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Examples of negative self-talk

"I'll make a bad impression." "I am not qualified for the job"

which of the following is an example of a leading question?

"You'd like to be on the committee, wouldn't you?"

Which of the following is a question an interviewer can legally ask a job candidate?

"what is the name you prefer to be called?"

Which of the following are unlawful questions that a candidate can refuse to answer?

-"What is your ethnicity?" -"Have you ever changed your name?"

Which of the following are appropriate questions to ask in an employment interview?

-"Why is this position open?" -"What will be my criteria for success?"

It is appropriate to skip introductory greetings in which of the following situations?

-A highly structures survey -a legal deposition

The first message you send to a potential career research interviewee should contain which of the following?

-An introduction -A reason for the interview

When an interviewee needs a reason to feel that participating in an interview is worthwhile, which of the following would be appropriate ways to provide the necessary motivation?

-Appealing to the interviewee's desire to help others. -pointing out the payoffs of the interview.

Which of the following are appropriate ways to answer an unlawful question?

-Ask respectfully why you are being asked the question. -Politely refuse to answer.

What processes are involved in planning an interview?

-Considering questions -defining the goal

What are the main of the orientation stage of the interview?

-Define the ground rules -Explain the reason for the interview

In an employment interview, key questions typically investigate which of the following areas?

-Educational background -knowledge of the organization -career goals

indirect question

-Elicits info without directly asking for it. -a question that seeks specific information without directly asking for it -respondent is not in a position to answer a direct question.

Which of the following statements about appraisal interviews are true?

-Employees should leave a performance appraisal interview with specific goals of the future. -Performance appraisal interviews should cover both goods points and areas needing improvement.

In most cases, during an employment interview it is a bad idea to give answers that are which of the following?

-Highly detailed -long-winded

A thank-you letter sent after an employment interview accomplishes which of the following?

-It reminds the employer of the candidate. -It demonstrates common courtesy.

Which of the following times are typically appropriate for an important business meeting?

-Mid-afternoon -Mid-morning

Which of the following would be ethical interview practices in a sales interview?

-Persuasion -motivation

Which of the following are examples of pre-interview steps?

-Preparing for possible interviewing formats -contact potential employers -dressing appropriately

What are the interviewer's responsibilities during the question-and-answer phase of the body of the interview?

-Probing for information -focusing the conversation

A job interviewee's goal is to get ready for an employment interview for a travel writer position with a magazine. Which of the following should be on the interviewee's list of topics?

-Relevant personal history -knowledge of the industry

Why might candidate choose not to file a charge over illegal questioning during an interview?

-The suit may not lead to a significant settlement for the candidate. -A suit can take a very long time.

Which of the following problems that could potentially occur during an unstructured interview?

-You might focus too much on one topic. -You might lose track of time.

During an interview, candidates should avoid:

-appearing too self-interested -criticizing others

There are many types of interviews in the world. Which of the following are types of work-related interviews?

-disciplinary -selection -research

Which of the following are involved in the closing of an interview?

-establishing future actions -reviewing interview results

"PAR" approach

-identify the Problem -describe the Action -state the Results

Secondary questions are useful when a previous answer is which of the following?

-incomplete -vague

Preparing a moderately structured interview involves making lists of which of the following?

-major questions -relevant topics -follow-up probes

Treating interviewees respectfully means which of the following?

-making them comfortable -asking clear questions -making only honest promises

Which of the following are typical reasons someone would agree to be interviewed for a career research interview?

-out of altruism or kindness -to gratify one's ego

Which of the following are examples of secondary questions?

-repeating a question -seeking elaboration -requesting clarification

the American and the law of 1990 (ADA)

-requires equal access to employment and "reasonable accommodations" -defines disability as physical or mental impairment that limits one or more life activities -Candidates can only be asked about their ability to perform essential task

Each interview consists of three stages. The first, the opening, is important because it _______________________________. The second stage, the body, ____________________________. The final stage, the closing, should _________________________________.

-shapes the rest of the interview; -is when questions are asked and answered; -review and clarify the interview results.

To be viewed most favorably by interviewers, candidates should emphasize which of the following in their answers?

-the company's needs -their experience and qualifications

Which of the following is typically used to determine whether a job applicant is well suited for a specific job?

-the employment interview -the information-gathering interview

Which of the following are reason's for conducting background research as a pre-interview step before an employment interview?

-to discover if one's value align with the employer's -to appeal informed in the actual interview.

Which of the following are reasons for writing a letter or e-mail to the interviewee after a career research interview?

-to leave a tangible reminder -common courtesy and poiteness.

Pre-Interview Steps

1. Clean up your online identity 2.Conduct background research 3. Contact potential employers 4. Prepare for possible interview formats 5. Prepare for possibility of a video interview. 6. Dress and act appropriately.

List the interview rehearsal steps in order in which they should be performed; place the earliest step first

1. Identify the nature of the job 2. Draft a series of questions. 3. Consider how to answer each question 4. Role-play and review the interview

uses of intervews

1. Organizations use employment or selection interviews. 2. Supervisors use performance appraisals and disciplinary interviews 3. Human resource personnel use exit interviews

Rank the following interview goals in order from least clear to most clear, placing the least clear goal at the top of the list.

1. Schedule a meeting with a potential investor. 2. Describe my company and its features to a potential investor. 3. Pitch a proposal to and convince a potential investor to make an investment.

post interview follow up

1. demonstrate common courtesy 2. reminds the employer who you are 3. Provides opportunity to clarify information 4. Reminds the interviewer of promise they made 5. corrects any misunderstandings

Which of the following statements about the need to identify a clear goal for an interview is true?

A clear goal will help the interviewer prepare appropriate topics and questions.

