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What are some mechanisms that regulate gene expression?

-DNA packing -DNA or chromatin modifications - control sequences - transcription factors - circadian clock -alternative RNA splicing -non coding RNAs -CRISPR- Cas9

A man with an X linked recessive gene marries a normal woman. What proportion of the couple's sons is expected to have the gene?


The NPP of a short grass prairie was 500 while the NPP of a tall grass prairie was 1000. If both have 4 trophic levels and the energy transfer efficiency between levels is 10%. What amount of biomass should be available to the upper level of the two systems?

0.5 and 1

How long ago did Pangaea exist?

260 MYA

During DNA replication, one DNA strand is copied to make a new DNA molecule composed of two DNA strands. This new DNA molecules contains:

50% of the parent DNA.

What was significant about the 2018 Ebola outbreak in DRC?

60% reported in children, ring vaccination as strategy to control outbreaks

The ENCODE Project revealed insights about the human genome:

75% of the genome was transcribed into RNA as the end product

According to the best estimate of species diversity to date, the total number of species on the Earth is approximately

8-9 million species

A cell has ribosomes, photosynthetic capabilities, cell respiration, and no nucleus. It may be

A prokaryote

All are true of a genome graph except which of the following

A reference genome based on a few individuals

Which is false about Zika?

A. aegypti is unusual in that it thrives in urban locations and not in the wild

A mouse that has the genotype AaNnPpZZ will have the same phenotype as a mouse with the genotype


The greatest threats to oceanic plankton and coral reef ecosystems are

Acidification and climate warming

We have learned the following from cancer genomics based projects except for one statement that is incorrect

All breast cancer patients have the same oncogenic signature

Advances in precision medicine correlate with advances in technology advancing including

All of the above

The reintroduction of wolves into the Yellowstone Park has

All of the above

Which of the following allows for a single gene to code for more than one polypeptide?

Alternative mRNA splicing

Term used to describe with an incorrect number of chromosomes


Different strains of Influenza A occur each year because of

Antigenic shift

If RNA world is true, there needed to be a supply of RNA bases in the early oceans needed to form RNA molecules. These bases may have been produced by

Asteroid collisions

When there is a major increase in NPP at the bottom of a food web, the consequent increases in abundances of species in higher tropic levels is called a

Bottom-up cascade

defense system bacteria uses to protect against invading genetic elements


Which is incorrect about cancer?

Cancer results from a single mutation

Which is incorrect about Cancer Genomics?

Cancer treatment can be based on the genome of the individual tumor

Deforestation has increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations mainly because the function of forests as ____ is lost when the trees are cut down

Carbon sinks

The most effective means of ensuring the natural oceanic and terrestrial resources such as fish and forests are sustainable is to

Create very large protected reserves

Regulation of gene expression at the transcriptional level for eukaryotes include all except

DNA packing

Which of the following are ecological impacts of climate change

Decreases in fitness, decreases in abundance, and reductions in biome area

infections that recently appeared or whose incidence or geographic range is rapidly increasing or threatens to increase in the future


Strange, enigmatic group of organisms that preceded the Cambrian, and largely died out once the Cambrian began, is collectively called ___.

Edicaran radiation

disease maintained in population, wide geographical distribution ex) common cold


Reasons why hominins evolved bipedalism

Energy efficiency, heat dissipation, resource reaching/carrying, predator location, freeing of hands

Parapatric speciation example

Ensatina salamanders

What did Francois Jacob and Jacques Monod model explain?

Enzyme Induction 1961

modifications to DNA that DONT change DNA base sequence, but CAN affect gene expression

Epigenetic Regulation

Coevolution is the

Evolution of two populations of different species in response to selection pressures that individuals from the two populations exert on each other

A cell that is inhibitied from entering the S phase would be trapped in which phase?


We know evolution is occurring in a population when

Gene frequencies are changing

The fact that, as CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere grow, the acidity of the oceans increases is mechanistically attributable to

Henry's Law and Le Chatlier's Principle

Are epigenetic changes heritable or acquired traits?

Heritable traits

What was the first species in the genus Homo to migrate out of Africa and colonize Europe and Asia?

Homo erectus

Recently discovered in a cave near South Africa, ____ may be the missing link in the evolutionary lineage of Homo sapiens that connects Australopithecus like Lucy with early Homo species

Homo haledi

Massive outbreaks of jellyfish are caused by

Human driven shortening of food chains and flattening of energy pyramids that result in fewer jellyfish competitiors

The top level predators in a 6 tropic level marine ecosystem were removed. What would the pattern of the other trophic levels.


The HGP was started in 1986 to

Identify the nucleotide sequence of all human genes

All of the following statements about Hutchinson-Gilford Porgeria Syndrome are correct except which one of the following

Is very common in newborn babies

Crossing over is one of the most important events in meiosis because

It produces new combinations of alleles on chromosomes

Who discovered CRISPR?

Jennifer Douda

Diagram of all of the chromosomes in a cell is called what?


3 Universal Human Behaviors

Laws, altruism, art

Why do we use the model organisms that we do?

Many of the key genes involved in cell processes are highly conserved

An inhibitor that stabilizes microtubules during cell division would stop mitosis progression at which stage?


