Biology 1001 final Review ∆

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14) The formation of sodium chloride (NaCl) is the result of A) repelling between the same charges. B) attraction between opposite charges. C) covalent bonding. D) chemical unreactivity.


17) The fiber in your diet is actually A) ATP. B) cellulose. C) glycogen. D) starch. E) protein.


18) Which of the following levels of organization is the most inclusive (i.e., includes the most life-forms)? A) Community B) Biosphere C) Species D) Population E) Ecosystem


19) The smallest units that still retain the characteristics of an element are called A) tissues. B) atoms. C) organic molecules. D) cells. E) molecules.


21) Fibers of the cytoskeleton are composed of primarily A) ER. B) proteins. C) lipids. D) nucleic acids. E) polysaccharides.


25) What does H-O-H represent? A) Atom of water B) Mixture including water C) Ionic bonding of water D) Molecule of water


27) Polar covalent bonds form when A) atoms from two molecules are repelling each other. B) an acid and a base are combined. C) ions are formed. D) electrons are shared unequally between atoms. E) more than one pair of electrons is shared.


3) Which of the following components is NOT part of the modern cell theory? A) The smallest living organisms are single cells. B) All cells arise from preexisting cells. C) All living organisms are made up of one or more cells. D) Bacteria are examples of eukaryotic cells. E) Cells are the functional units of multicellular organisms.


33) What property of phospholipids makes them important in cell membranes? A) They contain nucleic acids. B) They are an important energy carrier molecule. C) They are part of DNA. D) They have a polar end and a nonpolar end. E) They are found only in animals.


4) What is NOT a feature of a prokaryotic cell? A) DNA B) Ribosomes C) Enzymes D) A nuclear membrane E) A plasma membrane


93) Which nucleotide molecule functions as an energy carrier in the cell?


85) What are the four major types of biological molecules?

Answer: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids

78) Single-celled organisms that lack a nucleus belong to the domains Bacteria and ________.


1) Which type of microscope has the best resolution? A) Leeuwenhoek's microscope B) An electron microscope C) A modern light microscope D) Hooke's microscope


22) Which of the following does NOT possess a double membrane? A) Nuclear envelope B) Ribosome C) Plastid D) Chloroplast E) Mitochondrion


24) A nucleolus is A) a membrane-bound organelle. B) an area in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells where ribosomes are synthesized and assembled. C) an extra nucleus in the cell. D) the area in a prokaryote where DNA is concentrated. E) an area where the nucleus is synthesized.


25) All of the following are important to the theory of evolution EXCEPT A) environmental change. B) changes in individuals within their lifetimes. C) inheritance of traits. D) mutations. E) variation in traits within an entire population.


34) Polar molecules A) have an overall positive electric charge. B) have an unequal distribution of electric charge. C) have an overall negative electric charge. D) have an equal distribution of electric charge. E) are always ions.


37) Which statement is an accurate description of water molecules? A) They are ionically bonded. B) They are slightly charged and polar. C) They are charged and nonpolar. D) They are uncharged and nonpolar.


38) Two categories of organic compounds typically provide energy for living systems. Representatives of these two classes are A) lipids and proteins. B) carbohydrates and proteins. C) carbohydrates and nucleic acids. D) proteins and nucleic acids. E) carbohydrates and lipids.


44) Using its antennae, the male moth finds female moths by following a trail of airborne chemicals, called pheromones, upwind from the female producing them. This is an example of how living things A) maintain precise internal conditions. B) detect and respond to stimuli. C) reproduce. D) grow. E) acquire nutrients.


40) Cell membranes are an example of a lipid bilayer. In this lipid bilayer, both the outside of the cell and the inside of the cell are ________ in nature. A) watery B) charged C) hydrophobic D) hydrophilic E) polar


45) If a substance measures 7 on the pH scale, that substance A) has a higher concentration of OH- than H+ ions. B) probably lacks OH- ions. C) has equal concentrations of H+ and OH- ions. D) is basic. E) may be lemon juice.


