowers; if the same plant is transplanted into soil that is lacking aluminum the flowers produced will be pink. This is an example of

Environmental effects

How does a sperm penetrate an egg?

Enzymes in the acrosome dissolve the zona pellucida.

Mitochondria are bounded by a double membrane. The inner filled space is called the matrix which contains ____ that break down carbohydrate products, releasing ____ to be used for ATP production.

Enzymes/Energy (matrix has DNA, RNA, & ribosomes but they don't breakdown carbs)

ATP synthase is an enzyme complex located in the thylakoid membranes. True or False?


Which of the following is NOT true about estrogen? ( ) Estrogen causes the endometrium to thicken. ( ) Estrogen causes the endometrium to become vascular and glandular. ( ) Estrogen causes a positive feedback on the hypothalamus to secrete GnRH. ( ) Estrogen causes a surge in LH production. ( ) Estrogen stimulates the release of FSH.

Estrogen stimulates the release of FSH.

What would be the outcome of applying ethylene to a bushel of oranges?

Ethylene stimulates cellulase which will hydrolyze the CELLULOSE in plant cell walls. This will cause the fruit to ripen.

Which of the following is one of the domains of life? ( ) Animalia ( ) Eukarya ( ) Molds ( ) Protista ( ) Fungi


Which of the following is consistent with the laws of physics governing energy? ( ) Eventually, sunlight that is absorbed on the earth returns to the atmosphere as dispersed heat. ( ) You eat a "quarter-pounder" hamburger and add exactly a quarter-pound of additional weight to your body. ( ) When a liter of gasoline is burned in a car engine, 100% of its energy goes into moving the car along the road. ( ) A calorie of sunlight becomes a calorie of plant tissue. ( ) A calorie of plant tissue, which when eaten by you, becomes a calorie of muscle "power."

Eventually, sunlight that is absorbed on the earth returns to the atmosphere as dispersed heat.

Which of these is an example of inductive reasoning used to form a hypothesis? ( ) Every fungus that has ever been studied absorbs its food; therefore, food absorption is characteristic of fungi. ( ) All fungi absorb their food; if mushroom are fungi; then the mushroom absorbs its food. ( ) A mushroom is classified in the kingdom Fungi of the domain Eukarya. ( ) This cell from a mushroom has a nucleus. ( ) Fungi are not capable of photosynthesis.

Every fungus that has ever been studied absorbs its food; therefore, food absorption is characteristic of fungi.

In a Mendelian monohybrid cross involving two homozygous genotypes, the ____ generation is always completely heterozygous.


Why does FADH2 result in fewer ATP than NADH + H+?

FADH2 drops its electrons off LOWER on the electron transport chain

Female birth control pills act by inhibiting the production of

FSH and LH.

A corn kernel is classified as a seed. True or False?


A reaction is only considered an oxidation reaction when oxygen is involved. True or False?


A stem is identified by being aboveground and green. True or False?


Actin filaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules are all similar in that each is composed of a single type of protein. True or False?


As soon as a beautiful plant in your backyard blooms, you remove the flowers. By doing so, you have now inhibited the growth of the plant. True or False?


What flower mechanism would NOT help prevent pollination by a foreign plant species?

Flowers of different plant species bloom at the same time with flowers of similar shape, size, and color.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about oogenesis in humans? ( ) It occurs in the ovary. ( ) The egg will contain 23 chromosomes. ( ) Four equal size daughter cells will form. ( ) Three nonfunctional polar bodies will form. ( ) Once started, it will not necessarily go to completion.

Four equal size daughter cells will form (one egg and two or three much smaller polar bodies are formed during oogenesis..the resulting cells are not all of the same size)

Information from X-ray crystallographic data collected by _______ was used by Watson and Crick in their development of the model of DNA. ( ) Chargaff ( ) Griffith ( ) McClintock ( ) Franklin ( ) Hershey and Chase


Upon examination, a cell is found to have twice as much DNA as the normal diploid state but is no longer in the process of replicating the DNA. All of the DNA is found within a single nucleus. Which stage of the cell cycle is this cell in?

G2 phase

Plants need other molecules besides glucose. Where do these molecules such as cellulose and fructose come from?

G3P is directly converted to many other organic molecules besides glucose.

One of the products of the Calvin cycle is ( ) PS I. ( ) RuBP carboxylase. ( ) 3PG. ( ) G3P. ( ) RuBP.


The hydrocarbon skeleton used to form fatty acids, glycerol, and amino acids (when N is added) are derived from


The ____ gene causes mental retardation by increasing the levels of purines in the blood.


Tissues that produce large amounts of secretions, such as the gastric glands of the stomach, contain cells with large numbers of

Golgi apparati.

Which cellular structure is responsible for packaging materials with the cell?

Golgi apparatus

Semen production does NOT involve the

Graafian follicle.

Which functional groups are associated with a dehydration reaction?

H & OH

What are the products of the noncyclic electron pathway?

H+, O2, ATP, and NADPH

Which of the following molecules is NOT a compound? ( ) H2O ( ) HCl ( ) H2 ( ) C6H12O6 ( ) NaOH


A liver-damaging disease that is more likely to be contracted from sexual contact than HIV is


HAART would most likely be used to treat which of the following? ( ) herpes ( ) syphilis ( ) HIV infection ( ) hepatitis ( ) none of these

HIV infection

HIV has a high rate of mutation because

HIV reverse transcriptase is likely to make errors when transcribing viral RNA into DNA.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about wood? ( ) In the temperate regions, wood forms annual rings ( ) The vessels will be larger in size in the spring due to more moisture ( ) The wood produced in the summer will have a lower proportion of vessels than wood produced in the spring ( ) In large trees, the most recently formed layer of cells transports water ( ) Heartwood transports water to the leaves throughout the life of the tree

Heartwood transports water to the leaves throughout the life of the tree

Which of the following best describes the role of histones? ( ) Histones play a role in coding for hereditary features. ( ) Histones make RNA synthesis possible. ( ) Histones determine the structure of the chromosome. ( ) Histones are not thought to play any role in the cell. ( ) Histones determine the diploid number of chromosomes.

Histones determine the structure of the chromosome.

What is the correct format for the binomial name of human beings?

Homo sapiens

Which of the following represents a potential threat to biodiversity? ( ) People construct artificial reefs to support marine life. ( ) Humans clear land for agriculture and housing. ( ) Energy flows through an ecosystem, with much lost as heat. ( ) Tropical rain forests and coral reefs are found where solar energy is the most abundant. ( ) In a food chain, one population feeds on another.

Humans clear land for agriculture and housing.

Huntington disease is an autosomal dominant disorder that leads to progressive degeneration of brain cells. There is no effective treatment for the disorder and individuals usually die 10 to 15 years after the onset of symptoms. Which of these statements about Huntington disease is TRUE? ( ) As an autosomal dominant disease, Huntington disease is expressed only if both parents carry the trait. ( ) Huntington disease usually skips a generation. ( ) Huntington disease can only be inherited when a parent is showing the trait. ( ) Huntington disease usually appears during middle age. ( ) Huntington disease is caused by a defect in the elastic connective tissue protein.

Huntington disease usually appears during middle age.

Which of the following statements about hydrogen bonding is INCORRECT? ( ) Hydrogen bonding occurs only between water molecules. ( ) Hydrogen bonds are easily broken. ( ) Hydrogen bonding can occur between different molecules or within the same molecule. ( ) Most hydrogen bonds involve hydrogen and oxygen or nitrogen. ( ) The structure of a large, complex molecule can be influenced by hydrogen bonding.

Hydrogen bonding occurs only between water molecules.

Which statement regarding the scientific method is FALSE? ( ) Experimental results are reported in scientific journals. ( ) Hypotheses are finally proven as absolutely true or false. ( ) The control is not subjected to the experimental variable. ( ) Statistical tests may be used to analyze experimental results. ( ) Experimental results are often summarized in a graph or table.

Hypotheses are finally proven as absolutely true or false.

Which of the following radioactive isotopes are used to detect whether or not an individual has a healthy thyroid? ( ) I131 ( ) C14 ( ) glucose ( ) H2 ( ) All of the above can be used.


Which of the following is responsible for controlling the production of male sex hormones? ( ) testosterone ( ) progesterone ( ) GnRH ( ) FSH ( ) ICSH


The inside and outside of the plasma membrane are

IDENTICAL in phospholipid bilayer but have cytoskeletal filaments on the INSIDE and carbohydrate chains of glycolipids and proteins on the OUTSIDE.

Which of the following is NOT a property of water that results from hydrogen bonding? ( ) The temperature of water changes very slowly. ( ) Many polar substances dissolve in water. ( ) Water molecules have cohesiveness. ( ) Ice melts at -100°C. ( ) Water has a high surface tension.

Ice melts at -100°C.

Which hypothesis, based on the two laws of thermodynamics as applied to cells, would determine if something is a living cell or not? ( ) If something uses energy to make itself more organized, then it is alive. ( ) If something is organized, then it is alive. ( ) If something moves, then it is alive. ( ) If something loses heat, then it is alive. ( ) If something uses energy to move, then it is alive.

If something USES ENERGY to make itself more organized, then it is alive.

Which of the following factors could cause the cell membrane to become less permeable? ( ) If the channel proteins were to denature and become inactive ( ) If the molecules trying to enter the cell were decreased in size ( ) If the hydrophilic head of the phospholipids were to become hydrophobic while the hydrophobic tails become hydrophilic ( ) If the size of the protein channel was to increase ( ) All of these choices would cause the cell membrane to become less permeable

If the channel proteins were to denature and become inactive

Which is a correct comparison of the role(s) of hormones in male and female cycles and sexual development? ( ) The same hormones are used by both systems; the names are simply different. ( ) The hypothalamus-pituitary uses a completely separate set of hormones to communicate with ovaries in contrast to testes. ( ) In males, the hypothalamus-pituitary and testes communicate; in females the uterus is an additional actor along with the ovaries and the hypothalamus-pituitary. ( ) In both males and females, there is a monthly cycle of changing hormone levels although in males, this only results in sperm production. ( ) The hypothalamus controls the male sexual development and keeps sperm production level; the pituitary constantly cycles the female production of eggs.

In males, the hypothalamus-pituitary and testes communicate; in females the uterus is an additional actor along with the ovaries and the hypothalamus-pituitary.

You have two true-breeding rose bushes, one with red flowers and one with white flowers, a cross between these two roses yields a bush with pink flowers. What condition does this demonstrate?

Incomplete dominance

Which action would cause a long-day plant to flower? ( ) Interrupt the day with a period of darkness. ( ) Interrupt a long night with a flash of light. ( ) Give the plant some phytochrome. ( ) Allow an insect to pollinate the plant. ( ) Keep the plant in the dark.

Interrupt a long night with a flash of light.

Which of the following would be considered evidence that chloroplasts are involved in photosynthesis? ( ) Isolated chloroplasts give off oxygen when exposed to sunlight. ( ) Plants that are green contain chloroplasts. ( ) Both plants and algae have chloroplasts. ( ) Plants have both chloroplasts and mitochondria. ( ) Chloroplasts contain thylakoids which are stacked in structures called grana.

Isolated chloroplasts give off oxygen when exposed to sunlight.

What is the function of ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) during photosynthesis?

It combines with CO2 to produce a 6-carbon compound.

Which of the following is NOT correct concerning the law of independent assortment? ( ) It is based upon the process of meiosis. ( ) Each pair of factors separates independently. ( ) All possible combinations of factors can occur in the gametes. ( ) It was the second law of heredity established by Mendel. ( ) It follows the observation that all maternal chromosomes end up in the egg.

It follows the observation that all maternal chromosomes end up in the egg.

What role does NAD+ play in cellular respiration?

It is an electron carrier

Why is fermentation essential to humans?

It is essential when we need a rapid burst of energy.

Which is NOT true about the genetic code? ( ) It is exactly the same in all organisms. ( ) It is composed of a triplet code of three bases per codon. ( ) It produces 64 different possibilities of codon sequences. ( ) Some amino acids are coded for by more than one codon. ( ) It contains start and stop codons as instructions.

It is exactly the same in all organisms.

In pea plants, the gene for round seed (R) is dominant, and wrinkled seeds (r) are recessive. The endosperm of the pea is also either starchy, a dominant gene (S), or waxy (s). What CANNOT be said of a cross between two parents that are heterozygous for both traits? ( ) It is possible to secure offspring that are homozygous for both dominant genes. ( ) It is possible to secure offspring that are homozygous for both recessive genes. ( ) It is possible to secure offspring that are homozygous for one dominant gene such as round seed and homozygous recessive for the other recessive waxy gene. ( ) It is possible to secure offspring that are heterozygous for both genes. ( ) It is impossible to secure offspring that are homozygous for both dominant genes.

It is impossible to secure offspring that are homozygous for both dominant genes.

Which is true of facilitated transport by carrier proteins? ( ) Facilitated transport only applies to small and lipid soluble molecules. ( ) It is represented by the glucose carrier that can transport hundreds of molecules a second. ( ) After a carrier has transported a molecule, it is unable to transport any more. ( ) Facilitated transport requires expenditure of chemical energy and is therefore active transport. ( ) One carrier protein can carry a variety of different molecules

It is represented by the glucose carrier that can transport hundreds of molecules a second.

Computer simulations are sometimes used to demonstrate the outcome of monohybrid fruit fly crosses, where a student can run generation after generation of fruit flies with 100 offspring produced each generation, half male and half female, and a 3-to-1 phenotype ratio (or 75 to 25) in the F1 generation. Compared to real genetics results, which of the following is NOT true? ( ) Rarely would exactly 100 fly offspring be produced or survive. ( ) An exact balance between males and females would be rare. ( ) A precise 3-to-1 ratio would be uncommon. ( ) It is usually possible to have exactly 100 offspring, half male and half female, and a 3-to-1 phenotypic outcome in real life. ( ) Ratios and outcomes will not be exact but will be very close to the expected numbers.

It is usually possible to have exactly 100 offspring, half male and half female, and a 3-to-1 phenotypic outcome in real life.

What will happen to the protein solution of side A in Figure 4.1? {image of U shaped tube with 20% protein & 80% water on side A & 100% water on side B with a differentially permeable membrane between the sides}

It will become less concentrated since water passes from B to A.

What is the value of photosynthesis to humans?

It will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

What will happen to the water level in Figure 4.1? {image of U shaped tube with 20% protein & 80% water on side A & 100% water on side B with a differentially permeable membrane between the sides}

It will rise in side A.

If an individual has a XYY genotype, they are classified as having

Jacobs syndrome.

The individual(s) credited with the discovery of the structure of DNA is (are) ( ) Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase. ( ) James Watson and Francis Crick. ( ) Erwin Chargaff. ( ) Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins. ( ) Charles Darwin and Gregor Mendel.

James Watson and Francis Crick.

Which energy association is correct? ( ) Kinetic energy is energy of motion. ( ) Water stored behind a dam is an example of kinetic energy. ( ) Energy in the chemical bonds of a molecule is kinetic energy. ( ) Potential energy must be used immediately or it is lost. ( ) Light energy is a form of chemical energy.

Kinetic energy is energy of motion.

A multicellular, photosynthetic organism with complex, specialized cells and tissues would most likely be assigned to

Kingdom Plantae.

An individual who has an XXY combination of sex chromosomes is said to have _____ syndrome.


Ribosomes are composed of

RNA and protein.

If an individual has a XXY genotype, they are classified as having

Klinefelter syndrome.

Considering that leaf stomata have the conflicting functions of allowing gaseous carbon dioxide into the leaf, yet preserving the plant's supply of water, which of the following is NOT reasonable? ( ) Tree leaves that orient flat and present the top side to the sun would have most of their stomata on the bottom of the leaf ( ) A submerged-water plant would have no stomata ( ) Corn, oats, rice, and wheat (all monocots) have relatively upright blades with sunlight hitting both sides and would have stomata distributed fairly evenly on both sides ( ) Leaves of plants in dry areas will have more stomata than leaves of plants in humid areas ( ) Plants in arid environments open their stomata at night when temperatures are cooler and evaporation occurs less

Leaves of plants in dry areas will have more stomata than leaves of plants in humid areas

Which is NOT true concerning the cell theory? ( ) Virchow asserted that all cells come from preexisting cells ( ) Schleiden determined that all plants are made of cells ( ) Schwann researched animal tissues and discovered that they were all made of cells ( ) Hooke observed the cells of cork ( ) Leeuwenhoek first used the term "cells"

Leeuwenhoek first used the term "cells"

What is the relationship between linked genes and independent assortment?

Linked genes do not show independent assortment.

