Exam 4 Muscles

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a synergist with the biceps which also supinates. Radius is the only bone that moves when these 3 muscles contract

The longest muscle of the medial muscles that cross the hip is the gracilis.


Instrinsic muscles of the hand

Weak and small. Lie entirely within the palm. Control precise movements of metacarpals and fingers. Fine motor


"occipitofrontalis". Epicranial aponeurosis. Frontalis and occipitalis are both connected by this muscle.


Flat tendon

Erector spinea

Trunk movement. Extension. Prime movers of back extension and lateral bending. - iliocostalis -longissimus -spinalis **A way to remember these in order is to start at the spine and go out and in order the muscles to the right SLI**

Muscles of perineum

Urogential triangle and the anal triangle.

Thorax muscles

Used for respiration.

Hypothenar muscle

ball of little finger

Thenar muscle

ball of thumb


bundle of cells (fibers) surrounded by perimysium

Tibialis anterior ____.

dorsiflexes the foot at the ankle.

Number of origins

e.g. biceps (2 origins), triceps (3 origins)


e.g. deltoid muscle (deltoid=triangle)


e.g. flexor or extensor, muscles that flex or extend, respectively


e.g. maximus (largest), minimus (smallest), longus (long)

Direction of fibers or fascicles

e.g. rectus (fibers run straight), transverse and oblique (fibers run at angles to an imaginary line)

The latissimus dorsi ____ the arm at the shoulder.


Brachioradialis is a(n) ___ of the forearm.


Finger flexion is not a function of the ____.

flexor carpi radialis

Upper limb extensors


External urethral sphincter

prevents you from urinating when you don't want to


rigid bar (bone) that moves on a fixed point or fulcrum (joint)

The ____ muscles include the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis.

rotator cuff

Pennate fascicle

short fascicles attach obliquely to a central tendon running the length of the muscle (rectus femoris)

T/F. All of the triceps brachii muscle insert on the olecranon process of the ulna.


This muscle is primarily used for smiling


Hip extensors


Location of attachments

names according to point of origin or insertion

Soleus ____.

plantar flexes the foot


resistance (bones+tissues+any added weight) moved by effort

Rhomboid major acts on the ____.


Muscle to bone


Extensor carpi radialis brevis extends the ____.


Posterior compartment muscles of the forearm

1. Extensor digitorum (goes to fingers) 2. Extensor carpi ulnaris (pinky) 3. Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis (next to brachii radialis) 4. Extensor pollcis brevis and longus (thumb) 5. Etensor indicis (pointer finger) **radial nerve**

How many distinct sets of fibers compose the deltoid muscle?


Foot muscles

4 layer. The job of the intrinsic muscles are to balance you when you walk on uneven surfaces. They also keep the foot bones in place.

Rotator cuff muscles

4 of them that stabilize joint

Extrinsic tongue muscles (3)

Attach to bones. The muscle that attaches to the styloid process pulls tongue back. The muscle that attaches to the hyoid bone pulls tongue downward. The muscle that attaches to the genial tubercle pulls tongue forward.


Attaches from skull to 12th thoracic to spine of scapula and clavicle. Raises, adducts (retracts) and rotates and lowers scapula (sitting proper). Posterior.


Rotator cuff muscle. Attach on the greater tubercle of humerus. Lateral rotation.

Pharyngeal constrictors

Behind other 2 swallowing muscles and is also a swallowing muscle


Below the hyoid bone. depress the hyoid and larynx. Swallowing muscle

The posterior compartment of muscles that act on the ankle and foot contains deep leg muscles only.


The "quads"

Quadricipes femoris. Provides extension of the knee. Innervated by the femoral nerve. 4 muscles: rectus femoralis (crosses 2 joints and its origin is the AIIS), vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius (other 3 muscles origin is the femur). Insert at tibia, quad tendon.


Rotator cuff muscle. Attach on the greater tubercle of humerus. Conducts the initial abduction of the humerus. Typically the muscle that tears when there is a rotator cuff muscle.

Teres minor

Rotator cuff muscle. Attach on the greater tubercle of humerus. Lateral rotation.


Rotator cuff muscle. On the underside of the scapula. In the front and it attaches to the lesser tubercle of the humerus. Medially rotation. Pulls the shoulder inward

The longest muscle in the body is the ____.



bone or body region association with the muscle

The anterior flexors consist of the _____ muscles.

brachialis (strongest), brachioradialis, and biceps brachii

The most powerful muscle of the flexors is the ____.


What happens if you only contract only the right SCM?

The muscle on the same side flexes. But if you turn your head to the right, your left side SCM will flex

Erector spinae group is a major ____ of the vertebral column.


