Biology Final Exam

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After observing that fish live in clean water but not in polluted water, researchers state that "polluted water kills fish." Scientifically, this statement is an example of a(n) hypothesis. result. observation. fact. opinion


Refer to the table showing four traits for five different hypothetical pairs of salamanders. All other things being equal, which species pair would likely form the most narrow hybrid zone? A and B C and D E and F G and H I and J

I and J

Which DNA analysis method measures DNA repeats? SNP analysis PCR Allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridization STR analysis Allele-specific cleavage

STR analysis

In a species of beetles, males that have large horns are better able to fight off other males for access to females. This is an example of _______ selection. intrasexual purifying disruptive intersexual stabilizing


Bacteria add ________ to their DNA to protect it from their own restriction enzymes. carboxyl groups uracil phenyl groups enzymes methyl groups

methly groups

Within a double-stranded DNA molecule, an A on one strand is paired with a G on the other. Which DNA repair mechanism would most likely correct this error? Ligase Proofreading Excision Mismatch Template


Water has a high specific heat because its molecular weight is low. its molecules can form hydrogen bonds with one another. it contains oxygen. it is found in abundance in biological systems. it can assume gas, liquid, and solid states.

molecules can form from hydrogen bonds with one another

A solution with pH 9 contains more H+ ions than OH- ions. the same number of OH- ions and H+ ions. only H- ions. no OH- ions. more OH- ions than H+ ions.

more OH- ions than H+ ions

A certain mutation frequently causes a chromosome of a cell line to become detached from the spindle. The most likely consequence of this mutation is that _______ cells will be stopped at the _______ checkpoint. more; G1 more; G2 fewer; G1 more; M fewer; M

more; M

You are a biologist going to an island that few scientists have studied. You will most likely be able to first distinguish species based on the _________ species concept. Having a computer and rudimentary lab permits you to analyze DNA samples collected and compare them with known species. This will allow you to also make inferences about species based on the _________ species concept. lineage; biological biological; lineage morphological; lineage biological; morphological morphological; biological

morphological; lineage

All of the following are examples of potential energy except electrical potential difference. concentration gradients. chemical bonds. muscle contractions. electrical charge imbalance.

muscle contractions.

If the exchange of allele b1 for b2 at the b locus does not affect the fitness of individuals, these alleles can be considered _______ alleles. beneficial deleterious neutered selected neutral


A nucleotide contains a pentose sugar, a phosphate group, and a(n) acid. glycerol. lipid. amino acid. nitrogen-containing base.

nitrogen containing base

Each of the amino acids has a fundamental structure composed of a central carbon (the alpha carbon) bonded to two hydrogen atoms, one carboxyl group, and one R group. one hydrogen atom, one carboxyl group, an amino group, and one R group. one hydrogen atom, two carboxyl groups, and one R group. one hydrogen atom, one carboxyl group, and two R groups.

one hydrogen atom, one carboxyl group, an amino group, and one R group.

The major factor limiting cell size is the composition of the cell membrane. ratio of surface area to volume. volume of water in the cytoplasm. need for energy. presence of membrane-enclosed organelles.

ratio of surface area to volume.

Predict which reactions are most likely to be coupled to ATP hydrolysis in a cell. Reactions 2 and 3 Reactions 2, 3, and 4 Reactions 1 and 4 Reactions 1 and 2 Reactions 1, 2, and 4

reactions 1 and 4

According to its scientific definition, a theory is a supposition. largely a matter of guesswork. an estimate. based on a large body of knowledge. a hypothesis.

based on a large body of knowledge

The end products of glycolysis are pyruvate, ATP, and NAD+. acetyl CoA, ATP, and NADH. acetyl CoA, ATP, and NAD+. pyruvate, ATP, and CO2. pyruvate, ATP, and NADH.

pyruvate, ATP, and NADH.

Two species of narrowmouth toads in the United States have mating calls that differ more in their region of sympatry than in those parts of their ranges that do not overlap. If this difference in their vocalizations has the function of preventing hybridization between the two species, it is an example of a postzygotic reproductive barrier. a hybrid zone. an adaptive radiation. reinforcement. sympatric speciation.


Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that humans must acquire from their diets. Within the small intestine, vitamin B12 is taken up by receptor-mediated endocytosis as shown in the figure. The protein labeled IF binds to vitamin B12 molecules in the intestinal lumen, forming a complex. This complex is recognized by the IF receptor present on intestinal cells and stimulates endocytosis when it binds. Vitamin B12 by itself does not bind to the receptor. Individuals known to carry a mutation in either the IF protein or the IF receptor are represented in the table, along with observations about whether symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency are present. If a drug molecule could be produced that would bind to vitamin B12 and stimulate uptake by intestinal cells, which individual(s) would be expected to benefit, based on the information given? Individual 1 only Individual 2 only Individual 3 only Individuals 1 and 2 only Individuals 2 and 3 only

individual 2 only

The "central dogma of molecular biology" states that information flow in a cell is unidirectional, from protein to DNA. the genetic code is ambiguous but not degenerate. the DNA sequence of a gene can be predicted if we know the amino acid sequence of the protein it encodes. information flow between DNA, RNA, and protein is reversible. information flow in a cell is unidirectional, from DNA to protein.

information flow in a cell is unidirectional, from DNA to protein.

Which property is shared by all members of the lipid class? Hydrophilic Insoluble in water Very high melting point Liquid at room temperature

insoluble in water

Tough ropelike molecules that anchor cell structures in place and resist tension are called microtubules. microfilaments. intermediate filaments. cilia. motor proteins.

intermediate filaments

A typical complete eukaryotic cell cycle consists of interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis. mitosis and meiosis. G1, the S phase, and G2. prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. meiosis and fertilization.

interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis.

The compound shown in the figure is a lipid. Based on its structure, it is most likely a ________. steroid wax fatty acid polysaccharide Radiant energy capture


H2SO4 can ionize completely to yield two H+ ions and one SO42- ion. H2SO4 is therefore a strong base. strong acid. weak acid. buffer. weak base.

strong acid

During glycolysis, the enzyme-catalyzed transfer of a phosphate groups to ADP molecules to form ATP is called an oxidation-reduction reaction. oxidation. oxidative phosphorylation substrate-level phosphorylation reduction.

substrate-level phosphorylation

The water strider can walk on water because of a property called cohesion. specific heat. heat of vaporization. adhesion. surface tension.

surface tension

Three populations of mice (A, B, and C) are surveyed for their population sizes, degree of genetic variation among them (in standardized units), and their average body size (in grams). The table below shows the results. Which population is least likely to cope with challenges over the long-term, and why? A, because it has the largest population B, because it is the smallest B, because it has the least amount of genetic variation C, because it is the largest C, because it has the greatest amount of genetic variation

B, because it has the least amount of genetic variation

Which type of plant increases the concentration of CO2 around the rubisco enzyme prior to carbon fixation by rubisco? C4 CAM C3 Plants that undergo photorespiration Plants that undergo cellular respiration


In which type of plants, when exposed to light and CO2, is a four-carbon compound (oxaloacetate) the first carbon-containing product of carbon fixation? C4 and CAM plants C4 plants, only C3 and C4 plants C3 plants, only CAM plants, only

C4 and CAM plants

The letter _______ labels the transition state, and the free energy change for this reaction has a _______ value. D; negative B; positive C; negative C; positive B; negative

C; positive

Refer to the figure showing the genetic code. Which single-base substitution in the coding strand of DNA would result in premature termination of translation? CAA to CAG CCT to CCC CGA to UGA TTC to ATC CTG to CTT


Refer to the following phylogenetic tree. Which grouping would represent a polyphyletic taxon? A, B & C B, C, E & F G & H E, F & G

B, C, E & F

Hair and some intermediate filaments are composed of microtubules. collagen. microfilaments. proteoglycans. keratin.


A statistical test starts with a hypothesis. inductive logic. a null hypothesis. a model system. deductive logic.

Null hypothesis

If a population with two alleles is at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and the frequency of one allele is 0.7, what is the heterozygote frequency? 0.21 0.3 0.42 0.7 More information is required to answer this question.


The four nitrogenous bases of RNA are abbreviated as A, G, T, and N. G, C, U, and N. A, G, C, and U. A, G, U, and T. A, G, C, and T.

A, G, C, and U.

Which is a reason to use statistics to evaluate data? It facilitates the exclusion of data that do not fit your hypothesis. It enables you to predict experimental results. It accounts for variation in scientific measurements. It makes it possible to avoid having to consider the null hypothesis. It provides a way for proving that your hypothesis is correct.

- Accounts for variation in scientific measurements

Colony collapse disorder that has been decimating bee colonies was first reported around 2006. Massive numbers of honey bees were suddenly dying for unexplained reasons. Researchers have since discovered that major factors causing these die-offs are infestations by parasitic mites and pesticides used on crops. Which is the best explanation for how this information can be useful to agriculture? Knowing what kills bees could help people avoid being stung by bees. Knowing how to protect honey bees will help preserve an important food source for bears. Bees are beautiful insects, so learning how to preserve them for future generations is important. Knowing how to protect bees is important so that students can learn about social insects. Bees are major pollinators of crops, so it is important to know which pesticides to manage in order to avoid risk to bee survival.

- Bees are major pollinators of crops, so it is important to know pesticides to manage in order to avoid risk to bee survival

Refer to the table summarizing data collected during an investigation to determine the effects of lack of sleep on human problem-solving ability. Group 1 represents the ______ and Group 2 represents the ______ group in this investigation Hours of sleep Math problems solved correctly (%) Group 1 10 98 Group 2 2 72 experimental; control null; experimental experimental; second experimental control; experimental control; second control

- Control; experimental

Refer to the table. Groups of 50 house flies were kept in three chambers under the same conditions except for temperature. After 4 hours, the number of surviving flies in each chamber was counted and expressed as a percentage of the initial 50 flies. Incubation Temperature (°C) - 5 25 45 Survival (%) - 85 100 15 Which is the null hypothesis that would be developed when using statistics to analyze these results? Differences in genetic makeup can explain differences between individual flies in their ability to survive at extreme temperatures. Some flies are more able to survive extremes in temperature than other flies. No fly can survive equally well at all temperatures. Differences in percent survival at the different temperatures could be due to random variations in the samples. Temperature is not the only variable that can affect fly survival rate.

- Differences in percent survival at different temps. Could be due to random variations in samples

Several recent movies depict terrifying scenarios in which pathogenic bacteria or viruses kill most of the people they infect. Which statement best explains whether or not such a scenario such could actually occur and explains why? not possible, because the medical community has so much knowledge and capability that it can effectively suppress any pathogen in an infected individual. possible, because bacteria and viruses have such short life spans and large populations that they can quickly evolve new and very harmful characteristics. possible, because the more pathogenic a microbe is, the more likely it is to infect someone. not possible, because bacteria and viruses present on Earth today are not as virulent as they were in the past, when they caused so many human deaths. not possible, because modern medicine has developed vaccines that protect us from harmful pathogens.

- It is possible, because bacteria and viruses have short life spans and large populations that they can quickly evolve new and very harmful characteristics

For many years, scientists have been debating whether to totally eradicate mosquitoes from the planet. The main reason for eliminating all mosquitoes is that they carry pathogens that cause diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, and Zika virus disease. Listed below are characteristics of mosquitoes. Which could be argued as a reason why totally eradicating these insects would have a negative impact? Mosquitoes inhabit regions that are warm, temperate, or cold, including the Arctic. Mosquitoes are the primary pollinators of some tropical crops such as cacao. Both male and female adult mosquitoes feed on plant nectar, but only females also feed on blood. Mosquitoes consume as much as 300 mL of blood per day from a single large animal in some areas of the world. Mosquitoes pass through a larval stage and a pupal stage, both of which are aquatic.

- Mosquitos are primary pollinators of some tropical crops such as cacao

Overfishing in the Atlantic bluefin tuna breeding ground has resulted in a serious decline in the tuna's population. In response, an international commission drew a line down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean with the intent of allowing western populations of bluefin tuna to recover by restricting fishing quotas in that hemisphere. Why did this policy fail to achieve the desired result? Tracking data showed that eastern and western bluefin tuna populations are geographically isolated in terms of their feeding grounds. Tracking data showed that the tuna's breeding ground is identical to its feeding ground. Tracking data showed that western bluefin tuna feed all across the Atlantic Ocean. All tuna caught on the western side of the line were from the eastern breeding population. No tuna caught on the eastern side of the line were from the western breeding population

- Tracking data showed that western bluefin tuna feed all across the Atlantic Ocean

Suppose you are a genetics counselor who is working with a 21-year-old pregnant woman who has just discovered that her father has Huntington's chorea, a rare dominant autosomal trait. This disease usually develops in middle age, so people carrying this trait do not find out they have this genetic disorder until midlife. What is the chance that she has Huntington's chorea? 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.75 1


Following a flood, migration from neighboring populations alters genotypic frequencies of a population of river bottom midges. Assuming that the conditions for Hardy-Weinberg subsequently will be met, how many generations of random mating will be required to restore the genotypic frequencies to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? 1 2 Between 3 and 10 Between 11 and 20 More than 20


Refer to the figure illustrating a set of experiments in which researchers treat plants in sunlight or in the dark, giving the plants water and carbon dioxide that is unlabeled or labeled with the isotope 18O. In which experiment(s) will the oxygen produced through photosynthesis be labeled with the isotope? 1, only 1 and 2 1 and 3 2, only 2 and 4

1 and 3

Refer to the figures representing nitrogenous bases found in the structures of RNA and DNA. The bases that can be grouped into the pyrimidines are shown in which numbered figures? 1 and 4 1, 4, and 5 3 and 5 2 and 3 1, 2, 3, and 4

1,4, and 5

A 1.0 × 10˗1 M solution of HCl has a pH of 1.0. 3.5. 7.0. 11.0. 14.0.