Which statement is FALSE concerning movement of molecules across the cell membrane? ( ) Water and gas molecules have no difficulty ( ) Small uncharged molecules pass through easily ( ) Large molecules do not pass through easily ( ) Charged molecules do not pass through easily ( ) Lipid molecules do not pass through easily

Lipid molecules do not pass through easily

Which statement about living organisms is NOT correct? ( ) Living organisms create energy. ( ) Living organisms maintain homeostasis. ( ) Living organisms reproduce. ( ) Living organisms have adaptations. ( ) Living organisms grow and develop.

Living organisms create energy.

Nutrient molecules are used as building blocks or for energy. This best represents which characteristic of life?

Living things acquire materials and energy from the environment.

The bones in a bird are hollow, reducing its weight for flight. This is an example of which characteristic of life?

Living things are adapted.

The body temperature in humans is maintained around 37°C. Which characteristic of life does this information represent?

Living things are homeostatic.

Organs are composed of tissues, which are composed of cells. This is an example of which characteristic of life?

Living things have levels of hierarchical organization.

Which genetic disorder is associated with a defect in the elastic connective tissue protein called fibrillin?

Marfan Syndrome

Which of the following is an autosomal dominant disorder? ( ) Marfan syndrome ( ) Tay-Sachs ( ) Sickle cell disease ( ) Cystic fibrosis (CF) ( ) Phenylketonuria (PKU)

Marfan syndrome

If you had a black male guinea pig and a brown female guinea pig, but you didn't know which was the dominant characteristic, how would you find out the dominant color?

Mate them and see what color the offspring are —THAT will be the dominant color.

Following a cut or scrape, which process repairs your skin?


To try and discover if the environment has an effect on a particular characteristic scientists often examine

Monozygotic human twins that were separated at birth.

Which cofactor is involved in the Calvin cycle reactions?


Our body recognizes the foreign nature of a parasite or disease agent and we soon build up antibodies. A few parasites can change their identity to evade our immune system. How could cells do this on a regular basis?

New glycoproteins are produced in the cell and moved into the plasma membrane.

Which of the following is NOT true concerning plant tissue culture? ( ) New plants can be cultivated from any existing plant cell. ( ) Most plant cells are totipotent, meaning an entire plant can be produced from one cell. ( ) Hormones can be used to cause the production of shoots from tissue. ( ) Plants can be produced from shoot tips, leaves, and anthers. ( ) Foreign genes such as those from other plants or even animals can be inserted into plant cells.

New plants can be cultivated from any existing plant cell.

Would it be possible to observe crossing-over between sister chromatids? Why or why not?

No. Since they are genetically identical you could not tell the difference without labeling the chromatids.

During the formation of a polymer, two monomers are joined by the removal of a _______ & _______.


List the steps of the scientific method in the correct order:

Observation, Hypothesis, Experiment, Conclusion, Scientific theory

Which is NOT true according to Mendel's law of segregation? ( ) Each individual contains two factors for each trait. ( ) One factor must be dominant and one factor recessive in each individual. ( ) Factors separate from each other during gamete formation. ( ) Each gamete contains one copy of each factor. ( ) Fertilization restores the presence of two factors.

One factor must be dominant and one factor recessive in each individual.

Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning sunlight radiation used for photosynthesis? ( ) All of the sunlight that hits the atmosphere is used for photosynthesis. ( ) Only the highest energy wavelengths are used for photosynthesis. ( ) All of the visible light is used for photosynthesis. ( ) Only the red, blue, and violet wavelengths of visible light are used for photosynthesis. ( ) Only the green visible light is used for photosynthesis.

Only the red, blue, and violet wavelengths of visible light are used for photosynthesis.

Which statement regarding the scientific method is FALSE? ( ) Inductive reasoning is used to form a hypothesis. ( ) Observations are used to form a hypothesis. ( ) Experiments need to be repeatable. ( ) Original hypotheses are formed after an experiment. ( ) The control and experimental group are identical except for one variable.

Original hypotheses are formed after an experiment.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about flowering plants? ( ) Sporophyte generation produces spores. ( ) Gametophyte generation produces gametes. ( ) Ovules contain the microspore mother cell. ( ) Microspores undergo mitosis to produce pollen grains. ( ) Megaspores undergo mitosis to produce an embryo sac.

Ovules contain the microspore mother cell.

Which of the following is a byproduct of photosynthesis? ( ) carbon dioxide ( ) water ( ) oxygen ( ) glucose ( ) energy


What two components are commonly found in the extracellular matrix that help resist stretching and provide resilience? ( ) proteins & polysaccharides ( ) proteins & phospholipids ( ) polysaccharides & phospholipids ( ) amino acids & phospholipids ( ) nucleic acids & proteins

PROteins & POLYsaccharides

A cell of the pancreas would specialize in producing insulin, among other functions, while a muscle cell would specialize in the production of the protein myosin, this means that ( ) Pancreas and muscle cells have the genes for both insulin and myosin active. ( ) The active gene in pancreas cells is the one for insulin while the muscle cells have genes for insulin and myosin. ( ) Pancreas cells have a gene that would produce insulin while muscle cells have a gene that would produce myosin. ( ) Neither pancreas cells nor muscle cells are specialized. ( ) Only muscle cells can produce proteins.

Pancreas cells have a gene that would produce insulin while muscle cells have a gene that would produce myosin.

Which organelle primarily functions to regulate the production of H2O2?


What genetic disorder is associated with the lack of an enzyme necessary for the normal metabolism of the amino acid phenylalanine?

Phenylketonuria (PKU)

Which statement about photosynthesis and cellular respiration is TRUE? ( ) Photosynthesis produces water while cellular respiration uses water. ( ) Photosynthesis produces oxygen while cellular respiration uses oxygen. ( ) Photosynthesis occurs in mitochondria while cellular respiration occurs in chloroplasts. ( ) Photosynthesis breaks down carbohydrates while cellular respiration produces carbohydrates. ( ) Photosynthesis requires oxygen while cellular respiration requires sunlight.

Photosynthesis produces oxygen while cellular respiration uses oxygen.

Corn belongs to the kingdom


Which of the following is of LEAST importance when concerning the preservation of ecosystems? ( ) Ecosystem preservation maintains the status of species in their current state. ( ) Many different organisms perform services that ensure our continued existence. ( ) Humans derive medicines, food and many important materials from functioning ecosystems. ( ) Preservation of ecosystems allows humans to exploit as many resources as possible. ( ) It is estimated that possibly 400 species become extinct each day due to activities of humans.

Preservation of ecosystems allows humans to exploit as many resources as possible.

Which statement about producers and/or consumers is TRUE? ( ) Consumers not only feed themselves but also feed producers. ( ) All animals must be either producers or consumers. ( ) Producers produce more food than they use. ( ) Consumers are not dependent upon other organisms for food. ( ) Only one species of producer and consumer can exist in any single community.

Producers produce more food than they use.

The skin pigment melanin is expressed differently according to exposure to sunlight, with a greater production of the molecule with greater exposure. However, the degree of production can never exceed the inherited genetic level. What evolutionary advantage would be gained from having this phenotypic range for skin pigmentation?

Production of the molecule would only occur when necessary.

Which statement about the cellular nucleic acids DNA and RNA is INCORRECT? ( ) DNA is double-stranded, and RNA is single-stranded. ( ) The sugar in DNA is deoxyribose, and in RNA the sugar is ribose. ( ) DNA has a helix shape; RNA does not. ( ) RNA and DNA have the same four nitrogen-containing bases. ( ) Both DNA and RNA are polymers of nucleotides.

RNA and DNA have the same four nitrogen-containing bases.

Which of the following is NOT true about RNA? ( ) RNA transfers messages from DNA to ribosomes. ( ) RNA contains the sugar ribose. ( ) RNA contains adenine, guanine, uracil, and cytosine. ( ) RNA is single stranded. ( ) RNA forms a helix.

RNA forms a helix.

Eukaryotic transcription factors assist the ______ in binding to the _________. ( ) repressor; operator ( ) RNA polymerase; promoter ( ) DNA polymerase; promoter ( ) helicases; operator ( ) operator; repressor

RNA polymerase; promoter

Which statement is NOT correct about the results of the Hershey-Chase experiment with the T2 virus? ( ) Radioactively labeled protein was found in the bacteria, not in the virus coats. ( ) Radioactively labeled DNA was found in the bacteria, not in the virus coats. ( ) DNA was labeled with radioactive phosphorus. ( ) Protein was labeled with radioactive sulfur. ( ) Two separate experiments were actually run, one with radioactive phosphorus and one with radioactive sulfur.

Radioactively labeled protein was found in the bacteria, not in the virus coats.

Which of the following statements about DNA replication is NOT correct? ( ) Unwinding of the DNA molecule occurs as hydrogen bonds break. ( ) Replication occurs as each base is paired with another exactly like it. ( ) The process is known as semi-conservative replication because one old strand is conserved in the new molecule. ( ) The enzyme that catalyzes DNA replication is DNA polymerase. ( ) Complementary base pairs are held together with hydrogen bonds.

Replication occurs as each base is paired with another exactly like it.

The leaves of a maple tree vary in size depending on the location of the leaves on the tree. Those growing at the outer region of the tree tend to be smaller than those growing closer to the trunk of the tree. This allows leaves that are growing in the shade to have a larger surface area. This show that genes have the ability to

Respond to environmental factors

Your task in the laboratory is to find cells that have projections to increase surface area for absorption of water and minerals. Which of the following slides would you use to find these cells? ( ) Eudicot woody stem slide ( ) Leaf slide of moncot or eudicot ( ) Monocot stem slide ( ) Root slide showing root cap ( ) Root slide showing zone of maturation

Root slide showing zone of maturation

Which of the following crosses will yield four phenotypes in a ratio of 9:3:3:1? ( ) RRYY x RRYY ( ) RRYY x rryy ( ) RrYy x RrYy ( ) RrYy x rryy ( ) rryy x rryy

RrYy x RrYy

Which of the following crosses will yield 4 phenotypes in the 1:1:1:1 ratio? ( ) RRYY x RRYY ( ) RRYY x rryy ( ) RrYy x RrYy ( ) RrYy x rryy ( ) rryy x rryy

RrYy x rryy

Which of the below is the correct sequence for the cell cycle? ( ) S-M-G1-G2 ( ) S-M-G2-G1 ( ) S-G1-G1-M ( ) S-G2-M-G1 ( ) S-G1-M-G2


Which of the following statements is NOT true of chemical bonds? ( ) Both ionic and covalent bonds involve electrons in the outer shell. ( ) Covalent bonds share electrons between two atoms. ( ) An atom involved in an ionic bond has an unequal number of electrons and protons. ( ) Salts are covalently bonded. ( ) The atoms in a molecule of water (H2O) are covalently bound together.

Salts are covalently bonded.

Which statement regarding science technology is FALSE? ( ) Science technology has brought about life-improving discoveries, such as antibiotics. ( ) Science technology helps us to understand the causes of cancer. ( ) Science technology is a basis for all ethical or moral decisions. ( ) Science technology may ease the feeding of the world population by producing new plant strains. ( ) Scientific experimentation may make use of a model instead of an actual subject.

Science technology is a basis for all ethical or moral decisions.

Which of the following is not a function of the cell membrane? ( ) It provides mechanical strength to the cell ( ) It gives shape to the cell ( ) It regulates passage of molecules into and out of the cell ( ) It is largely responsible for cellular homeostasis ( ) Serves as a site for protein synthesis

Serves as a site for protein synthesis

Without considering the variation provided by crossing-over, how much will two siblings from one set of parents vary from each other?

Siblings inherit essentially 50% of their genes from each parent, but two sibling offspring may share with each other from zero to 23 chromosomes in common from each parent and therefore vary widely from each other.

Which genetic disorder is associated with an irregular shape of the red blood cells?

Sickle cell disease

Although estrogen is primarily produced by ovaries, it is also produced by the adrenal glands and in fat tissue. Loss of the normal amount of fat lowers the level of estrogen so that the menstrual cycle and ovulation stops. Female Olympic athletes who train severely often shut off their cycles. What would be a reasonable EVOLUTIONARY cause of this shutdown?

Since an unborn infant gets priority on blood nutrient pools, pregnancy during famine will likely be fatal for both mother and offspring; this mechanism reduces this risk and increases survival.

Which of the following is NOT a reason why two children born to the same parents [not identical twins] are unlikely to have the same genetic makeup? ( ) Crossing over recombines portions of sister chromatids. ( ) Fertilization provides a new pairing of chromosomes. ( ) Each sperm or egg has a random assortment of chromosomes, half from each pair. ( ) Chromosomes align themselves independently during meiosis I. ( ) Since though they are produced at different times, all sperm will be genetically different from all other sperm.

Since though they are produced at different times, all sperm will be genetically different from all other sperm.

If there is complete linkage with genes Ss (for smooth or wrinkled seeds) and Gg (for green or yellow seeds) what phenotypes would you expect in the offspring of a cross with one heterozygous parent (Ss, Gg) which would all produce all smooth and green seeds and a homozygous recessive parent (ss, gg) which would produce all wrinkled yellow seeds?

Smooth green seeds or wrinkled yellow seeds only

Why is cellular respiration organized into four phases?

So that the energy within the glucose molecule can be released in a stepwise fashion.

During photosynthesis, solar energy is converted to chemical energy by the chloroplasts. The process is represented by:

Solar energy + Carbon dioxide + Water → Carbohydrate + Oxygen

List the sequence of classification categories in the proper order from least to most inclusive:

Species, Genus, Family, Order, Class, Phylum, Kingdom, Domain

What is the difference between a skin cell and a stem cell?

Specific genes are turned on in skin cells while stem cells still have all of their genes turned on.

Some students consume large amounts of coffee and so-called energy drinks to help them stay alert when studying. You notice that many who engage in this practice seem to do poorly on exams. Suppose you want to investigate the relationship between caffeine consumption and exam performance. What would be an appropriate hypothesis?

Students who consume large amounts of caffeine while studying will have lower exam scores than those who consume less caffeine.

Which events and features are correctly associated with the roots during the pressure-flow model of phloem transport? ( ) Sugar is stored in the sink. Cells use the sugar for cellular respiration. Water exits by osmosis and returns to the xylem. ( ) Sugars are stored in the source. Cells use the sugar for cellular respiration. Water exits by osmosis and returns to the xylem. ( ) Sugar is stored in the sink. Cells use the sugar for photosynthesis. Water exits by osmosis and returns to the xylem. ( ) Sugar is stored in the sink. Cells use the sugar for cellular respiration. Water exits by diffusion and returns to the phloem. ( ) Sugar is stored in the source. Cells use the sugar for photosynthesis. Water exits by osmosis and returns to the xylem.

Sugar is stored in the SINK. Cells use the sugar for CELLULAR RESPIRATION. Water exits by OSMOSIS and returns to the XYLEM.

Which statement is NOT true regarding phloem transport during the summer in plants? ( ) The leaves must make sugar. ( ) A higher pressure exists in the leaves than in the roots. ( ) Water follows sugar into sieve-tube members in the leaves. ( ) Sugar is transported by passive diffusion into sieve-tube members. ( ) There is a fluid flow from the leaves to the roots.

Sugar is transported by passive diffusion into sieve-tube members.

If one strand of DNA has the base sequence AAGCAA, the complementary strand has which of the following sequences? ( ) UUCGUU ( ) TTCGTT ( ) AAGCAA ( ) UTCGTU ( ) TTCGTG


Plants could readily develop seasonal responses based on temperature changes but have evolved their rhythms based on a comparison of daylight and darkness. Why has the day-night ratio system been selected?

Temperatures fluctuate widely across seasons and from year to year, but photoperiod comparisons are a more reliable indicator of season.

Why does the chloroplast utilize a cyclic electron pathway as well as the noncyclic electron pathway?

The Calvin cycle utilizes more ATP than NADPH and the cyclic electron pathway produces ATP.

Which part of the blastocyst will develop into the human embryo?

inner cell mass

Which of the following is the correct sequence for the germination of the eudicot seed? ( ) The two cotyledons have absorbed the endosperm and supply the nutrients to the embryo. As the embryo emerges from the soil it consumes the nutrients and develops the shoot. The hypocotyl becomes part of the stem and the radicle develops into the roots. ( ) The cotyledon was absorbed by the endosperm and supplies the nutrients to the embryo. As the embryo emerges from the soil it consumes the nutrients and develops the shoot. The hypocotyl becomes part of the stem and the radicle develops into the roots. ( ) The two cotyledons have absorbed the endosperm and supply the nutrients to the embryo. As the embryo emerges from the soil it consumes the nutrients and develops the shoot. The radicle becomes part of the stem and the hypocotyl develops into the roots. ( ) The pericarp has absorbed the endosperm and supply the nutrients to the embryo. As the embryo emerges from the soil it consumes the nutrients and develops the shoot. The hypocotyl becomes part of the stem and the radicle develops into the roots. ( ) The two cotyledons have absorbed the endosperm and supply the nutrients to the embryo. As the embryo emerges from the soil it consumes the nutrients and develops the shoot. The plumule and the radicle push through the coleorhiza during germination.

