Bio Exam Three Quizzes

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Lipid-soluble steroid hormones are synthesized from


Blood pressure is the force that

- Blood exerts on the walls of the arteries

Why would HIV infection lead to immunodeficiency?

- HIV infects helper T cells.

Animals that eat only plants are

- Herbivores.

The cellular components of blood that destroy foreign substances are

- Leukocytes

Air moves into the lungs when the air pressure in the lungs is __________________ than the air pressure outside of the lungs. This occurs when the muscles of the diaphragm _______________.

- Lower; contract

Tendons are connective tissues that connect _____ to _____.

- Muscle; bone

Why couldn't a human absorb enough oxygen through their skin like sea anemones are able to?

- Our surface area to volume is too low for oxygen to reach all tissues.

Aerobic respiration consumes ____________ gas and generates ___________________ gas as a waste product.

- Oxygen; carbon dioxide

The endocrine gland that produces hormones that regulate blood glucose levels is the

- Pancreas

Which of the following is not a part of the axial skeleton?

- Pelvic girdle

In animals, a common light-sensitive pigment that absorbs light and changes shape, thereby altering the charge across the membrane of a photoreceptor is

- Rhodopsin

Which of the following causes a muscle cell to contract?

- The bending of myosin heads attached to actin

Blood calcium levels are regulated by hormones secreted from the parathyroid and thyroid. When blood calcium is low, which of the following would be stimulated by the parathyroid?

- Uptake of calcium from food by the intestine and reabsorption from the urine by the kidney

Animals that hunt and eat essentially only other animals are

- carnivores

The structure that covers the opening to the trachea during swallowing, thereby preventing food from entering the air passage way, is the

- epiglottis.

Insulin is

- produced by the pancreas - used to treat diabetes mellitus - produced by beta cells - produced by islets of Langerhans

The skeleton functions in

- production of blood cells - supporting the body - protecting the body. - Movement

A preparation that "teaches" the immune system to recognize a disease-causing agent without actually causing disease is termed a/n

- vaccination.

Animals that consume decaying organic matter as their main source of food are


Histamine triggers vasodilation and leakiness in blood vessels during inflammation. Why would this be beneficial in fighting an infection by a pathogen?

-White blood cells can move into infected tissue

If an individual has his/her gall bladder removed, he/she is typically put on a low fat diet. Which of the following would explain this recommendation?

-bile acids cannot be released following a meal

Air moves into the lungs when the air pressure in the lungs is __________________ than the air pressure outside of the lungs. This occurs when the muscles of the diaphragm _______________.

-lower, contract

Antacids would be effective in which part of the digestive system?


Animals that strain their food from particles in water are termed _____ feeders.


The percentage of carbon dioxide in inhaled air at sea level is about


The energy needed to raise 1 kilogram of water from 14.5oC 15.5oC under controlled conditions is

1 kilocalorie.

The percentage of oxygen in inhaled air at sea level is about


If blood pressure is too high, the brain _________ heart rate and causes blood vessels to _________.

Decrease, dilate

The neurotransmitter that is released at a neuromuscular junction that stimulates muscle contraction is


A thin filament of muscle is composed primarily of the protein


If a person has been prescribed eyeglasses with converging lenses it is most likely to correct for that person

Being farsighted

If an individual has his/her gall bladder removed, he/she is typically put on a low fat diet. Which of the following would explain this recommendation?

Bile acids cannot be released following a meal.

Receptors for the general senses are

found throughout the body.

Which of the following is not an endocrine gland?

gall bladder

• Which of the following is not an endocrine gland?

gall bladder

In aquatic organisms, highly folded structures that exchange gases directly with water are


The hormone that stimulates liver cells to release stored glucose is


Cardiac output may increase by a

greater than normal stroke volume and heart rate.

If a person has been prescribed eyeglasses with uneven lenses it is most likely to correct for that person

having astigmatism.

HIV-positive people track the progress of their disease with blood tests that measure the number of

helper T cells.


helper T cells.

The protein found in red blood cells that transports oxygen is


The protein found in red blood cells that transports oxygen is


Biochemicals produced in a gland that travel through the bloodstream and alter the metabolism of specific target cells are


the type of skeleton that consists of fluid constrained within a layer of flexible tissue is

hydrostatic skeleton

The type of skeleton that consists of fluid constrained within a layer of flexible tissue is a/n

hydrostatic skeleton.