6) What type of chemical reaction results in the breakdown of organic polymers into their respective subunits? A) Ionization B) Oxidation C) Hydrolysis D) Condensation


74) Which of the following biological molecules are composed of monomer units containing a sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogen-containing base? A) Proteins B) Lipids C) Nucleic acids D) Carbohydrates


8) The cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells contains all of the following EXCEPT A) water. B) dissolved nutrients. C) chromosomes. D) enzymes. E) organelles


17) Which is the correct sequence of increasing organization? A) Organ, tissue, cell, molecule B) Organelle, tissue, cell, organ C) Atom, molecule, tissue, cell D) Cell, tissue, organ, organ system E) Molecule, cell, organelle, organ


18) Of the following cell components, which is composed of protein fibers that provide shape and organization to eukaryotic cells? A) Golgi complex B) DNA C) Chromatin D) Cytoskeleton E) Mitochondria


19) What primarily determines the shape of animal cells, which lack cell walls? A) Endoplasmic reticulum B) Cytoplasm C) Ribosomes D) Cytoskeleton E) Nucleus


21) Which of the following provides long-term energy storage for plants? A) Cellulose B) Glucose C) Glycogen D) Starch E) ATP


43) You observe a plant on your windowsill that is growing at an angle toward the outside. This is an example of a living thing A) reproducing. B) evolving. C) maintaining precise internal conditions. D) responding to stimuli.


46) The group of biological molecules that are most diverse in function is A) carbohydrates. B) nucleic acids. C) lipids. D) proteins.


47) Enzymes are specialized ________ that catalyze chemical reactions within the body. A) carbohydrates B) nucleic acids C) lipids D) proteins


47) How do buffers work? A) They soak up extra acid and base. B) They convert H+ and OH- to water. C) They accept and release OH-. D) They accept and release H+. E) They monitor the blood pH.


What type of bonding exists between the slight positive charge of a hydrogen atom and the slight negative charge of a nearby oxygen atom?

hydrogen bonding

77) The three natural processes that underlie evolution are genetic variation, inheritance, and ________.

natural selection

72) All scientific study begins with ________ and the formation of testable hypotheses.


79) Cells that contain a nucleus are eukaryotic, and cells without a nucleus are ________.


28) Which of the following represents a molecule characterized by polar covalent bonding? A) H2O B) H2 C) O2 D) NaCl E) CH4


A) Evolution B) Growth C) Response to stimuli D) Reproduction For the following question(s), choose the characteristic of a living organism that best corresponds to each statement. Selections may be used once, more than once, or not at all. 48) A sunflower follows the sun as it moves across the sky during the period of a single day. 49) A puppy is born weighing 5 pounds and eventually becomes a 75-pound golden retriever. 50) At the beginning of the week, a plant is 3 inches tall and at the end of the week, it is 4 inches tall. 51) A paramecium moves from direct light toward the dark. 52) A bacterium divides into two bacteria that are identical to, but smaller than, the original bacterium. 53) Over time, the average neck length of giraffes has increased. Only those giraffes with longer necks survived by eating the leaves high up on the trees, and they were able to reproduce and pass those long-neck genes on to the next generation.

48) C 49) B 50) B 51) C 52) D 53) A

1) A substance with specific properties that cannot be broken down or converted into another substance is called a(n) A) element. B) molecule. C) ion. D) mixture. E) compound.


12) Which of the following is so small, it is visible only with an electron microscope? A) DNA B) Mitochondrion C) Eukaryotic cell D) Prokaryotic cell


13) Alexander Fleming observed a colony of mold that inhibited the growth of nearby bacteria. What was the hypothesis proposed by Fleming to explain this result? A) The mold produced a substance that killed nearby bacteria. B) The mold used all of the nutrients so that the bacteria couldn't grow. C) The bacteria changed their DNA when growing near the mold. D) The mold was dead.


16) Most biological molecules are joined by A) covalent bonds. B) ionic bonds. C) disulfide bonds. D) peptide bonds. E) hydrogen bonds.


19) Free radicals are considered dangerous because they A) steal electrons from other atoms, causing those atoms to become unstable. B) emit dangerous radiation. C) attack the atomic nucleus. D) damage oxygen and cause it to become an antioxidant.