Which number cannot be a value for a probability? 0 0.56 0.794 0.96543 1.13


What fraction of offspring of the cross AaBb × AaBb would be homozygous for both the dominant alleles, assuming that they are on different chromosomes? 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/64


The optimum soil pH for growing strawberries is 6.5, whereas the optimum soil pH for growing blueberries is 4.5. Therefore, the number of hydrogen ions needed to grow blueberries is _________ times the number needed to grow strawberries. 2 10 100 1,000 1,000,000


A girl is born with a genetic defect. DNA analysis reveals that the defect is mitochondrial and is the result of a new mutation, not seen in either parent. What is the probability that she will pass this trait on to her first child, assuming that the father of the child is unaffected? 0 percent 25 percent 50 percent 75 percent 100 percent

100 percent

A restriction enzyme cuts a 25,700 bp segment of DNA into three fragments: fragment A is 5,800 bp; fragment B is 6,600 bp; and fragment C is _________ bp. Fragment _________ will move the farthest in an electrophoresis gel. 12,400; A 12,400; C 13,300; A 13,300; C 19,900; C

13,300; A

Polyploidy can result in complete reproductive isolation in a minimum of _______ generation(s). 1 2 3 4-10 11-100


Refer to the figure illustrating the chemical structure of DNA. Which label corresponds to a deoxyribose sugar? 1 2 3 4 5


Which substances in the table can be predicted to pass, via simple diffusion, across a biological membrane? 2, 3, 5 2, 3, 4, 7 2, 3, 5, 7 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


A cell in G2 has 4.8 pg of nuclear DNA. In G1, this cell had _______ pg of nuclear DNA. 0.5 1.2 2.4 4.8 7.2


If 28 percent of the bases in a sample of DNA are T, _______ percent must be G. 11 14 22 24 28


Refer to the figure showing DNA strands. Which letter refers to an Okazaki fragment? A B C D E


Mendel performed a cross between two individuals, each heterozygous for three different traits controlled by unlinked genes: Green versus yellow seeds (green is dominant), red versus white flowers (red is dominant), and green versus yellow pods (green is dominant). What fraction of the offspring should have green seeds, red flowers, and green pods? 3/64 3/32 9/32 3/16 27/64


Refer to the table showing the results of yeast cells sequenced periodically to examine them for new mutations. What is the approximate mutation rate per generation for strain A? 3 6 14 43 59


If the codon is 5'-GAA-3', then the corresponding anticodon is 5'-GAA-3'. 3'-GAA-5'. 5'-CUU-3'. 3'-CUU-5'. 3'-CTT-5'.


A cell in G1 contains 18 chromosomes. That same cell in G2 would have 9 chromosomes. 36 chromosomes. 9 sister chromatids. 18 sister chromatids. 36 sister chromatids.

36 sister chromatids.

You discover a chicken that is monosomic with 77 chromosomes. You then test for the number of chromosomes in the sperm of a normal chicken. How many chromosomes would you expect to find in one of these sperm? 38 39 78 116 118


If a strand of mRNA has the sequence 5ʹ-CUGUCA...ACUC-3ʹ (with [...] representing the intervening sequence), what was the template strand of DNA used to produce this mRNA? 3ʹ-GACAGT...TGAG-5ʹ 5ʹ-CUGUCA...ACUC-3ʹ 3ʹ-CTGTCA...ACTC-5ʹ 3ʹ-GACAGU...UGAG-5ʹ 5ʹ-CTGTCA...ACTC-3ʹ


If a sequence in one strand of DNA is 5ʹ-AGCTGCTGA-3ʹ, what is the sequence in the complementary strand? (Include correct orientation.) 3ʹ-TCGACGACT-5ʹ 3ʹ-TCGATGACT-5ʹ 5ʹ-AGCTGCTGA-3ʹ 3ʹ-AGCTGCTGA-5ʹ 5ʹ-TCGACGACT-3ʹ


Order the four steps shown as they would occur, from beginning to end, during expression of a eukaryotic gene. (1) Pre-mRNA is processed to make mRNA. (2) Ribosomes translate the mRNA message to make proteins. (3) mRNA is transported to the cytoplasm. (4) DNA is used as a template to make pre-mRNA. 1 → 2 → 4 → 3 1 → 4 → 3 → 2 4 → 3 → 1 → 2 4 → 1 → 2 → 3 4 → 1 → 3 → 2

4 → 1 → 3 → 2

For the solution containing a buffer, the pH range with greatest buffering capacity is 2-4. 3-5. 4-6. 5-7. 6-8.


Whether a pea seed is round or wrinkled is due to a single Mendelian gene, with round seeds being dominant to wrinkled seeds. In the progeny of a test cross, _______ of 80 seeds should be round if the unknown round-seeded individual being tested is heterozygous. 0 20 40 60 80


mRNA is synthesized in the _______ direction, which corresponds to the _______ of the protein. 5ʹ-to-3ʹ; N terminus to C terminus 3ʹ-to-5ʹ; C terminus to N terminus 5ʹ-to-3ʹ; C terminus to N terminus 3ʹ-to-5ʹ; N terminus to C terminus Examples of all of the above have been found.

5ʹ-to-3ʹ; N terminus to C terminus

A PCR primer has the sequence 5′-ATTCCG-3′. This primer will bind to which template sequence? 5′-TAAGGC-3′ 5′-ATTCCG-3′ 5′-ACCTTA-3′ 5′-CGGAAT-3′ 5′-GCCTTA-3′


If n = 30 for a species of beetles, then a diploid cell would have a total of _______ chromosome(s). 1 15 30 60 90


A dominant allele (K) is necessary for normal hearing. A dominant allele (M) at a different, unlinked locus results in deafness no matter which other alleles are present. If a kkMm individual is crossed with a Kkmm individual, _________ percent of the offspring will be deaf. 0 25 50 67 75


Refer to the table representing a data matrix of nucleotide positions and species of beetles. Species F is known to be an outgroup to the five other beetle species. Of species A through E, which species is the sister taxon to all of the other four species? A B C D E


Refer to the figure showing two sexual life cycles. Chickens reproduce through a life cycle represented by diagram _______, the fertilized bird egg is _______, and the _______ stage develops into a multicellular embryo, which completes its development within the eggshell. A (diplontic); 1n; sporophyte A (diplontic); 2n; zygote A (diplontic); 1n; zygote B (haplontic); 1n; sporophyte B (haplontic); 2n; zygote

A (diplontic); 2n; zygote

Refer to the figure showing the two catalytic activities of rubisco in C3 plants. Which pair of conditions could be written into the diagram in place of conditions A and B? A = cool, moist with a high ratio of CO2 to O2; B = hot, dry with a low ratio of CO2 to O2 A = hot, dry with a low ratio of CO2 to O2; B = cool, moist with a high ratio of CO2 to O2 A = cool, moist with a low ratio of CO2 to O2; B = hot, dry with a high ratio of CO2 to O2 A = hot, dry with a high ratio of CO2 to O2; B = cool, moist with a high ratio of CO2 to O2 A = hot, dry with a high ratio of CO2 to O2; B = cool, moist with a low ratio of CO2 to O2

A = cool, moist with a high ratio of CO2 to O2; B = hot, dry with a low ratio of CO2 to O2

Refer to the figure How should the indicated parts of the diagram be labeled? A = glycoprotein, B = peripheral protein, C = cholesterol, D = phospholipid bilayer A = glycolipid, B = integral protein, C = oligosaccharide, D = phospholipid bilayer A = cholesterol, B = oligosaccharide, C = glycolipid, D = transmembrane protein A = glycolipid, B = glycoprotein, C = cholesterol, D = phospholipid bilayer A = glycoprotein, B = peripheral protein, C = glycolipid, D = fatty acid tails

A = glycolipid, B = glycoprotein, C = cholesterol, D = phospholipid bilayer

Which statement accurately describes the solutions surrounding the three cells shown in the figures, and in which case will there be a net flow of water out of the cell? A = hypotonic, B = isotonic, C = hypertonic, with net water flow outward from cell C A = hypertonic, B = hypotonic, C = isotonic, with net water flow outward from cell A A = isotonic, B = hypertonic, C = hypotonic, with net water flow outward from cell B A = hypertonic, B = isotonic, C = hypotonic, with net water flow outward from cell C A = hypotonic, B = hypotonic, C = hypertonic, with net water flow outward from cell A Solved

A = hypotonic, B = isotonic, C = hypertonic, with net water flow outward from cell C

Which letter(s) indicate(s) a pair of homologous chromosomes? A and D A and B B and C All of them

A and B

Refer to the table summarizing base sequences of homologous regions of DNA in four different organisms. According to these data, which two organisms would be separated by the largest distance on a phylogenetic tree? A and C D and A C and D B and C

A and C

Within a polypeptide chain is the following amino acid sequence, which reads in the N terminus to C terminus direction from left to right: Glycine-Tyrosine-Serine. Which statement about this polypeptide is true? A condensation reaction formed a peptide bond between the amino group of glycine and the carboxyl group of tyrosine. The polypeptide can become branched if the side chain of tyrosine reacts with a free amino acid to form a peptide bond. A molecule of water was released when the carboxyl group of tyrosine formed a peptide bond with the amino group of serine. A hydrolysis reaction occurred during peptide bond formation between the carboxyl group of glycine and the carboxyl group of tyrosine. The side chains or R groups of the amino acids in the sequence are covalently bonded to one another through peptide bonds.

A molecule of water was released when the carboxyl group of tyrosine formed a peptide bond with the amino group of serine.

Which scenario supports Garrod's one-gene, one-enzyme hypothesis of metabolic disease causation? ATCase, which catalyzes the first step in the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway, is a 12-subunit complex constructed of catalytic and regulatory chains. A blood disease is due to a recessive allele in one of two genes. The disease PKU is due to the failure to produce a functional variant of an enzyme. A neurological disease is due to a dominant allele in a single gene. Multiple genes contribute to the likelihood that a person will develop coronary heart disease.

A neurological disease is due to a dominant allele in a single gene.

Which is not required for transcription? RNA polymerase Helicase A DNA template Ribonucleoside triphosphate A primer

A primer

Which condition is most likely to lead to allopatric speciation? A highway dividing a population of deer A fire dividing a population of bats A river dividing a population of small, nonflying crickets A lake dividing a population of large butterflies A mudslide dividing a population of hawks

A river dividing a population of small, nonflying crickets

Refer to the table showing information about two reactions. From this information, it can be stated that reaction _______ is _______ because its ΔΔG is _______. A; exergonic; positive A; exergonic; negative B; exergonic; negative B; endergonic; negative

A; exergonic; negative

Suppose the DNA of a gene contains seven regions, A through G, in that order. Regions A, B, E, and G are located in exons, while regions C, D, and F are located in introns. What is the order of the regions in the mature mRNA transcribed from that sequence? AB ABEG ABEGCDF CDF ABCDEFG


Which DNA sequence forms a palindromic sequence? ACGT GTACGC TACT TACG GTCCCG


Rotenone is a potent inhibitor of mitochondrial complex I. If you were to treat isolated mitochondria with rotenone, what would happen to ATP production by oxidative phosphorylation? ATP production would increase, and electron transport would decrease. ATP production and electron transport would increase. ATP production and electron transport would decrease. ATP production would decrease, and electron transport would increase. ATP production would become uncoupled from electron transport.

ATP production and electron transport would decrease.

Which action would reverse the effects of a competitive inhibitor on an enzyme but not the effects of a noncompetitive or an irreversible inhibitor? Dilute the solution by adding more solvent. Add substrate. Heat the solution. Remove substrate. Add an allosteric activator.

Add substrate.

Which of the following is true of nitrogenous bases? Adenine and thymine are purines. Cytosine and thymine are purines. Adenine is the only purine. Cytosine is the only purine. Adenine and guanine are purines.

Adenine and guanine are purines.

In addition to Darwin, who do we credit for formulating the theory of evolution by natural selection? Jean-Baptiste Lamarck Alfred Russel Wallace Francis Crick David Hillis Gregor Mendel

Alfred Russel Wallace

Assume that blending inheritance, not particulate Mendelian inheritance, is operating in a life form. An individual with a tail that is 10 cm long is crossed with an individual that has a tail 2 cm long. Assuming that tail length is inherited and there is no environmental input, what would the expected tail length be in the F2 progeny? All individuals would have tails that are 10 cm long. All individuals would have tails that are 6 cm long. 9/16 would have tails that are 10 cm long, 6/16 would have tails that are 6 cm long, and 1/16 would have tails that are 2 cm long. 1/4 would have tails that are 10 cm long, 1/2 would have tails that are 6 cm long, and 1/4 would have tails that are 2 cm long. 3/4 would have tails that are 10 cm long, and 1/4 would have tails that are 2 cm long.

All individuals would have tails that are 6 cm long

Which statement about polyploidy is TRUE? Tetraploid and diploid plants of a given species can mate to produce viable, fertile triploid offspring. Allopolyploids are hybrid plants that result from the mating of two closely related species. Tetraploid plants can mate with other tetraploid plants of the same species complex, but not with themselves. Polyploid plants are usually less vigorous than diploid plants of the same species complex. It is rare in plants.

Allopolyploids are hybrid plants that result from the mating of two closely related species.

Which statement about evolution is false? An individual organism will evolve if subject to intense selection. Genetic drift can change the genetic makeup of populations over time. Nonrandom mating can change the genetic makeup of populations over time. Natural selection is one of several mechanisms of evolution. Populations evolve.