The TWO cotyledons have absorbed the endosperm and supply the nutrients to the embryo. As the embryo emerges from the soil it consumes the nutrients and develops the shoot. The HYPOCOTYL becomes part of the stem and the RADICLE develops into the roots.

Changes in which organ system can lead to erectile dysfunction (ED)? ( ) The cardiovascular system because it can lead to an inadequate blood supply to the penis. ( ) The endocrine system because this can lower the sperm count. ( ) The digestive system because with poor digestion the body does not extract sufficient energy from food. ( ) The skeleto-muscular system because a reduction in muscle fibers will make an erection impossible. ( ) The endocrine system because this will limit the production of testosterone.

The cardiovascular system because it can lead to an inadequate blood supply to the penis.

A forest contains vegetation that is in constant battle with the many insect caterpillars that eat the vegetation. Which of the following strategies would NOT be a driving force in this evolutionary battle? ( ) Plants are selected that evolve strong chemicals (plant alkaloids) that are toxic to the caterpillar and for which the caterpillars lack digestive enzymes. ( ) Caterpillars are selected that evolve new enzymes to digest or detoxify the plant alkaloids. ( ) Plants are selected that evolve chemicals that slow down or inhibit the digestive enzymes in the caterpillars so that ingested leaf material passes through before much nutrition can be gained. ( ) The caterpillars are selected that eat the least leaf material. ( ) Caterpillars are selected that evolve enzymes to breakdown the chemicals that interrupt their digestive enzymes.

The caterpillars are selected that EAT THE LEAST leaf material.

How does cell division differ between animal and plant cells?

The cell plate is the final partitioning of plant cells.

A cell is placed in a solution of large nutrient molecules tagged with a red dye. Soon the cell is dark red, showing a concentration of the nutrient much higher than the external solution. We add a reagent that blocks the use of ATP. What result would you expect from this experiment? ( ) The nutrient would continue to rapidly enter the cell by diffusion because as a nutrient it is constantly being used in cell metabolism, so the cell will get redder ( ) The color will remain the same since all future transfer will stop ( ) The color will fade as the import of the nutrient stops and diffusion evens the concentrations ( ) The cell will continue to get darker since the import of the nutrient does not involve ATP ( ) The cell will die without access to ATP

The color will remain the same since all future transfer will stop. I said E but whatever.

The common name for "cat" in Spanish is "gato" and in Chinese is "mao." Which of the following statements pertaining to the use of scientific names instead of common names is FALSE? ( ) Common names may include different sets of organisms. ( ) Scientific names can be known and recognized by all scientists throughout the world. ( ) To recognize an organism in the literature by its common name, a scientist would have to know multiple languages. ( ) The scientific name begins to tie the organism into related groups. ( ) The common name clearly identifies an organism as unique.

The common name clearly identifies an organism as unique.

Although estrogen is primarily produced by ovaries, it is also produced by the adrenal glands and in fat tissue. Young female athletes who train strenuously often find that their menstrual cycle shuts down. What would be a reasonable DIRECT CAUSE of this shutdown? ( ) The increased need for ATP for the muscle cells deprives ATP for ovaries. ( ) The increased use of ATP for muscles deprives ATP needed by the brain where the hypothalamus and pituitary control the menstrual cycle. ( ) The cycle requires minimal threshold of estrogen and although the ovaries produce their regular levels, the loss of body fat would lower the estrogen level to below the threshold, thus shutting down the menstrual cycle. ( ) Physical trauma to the ovaries themselves would shut down their estrogen production. ( ) Less food would result in less hormone production.

The cycle requires minimal threshold of estrogen and although the ovaries produce their regular levels, the loss of body fat would lower the estrogen level to below the threshold, thus shutting down the menstrual cycle.

If the proteins forming the cell junctions within the stomach were denatured, what is a likely consequence?

The desmosome junctions would not hold together causing the cells in the stomach to pull apart.

What determines whether or not genes located on the same chromosome can assort independently?

The distance between genes located on the same chromosome determines whether or not they can show any level of independent assortment.

If a new anti-cancer drug is found effective in initial tests with mice, what do researchers conclude?

The drug is effective in the mouse model; it must still be tested in humans.

Which structure of the eudicot embryo within a seed is NOT correctly identified? ( ) The radicle is the embryonic root. ( ) A cotyledon is a seed leaf. ( ) The endosperm is the nutrient source for the embryo. ( ) The epicotyl is the shoot above the attachment of the cotyledons. ( ) The hypocotyl is the embryo plant below the attachment of the cotyledons.

The endosperm is the nutrient source for the embryo.

In cellular respiration, what is the relationship between the energy content of the reactants (glucose and O2) and products (CO2 and H2O)?

The energy content of the reactants (glucose and O2) must be greater than the energy content of the products (CO2 and H2O).

During an enzymatic reaction, what happens to the enzyme?

The enzyme and the substrate form a TEMPORARY complex.

The extracellular matrix is responsible for which of the following features?

The extracellular matrix does all of these: helps the cell resist stretching; enables adherence to neighboring cells; plays a role in cell signaling; and acts as a structural feature.

How does orgasm in the human male differ from orgasm in the female?

The female can experience multiple orgasms during one sexual experience.

Which statement is NOT true about the life cycle of flowering plants? ( ) The sporophyte is diploid. ( ) The sporophyte produces two different types of spores. ( ) The female gametophyte is the seed. ( ) The male gametophyte is the pollen grain. ( ) The female gametophyte is retained within the body of the sporophyte parent generation.

The female gametophyte is the seed.

Which is NOT true concerning the checkpoints in the cell cycle? ( ) Mitosis stops if chromosomes are not properly aligned. ( ) Mitosis will not occur if DNA is damaged or not replicated. ( ) If DNA is damaged, apoptosis may occur. ( ) The first checkpoint is located in the S phase of interphase. ( ) Cyclins must be present at certain stages to advance to the next stage.

The first checkpoint is located in the S phase of interphase.

If you were to breed a black male guinea pig to a brown female guinea pig in an attempt to determine which one was homozygous dominant and which one was homozygous recessive, how could you be certain that the guinea pigs are truly homozygous?

The guinea pigs would be homozygous for black (or brown) coat color if each strain could be bred for many generations and only black (or brown) colored offspring were produced.

Which of the following does NOT occur when lactose is present in the environment of E. coli? ( ) The lac repressor binds to the operator. ( ) The RNA polymerase binds to the promoter. ( ) Three different genes are transcribed. ( ) The repressor binds to lactose. ( ) The enzymes that break down lactose are synthesized.

The lac repressor binds to the operator.

Which statement concerning reproduction is FALSE? ( ) Hereditary information is passed on to the next generation. ( ) Hereditary information is in the form of genes. ( ) The offspring of asexual organisms have the same genes as the single parent. ( ) The offspring of sexual organisms have roughly one half of the genes from each parent. ( ) The offspring of multicellular organisms tend to be identical to the parent.

The offspring of multicellular organisms tend to be identical to the parent.

Rain falling in the northeastern U.S. has a pH between 5.0 and 4.0. Normally, rainwater has a pH of about 5.6. Which of the following statements is NOT correct? ( ) The pH of the rainwater has changed from neutral to acidic. ( ) The pH of the rainwater has become more acidic. ( ) The hydrogen ion (H+) content of the rainwater has increased. ( ) The proportion of hydroxide ions (OH-) in the rainwater has declined. ( ) The rainwater with a pH of 4.0 is ten times more acidic than the rainwater with a pH of 5.0.

The pH of the rainwater has changed from neutral to acidic.

Which statement about leaves is NOT correct? ( ) The photosynthetic mesophyll is made up of an upper spongy layer and a lower palisade layer. ( ) The epidermis is covered by a waxy layer of cuticle that reduces water loss. ( ) Gas exchange occurs through tiny openings in the leaf surface called stomata. ( ) Vascular tissue is arranged in a net pattern in eudicots and a parallel pattern in monocots. ( ) Regulation of gas exchange through the leaf is the responsibility of the guard cells.

The photosynthetic mesophyll is made up of an upper spongy layer and a lower palisade layer.

Why do testes shrink when male athletes take synthetic steroid testosterone hormones?

The pituitary detects high levels of testosterone in the bloodstream and reduces FSH and LH.

You find a plant that appears to contain stamens and carpels but no petals or sepals. What could you conclude about this "flower"?

The plant is pollinated by the wind.

Determine what would happen to an individual's proteins if they developed a fever of 103 F for several days.

The proteins would DENATURE due to the increase in body temperature and would become UNABLE to function correctly.

Kidney dialysis relies on diffusion of various dissolved waste molecules (solutes) across a non-living semipermeable membrane. If the concentration of solutes in the blood increases over time before dialysis is administered, what will happen to the rate of dialysis when it occurs?

The rate will speed up since the concentration gradient is higher.

While eating a container of yogurt, you have to leave, so you store the yogurt in the refrigerator. A day later you return and find the surface of the yogurt is no longer smooth but has broken into several liquefied products. You correctly guess that enzymes from your saliva, via the spoon, have continued digesting the yogurt in your absence. What will happen over time?

The reaction will continue until all of the substrate is used and the enzyme will still remain.

While transplanting flowers you accidentally damaged the roots. What is the most likely scenario that will occur as a result of damage to the roots? ( ) The slimy sheath on the root cap has been wiped off and the parenchyma cells were damaged resulting in damage to the zone of cell division. ( ) The slimy sheath on the root cap has been wiped off and the parenchyma cells were damaged resulting in damage to the zone of elongation. ( ) The slimy sheath on the root cap has been wiped off and the parenchyma cells were damaged resulting in damage to the zone of maturation. ( ) The slimy sheath on the root cap has been wiped off and the epidermal cells were damaged resulting in damage to the zone of cell division. ( ) The slimy sheath on the root cap has been wiped off and the epidermal cells were damaged resulting in damage to the zone of maturation.

The slimy sheath on the root cap has been wiped off and the PARENCHYMA cells were damaged resulting in damage to the zone of CELL DIVISION.

Which of the following statements is NOT correct about the arrangement of tissue in the eudicot root? ( ) The epidermis of the root consists of a single layer of cells ( ) The specialized root tissues can be seen at the zone of maturation ( ) The pericycle is the outer layer of cells in the vascular cylinder and has the ability to form secondary or branch roots ( ) The Casparian strip is a waxy lining on four sides of the cells of the endodermis that regulates the movement of materials into and out of the vascular cylinder. ( ) The star-shaped phloem is located in the center of the vascular cylinder, with xylem arranged between the arms of the phloem.

The star-shaped phloem is located in the center of the vascular cylinder, with xylem arranged between the arms of the phloem

Two strains of E. coli—one of which can turn on its lactase production and one that cannot—are grown together with lactose in the medium. If all other conditions are equal, what will occur? ( ) Both strains will continue to be present in equal amounts. ( ) The two strains will kill each other off. ( ) The strain that can turn on lactase production will overgrow the culture and be the only one left. ( ) The strain that cannot turn on lactase production will overgrow the culture and be the only one left. ( ) The strain that can turn on lactase production will make its own lactose once the lactose present in the medium is completely used.

The strain that can turn on lactase production will overgrow the culture and be the only one left.

Alternation of generations means that a diploid sporophyte produces haploid spores by meiosis and a haploid gametophyte produces gametes by mitosis. True or False?


Radioactive isotopes are used to tag proteins in the cell membranes of mouse cells. These cells are then fused with human cells in cultures. What is the likely consequence of the tagged mouse proteins?

The tagged proteins DRIFT ACROSS cell membranes and are soon found dispersed across both human and mouse cell membranes.

In the Malpighian tubules of an insect (blind, threadlike excretory tubule attached to the gut of an insect), salt molecules are actively transferred from body fluids to the inside of the tubule. Which of the following is NOT true? ( ) Water is also "pulled" by osmosis into the Malpighian tubule. ( ) The concentration of salt is normally higher in the body fluids than it is inside the tubule. ( ) The process decreases the salt concentration of the body fluids. ( ) Insects must excrete excess salt through the Malpighian tubules. ( ) The tubules have the same tonicity as the body fluids.

The tubules have the same tonicity as the body fluids.

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of tissue culture? ( ) Plant tissue can be used to produce medicines such as digitoxin and other products for the treatment of human disease. ( ) Tissue culture allows the production of healthier plant varieties. ( ) New plant varieties can be formed by using somatic embryos. ( ) The use of transgenic plants has led to a serious decline in crop production throughout the world. ( ) Engineered plants are resistant to herbicides and disease.

The use of transgenic plants has led to a serious decline in crop production throughout the world.

Which statement regarding the scientific method is FALSE? ( ) A theory that has been repeatedly supported is sometimes called a law. ( ) Consistent observations about a hypothesis may lead to a theory. ( ) Theories formed in everyday life carry the same validity as a scientific theory. ( ) Only one experimental variable is used in a controlled experiment. ( ) Published research should provide enough detail to allow anyone to repeat the experiment in the same manner.

Theories formed in everyday life carry the same validity as a scientific theory.

Which of the following is a potential consequence if people stop using technology in the agriculture industry? ( ) There could be a significant decrease in the amount of food produced. ( ) A collapse of many of the terrestrial ecosystems on Earth. ( ) The extinction of the top level species that reside in the communities around the agricultural land. ( ) The amount of food produced would increase. ( ) None of these consequences will occur if people stop using technology in the agriculture industry.

There could be a significant decrease in the amount of food produced.

If a cell stops at the G1 checkpoint, this is most likely due to what problem?

There is DNA damage.

Which statement about an ecosystem is INCORRECT? ( ) Chemicals are recycled in an ecosystem. ( ) Energy flows through an ecosystem, with some being lost as heat. ( ) Some organisms produce food used by themselves and others. ( ) There is a community of organisms, but no non-living components. ( ) Climate is the main factor that determines where an ecosystem will be located.

There is a community of organisms, but no non-living components.

What might plausibly be said by a scientist?

There is always a possibility that a more advanced experiment might falsify any hypothesis.

Which of the following reactions is most likely to occur if an individual was to ingest a large dose of lemon juice? ( ) There would be an increase in the amount of carbonic acid within the blood stream. If the carbonic acid did not form then the pH of the individual's blood could shift toward 7.2. ( ) There would be an decrease in the amount of carbonic acid within the blood stream. If the carbonic acid did not form then the pH of the individual's blood could shift toward 7.2. ( ) There would be an increase in the amount of carbonic acid within the blood stream. If the carbonic acid did not form then the pH of the individual's blood could shift toward 7.8. ( ) There would be a decrease in the amount of carbonic acid within the blood stream. If the carbonic acid did not form then the pH of the individual's blood could shift toward 7.2. ( ) There would be a decrease in the amount of carbonic acid within the blood stream. If the carbonic acid did not form then the pH of the individual's blood could shift toward 7.8.

There would be an INCREASE in the amount of carbonic acid within the blood stream. If the carbonic acid did not form then the pH of the individual's blood could shift toward 7.2.

If the pericycle in a plant was missing, what would be affected?

There would be no branch roots.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a somatic embryo? ( ) These are asexually produced. ( ) These are produced in large tanks called bioreactors. ( ) These are genetically quite diverse. ( ) These are encapsulated in a protective gel for shipping. ( ) These will generate an entire mature plant.

These are genetically quite diverse.

Which of the following is NOT true of the chromosomes in a cell undergoing mitosis? ( ) They are highly compacted. ( ) They are available for RNA synthesis. ( ) They have histones bound to them. ( ) They are found within the cell nucleus. ( ) They are present in the diploid number.

They are available for RNA synthesis.

Which of the following is NOT true of ribosomes? ( ) They are produced in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell. ( ) They are made of RNA and proteins. ( ) They are composed of two subunits that only come together when protein synthesis is about to occur. ( ) They bind only one type of amino acid. ( ) DNA serves as a template for rRNA.

They bind only one type of amino acid

Free radicals, unpaired electrons, can cause aging because

They bond with molecules that are nearby, like DNA and proteins, causing damage to the molecule.

Which of the following statements is TRUE about enzymes? ( ) Their 3D shape can vary and still be active. ( ) Boiling temperatures do not affect their activity. ( ) They catalyze only one specific type of reaction. ( ) They can associate with a wide variety of substrates. ( ) They are unaffected by changes in pH.

They catalyze only one specific type of reaction.