23) Sodium (Na), atomic number 11, has a tendency to lose an electron in the presence of chlorine. After losing the electron, Na has ________ protons in its nucleus. A) 11 B) 21 C) 12 D) 22 E) 10


25) The nucleus of a eukaryotic cell is characterized by A) a double membrane. B) a nonporous membrane. C) a single-layered membrane. D) a triple-layer membrane.


29) What type of bond is easily disrupted in aqueous solutions (one in which the solvent is water)? A) Ionic B) Polar covalent C) Covalent


31) All of the following are examples of adaptations EXCEPT A) mice learning a maze to get food. B) insects that resemble twigs. C) larger teeth in beavers for gnawing wood. D) flower coloration that attracts pollinators. E) different beak shapes for birds that eat seeds or insects.


35) The hydrogen bond between two water molecules forms because water is A) polar. B) a small molecule. C) a large molecule. D) hydrophobic. E) nonpolar


4) Phosphorus has an atomic number of 15, so what is the distribution of its electrons? A) The first energy level has 2, the second has 8, and the third has 5. B) The first energy level has 8 and the second has 7. C) The first, second, and third energy levels have 5 electrons each. D) The first energy level has 2 and the second has 13. E) The electron arrangement cannot be determined from the atomic number alone.


46) A neutral solution A) has equal amounts of H+ and OH-. B) has no H+. C) is hydrophobic. D) has no OH-. E) has a pH of 0.


54) Of the following levels of organization, Archaea have A) atoms and molecules. B) atoms, molecules, and organs. C) organs only. D) atoms only. E) molecules only.


56) In which kingdom does a multicellular, eukaryotic, photosynthetic organism belong? A) Plantae B) Animalia C) Protists D) Fungi


6) The scientific method includes all of the following EXCEPT A) a testable theory. B) a hypothesis. C) an observation. D) conclusions. E) experimentation.


61) A cell that lacks organelles is a(n) A) prokaryotic cell. B) member of the Kingdom Plantae. C) animal cell. D) eukaryotic cell.


69) Photosynthetic bacteria are examples of autotrophs. A) True B) False


7) Iron is an important element in human body cells. If iron has an atomic number of 26, what does this tell you about this element? A) An iron atom has 26 protons. B) An iron atom has 13 protons and 13 neutrons. C) An iron atom has 13 electrons and 13 protons. D) An iron atom is unable to become an isotope.


7) Which of the following reactions is an example of dehydration synthesis? A) Glucose + galactose → lactose B) Cellulose → glucose C) Fat → fatty acids + glycerol D) Glycogen → glucose subunits E) Peptide → alanine + glycine


72) When water freezes, stable hydrogen bonds form between the water molecules that create an open, six-sided (hexagonal) arrangement. A) True B) False


9) A scientific explanation that is conditional and requires more investigation is called a(n) A) hypothesis. B) fact. C) theory. D) observation. E) control.


A mutation is a A) change in the DNA sequence. B) defective egg or sperm cell. C) physical deformity, such as the loss of a limb. D) dose of radiation


An organism's ability to detect stimuli from either the internal or external environment is called A) responsiveness. B) mutation. C) DNA. D) evolution. E) natural selection.


50) What do carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins have in common? A) All are important enzymes that function within the cell. B) Covalent bonding holds these molecules together. C) Polymers of these organic molecules form monomers via dehydration synthesis reactions. D) All are inorganic molecules.


53) Hydrophilic molecules A) are repelled by water. B) readily dissolve in water. C) form hydrogen bonds among themselves. D) do not readily dissolve in water. E) are neutral and nonpolar.


57) A basic difference between a prokaryotic cell and a eukaryotic cell is that the prokaryotic cell A) lacks DNA. B) lacks a nucleus. C) is considerably larger. D) is structurally more complex. E) possesses membrane-bound organelles.