The tendons of the ____ can be easily seen on the back of the hand when the fingers are extended.

extensor digitorum

Gluteus maximus is a powerful ___.

extensor of the thigh at the hip

The muscles that result in wrist flexion are the _____.

flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor digitorum superficialis


force (supplied by muscle contraction) applied to a lever to move a resistance (load)

Brachialis is a flexor of the _____.


The ____ muscles comprise the triceps surae that inserts onto the calcaneal tendon and are prime movers of plantar flexion.

gastrocnemius and soleus

The gluteus maximus muscles originates on all the following sites except the ___. 1. dorsal ilium 2. sacrum 3. coccyx 4. gluteal tuberosity

gluteal tuberosity

Among the origins of fibularis longus is the ___.

head of the fibula

Trap acts on the ____.

head, neck, scapula

Rectus femoris acts on both the ___.

hip (flex) and the knee (extend)

muscles of tongue movement

hypoglossal nerve. "glossal muscles".

What mastication muscle protracts the jaw?

later pterygoid

The biceps femorus is the ___ member of the group of muscles know as the hamstrings.


Vastus medialis extends the ___.

leg at the knee

Iliopsoas inserts onto the ___.

lesser trochanter of the femur

Bone to bone



major head extender, hyperextends. means "bandage"


major head flexor. The origin is the sternum and clavicle. The insertion is the mastoid process

Masseter inserts onto the angle and ramus of the ___.


The subscapularis muscles ____ the arms.

medially rotates

Flexor digitorum superficialis is innervated by the ____.

median nerve


oppose or reverse a particular movement

The palmaris longus inserts on the _____.

palmar aponeurosis

The ____ muscles are antagonistic to each other when flexing and extending the humerus.

pectoralis major (flexor) and latissimus dorsi (extensor)

Hip flexors


Lower limb flexors


The origin of gluteus medius is from the ____.

posterior surface of the ilium and inserts on the greater trochanter.

Prime movers

provide the major force for producing a specific movement


pulls forward. attaches to the genio tubercle. extrinsic tongue

Fusiform fascicle

spindle-like muscles with parallel fibers (biceps brachii)

Core muscles

transverse muscles to spinalus muscles. keep the spine aligned.

Muscle of extension for the forearm is located posteriorly (triceps)


Head movement back


Levator scapulae

Raises scapula.

Swimmers tend to have particularly well-developed ___ muscles.

latissimus dorsi


Thigh posterior extensor. Origin is ischial tuberosity. Hamstring


Thign posterior extensor. Origin is ischial tuberosity. Hamstring.


Thorax. Contracting (breathing in). Diaphragm and external intercostals space gets larger when there is a large amount of air in there.


Thorax. Relaxing (breathing out). Diaphragm and external intercostals shrinks up when less air is in there.

The intrinsic muscles of the tongue originate at the ____.

Tongue. It moves the tongue and points it

muscles of mastication

Trigeminal nerve. 4 of them (chewing) which are temporalis, masseter, medial pyerygoid, and lateral pterygoid. All innervated by the trigeminal nerve. 3 branches

What mastication muscles close the jaw?

temporalis and masseter and medial pterygoid

Is a muscle attached to a bone using a tendon?



(major and minor). Origin on spinous process and insertion is on medial border. Adducts (retracts) scapula

How many nerves in cranial?


Internal obliques

Abdominal muscles. Attached to aponerosis

Rectus abdominis

Abdominal muscles. Attached to aponeurosis. Have connective tissue between sections of muscles that form your "6 pack" also called your tendinous intersection.

Transverse abdominis

Abdominal muscles. Deepest muscles. Attached to aponerosis

External obliques

Abdominal muscles. Run like fingers in your pant pockets. Attached to aponerosis

Dorsal interossei

Abductor of the fingers. Remember DAB.


Above hyoid bone. Raise the hyoid bone and larynx- widens openings. swallowing muscle

Medial muscles of hip and knee joints

Adduct the thigh

Palmar interossei

Adductor of the fingers. Remember by PAD.

Medial compartment

Adductors. Origin on pubis. Insert on femur except for gracilis.