Which of the following is a trend observed in the evolution of lungs in vertebrates?

increased surface area

If blood pressure is too low, the brain __________ heart rate and causes blood vessels to _________.

increases; constrict

The type of neuron that connects one neuron to another within the central nervous system is the


The part of the eye that regulates the size of the opening for light coming into the eye is the


9. Hemoglobin is a/n _____-rich pigment that carries oxygen.


Hemoglobin is a/n _____-rich pigment that carries oxygen


An area where two bones meet is called a


Which of the following would be the primary target for antidiruetic hormone (ADH)?


The adrenal glands are located "on top" of the


The enzyme that breaks down the main sugar found in milk is


The main site of water and mineral absorption in the human digestive system is the

large intestine

The part of the eye that focuses light onto a sheet of photoreceptors is the


Which of the following produces bile?


Colorblindness would be caused by which of the following?

loss of cones

B cells and T cells are


In humans, which of the following is used primarily to detect touch and vibration?


Tendons are connective tissues that connect _____ to _____.


A thick filament of muscle is composed primarily of the protein


A thick filament of muscle is composed primarily of the protein


The short intervals between Schwann cells along axons are called

nodes of Ranvier.

Type 2 diabetes is strongly associated with


The nerve that conducts impulses to the area of the brain that determines sight is the

optic nerve

A condition in which bones become less dense is


Aerobic respiration consumes ____________ gas and generates ___________________ gas as a waste product.

oxygen; carbon dioxide

The endocrine gland that produces hormones that regulate blood glucose levels is the


The endocrine gland that produces hormones that help regulate blood calcium is the

parathyroid gland

The endocrine gland that produces hormones that help regulate blood calcium is the

parathyroid gland.

Which of the following is not a part of the axial skeleton?

pelvic girdle

An enzyme that breaks down protein is


In a neuron at rest,

potassium ions are more concentrated inside the cell than outside.

Insulin is

produced by the pancreas. used to treat diabetes mellitus. produced by islets of Langerhans. produced by beta cells.

Functions of the vertebrate endoskeleton include

production of blood cells and storage of calcium.

When blood calcium is high, which of the following would be stimulated by the thyroid?

uptake of calcium by bone by osteoblasts

The part of the eye that serves as the opening for light to enter into the eye is the


Diastolic pressure reflects the

relaxation of the ventricles

The state of a neuron when it is not conducting a nerve impulse is a/n

resting potential of -70 millivolts

The part of the eye that is a sheet of photoreceptors at the back of the eye is the


Which of the following is not a disease of the respiratory system?

rheumatoid arthritis

In animals, a common light-sensitive pigment that absorbs light and changes shape, thereby altering the charge across the membrane of a photoreceptor is


In animals, a common light-sensitive pigment that absorbs light and changes shape, thereby altering the charge across the membrane of a photoreceptor is


Which of the following animals can get the oxygen they need by diffusion of the gas across the surface of their body, and can distribute oxygen without the need of a specialized circulatory system?

sea anemones and flatworms

The cells that detect internal and external conditions are


The cells that detect internal and external conditions are


A phenomenon in which sensations become less noticeable with prolonged exposure is called

sensory adaptation

The type of neuron that brings information toward the central nervous system is the

sensory neuron.

The three types of neurons in the nervous system of humans are

sensory neurons, interneurons, and motor neurons

Olfaction is the sense of


During action potential

sodium ions rush into the cell, switching the potential to +35 millivolts

in myelinated axons, _____ ions can diffuse _____ the axon only at nodes of Ranvier.

sodium; into

The division of the peripheral nervous system that carries signals to voluntary muscles is the _____ system.


Nodes of Ranivar are intervals between Schwann cells that __________ the conduction of nerve impulses


The instrument that measures blood pressure is the


Acid reflux would occur under which of the following conditions?

stomach contents leak into esophagus

Animals that live in their food and eat it from the inside are termed _____ feeders.


The junctions between one neuron and another neuron are called


he junctions between one neuron and another neuron are called


Rheumatoid arthritis is caused when what part of a joint becomes swollen and inflamed?

synovial fluid

Which of the following senses would utilize chemoreceptors?


The endocrine gland that produces primarily testosterone is the


The fluid that cleanses and nourishes the cornea and lens of the eye is

the aqueous humor

Which of the following causes a muscle cell to contract?

the bending of myosin heads attached to actin

The type of skeleton that consists of fluid constrained within a layer of flexible tissue is a/n

Hydrostatic skeleton

Where are blood cells produced?