63) The specific heat of water is 10 times greater than that of iron. You place a metal pot full of water on the stove to heat it up. You touch the metal handle of the pot when the water is still only lukewarm. Which of the following best describes what happens? A) You determine that metal pots full of water produce acids and bases. B) You burn your finger and pull your hand away from the hot metal handle. C) You find that both the water and the handle are the same temperature. D) You find that the handle is cooler than the water in the pot


7) All cells possess all of the following components EXCEPT A) a plasma cell membrane. B) a nuclear membrane. C) cytoplasm. D) genetic material (DNA or RNA). E) ribosomes.


70) Prokaryotic cells have a true nucleus and eukaryotic cells do not. A) True B) False


71) A nucleotide is made of a A) phospholipid, sugar, and nitrogenous base. B) phosphate, sugar, and nitrogenous base. C) phospholipid, sugar, and protein. D) phosphate, protein, and nitrogenous base.


77) Phospholipids have hydrophilic tail regions and hydrophobic head regions. A) True B) False


90) All animals need oxygen gas (O2) for their primary cellular-level functioning. Inside the cell, O2 is split apart into oxygen atoms. Eventually, electrons that are flowing through the cell will be "received" by this oxygen. But first, the electrons combine with protons present in the cell to form a basic element that has a single proton and a single electron. Then this element combines with the oxygen to form a certain chemical compound. In this scenario, what chemical compound is produced when this element combines with oxygen? A) Bicarbonate (HCO3) B) Water (H2O) C) Ozone (O3) D) Carbon dioxide (CO2)


A scientific theory A) will never be changed. B) is a general explanation for natural phenomena. C) is an educated guess. D) is less reliable than a hypothesis.


33) The variation among individuals, on which natural selection acts, describes A) random occurrences in the lifetimes of individuals. B) physical training and exercise. C) genetic differences. D) nutritional differences.


18) Free radicals contain unpaired electrons in their outermost energy shell, so they react readily with other atoms or molecules to reach a more stable state. Which of the following could potentially be a free radical? A) Neon (atomic number 10) B) Helium (atomic number 2) C) Fluorine (atomic number 9) D) Magnesium (atomic number 12)


21) Which of the following best explains why a particular atom may not form compounds easily? A) The atom has no electrons. B) The atom has seven electrons in its outer shell. C) The atom's outer energy shells are completely full. D) The atom has an uneven number of protons.


26) The atomic number of hydrogen is 1. Based on this fact, all of the following must be true of hydrogen gas (H2) EXCEPT that it A) shares one pair of electrons between the two hydrogen atoms. B) uses covalent bonds to form the molecule. C) is a polar molecule. D) is a stable molecule.


3) The atomic number of an atom is defined as the A) total number of energy shells. B) number of electrons in the outermost energy level. C) number of protons in the atomic nucleus. D) total number of electrons and neutrons. E) number of neutrons in the atomic nucleus.


Which of these would be an example of a NON-scientific study? A) People are immunized with different vaccines to determine their relative effectiveness against the flu virus. B) A company uses different advertising methods for a product to determine which one produces the most sales. C) Consumers are asked which tomato variety produces the best-tasting spaghetti sauce. D) A study determines differences in the species composition in two parks. E) NASA sends tadpoles up in the space shuttle to see how gravity affects their development.


6) Imagine that you have been hired as a chemist and your first task is to examine a newly discovered atom. The paperwork you are given states that its atomic number is 110. What does this mean? A) The atom contains 55 electrons. B) The atom is an isotope. C) The atom contains 55 protons and 55 neutrons. D) The atom contains 110 protons.


64) You drop a handful of common table salt into a glass of water. Which of the following best describes what is happening inside the glass at the molecular level? A) Sodium and chloride ions form a covalent bond. B) The positively charged hydrogen ends of the water molecules are attracted to sodium ions. C) Water and sodium form a covalent bond. D) The positively charged hydrogen ends of the water molecules are attracted to chloride ions.


8) Carbon-14 is often used for carbon dating, where scientists measure the rate of carbon-14 decay to determine the age of items. Carbon-14 contains six protons and eight neutrons. During the process of carbon-14 decay, one of its eight neutrons becomes a proton and an electron is emitted. Which of the following is the best explanation of what has occurred? A) An ionic bond has formed. B) The resulting atom has a more stable nucleus. C) The resulting atom is still carbon-14. D) The resulting atom is now a different element because the number of protons has changed.


