Bio 160 Final Exam

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If a codon reads 5' UCA 3', the corresponding anticodon would read 3'------ G ----- 5'.


What do cells do to activate nucleotides before polymerization can occur?

Add two additional phosphate groups

label the functional group: NH2


Which of the following correctly describes how amino acids polymerize?

Amino acids polymerize when a bond forms between the carboxyl group of one amino acid and the amino acid group of another.

Which of the following adds an amino acids to a tRNA?

Aminoacyl tRNA syntheses

Which of the following does NOT occur post -translational?

An mRNA is degraded in the cytoplasm

What catalyzes peptide bond formation in the ribosome?


Which of the following terms is least related to the other terms?

Benign tumor

If one strand of a DNA molecule is 5' GGATCC 3' , then the complementary strand would be 3' ____________ 5'


If a segment of a DNA template strand is 3' GGAACCTT 5' then the corresponding mRNA would be 5' ____________ 3'


Which of the following statements is false?

Carrier proteins can transport molecules from a low to a high concentration

Which of the following facilitates the proper folding of proteins


Gentoype is to --- as phenotype is to ---.

DNA base sequence; physical traits that are products of the proteins produced.

Which of the following statements about DNA and RNA is FLASE?

DNA can have a tertiary structure, where as RNA cannot.

Catalyzes the joining of Okazaki fragments

DNA ligase

Removes the RNA primer and replaces it with DNA

DNA polymerase I

Synthesizes the daughter strands

DNA polymerase III

Which of the following summarizes the central dogma of biology?

DNA--> RNa--> protein

Reaction that links monomer molecules, releasing a water molecule for each bond formed

Dehydration synthesis

Which type of bond stabilizes the tertiary structures of proteins.

Disulfide bonds, hydrogen bonds, and ionic bonds

DNA replication is semiconservative meaning that following replication of double stranded DNA molecule -----.

Each double stranded molecule includes one parental and one daughter strand.

Which of the following domains contain eukaryotes?

Eukarya only

Populations of organisms and their cellular components have changed over time through both selective and non-selective evolutionary processes.


The leading strand is synthesized in the 5' --> 3' direction, and the lagging strand is synthesized in the 3' --> 5' direction


The addition or deletion of one or a few base pairs that shifts the reading frame of the mRNA.

Frameshift mutation

cell size is adequate and social signals are present


DNA was successfully replicated


Which of the following checkpoints determines whether or not the DNA was replicated correctly

G2 checkpoint

If one strand of a DNA molecule is 5' CATCGA 3' , then the complementary strand would be 3' ____________ 5'


protein, lipid, and carbohydrate processing

Golgi apparatus

Which of these bonds is the weakest?


Reaction that causes breakdown of larger molecules into smaller molecules by utilizing water


label the functional group: OH


Which of the following is a suggested explantation for an observation that can be tested?


Which of the following FBIs is the "capable of reproduction" characteristic of life being related to in the following example? During reproduction, the information stored in DNA is passed from one generation to the next generation.

Information Flow, Exchange, and Storage

Information (DNA, for example) and signals are used and exchanged within and among organisms to direct their functioning.

Information, Flow, exchange and storage

Calvin cycle of photosynthesis: Carbon dioxide


Calvin cycle of photosynthesis: NADPH


light capturing reactions of photosynthesis: NADP+


Chromosomes have properly segregated and MPF is absent

M- phase 2

chromosomes are attached to microtubules

M-phase 1

Which of the following statements is false about meiosis and mitosis?

Meiosis produces two cells while mitosis produces four cells.

label the functional group: CH3


Which of the following statements is false?

Micro tubules allow cells with pseudopodia to move.

chitin:polysaccharide with its monomer

NAG only

light capturing reactions of photosynthesis: Carbon DIoxide


Which of the following DNA repair mechanisms fixes thymine dimers caused by UV radiation?

Nucleotide excision repair

Which of the following DNA repair mechanisms repairs thymine dimers?

Nucleotide excision repair

Which of the following correctly describes how nucleotides polymerize?

Nucleotides polymerize when a bind forms between the hydroxyl on the sugar component of one nucleotide and the phosphate group of another.