An individual organism will evolve if subject to intense selection.

Which mutation is least likely to be a frame-shift mutation? An insertion of six nucleotides An insertion of two nucleotides An insertion of ten nucleotides A deletion of four nucleotides A deletion of eight nucleotides

An insertion of six nucleotides

Which observation from Darwin's stay in the Galápagos Islands was most instrumental toward his eventual development of evolutionary theory? Animal species on the islands were endemic to the islands but were similar to species on the European mainland. Species of the temperate regions of South America were more similar to those of tropical South America than they were to temperate European species. Species of the temperate regions of South America were more similar to temperate European species than they were to those of tropical South America. A catastrophic earthquake could almost instantaneously wipe out many species. Animal species on the islands were endemic to the islands but were similar to species on the South American mainland.

Animal species on the islands were endemic to the islands but were similar to species on the South American mainland.

Why are frog calls generally more useful in phylogenetic analysis than bird songs? Frog calls are louder than bird songs. Bird songs tend to be genetically inherited, whereas frog calls tend to be culturally inherited. Bird songs are more complicated than frog calls, and thus they violate the principle of parsimony. Bird songs contain less information than frog calls. Bird songs tend to be culturally inherited, whereas frog calls tend to be genetically inherited.

Bird songs tend to be culturally inherited, whereas frog calls tend to be genetically inherited.

A suspension of yeast supplied with glucose as its source of energy was transferred from an aerobic environment to an anaerobic one. Which result would you predict for the rate of glucose utilization and the rate of ethanol production after the transfer? Assume that the yeast must expend the same amount of energy to survive in both environments. Glucose usage would increase, and ethanol production would decrease. Both glucose usage and ethanol production would increase. Glucose usage would not change, and ethanol production would increase. Glucose usage would decrease, and ethanol production would increase. Neither glucose usage nor ethanol production would change.

Both glucose usage and ethanol production would increase.

Refer to the table showing a list of loci of a mustard plant and the frequencies of their most common allele, at different points along geographic distances from a minefield. In which is there evidence of a cline? Locus A only Locus B only Locus C only Both loci A and B Both loci B and C

Both loci B and C

Unlike eukaryotic cells, the bacteria and archaea have evolved mechanisms that allow them to generate ATP anaerobically via fermentation or anaerobic cellular respiration. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT when comparing anaerobic cellular respiration to aerobic cellular respiration? Both pathways generate a proton gradient Both pathways generate ATP via oxidative phosphorylation. Both pathways utilize O2 as the final electron acceptor. Both pathways utilize ATP synthase. Both pathways utilize an electron transport chain.

Both pathways utilize O2 as the final electron acceptor.

Refer to the table summarizing similarities and differences between cyclic and noncyclic photophosphorylation. Which statement corrects an inaccuracy in this table? In noncyclic photophosphorylation, the excited electron returns to its pigment origin. Both types of photophosphorylation produce ATP via chemiosmosis. Both types of photophosphorylation produce NADPH as a product. Cyclic photophosphorylation uses photosystem II, not photosystem I. Both types of photophosphorylation require water as an electron donor and produce oxygen as a product.

Both types of photophosphorylation produce ATP via chemiosmosis.

In many bacteria Fe3+ is required at cellular concentrations that are much higher than that of the surrounding environment. How does a bacterium respond to this challenge? By creating more Fe3+ carrier proteins to increase diffusion rates across the cell membrane By using the Fe3+ concentration gradient to generate ATP By consuming ATP to move Fe3+ against its concentration gradient By using an Fe3+ ion antiporter rather than a symporter By relying on facilitated diffusion to transport Fe3+ across the membrane

By consuming ATP to move Fe3+ against its concentration gradient

Refer to the figure. A student is creating a diagram to illustrate the structure of water in an Arctic lake. The student has identified three zones of the lake to label. How should images A-C be labeled? C = Ice; B = warm water; A = cold water C = Ice; A = warm water; B = cold water B = Ice; A = warm water; C = cold water B = Ice; C = warm water; A = cold water A = Ice; C = warm water; B = cold water

C = Ice; A = warm water; B = cold water

In both oxygenic photosynthesis and anoxygenic photosynthesis, CO2 is the source of carbon for the synthesis of carbohydrates. H2S is converted to sulfur and water. H2O is the electron donor for photophosphorylation. O2 is a product. O2 is derived from H2O

CO2 is the source of carbon for the synthesis of carbohydrates.

Of the following list (oxygen, CO2, ATP, NADPH, and rubisco), the Calvin cycle uses __________ to produce glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P). CO2 only CO2, ATP, NADPH and rubisco NADPH only CO2 and oxygen oxygen only

CO2, ATP, NADPH and rubisco

Incidences of most forms of cancer increase with age. Which explanation is most plausible? Cancer usually requires several somatic mutations. Cancer involves deletions of different lengths. Cancer involves expanding triplet repeats. Cancer involves reciprocal translocations. Cancer is not a genetic disease.

Cancer usually requires several somatic mutations.

Which statement concerning chemical reactions and catalysts is true? Water functions as a catalyst in many biochemical conversions. Catalysts are necessary for life because they speed up biochemical reactions that would otherwise take too long to occur. Spontaneous chemical changes occur rapidly in aqueous solutions. In living systems, most chemical conversions do not involve catalysts. Lightning was a catalyst for polymerization of large molecules on early Earth.

Catalysts are necessary for life because they speed up biochemical reactions that would otherwise take too long to occur.

Refer to the figure. The villi of the small intestine are lined with epithelial cells that absorb nutrients from digested food on one side and transfer these nutrients into the blood on the other side. Cell A- 10 μm x 10 μm x 10 μm Cell B- 30 μm x 30 μm x 30 μm Which cell shown in the figure would be most efficient as an epithelial cell in the intestinal villi, and why? Cell B, because it has a greater volume than cell A Cell A, because its volume is greater than its surface area Cell B, because it has a greater surface area than cell A Cell A, because it has a larger surface area-to-volume ratio than cell B Cell B, because it has a larger overall size than cell A

Cell A, because it has a larger surface area-to-volume ratio than cell B

Five statements about cell membranes are given. Which statement can be used to explain the importance of the cell membrane to cell survival? The cell membranes of prokaryotes and eukaryotes have the same basic structure. Cell membranes are composed of a phospholipid bilayer embedded with proteins. The cell membrane is so small that it is best viewed with an electron microscope. Cell membranes are selectively permeable, admitting some materials, but rejecting others. The cell membrane expands or shrinks by the addition or removal of phospholipid molecules.

Cell membranes are selectively permeable, admitting some materials, but rejecting others.

Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is usually caused by the oncogene BCR/ABL. This abnormal gene is the product of the fusion of part of a BCR gene with part of an ABL gene. The resulting protein has unregulated tyrosine kinase activity. The BCR and ABL genes are normally found on two different chromosomes, respectively 22 and 9. What type of mutation is required to generate the BCR/ABL fusion gene? Chromosomal translocation Chromosomal inversions Chromosomal transitions Chromosomal deletion Chromosomal transversions

Chromosomal translocation

Which type of reaction is used to convert ADP and Pi to ATP? Hydrolysis Amination Deamination Condensation


Refer to the phylogenetic tree showing the phylogenetic relationships among eight species, red dots indicate the appearance of derived traits. The positions of which two taxa could be reversed without changing the meaning of the tree? Crocodile and pigeon Lamprey and chimpanzee Mouse and pigeon Lizard and salamander Crocodile and lizard

Crocodile and pigeon

Which is an example of necrosis rather than apoptosis? Destruction of cells with DNA errors Death of tissue due to destruction of blood vessels Removal of excess tissue during development Replacement of cells subject to regular damage Plants' hypersensitive response to wall off infectious agents

Death of tissue due to destruction of blood vessels

Which illustration below represents the attractive forces responsible for the movement of water in a single column from the roots of a tree up through the stem and into leaves?


Refer to the table summarizing base sequences of homologous regions of DNA in four different organisms. If A represents the outgroup and B, C, and D represent the ingroup under study, how would a phylogenetic tree be constructed to show the evolutionary relationships between B, C, and D? B branches off first, followed by C, and then D. D branches off first, followed by B, and then C. B branches off first, followed by D, and then C. C branches off first, followed by D, and then B.

D branches off first, followed by B, and then C.

Which is the correct order of function (from first to last) of the enzymes listed? DNA helicase, primase, DNA polymerase, DNA ligase DNA ligase, DNA polymerase, primase, DNA helicase Primase, DNA helicase, DNA polymerase, DNA ligase DNA helicase, DNA polymerase, primase, DNA ligase

DNA helicase, primase, DNA polymerase, DNA ligase

The first repair of mistakes during DNA replication is made by DNA polymerase. SOS repair. excision repair. post-replication repair. the mismatch repair system.

DNA polymerase.

Which event is required for cell division in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes? Replication of the ori site An intact ter site Formation of a new cell wall Binary fission DNA replication

DNA replication

Which nucleotides are used as raw materials in the synthesis of DNA? Ribonucleoside triphosphates Deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates Ribonucleoside diphosphates Ribonucleoside monophosphates Deoxyribonucleoside diphosphates

Deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates

When does crossing over occur? During prometaphase of mitosis During prophase of meiosis I During prophase of meiosis II During prophase in both meiosis I and meiosis II

During prophase of meiosis I

Which is the correct general equation for an enzyme-catalyzed reaction? [Note: Enzyme is represented by "E," substrate by "S," and product by "P."] P ⟶⟶ E + P ⟶⟶ EP ⟶⟶ S P + S ⟶⟶ E + P ⟶⟶ EP S ⟶⟶ E + P E + S ⟶⟶ ES ⟶⟶ E + P E ⟶⟶ S + P

E + S ⟶⟶ ES ⟶⟶ E + P

Which of the following would be expected as the result of polymerization reactions in which four monomers are linked to form a straight chain polymer? Energy is released and four water molecules are produced. Energy is consumed and four water molecules are consumed. Energy is released and three water molecules are produced. Energy is consumed and three water molecules are produced. Energy is released and three water molecules are consumed.

Energy is consumed and three water molecules are produced.

Which statement about mutations is true? Most mutations are advantageous. Environmental changes can make a previously neutral mutation advantageous. Mutations cannot change the genetic makeup of populations over time. Mutations usually decrease genetic variation within a population. Mutations tend to occur when an organism needs them.

Environmental changes can make a previously neutral mutation advantageous.

In humans, a widow's peak is caused by a dominant allele (W), and a continuous hairline is caused by a recessive allele (w). Short fingers are caused by a dominant allele (S), and long fingers are caused by a recessive allele (s). Suppose a woman with a continuous hairline and short fingers and a man with a widow's peak and long fingers have three children. One child has a widow's peak and short fingers, one has a widow's peak and long fingers, and one has a continuous hairline and long fingers. What are the genotypes of the parents? Female wwSs; male Wwss Female wwSs; male WWss Female WwSs; male WWss Female wwSS; male WWss Female WwSs; male WwSs

Female wwSs; male Wwss

Mature nerve cells that are incapable of cell division are most likely in G0. the S phase. G2. mitosis. meiosis.


Rank the following isolating mechanisms with respect to their time of occurrence in the life cycle, from earliest to latest. Low hybrid zygotic viability, gametic isolation, low hybrid adult viability Gametic isolation, low hybrid adult viability, low hybrid zygotic viability Gametic isolation, low hybrid zygotic viability, low hybrid adult viability Low hybrid adult viability, low hybrid zygotic viability, gametic isolation Low hybrid zygotic viability, low hybrid adult viability, gametic isolation

Gametic isolation, low hybrid zygotic viability, low hybrid adult viability

A student creates a table as a study guide for mastering her understanding of the biological roles of carbohydrates. Which statement about the table is true? Cellulose is important in energy storage but not as a structural component. Starch is important as a structural component but not in energy storage. Glycogen is important in energy storage but not in structural component. All table entries are accurate. Carbohydrate Biological Role Glucose Energy source; Carbon atom source for building new molecules Sucrose Energy source; Carbon atom source for building new molecules Glycogen Structural component Starch Energy storage Cellulose Structural component

Glycogen is important in energy storage but not in structural component.

Which structure is found only in plant cells? Cilium Mitochondrion Peroxisome Glyoxysome Nucleus


Refer to the table. Four different populations of an owl species were studied. Data were collected on population sizes and the frequencies of alleles for one gene. The gene is not known to be under any selective pressures. If genetic drift is the only mechanism operating to change these allele frequencies over time, which population can be expected to show the greatest change over time, and which can be expected to show the least change over time? Greatest change = A; least change = C Greatest change = B; least change = A Greatest change = D; least change = B Greatest change = C; least change = D

Greatest change = A; least change = C

Examine this phylogenetic tree of immunodeficiency viruses. Based on the figure, which statement about HIV is true? HIV-2 is more closely related to SIV from Sykes monkeys than it is to SIV from sooty mangabeys. All HIV variants in humans were derived from viruses in chimpanzees. The two forms of HIV arose from the same simian species. HIV-2 is more closely related to SIV from Sooty magabeys than it is to SIV from African green monkeys. HIV in humans forms a clade.

HIV-2 is more closely related to SIV from Sooty magabeys than it is to SIV from African green monkeys.

