Biology 160 Quiz 1

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complementary base pairing

A, T, C, G

chemical symbol and number of unpaired electrons in the valence shell for the six most abundant elements found in organisms

Carbon -C (4 electrons) Nitrogen N (3) Phosphorus -P (3) Oxygen - O (2) Sulfur- S (2) Hydrogen- H (1)

Which of the following is NOT one of the FBIs? Cells Evolution Structure and Function Systems


Catalyzes the joining of Okazaki fragments

DNA ligase

Removes the RNA primer and replaces it with DNA

DNA polymerase I

Synthesizes the daughter strands

DNA polymerase III

Reaction that links monomer molecules, releasing a water molecule for each bond formed

Dehydration synthesis

Populations of organisms and their cellular components have changed over time through both selective and non-selective evolutionary processes.


The leading strand is synthesized in the 5' --> 3' direction, and the lagging strand is synthesized in the 3' --> 5' direction


If one strand of a DNA molecule is 5' CATCGA 3' , then the complementary strand would be 3' ____________ 5'



Have 2 negative charges, stores energy(PO4 3-)

What type of bond forms between adjacent water molecules? Polar covalent Nonpolar covalent Hydrogen Ionic


Which of these bonds is the weakest? Nonpolar covalent Polar covalent Hydrogen Ionic


Reaction that causes breakdown of larger molecules into smaller molecules by utilizing water


Information (DNA, for example) and signals are used and exchanged within and among organisms to direct their functioning.

Information Flow, Exchange, and Storage

Which of the following FBIs is the "capable of reproduction" characteristic of life being related to in the following example? During reproduction, the information stored in DNA is passed from one generation to the next generation. Information Flow, Exchange, and Storage Structure and Function Evolution Pathways and Transformations of Energy and Matter

Information Flow, Exchange, and Storage

the role of electrons in forming ionic, nonpolar covalent, polar covalent, and hydrogen bonds

Ionic -the attraction between oppositely charged atoms after an electron is transferred from one atom to the other atom allowing both atoms to complete their outer shells Nonpolar covalent- when the two atoms sharing electrons are equally electronegative Polar covalent -when one of the atoms sharing electrons is more electronegative than the other atom Hydrogen bonds -the attraction between an atom with a partial positive charge and an atom with a partial negative charge


Nonpolar -CH3

Which of the following DNA repair mechanisms repairs thymine dimers? Base excision repair Proofreading Nucleotide excision repair Mismatch repair

Nucleotide excision repair

All living things acquire, use, and release and cycle matter and energy for cellular / organismal functioning.

Pathways and Transformations of Energy and Matter

Order the steps of the process of science Read peer-reviewed literature


If a segment of double-stranded DNA contains 20% guanine, it will contain ______% adenine.


Order the steps of the process of science Form a hypothesis and make a prediction


Order the steps of the process of science Conduct an experiment


Order the steps of the process of science Analyze the results


Order the steps of the process of science Make conclusions


Order the steps of the process of science Publish results in a peer-reviewed journal



A homogeneous mixture of two or more substances


A logical statement about what will happen if the hypothesis is correct.

hydroxide ion

A negatively charged ion made of oxygen and hydrogen. OH-


A substance composed of molecules consisting of atoms of at least two different elements

Order the steps of the process of science Make an observation


Order the steps of the process of science Ask a question



A substance that is dissolved in a solution.

deoxyribonucleotide (DNA)

A, G, C, T

ribonucleotide (RNA)

A, G, C, U

electron shell

An energy level representing the distance of an electron from the nucleus of an atom.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of life? Maintain internal conditions Grow and develop Consist of multiple cells Respond to stimuli

Consist of Multiple Cells

Catalyzes the breaking of hydrogen bonds between base pairs



Polar, acts as weak acids(OH-)

specific heat

The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance by 1 degree celcius


The opposite arrangement of the sugar-phosphate backbones in a DNA double helix.


a substance capable of dissolving another substance

heat of vaporization

high amount of energy required to for liquid to water to turn into water vapor


Polar, link together via disulfide bonds (-SH)


Polar, sites that link molecules into more complex compounds (C=O)

Catalyzes the synthesis of the RNA primer


Which level of structure in DNA and RNA is formed by hydrogen bonding between nitrogenous bases? Quaternary Primary Secondary Tertiary


Stabilizes the single-stranded DNA

Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins( SSBP's)

All living systems (organisms, ecosystems, etc.) are made of structural components whose arrangement determines the function of the systems.

Structure and Function

Living systems are interconnected, and they interact and influence each other on multiple levels


semiconservative replication

The process in which the DNA molecule uncoils and separates into two strands. Each original strand becomes a template on which a new strand is constructed, resulting in two DNA molecules identical to the original DNA molecule.

lagging strand

The strand that is synthesized in fragments using individual sections called Okazaki fragments

Which of the following is NOT a nitrogenous base found in RNA? Uracil Thymine Adenine Guanine Cytosine


Breaks and rejoins the DNA double helix to relieve tension


A hypothesis is a suggested explanation for an observation that can be tested.


In plants, water is transported from the roots to the leaves. What property of water explains how plants are able to transport water over a large distance? Water is denser as a liquid than as a solid Water has a high capacity for absorbing energy Water is a common solvent for ions and polar molecules Water molecules are cohesive

Water molecules are cohesive

hydrogen ion

a positively charged ion (H+) formed of a hydrogen atom that has lost its electron


a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact.