Calvin cycle of photosynthesis: G3P


light capturing reactions of photosynthesis: NADPH


light capturing reactions of photosynthesis: Oxygen


Which of the following is NOT a stage in the Calvin cycle?


Cellulose 3D structure

Parallel strands joined by hydrogen bonds

All living things acquire, use, and release and cycle matter and energy for cellular / organismal functioning.

Pathways and Transformations of energy and matter

-A proton has a ---- charge and is ---- of an atom. -A neutron has a ---- charge and is ---- of an atom. -An electron has a ---- charge and is ---- of an atom.

- positive and found in the nucleus -neutral and found in the nucleus -negative and not found in the nucleus

-RNA polymerase begins transcribing the template -Holoenzyme binds to the promoter region -sigma dissociates

-2 -1 -3

bacterial translation in order from first to last (1-->6): -A peptide bond forms between the 1st and 2nd amino acids. -Small subunit binds the mRNA -The 2nd aminoacyl tRNA (carrying the 2nd amino acid) binds to the mRNA in the A site -The initiator tRNA binds to the mRNA in the P site -The large subunit binds to the small subunit -Translocation occurs

-5 -1 -4 -2 -3 -6

C is the element symbol for Carbon. The atomic number is ----. The mass number is ----. This isotope contains 6 protons and ---- neutrons.

-6 -14 -8

-analyze the results -ask a question -conduct an experiment -form a hypothesis and make a prediction -make an observation -make conclusions -publish results in a peer- reviewed journal -read peer- reviewed literature

-6 -2 -5 -4 -1 -7 -8 -3

-mature eukaryotic mRNA: -3' poly(A) tail -3' UTR -5' cap -5' UTR -Exons -Introns -Promoter -Start codon -Stop codon

-Present -Present -Present -Present -Present -Absent -Absent -Present -Present

If a segment of double-stranded DNA contains 40% thymine, it will contain ______% cytosine.


Stomach acid (pH 2) has a ---- times ---- H+ concentration than urine (pH 6).

10,000 and higher

Urine (pH 6) has ---- H+ concentration than stomach acid (pH 2)

10,000 times lower

If a diploid animal has 24 chromosomes in its body cells, how many chromosomes would be found in its gametes (sperm or egg cells)


step in cellular respiration: pyruvate processing


From its atomic number of 4 you can tell that the beryllium atom has----

2 protons and 2 neutrons

step in cellular respiration: citric acid cycle


Which of the following is the anti codon for this codon (5' AGC 3')

3' UCG 5'

If a segment of double-stranded DNA contains 20% guanine, it will contain ______% adenine.


A 2n = 4 cell undergoes mitosis and cytokinesis. How many chromosomes are in each daughter cell?


How many unpaired electrons are in the valence shell of a carbon atom?


step in cellular respiration: oxidative phosphorylation


If a double stranded DNA molecule was comprised of 10% adenine, what percent of the bases would be cytosine?


If one strand of a DNA double helix has the sequence 3' CATGAG 5' what is the sequence fo the other DNA strand?

5' GUACUC 3'

Equation for photosynthesis

6 carbon dioxide +6 water ----> glucose+ 6 oxygen

How is light energy captured by plants?

A chlorophyll molecule absorbs a photon and becomes excited.

Which of the following mutations would MOST severely affect the protein coded for by a gene?

A frameshift mutation at the beginning of the gene

Which of the following could lead to cancer?

A mutation resulting in a hyperactive growth- stimulating protein

Which of the following does not lead to cancer?

A mutation resulting increased transcription of a tumor- suppressor gene

A proton has a charge of --- and --- located in the nucleus of the atom.

+1; is

eukaryotic gene expression in order from first to last (1-->5): -mRNA transported out of the nucleus -Protein folding, modification, and transport -RNA processing -Transcription -Translation

-3 -5 -2 -1 -4

step in cellular respiration: glycolysis


Which of the following phases is correctly paired with a major event that occurs with it?

Anaphase II of meiosis; sister chromatids seperate

Which of the following domains contain prokaryotes?