A farmer wants to improve the quality of meat from her pigs to improve her earnings. She breeds together one pig from a line of compact individuals with very moist and tasty meat to another pig from a line of larger individuals with relatively tough and stringy meat. Most of the offspring are even larger than the large parent, with even more tender meat. What genetic effect is in action here? Incomplete dominance Codominance Heterosis Inbreeding depression Epistasis


To determine whether DNA replication is semiconservative, conservative, or dispersive, Meselson and Stahl labeled E. coli DNA with a regimen of heavy nitrogen for one round of replication and then transferred these cells to a light nitrogen regimen for two more rounds of replication. Which statement would not have been true within the context of this experiment? If DNA replication was dispersive, only DNA molecules that were of intermediate density would have been seen. If DNA replication was conservative, no DNA molecules of intermediate density would have been seen. If DNA replication was semiconservative, the DNA molecules that were made would all be heavy. If DNA replication was semiconservative, the DNA molecules would consist of one parental strand base paired to one newly replicated strand. If DNA replication was semiconservative, a higher proportion of DNA molecules from future divisions would have been light.

If DNA replication was semiconservative, the DNA molecules that were made would all be heavy.

_______ proteins are embedded in biological membranes, while _______ proteins are associated with surface regions of biological membranes. Extracellular; peripheral Peripheral; extracellular Transmembrane; integral Cytoskeletal; integral Integral; peripheral

Integral; peripheral

Refer to the figure showing the beginning steps in the evolutionary process that biologists hypothesize led to the formation of the cell nucleus and the rise of eukaryotic cells. Identify the process shown in the figure, and name a structure other than the nucleus that was likely formed in this same process. Engulfment of another cell, and lysosome Invaginations of the cell membrane, and endoplasmic reticulum Engulfment of another cell, and mitochondrion Engulfment of another cell, and Golgi apparatus Invaginations of the cell membrane, and chloroplast

Invaginations of the cell membrane, and endoplasmic reticulum

In the study of evolution, scientists often look at homologous features in species. Which is least suitable for use as a homologous feature? A DNA sequence coding for a protein in frogs An anatomical structure in beetles An inherited behavioral pattern of marmots The secondary structure of a protein in Arctic fish Learned behavior in guppies

Learned behavior in guppies

Refer to the figure illustrating Louis Pasteur's experiment on spontaneous generation. The experiment supports which hypothesis? Life comes from preexisting life. Amino acids are the building blocks of life. Oxygen is required for life. Life comes from decaying matter. Some forms of life can arise by spontaneous generation.

Life comes from preexisting life.

In which sequence does the form of energy change as a person sees a friend and waves hello? Light ⟶⟶ electrical ⟶⟶ mechanical ⟶⟶ chemical Mechanical ⟶⟶ electrical ⟶⟶ chemical ⟶⟶ light Electrical ⟶⟶ mechanical ⟶⟶ light ⟶⟶ chemical Light ⟶⟶ chemical ⟶⟶ electrical ⟶⟶ mechanical Light ⟶⟶ mechanical ⟶⟶ chemical ⟶⟶ electrical

Light ⟶⟶ chemical ⟶⟶ electrical ⟶⟶ mechanical

Refer to the figure showing the phylogeny of three extant species of turtles. Species 1 and 2 have a particular bone structure, while species 3 does not. The most generally accepted opinion is that the structure evolved after species 1 and 2 diverged from species 3. Recently, some scientists have questioned this and suggested that the structure evolved before species 1, 2, and 3 diverged from the common ancestor and that the structure was lost in species 3. Two fossils (A and B) have been discovered. Which information from these fossils would best support the new claim that species 3 lost the structure? Fossil data cannot be used to address this question. Look at species B. If the structure is absent there, the new claim is supported. Look at species A. If the structure is present there, the new claim is supported. Look at species B. If the structure is present there, the new claim is supported. Look at species A. If the structure is absent there, the new claim is supported.

Look at species A. If the structure is present there, the new claim is supported.

Of the compounds shown, which is the most oxidized, and which is the most reduced? L is the most oxidized, and N is the most reduced. M is the most oxidized, and P is the most reduced. M is the most oxidized, and N is the most reduced. N is the most oxidized, and O is the most reduced. O is the most oxidized, and M is the most reduced. Solved

M is the most oxidized, and P is the most reduced.

In 1668, Francesco Redi conducted experiments to investigate the concept of spontaneous generation. He began by putting pieces of meat into identical jars. Some jars were left open to the air, some were sealed, and some were covered with gauze that kept out flies while allowing the meat to be exposed to the air. Redi then observed whether or not fly maggots appeared in the meat. What hypothesis was Redi testing? Maggots do not arise spontaneously, but from eggs laid by adult flies. The type of meat affects whether spontaneous generation occurs. Flies will develop from rotting meat if the meat is exposed to air. Spontaneous generation can occur only if air is present. Spontaneous generation is more likely to occur during the hot days of summer.

Maggots do not arise spontaneously, but from eggs laid by adult flies.

Refer to the graph showing data collected from experiments performed on living leaves attached to two different plants, maize and bean. The rate of photosynthesis in each leaf was measured at varying concentrations of carbon dioxide present in the intercellular spaces within the leaves. Based on these results, what is the likely classification of maize and bean plants, and which plant would grow better at reduced carbon dioxide levels? Maize and bean are both C4 plants, and maize would grow better than bean plants at low carbon dioxide levels. Bean plants are C4 plants, maize is C3, and bean plants would grow better than maize at low carbon dioxide levels. Maize is a C4 plant, bean plants are C3, and maize would grow better than bean plants at low carbon dioxide levels. Maize and bean are both C3 plants, and maize would grow better than bean plants at low carbon dioxide levels. Maize is a C4 plant, bean plants are C3, and bean plants would grow better than maize at low carbon dioxide levels.

Maize is a C4 plant, bean plants are C3, and maize would grow better than bean plants at low carbon dioxide levels.

Which experimental approach would provide the most information about differences in membrane fluidity between two types of cells? Measuring the ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids in the cells Measuring the rate of protein uptake from outside of the cell Measuring the glycoprotein content of the two cells Measuring the sizes of the two types of cells Measuring the rate of vesicle formation during exocytosis

Measuring the ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids in the cells

Refer to the figure Which statement about these two compounds is true? The two compounds are optical isomers. The two compounds are structural isomers. Both compounds are pentoses. Both compounds are hexoses. One compound is a pentose and the other is a hexose.

One compound is a pentose and the other is a hexose.

Which statement about amphipathic phospholipid molecules is true? Both ends of the molecule are polar. One end is polar and the other end is nonpolar. Both ends of the molecule are nonpolar. They can change polarity to adapt to their environment.

One end is polar and the other end is nonpolar.

Refer to the table. The data in the table were collected during an analysis of neuronal cell membranes from fish of a single species transferred from a cold environment to a warm one. Which statement is consistent with these data and with what you know about membrane fluidity? Membranes are more fluid at higher than at lower temperatures, so to maintain a constant fluidity, fish undergo a shift toward increased saturated fatty acid compositions with increasing temperature. More fluid membranes are formed at lower temperatures than at higher temperatures because of an increase in the ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acid chains in membrane phospholipids. Addition of double bonds to fatty acid tails making up membrane phospholipids causes the membrane to become less fluid, so the ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids increases in fish cell membranes as temperature increases. Exposure to higher temperatures results in a shift toward more unsaturated fatty acids in fish membrane phospholipids, which increases the membrane's fluidity. Fish adjust the fluidity of their cell membranes at high temperatures by increasing the number of double bonds in the fatty acid chains that make up their membrane phospholipid molecules.

Membranes are more fluid at higher than at lower temperatures, so to maintain a constant fluidity, fish undergo a shift toward increased saturated fatty acid compositions with increasing temperature.

Which statement can be used as evidence for the endosymbiosis theory? Internal membranes are the sites of photosynthesis in photosynthetic prokaryotes. Compartmentalization of individual functions in separate organelles allows eukaryotes greater ability to carry out a wide diversity of functions. In eukaryotes, the endoplasmic reticulum is continuous with the nuclear envelope. Vacuoles are membrane-bound organelles that store toxic molecules and waste products. Mitochondria and chloroplasts have circular DNA.

Mitochondria and chloroplasts have circular DNA.

Which source of molecular data would be most helpful for a study of the evolutionary relationships of closely related species of flies? Chloroplast DNA Ribosomal RNA sequences Epigenetic markers that are due to environmental conditions The amino acid sequences of a protein found in all animals, such as cytochrome c Mitochondrial DNA

Mitochondrial DNA

For glycolysis to occur, cells require mitochondria. O2. chloroplasts. NAD+. a respiratory chain.


Refer to the following reaction. Acetaldehyde + NADH ⟶⟶ Ethanol + NAD+ In this reaction, which compound is being oxidized and which is being reduced? Ethanol is being oxidized; NAD+ is being reduced Acetaldehyde is being oxidized; NADH is being reduced NAD+ is being oxidized; ethanol is being reduced NADH is being oxidized; Acetaldehyde is being reduced

NADH is being oxidized; Acetaldehyde is being reduced

Refer to the figure, partially illustrating secondary active transport. The small red circles represent the molecules being transported, and the H+ symbols represent hydrogen ions. The natural concentration gradient of the red molecules is shown. The hydrogen ion gradient was established by a membrane protein that is not shown. Given this information, which symbol should appear in the oval to indicate the direction of movement of hydrogen ions and red molecules? O↓ O↑↓ H+ O↓↑H+ O↓↓H+ O↑↑H+

O↑↓ H+

Which pathways are found in the mitochondrial matrix? Pyruvate oxidation and the citric acid cycle Pyruvate oxidation and the respiratory chain Pyruvate oxidation and fermentation Glycolysis and fermentation Glycolysis and the citric acid cycle

Pyruvate oxidation and the citric acid cycle

A student made this table as a study guide for learning the various catabolic pathways that cells use to harves energy from glucose. Which statement best evaluates the accuracy of the students efforts? Oxygen is also required for fermentation to occur. Pyruvate oxidation cannot operate in the absence of oxygen. Regeneration of NAD+ and FAD also occurs during glycolysis. The citric acid cycle generates the greatest ATP yield per glucose molecule.

Pyruvate oxidation cannot operate in the absence of oxygen.

The "RNA world" hypothesis is supported by evidence that RNA can act as genetic material but not as a catalyst. amino acids can form RNA in particular chemical environments. RNA monomers can form proteins. RNA can act as both genetic material and a catalyst. RNA molecules spontaneously form spheres in water.

RNA can act as both genetic material and a catalyst.

The binding of snRNPs to consensus sequences is necessary for RNA splicing. the addition of a poly A tail. gene duplication. the capping of mRNA. transcription.

RNA splicing.

Suppose members of a true-breeding strain of salamanders with yellow stripes are crossed with a true-breeding strain with red stripes. Red and yellow are two alleles of the same gene. The resulting offspring have both yellow stripes and red stripes. Which dominance pattern is most likely? Red and yellow stripes exhibit codominance. Red stripes are dominant to yellow stripes. Red and yellow stripes exhibit incomplete dominance. Yellow stripes are dominant to red stripes. Red and yellow stripes exhibit overdominance.

Red and yellow stripes exhibit codominance.

Which of the following events occurs in eukaryotic cell division, but NOT prokaryotic cell division? Meiosis Replication of DNA One or more signals are required to initiate cell division Segregation of DNA into daughter cells Division of the cytoplasm

Replication of DNA

Which example best fits the term "artificial selection"? Farmers are rotating crops: in some years, they plant soybeans; in others, they plant corn. Researchers examining the genetic basis for coat color in mice. In a population of monkeyflowers, plants that are taller tend to have an increased survival over shorter plants. In a population of midges, the bigger individuals tend to be rounder than those that are smaller. Researchers breeding yeasts that can withstand high concentrations of ethanol.

Researchers breeding yeasts that can withstand high concentrations of ethanol.

Knowledge of the cell cycle has led to improved means of treating cancer. The drug 5-fluorouracil, which blocks the synthesis of thymine, inhibits the cell cycle during G1 phase. G2 phase. S phase. prophase. metaphase.

S phase

Refer to the figure showing active transport of amino acids from the intestine into cells lining the small intestine, followed by passive transport into the blood. Based on this figure, what terms would be used to describe the mechanism of uptake of amino acids into intestinal cells? Secondary active transport; symporter and antiporter Primary active transport; uniporter Primary active transport; symporter Primary active transport; antiporter Secondary active transport; uniporter and antiporter Solved

Secondary active transport; symporter and antiporter

Which traits are most likely to be considered quantitative? Red versus yellow flowers Human blood types Slow sprint speed versus fast sprint speed in lizards Round versus wrinkled seeds Curly wings versus straight wings in flies

Slow sprint speed versus fast sprint speed in lizards

Consider two enzyme reaction solutions. Solution 1 has a ratio of enzyme to substrate of 1:100. Solution 2 has a ratio of enzyme to substrate of 100:1. Both solutions contain the same quantity of enzyme. Which reaction gives the greater reaction rate, and why? Solution 1, because the enzyme has much more available substrate than in solution 2. Solution 1, because the enzyme has much less available substrate than in solution 2. Solution 2, because the enzyme is saturated in this solution but not in solution 1. Solution 2, because the enzyme is not saturated in this solution but is saturated in solution 1. Both have the same reaction rate, because they contain the same quantity of enzyme.

Solution 1, because the enzyme has much more available substrate than in solution 2.

Which ranking correctly indicates the expected rate of speciation, from highest to lowest, of plants pollinated by wind, by animals that are generalist pollinators, and by animals that are specialist pollinators? Specialist > generalist > wind Specialist > wind > generalist Generalist > wind > specialist Wind > generalist > specialist Generalist > specialist > wind

Specialist > generalist > wind

How are steps 1-3 of glycolysis different from steps 6-10? Steps 1-3 occur in the cytoplasm, while steps 6-10 occur in the mitochondrial matrix. Steps 1-3 catalyze reactions that require ATP, while steps 6-10 catalyze changes that require NADH. Steps 1-3 catalyze reactions that require ATP, while steps 6-10 catalyze changes that produce NADH and GTP. Steps 1-3 catalyze changes in a six-carbon molecule, while steps 6-10 catalyze changes in a four-carbon molecule. Steps 1-3 catalyze reactions that require ATP, while steps 6-10 catalyze changes that produce NADH and ATP.