Which of the following is NOT true about cancer cells? ( ) They exhibit uncontrolled growth. ( ) They can form benign or malignant tumors. ( ) They exhibit disorganized growth. ( ) They exhibit contact inhibition. ( ) They may undergo metastasis.

They exhibit contact inhibition.

Normal human sperm and eggs are similar in which one of the following respects? ( ) They have the same number of chromosomes in their nucleus. ( ) Their locomotion is achieved with equal facility. ( ) They have the same relative amount of cytoplasm surrounding their nuclei. ( ) Approximately the same number of gametes are produced from both gonads. ( ) Both use meiosis to produce four sperm or four eggs from the parent cell.

They have the same number of chromosomes in their nucleus.

How can marine animals such as sharks live in a salt water?

They increase OR decrease the amount of urea in their blood until the blood is ISOTONIC with the environment.

Why are plant leaves green?

They reflect green wavelengths of light.

What will happen to dye crystals if placed in the bottom of a beaker of water over a long period of time?

They will diffuse equally throughout the beaker.

Researchers have observed that in villages in Russian Georgia where people have a low calorie diet but are not malnourished, the average life expectancy is longer. Less food intake would result in fewer free radicals from metabolism, compared to societies where individuals ate more than they required. The text explains that genes for antioxidant enzymes that destroy free radicals would be inherited. How could we test, in a practical manner, whether this longevity was genetic or a matter of chosen diet?

Track the fate of villagers who move away to more affluent communities where people eat a better diet, or supplement the diet of a portion of the villagers over time.

____________ bind to enhancers in eukaryotic cells to increase the rate of transcription. ( ) Repressors ( ) RNA polymerases ( ) Ligases ( ) Transcription activators ( ) DNA polymerases

Transcription activators

Syphilis is caused by

Treponema pallidum.

In the late 1800s, Louis Pasteur was searching for a vaccine for anthrax in livestock. One French veterinarian had a local reputation for being able to cure anthrax by applying oils and wrapping the animal in cloth to induce a fever. Pasteur also knew that some animals got well on their own when left untreated. Pasteur tested the effectiveness of the local veterinarian's methods by injecting four cattle with anthrax bacteria. He then directed the veterinarian to perform his procedures on two cattle. The other two cattle were left alone. What is the rationale for Pasteur's experimental design?

Two cattle represent a test of the treatment; two serve as a control to determine the likelihood of survival without treatment.

Transcription of part of a DNA molecule with a nucleotide sequence of AAACAACTT results in a mRNA molecule with the complementary sequence of ( ) GGGAGAACC. ( ) UUUGUUGAA. ( ) TTTGAAGCC. ( ) CCCACCTCC. ( ) AAACAACTT.


Which of the following radiation uses is the one that is most likely to have beneficial and harmful consequences? ( ) Using radiation to treat a cancer patient. ( ) Using radiation to sterilize mail. ( ) Using radiation to sterilize surgical equipment prior to a surgery. ( ) Radiating fruits and vegetables prior to storage. ( ) All of these will have beneficial and harmful consequences.

Using radiation to treat a cancer patient.

Why are men who have a heart condition warned not to take Viagra?

Viagra increases blood flow to the penis in order to promote an erection and this could have an effect on the rest of the cardiovascular system.

Which of the following biological technology has enabled scientists to extend the life span of individuals who are suffering from HIV/AIDS? ( ) Virology ( ) Cell biology ( ) Biology ( ) Physics ( ) Technology


Hydrogen bonding produces which following property of water? ( ) Boiling at a lower temperature than expected. ( ) Water is less dense as ice than as liquid water. ( ) Water absorbs heat with a large change in temperature. ( ) Water releases heat with a large change in temperature. ( ) Water can be more dense as ice than as liquid water.

Water is less dense as ice than as liquid water.

Which of the following is NOT true about the cohesion-tension model of water transport? ( ) Water must completely fill the pipeline ( ) Water molecules attract one another ( ) Transpiration exerts a tension at the leaves ( ) Water is transported in the phloem ( ) Water must be attracted to the sides of the xylem

Water is transported in the phloem

A membrane sac filled with large molecules of potassium is suspended in a beaker of water. What will happen?

Water will enter the sac and it will swell.

The moon lacks life and varies dramatically in temperature. If we could keep a layer of water spread on the surface of the moon, what effect would it have?

Water would absorb and hold heat and moderate the temperature extremes.

Of the following conditions, which is absolutely necessary for diffusion to take place? ( ) a differentially permeable membrane ( ) a true solution ( ) a concentration difference ( ) a non-permeable membrane ( ) a living cell

a concentration difference

The heavy oxygen isotope (18O) could be provided to plants either in the CO2 or in H2O or in both. Today, we know from experimental results that O2 released from chloroplasts comes from H2O and not from CO2. Which of the following experimental results SUPPORTS this finding? ( ) When heavy oxygen is part of water given to the plant, the plant produces heavy O2. ( ) When heavy oxygen is part of CO2 given to the plant, the plant produces heavy O2. ( ) When heavy oxygen is part of both water and CO2 given a plant, the plant produces heavy O2. ( ) When no heavy oxygen is part of water given the plant, the plant produces no heavy O2. ( ) When no heavy oxygen is part of CO2 given the plant, the plant produces no heavy O2.

When heavy oxygen is part of water given to the plant, the plant produces heavy O2.

Which of the following is NOT true about oncogenes? ( ) They are normal genes that have undergone a mutation. ( ) They cause growth factors or growth factor receptors on a cell to malfunction. ( ) When mutated oncogenes turn into proto-oncogenes. ( ) They cause a cell to divide repeatedly. ( ) They are not alien to the cell.

When mutated oncogenes turn into proto-oncogenes.

Which statement is ACCURATE about how C4 plants are able to survive hot dry spells during the growing season? ( ) When the stomata CLOSE during heat stress RuBP carboxylase is NOT exposed to the increase in oxygen concentration experienced in the leaf. This allows the plant to AVOID photorespiration. ( ) When the stomata CLOSE during heat stress RuBP carboxylase is exposed to the increase in oxygen concentration experienced in the leaf. This allows the plant to AVOID photorespiration. ( ) When the stomata OPEN during heat stress RuBP carboxylase is NOT exposed to the increase in oxygen concentration experienced in the leaf. This allows the plant to AVOID photorespiration. ( ) When the stomata CLOSE during heat stress RuBP carboxylase is exposed to the increase in oxygen concentration experienced in the leaf. This allows the plant to UNDERGO photorespiration. ( ) When the stomata OPEN during heat stress RuBP carboxylase is NOT exposed to the increase in oxygen concentration experienced in the leaf. This allows the plant to UNDERGO photorespiration.

When the stomata CLOSE during heat stress RuBP carboxylase is NOT exposed to the increase in oxygen concentration experienced in the leaf. This allows the plant to AVOID photorespiration.

Which genetic disorder is the result of a deletion of a section of an individuals chromosome?

Williams syndrome

In the late 1800s, Louis Pasteur was searching for a vaccine for anthrax in livestock. One French veterinarian had a local reputation for being able to cure anthrax by applying oils and wrapping the animal in cloth to induce a fever. Pasteur also knew that some animals got well on their own when left untreated. Pasteur tested the effectiveness of the local veterinarian's methods by injecting four cattle with anthrax bacteria. He then directed the veterinarian to perform his procedures on two cattle. The other two cattle were left alone. One cow from each group died and the other one in each group survived. Pasteur dismissed the veterinarian's procedure as ineffective, but he also considered this to be a poor test. Why would he consider this to be a poor test?

With such a small group you can't determine if survival was dependent on the treatment or random chance.

Which of the following would be considered a heterozygous dihybrid genotype? ( ) Ww ( ) sS ( ) WWSs ( ) WWss ( ) WwSs


Two parents with widow's peak and short fingers have a child with a continuous hairline and long fingers. What are the genotypes of the two parents? (W = widow's peak; S = short fingers) ( ) WWSS x wwss ( ) wwss x WWSS ( ) WWss x WWss ( ) WwSs x WwSs ( ) WwSs x wwss

WwSs x WwSs

A man with widow's peak (dominant) who can curl his tongue (dominant) has a child who has a continuous hairline and cannot curl the tongue. What is the genotype of the father? ( ) WWTT ( ) wwtt ( ) WwTt ( ) Wwtt ( ) WT


A female with two Barr bodies in her cells would have what combination of sex chromosomes?


Generally, it is not possible to determine whether nondisjunction failed to occur in oogenesis or spermatogenesis. However, it is possible to assert that _____ resulted in nondisjunction in ____.

XYY; spermatogenesis

Genes on the ___ chromosome determine if the sex of a child will be male or female.


We often say that we need food for energy. In a biological sense, is this correct?

Yes, because the food we eat has potential energy in its structure and this chemical energy can be converted into mechanical energy.

Circulating red blood cells in your body do not contain a nucleus and other organelles. Are these cells living?

Yes, because they are actively metabolizing and once contained organelles.

What is a potential outcome if one of your fathers gametes did not go through meiosis correctly and one of the chromosomes did not separate correctly?

You inherited a normal amount of genetic material from your mother but inherited an extra chromosome from your father. One of your pairs of chromosomes will not be homologous.

The molecule that is found at the beginning and end of the citric acid cycle is

a C4 molecule.

In certain cancerous cells, the cell divides continuously even in the absence of a growth factor (signaling molecule) that indicates the cell should divide. Which of the following could NOT explain this? ( ) a receptor molecule that is always turned off ( ) a receptor molecule that is always activated ( ) a transduction pathway that is always turned on ( ) a target protein that is always activated ( ) a gene for cell division that is expressed when it should not be

a RECEPTOR molecule that is always turned OFF

You are examining a cell under the microscope that is undergoing cell division and cannot find any asters. What else would not be present in this cell?

a cleavage furrow

A plant with small leaves and sunken stomata is most likely to be found in a


For water transport to occur there must be

a continuous column of water in xylem and transpiration of water at the leaves.

What is a metabolic reaction called that involves one reaction releasing energy to provide energy for a second reaction that requires energy?

a coupled reaction.

Double fertilization in an angiosperm produces

a diploid zygote and a triploid endosperm.

If the genotype of an organism is YySsTt, then yST would represent

a gamete of the parent.

In peas, yellow is dominant over green in seeds. With which of these is it best to cross a yellow-seeded pea plant to determine whether it is homozygous or heterozygous? ( ) a green-seeded plant ( ) a heterozygous yellow-seeded plant ( ) a pure yellow-seeded plant ( ) a heterozygous yellow-seeded plant or a pure yellow-seeded plant ( ) There is no way to determine if the plant is pure or hybrid

a green-seeded plant

Which of the following proteins would you expect to be a coded for by a proto-oncogene? ( ) a growth factor receptor ( ) a DNA repair protein ( ) a protein involved with the G1 checkpoint ( ) a caspase ( ) a DNA replication protein

a growth factor receptor

Oxygen diffuses into the capillaries of the lungs because there is

a higher concentration of O2 in the alveoli than the capillaries.

The term hypertonic means

a higher solute concentration.

An oncogene is ( ) a viral gene with no relation to the host cells genes. ( ) a mutated form of a proto-oncogene. ( ) a bacterial gene that causes cancer in the host. ( ) always seen in human cancer cells. ( ) a gene that turns off cellular reproduction.

a mutated form of a proto-oncogene.

Morphogenesis is

a process by which tissues are shaped into organs.

If A → B → C → D → E represents a metabolic pathway, then letter E would be

a product.

Which of these is most closely associated with the process of electron transport? ( ) a sequence of molecules in the membranes of the thylakoids ( ) a stack of thylakoid membrane structures ( ) the double membrane of the chloroplast ( ) a flattened disk or sac in the chloroplast ( ) the central fluid-filled space of the chloroplast

a sequence of molecules in the membranes of the thylakoids

A covalent bond is

a sharing of electrons between two atoms.

To what does the term grana refer?

a stack of thylakoid membrane structures

A nucleotide contains ( ) DNA and RNA. ( ) a sugar and a phosphate. ( ) complementary purines and pyrimidines. ( ) RNA, protein, and lipids. ( ) a sugar, a phosphate, and a nitrogen base.

a sugar, a phosphate, and a nitrogen base.

Two glucose molecules can combine to form a disaccharide molecule and

a water molecule.

Which allele combination represents a recessive monohybrid trait? ( ) aa ( ) Aa ( ) AA ( ) ab ( ) Ab


Which plant hormone will act as an inhibitor of growth and maintains dormancy?

abscisic acid

Of the following, which is the most effective method of birth control? ( ) male condom ( ) abstinence ( ) female condom ( ) diaphragm ( ) IUD


If we developed a molecule that blocked the ATP channel protein, what would be the first immediate effect?

accumulation of ATP in the mitochondrial matrix

What forms the contractile ring in animal cells?

actin filaments

If the gene product needed is either transfer RNA or ribosomal RNA, the most efficient way to produce this product is ( ) activating chromatin. ( ) increasing transcription factors. ( ) increasing the rate mRNA matures. ( ) increasing translational control. ( ) increasing posttranscriptional control.

activating chromatin.

The place where the substrate fits onto the enzyme is called the

active site.

The number of mitochondria in a cell would be a general indicator of the extent of

active transport.

When a substance moves from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration while using energy, the process is termed

active transport.

Aspirin is acetyl salicylic acid and can therefore pose a problem to people who have ulcers. Bufferin uses a buffer to neutralize this effect by

adding chemicals that take up excess hydrogen (H+) ions.

In Figure 25.4, if adenine is located on strand 4, then on strand 2 at the same location ____ must be present. {image of DNA strands where bases of two spiraled strands on the left are labeled 1 and 2, and bases of the other two spiraled strands on the right are labeled 3 and 4.} ( ) adenine ( ) thymine ( ) cytosine ( ) guanine ( ) uracil


Which of the following have nitrogenous bases correctly paired in DNA? ( ) adenine—guanine; thymine—cytosine ( ) adenine—uracil; guanine—cytosine ( ) adenine—thymine; guanine—cytosine ( ) adenine—adenine; guanine—guanine ( ) adenine—cytosine; guanine—thymine

adenine—thymine; guanine—cytosine

Which is the most common type of intercellular junction between skin cells?

adhesion junctions

The cell theory states that

all cells come only from other cells.

A colorblind (recessive trait) woman will pass the allele to

all her children.

Which factor is likely to lead to a change in the genetic control of the individual and possibly cancer? ( ) X-rays ( ) ultraviolet radiation ( ) cigarette smoke ( ) pesticides ( ) all of these can lead to cancer

all of these can lead to cancer

Alternative forms of a gene that influence the same trait and are found at the same location in homologous chromosomes are called


Humans can have any of several eye colors, this is because we possess a variety of



allow gas exchange.

The main function of stomata is to

allow passage of CO2 and O2 into the leaf.

Gene mutations are ( ) always deleterious. ( ) always beneficial. ( ) radiation-induced changes only. ( ) alterations in the normal sequence of bases within a gene. ( ) alterations in the normal sequence of bases outside a gene.

alterations in the normal sequence of bases within a gene.

The backbone of a nucleic acid strand is composed of

alternating pentose sugars and phosphate groups.

What are alleles?

alternative forms of a gene for a single trait, such as blue eyes or brown eyes

Organic molecules

always contain carbon and hydrogen.

The sac that surrounds the fetus and usually ruptures just before childbirth is the


Since pure water is neutral, it contains

an equal number of hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-).

Growth factors that are transported through the blood play what role in the cell cycle?

an external signal to tell the cell whether or not to divide

The most common autosomal abnormality present in people is

an extra chromosome 21.

Which of the following is an example of chemical work within a cell? ( ) catabolism ( ) anabolism ( ) moving glucose across the cell membrane ( ) the beating of cilia ( ) the contraction of muscle fibers


You are looking at a cell under the microscope, and see what appears to be several "X" structures being pulled to each side of the cell. What stage of meiosis are you looking at?

anaphase I

During what stage of meiosis do sister chromatids separate from each other

anaphase II

Which of the following is NOT a component of the carpel of a flower? ( ) anthers ( ) stigma ( ) style ( ) ovary ( ) ovule


The cure for gonorrhea is

antibiotic treatment.

The ____ of a tRNA molecule will base pair with the codon of a mRNA molecule. ( ) DNA sequence ( ) anticodon ( ) amino acid binding site ( ) RNA polymerase ( ) promoter site


During gastrulation in vertebrates, the pore created by invagination will become the


Which two structures are associated with the terminal bud? ( ) apical meristem and leaf primordia ( ) shoot tip and zone of maturation ( ) apical meristem and zone of cell division ( ) zone of cell division and leaf primordial ( ) none of these structures are associated with the terminal bud

apical meristem and leaf primordia

Epidermal tissue, ground tissue, and vascular tissue systems are derived from

apical meristem.