Bacteria; Archaea

label the functional group: COOH


Catalyzes the breaking of hydrogen bonds between base pairs


What are prions?

Misfolded versions of normals protein that can cause disease

A point mutation that changes one amino acid for another within a protein.

Missense mutation

peptidoglycan: polysaccharide with its monomer


Calvin cycle of photosynthesis: Oxygen


Which of the following statements is false?

Prokaryotes use basal transcription factors to locate promoters.

What is a stoma?

Small opening that regulates gas exchange and water balance

Which of the following is TRUE about protein folding?

Some proteins can fold spontaneously.

strach 3D structure

Unbranched or branched helices

snRNPs -----.

compose splicesomes

stores energy


Mitosis is required for ----.

growth of a multicellular organism

Cells that contain one set of chromosomes are called ----- . Cells that contain two sets of chromosomes are called -----.

haploid; diploid

glycogen 3D structure

highly branched helices

the attraction between oppositely charged atoms after an electron is transferred from one atom to the other atom allowing both atoms to complete their outer shells


correct phase of meiosis: crossing over occurs

prophase I

correct phase of mitosis: Microtubules attach to the kinetochores

prophase/ prometa phase

correct phase of mitosis: Nuclear envelope breaks down

prophase/ prometa phase

correct phase of mitosis: Spindle apparatus forms

prophase/ prometa phase

lipid synthesis

smooth er

--- can function as hormones.


some are hormones


Which of the following would be the hardest at room temp? polyunsaturated fats, saturated fats, unsaturated fats, and waxes


do plants perform photosynthesis?


does algae perform photosynthesis?


does cyanobacteria perform photosynthesis?


----- splits water and release --- as a by- product

Photosystem II; Oxygen

Which of the following occurs in BOTH eukaryotes and prokaryotes?

Post translational modifications

Which of the following levels of gene expression regulation would provide the fastest response time to changes in the environment?


This level is the sequence of amino acids in a protein.


Catalyzes the synthesis of the RNA primer


A muscle cell and a skin cell from the same individual have different structures and functions because they contain different ----.


This level is the result of two or more protein subunits assembling to form a larger, biologically active protein complex.


Composed of RNA and proteins and is involved in protein synthesis


Which of the following statements is false?

Ribosomes are composed of rRNAs and tRNAs

Has a single membrane associated with ribosomes and is involved in protein synthesis

Rough ER

DNA synthesis occurs during ----.

S phase

When does DNA replication occur?

S phase

This level describes the alpha-helices and beta-sheets that are formed by hydrogen bonding between the backbone atoms located near each other in the polypeptide chain.


Which level of structure in DNA and RNA is formed by hydrogen bonding between nitrogenous bases?


A point mutation that changes the sequence of the codon without changing the amino acid that is specified.

Silent mutation

Stabilizes the single-stranded DNA

Single-stranded DNA binding proteins

All living systems (organisms, ecosystems, etc.) are made of structural components whose arrangement determines the function of the systems.

Structure and Function

label the functional group: SH


This level is achieved when a protein folds into a compact, three-dimensional shape stabilized by interactions between side-chain R groups of amino acids.


which level of DNA structure is formed by phosphodiester linkages?


Which of the following two molecules would cross a lipid bilayer the fastest and why?

Testosterone because it has fewer polar covalent bonds than sucrose

A given codon never codes for more than one amino acid.

The code is ambiguous

Once the ribosome locks onto the first codon, the reading frame is established.

The code is collinear (non- overlapping)

Most amino acids are coded for by more than one codon.

The code is degenerate (redundant)

With a few minor exceptions, all codons specify the same amino acids in all organisms.

The code is nearly universal.

Which of the following does not promote M phase?

The degeneration of MPF cyclin

Which of the following does NOT promote MPF Cdk activity?

The degradation of MPF Cyclin

Which of the following statements is true?

The nucleus has a double membrane and stores information(DNA).

Which of the following is NOT a nitrogenous base found in RNA?


Which of the following is not a reason why prokaryotes need to regulate gene expression?