Steps 1-3 catalyze reactions that require ATP, while steps 6-10 catalyze changes that produce NADH and ATP.

A strain of Neurospora is able to grow on minimal medium. When substance A is added to the medium, however, the strain cannot grow. Supplying a small amount of substance B has no effect on the strain, but it cannot reverse the effect of substance A. Supplying a small amount of substance C, by contrast, enables the strain to grow with substance A. Which statement best explains these facts? Substance A is a toxin that the strain cannot break down, and substance B is an enzyme that breaks down substance A. Substance A is a mutagen. Substance A is a toxin that the strain cannot break down, and substance C is an enzyme that breaks down substance A. Substance C is a mutagen. The strain has the capacity to produce substance C.

Substance A is a toxin that the strain cannot break down, and substance C is an enzyme that breaks down substance A.

For a hypothesis to be scientifically valid, it must be _______ , and it should be possible to _______ it. experimental; control null; experimental experimental; second experimental control; experimental control; second control

Testable; rejectable

What is the expected ploidy of the hybrid offspring of a hexaploid (6n) father and a diploid (2n) mother? Diploid (2n) Triploid (3n) Tetraploid (4n) Hexaploid (6n) Octaploid (8n)

Tetraploid (4n)

Suppose a team of biologists discover and describe a species of fish in Mexico. They named it Paraclinus douglasadamsi in a paper published in 2015. A few years later another biologist reveals that the same name had been used to describe a species of fish found in the Bahamas in a paper published in 2006. This leads to a controversy among fish biologists about the species names. How should this controversy be resolved according to regular biological practice? The Bahamas species should retain the name Paraclinus douglasadamsi because "B" comes before "M" in the alphabet. The species from Mexico should be given a new name. The Mexican species should retain the name Paraclinus douglasadamsi because no one objected immediately. The species from the Bahamas should be given a new name. Both species should be given new names. The Bahamas species should retain the name Paraclinus douglasadamsi because it was described first. The species from Mexico should be given a new name. A coin should be flipped.

The Bahamas species should retain the name Paraclinus douglasadamsi because it was described first. The species from Mexico should be given a new name.

Which is a difference between a prokaryotic and a eukaryotic cell? A prokaryotic cell does not use ribosomes for protein synthesis, whereas a eukaryotic cell does. Cellular processes in a prokaryotic cell are compartmentalized, whereas compartmentalization is absent in a eukaryotic cell. The DNA in a prokaryotic cell is not enclosed in a membrane-bound nucleus. A prokaryotic cell is not enclosed by a cell membrane, and a eukaryotic cell is enclosed. A prokaryotic cell does not use DNA as its genetic material.

The DNA in a prokaryotic cell is not enclosed in a membrane-bound nucleus

Which part of the diagram has the largest H+ change per unit of base added? The area between pH 4 and pH 6 The area between the dotted lines The area between pH 6 and pH 8 The area between pH 2 and pH 4 The areas between pH 2 and pH 4 and between pH 6 and pH 8

The areas between pH 2 and pH 4 and between pH 6 and pH 8

Refer to the table How do these two photosynthetic processes compare? The electron acceptor in plants is H2O, and the electron acceptor in purple sulfur bacteria is H2S. The electron acceptor in both plants and purple sulfur bacteria is H2O. The electron donor in plants is H2O, and the electron donor in purple sulfur bacteria is H2S. The electron donor in plants is H2O, and the electron donor in purple sulfur bacteria is CO2. The electron donor in both plants and purple sulfur bacteria is CO2.

The electron donor in plants is H2O, and the electron donor in purple sulfur bacteria is H2S.

What is the primary limitation of the use of fossil data in phylogenetic studies? The fossil record is missing or fragmentary for many groups of organisms. Fossil data cannot be used to determine whether a trait is ancestral or derived. Only DNA data is useful in phylogenetic analysis. The fossil record does not provide information about when groups diverged from one another. The fossil record cannot tell us what organisms looked like in the past.

The fossil record is missing or fragmentary for many groups of organisms.

Suppose white and brown fur in a species of rodent were due to different alleles of the same gene. An cross between true-breeding brown and true-breeding white lines is set up. What evidence would best support white fur being dominant to brown? The offspring are all intermediate between white and brown. Half of the offspring are brown, while the rest are white. Three quarters of offspring are white, while the rest are brown. The offspring are all brown. The offspring are all white

The offspring are all white

What would happen to photosynthesis in a green plant such as Anacharis if it were only exposed to light with wavelengths 525-575 nm? Photosystem I but not photosystem II would accept electrons from the light-harvesting apparatus, and photosynthesis would occur. Photosynthesis would not occur because the plant pigments do not absorb light in this range of wavelengths. Chlorophyll a but not chlorophyll b would serve as the primary light-harvesting pigment, and photosynthesis would occur. The rate of photosynthesis would be slow since chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b absorb light energy weakly in this wavelength range. Photosynthesis would occur as it would in full sunlight.

The rate of photosynthesis would be slow since chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b absorb light energy weakly in this wavelength range.

Which statement about metabolic pathways is true? Very few metabolic pathways are similar in all organisms. The rate of the pathway can be altered by activating or inhibiting some key enzymes within the pathway. Metabolic pathways are compartmentalized in prokaryotes, but not in eukaryotes. Almost all metabolic pathways are anabolic. Metabolic pathways usually do not involve enzymes.

The rate of the pathway can be altered by activating or inhibiting some key enzymes within the pathway.

Refer to the graph showing the change in free energy for the same reaction with and without a catalyst. Which tracing represents the catalyzed reaction, and why? The red tracing represents the catalyzed reaction because it leads to the formation of more products than the uncatalyzed reaction. The red tracing represents the catalyzed reaction because it has a smaller activation energy than the uncatalyzed reaction. The blue tracing represents the catalyzed reaction because it has a larger ΔΔG than the uncatalyzed reaction. The blue tracing represents the catalyzed reaction because it has a larger activation energy than the uncatalyzed reaction. The red tracing represents the catalyzed reaction because it has a smaller ΔΔG than the uncatalyzed reaction. Solved

The red tracing represents the catalyzed reaction because it has a smaller activation energy than the uncatalyzed reaction.

Energy production occurs in different locations in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Which statement is true for prokaryotes? The conversion of pyruvate to CO2 and H2O occurs in the mitochondria. The conversion of pyruvate to lactate occurs on the cell membrane. The citric acid cycle enzymes are found in the mitochondria. The conversion of glucose to pyruvate occurs on the cell membrane. The respiratory chain enzymes are found on the cell membrane.

The respiratory chain enzymes are found on the cell membrane.

Which is the most likely source of the enzyme? The brain of a tropical shark The heart of a desert mouse The muscles of a Texas hummingbird The intestines of an African zebra The stomach of an Arctic fish

The stomach of an Arctic fish

Refer to the figure showing a pedigree of a trait in humans. What inheritance pattern is most likely, and why? The trait is autosomal dominant because affected individuals have unaffected progeny. The trait is autosomal dominant because affected individuals have affected progeny The trait is autosomal recessive because unaffected individuals have affected progeny. The trait is X-linked because an affected male had an affected son. The trait is autosomal recessive because affected individuals have unaffected progeny.

The trait is autosomal recessive because unaffected individuals have affected progeny.

Predict the consequences of anaminoacyl-tRNA synthetase attaching the wrong amino acid to a tRNA molecule. The wrong amino acid would be substituted for the one specified by the codon. Polysome formation would be prevented, and many polypeptide assembly would be much less efficient. Initiation of translation would be prevented, and no polypeptide would be assembled. The polypeptide would not be different from the one specified by the mRNA codons. The polypeptide chain would be terminated prematurely.

The wrong amino acid would be substituted for the one specified by the codon.

Why did the Miller‒Urey hot chemistry experiment exclude oxygen in its investigation of the chemical origin of life on Earth? There is no evidence that oxygen existed in Earth's earliest environments. The scientists assumed the reactions would produce oxygen from water vapor. The scientists assumed that photosynthetic organisms would develop in the apparatus. The scientists wanted to avoid contamination of the apparatus by oxygen-consuming bacteria. Oxygen is not necessary for life.

There is no evidence that oxygen existed in Earth's earliest environments.

What is the natural function of restriction enzymes? They are used by retroviruses to integrate into bacterial DNA. They are used by bacteria to synthesize DNA. They are bacterial weapons against bacteriophages. They are engineered versions of a DNA polymerase. They are used by transposable elements to move around in DNA.

They are bacterial weapons against bacteriophages.

Which statement about molecular clocks is true? They can only be used to date very ancient events. When different proteins are compared, the slope of the plotted line representing the average rate of divergence is the same for all proteins. They can give an average rate of change in an amino acid sequence. They do not show the timing of splits between lineages. They cannot predict the order in which evolutionary lineages diverged.

They can give an average rate of change in an amino acid sequence.

Refer to the figure. This phylogenetic tree shows the phylogenetic relationships among eight species. Red dots show the appearance of derived traits. According to the phylogenetic tree, salamanders and mice share _ of the listed synapomorphies. none one two three at least four


Which statement regarding glycolysis is true? NADH is not formed. Two ATP molecules are required in the first three steps per glucose molecule. The first two steps are endergonic. Two molecules of glucose are catabolized to form two molecules of pyruvate. ATP is not formed.

Two ATP molecules are required in the first three steps per glucose molecule.

Refer to the figure showing the diffusion of a substance into a cell over time. What kind of arrows, if any, should be shown in the part of the figure labeled B? One small arrow pointing into the cell and no other arrow Two medium-sized arrows, one pointing into the cell and the other pointing out One large arrow pointing into the cell and one small arrow pointing out One small arrow pointing into the cell and one large arrow pointing out No arrows

Two medium-sized arrows, one pointing into the cell and the other pointing out

Increasing the body's brown fat could be a weight loss method because brown fat mitochondria waste energy instead of creating usable energy. What is the mechanism for this waste in brown fat? Brown fat is less efficient than white fat and causes shivering. Cytochrome reductase activity decreases in brown fat in response to respiration. Hydrogen ions leak across the cell's plasma membrane in white fat. Brown fat bypasses the process of glycolysis. UCP1 in brown fat uncouples the electron transport chain from ATP synthesis.

UCP1 in brown fat uncouples the electron transport chain from ATP synthesis.

Consider the following double-stranded DNA region: 5ʹ-TGCCAT-3ʹ 3ʹ-ACGGTA-5ʹ If the lower strand is transcribed, which strand will result? UGCCAU UGCCUA TGCCAT TCGGTA TCGGUT


Which statement best explains why the study of water is relevant to the study of living organisms? Ninety-six percent of water on Earth is found in the oceans, 1 percent is found in bays and estuaries, and 3 percent is found in freshwater locations. Water is the solvent present inside living cells where metabolic reactions take place. An average rainstorm drops about 100,000 liters of water over 1 acre of land. Water is produced when amino acids polymerize to form proteins and when nucleotides polymerize to form RNA and DNA. Water is the only compound on Earth that can be found as a gas, a liquid, and a solid in different natural settings.

Water is the only compound on Earth that can be found as a gas, a liquid, and a solid in different natural settings.

A unicellular organism adapted to living in saltwater is placed in a freshwater tank. What is the likely outcome? Water moves into the cell until the organism can adapt .Water moves out of the cell until the organism can adapt .Water moves out of the cell, causing it to shrivel. Water moves into the cell, causing it to burst. Water and salt move in opposite directions until the organism can adapt.

Water moves into the cell, causing it to burst.

Refer to the figure showing the effects of four allosteric modifiers of the enzyme phosphofructokinase (PFK). Green arrows indicate allosteric activators, and red lines indicate allosteric inhibitors. Which statement correctly explains how one of these regulatory molecules functions to regulate flow of matter through the glycolytic pathway? When cellular ADP concentration is low as the result of high metabolic demand, ADP binds to and activates PFK, speeding glycolysis up. When cellular AMP concentration is high as the result of high metabolic demand, AMP binds to and inhibits PFK, slowing glycolysis down. When cellular citrate concentration is high as the result of low metabolic demand, citrate binds to and activates PFK, speeding glycolysis up. When cellular citrate concentration is low as the result of low metabolic demand, citrate binds to and inhibits PFK, slowing glycolysis down. When cellular ATP concentration is high as the result of low metabolic demand, ATP binds to and inhibits PFK, slowing glycolysis down.

When cellular ATP concentration is high as the result of low metabolic demand, ATP binds to and inhibits PFK, slowing glycolysis down.

When do cells become haploid during meiosis? When gametes are formed at the end of meiosis II When sister chromatids are separated at the end of meiosis II When homologous chromosomes are separated at the end of meiosis I When the DNA content is halved after meiosis I

When homologous chromosomes are separated at the end of meiosis I

Refer to the figure showing the respiratory chain and ATP synthesis. Does this figure have any inaccuracies? Yes, the arrow showing movement of protons through ATP synthase is pointing in the wrong direction; it should be reversed. Yes, the arrows showing movement of protons from the matrix into the inner membrane are all pointing in the wrong direction and should be reversed. Yes, the position of ATP synthase relative to the inner membrane is incorrect and should be reversed so that ATP is shown being synthesized in the intermembrane space. Yes, the electrons are shown moving up as they pass along the respiratory chain but they should be shown moving down along the chain. No, the figure is accurate as shown. Solved

Yes, the arrow showing movement of protons through ATP synthase is pointing in the wrong direction; it should be reversed.