Another term for programmed cell death is


Technology is the ______________________.

application of scientific knowledge for a practical purpose.

If there are twelve different intermediate products produced during production of a molecule in a cell, we can expect that there

are about twelve enzymes, at least one responsible for each step in the metabolic pathway.

The allantoic blood vessels

are analogous to the umbilical blood vessels in humans.

All carbohydrate molecules

are composed of atoms of C, H, and the functional group -OH.


are composed of microtubule triplets.

You are planning to build a swimming pool in your backyard. How close can you get to the trees in your backyard without disturbing their root structure?

at least 4-5 times the diameter of the crown of the tree

Positive phototropism and positive gravitropism occur from the action(s) of

auxin in both cases.

Beans, peas, and other legumes have root nodules that are caused by ____ and have the role of ____.

bacteria, taking up and reducing atmospheric nitrogen

Which of the following is a prokaryotic cell? ( ) plant cell ( ) liver cell ( ) muscle cell ( ) paramecium ( ) bacterium


Which of these combinations would be found in a nucleotide? ( ) base-acid-salt ( ) adenine-thymine-uracil ( ) base-sugar-phosphate ( ) DNA-RNA-nucleus ( ) sugar-protein-fat


In horses, black coat (B) is dominant over brown coat (b), and being a trotter (T) is dominant over being a pacer (t). A black horse who is a pacer is crossed with a brown horse who is a trotter. The offspring is a brown pacer. What is the genotype of the brown trotter parent? ( ) BBTT ( ) BbTt ( ) Bbtt ( ) bbTt ( ) bbtt


The various uses of ATP include all of the following EXCEPT ( ) being a structural component of the cell membrane ( ) chemical work ( ) mechanical work ( ) transport work ( ) moving substances into a cell

being a structural component of the cell membrane

As the human population size increases,

biodiversity is adversely affected as humans have destructive effects on ecosystems.

The layer where organisms can exist on the surface of the earth is the


Photosynthesis shows higher activity for violet/blue and orange/red and a lower absorption for green/yellow. If we could invent a different photosynthetic pigment that absorbed absolutely all visible wavelengths of light, the leaves would appear which color?


Trees are often identified by their leaves. What information about the leaves would you need to observe in order to identify the tree?

blades, pattern of venation, and arrangement on stem

The blastocoel is formed during the _____ stage of development.


During the formation of an embryo, a solid ball of cells with a fluid-filled cavity inside is termed a


A man with blood type AB could NOT be the father of a child with

blood type O.

The metabolic pathways of photosynthesis and cellular respiration

both involve oxidation and reduction reactions.

Cellular respiration involves ALL of the following EXCEPT

breathing in and out.

Which feature is NOT found on the epidermis of a plant leaf? ( ) bundle sheath cells ( ) stomata ( ) cuticle ( ) trichomes ( ) guard cells

bundle sheath cells

Most cells use a tremendous amount of ATP,

but the amount of stored ATP is not great because our body constantly generates ATP from ADP + P.

How are potato plants propagated?

by "eyes" (a bud)

The inactivation of the host cell protein p53 benefits Human papillomavirus (HPV)

by allowing the infected cell to go through repeated cell division thus replicating the virus.

You are examining a seed with tiny white plumes attached to it. How is this type of seed most likely dispersed?

by the wind

Which of the following is a CAM plant? ( ) rice ( ) cactus ( ) corn ( ) wheat ( ) sugarcane


Calcium chloride, CaCl2, is an ionic compound in which

calcium has lost two electrons.

Apoptosis refers to cell death and ( ) is always biologically detrimental to an organism. ( ) can be programmed and is essential to normal development. ( ) is the accumulation of genetic errors. ( ) is a failure in the translation or transcription mechanism. ( ) is any failure of the genetic machinery to work correctly.

can be programmed and is essential to normal development.

Down syndrome

can occur if the sperm has an extra number 21 chromosome.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding active transport? ( ) moves molecules or ions against their concentration gradient ( ) involves protein pumps ( ) is associated with large numbers of mitochondria ( ) is associated with nerve and muscle cells ( ) cannot be done by animal cells

cannot be done by animal cells

Maltose is classified as a


If the carbons from glucose were radioactively labeled, what molecule(s) would end up with the label?

carbon dioxide and citrate

Which molecules are the products of aerobic respiration?

carbon dioxide and water

The raw materials or reactants of the photosynthetic process include

carbon dioxide and water.

What are the stages of the Calvin cycle?

carbon dioxide fixation, carbon dioxide reduction, and regeneration of RuBP

Chloroplasts and mitochondria are involved in a redox cycle because

carbon dioxide is REDuced during photosynthesis and carbohydrate is OXidized during cellular respiration.

The Calvin cycle reactions are dependent upon a supply of

carbon dioxide, NADPH, and ATP.

The function of transfer RNA is to ( ) carry amino acids to ribosomes. ( ) transfer nucleotides to the nucleus. ( ) transmit coded information to the cytoplasm. ( ) turn DNA on and off. ( ) act as the site for protein synthesis.

carry amino acids to ribosomes.

Which is NOT a correct association of cell organelles and function? ( ) lysosome-intracellular digestion ( ) mitochondrion-cell respiration ( ) ribosome-production of proteins ( ) cell wall-regulate molecule passage in and out of animal cells ( ) vacuole-storage of chemicals

cell wall-regulate molecule passage in and out of animal cells

The smallest unit that has all of the characteristics of life is the


Which type of cells will have modifications that increase the surface-area-to-volume ratio?

cells that specialize in absorption

List the sequence of biological organization, from the smallest and simplest to the largest and most complex. ( ) cells-organs-tissues-organ systems-organism ( ) cells-tissues-organ systems-organs-organism ( ) tissues-cells-organs-organ systems-organism ( ) tissues-organs-organ systems-organisms-cells ( ) cells-tissues-organs-organ systems-organisms

cells-tissues-organs-organ systems-organisms

The equation: C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 38 ATP + 6CO2 + 6H2O represents which cellular process?

cellular respiration

Which organelle has a 9 + 0 pattern of microtubules?


In plant cells, what is responsible for organizing the spindle?


A Pap smear is used to detect

cervical cancer.

Menopause refers to

cessation of menstruation.

Symptoms of menopause include

cessation of menstruation.

When comparing energy and chemicals in an ecosystem,

chemicals cycle over and over again but energy flows through once.

The production of ATP as a result of an electrochemical gradient is called


Which of the following STDs is NOT the result of a virus? ( ) AIDS ( ) herpes ( ) chlamydia ( ) genital warts ( ) Hepatitis B


Artificial RNA with a known base sequence was added to a medium containing bacterial ribosomes and a mixture of amino acids. By chemical identification of the resulting polypeptide, researchers could discover the ( ) transcription factors involved. ( ) mutation rate. ( ) codon. ( ) Chargaff rule. ( ) difference between DNA and RNA.


You notice that rain water forms "beads" on your car. This is an example of what property of water?


When you have waxed your car, rainfall makes very large droplets that roll around on the hood. This property where the water molecules stick together is known as


Which of the following is NOT a part of a developing eudicot embryo? ( ) epicotyl ( ) hypocotyl ( ) cotyledon ( ) radicle ( ) coleoptile


The protective sheath that first surrounds the shoot is called the


The fibers that get stuck between your teeth when you eat celery are


Molecules such as glucose and amino acids are NOT lipid soluble and therefore they

combine with carrier proteins and pass across by facilitated transport.

All the organisms of various species living within a given area constitute a


Which cell found in phloem tissue has a nucleus? ( ) vessel element ( ) tracheids ( ) sieve-tube member ( ) guard cell ( ) companion cell

companion cell

The role of the acrosome during the fertilization process is to

contain enzymes that help a sperm head digest its way into an egg.

The nucleolus

contains RNA and is found in the nucleus.

The human blastocyst

contains a fluid-filled central cavity.

The main reason that ATP is considered the energy currency in cells is because it

contains accessible energy in phosphate bonds.

Which of the following is NOT true about DNA? ( ) has a double helix ( ) bases held together by hydrogen bonds ( ) bases are complementary to each other ( ) has a deoxyribose sugar ( ) contains adenine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil

contains adenine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil

Once a solute and a solvent are evenly distributed in a solution, they will

continue to move about but with no net movement to higher concentration.

Which is NOT a physical barrier method of birth control? ( ) condom ( ) cervical cap ( ) diaphragm ( ) contraceptive implant ( ) IUD

contraceptive implant

You need to identify a plant but it is winter and the leaves have fallen to the ground mixed with others. The parts of flowers, fruits, and seed leaves of germinating seeds are not available either. Your best clue to whether it is a monocot or a eudicot is to

cut the stem and if the vascular bundles are scattered in the stem, it is a monocot.

The tissue layers of a leaf, from the upper surface to the lower surface, are

cuticle, epidermis, palisade mesophyll, spongy mesophyll, epidermis, cuticle

What will cycle the energized electrons from the reaction center of PS I back to the reaction center in PS I?

cyclic electron pathway

Which of the following plant hormones prevents senescence and can initiate leaf growth? ( ) indoleacetic acid ( ) gibberellin ( ) cytokinin ( ) abscisic acid ( ) ethylene


Where does glycolysis take place within the cell?


If cells were moved to a low-gravity environment, such as in space exploration, a change would most likely be expected in the


Which of these descriptions could be associated with the secretory phase of the uterine cycle? ( ) low FSH → high estrogen → developing follicle → increase in uterine lining ( ) high LH → high estrogen → developing follicle → uterine lining breakdown ( ) decrease in LH → increase in progesterone → corpus luteum present → secretory uterine lining ( ) decrease in LH → decrease in progesterone → corpus luteum present → secretory uterine lining ( ) increase in LH → increase in progesterone → corpus luteum present → endometrium released

decrease in LH → increase in progesterone → corpus luteum present → secretory uterine lining

Which of the following behaviors will NOT help prevent cancer? ( ) avoid carcinogenic chemicals ( ) avoid excessive sunlight ( ) lower total fat intake ( ) decrease intake of high-fiber foods ( ) increase consumption of broccoli

decrease intake of high-fiber foods

If you wished to increase enzyme activity, you would do all of the following EXCEPT ( ) increase the temperature moderately. ( ) increase the concentration of the enzyme. ( ) increase the amount of substrate. ( ) change to optimum pH for the reaction. ( ) decrease the temperature.

decrease the temperature.

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of genetically engineered plants? ( ) decreased yield ( ) herbicide resistance ( ) salt tolerance ( ) drought tolerance ( ) disease protection

decreased yield

Two molecules of glucose combine to form a disaccharide molecule during a(n) ________ reaction.


What type of reaction is necessary to produce a dipeptide from individual amino acids?

dehydration reaction

If the normal nucleotide sequence was TACGGCATG, what type of gene mutation is present if the resulting sequence becomes TAGGCATG? ( ) chromosomal mutation ( ) germinal mutation ( ) addition mutation ( ) deletion mutation ( ) substitution mutation

deletion mutation

The cri du chat syndrome represents a chromosomal mutation type termed


The final shape of a protein is very important to its function. When proteins undergo an irreversible change in shape called ___________ they __________ perform their usual functions.


After ovulation, the ruptured follicle

differentiates into the corpus luteum.

A student sitting on the back row opened a bottle of foul-smelling perfume and dabbed it on her wrists. One-by-one (beginning from the back of the room) the students began to cough due to the foul smell. This phenomena was due to


Which membrane transport process can continue whether the cell is alive or dead?


The definition of osmosis is the

diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane.

A cross that involves two traits is called a ______ cross.


In which kind of cross would you expect to find a ratio of 9:3:3:1 among the F2 offspring? ( ) monohybrid cross ( ) dihybrid cross ( ) test cross ( ) homozygous recessive x homozygous dominant ( ) homozygous dominant x heterozygous

dihybrid cross

After a seed has been produced, it often has a time during which no growth occurs called


If a chromosomal segment appears more than once in the same chromosome, it is termed a(n)


When does apoptosis occur?

during development

What lines up at the metaphase plate during metaphase II of meiosis and metaphase of mitosis?

each chromosome composed of two sister chromatids at both

A community of organisms along with their physical environment constitutes an


Mr. X has been accused by Miss Z of fathering her child. The child's blood type is AB and Miss Z's blood type is A. Mr. X could NOT be the father if his blood type is ( ) only A. ( ) only B. ( ) AB. ( ) only O. ( ) either A or O.

either A or O.

You are looking at chromosome 1 in a human being. Assuming there is no crossing over, what is the source of all the genes on this chromosome?

either the mother or father

The largest number of ATP molecules are produced in which phase of cellular respiration?

electron transport chain

Chemical reactions that require the input of energy are ( ) exergonic reactions ( ) endergonic reactions ( ) coupled reactions ( ) kinetic reactions ( ) catabolic reactions

endergonic reactions

The waxy material known as the Casparian strip is found on the

endodermal cells.

Which is a correct association of protein types?

enzymatic proteins - carry out metabolic reactions directly

Poisons are often

enzyme inhibitors.

Which of the following is NOT one of the zones found in a growing root? ( ) epidermis ( ) elongation ( ) cell division ( ) maturation ( ) none of these are zones found in growing roots


Sperm mature within the


A more precise term for impotency is

erectile dysfunction.

The uterine cycle at day 12 would primarily be under the influence of


Which plant hormone is used by industry to cause fruits to drop from a tree?


Active genes are found in the _______ of eukaryotic chromosomes. ( ) heterochromatin ( ) euchromatin ( ) Barr bodies ( ) promoters ( ) operons


The presence of the same homeotic genes in a wide range of organisms for producing set patterns is an indication that

evolution solved certain developmental problems just once.

Which of the following refers to materials only leaving the cell? ( ) diffusion ( ) exocytosis ( ) endocytosis ( ) pinocytosis ( ) phagocytosis


The ______ contain(s) the information for the structure of the protein. ( ) introns ( ) exons ( ) promoter ( ) ribosomes ( ) nucleoli


You are conducting an experiment to determine what concentration of disinfectant is most effective in killing bacteria. In this example, the concentration of disinfectant would represent the

experimental variable.

The afterbirth refers to the

expulsion of the placenta and membranes.

Another name for the oviduct is the

fallopian tube.

In experiments with the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans, researchers were able to trace the development of the generalized zygote into the specialized cells of the adult roundworm, a schematic that formed a(n)

fate map.

A long chain of carbon atoms with hydrogen atoms attached, ending in the acidic group -COOH would be a

fatty acid.

When you pick a bouquet of anther-less flowers, you have picked

female gametophytes retained within the body of sporophytes.

If a person inherits two X chromosomes, this individual will be


If you had a problematic hillside that continually eroded when it rained, plants with which type of roots would best solve your problem?


Which of the following is NOT part of the female portion of the flower? ( ) filament ( ) carpel ( ) pistil ( ) stigma ( ) style


The male reproductive system includes all EXCEPT which of the following? ( ) testes ( ) epididymis ( ) penis ( ) prostate ( ) fimbriae


Which of the following methods of reproduction is NOT asexual? ( ) runners and stolons ( ) rhizomes ( ) cuttings ( ) grafting and suckers ( ) flowering


Which of the following hormones is best associated with maturation of the egg? ( ) follicle stimulating hormone ( ) luteinizing hormone ( ) testosterone ( ) human chorionic gonadotropin hormone ( ) progesterone

follicle stimulating hormone

In order to provide for easier birth, a newborn baby has membranous areas of skull called


The ______ in fetal circulation allows blood from the right atrium to directly enter the left atrium.

foramen ovale


form a spindle that distributes chromosomes in an orderly manner.

A blue-eyed, left-handed woman marries a brown-eyed, right-handed man who is heterozygous for both of his traits. If blue eyes and left-handedness are recessive, how many different phenotypes are possible in their children?


During the ____ month, the fetal heartbeat is first loud enough to be heard by a physician with a stethoscope.


Which of these is NOT a form of a point mutation? ( ) nonsense mutation ( ) missense mutation ( ) silent mutation ( ) frameshift mutation ( ) UAC becomes UAU

frameshift mutation

The amount of energy available to do work after a chemical reaction has occurred is called

free energy.

The egg from a ___ has been observed to form a gray crescent after fertilization.


Strawberry plants do not produce seeds that are used for next year's crop. How are strawberry plants propagated?

from the nodes of stolons

The energy source for sperm to swim comes from

fructose sugar in the surrounding seminal fluids added by the seminal vesicles.

A cell placed in a hypotonic solution will

gain water.

Which intercellular junction allows for the rapid movement of small molecules or ions to flow from one animal cell to the next?

gap junctions

The function of the spongy layer of a leaf is primarily

gas exchange.