Muscles of facial expression

All innervated by facial nerve. insert into skin or other muscles and pull on them (smile, squint, ect.). 5 branches of this. One side is attached to bone and one is attached to skin or the other muscle.


add force to a movement

The pec major muscle ____ the arm at the shoulder.

adducts, flexes, medially rotates

Lower limb extensors


Upper limb flexors


Origin of sartorius is from the ____.

anterior superior iliac spine

Muscles of the lower limb can be separated by _____.

anterior, medial, posterior


anything below the pelvic diaphragm. openings within that diaphragm.


attaches to tongue and articulates with the styloid process and pulls upward. extrinsic tongue


attaches to tongue and hyoid process and pulls downward. extrinsic tongue

Biceps bracii

Anterior flexor muscles of the elbow joint. Inserting in bones of the forearm. Innervated by musculocutaneous nerve (AKA goes to the skin to give you sensory after going to the muscles)


Anterior flexor muscles of the elbow joint. Inserting in bones of the forearm. Innervated by musculocutaneous nerve (AKA goes to the skin to give you sensory after going to the muscles)

Thigh flexors

Anterior. Iliopsoas (iliacus and psoas major), tensor fasciae latae, rectus femoris, sartorius


Anterior. Runs obliquely from the iliac spine to the posterior portion of the knee. Insertion point at anterior superior iliac spine. Flexes hip and knee (quad muscle)


Contracts and traps blood in the penis and clitoris

What is the most important muscle in inspiration?


Anterior compartment of foot

Dorsiflexion and extension of the toes. Tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus

Posterior muscles of hip and knee joints

Extend the hip and flex the knee


Facial expression muscle need to know. Back of head. Pulls your scalp backwards.

Zygomaticus major

Facial expression muscle need to know. Cheek. Smiling muscle.


Facial expression muscle need to know. Compresses cheeks when you suck in or blow out.

Orbicularis oculi

Facial expression muscle need to know. Eye. Use when eye closes or when you squint.


Facial expression muscle need to know. Forehead. Helps you raise your eyebrows.

Orbicularis oris

Facial expression muscle need to know. Mouth. Kissing muscle.


Facial expression muscle need to know. Neck. Thins while you age. Embedded in skin. Gives you the look of horror and guys use this when they shave so the skin tightens up.

Convergent fascicles

Fascicles converge toward a single tendon insertion (pectoral major)

Parallel fascicles

Fascicles parallel to the long axis of a straplike muscle (sartorius)

What happens if you contract both sternocleidomastoid?

Flex neck

Movements at the thigh

Flex, extend, abduct, adduct, circumduction, rotation. All 3 groups are enclosed by the fascia late which is a compression stocking

Anterior compartment of forearm

Flexors. Palmar aponeurosis tendon is attached to the palmaris longus in the forearm. **If it is in the front arm the word flexor will be in front of it**. Muscle on the thumb side is the flexor carpi radialis. Muscle on the pinky side is the flexor carpi ulnaris. FInger muscles are flexor digitorum muscles. Thumb muscle is flexor pollicis longus. Flexor retinaculum tendon keep muscles in place in the wrist

Abdominal muscles

Form the lateral and anterior abdominal wall. Flexion. Help you flex and rotate. Compresses the abdomen when you're urinating, defecating, vomiting, childbirth, and coughing.

Abductors of the thigh

Gluteus medius/minimus. Insertion is greater trochanter

All muscles termed the lateral rotators insert on or near the ____ trochanter of the femur.


Rectus femoris

In the femoral region. Anterior. Flexes hip and extends knee. Insertion at anterior inferior iliac spine


In the male it contracts in an ejaculation and helps let seamen leave and in a female it helps clamp on the penis during intercourse

The 4 muscles that comprise the posterior group of the pectoral girdle are the ____.

Levator scapulae, rhomboideus minor, rhomboideus major, and trapezius

Muscles of the forearm

Like you are opening a door handle. The only bone that moves is the radius so there must be an insertion point there. Pronators and supinators

Pelvic diaphragm

Located at the bottom of the pelvis and holds everything up within there so it does not fall out. Made of the levator ani and the coccygeus.

Latissimus dorsi

Located in the back of the shoulder. Prime mover. Origin: thoracolumnar fascia. Insertion: anterior humerus. Action: Prime extensor of arm, adduction, medial rotation.

Pectoralis major

Located in the front of shoulder. Prime mover. Origin: sternum, clavicle, ribs. Insertion: anterior humerus. Action: flexor, adduction, medial rotation.


Located partially in the front and back but mostly on the side of the shoulder. Prime mover. Origin: clavicle and scapula. Insertion: humerus. Action: abduction, flexion, and extension of arm.


Made of the iliacus and psoas major muscles. Attaches to lesser trochanter. Anterior. Prime mover at hip.

Superficial muscles of the thorax

Most are extrinsic shoulder muscles. None attach to humerus. They fix the shoulder girdle (mostly the scapula) and supply arm movements. Actions include elevation, depression, rotation, lateral and medial movements, protraction, and retraction.


Most important inspiration muscle. Very large. Central tendon runs through it. Innervated by phrenic nerves. Vertebrae C3, C4, C5 keeps the diaphragm alive. Separates the thoracic and abdominal cavity.