Performance appraisal interview

Exchange about job performance between a supervisor/manager and an individual contributor

True or False: To honestly "sell themselves" in a job interview, candidates should be extremely honest and confess all their self-doubts and shortcomings.


True or False: Internet job ads are single most effective way to find a job.


true or false Information gained during an interview is considered free public knowledge.


Communication authorities have claimed that interviews are the most common form of _________________ communication.


Candidates should always remember that companies hire employees in order to __________________________.

Satisfy the company's needs

hypothetical question

Seek answer to a "what if?" question

Which stage of the interview should immediately follow the greeting?

The orientation

Which of the following best describes how scannable resumes are used?

They are scanned by software to locate appropriate keywords and phrases.

Which of the following goals is the most appropriate to establish in a performance appraisal interview?

To increase prospective customers by 3% over the next year.

factual questions

To seek objective information. ex. "can we apply lease payments to the purchase price, if we decided to buy?"

Job interviews are often influenced by factors other than the candidate's skills.


True or False For an information-gathering interview, it is important to interview someone who can knowledgeably and adequately answer the questions you have developed, as those answers are likely to shape the value of what you learn.


opinion question

a question that asks for the respondent's judgment about something

Leading question

a question that implies that one answer would be better than another

the employment interview

a two-way conversation in which the interviewer learns about you and you learn about the job and the company

information-gathering interview

an interview in which an interviewer obtains information from an interviewee

An interview that consists of a goal and a few topical areas would be classified as which of the following?

an unstructured interview

A candidate can learn about an employer's needs by doing ____________________.

background research

Which of the following is a type of interview that assumes past experience is the best predictor of future job performance?


The letter that accompanies a copy of a resume in written correspondence to indicate interest in a job is called a(n) _______________ letter.


When first contacting a potential career research interviewee, a(n) ______________ makes a strong, positive first impression.

e-mail, or letter.

The "PAR" approach is a good framework for answering interview questions because it _____________.

effectively provides evidence to back up your claims.

Candidates can gain a competitive edge by sharing their ___________ and _______________.

enthusiasm; interest

A question such as, "How about you give me a call in a few days once the package is delivered?" is an example of ___________________________.

establishing a future action.

The goals established during a performance appraisal interview should ___________________.

focus on the most important parts of the job.

Before entering an employment interview, it is important for the interviewer to have a precise ____________ in mind.


Candidates should responds to potentially ___________________ questions in a(n) ______________ manner.

harmful; positive

In most cases the interviewer's job is to _________________.

help the respondent do well.

Which of the following would describe an interview that consists of a standardized list of questions with limited range of answers with no follow-up.

highly structured

Secondary questions that ask about what-if scenario and not a real situation is called ____________ question.


leading questions try to force the respondent to answer _______________.

in one way

According to Dave Deaver, in a job interview, the decision of whether or not to hire someone is made ____________________________.

in the first minute of the interview

If a respondent is unwilling to answer a direct question because the answer would be embarrassing, what type of question should an interviewer ask to get the necessary informmtion?


Interviews allow a 70-30 ratio of interaction, in which _________________ engages in 70 % of the talking.


An ______________________ is a two-party interaction.


critical incident question

interview question that asks the interviewee about a specific situation rather than a hypothetical one. -to evaluate the respondent's experience

In a panel interview, a job candidate _________________________.

is questioned by several people.

Of the following tasks, which is most important for the interviewer to accomplish?

listening carefully

A candidate could positively reframe the negative trait "slow" as being __________________.


Often, silence is best probe. A pause as long as 10 seconds lets the respondent know ________________________.

more information is expected.

People often think more creatively if an interview takes place in a __________ setting.


if interviewers were always ___________________, then strategic communication would not be as important as it is.


What type of question should an interviewer ask in order to invite a broad, detailed range of questions?


In order to determine an interviewee's judgments, an interviewer should ask _____________ questions.


The responsibility for reviewing the results of an interview usually falls to the more ____________________ party.


The "P" in PAR approach stands for _____________.


Which of the following are typically exchanged during the body stage of an interview?

questions and answers

Open questions

questions that allow for a variety of extended responses

secondary questions

questions that follow up on a previous question/answer

primary questions

questions that introduce new topics during an interview

An interview that is meant to provide a party with information on which to base future decisions is known as a(n) _______________________ interview.


Before interviewing with a company, it's important for a potential employee to ________________.

research the company

Resumes that are "read" by special software are known as ________________ resumes.


panel interview

several people ask the candidate questions

Any offers or claims made by parties in an interview, such as promising to begin work on a specified date, ___________________

should be sincere.

An interview that consists of a ___________ questions would be an example of highly structured interview.

standardized list of specific

Types of Interviews

structured, semi-structured, unstructured

If you wished to file a formal complaint for illegal questioning that you believe resulted in discrimination during an interview, which organization would take the complaint?

the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Research has determined that _____________ is the most important factor in landing a job.

the employment interview

behavioral interview

the interviewer asks the candidate particular aspects of the candidate's previous accomplishments

audition interview

the interviewer asks the candidate to demonstrate certain desires skills.

Arranging the setting of an interview means planning the ____________ of the interview.

time and place

stress interview

used to assess the candidate's behavior under pressure

If an interviewer fails to ask about an important area, the candidate should look for ways to _________________ information.


It is irresponsible for an interviewee to ________________ an interviewer's ____________.

waste; time

closed question

when specific information is needed

direct question

when the respondent is willing and able to provide information being sought.

A seating arrangement in which the parties face each other ____________ promotes equality, informality, and immediacy.

with no barrier between them.

Which of the following should yo do before a career research interview to show that you are worth the interviewee's time and effort?

you should provide a list of topic areas and questions you want to cover.

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