If a person believes that they have contracted a STD taking antibiotics may or may not cure them. Antibiotics would be useless against which of the following STDs? ( ) genital herpes ( ) chlamydia ( ) gonorrhea ( ) syphilis ( ) all of these can be cured with antibiotics

genital herpes

The _____ indicates the gene combination of an individual.


Which of these classification categories contains the closest related organisms? ( ) domain ( ) genus ( ) family ( ) phylum ( ) kingdom


Which type of bond formation is responsible for the properties of water?


During the daytime, stomata in leaves

give off oxygen and take in carbon dioxide.

Which is NOT a correct association? ( ) strawberry-stolon ( ) onion-bulb ( ) iris-rhizome ( ) gladiolus-bulb ( ) potato-tuber


The order of the structures in the vulva, from the frontal mons pubis to the anus, is

glans clitoris → urethra → vagina.

Which nutrient source is the easiest one for humans to breakdown and form ATP? ( ) glucose ( ) protein ( ) cellulose ( ) phospholipids ( ) chitin


You have discovered an organism that lives inside the gastrointestinal tract and does not contain a nucleus. Based on what you know of cellular respiration, how does it obtain its energy?


Some desert organisms can live out their life without ever drinking liquid water. What phase(s) of cellular respiration could provide the organism with water?

glycolysis and electron transport chain

What phase(s) of cellular respiration produce(s) NADH + H+?

glycolysis, prep reaction, and citric acid cycle

What is the correct order of phases in cellular respiration?

glycolysis, prep reaction, citric acid cycle, electron transport chain

We set up an experiment where the same species of plant is grown in boxes covered with plastic that only allows a single color of light. In which box would we expect the LEAST plant growth and even perhaps the death of the plant to occur? ( ) white ( ) blue ( ) red ( ) green ( ) indigo


Which of these associations is INCORRECT? ( ) epidermal tissue-epidermal cell ( ) ground tissue-parenchymal cell ( ) ground tissue-tracheid ( ) vascular tissue-sieve-tube member ( ) vascular tissue-vessel element

ground tissue-tracheid

All of the following are possible origins of cell organelles in eukaryotes EXCEPT: ( ) invagination of the plasma membrane to form endoplasmic reticulum ( ) incorporation of engulfed heterotrophic bacteria to form mitochondria ( ) incorporation of engulfed autotrophic cyanobacteria to form chloroplasts ( ) a symbiotic relationship between a host cell and a porkaryote that was taken up but not destroyed ( ) groups of prokaryotic cells begin to live in a small group sharing products of metabolism

groups of prokaryotic cells begin to live in a small group sharing products of metabolism.

Pregnancy tests detect the presence of ______ in the urine.


A pregnancy test is based on the production of ___ by the ____.

hCG; trophoblast

The second meiotic division is essentially a mitotic division except for the fact that the cells produced are


An ion is an atom that

has a net charge.

When the sheep Dolly was successfully cloned, it was produced by growing an in vitro fertilized egg where the normal egg nucleus had been removed and replaced by a nucleus from an adult. Since this nucleus is from an old mature animal, we would expect it to ______. Interestingly, tests show that this did not happen, a fact that currently puzzles researchers. ( ) have additional Barr bodies ( ) be mutated ( ) have shorter telomeres ( ) have longer telomeres ( ) express transcription and translation more rapidly

have shorter telomeres

The _____ enzyme is responsible for unwinding the double-helix structure of DNA during replication. ( ) helicase ( ) polymerase ( ) ligase ( ) extendase ( ) windase


HIV attacks

helper T lymphocytes.

During interphase,

hereditary material duplicates itself.

If an albino (recessive) woman is married to a man with normal coloring and they have an albino child, what was the genotype of the man?


In cattle, consider that the lack of horns is dominant to the presence of horns. A bull without horns is crossed with a horned cow. Of four offspring, one is horned and the other three lack horns. The bull is


A homeotic gene codes for a(n) ____ protein, a sequence of 60 amino acids, sets of which determine the genes to be turned on during development.


When you are overheated, you perspire, and when you are too cold, you shiver to generate heat. Which property of life is best represented by this example?


Genes that determine how segments develop during morphogenesis are termed ____ genes.


What lines up at the metaphase plate during both metaphase I of meiosis and metaphase of mitosis?

homologous chromosomes for meiosis, each chromosome is composed of two sister chromatids for mitosis

In a testcross, an organism with a dominant phenotype, but unknown genotype is crossed with which of the following to establish its genotype? ( ) homozygous dominant ( ) heterozygous ( ) homozygous recessive ( ) heterozygous dominant ( ) monohybrid dominant

homozygous recessive

The water strider is an insect that skates across the water without sinking. The tips of its feet must be coated with molecules that are


Ultimate control of testes development is by the _____ which secretes _____.

hypothalamus; GnRH

After milk production begins, it continues as long as the baby suckles but ends otherwise. This maintenance is provided by nervous stimulation sent to the ____ which eventually causes production of ____.

hypothalamus; oxytocin

A possible explanation for a natural event, based on observations and past knowledge, is a


If you have a 10% sugar solution and a 35% sugar solution how does the 10% solution compare to the 35% solution?


The reason that morning after pills can be taken over the period of one to three days after unprotected sex is

implantation of the embryo does not take place until around the third day after fertilization.

The role of mycorrhizae is to

improve the extraction of water and minerals from the soil.

Why do organisms without oxygen need to convert pyruvate to lactate?

in order to regenerate NAD+

Which of the following is an example of the blending of phenotypes? ( ) codominance ( ) sex-linked inheritance ( ) polygenic inheritance ( ) simple Mendelian inheritance ( ) incomplete dominance

incomplete dominance

The function of an enzyme is to

increase the rate of a metabolic reaction.

The impotency drug Viagra acts by

increasing blood flow to the penis.

The X-ray diffraction photography of Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins was critical evidence ( ) indicating that DNA has a double helix structure. ( ) showing the bases of DNA were held together by hydrogen bonds. ( ) showing equal numbers of purines and pyrimidines. ( ) revealing the structure of the deoxyribose sugar. ( ) of the location of each adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine.

indicating that DNA has a double helix structure.

The formation of the lens of the vertebrate eye from a skin layer in contact with an outgrowth of the embryonic brain is an example of


The process in which neighboring cells influence the development of each other, either by direct contact or by production of chemical signals, is


The correct sequence of events in the production of a polypeptide is ( ) initiation → termination → elongation. ( ) elongation → termination → initiation. ( ) termination → elongation → initiation. ( ) elongation → initiation → termination. ( ) initiation → elongation → termination.

initiation → elongation → termination.

Which is NOT a correct association? ( ) S stage-DNA synthesis ( ) M stage-mitosis and cytokinesis ( ) interphase-shortest stage of the cell cycle ( ) G1 stage-cell grows in size and cell organelles increase in number ( ) G2 stage-metabolic preparation for mitosis

interphase-shortest stage of the cell cycle

Girdling a tree involves cutting a deep groove all the way around a tree trunk; it would have the effect of

interrupting the passage of phloem sap and killing the tree

The male sex hormones are secreted by which of the following? ( ) spermatids ( ) interstitial cells ( ) vas deferens ( ) prostate ( ) seminiferous tubules

interstitial cells

ICSH stimulates the ______ of the testis to produce ______.

interstitial cells; testosterone

A sophisticated procedure where one sperm is injected into an egg is used in cases where a man has severe infertility problems and is called

intracytoplasmic sperm injection.

An intervening sequence of DNA that is not expressed is called a(n) ( ) exon. ( ) intron. ( ) replicon. ( ) promoter. ( ) gene.


Segments of DNA that are NOT part of the gene are called ( ) exons. ( ) introns. ( ) transposons. ( ) inducers. ( ) promoters.


If a chromosomal segment is turned around 180°, the chromosomal mutation is termed a(n)


Which of the following is true regarding Preven? ( ) kills sperm as they enter the female reproductive tract ( ) is a synthetic progesterone pill that disrupts the uterine cycle ( ) is another name for mifepristone or RU-486 ( ) destroys the embryo which in turn causes a spontaneous miscarriage ( ) is a synthetic progesterone that is injected

is a synthetic progesterone pill that disrupts the uterine cycle

The atomic mass of an element

is determined by its protons and neutrons.

LH is an abbreviation for luteinizing hormone, which is present in both males and females. In the male, LH

is sometimes called ICSH and controls production of testosterone.

An isotonic solution means that the solute concentration outside the cell

is the same as inside the cell.

To measure the activity of the human brain during certain thought processes, a short-lived radioactive sugar is injected in the carotid artery and is utilized by those cells that are most active. This shows up on a PET scan and demonstrates the detection of


What role does the acrosome play in fertilization?

it contains enzymes that digest a pathway for the sperm through the zona pellucida

Glycolysis is likely to have evolved before the citric acid cycle and electron transport chain because

it is found in all living organisms.

Meiosis differs from mitosis in that

it occurs only in the reproductive tissues that produce gametes.

Tay-Sachs is a serious childhood metabolic disorder where ____ fail to digest certain lipids.



keep the pH within normal limits.

Which classification category includes the most species? ( ) family ( ) genus ( ) class ( ) phylum ( ) kingdom


You have discovered a previously unknown organism. It is multicellular, with a filamentous form, and absorbs food from its environment. Upon microscopic examination, you see that the cells have nuclei. How would you classify this organism?

kingdom Fungi

Compared with a eukaryotic cell, a prokaryotic cell

lacks organelles beyond ribosomes.

Which of the following molecules is NOT an enzyme? ( ) lipase ( ) maltase ( ) urease ( ) lactose ( ) ribonuclease


From months 5 to 7, a fetus is covered in a fine down called


If pairs of factors separate independently of other pairs of factors, you are dealing with the

law of independent assortment.

In which plant structure does photosynthesis primarily occur?


Monocots differ from eudicots in that monocots have

leaf veins that are parallel.

Cabbage, spinach, and lettuce all come from which part of the plant?


What are the two sets of reactions for photosynthesis?

light reactions, Calvin cycle reactions

What organic substance makes the walls of sclerenchyma cells tough and hard?


The cell membrane is composed of

lipids and proteins.

Clover is an example of a what type of flowering plant?


If neutral atoms become positive ions, they

lose electrons.

A functional advantage of having human testes in the scrotum rather than in the abdomen is

lower temperature.

Each time water in a cell freezes slowly, long sharp crystals spear through the membrane structures of the cell. The most reasonable explanation for the bad taste of meat that has "freezer burn" from repeated freezing is the destruction of

lysosomes, and the resultant self-digestion

Of the following types of RNA, which is one of the determining factors in cell differentiation? ( ) tRNA ( ) rRNA ( ) mRNA ( ) No type of RNA is a determing factor in cell differentiation. ( ) cRNA


Which of the following levels of control involves the use of a poly-A tail? ( ) protein activity ( ) translation of mRNA ( ) mRNA processing ( ) transcriptional control ( ) chromatin structure

mRNA processing

Which does NOT describe a function of the DNA polymerase molecule? ( ) recognize the free nucleotide that pairs with the base on the old strand of DNA ( ) read the strand of old DNA and recognize the base there ( ) proofread to ensure that the proper base has been incorporated ( ) make the proper nucleotide to match with the base read on the old strand ( ) nucleotides are joined by hydrogen bonds

make the proper nucleotide to match with the base read on the old strand

Which of the following birth control methods is effective in preventing pregnancy as well as the spread of STDs? ( ) male condom ( ) coitus interruptus ( ) spermicidal jellies ( ) vaginal film ( ) intrauterine device

male condom

Considering that males can have Klinefelter (XXY) syndrome, XYY, and normal XY chromosomal combinations, and females can have Turner (XO) syndrome, poly-X (XXX, XXXX), and normal XX combinations, it is obvious that

maleness results from the minimal presence of one Y chromosome.

Cellular respiration is best associated with the


In which stage of mitosis do the chromosomes line up in the center of the cell?


Kinesin and dynein are associated with


Which organelle has 13 rows of tubulin dimers around an empty central core?


Which part of the sperm contains energy-producing mitochondria? ( ) head ( ) mid-piece ( ) tail ( ) acrosome ( ) zona pellucida


Where within the cell is ATP built up?


Which organelle will use up oxygen and give off carbon dioxide and water?


When viewed through a microscope, one characteristic of living cells is that their internal structures move. What organelles are most directly responsible for this motion we see?

mitochondria and cytoskeleton

Which of these is mismatched? ( ) cilia-microtubules ( ) centrioles-spindle ( ) mitochondria-stroma ( ) lysosomes-hydrolytic enzymes ( ) ribosomes-RNA


The "powerhouse" of the cell is the


Where does the preparatory reaction take place within the cell?

mitochondrial matrix

In which kind of cross would you expect to find a phenotypic ratio of 3:1 among the F2 offspring?

monohybrid cross

Researchers have discovered _____ that determine the pattern of an animal and its individual parts.

morphogen genes

The H+ (protons) accumulate in the thylakoid space during electron transport between photosystems I and II. The excess of protons in the thylakoid space

moves from the thylakoid space to the stroma through the ATP synthase complex.

The inheritance of blood types in humans can be explained by

multiple alleles.

In a person with a mitochondrial disease such that mitochondria do not produce enough energy for the cell, which organs would likely be most affected?


Which disorder is characterized by a lack of the protein dystrophin?

muscular dystrophy

The roots of many plants have a relationship with fungi called


According to cell theory,

new cells arise only from preexisting cells.

The cure for herpes is

no cure exists for herpes infection.

Since each child of two heterozygous parents has a 1/4 chance of receiving a recessive trait from each parent,

no matter what the first child's phenotype, the next child will have a 1/4 chance of being phenotypically recessive.

Muscles undergo fermentation when

no oxygen is available.

The point on a stem to which a leaf or bud is attached is termed the


What pathway moves the electrons from water through PS II to PS I and then on to NADP+?

noncyclic electron pathway

When homologous chromosomes fail to separate during meiosis, this is termed


Some of the changes that are attributed to aging are actually brought about by poor health habits. One of these is osteoporosis which could be prevented by

not smoking cigarettes and an adequate calcium intake

The ______ is a dorsal supporting rod present in the early embryonic development of the vertebrates.


Ribosomal RNA is produced in the


Which of the following is NOT true of primary and secondary growth? ( ) occur in woody stems ( ) increase both the length and girth of plants, respectively ( ) involve two types of meristem tissues ( ) occur in both woody and herbaceous stems ( ) occur in trees and shrubs

occur in both woody and herbaceous stems

For Mendel's law of segregation to occur, the alleles must be

on a homologous pair of chromosomes.

The carriers of the electron transport chain are located

on the cristae of the mitochondria.

Red blood cells come in many blood types including A, B, AB and type O (lacking proteins A and B), Rh positive, Rh negative (lacking Rh+), and many others. If blood is transfused, the recipient detects any new or foreign proteins. The blood type proteins are

on the outer surface of the red blood cell membrane.

In fruit flies, bar eye is inherited by an X-linked allele (B for bar). If a heterozygous bar-eyed female is mated to a nonbar-eyed male, what will be the expected ratio of phenotype given four offspring?

one bar-eyed and one nonbar-eyed female, one bar-eyed and one nonbar-eyed male

A basic difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis is that in oogenesis

one functional egg is produced.

In semi-conservative DNA replication, each new double helix formed will have ( ) two new strands and two old strands. ( ) one new and one old strand in each helix. ( ) three new strands in one helix and three old strands in the second helix. ( ) two new and one old strand in one helix and two old and one new strand in second helix. ( ) two new strands in one helix and two old strands in the other helix.

one new and one old strand in each helix.

Which of the following would be considered a dry fruit? ( ) one that doesn't split open ( ) one derived from a simple ovary ( ) one derived from the receptacle and not the ovary ( ) one derived from several individual ovaries ( ) one derived from many different carpels

one that doesn't split open

Which of the following is NOT a fruit? ( ) corn kernel ( ) peas and beans ( ) tomato ( ) cucumber ( ) onion


If the protein coat of a virus that infects a bacterium is labeled with radioactive sulfur and the DNA of the virus is labeled with radioactive phosphorus, over time ( ) both the sulfur and the phosphorus will be found within the bacterium. ( ) only the sulfur will be found inside the bacterium. ( ) only the phosphorus will be found inside the bacterium. ( ) both the sulfur and the phosphorus will be found outside the bacterium. ( ) the radioactivity of the sulfur and phosphorus will decay very quickly and not be detectable.

only the phosphorus will be found inside the bacterium.

If an organism shows a recessive phenotype, such as short pea plants, its genotype can be ( ) either TT or Tt. ( ) either Tt or tt. ( ) only TT. ( ) only tt. ( ) TT, Tt, or tt.

only tt.

One difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis is

oogenesis stops at the second meiotic division and awaits fertilization by a sperm before finishing meiosis.

CAM plants

open their stomata at night to minimize water loss.

A cluster of prokaryotic genes under the control of one regulatory sequence is called a(n) ( ) repressor. ( ) promoter. ( ) operon. ( ) operator. ( ) regulator gene.


Which level of biological organization is composed of tissues?


The pressure that is generated when water flows through a differentially permeable membrane is termed

osmotic pressure.

In the human female, the luteal phase is part of the

ovarian cycle.

A seed does NOT contain the


The egg is propelled down the oviduct by

oviduct cilia and tubular muscle contractions.

Fertilization in humans normally occurs in the ( ) uterus. ( ) vagina. ( ) abdominal cavity. ( ) ovarian follicle. ( ) oviducts.


The removal of electrons and/or hydrogen atoms from a substrate is called what?


During cellular respiration, what is reduced?


What are the products of photosynthesis?

oxygen and carbohydrate

Which molecules are the reactants or substrates for aerobic respiration?

oxygen and glucose

Pyruvate can be converted to lactate instead of going to the preparatory reaction. Why does this occur?

oxygen is not available

The final acceptor for hydrogen ions in aerobic cellular respiration is


The hormone ____ from the ____ causes mammary lobules in the breast to contract causing milk to flow.

oxytocin; hypothalamus

Which of the following is a monocot? ( ) dandelions ( ) oak trees ( ) maple trees ( ) palm trees ( ) roses

palm trees

Which cells are relatively unspecialized and correspond to a generalized plant cell? ( ) epidermal ( ) tracheid ( ) parenchyma ( ) sclerenchyma ( ) meristem


Cells of the ground tissue system are called

parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma cells.

Mendel carried out most of his research with

pea plants.

The glans clitoris in the female is homologous to the ____ in the male.


What type of bond will connect the amino acids in a protein?


An aphid is an insect that has mouthparts to sip plant sap. When placed on a herbaceous stem, it soon has its mouthparts embedded and is withdrawing plant sap. Sometimes so much plant sap is taken that it cannot use all of it and the aphid secretes droplets of the sugar to attract ants that in turn protect and care for the aphids. What layer of cells has the aphid's mouthparts tapped?


Sugars are conducted through plant tissues by the


Which of the following types of lipid is the most abundant constituent of cell membranes? ( ) cholesterol ( ) phospholipid ( ) triglyceride ( ) neutral fat ( ) fat


Which group of lipids will contain hydrophilic heads that face outwards and hydrophobic tails that face inwards that will form a barrier?


The response of plants to the relative length of light and darkness is termed


Which pathway is the foundation for the majority of ecosystems and food chains on Earth? ( ) photosynthesis ( ) anaerobic respiration ( ) aerobic respiration ( ) chemosynthesis ( ) decomposition


In plants, chloroplasts are necessary for


Biologists are fairly certain that oxygen was built up in the atmosphere by the development of photosynthesis. The production of oxygen and therefore the beginning of extensive aerobic life was made possible by the evolution of

photosystem II.

Which substance will help in seed germination and indicates to the plant that the stem must elongate to reach the light? ( ) cytokinins ( ) ethylene ( ) auxin ( ) agent orange ( ) phytochrome


Which of the following ALLOWS photosynthetic organisms to capture solar energy? ( ) pigments ( ) nucleus ( ) chloroplasts ( ) glucose ( ) NAD+


An agent would make a good antibiotic if it affected a structure or process only found in bacterial cells and not in our (eukaryotic) cells. Which of the following actions would theoretically make a good antibiotic? ( ) prevents repair of the peptidoglycan cell wall ( ) damages the nuclear membrane ( ) damages DNA ( ) prevents ribosomes from producing proteins ( ) stops cellular respiration

prevents repair of the peptidoglycan cell wall

The _____ structure of a protein consists of the sequence of the amino acids joined together by peptide bonds.


Luteinizing hormone will stimulate the initial production of the first haploid cells during spermatogenesis. Which of the following are the first haploid cells produced? ( ) primary spermatocytes ( ) spermatogonium ( ) spermatids ( ) sertoli cells ( ) follicles

primary spermatocytes

A genetic mutation can cause a change in the sequence of the 20 amino acids used to build proteins. Such a change is a change to the protein's

primary structure, but this will likely alter higher levels of structure as well.

Which of the following processes does NOT take place during translation? ( ) attachment of a ribosome to mRNA ( ) growth of a polypeptide chain ( ) binding of two tRNA molecules/ribosome ( ) liberation of polypeptide from ribosome ( ) production of mRNA

production of mRNA

The function of meristematic tissue is

production of new tissues.

What two hormones influence the development of the secondary sexual characteristics of the female?

progesterone and estrogen

Menstruation begins because

progesterone and estrogen levels are both declining.

A researcher samples the waters of the boiling hot springs in Yellowstone National Park. Under the microscope, she observes what appear to be living cells in the water. If these indeed are living cells, what type of cell would they most likely be?

prokaryotic, archaea

Which type of genes, if abnormally activated such that the protein is always present and active, can result in cancer?


Milk production is triggered in breasts following several days of ____ production by the ____.

prolactin; anterior pituitary

Day 6-13 of a 28 day uterine cycle is called the

proliferative phase.

During what stage of mitosis does the nuclear envelope disappear and the chromosomes become distinct?


Synapsis occurs during what stage of meiosis?

prophase I

You are examining a cell under the microscope and see what appear to be four sister chromatids bound together and remnants of the nuclear envelope. What stage of meiosis are you looking at?

prophase I

During which phases of the cell cycle do the chromosomes look like "X"s?

prophase, metaphase

Which sequence of stages in mitosis is correct? ( ) prophase, metaphase, interphase, telophase ( ) metaphase, anaphase, prophase, telophase ( ) anaphase, interphase, telophase, prophase ( ) prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase ( ) interphase, metaphase, prophase, anaphase

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

Seminal fluid contains _____, chemicals that cause the uterus to contract.


A male accessory organ that often becomes enlarged in older men is the

prostate gland.

In the search to discover the agents that cause mad cow disease, scrapie in sheep, and CJD and kuru in humans, diseased brain tissues were passed through a fine filter to remove bacteria. The filtrate was still infectious, indicating that something smaller than bacteria, either viruses or organic molecules, must be the causative agent. If a virus were responsible for these brain diseases, then the infectious agent would contain either RNA or DNA. Other possibilities were that the agent was a carbohydrate, fat, or protein. Tissue filtrates were treated with agents that destroyed just one of these chemicals and then injected into a healthy animal, with the results as follows. What is the infectious agent? •Amylase digests carbohydrates; tissue filtrate still infects healthy test animal. •Lipase digests fats; tissue filtrate still infects healthy test animal. •Formaldehyde and/or heat denatures DNA and RNA; tissue filtrate still infects healthy test animal. •Trypsin digests protein; tissue filtrate does not infect healthy test animal.


Most enzymes are

protein molecules.

Which components of a cell membrane are used for cell-to-cell recognition? ( ) phospholipids ( ) proteins ( ) glycolipids ( ) cholesterol molecules


DNA codes for the sequence of amino acids in the primary structure of a protein, but not for sugars or lipids. This is because

proteins are the main structural and functional components of cells.

According to the fluid-mosaic model of membrane structure,

proteins float inside or within the phospholipid bilayer.

Enzymes are organic compounds classified as


Which of the following serve to directly accelerate the cell cycle? ( ) tumor suppressor genes ( ) carcinogens ( ) repressors ( ) proto-oncogene proteins ( ) p53 gene

proto-oncogene proteins

Which function does the lipid bilayer component of the plasma membrane NOT provide for the cell? ( ) defines a permeable boundary between the organized interior and the chaotic external environment ( ) provides an impermeable, self-sealing membrane that keeps all internal living processes sealed inside ( ) controls the exchange of molecules between one cell and adjacent cells or the environment ( ) provides a fluid and flexible boundary that insulates the interior from the variations in humidity, food, and other external conditions ( ) provides a matrix for proteins that regulate the exchange of molecules between the inside and outside of the cell

provides an impermeable, self-sealing membrane that keeps all internal living processes sealed inside

Hemoglobin is a protein composed of two pairs of polypeptide chains. What is the highest level of protein structure represented in hemoglobin?


The primary function of carbohydrates is

quick fuel and short-term energy storage.

Which of the following parts of a plant embryo grows downward? ( ) plumule ( ) epicotyl ( ) seed coat ( ) radicle ( ) shoot


Which type of membrane protein will be used to bind to hormones? ( ) channel proteins ( ) carrier proteins ( ) cell recognition proteins ( ) receptor proteins ( ) enzymatic proteins

receptor proteins

Which of the classes of RNA molecules is linked with proteins in forming the large and small subunits of a cytoplasmic structure? ( ) ribosomal RNA ( ) transfer RNA ( ) messenger RNA ( ) primary mRNA transcript ( ) ribozymes

ribosomal RNA

Figure 24.1 {a normal female & affected male produce a normal female and a normal male: - The normal female offspring and another normal male produce 2 normal females and an affected male - The normal male offspring and another affected female produce an affected male} The trait diagrammed in Figure 24.1 is a(n)

recessive X-linked trait.

The time interval following ejaculation during which stimulation does not cause erection is called ( ) luteal phase. ( ) proliferative phase. ( ) secretory phase. ( ) spermatogenesis. ( ) refractory period.

refractory period.

Which part of an operon is INCORRECTLY matched with its function? ( ) promoter—where RNA polymerase first binds to DNA ( ) regulator—binds to the repressor protein ( ) structural—makes mRNA by transcription ( ) operator—if unbound, allows RNA polymerase to bind to DNA ( ) all are incorrectly matched with its function

regulator—binds to the repressor protein

Which of the following is NOT a factor that may contribute to infertility? ( ) low sperm count ( ) body weight of the female ( ) endometriosis ( ) environmental factors ( ) release of fibrinolsin

release of fibrinolsin

Which of the following is NOT part of gene expression? ( ) transcription ( ) replication ( ) translation ( ) amino acids ( ) protein synthesis


Cellular respiration is an aerobic process. This means that it

requires oxygen.

The site of translation is the ( ) nucleus. ( ) nucleolus. ( ) ribosome. ( ) ribozyme. ( ) mitochondria.


Antibiotics should be selectively toxic, that is, they should attack the infecting bacteria without harming you. Which of the following would be a good target for an antibiotic so it doesn't attack your cells? ( ) plasma membrane ( ) DNA ( ) ribosomes ( ) cytoplasm ( ) endoplasmic reticulum


If an active cell produces an important protein for secretion, what sequence of organelles might we examine for the origin of that secretion?

ribosomes - endoplasmic reticulum - Golgi apparatus

What evidence suggests that proteins are synthesized and modified in the rough ER as opposed to the smooth ER?

ribosomes are associated with the surface of the rough ER

In roots, which structure increases surface area for the absorption of water and minerals from the soil? ( ) root hairs ( ) root cap ( ) Casparian strip ( ) vascular cylinder ( ) zone of elongation

root hairs

Which of the following is the pathway for water transport in a plant? ( ) root hairs → cortex → vascular cylinder → leaf cells ( ) root hairs → pith → endodermis → xylem → leaves ( ) epidermis → cortex → phloem → root ( ) epidermis → pericycle → cortex → xylem → leaves ( ) root hairs → endodermis → leaves → xylem → pith

root hairs → cortex → vascular cylinder → leaf cells

Most of the water obtained by a plant enters through the

root hairs.

A hormone called cytokinin was discovered in coconut milk and found to stimulate cell division. With this function, where else in a plant would you expect to find cytokinin?

root tips

Proteins are processed and modified in the interior of the

rough endoplasmic reticulum.

Which of the following crosses will yield only homozygous recessive offspring? ( ) RRYY x RRYY ( ) RRYY x rryy ( ) RrYy x rryy ( ) rryy x rryy ( ) RrYy x RrYy

rryy x rryy

Which of the following is NOT associated with a higher cancer risk? ( ) hormone therapy ( ) safe sex ( ) smoking ( ) use of alcohol ( ) exposure to certain hazardous chemicals in the workplace

safe sex

Which of these associations is INCORRECT? ( ) epidermal cell--protection ( ) stomata--gas exchange ( ) sclerenchyma cells--cell division ( ) sieve-tube members--sugar transport ( ) xylem cells--water transport

sclerenchyma cells--cell division

Implantation occurs during the

second week.

The proposed cause of CJD and kuru in humans, mad cow disease, and scrapie in sheep is a change in a brain protein. Disease victims appear to have a protein that should normally contain alpha helices but instead they have changed into a protein made of beta pleated sheets. The disease appears to spread when the abnormal protein comes into contact with the normal protein, causing it to become deformed. Which level of protein structure is associated with these diseases?


Wood is composed of

secondary xylem.

Which is NOT a function of the cytoskeleton? ( ) maintains a cell's shape ( ) anchors organelles in place within a cell ( ) allows cell and its organelles to move ( ) secretes the calcium for bone tissue ( ) allows the formation of pseudopodia

secrete calcium for bone tissue

Receptor-mediated endocytosis involves all of the following EXCEPT ( ) receptor proteins to bind to specific molecules ( ) a coated pit due to a layer of fibrous protein on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane ( ) various outcomes from destruction of the vesicle to restoration of the surface configuration ( ) the mechanism for regulating exchange between a mother and fetus ( ) secretion of materials from a cell

secretion of materials from a cell

Which of these associations is NOT correct? ( ) plumule—leaves ( ) radicle—roots ( ) seed coat—ovary wall ( ) cotyledons—stored food ( ) hypocotyl—stem

seed coat—ovary wall

When an ice cap moves south or arid conditions push across a continent, a plant species can "migrate" although not as fast as individual animals usually travel. Which of the following generally allows a plant population to migrate the fastest? ( ) pollination ( ) fertilization ( ) germination ( ) seed dispersal ( ) asexual or vegetative propagation

seed dispersal

Because one original strand of the double-stranded helix is found in each daughter cell, the replication process is called ( ) proofreading. ( ) semi-conservative. ( ) redundant. ( ) freeing of DNA. ( ) mutation positive.


Trace the correct path of the sperm during ejaculation.

seminiferous tubules > epididymis > vas deferens > urethra

In the human male, sperm cells are produced in the

seminiferous tubules.

Osmosis can occur when a membrane is


Prior to protein synthesis, the DNA ( ) attracts tRNAs with appropriate amino acids. ( ) serves as a template for the production of mRNA. ( ) adheres to ribosomes for protein synthesis. ( ) contains anticodons that become codons. ( ) must first undergo replication.

serves as a template for the production of mRNA.

Which structure is directly associated with the terminal bud? ( ) shoot tip ( ) zone of cell division ( ) zone of maturation ( ) zone of elongation ( ) none of these are associated with the terminal bud

shoot tip

Which association is INCORRECT? ( ) vessel element--xylem ( ) guard cells--epidermis ( ) parenchyma--ground tissue ( ) sieve-tube member--bark ( ) cuticle--epidermis

sieve-tube member--bark

If you wanted to grow a new plant in the laboratory with the appropriate technology, which tissue type would you NOT start with? ( ) companion cells ( ) parenchyma cells ( ) sieve-tube members ( ) epidermis ( ) meristem

sieve-tube members

Which of the following are genetically identical? ( ) both members of a pair of chromosomes ( ) sister chromatids ( ) the mother's and the father's chromosomes ( ) the mother's and her child's chromosomes ( ) the father's and his child's chromosomes

sister chromatids

If the total number of chromosomes in a cell is six, then after mitosis there will be

six chromosomes in each daughter cell.

Castrating pre-pubescent bulls causes them to grow in female proportions because

small levels of estrogens are produced by the adrenal glands and fat tissue; with the lack of testosterone a body develops along female patterns.

If we cut a cross section through the testes, we would see

small tubules lined with developing sperm.

If a cell lacks ATP, which of the following processes would cease to operate immediately? ( ) diffusion ( ) sodium/potassium pump ( ) facilitated diffusion ( ) osmosis ( ) tonicity

sodium/potassium pump

When you add sugar to your coffee or tea, the sugar is the


The pollen grain contains the


The formation of sperm gametes is termed


During which stage of labor will the cervix be dilated?

stage 1

Which of the following is NOT a part of a flower? ( ) stem ( ) sepals ( ) petals ( ) stamen ( ) carpel


Which type of lipid molecule is characterized by a backbone of four fused rings? ( ) DNA ( ) phospholipid ( ) triglyceride ( ) steroid ( ) amino acid


Cholesterol is a component of cell membranes and is an example of which type of lipid?