Muscles of the forearm

Movements of the wrist, hand, and fingers. Most anterior muscles are flexors. Most posterior muscles are extensors. Some forearm muscles pronate or supinate the forearm.

How to name a muscle

O- origin I- insertion A-action N-innervation

Medial nerve of leg

Obturator nerve

Bicep femoris

On the back femoral side. Hamstring.

Forced inspiration

A deep breath that uses new muscles that aren't used in regular breathing. This includes the sternocleidomastoid, scalenes, and pectoralis minor

Forced expiration

A deep exhale uses new muscles that aren't used during regular breathing. These include the internal obluqes

Lever systems

Components of a lever system are the lever, the effort, and the load


Nerves pass through there that go to the upper limbs. Function is to bend and flex at neck.

Triceps brachii

Posterior extensor muscles. 3 points of origin @ humerus, humerus and scapula. Innervated by radial nerve (in the WHOLE back of the arm/forearm/hand). Chief forearm extensor.

Gluteus maximus

Posterior extensors of thigh. Prime mover during forceful extension.

Flexion of knee

The hamstrings, sartorius, cracilis. All cross 2 joints.

Supraspinatus acts with the deltoid to ____ the arm.


The 2 heads of the gastrocnemius converge to insert onto the ___.

calcaneal tendon

Temporalis, along with the masseter, ____.

closes the jaw

The levator ani and ___ muscles form the pelvic diaphragm.


The muscles of the ___ are rather unusual for muscles because they insert onto the skin or other muscles


Circular fascicles

fascicles arranged in concentric rings and is also known as a sphincter (orbicularis oris)

Anterior nerve of leg

femoral nerve

The origin of vastus intermedius are from the shaft of the ___.


The ____ muscle inserts on the metatarsal 5.

fibularis brevis

Eversion of the foot results in the contraction of the ____ muscle.

fibularis longus

Muscles that act on the knee joint exhibit two actions ____.

flex and extend

The anterior fibers of the deltoid ____.

flex the arm at the shoulder.

Anterior muscles of hip and knee joints

flex the hip and extend the knee

Movement at the elbow joint is summarized as ___.

flexes and extends.

Biceps brachii ____ and supinates the forearm.

flexes. attaches to the radius because it can supinate

Posterior nerve of leg

tibial nerve

Lateral rotators of the thigh

Piriformis, obturator externus, obturator internus, gemellus, gluteus maximus.

Lateral compartment of the leg

Plantar flexion and eversion of the foot. Fibularis longus (strongest)/brevis

Posterior compartment of the leg

Plantar flexion and flexion of the toes (tip toes). Gastrocnemius, soleus, tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus. Gastrocnemius and soleus come together on the achilles/calcaneal tendon.

Hamstring muscles

Posterior extensors of thigh. Prime movers of extension. 3 muscles: biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus. They all cross two joints (hip and knee)

Thigh extensors

Posterior. Hamstring muscles: biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus. Gluteus maximus

External anal sphincter

Prevents you from letting out feces when you don't want to

Skeletal Muscles functional groups

Prime movers, antagonists, synergists, fixators

Pronators of forearm

Pronator teres and pronator quadratus

Adductor brevis

Pubis origin. Insect on femur. Adductor of thigh. Innervated by obturator.

Adductor longus

Pubis origin. Insect on femur. Adductor of thigh. Innervated by obturator.

Adductor magnus

Pubis origin. Insect on femur. Adductor of thigh. Innervated by obturator.


Pubis origin. Insect on femur. Adductor of thigh. Innervated by obturator.

Muscles crossing the shoulder joint

Some originate off the scapula; others originate off the axial skeleton. Actions include flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, and rotation of the humerus.

When you lie on your back, your ____ muscles contract to lift your head.

Sternocleidomastoid and scalenes


Superficial muscles of the thorax. Main job is acts as a cushioning when you break your clavicle for the blood vessels within there. Anterior

Serratus anterior

Superficial muscles of the thorax. Origin is on the ribs and wraps around then inserts on the medial border and pulls the scapula forward and out and rotates it so you can move your humerus. The "boxers muscles". Anterior

Pectoralis minor

Superficial muscles of the thorax. Small. It function is to pull the scapula forward and it helps you take a deep breath in because it moves your ribs up and out. Anterior


Synergist and stabilizer.


Synergists that immobilize a bone or muscle's origin

The muscles of the back that are most susceptible to injury when heavy lifting are ____.

the erector spinae muscles.

Flexor hallucis longus acts on ___.

the first digit of the foot.

Serratus anterior arises from ____.

the medial border of the scapula.

Semitendinosus is one of the hamstring muscles and is innverated by the ____ nerve.


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