Does this figure illustrate both the first and second laws of thermodynamics? Yes, the figure illustrates both laws of thermodynamics because it shows conservation of total energy and a decrease in usable energy during a transformation. No, the figure illustrates the second law of thermodynamics only, because both laws cannot operate simultaneously in the same system. Yes, the figure illustrates both laws of thermodynamics because both laws state the same basic principle. No, the figure illustrates the first law of thermodynamics only, because it shows how the amount of energy remains constant during a transformation. No, the figure illustrates the second law of thermodynamics only, because it shows how the amount of usable energy decreases as the result of a transformation. Solved

Yes, the figure illustrates both laws of thermodynamics because it shows conservation of total energy and a decrease in usable energy during a transformation.

Evaluate the accuracy of the student's table. Should any entry in the table be changed to correct an error? Yes, input of oxygen and output of water should be shown with the light-independent reactions. Yes, the locations of the two sets of reactions should be reversed. No, the table is accurate as written. Yes, both sets of reactions should be indicated as exergonic. Yes, the light-dependent reactions should be shown as taking in water and releasing oxygen.

Yes, the light-dependent reactions should be shown as taking in water and releasing oxygen.

Refer to the graph. This graph was generated using data collected over a 24-hour period on the rate of carbon dioxide uptake by a leaf on a living plant. Based on the pattern revealed by the data, it can be concluded that the plant can be classified as a C4 plant. a CAM plant. either a C4 of CAM plant, both are equally likely. either a C3 or C4 plant, both are equally likely. a C3 plant.

a CAM plant.

Enzymatic reactions can become saturated as substrate concentration increases because enzymes have the highest possible number of hydrogen atoms attached to them. the activation energy of the reaction reaches a point at which it cannot be lowered further. the concentration of substrate reaches a point at which it cannot increase any further. substrates are inhibitors of enzymes at high concentrations. a limited number of enzyme molecules are present.

a limited number of enzyme molecules are present

If you wanted to permanently block the function of an enzyme, you could add an allosteric inhibitor. more product. a molecule that can covalently bind to the active site. a competitive inhibitor. a noncompetitive inhibitor.

a molecule that can covalently bind to the active site.

Sweating is a useful cooling device for humans because water absorbs a great deal of heat in changing from its solid state to its liquid state. can exist in three states at temperatures common on Earth. is an outstanding solvent. absorbs a great deal of heat in changing from its liquid state to its gaseous state. ionizes readily.

absorbs a great deal of heat in changing from its liquid state to its gaseous state

Researchers observe that an amoeba appears incapable of forming pseudopods for movement. They conclude that its immobility may be caused by the absence of the protein kinesin. dynein. actin. collagen. tubulin.


You are designing an experiment that requires a protein to be exposed to high heat yet remain functional. You find, however, that the protein has lost its function on returning to its normal physiological temperature. You determine that the loss of function is due to an error in refolding of the protein. To remedy this, you could expose the protein to high temperature multiple times. add urea. increase the pH. add a chaperone. change the peptide backbone.

add a chaperone

Consider the case of X-linked inheritance of a recessive mutant allele. Among progeny from a cross of an unaffected male and a heterozygous female carrier, all male offspring of would show the trait. all male offspring who receive the recessive mutant X chromosome would show the trait. all female offspring would be carriers. all female offspring who receive the recessive mutant X would show the trait. roughly half of the female offspring would show the trait.

all male offspring who receive the recessive mutant X chromosome would show the trait.

The advantage of controlled scientific experiments is that all variables except one are held constant. a massive amount of data can be synthesized. patterns can be predicted. the hypothesis can be proven correct. investigations can be carried out in the field.

all variables controlled except one are held constant

The primary structure of proteins is the _______. The primary structure contains the information necessary for the formation of a secondary structure, including the _______ and the _______. Secondary structure of proteins is stabilized by the formation of _______ bonds. amino acid sequence; α helix; β pleated sheet; peptide α helix; amino acid sequence; β pleated sheet; hydrophobic amino acid sequence; α helix; β pleated sheet; hydrogen amino acid sequence; β pleated sheet; α helix; disulfide β pleated sheet; α helix; amino acid sequence; hydrogen

amino acid sequence; α helix; β pleated sheet; hydrogen

You are working with an enzyme and wish to determine its saturation point. You note that the reaction rate increases slowly at first, then increases dramatically over a narrow range of substrate concentrations, and then levels off, creating a sigmoid reaction curve. It is likely that this enzyme is regulated by temperature. an allosteric mechanism. pH. a competitive inhibitor. a coenzyme.

an allosteric mechanism.

In cells lining the stomach, the movement of chloride ions into the cells is coupled to the transport of bicarbonate ions out of the cells. This type of transport system most likely uses a uniporter. a symporter. a protein pump. an antiporter. graded diffusion.

an antiporter

The proliferation of a large number of descendant species from a single ancestor is known as the speciation rate. sexual selection. a lek. cryptic speciation. an evolutionary radiation.

an evolutionary radiation.

Replication is the synthesis of _______, while transcription is the synthesis of _______. an RNA copy of DNA; an exact copy of DNA an exact copy of DNA; proteins an exact copy of RNA; an exact copy of DNA an exact copy of DNA; an RNA copy of DNA proteins; an RNA copy of DNA

an exact copy of DNA; an RNA copy of DNA

The breakdown of carbohydrates in a cell could provide a source of energy used in the conversion of ATP to ADP. an exothermic reaction. catabolism of proteins. breaking down polynucleic acids. anabolism of lipids.

anabolism of lipids.

Two species of crickets have partially overlapping ranges, in which hybrids are never found. Individuals—whether taken from overlapping areas or from non-overlapping areas—will rarely mate in the lab, because the females reject the songs sung by males of the other species. Of the few hybrids that are produced in lab crosses, all have low viability. The two cricket species described exhibit ________ isolation. habitat gametic mechanical temporal behavioral


The role of tRNA in translation is to spell out the order of amino acids in a growing polypeptide. hold the mRNA in place while peptide bonds are formed. catalyze the production of certain amino acids. bring polypeptides to the endoplasmic reticulum for processing. bring amino acids to the ribosome.

bring amino acids to the ribosome.

A solution that can prevent large changes in pH with the addition of a base or acid could be said to have ______ capacity. vaporization freezing cohesive buffering heat


The enzyme PEP carboxylase is found in the chloroplasts of bundle sheath cells. couples the synthesis of ATP to the diffusion of protons. catalyzes the synthesis of 3PG. catalyzes the synthesis of RuBP. can fix CO2 even at relatively low CO2 concentrations.

can fix CO2 even at relatively low CO2 concentrations.

Which structure is present in some prokaryotic cells? Nucleus Mitochondrion Capsule Chloroplast Microtubule


A molecule with the formula C15H30O15 is most likely a carbohydrate. hydrocarbon. lipid. nucleic acid. protein.


The functional group written as -COOH is called the _______ group. carboxyl keto amino carbonyl sulfhydryl


In some prokaryotic organisms, the cell membrane folds to form an internal membrane system that is able to hydrolyze carbohydrates to ATP. carry out photosynthesis. synthesize proteins. engulf and phagocytize bacteria. propel the cell.

carry out photosynthesis

The ________ is the fundamental unit of life. nucleus organelle mitochondrion genome cell


Integrins are transmembrane proteins that can reversibly link the cytoskeleton of a cell to the extracellular matrix. When there is a period during which there are cycles of this linkage being made and broken, made and broken, the result may be cell movement through the extracellular matrix. increased communication through gap junctions. more stability provided to the cytoskeleton. decreased diffusion of water into the cell. the binding of integrins to form tight junctions.

cell movement through the extracellular matrix.

In plant cells, cytokinesis is accomplished by the formation of a(n) cell plate. contractile ring. membrane furrow. actin-myosin belt. spindle.

cell plate

Oligosaccharides are commonly highly branched carbohydrates. main sources of cellular energy. cell surface recognition signals. structural isomers to polysaccharides. monomers from which complex carbohydrates are synthesized.

cell surface recognition signals

If all the lysosomes within a cell suddenly ruptured, what would be the most likely result? The cell would undergo apoptosis. More proteins would be made. The DNA in mitochondria would break down. The mitochondria and chloroplasts would divide. There would be no change in cell function.

cell would undergo apoptosis

This figure shows a type of facilitated diffusion that involves a membrane protein called a(n) _______ protein. This example is similar to all other examples of facilitated diffusion in that it _______ to move substances across a biological membrane. channel; does not require the input of energy carrier; does not require the input of energy channel; requires the input of energy ligand; requires a stimulus carrier; requires the input of energy

channel; does not require the input of energy

Receptor-mediated endocytosis is the mechanism for transport of clathrin. cholesterol ions. all macromolecules .integral membrane proteins.


Refer to the figure. This figure can be used to describe two cellular processes that two cellular processes that involve membrane proteins. If the interaction shown in box A is an example of cell recognition, then it is the specific interactions between _______ groups and _______ groups that allow one cell to identify the other cell. carbohydrate; lipid cholesterol; amino acid carbohydrate; amino acid lipid; amino acid cholesterol; lipid

cholesterol; amino acid

Pair 1 would be classified as _______ isomers, while pair 2 would be classified as _______ isomers. cis-trans; optical cis-trans; structural structural; cis-trans structural; optical optical; structural

cis-trans; structural

A key difference between coenzymes and inorganic cofactors is that coenzymes are usually ions, whereas inorganic cofactors are typically carbon-containing molecules. coenzymes have intrinsic catalytic activity, whereas inorganic cofactors do not. inorganic cofactors dissociate from an enzyme after a reaction, whereas coenzymes remain permanently bound. coenzymes are carbon-containing molecules, whereas inorganic cofactors are usually ions. inorganic cofactors are not covalently bound to the enzyme, whereas coenzymes are.

coenzymes are carbon-containing molecules, whereas inorganic cofactors are usually ions.

Which has the greatest concentration of hydrogen ions? Household ammonia at pH 11 Baking soda at pH 9 Cola at pH 3 Human blood at pH 7 Black coffee at pH 5

cola at pH 3

A research group hypothesizes that diet influences the distribution of bacterial species inhabiting the human digestive system. The researchers define two populations with very different diets—one in England and another in Africa—for sample collection. They take fecal samples from each group and measure the percentage of each species of bacteria present in the samples. How is this investigation classified, and why? controlled investigation because controlled methods were used for the collection and analysis of fecal samples. controlled investigation because it was carried out using defined study populations. both a controlled and comparative study because it controls all but one variable influencing two study groups and then compares how that variable differs. comparative study because it compares a characteristic of two different groups that could be influenced by many variables. comparative study because it tests a hypothesis that was formulated by comparing the diets of two populations.

comparative study because it compares characteristics of 2 different groups that could be influenced by variables

The direction that ions move as they pass through channels in the cell membrane by facilitated diffusion is determined by the thickness of the cell membrane. ability of the ions to bind water. concentration gradient. size and charge of the ions. number of channel proteins present.

concentration gradient.

Mutations that exhibit the altered phenotype under certain restrictive conditions are referred to as ________ mutations. gain-of-function recessive conditional dominant loss-of-function


A woman has B blood type of the ABO system. Her mother is type O. From this, we can infer that her father could be any blood type. could not have O blood type. has AB blood type. could not have AB blood type. could not have B blood type.

could not have O blood type

DNA polymerase lengthens a polynucleotide strand in a DNA molecule by building short DNA fragments and linking them together. linking purines with pyrimidines. covalently linking new nucleotides to the growing new strand. adding lost DNA sequences to the 3ʹ end. threading the existing DNA through a replication complex.

covalently linking new nucleotides to the growing new strand.

Sexual reproduction increases genetic variability through maintaining a diploid number of chromosomes throughout the life cycle of the organism. crossing over, independent assortment, and random fertilization. the exchange of genetic information between male and female gametes. the random arrangement of chromatids within a chromosome during meiosis I. maintaining a haploid number of chromosomes throughout the life cycle of the organism.

crossing over, independent assortment, and random fertilization.

The carbon-fixation reactions of photosynthesis require more ATP than NADPH. The additional ATP is provided by noncyclic electron transport. the splitting of water. the reduction of oxygen. the oxidation of sugars. cyclic electron transport.

cyclic electron transport.

The phosphorylation of glucose to glucose 6-phosphate has a ΔΔG of +4.0 kcal/mol. If hexokinase is added to speed up the rate of this reaction, the ΔΔG will increase. increase, but only with an increase in enzyme amount. stay the same. decrease, but only with a decrease in enzyme amount. decrease.

decrease, but only with a decrease in enzyme amount.

In an experiment, a small amount of allosteric inhibitor is added to tube A and no inhibitor is added to tube B. The full reaction is completed in tube B twice as quickly as it is completed in tube A. The allosteric inhibitor acted by increasing the amount of the active form of the enzyme. decreasing the amount of the inactive form of the enzyme. increasing the amount of substrate. decreasing the amount of the active form of the enzyme. decreasing the number of enzyme molecules.

decreasing the amount of the active form of the enzyme.