To create specialized cells (cellular differentiation)

Which strand is the template strand? 5' GGCTTACCGGCCAAACATCC 3' 3' CCGAATGGCCGGTTTGTAGG 5'

Top strand

Breaks and rejoins the DNA double helix to relieve tension


Which of the following levels of gene expression regulation would conserve the most energy?


---- is the process of converting mRNA to an amino acid sequence


Which of the following is the strongest evidence that a protein's overall folded shape is essential to its function?

Unfolded proteins do not function normally.

Javier jumped off go the diving board and did a belly flop into the pool. What property of water explains why his abdomen and chest hurt after doing the belly flop?

Water molecules are cohesive.

Oxidative phosphorylation produces ---, ------.

Water; ATP,NAD+, FAD

What type of bond forms between two monosaccharides?

a glycosidic linkage

Which one of the following is NOT attached to the central carbon of a single amino acid?

a nitrogenous base

Which of the following lipids contain two fatty acid tails?

a phospholipid

Which of the following statements is correct?

a polar covalent bond is the attraction between oppositely charged atoms after an electron is transferred from one atom to the other atom allowing both atoms to complete their outers hells.

Which of the following would you expect of a eukaryote lacking telomerase?

a reduction in chromosome length in gametes.

What are the components of a nucleotide?

a sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base

---- donate protons thus --- the pH of the solution

acids; lowering

If gene X is under positive transcriptional control, it means that regulatory protein is a(an)---- that 0---- transcription of gene X.

activator; promotes

A substrate binds to the --- of an enzyme.

active site

which of the following requires energy to transport materials?

active transport

when a molecule binds to an enzyme and changes the shape of the active site allowing the substrate to bind

allosteric activation

When a molecule binds to an enzyme and changes the shape of the active site preventing the substrate from binding

allosteric inhibition

Starch: polysaccharide with its monomer

alpha- glucose

glycogen: polysaccharide with its monomer


match with correct monomer: amino group

amino acid

match with correct monomer: carboxyl group

amino acid

match with correct monomer: r group (side chain)

amino acid

an ionic bond involves ------.

an attraction between ions of opposite charge

Defects in DNA repair systems lead to --- in unprepared mutations this ---- the risk of developing cancer.

an increase; increasing

correct phase of mitosis: Sister chromatids are separated and the chromosomes are pulled to opposite poles


correct phase of meiosis. homologous chromosomes separate

anaphase I

correct phase of meiosis. sister chromatids separate

anaphase II

Recall Pasteur's experiment that provided support for the cell theory. The spontaneous generation hypothesis was rejected because cells---

appeared in the straight neck flask

in eukaryotes, transcription and translation must occur

at different times

---- gains protons during chemical reactions thus ---- the pH of the solutions.

bases and raising

In a beetle population living in a muddy environment, most of the beetles are green in color. Some of the beetles contain a mutation that result in them being brown in color this making it harder for the birds that eat them to see them. The brown color mutation is an example of ---

beneficial mutation

cellulose: polysaccharide with its monomer


citric acid cycle releases NADH, FADH2, CoA, --- and ATP

carbon dioxide

pyruvate processing produces----, ---, and ----

carbon dioxide; NADH; and Acetyl CoA

enzymes ---.

catalyze reactions

Has fibers running through carbohydrate or protein matrix and provides protection and support

cell wall

structural support and protection of the cell

cell wall

Which of the following is NOT one of the FBIs?


Which of the following is not one of the six most abundant elements found in organisms


production of sugars via photosynthesis


a molecule binds to the active site of an enzyme and blocks the substrate from binding

competitive inhibition

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of life?

consist of multiple cells

Genetic variation is accomplished by----

crossing over, independent assortment, and random fertilization

In prokaryotes, transcription occurs in the


in eukaryotes, translation occurs in the


in prokaryotes, translation occurs in the


location related to cellular respiration or fermentation: alcohol fermentation


location related to cellular respiration or fermentation: citric acid cycle in prokaryotes


location related to cellular respiration or fermentation: glycolysis in eukaryotes


location related to cellular respiration or fermentation: glycolysis in prokaryotes


location related to cellular respiration or fermentation: lactic acid fermentation


location related to cellular respiration or fermentation: pyruvate processing in prokaryotes


structural support, movement of materials within a cell, or movement of the cell


A reaction will always be spontaneous when enthalpy ---- and entropy ----.

