What happens to the female body when sexual stimulated?
- Labia mantra, vagina wall and clitoris fill with blood - breast swell and nipples become erect - vagina expands - mucus-secreting glands provide lubrication for opening
What does the high levels of progesterone do?
- Thicken the endometrium
Steps of Follicular Phase
1. FSH is secreted to start developing a follicle in the ovary - follicle secretes estrogen causing estrogen levels to INCREASE - estrogen causes secretion GnRH that promotes LH to begin ovulation
A small sensitive and erectile part of the female genitals at the anterior end of the vulva.
Fallopian Tube
A tube that connects the ovary to the uterus. Used to help the egg move towards the uterus
An immature egg cell
Uterine tubes
Conduct oocyte; location of fertilization; transport early zygote
What days does the Follicular take up ?
Day 1-13
What day does Ovulation occur?
Day 14
Entrance to the uterus
Once the oocyte ovulates what happens to the follicle?
Everything left in the follicle begins to break down forming a structure called the Corpus Luteum
Female organ of intercourse; birth canal
Fingerlike projection of the uterin (fallopian) tubes that drape over the ovary.
What are the two phases of the Ovarian Cycle?
Follicular Phase and Luteal Phase
Glands that produce the egg cells and hormones estrogen and progesterone
Where does the Ovarian Cycle take place
In the Fallopian tube
Where does Fertilization occur?
In the fallopian tubes
Luteal Phase
Refers to parts of the Ovarian Cycle after ovulation. During this phase, the now-empty follicle produces hormones that are important for reproduction.
Follicular Phase
Refers to the parts of the cycle that occur before ovulation. This is the phase in which oocyte follicles are prepared for ovulation.
What occurs to the female body when pregnancy does not occur?
The Endometrium - Uterine lining sheds ( menstrual cycle )
The lining of the uterus that participates in the formation of the placenta . This lining also varies due to females monthly.
The sac in the ovary in which the egg develops
What is the function of the Fimbriae
To direct the ovum to the Fallopian tube.
Where the development of the embryo normally takes place.
Why is it important that the hormone progesterone is made?
Without progesterone the female cannot maintain pregnancy
Corpus Luteum
Yellow body. Main job is to make progesterone after egg as left follicle
Ovarian Cycle
controls the growth and release of an egg
What days the Luteal Phase take up
days 15-28
process in which an egg is released from the ovary