What are the components of a nucleotide? a sugar, an amino acid, and a nitrogenous base a sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base a sugar, a sulfate group, and a pyrimidine a sugar, a sulfate group, and a purine

a sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base


a suggested explanation for an event, which one can test


a tested and confirmed explanation for observations or phenomena

nonpolar covalent bond

a type of covalent bond that forms between atoms when electrons are shared equally between them

hydrogen bond

a weak bond between slightly positively charged hydrogen atoms and slightly negatively charged atoms in other molecules


acts as a base (NH2)


acts as an acid (COOH)

An ionic bond involves _________. the unequal sharing of an electron pair an attraction between ions of opposite charges an attraction between atoms with opposite partial charges the sharing of a single pair of electrons

an attraction between ions of opposite charges

Ph scale

anything below 7.0 is acidic (0.0-6.9) and anything about 7.0 is basic (7.1-14.0)


atom or chemical group that does not contain equal numbers of protons and electrons.


attraction between water molecules and other molecules

defects in DNA repair systems leads to an increased risk of developing cancer by

cancerous cells have accumulated mutations that allow them to divide uncontrollably, invade surrounding tissues, and spread to various parts of the body


chain of monomer residues that is linked by covalent bonds; polymerization is the process of polymer formation from monomers by condensation

Organic compounds

contain carbon, have at least one carbon-hydrogen bond

phosphodiester linkage

covalent chemical bond that holds together the polynucleotide chains with a phosphate group linking two pentose sugars of neighboring nucleotides


deoxynucleotide triphosphates: made up of a phosphate group, a deoxyribose sugar and a nitrogenous base.


describes ions or polar molecules that interact well with other polar molecules such as water


describes uncharged non-polar molecules that do not interact well with polar molecules such as water

Recall Pasteur's experiment that provided support for the cell theory. The spontaneous generation hypothesis was rejected because cells ________. did not appear in the straight-neck flask did not appear in the swan-neck flask appeared in the swan-neck flask appeared in the straight-neck flask

did not appear in the swan-neck flask


double helical molecule that carries the cell's hereditary information

The tendency of an atom to pull electrons toward itself is referred to as its _____. electronegativity ionic potential polarity covalency



enzyme that contains a catalytic part and an inbuilt RNA template; it functions to maintain telomeres at chromosome ends


function of DNA pol in which it reads the newly added base before adding the next one

cell theory

idea that all living things are composed of cells, cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things, and new cells are produced from existing cells


intermolecular forces between water molecules caused by the polar nature of water; responsible for surface tension

inorganic compounds

lacks C-H bonds

Water is polar and can form hydrogen bonds Water is an excellent solvent. Water has high heat capacity. Water has high heat of vaporization. Water has cohesive and adhesive properties. Water is less dense as a solid than as a liquid

match with different scenarios during quiz


molecule that donates hydrogen ions and increases the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution


molecule that donates hydroxide ions or otherwise binds excess hydrogen ions and decreases the hydrogen ions' concentration in a solution


molecule that is result of chemical reaction


molecule that takes part in a chemical reaction

polar molecule

molecule with an unequal distribution of charge, resulting in the molecule having a positive end and a negative end


monomer of nucleic acids made up of a 5-carbon sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base


negative ion that is formed by an atom gaining one or more electrons


one of 118 unique substances that cannot break down into smaller substances; each element has unique properties and a specified number of protons


one or more forms of an element that have different numbers of neutrons

The 7 fundamental characteristics of life

order, sensitivity or response to the environment, reproduction, adaptation/evolution, growth and development, regulation/homeostasis, energy processing.

valence shell

outermost shell of an atom

Draw two molecules of water and label all of the polar covalent and hydrogen bonds

polar covalent is bond between O and H within one molecule, hydrogen is bond between the two molecules


positive ion that is formed by an atom losing one or more electrons


reaction that causes breakdown of larger molecules into smaller molecules by utilizing water

dehydration synthesis

reaction that links monomer molecules together, releasing a molecule of water for each bond formed


repeating nucleotide at the ends of DNA molecules that do not form genes and help prevent the loss of genes

sliding clamp

ring-shaped protein that holds the DNA pol on the DNA strand


scale ranging from zero to 14 that is inversely proportional to the hydrogen ions' concentration in a solution

DNA undergoes _______. directional replication semiconservative replication dispersive replication conservative replication

semiconservative replication


short stretch of nucleotides that is required to initiate replication; in the case of replication, the primer has RNA nucleotides


single-stranded often internally base paired molecule that is involved in protein synthesis


smallest unit of larger molecules called polymers


substance that resists changes in pH by absorbing or releasing hydrogen or hydroxide ions

surface tension

tension at the surface of a body of liquid that prevents the molecules from separating; created by the attractive cohesive forces between the molecules of the liquid


the ability of some elements to attract electrons (often of hydrogen atoms), acquiring partial negative charges in molecules and creating partial positive charges on the hydrogen atoms

ionic bond

the attraction between oppositely charged atoms after an electron is transferred from one atom to the other atom allowing both atoms to complete their outer shells

leading strand

the new complementary DNA strand synthesized continuously along the template strand toward the replication fork in the mandatory 5' to 3' direction

daughter strand

the newly made stand in DNA replication

parental strand

the original strand in DNA replication

mass number

the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom

atomic number

total number of protons in an atom


two or more atoms chemically bonded together

nucleotide excision repair

type of DNA repair mechanism in which the wrong base, along with a few nucleotides upstream or downstream, are removed

polar covalent bond

type of covalent bond that forms as a result of unequal sharing of electrons, resulting in the creation of slightly positive and slightly negative charged regions of the molecule


type of nitrogenous base in DNA and RNA; adenine and guanine are purines


type of nitrogenous base in DNA and RNA; cytosine, thymine, and uracil are pyrimidines

mismatch repair

type of repair mechanism in which mismatched bases are removed after replication

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