decreases; increases

Which type of reaction forms a bond between two monosaccharides

dehydration synthesis

Recall Pasteur's experiment that provided support for the cell theory. The spontaneous generation hypothesis was rejected because cells ________.

did not appear in the swan neck flask

Hydrophobic molecules are molecules that --- such as ---

do not dissolve in water; uncharged non polar molecules


double membrane


double membrane


double membrane

The tendency of an atom to pull electrons toward itself is referred to as its ----.


total energy of a molecule


amount of disorder


---- contain large numbers of organelles and many types of organelles.


bacteria can under go mitosis


when the end product of an enzymatic pathway, inhibits the first step of the pathway

feedback inhibition

A dehydration synthesis reaction 000000.

forms a bond and releases a molecule a water

equation for cellular respiration

glucose+ 6 oxygen ---> 6 carbon dioxide + 6 water

What type of bond forms between adjacent water molecules?


the attraction between an atom with a partial positive charge and an atom with a partial negative charge


Water has a high heat of vaporization because of the --- that can form between the hydrogen of one water molecule and the oxygen of another water molecule.

hydrogen bond

a solution that has a lower solute concentration than the fluid inside the cell


a solution that has a higher solute concentration than the fluid inside the cell


a ----- is a suggested explanation for an observation that can be tested.


Solution X has a NaCl concentration of 5mM. a red blood cell with an NaCl concentration of 150mM is placed in solution X. Solution X is a --- solution so the red blood cell will ----.

hypotonic; swell

ATP synthase involved in cellular respiration location in the plant cell

inner mitochondria membrane

location related to cellular respiration or fermentation: electron transport chain in eukaryotes

inner mitochondrial membrane

Calvin cycle of photosynthesis: ATP


light capturing reactions of photosynthesis: water


a protein integrated into the membrane structure that interacts extensively with the phospholipid tails

integral protein

In eukaryotes, ATP synthase relies on the accumulation of protons in the -----.

inter membrane space

cytoskeletal filament: anchors the nucleus

intermediate filaments

cytoskeletal filament: strengthens your hair and nails

intermediate filaments

a solution that has the same solute concentration as the fluid inside the cell


energy of motion

kinetic energy

----is a protein


-----is a carbohydrate


digestion and recycling (in animals)


Which of the following organelles is correctly paired with its function?

lysosomes; digestion and recycling

codons are located on ---


A diploid cell undergoes this process and produces haploid cells


Increases genetic variation


Produces cells genetically different from the parental cell


one cell produces four gametes (egg or sperm cells)


correct phase of mitosis: Chromosomes are lined up in the middle of the cell


correct phase of meiosis. homologous chromosomes are paired and lines up in the middle of the cell

metaphase I

correct phase of meiosis: chromosomes line up individually in the middle of the cell

metaphase II

cytoskeletal filament: has two intertwined strands composed of one type of protein


cytoskeletal filament: involved in muscle contraction


cytoskeletal filament: are hollow tubes composed of two types of proteins


cytoskeletal filament: are structural elements of flagella, cilia, and centrioles


cytoskeletal filament: pull chromosomes to opposite ends of a dividing cell


Which of the following statements is false?

microtubules are involved in animal cytokinesis

Which organelle is involved in cellular respiration?


ATP production via cellular respiration


Which is found in all plant and animal cells?


location related to cellular respiration or fermentation: citric acid cycle in eularyotes

mitochondria matric

location related to cellular respiration or fermentation: pyruvate processing in eukaryotes

mitochondrial matrix

A diploid cell undergoes this process and produces diploid cells.


one cell produces two daughter cells


produces identical daughter cells


used for asexual reproduction


What are the monomers of carbohydrates?


Calvin cycle of photosynthesis: water


light capturing reactions of photosynthesis: G3P


Do animals perform photosynthesis?


