BIO 210 TTC Susan EXAM 3

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What coordinates subconscious response patterns for somatic motor units throughout the muscular system?

Cerebellar cortex

Which gray matter mediates conscious awareness, interpretation of sensations, and complex thoughts?

Cerebral cortex

What normally can be found in the central canal of the spinal cord?

Cerebrospinal fluid

What coordinates subconscious response patterns for resting and digesting craniosacral nervous division?

Craniosacral nervous division

Which statement is true for a parasympathetic motor unit?

Preganglionic nerve fibers are longer than postganglionic nerve fibers.

In the brainstem, what diffuse network of multipolar neurons helps regulate levels of consciousness?

Reticular formation

What type of signals dominate the dorsal roots and most dorsal structures of the spinal cord?

Sensory and ascending

cluster of unipolar somas, whose neurons conduct signals from nervous receptors to structure in sensory nucleus

Sensory ganglion

gray matter cluster of somas for association neurons that receive synapses from structure in sensory ganglion

Sensory nucleus

Which nervous cell type directly forms synapses with skeletal muscle cells?

Somatic motor neurons with somas in CNS nuclei

Which part of the corpora quadrigemina contains visual nuclei that initiate startle reflexes?

Superior colliculus

What descriptive words (adjectives) indicate the two subdivisons of the autonomic nervous system?

Sympathetic and parasympathetic

mineralocorticoid from adrenal gland telling effectors to increase Na* & decrease K* in extracellular fluid


What term indicates that an effector cell receives both sympathetic signals and parasympathetic signals, which cause opposing responses of the effector?

antagonistic dual innervation

What is a synonym for the neurohypophysis that secretes oxytocin and ADH?

anterior pituitary gland

fibrous support struts in the cerebrospinal fluid of the subarachnoid space

arachnoid trabeculae

Which nervous division only carries efferent signals directly to cardiac muscle, smooth muscles, or glands?

autonomic motor nervous system

What network of nerves connects inferior cervical and first thoracic spinal nerves to peripheral nerves of the upper appendage, such as the radial, median, and ulnar nerves?

brachial plexus

hormone made from vitamin D by an anabolic pathway through liver and eventually secreted by kidney


hindbrain control centers for subconscious fine-tuning skeletal muscle coordination


midbrain's hole that conducts CSF between the cerebral peduncles and the corpora quadrigemina

cerebral (mesencephalic) aqueduct

Which part blocks excessive contraction and flips somatic reflexes for walking and running?

cerebral basal nuclei

Which structure contains only association tracts carrying signals left-to-right and right-to-left in cerebrum?

corpus callosum

The adrenal cortex secretes what steroid hormone to signal recovery phase stress responses, and fails to secrete enough of it, during exhaustion phase stress responses and Addison's disease?

cortisol (a glucocorticoid)

bundle of fascicles in the PNS (peripheral nervous system) connected to brain

cranial nerve

Ascending and descending tracts crossing left to right and vice versa in medulla oblongata is called what?


personality, complex problem-solving, creativity, somatic motor memories, and final voluntary decisions

frontal lobe

White matter arranged as bundles of parallel tracts are what kind of structure found in the spinal cord?


too much IGF secretion in childhood (usually because of excessive signaling from a pituitary


signal from pancreatic islet alpha cells, telling target cells to increase blood glucose that is too low


an efferent paracrine inflammatory signal secreted by mast cells


control centers in diencephalon for body temperature, emotions, "biological clock," and primitive drives


What structure is inferior to the frontal lobe, superior to ethmoid bone, and filters sensory signals for smells?

olfactory bulb

What white matter contains nerve fibers from left eye crossing to right side of brain and vice versa?

optic chiasma

Which of the following CANNOT do signal integration in the hypothalamus?

optic chiasma

during ejaculation or labor, the systemic efferent signal in the positive feedback loop for reproductive tract contractions and for emotional bonding in the brain's limbic system


What fibrous layer of a bone forms the superficial side of cranial meninges (not spinal meninges)?


higher respiratory centers that coordinate lower rhythmicity centers to adjust breathing rate & depth


Which part of frontal lobe contains gray matter for final conscious decisions to take voluntary actions?

primary motor cortex

What inflammatory paracrine lipid is a signal from damaged cells to mast cells (not secreted by mast cells)


What is the function of a choroid plexus?

secretes cerebrospinal fluid

Superficial gray matter arranged as many sheet-like layers of neuronal somas for conscious perceptions?

sensory cortex

cluster of neuron cell bodies in the PNS, specialized for bringing signals from receptors to the CNS

sensory ganglion

What chain of motor ganglia coordinates thoracolumbar emergency responses?

sympathetic trunk

By definition, neurotransmitters are chemical signals that are secreted during _________

synaptic signaling

conscious sense of smell and hearing

temporal lobe

filters sensory information in the diencephalon before signals reach the cerebral cortex


one whole bundle of nerve fibers, with areolar connective tissue and blood capillaries between the fibers

nerve fascicle

In the peripheral nervous system, what refers to network that sorts nervous signaling pathways from different places to the same place, and vice versa?

nerve plexus

same chemical is classified as a neurotransmitter when secreted by What chemical is classified as a hormone when secreted by adrenal medullary endocrine neurons, but the sympathetic ganglionic motor neurons?


too little normal insulin secretion (inherited)

type 1 diabetes mellitus

flexion of joints to remove a part of the body from harmful stimuli

withdrawal reflex

control center of gray matter deep in the CNS (central nervous system)


During puberty and adolescence, the adrenal cortex secretes what hormone that turns on axillary & pubic hair follicles, apocrine sweat glands, and female libido (sex drive)?