Suppose an organism has an enzyme that repairs changes in its DNA. The result is a decrease in mutations. This trait would definitely influence the organism's ability to A) maintain homeostasis. B) move. C) obtain energy. D) evolve.


Which of the following is FALSE about scientific theories? A) They are developed by inductive reasoning. B) They are used to support observations using deductive reasoning. C) They can be either supported or modified by new observations. D) They are firmly established and cannot be refuted. E) They have been thoroughly tested.


Which of the following is an example of a natural cause? A) Maggots appear spontaneously on rotting meat. B) Mice arise from discarded garbage. C) If you sneeze, you will die. D) Epilepsy is a disease caused by uncontrolled firing of nerve cells in the brain.


15) The carbohydrate in DNA is A) phosphate. B) glucose. C) ribose. D) cellulose. E) deoxyribose.


2) If you examined the human body on a chemical composition basis, which of the following combinations of elements would be most common? A) C, N, Ca, S B) C, H, Ca, Cl C) O, C, N, Na D) O, C, P, S E) O, C, H, N


24) Carbon has atomic number 6. Carbon most likely A) shares neutrons. B) shares protons. C) loses protons. D) loses electrons. E) shares electrons.


38) Which of the following is a characteristic of living organisms? A) Have membrane-bound organelles B) Have a nucleus C) Eat other organisms D) Ability to produce energy E) Maintenance and regulation of internal conditions


39) All of the following are true of all living organisms EXCEPT that they A) respond to stimuli. B) are made of cells. C) can reproduce themselves. D) can grow. E) possess either DNA or RNA.


52) The fact that salt dissolves in water is best explained by the A) hydrophobic nature of the water. B) hydrophobic nature of salt. C) slightly charged nature of water molecules. D) ionic nature of water molecules. E) polar nature of water molecules.


90) A 57-year-old woman was admitted to a hospital with an infected toe, and the infection was spreading rapidly. The damage was being caused by an unknown microorganism that could not be cultured in the lab. Doctors observed that antibiotics, which kill only prokaryotes, were ineffective. They suspected that the microbe was a fungus, so they tried the drug Amphotericin, which targets the ergosterols in fungal cells. Because animal cells contain cholesterols, not ergosterols, they are unaffected by the drug. Shortly after receiving Amphotericin, the patient improved, her infection ceased, and she was released from the hospital. In this scenario, what was the hypothesis? A) The infection will spread rapidly. B) A microbe that has cholesterol is causing the infection. C) Why didn't the antibiotics kill the microbe that caused the infection? D) If the infection is caused by an animal, then Amphotericin will cure the patient. E) Antibiotics will not kill the microbe because it is a fungal species.


A carefully formulated scientific explanation that is based on extensive observations and is in accord with scientific principles is called a A) control. B) hypothesis. C) postulate. D) fact. E) theory.


Suppose you are testing a treatment for AIDS patients and find that 75% respond well, whereas 25% show no improvement or a decline in health. You should A) conclude that you have proven the effectiveness of the drug. B) discontinue experimentation with this treatment because 25% of patients did not improve. C) conclude that only 75% of AIDS patients should be treated. D) begin work on developing a new drug. E) review the results, modify the drug or the dosage, and repeat the experiment.


87) Describe at least two cellular-level differences between a photosynthetic prokaryote and a plant.

The prokaryote does not have any membrane-bound organelles (including a nucleus), but the plant (being a eukaryote) does. The prokaryote is unicellular, whereas the plant is multicellular.

80) Photosynthetic plants are considered "self-feeders," or ________.


1) Scientific inquiry is based on A) stories that are passed down through generations. B) natural causes. C) cultural biases or traditions. D) information found in a gossip magazine.


84) RNA differs from DNA in that RNA contains the sugar ________.


73) A group of individuals who are able to interbreed, regardless of their geographical location, is defined as a(n) ________.


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