A fifteen-foot tree growing in a fence row is used as a fence post to which barbed wire is stapled at a height of five feet. Years later, the tree is thirty feet high. The barbed wire of the fence is embedded in the tree bark at

still five feet high since the lengthening of the trunk occurs at the apical meristem.

Which of the following would NOT be a function of the peroxisomes? ( ) break down fats in the liver ( ) produce bile salts in the liver ( ) help germinating seeds convert fatty acids into molecules that can be converted to sugars ( ) storage of toxic materials in the cell ( ) metabolism that uses oxygen and releases carbon dioxide in leaves

storage of toxic materials in the cell

Opportunistic infections resulting from AIDS do NOT include


The formation of carbohydrate occurs within the


Potassium hydroxide (KOH) almost completely dissociates in aqueous solution into K+ and OH- and is therefore a

strong base.

The layer that makes the Casparian strip waterproof is made of

suberin and lignin.

Free energy is calculated by

subtracting the free energy content of the REACTANTS from that of the PRODUCTS.

In the Watson-Crick model of DNA, the "sides" of the ladder are composed of ( ) sugars. ( ) bases. ( ) hydrogen bonds. ( ) sugar-phosphate molecules. ( ) phosphate groups.

sugar-phosphate molecules.

Removal of the hydroxyl functional group would disrupt the structure of _________.

sugars and some amino acids

What is the function of the Sertoli cells in the male reproductive tract?

support and regulate the spermatogenic cells

If a cell lacked ribosomes, it would NOT be able to

synthesize proteins.

When a plant cell is placed in a hypotonic solution, the cell wall prevents

the cell from bursting.

DNA segments called _____ are at the ends of chromosomes and eventually signal the cell to enter apoptosis. ( ) transposons ( ) mutagens ( ) activated chromatin ( ) operons ( ) telomeres


The nuclear membrane reappears in mitosis during


Secondary sexual characteristics in the male are directly maintained by the hormone


What occurs when a woman takes the Preven Emergency Contraceptive Kit?

the PROGESTERONE PILLS upset the uterine cycle and prevent the EMBRYO from IMPLANTING.

Pyruvate is converted to a two-carbon acetyl group attached to coenzyme A (CoA), and CO2 is given off. This phase is called

the Preparatory Reaction.

A mutation, involving luteinizing hormone, that causes a change in the enzymes contained in the acrosome would affect

the ability of the sperm to fertilize the egg.

The reason an increase in substrate concentration will not increase the reaction rate indefinitely is because

the active site will become saturated with substrate and the enzyme will not be able to go any faster.

A piece of meat and a piece of fruit are fed to both a lizard and a person. The extent to which these foods are digested by digestive enzymes along these two gastrointestinal tracts varies. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the variation in digestion? ( ) pH of the digestive organs ( ) body temperature ( ) variation in enzymes produced ( ) amount of protein in the meat and fruit ( ) bacteria present in the digestive tract

the amount of protein in the meat and fruit

If an element has an atomic number of 15, then

the atom has 15 electrons.

In moving from the outside environment to the inside of the cell, the first layer of a bacterium encountered would be

the capsule.

While science cannot describe "thinking" in physical terms, we are certain that the process involves metabolism inside brain cells. With positron emission tomography (PET scan), it is possible to inject short-lived isotopes and image the regions of the brain that have the most active metabolism during various mental activities. However,

the cellular energy expended in thinking must be less than the chemical bond energy supplied in food to these brain cells.

To what does the term stroma refer?

the central fluid-filled space of the chloroplast

At the cellular level, photosynthesis occurs within

the chloroplast.

What is the difference between the chromosomes in a secondary spermatocyte and those in a spermatid?

the chromosomes in secondary spermatocytes consist of two chromatids, the ones in the spermatid consist of only one chromatid

Pregnancy occurs when

the developing embryo implants itself in the endometrium.

Permeability refers to

the extent to which a membrane allows a substance to pass through.

In the new procedures developed to clone a mammalian cell, the nucleus is removed from an egg cell and the nucleus from the adult to be cloned is injected inside this cell. If we did this process with a basketball, we would permanently damage the shell. What property of the cell repairs this damage?

the fluid-mosaic nature of the membrane

The lower the pH

the more acidic the solution.

The body of a slime mold that flows over a rotten log appears to lack any partitioning into distinct cells; however it does become cellular when it changes form and produces spores. The surfaces of parasitic flatworms and some insect tissues are "syncytial" layers of living material that have many nuclei but lack partitioning by cell membranes. These tissues actively consume food and produce wastes. Considering that the cell theory states that "all living things are composed of cells," then

the general concept of life-is-cellular still holds since sometime in their life these organisms still utilize cells, but this shows cell membranes can be abandoned.

The specificity of an enzyme to a substrate is currently best explained by

the induced-fit model.

If the chloroplast is the result of endosymbiosis, what membrane of the chloroplast represents the plasma membrane of the original prokaryote?

the inner chloroplast membrane

Insulin formed by the Golgi apparatus in insulin-producing cells leaves those cells by

the insulin-filled vesicles fusing with the cell membrane and spilling their contents externally.

During photosynthesis, CO2 is reduced. This means that

the molecule gains electrons.

An XXX female would most likely result from nondisjunction in

the mother during egg formation.

Water is split and oxygen is released in

the noncyclic electron pathway.

The chemical reactivity of an element is dependent on

the number of electrons in the outermost shell.

The difference between 12 6C and 14 6C is

the number of neutrons.

If the mitochondrion is the result of endosymbiosis, what membrane of the mitochondrion represents the engulfing vesicle?

the outer mitochondrial membrane

The high energy bond in ATP is found in or between

the phosphate groups.

Asexual reproduction in plants does NOT involve

the production of gametes.

In the uterine cycle, as the estrogen level in the blood rises

the proliferation phase ends which leads to negative feedback control over the anterior pituitary secretions of FSH as well as the production of a large amount of GnRH from secretions of the hypothalamus.

Certain individuals with a Y chromosome develop into females because testosterone is not able to induce the formation of male sexual characteristics. This is most likely due to a defect in

the receptor

Isotopes of a given element have

the same number of protons but differ in atomic mass.

Occasionally someone claims to have built a machine that can run forever, producing as much energy as it consumes. This has always been disproved because it violates

the second law of thermodynamics (which states that energy cannot be changed from one form to another without a loss of usable energy).

Which is most directly responsible for the sequence of amino acids in a protein? ( ) the sequence of the anticodons ( ) the number of codons in mRNA ( ) the enzyme that attaches the amino acid to tRNA ( ) the proteins associated with rRNA ( ) the sequence of codons in mRNA

the sequence of codons in mRNA

The Golgi apparatus directs its protein products to the correct location in the cell based on

the specific molecule that is added and the molecule determines the destination in or out of the cell (the "zip code").

The term "biodiversity" refers to

the total number of species, variation of species and the ecosystems in which they live.

In eukaryotes, control of gene expression is NOT by ( ) translational control in cytoplasm after mRNA leaves the nucleus and before protein is produced. ( ) transcriptional control in the nucleus based on which genes are transcribed and how fast they are transcribed. ( ) posttranscriptional control in the nucleus after DNA is transcribed, including the speed with which mRNA leaves the nucleus. ( ) posttranslational control in the cytoplasm that occurs after protein synthesis. ( ) the use of repressor proteins and operators.

the use of repressor proteins and operators.

When water enters a plant cell

the vacuole becomes enlarged.

The endosymbiotic theory argues that prokaryotes became some of the organelles of early eukaryotic cells. All of the following support this hypothesis EXCEPT: ( ) the vacuoles can "come and go" across the plasma membrane ( ) mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own DNA ( ) mitochondria and chloroplasts are nearly identical to some free living prokaryotes ( ) the mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own DNA AND are nearly identical to some free living prokaryotes ( ) mitochondria and chloroplasts divide by splitting

the vacuoles can "come and go" across the plasma membrane

The cure for HIV is

there is no cure for HIV.

Lactose is milk sugar that is broken down by the enzyme lactase. The reason that some people are "lactose intolerant" could be because

they are missing the enzyme lactase in their digestive system.

Proteins do NOT pass through cell membranes because

they are very large molecules. (membrane is made of proteins but this doesn't explain why they can't pass through)

What property of phospholipids make them suitable for the formation of the double layer found in membranes?

they have both a hydrophobic and a hydrophilic end

If a crayfish has 200 total chromosomes in its body cells (not ovaries or testes)

they would consist of 100 pairs with one of each pair from the father, one of each pair from the mother.

The sex of the fetus can be first determined in the ______ month of development.

third or fourth

During which stage of birth is the placenta delivered?

third stage

How many NADH + H+ are produced by the citric acid cycle per turn?


How many membranes does a chloroplast have?


How many nuclei are present inside a pollen grain?


The reservoir for hydrogen ions for chemiosmotic ATP synthesis during photosynthesis is the

thylakoid space.

The flattened sacs within the stroma of a chloroplast, which are connected to form a single inner compartment, are called


The amount of adenine is always equal to the amount of ____ in DNA. ( ) cytosine ( ) uracil ( ) guanine ( ) thymine ( ) ATP


Which of the following nucleotide bases is found only in DNA, not in RNA? ( ) guanine ( ) adenine ( ) thymine ( ) uracil ( ) cytosine


Why does chemiosmosis require a membrane?

to separate two compartments of the cell to allow for gradient formation

In feedback inhibition of a metabolic pathway, where does the inhibitor bind?

to the enzyme of the first reaction (either at the active site or at another site)

The addition of a poly-A tail to mRNA occurs after which of the following? ( ) replication ( ) transcription ( ) translation ( ) translocation ( ) termination


Which is the process that synthesizes mRNA? ( ) translation ( ) transcription ( ) transposition ( ) transformation ( ) translocation


Which of the classes of RNA molecules carries the amino acids that are added to the growing polypeptide chain? ( ) ribosomal RNA ( ) transfer RNA ( ) messenger RNA ( ) primary mRNA transcript ( ) ribozyme

transfer RNA

When an ionic bond forms, electrons are

transferred from one atom to another.

Which is the process by which a protein is constructed in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells? ( ) translation ( ) transcription ( ) transposition ( ) transformation ( ) translocation


Initiation, elongation, and termination are three stages in ( ) DNA replication. ( ) error correction by proofreading enzymes. ( ) mRNA processing. ( ) translation. ( ) intron removal.


Which level of primary control in eukaryotic gene activity involves the lifespan of the mRNA molecule and the ability of the mRNA to bind to ribosomes? ( ) feedback control ( ) translational control ( ) transcriptional control ( ) posttranscriptional control ( ) posttranslational control

translational control

The loss of water by evaporation from a leaf is termed


Which of the following is NOT a major function of roots? ( ) absorb water ( ) absorb minerals ( ) produce hormones ( ) anchor and support the plant ( ) transport of materials throughout the plant

transport of materials throughout the plant

A cross section through the zone of maturation of a root would show

transport tissues.

Specific DNA sequences that have the ability to move within and out of chromosomes are called ( ) transposons. ( ) introns. ( ) exons. ( ) operators. ( ) ribozymes.


Stored food in a cotyledon was derived from

triploid endosperm.

A person who has an extra copy of a chromosome is said to have


If a molecule crosses a plasma membrane faster than it diffuses in water, then the process is likely to involve active transport.


The statement 'a child is more closely related to its mother than to its father' is

true because the egg contains more than just DNA and the sperm only contributes DNA.

An acetyl group contains how many carbons?


Unattached earlobes (EE or Ee) are dominant over attached earlobes (ee). A couple both have unattached earlobes. Both notice that one of their parents on both sides have attached earlobes (ee). Therefore, they correctly assume that they are carriers for attached earlobes (Ee). If the couple proceeds to have four children, then

two heterozygous, one homozygous dominant, and one homozygous recessive is a likely outcome, but all heterozygous, or two, three or all four homozygous is also possible.

For the complete respiration of one molecule of glucose, the citric acid cycle must turn a total of

two times.

In which kind of cross could you expect to find of ratios of 1:1:1:1 among the offspring? ( ) monohybrid cross ( ) dihybrid cross ( ) one trait test cross ( ) two trait test cross ( ) no cross will yield offspring in 1:1:1:1 ratios

two trait test cross

Dead plants seen alongside a salted roadway died because the saline solution caused the cells to

undergo plasmolysis

Polar covalent bonds result from

unequal sharing of electrons in a covalent bond.

Which of the following nucleotide bases is found only in RNA, not in DNA? ( ) guanine ( ) adenine ( ) thymine ( ) uracil ( ) cytosine


In the human male, the tube used to carry both sperm and urine is the


Which of the following will NOT assist you in protecting yourself from cancer? ( ) use of alcohol ( ) eating vitamin rich foods ( ) reducing the amount of salt-cured and nitrate-cured foods ( ) reducing your weight ( ) regular exercise

use of alcohol

Which one of these is NOT part of the human female external genitalia? ( ) mons pubis ( ) glans clitoris ( ) labia minora ( ) labia majora ( ) uterus


The ____ will store pigments and toxins in plant cells.


Trace the path of the sperm through the female reproductive tract. ( ) vagina → uterus → oviduct → cervix ( ) urethra → vagina → oviduct → cervix ( ) vagina → cervix → uterus → oviduct ( ) urethra → uterus → cervix → fallopian tube ( ) cervix → fallopian tube → vagina → uterus

vagina → cervix → uterus → oviduct

Which association concerning structures in the human male is INCORRECT? ( ) testes—produce sperm ( ) vas deferens—carries urine ( ) prostate gland—seminal fluid ( ) urethra—conducts sperm ( ) seminal vesicle—seminal fluid

vas deferens—carries urine

The meristematic tissue used for secondary growth that is found between the xylem and phloem of each vascular bundle in eudicot stems is termed the

vascular cambium.

The vascular tissue in the leaf is referred to as a


Which of the following would be a way of finishing this hypothesis about the function of the Golgi apparatus? If the Golgi apparatus is involved in packaging products for secretion, then ( ) vesicles must travel from the Golgi to the cell surface. ( ) vesicles must travel from the rough ER and smooth ER to the Golgi apparatus. ( ) the Golgi apparatus must be part of the endomembrane system. ( ) the Golgi apparatus must consist of 3 to 20 slightly curved sacs. ( ) the Golgi apparatus would contain proteins.

vesicles must travel from the Golgi to the cell surface.

The structure from which an egg is released during ovulation is called a(n)

vesicular (Graafian) follicle.

Xylem tissue contains

vessel elements and tracheids.

Which molecule would you need to radioactively label in order to produce radioactive oxygen during photosynthesis?


The reason that deciduous leaves turn bright colors of red and yellow in the fall is

when chlorophyll breaks down, the remaining pigments other than green will show through.

Generally only one sperm fertilizes an egg because

when the first sperm fuses with the egg membrane, it causes the membrane to depolarize and also separates the fertilization membrane and this gap forms a barrier to any other sperm.

Whether or not an enzyme is active and present within a cell depends on all of the following EXCEPT ( ) if the gene for the enzyme has been turned on and the enzyme made. ( ) if the enzyme has been activated or inactivated by the addition of a phosphate group. ( ) whether an inhibitor is bound to the enzyme. ( ) whether the necessary cofactor is present. ( ) whether the enzyme catalyzes an endergonic or exergonic reaction.

whether the enzyme catalyzes an endergonic or exergonic reaction.

A woman who can roll her tongue (presumably dominant) is married to a man who cannot. Two of their four children can roll their tongues and two cannot. If A = roll tongue and a = cannot roll tongue, then what is the genotype of the parents? ( ) woman Aa; man Aa ( ) woman AA; man aa ( ) woman Aa; man AA ( ) woman Aa; man aa ( ) woman aa; man aa

woman Aa; man aa

As women age they are less likely to suffer from a heart attack, this is thought to be true because

women have estrogen and men do not

Plant vascular tissue contains

xylem and phloem.

Which of the following is NOT an autotroph? ( ) yeast ( ) oak tree ( ) cyanobacterium ( ) algae ( ) grass


In human development, the ______ is the site of early blood cell formation for the fetus.

yolk sac

The _______ provides nourishment for the embryo during chick development.

yolk sac

Which of the following is the correct sequence of zones in a longitudinal section of a root, starting from the bottom? ( ) zone of cell division → zone of elongation → zone of maturation ( ) zone of cell division → zone of maturation → zone of elongation ( ) zone of maturation → zone of elongation → zone of cell division ( ) zone of maturation → zone of cell division → zone of elongation ( ) zone of elongation → zone of maturation → zone of cell division

zone of cell division → zone of elongation → zone of maturation

Root hairs are found in which area of the root?

zone of maturation

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