Which property of water contributes most to the ability of fish in lakes to survive very cold winters? High surface tension Density differences at different temperatures Strong adhesive forces High heat of vaporization Strong cohesive forces

density differences at different temperatures

On the Galápagos Islands, some species of Darwin's finches have large bills capable of cracking hard nuts and seeds, some have smaller beaks useful for catching insects, and one species has a beak capable of using tools to extract insects from within the bark of trees. In 1977, the Galápagos Islands had abnormally low rainfall, and seed plants produced small crops. The population of seed-eating finches declined by 85%. Large birds, especially males with strong beaks, survived disproportionately well because they were able to crack large seeds. This scenario suggests that rapid speciation in finches on the Galápagos Islands was facilitated by dietary specialization. sexual selection. dispersal ability. type of plant pollination. polyploidy.

dietary specialization

The cross AaBb × AaBb is an example of a ________ cross. Which of Mendel's laws states that the separation of alleles at locus A are not influenced by the separation of alleles at locus B during gamete formation (Meiosis)? self / segregation of genes test / independent assortment dihybrid / segregation of genes dihybrid / independent assortment test / segregation of genes

dihybrid / independent assortment

A researcher poses the hypothesis that plants grow tallest under a full spectrum of visible light. The researcher runs an experiment in which she plants seeds of the same plant species in pots and places different groups of pots under different lighting conditions. Group 1 receives the full spectrum of visible light, while groups 2 through 6 receive narrow ranges of visible wavelengths of light. All lighting conditions are at the same intensity. The researcher observes that the plants growing tallest are those exposed to blue light. After making these observations, which step is she most likely to carry out next? Design a follow-up experiment to change soil type and water conditions simultaneously as tests of these variables on plant growth. Discard her question that asks what factors influence plant growth and why. Repeat the experiment at a different level of light intensity. Run a control trial to be sure that a valid conclusion can be made based on the results. Discard her original hypothesis and formulate a new one.

discard her original hypothesis and formulate a new one

Carbonic acid and sodium bicarbonate act as buffers in the blood. When a small amount of acid is added to this buffer, the H+ ions are used up as they combine with the bicarbonate ions. When this happens, the pH of the blood is reversible. ionizes. does not change. becomes basic. becomes acidic.

does not change

Ribozymes are RNA molecules that have enzymatic activity. This conflicts with the belief of early molecular biologists that each enzyme is a polypeptide. the flow of information in gene expression goes in both directions. DNA information can be propagated into information in proteins, but information in proteins cannot be propagated into information in DNA. the flow of information in gene expression goes in one direction. each enzyme was encoded by one gene.

each enzyme is a polypeptide.

Retroviruses, such as HIV, have an enzyme that allows them to catalyze DNA synthesis from an RNA template. This evidence supports the hypothesis that RNA probably came from an extraterrestrial source. early life consisted of an "RNA world." RNA itself cannot be a catalyst. chemical evolution led to polymerization. DNA polymers form from RNA monomers.

early life consisted of an "RNA world."

Coat color in mice involves the effects of multiple gene interactions. If a mouse has two recessive alleles (aa) for coat color, it will always be albino no matter what the genotype of other genes involved in coat color. This is an example of incomplete dominance. pleiotropy. heterosis. epistasis. codominance.


Refer to the phylogenetic tree. (Each terminal taxon is a single species.) Species WW is connected to the root of the tree, and therefore distantly related to all other taxa. equally closely related to XX, YY, and ZZ. more closely related to XX than to ZZ. more closely related to YY and ZZ than to UU. more closely related to YY and ZZ than to XX.

equally closely related to XX, YY, and ZZ.

It is noteworthy that the Miller-Urey experiments produced ribose sugars, because they are essential components of lipids. essential components of a nucleic acid. essential monomers of all carbohydrates. essential components of proteins. vital nutrients.

essential components of nucleic acids

When exposed to extreme heat, the human body relies on _________ to absorb excess calories of heat and maintain normal body temperature. degradation evaporation transpiration respiration condensation


Darwin's finches on the Galápagos Islands evolved by allopatric speciation. required sympatric speciation to diversify. evolved from different ancestors on the mainland. are indistinguishable from each other. are similar to their mainland ancestor.

evolved by allopatric speciation.

The guanosine triphosphate (GTP) cap that is added to the 5ʹ end of primary mRNA provides the mRNA molecule with a poly A tail. helps transfer amino acids to the ribosomes. forms hydrogen bonds with the polymerase. contains all the coding and noncoding sequences of the DNA template. facilitates the binding of mRNA to ribosomes.

facilitates the binding of mRNA to ribosomes.

The Lamiaceae is a(n) _______ of _______. order; animals genus; animals family; animals family; plants order; plants

family; plants

According to the principle of parsimony, the best phylogenetic hypothesis is the one that requires the most homoplasies. fewest homoplasies. most clades. fewest homologies. fewest clades.

fewest homoplasies.

which usually results from a scientific hypothesis Proof of the hypothesis Formulation of new questions that result in additional experimentation Development of additional technologies to meet the needs of scientists Repetition of statistical tests to verify results Refinement of the experimental design to produce qualitative data

formulation of new questions that result in additional experimentation

A windstorm transports a gravid fly to an island. Having only a small subset of the genetic variation in the mainland population, the offspring of this fly are somewhat different from the mainland population. This is an example of purifying selection. gene pooling. neutral alleles. gene flow. founder effect.

founder effect

The enzyme DNA ligase is required continuously during DNA replication in order for the complex of proteins that work together at the replication fork to remain intact. fragments of the lagging strand to be joined together. 3ʹ-deoxynucleoside triphosphates to be converted to 5ʹ-deoxynucleoside triphosphates. fragments of the leading strand to be joined together. the parental strands to be joined back together.

fragments of the lagging strand to be joined together.

The observation that females of a species of beetles prefer to mate with males with relatively rare color patterns would be an illustration of frequency-dependent selection. genetic drift. stabilizing selection. disruptive selection. the founder effect.

frequency-dependent selection.

Genes located on mitochondrial DNA are usually inherited randomly. evenly from both the mother and the father. by independent assortment. from the father. from the mother.

from the mother.

It may be that red hair evolved in Neanderthals and then was introduced into human populations via interbreeding. If this is so, this would be an example of a founder effect. gene pooling. artificial selection. genetic drift. gene flow.

gene flow

A disease that is multifactorial is caused by expanding triplet repeats. many, but only environmental, components. a point mutation and a chromosomal deletion. genes and proteins interacting with environmental factors. an induced mutation and a spontaneous mutation.

genes and proteins interacting with environmental factors.

Evolution by natural selection requires large populations. small populations. selective breeding by humans. diploid individuals. genetic variation among individuals.

genetic variation among individuals.

Sequencing of a child's genomic DNA reveals that the child is a heterozygote for a new mutation. This mutation appears in all of the cells tested from a variety of tissues (including skin, blood, and hair). The mutation is not found in either the mother or the father. Most likely, this is a new ________ mutation that occurred in ________. germ line; one of the parents somatic; one of the parents germ line; the child somatic; the child germ line; both of the parents

germ line; one of the parents

In all cells, glucose catabolism begins with the citric acid cycle. glycolysis. fermentation. pyruvate oxidation. chemiosmosis.


In a population of cells on the inner surface of the intestine, the cells frequently divide. Therefore, these cells are likely to lack DNA polymerase. have very low levels of telomerase. undergo the polymerase chain reaction. lack Okazaki fragments. have high levels of telomerase.

have high levels of telomerase.

C4 plants differ from C3 plants because C3 plants _________, whereas C4 plants __________. can concentrate the CO2 by regulating the closure of stomata / can concentrate CO2 at night fix CO2 twice using 2 different enzymes / fix CO2 once using a single enzyme have mesophyll cells that fix CO2 using Rubisco / have mesophyll cells that fix CO2 using PEP carboxylase gain CO2 via photorespiration / lose CO2 via photorespiration produce a four-carbon intermediate after CO2 fixation / produce a three-carbon intermediate after CO2 fixation

have mesophyll cells that fix CO2 using Rubisco / have mesophyll cells that fix CO2 using PEP carboxylase

If the enzyme _______ were nonfunctional, the double helix would not be able to unwind and separate into single strands. primase DNA polymerase replicase telomerase helicase


In sickle-cell disease, there is a mutation that causes an amino acid in _______ to be replaced with an amino acid that is _______. This change causes the protein to form needlelike aggregates in red blood cells. phenylalanine hydroxylase; hydrophobic hemoglobin; hydrophobic phenylalanine hydroxylase; hydrophilic dystrophin; hydrophobic hemoglobin; hydrophilic

hemoglobin; hydrophobic

Male and female reproductive cells in animals can recognize each other via specific proteins or glycoproteins present on their cell surfaces. In the sea urchin, a protein on the sea urchin sperm attaches to a glycoprotein receptor on the egg. This is an example of _______ binding. tight junctional heterotypic homophilic desmosomal homotypic


New vaccines to protect against the influenza virus are developed every year because of the virus's long generation time. short life span. high rate of infection. high rate of evolution. low mutation rate.

high rate of evolution

Dark coloration patterns have evolved in several unrelated species of moth because the species are subject to similar predators. This is an example of convergent evolution, which is a form of _________. These traits could also be called _________. homoplasy; evolutionary reversals homoplasy; synapomorphies homology; synapomorphies homoplasy; analogous traits homology; analogous traits

homoplasy; analogous traits

Anthropogenic refers to the study of human biology. the study of insects. human-generated effects upon the environment. the study of agriculture. human-caused fires.

human generated effects in the environment

Single-stranded RNA can fold back on itself, creating three-dimensional structures such as tRNA. The folds are stabilized by ________ bonds. ionic phosphodiester hydrogen glycosidic peptide


The two strands of a DNA double helix can be separated with relative ease because hydrogen bonds between nitrogenous bases are relatively weak. hydrogen bonds between sugars and phosphates of nucleotides are relatively weak. phosphodiester bonds between sugars and phosphates of nucleotides are relatively weak. phosphodiester bonds between DNA and complementary RNA bases are relatively weak. phosphodiester bonds between nitrogenous bases are relatively weak.

hydrogen bonds between nitrogenous bases are relatively weak.

As electrons are passed down the complexes of the respiratory chain, ________ are pumped into the _________. hydrogen ions; matrix electrons; intermembrane space electrons; matrix hydrogen ions; intermembrane space

hydrogen ions; intermembrane space

The Hershey and Chase blender experiment was designed to identify the genetic material in bacteriophage T2. disprove that DNA is the genetic molecule. develop a DNA isolation method. prove that DNA is found in the nucleus. test isotope labeling of DNA and proteins.

identify the genetic material in bacteriophage T2.

Photosynthesis takes place in plants only in the light. Respiration takes place in plants only in the dark. in all living organisms except plants in the dark. in plants only in the light. in all living organisms both in the dark and in the light. in all living organisms except plants in the light.

in all living organisms both in the dark and in the light.

Where would the leucine side chain most likely be found in a protein dissolved in water? In the interior of the protein in contact with nonpolar side chains On the exterior of the protein In the interior of the protein in contact with water In the interior of the protein in contact with polar side chains On either the interior or the exterior of the protein Solved

in the interior of the protein in contact with nonpolar side chains

A certain environmental change stimulates the production G1 cyclin in plant root cells. This would tend to _______ G1 CDK activation, which would lead to _______ phosphorylation of RB protein, which in turn would lead to _______ cells entering the S phase of interphase. decrease; decreased; more increase; decreased; more decrease; decreased; fewer increase; increased; more increase; increased; fewer

increase; increased; more

Phagocytosis, pinocytosis, and receptor-mediated endocytosis all involve the presence of receptor proteins. the intake of large particles. the intake of specific fluids by the cell. invagination of the plasma membrane. the export of macromolecules.

invagination of the plasma membrane.

Sympatric speciation: is common in plants since many can reproduce by self-fertilization. involves reproductive isolation of populations that live in separate habitats. can result from the the formation of reduced gametes. is often associated with polyploidy in animals. results only from the generation of allopolyploids.

is common in plants since many can reproduce by self-fertilization.

In the winter, ice insulates organisms in freshwater lakes and ponds because it does not cause the organisms to freeze. absorbs a lot of heat as it melts. is composed only of water. is less dense than liquid water. sinks to the bottom of the lake or pond.

is less dense than liquid water

Starch and glycogen, which are both polysaccharides, differ in that starch _______, while glycogen _______. is the principal energy storage compound of plants; is the main energy storage in animals is the main energy storage in animals; is a temporary compound used to store glucoseis a temporary compound used to store glucose is a highly stable compound that stores complex lipidsis a structural material found in plants and animals; forms external skeletons in animals is the main component for plant structural support; is an energy source for animals

is the principle energy storage compound of plants; is the main energy source in animals

Gel electrophoresis causes larger DNA fragments to move more quickly through the gel than smaller DNA fragments. is used in allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridization. is used to identify and isolate DNA fragments. causes DNA fragments to be led through the gel toward the negative end of the field. is required for PCR reactions.

is used to identify and isolate DNA fragments.

Which statement comparing a solution of lemon juice (pH ~2) to a solution of tomato juice (pH ~4) is true? The lemon juice has more hydrogen acceptors per liter. The lemon juice has a higher pH. The lemon juice has more hydroxyl ions per liter. The lemon juice has more H+ ions per liter. The lemon juice has a more basic pH.

lemon juice has more H+ ions per liter

Starch molecules are stored inside chloroplasts. peroxisomes. leucoplasts. chromoplasts. glyoxysomes.


In tomatoes, tall is dominant to dwarf, and smooth fruits are dominant to hairy fruits. A plant homozygous for both dominant traits is crossed with a plant homozygous for both recessive traits. The F1 progeny are test-crossed with the following results in the F2 progeny: 96 tall with smooth fruits; 94 dwarf with hairy fruits; 6 tall with hairy fruits; and 4 dwarf with smooth fruits. These data indicate that the genes are linked, and show 20 percent recombination. on different chromosomes. linked, and show 40 percent recombination. linked, and show 10 percent recombination. linked, and show 5 percent recombination.

linked, and show 5 percent recombination.