In red marrow inside of bones

The type of neuron that conducts its message from the central nervous system toward an effector is the

Motor neuron

The part of the brain that controls the qualities of what we consider the "mind" is the

Na+ ions cross the plasma membrane initiating a wave that travels down the axon.

Which of the following best describes how a neuron fires?

Na+ ions cross the plasma membrane initiating a wave that travels down the axon.

When a snake flicks its tongue, the tips of the forked tongue pass through openings in the palate and contact sensory cells in the snout. How would this help a snake detect its prey?

Odor molecules from the prey are brought to the snake's receptors.

Why couldn't a human absorb enough oxygen through their skin like sea anemones are able to?

Our surface area to volume is too low for oxygen to reach all tissues

The maximum size of an insect is limited by respiration. Which of the following is the best explanation for this statement?

Oxygen cannot diffuse very far through tissues.

Which of the following hormones is produced by the posterior pituitary gland?


In humans, which of the following is used primarily to detect light?


The hormone oxytocin is produced by the _____________________ and targets the _________________.

Posterior pituitary, mammary gland

The division of the peripheral nervous system that carries signals to voluntary muscles is the _____ system


he fluid that cleanses and nourishes the cornea and lens of the eye is

The aqueous humor

Each year there are an estimated 250,000 people who could benefit from a bone marrow transplant. What would happen to a patient who no longer had active bone marrow?

The patient would be immunocompromised.

People who contract HIV engage in risky behavior that causes them to get other infections and cancer. AIDS is not caused by HIV, so HIV could be causing the other infections. Their immune systems are suppressed. HIV triggers an autoimmune response. An AIDS patient's immune system is very strong since it is fighting the HIV infection.

Their immune systems are suppressed.

Why would AIDS patients infected with HIV be at risk for opportunistic infections and rare cancers?

Their immune systems are suppressed.

Which of the following is not typically a characteristic of steroid hormones

They bind to a receptor on the surface of the cell

The lower respiratory tract consists of the

Trachea and lungs

You have 20 million olfactory cells and 10 thousand taste buds. Which of the following is true about your sense of smell and taste?

You can distinguish hundreds of smells and only five tastes.

Which of the following is not one of the special senses?


In arthropods, the extensively branched internal tubules that connect to the atmosphere through the exoskeleton are


The endocrine gland that produces hormones related to the sympathetic nervous system and steroids that help regulate body fluids is the

adrenal gland

Physical and chemical barriers that form the first line of innate defense include

all answers are correct

The small air sacs of the lungs are the


Vertebrates with a three-chambered heart include


The enzyme that breaks down starch is


The simplest animals with a closed circulatory system are


The hormone that primarily maintains the composition of body fluids is

antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

Which of the following is not a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary?

antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

The hormone that primarily maintains the composition of body fluids is

antidiuretic hormone (ADH).

A molecule that stimulates an immune system reaction by B cells and T cells is termed a/n


Peptide hormones

are typically water-soluble

Blood transports the most carbon dioxide by which of the following?

as bicarbonate ions

A respiratory disease caused by an allergic response that causes spasms in the smooth muscle of the lung's bronchi is


the upper chambers of the mammalian heart are the


The upper chambers of the mammalian heart are the


A decrease in the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood is called anemia.


All of our body's hormones are products of the endocrine system.


An eating disorder in which a person refuses to maintain a normal body weight through starvation is anorexia nervosa.


Capillary beds are networks of capillaries that connect arterioles and venules.


During an action potential, sodium ions pour into the cell.


In an autoimmune disease, the immune system attacks the body's self antigens


In an autoimmune disease, the immune system attacks the body's self antigens.


In an open circulatory system, the heart pumps fluid through open-ended vessels into spaces where the fluid bathes the body's cells.


Ligaments connect bone to bone.


Lipid-soluble hormones move easily through the cell membrane.


Motor neurons stimulate muscle contraction by releasing acetylcholine at a neuromuscular junction


Neurotransmitters released from a presynaptic cell must travel across a tiny space called a synaptic cleft.


The anatomical arrangement in which two adjacent currents flow in opposite directions and exchange materials with each other is called countercurrent exchange.


The device that is used to measure a person's blood pressure is a sphygmomanometer


The device that is used to measure a person's blood pressure is a sphygmomanometer.


If a person has been prescribed eyeglasses with converging lenses it is most likely to correct for that person

being farsighted.