Androgen (androgyn)

What part of the forebrain is called the "animal brain" or "primitive brain" by laymen?


Which contains ascending, descending, and association tracts, but completely lacks peripheral nerve fascicles?

E.white matter

What cells line lumens of the lateral ventricles, third ventricle, fourth ventricles, and cerebral aqueduct?

Ependymal cells

What is the proper name for the sensory cranial nerve for both balance (physical equilibrium) and hearing?

Evestibulocochlear nerve

Which are mixed nerves that conduct signals for taste sensations?

Facial and glossopharyngeal nerves (nerves VII & IX)

What is the function of arachnoid villi (a.k.a. arachnoid granulations)?

Filter cerebrospinal fluid back into blood stream

Cerebrum and diencephalon


relaxation of a muscle in response to high tension in its tendon

Golgi tendon reflex

hyperthyroidism caused by antibodies binding to TSH receptors

Grave's disease

relays signals between the left and right halves of a spinal cord segment; contains central canal

Gray commissure

Where do we consciously experience taste perceptions in the insula?

Gustatory cortex

More of which shapes indicate a greater surface area that hypothetically correlates with higher intelligence for a cerebral cortex?

Gyri and sulci

Greater parasympathetic signaling __________________ sweat (sudoriferous fluid) production and secretion.

Has no effect on

Cerebellum, pons, and medulla oblongata


contains visceral motor nuclei specialized to send control signals to autonomic ganglia

Lateral gray horn

What organ detects growth hormone (somatotropin) then secretes IGF (somatomedin), so target cells grow?


Which cranial nerves only contain sensory pathways?

Nerves I, II, & VIII

What cranial nerves contain motor pathways for eyeball movements?

Nerves III, IV, & VI

Which of the following are found in or on the medulla oblongata? A. Somatic motor nuclei for reflexes of appendicular skeletal muscles of the lower body B. Crossed extensor pathwats from one side of the spinal cord to the other C. Tracts connecting to spinal nerves D. All of these E. None of these

None of these

Where do optic tracts connect directly to visual cortex?

Occipital lobe

Which are purely sensory nerves?

Olfactory nerves (nerves I)

Fibrous sheath around bundles of nerve fibers (not in the bundles), deep in a peripheral nerve


Which structure secretes melatonin to prepare the body for sleep?

Pineal gland (pineal body)

What two parts are included in both the brainstem and the hindbrain?

Pons & medulla oblongata

What nerves conduct signals to and from intercostal nerves, without going through a nerve plexus?

Thoracic spinal nerve (nerves T1-T11)

When anterior pituitary gland gets the hypothalamic signal for systemic energy metabolism, it secretes what hormone?

Thyrotropin (thyroid stimulating hormone)

What nerves send parasympathetic signals from medulla oblongata to thoracic & abdominopelvic viscera?

Vagus nerve (left and right nerves X)

Which structure is mostly composed of descending tracts to gray horns that control motor functions?

Ventral funiculus

Polio virus (a potential bioterrorism organism) specifically attacks somatic motor neurons, causing paralysis. Where are the cell bodies of somatic motor neurons located in the spinal cord?

Ventral gray horn

Which PNS structure contains motor nerve fibers directly attached to spinal cord and lacks sensory fibers?

Ventral root (anterior root)

What hormone does adrenal medulla secrete to signal alarm phase stress responses?

adrenaline (epinephrine)

What neurotransmitter is secreted by all preganglionic neurons, parasympathetic ganglionic neurons, and somatic motor neurons?


too much growth hormone secretion started in adulthood, causing thickened extremities & joint problems


layer with folds or septa that contain the largest veins (venous sinuses) in the cranial meninges

dura mater

What is the function of the antidiuretic hormone (ADH) produced by hypothalamic neuroendocrine cells?

efferent signal to retain H20 in the body

loose material just superficial to the spinal meninges and deep to spinal skeletal organs

epidural fascia

hormone promoting female development, which is secreted by ovary when it detects the right gonadotropin


Greater parasympathetic signaling ______________ gastrointestinal contractions and secretions in digestive system.


Greater sympathetic signaling ___________ heart rate.


forebrain's hole that drains CSF from a lateral ventricle to the third ventricle

interventricular foramen

respiratory rhythmicity reflex centers and cardiovascular reflex centers

medulla oblongata

nuclei for startle reflexes initiated by auditory and visual stimuli


Where does cerebrospinal fluid flow with least resistance and provides buoyant support and lubrication?

subdural space

what does the hypothalamus secrete to start the efferent signaling for systemic energy metabolism?

thyrotropin releasing hormone (thyroid stimulating hormone release hormone)

If the pituitary gland secretes TSH, then follicle cells secrete which hormone to increase energy metabolism?


What is the proper name for the motor cranial nerve that carries signals for only one muscle that uses a loop of orbital connective tissue as a pulley, so that the muscle's tendon attaches obliquely to the eyeball?

trochlear nerve

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