Does fungi perform photosynthesis?


when the two atoms sharing electrons are equally electronegative

non polar covalent

The side chain of the amino acid below: (~pH 7.0) is ----


A point mutation that converts an amino-acid-specifying codon into a stop codon.

nonsense mutation

A car is ----- because it ----- exhibit all 7 characteristics of life.

not alive, does not

match with correct monomer: 5 carbon sugar


match with correct monomer: nitrogenous base


match with correct monomer: phosphate group


Has a double membrane and stores information in chromosomes


in eukaryotes, transcription occurs in the


information storage and transmission


What does it mean when we say the genetic code is collinear (non overlapping)

once the ribosome locks onto the first codon, the radio frame is established.

light capturing reactions of photosynthesis: ATP


Which step of cellular respiration generates the most ATP?

oxidative phosphorylation

Chitin 3D structure

parallel strands joined by hydrogen bonds

peptidoglycan 3D structure

parallel strands joined by peptide bonds

amino acids are linked together when a ----- forms between them during a ------.

peptide bond and dehydration synthesis reaction

a protein at the plasma membrane's surface either on its exterior or interior side

peripheral protein

oxidation of fatty acids, ethanol, or other compounds


forms the lipid bilayer of the plasma membrane


plants are--- because they use light to produce their own food


Selectively permeable membrane that maintains intracellular environment

plasma membrane

location related to cellular respiration or fermentation: electron transport chain in prokaryotes

plasma membrane

selective permeability maintains intracellular environment

plasma membrane

when one of the atoms sharing electrons is more electronegative than the other atom

polar covalent

Protein X only functions in the leaves of plants. You measure the amount of its mRNA present in the flowers, roots, and leaves, You only detect mRNA from gene X in the leaves. Which of the following could not be the level of expression of gene x is regulated?

post- translational

stored energy based on location or structure

potential energy

reactant or product of cellular respiration: carbon dioxide


reactant or product of cellular respiration: water


eukaryotes are usually larger than


DNA is loosely clustered in the cytoplasm in ---- and is inside the nucleus in ---.

prokaryotes; eukaryotes

correct phase of mitosis: Chromosomes condense

prophase/ prometaphase

glycolysis generates ---,--- and ATP

pyruvate; NADH

reactant or product of cellular respiration: glucose


reactant or product of cellular respiration: oxygen


A+BH2--> AH2+B A is being--- and B is being ----

reduced; oxidized

A red shirt appears red because red light is being ---- and all other wavelengths of light are being ---- absorbed by the pigments in the shirt.

reflected; absorbed

protein synthesis

rough ER

When does DNA replication occur

s phase

----- fats only contain single bonds between neighboring carbon atoms.


DNA undergoes ----.

semiconservative replication

in prokaryotes, transcription and translation can occur


Endoplasmic Reticulum

single membrane

Golgi apparatus

single membrane


single membrane


single membrane

Calvin cycle located in the plant cell


What are the three components of a nucleotide?

sugar, phosphate group, and nitrogen base

Living systems are interconnected, and they interact and influence each other on multiple levels


correct phase of mitosis: Chromosomes decondense


correct phase of mitosis: Nuclear envelope reforms


Meiosis is required for ----

the production of sperm and egg cells

During photosynthesis, ATP synthase relies on the accumulation of protons in the _______.

thylakoid lumen

ATP synthase involved in the light - capturing reactions of photosynthesis location in the plant cell

thylakoid membrane

electron transport chain involved in photosynthesis located in a plant cell

thylakoid membrane

photosystem I location in the plant cell

thylakoid membrane

photosystem II location in a plant cell

thylakoid membrane

Which of the following is not a pyrimidine


Which of the following relives tension ahead of the replication fork during DNA replication?


Which of the following levels of gene expression control conserves the most energy and resources?

transcriptional control

Hapliod cells can undergo mitosis


The carbon atoms that make up all of the molecules in your body come from carbon dioxide that was fixed during photosynthesis


----- fats contain at least one double bond between neighboring carbon atoms.



used for energy storage in animals


used for energy storage in plants


used for structural support in the cell walls of bacteria


used for structural support in the cell walls of fungi


used for structural support in the cell walls of plants.

storage, digestion, and recycling (in plants)


In plants, water is transported from the roots to the leaves. What property of water explains how plants are able to transport water over a large distance?

water molecules are cohesive



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