Vertebrates with a four-chambered heart include


• Vertebrates with a four-chambered heart include


The point where the optic nerve exits the retina is called the

blind spot

The point where the optic nerve exits the retina is called the

blind spot.


can cause elevated heart rate


can cause elevated heart rate.

Smelling food causes a hungry person to salivate. Which of the following begins to be digested in saliva?


In the pulmonary circulation, ___________________ is expelled from the blood and _________________ is picked up.

carbon dioxide, oxygen

In the pulmonary circulation, ___________________ is expelled from the blood and _________________ is picked up

carbon dioxide; oxygen

The lining of both the stomach and small intestines is protected from digestive enzymes by a mucus secretion.


An Australian redback spider that eats her mate is which of the following?


The process by which an arthropod sheds its exoskeleton in order to grow is called molting


The process by which an arthropod sheds its exoskeleton in order to grow is called molting.


The retina transduces light energy into action potentials.


The semifluid mass of food and gastric juice in the human stomach is termed


Bacteria trapped in mucus in the lower respiratory tract are literally swept up and out of the lower respiratory tract by waving


Chondrocytes produce which of the following?

collagen and elastin

The part of the eye that detects color is the

cone cells

In a coronary bypass, which of the following is being bypassed?

coronary arteries

The primary function of a vaccine is to

create immunological memory without causing disease.

The function of bile is to

emulsify fats.

The type of skeleton that is an internal support structure is a/n


A phagocyte is a cell that

engulfs other cells and debris.

The hormone produced by the adrenal gland that constricts blood vessels and slows digestion is


People having severe allergic reactions to bee stings and specific foods should carry with them a self-injectable dose of


The muscular tube leading from the pharynx to the stomach is the


A pheromone is a volatile chemical substance that elicits a specific response in members of a different species.


A typical blood pressure reading for a young adult is 80/120.


An increase in the number of red blood cells is called anemia.


If a person has type O blood they have both the A and B markers on their red blood cells.


Rod cells provide color vision and allow us to see at night


Rod cells provide color vision and allow us to see at night.


The atmospheric gas that is in the highest concentration in inhaled air at sea level is oxygen.


The human small intestine is shorter than the large intestine.


The pancreas functions as an endocrine gland by producing and secreting digestive enzymes


The pancreas functions as an endocrine gland by producing and secreting digestive enzymes.


The pyloric sphincter lies between the small intestine and large intestine, thereby controlling the movement of food into the large intestine.


The anatomical arrangement in which two adjacent currents flow in opposite directions and exchange materials with each other is found in the respiratory systems of which of the following


Vertebrates with a two-chambered heart include


Animals that drink their food are termed _____ feeders.


The large vessels that carry blood to the heart are


Tiny finger-like projections along the lining of the small intestine that are used to absorb nutrients are


Which of the following is not one of the general senses?


One of the main reasons that we exhale a higher percentage of carbon dioxide than we inhale is,

we produce carbon dioxide as a byproduct of aerobic respiration.

• Air moves into the lungs when the air pressure in the lungs is _________ than the air pressure outside of the lungs. This occurs when the muscles of the diaphragm _________.

• lower; contract

• Blood transports the most carbon dioxide by which of the following?

◦ As bicarbonate ions

• Botulism is caused by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum which produces the toxin Botox. How would Botox be useful in removing wrinkles?

◦ By preventing muscles from contracting

• Rheumatoid arthritis is caused when what part of a joint becomes swollen and inflamed?

◦ Synovial fluid

• When blood calcium is high, which of the following would be stimulated by the thyroid?

◦ Uptake of calcium by bone by osteoblasts

• The hormone prolactin is produced by the _________ and targets the _________.

◦ anterior pituitary; mammary glands

• A molecule that stimulates an immune system reaction by B cells and T cells is termed an

◦ antigen

• Blood pressure is the force that

◦ blood exerts on the walls of the arteries

• The small vessels from which water and dissolved substances diffuse between the blood and interstital fluid are

◦ capillaries

• The most important signal that the brain uses to set the breathing rate is the level of blood

◦ carbon dioxide

• At the snail-shaped _________, sound is transduced into nerve impulses

◦ cochlea

• People having severe allergic reactions to bee stings and specific foods should carry with them a self-injectable dose of

◦ epinephrine

• Receptors for the general senses are

◦ found throughout the body

• If blood pressure is too low, the brain ________ heart rate and causes blood vessels to __________.

◦ increases; constrict

• The enzyme that breaks down the main sugar found in milk is

◦ lactase

• The upper respiratory tract is composed of the

◦ nose, pharynx, and larynx

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