Along the border of France and Italy, there are two different forms of a grasshopper species that differ by one chromosomal rearrangement. When the two forms interbreed, they produce a good number of offspring, but their offspring have lower survival when they reach adulthood than if the two forms interbreed strictly among themselves. This is an example of low hybrid adult viability. low hybrid zygote viability. gametic isolation. habitat isolation. mechanical isolation.

low hybrid adult viability.

A biologist listens to frogs singing at a local pond and hypothesizes that the sounds are mating calls. What would be the next step in the hypothesis-and-prediction method? Making a prediction Testing a prediction Forming a hypothesis Making an observation Controlling an environment

making a prediction

Natural selection favors the development of postzygotic reproductive barriers. may enhance prezygotic isolating mechanisms through reinforcement. favors sympatric speciation via disruptive selection. has no effect on reproductive barriers. may enhance postzygotic isolating mechanisms through autopolyploidy.

may enhance prezygotic isolating mechanisms through reinforcement.

Transport of cytoplasmic materials between plant cells is facilitated by membrane-lined channels called plasmodesmata. motor proteins such as kinesin. constantly beating cilia. the semirigid cell wall. an internal cytoskeleton.

membrane-lined channels called plasmodesmata.

The primary consequence of untreated phenylketonuria is mental retardation. skeletal defects. kidney failure. circulatory diseases. muscle atrophy.

mental retardation.

A patient who was treated for skin cancer was considered in remission but now has tumors in other organs. This is due to _______ the original cancer. repression of oncogenes in cell division inexpression of tumor suppressor genes in metastasis of lack of growth control in

metastasis of

In eukaryotes, the first amino acid in a growing polypeptide chain is always ________ because the only codon for this amino acid is also the ________ codon. methionine; start; glycosylation methionine / stop methionine / start alanine / stop alanine / start

methionine / start

A group of biologists primarily studying the evolutionary relationships of crickets also includes closely related grasshoppers to help determine which traits are ancestral in crickets. The grasshoppers are the synapomorphy. ancestral group. ingroup. outgroup. derived group.


The oxidation of malate to oxaloacetate is coupled to the reduction of NAD+ to NADH + H+. In this process, NAD+ is a(n) reducing agent. phosphate ester. phosphorylating agent. oxidizing agent. vitamin.

oxidizing agent.

Complementary base pairing occurs due to hydrogen bonds between sugar residues. covalent bonds between bases. pairing of two purines or two pyrimidines. pairing of a purine with a pyrimidine. hydrophobic interactions.

pairing of a purine with a pyrimidine.

Enzymes increase the rate of a reaction in all of the following ways except orienting substrates. inducing strain on the substrate. adding charges to the substrate. permanently binding to the substrate. None, all of the above will increase the rate of reaction.

permanently binding to the substrate.

People with PKU often have too much of the amino acid and too little of the amino acid . phenylalanine; alanine tyrosine; phenylalanine tyrosine; alanine alanine; tyrosine phenylalanine; tyrosine

phenylalanine; tyrosine

A functional group that releases energy when removed by hydrolysis is the _______ group. sulfhydryl amino saccharide hydroxyl phosphate


Nucleotides are joined together in a single strand of DNA by glycosidic linkages. phosphodiester bonds. carbon-carbon bonds. hydrophobic interactions. hydrogen bonds.

phosphodiester bonds.

The O2 found in Earth's atmosphere is generated from _________ of noncyclic photophosphorylation, with _________ at its reaction center. photosystem I; P680 chlorophylls photosystem I; ATP synthase electron transport system; cytochrome photosystem II; P680 chlorophylls photosystem II; P700 chlorophylls

photosystem II; P680 chlorophylls

Specialized cellular appendages of prokaryotes that help bacteria adhere to one another when they exchange genetic material are called flagella. cilia. pili. Golgi apparatus. capsules.


If a protein is chemically treated such that all the non-covalent bonds are disrupted, which level(s) of structure shall be preserved? Primary structure Secondary structure Tertiary structure Quaternary structure Primary and secondary structures

primary structure

The activity of the Calvin cycle is linked to the light reactions of photosynthesis through the synthesis of H2O. uptake of CO2. release of O2. regeneration of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP). production of ATP and NADPH.

production of ATP and NADPH.

The initiation of transcription of the glycogen synthase gene occurs when RNA polymerase binds to the _______ of the glycogen synthase gene DNA. initiator A-site terminator start codon promoter


The difference between an acid and a base is that an acid ________, whereas a base ________. releases H+ ions in solution; accepts H+ ions releases H+ ions in solution; accepts H- ions releases OH- ions in solution; accepts OH- ions releases OH- ions in solution; releases H+ ions undergoes a reversible reaction; does not

releases H+ ions in solution; accepts H+ ions

Whether the process is abiotic or occurs in an organism, the synthesis of macromolecules requires energy. gives off heat. results in a more random system. occurs with an increase of entropy. is spontaneous.

requires energy

The synthesis of DNA from RNA is called translation. transcription. replication. reverse transcription. reverse translation.

reverse transcription.

The antibiotic tetracycline exploits the differences between the __________ of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. tRNA structures RNA polymerases DNA structures ribosomal structures mRNA structures

ribosomal structures

Which structure is not surrounded by one or more membranes? Ribosome Vacuole Chloroplast Mitochondrion Peroxisome


Some proteins on the surface of a mammalian cell contain carbohydrates. These proteins are synthesized by ______ and the sugars are added in the ________. cytoplasmic ribosomes; smooth endoplasmic reticulum ribosomes on the rough endoplasmic reticulum; Golgi apparatus mitochondrial ribosomes; smooth endoplasmic reticulum cytoplasmic ribosomes; cell membrane the Golgi apparatus; rough endoplasmic reticulum

ribosomes on the rough endoplasmic reticulum; Golgi apparatus

RNA molecules that act as catalysts are called chaperonins. triglycerides. disulfide bridges. ribozymes. glycosidic linkages.


A group of scientists led by Melvin Calvin conducted experiments demonstrating that _________ is the CO2 acceptor in the carbon-fixation reactions of photosynthesis. NADPH ferredoxin rubisco ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) 3-phosphoglycerate (3PG)

ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP)

The _______ of a phylogenetic tree represents the common ancestor, the _______ represent places where lineages diverge, and the _______ axis represents time. (Assume that the tree is oriented as depicted in the textbook.) node; roots; horizontal root; nodes; horizontal root; branches; horizontal root; branches; vertical root; nodes; vertical

root; nodes; horizontal

When double-stranded DNA is heated to temperatures above 90°C, it denatures. Denaturation is a process that breaks covalent bonds. hydrolyzes DNA. separates double-stranded DNA into two single strands. causes new hydrogen bonds to form. irreversibly destroys the double helical structure.

separates double-stranded DNA into two single strands.

A mechanism for increasing the genetic diversity of offspring is sexual reproduction. cloning. fission. cytokinesis. mitosis.

sexual reproduction.

What was Darwin's explanation for the evolution of bright colors and other apparently useless (and potentially deleterious) but conspicuous characters in males of many species? Sexual selection Gene flow Disruptive selection Genetic drift Stabilizing selection

sexual selection

DNA sequencing reveals a base change in a gene, but there is no effect upon the functional activity of the encoded protein. This mutation can be considered a(n) _______ mutation. somatic induced reversion silent point


A mutant cell line is compared with a nonmutant cell line of the same type. The nonmutant cells secrete the steroid estrogen, but the mutant cells do not. Where should a researcher look to determine whether the mutant cells' defect is in the synthesis of the hormone? Mitochondria Free ribosomes The smooth ER The Golgi apparatus The rough ER

smooth ER

Reproductive isolation means that species A & B can no longer interbreed. species A must be geographically isolated from species B. an organism is sterile. species B potentially interbreeds with species A. species A actually interbreeds with species B.

species A & B can no longer interbreed.

Mutations that are not due to the presence or activity of a mutagen are referred to as __________ mutations. conditional nonsense induced spontaneous silent


Which step in the figure best illustrates the best use of inductive logic (comes after forming hypothesis)? 1 2 3 4 5

step 3

A species of fly inhabits a particular geographic region, with one population preferring cherries and another population preferring walnuts. These two groups are partially reproductively isolated because the insects emerge from their pupae at different times of the year. This species appears to be on its way toward allopolyploidy. allopatric speciation. autopolyploidy. an adaptive radiation. sympatric speciation.

sympatric speciation.

Refer to the table Science: Polling the population to document the distribution of opinions about stem cell research Consulting a farmer's almanac to predict dates for planting seeds in the spring past the last frost Using the Internet to search for peer-reviewed journal articles describing clinical observations to self-diagnose a medical issue Non-Science: Writing a letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing an opinion on stem cell research Consulting an astrologer to predict future events Using the Internet to search for personal anecdotes to self-diagnose a medical issue A student created the table to categorize various scenarios as representing science or non-science. Which statement best evaluates the student's table? Using the Internet is scientific since the searching process is unbiased, so both statements regarding Internet use should appear on the science section of the table. The table is accurate as written and requires no changes. Self-diagnosing a medical issue is not scientific, so both statements regarding this scenario should be moved to the non-science section of the table. Polling is not scientific, so the scenario regarding polling the population should be moved to the non-science section of the table. Consulting a farmer's almanac is not scientific, so this statement should be moved to the non-science section of the table.

table is correct and does not require changes

Main purpose of any single experiment is to test a prediction that is based on a hypothesis. obtain accurate quantitative measurements. avoid a merely comparative analysis. answer as many key questions as possible. prove unambiguously that a particular hypothesis is correct.

test prediction based on hypothesis

The strands that make up DNA are antiparallel, meaning that one strand is positively charged, and the other is negatively charged. the twisting of the DNA molecule has shifted the two strands. the 5ʹ-to-3ʹ direction of one strand is opposite to the 5ʹ-to-3ʹ direction of the other strand. purines bond with purines, and pyrimidines bond with pyrimidines. the base pairings create unequal spacing between the two DNA strands.

the 5ʹ-to-3ʹ direction of one strand is opposite to the 5ʹ-to-3ʹ direction of the other strand.

Griffith was able to distinguish two strains of pneumococcus by means of a difference in size. a difference in the temperatures required to kill them. the appearance of their colonies in culture. a difference in color. their different rates of replication in culture.

the appearance of their colonies in culture.

In 1969, scientists shaved off pieces of the Murchison meteorite and found both D- and L-isomers of ten amino acids. Only L-isomers of amino acids are made by living organisms on Earth. This indicates that life arose in many places besides Earth. life must have originated somewhere other than Earth. Earth's amino acids could not have had an extraterrestrial origin. basic chemical building blocks of life have only formed on Earth. the meteorite's amino acids as a whole could not have resulted from contamination by Earth organisms.

the meteorite's amino acids as a whole could not have resulted from contamination by Earth organisms.

Each of the following features of a population, with the exception of one, may prevent the population from maintaining Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Which is the exception? Individuals migrate into or out of the population. Natural selection is acting on the population. The population is large. Mutation occurs in the population.

the population is large

If a strain of Neurospora is unable to grow on minimal medium but can grow when substance A is added to minimal medium, then substance A must be a mutagen. the strain lacks the enzyme or enzymes needed to synthesize substance A. substance A must be an enzyme. the strain is wild type. the strain lacks the enzyme or enzymes needed to break down substance A.

the strain lacks the enzyme or enzymes needed to synthesize substance A.

Refer to the figure showing two pairs of isomers Cis-butene and trans-butene have the same functional groups but cis-butene binds to a particular biological receptor and elicits a biological response in a cell, while trans-butene does not. Which statement about these two compounds explains this difference? They are not the same shape. They do not have the same mass. They differ in chemical composition. Neither is an organic compound. They are optical isomers.

they are not the same shape

Refer to the following table. Ancestral cell ...CTT...CCG...CAA...CTG Descendant (mutated) cell ...ATT...CTA...CAG...CAG A bacterial cell has been exposed to a powerful mutagen. The table compares a sequence from this mutated descendant cell with the same sequence from its ancestral cell. NOTE: The dots represent intervening sequences where the ancestral and descendant cells have identical sequences. Knowing that the bases C & T are pyrimidines and A & G are purines, you are able to determine that the mutated cell has ______ transitions and ______ transversions. one / three three / two three / one two / two two / three

three / two

You are trying to determine if three different populations of damselflies are separate species based on observations of the individuals with which these damselflies will mate. All combinations of individuals from the populations are able to mate with one another, but viable fertile offspring are produced only between individuals of populations 1 & 2. According to these observations, there are _______ damselfly species, and the biologist is employing the _______ species concept. two; morphological two; biological three; morphological three; biological two; lineage

two; biological

The Miller-Urey experiments demonstrated that life on Earth came from other bodies in the solar system. ice is present in meteorites and on Mars. under specific conditions, the basic building blocks of life can form. CO2, N2, H2S, and SO2 were probably present in Earth's early atmosphere. volcanic eruptions may have released CO2, N2, H2S, and SO2 into Earth's early atmosphere.

under specific conditions, the basic building blocks of life can form.

During CO2 fixation, CO2 combines with water. NADPH. RuBP. G3P. 3PG.


Hybrid zones are likely to be narrow when hybrids are formed in marine species. in species that shift locations considerably during their lifetimes. when the hybrids are as fit as the original species. when reinforcement is occurring. when there is strong selection against the hybrids.

when there is strong selection against the hybrids.

Refer to the ribbon model of a section of polypeptide backbone in a protein. Label A indicates a _______ and label B indicates a _______, both of which are examples of _______ structure. β-pleated sheet; α-helix; secondary β-pleated sheet; α-helix; tertiary α-helix; β-pleated sheet; secondary α-helix; β-pleated sheet; tertiary α-helix; β-pleated sheet; quaternary

β-pleated sheet; α-helix; secondary

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