Major greenhouse gases are

Methane, CO2, and water vapor

Phospholipid molecules spontaneously form micelles at a critical concentration because

Micelle structure plus associated water molecules is overall less organized

Type of infectious disease affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population and occurs over a wide geographical area


Definition of Emergent Properties

Properties that arise due to the combination of individual parts. It is holistic and cannot be determined by the behaviors of the individual components

During which stage of meiosis does crossing over and formation of tetrads occur?

Prophase I

What was one major surprise from the Human Genome Project published in 2003?

Protein coding genes make up 1.5% of our genome

protein binds operator and turns off gene expression


Sympatric speciation example

Rhagoletis flies (flies in apples vs hawthornes)

The Olympic peninsula on the coast of Washington state has an average precipitation level of 120 inches per year, 30 inches above the amount considered to be the minimum for a tropical rainforest biome. The reason for this rainfall is

Rising air within the Hadley cell at 48N latitude cools and drops large amounts of moisture

"Genes first" theories for the origin of life involve

Self-replicating molecules

Services necessary for the functioning of all other ecosystem services is called


There are over 100,000 invertebrates pollinators. The ecosystem services these species provide can be classified as


Cancer is usually not inherited because

The chromosomal changes in cancer are usually confined to somatic cells

The latest update from the HGP in 2018 reports all of the following except

The cost to sequence a complete human genome costs $1M

Which of the following does not produce new or novel genetic variation on the time scale of several generations?

There is independent or random alignment of chromosomes at metaphase

The evolution multicellular choanoflagellates during the pre-Cambrian was an important event because

These were the ancestors of sponges and echinoderms

During mitosis, the chromosomes move because

They attach to a dynamic, precisely regulated mitotic spindle

One of the most important vertebrates in the transition from aquatic to terrestrial life was


proteins that bind to specific DNA sequences and control transcription of DNA to mRNA

Transcription Factors

Genetic changes that underlie oncogenesis alter fundamental properties of cells including all of the following except

Typically results from a single mutation

What were Watson and Crick known for?

Won nobel prize for DNA discoveries,

What does DNA packing prevent?

access to genes for transcription

Which of the following statements about genetic diversity over a few generations is false? a. Genetic diversity is enhanced by independent orientation of chromosomes at metaphase I during meiosis. b. Genetic diversity is enhanced by homologous chromosomes in meiosis that carry different versions of genes. c. Genetic diversity is enhanced by random fertilization. d. Genetic diversity is enhanced by crossing over during prophase I of meiosis. e. Genetic diversity is enhanced by mutations.


Vitamin D-resistant rickets is an X-linked dominant bone disorder. A man with this form of rickets marries a normal woman. What proportion of the couple's sons is expected to have vitamin D-resistant rickets? a. 100% b. 25% c. 50% d. 75% e. 0%

e. 0%

new case of disease increasing rapidly and geographically confined ex) SARS


What explains the differences in identical twins?

epigenetic variations

The cold, thermohaline currents originating at the poles

help maintain average ocean temperatures within 1C worldwide

X-linked conditions are more common in men than in women because

men need to inherit only one copy of the recessive allele for the condition to be fully expressed

The following are true about microRNA gene expression except

microRNAs encode for proteins

Most genetic disorders of humans are caused by

recessive alleles

Circadian clock regulates:

sleep, hormone release, rise and fall of blood pressure

limited outbreak with transmission from animals or humans

stage 3

long outbreak with transmission from animals or humans

stage 4


variation of a gene

neuramidinase (NA) NA1-9

viral enzyme that facilitates virus release from infected cell

When one DNA molecule is copied to make two DNA molecules, the DNA contains

100% of the parent DNA

When and where was the first human case of the Zika virus?

1952 Brazil

A tropical nature reserve is planning on expanding its area from 100,000 hectares to 1M hectares. This increase in size should allow the protection of approx ____ as many species


E Coli

3 enzymes are synthesized in response to lactose

The oldest evidence of cellular life on Earth is

3.8 billion year old stromatolites in which fossilized prokaryote cells are found

A fossil human jawbone found in Morocco in 2017 indicates Homo sapiens were living in Africa at least ____ years ago.


How long was the largest Ebola outbreak?

34.8 days

Last universal common ancestor of all current life on the Earth existed about


What early evidence prior to 1953 supported the hypothesis of Watson and Crick that DNA carried the information for genetic inheritance? a. Frederick Griffith's experiments when he was trying to develop a vaccine to pathogenic pneumonia. b. The Human Genome Project. c. The Vertebrate Genome Project. d. The Genome 10K Project. e. The Moonshot.


What is NOT a role of microRNAs in expression: a. encode proteins b. small, single stranded c. imperfect base pairing d. native to cell and normal regulatory processes e. block translation of mRNA or promotes degradation of mRNA


Over 300 species of wasps have been found on the Solomon islands, all apparently descended from a single ancestral species. This illustrates

Adaptive radiation via sympatric and allopatric speciation

Parapatric speciation definition

Adjacent populations evolve

The oldest known hominin species that evolved not long after our split from chimpanzees is

Adripthecus ramidus

Dead zones occur when

Algae bloom then die, undergoing decomposition which extracts O2 from the water column

Major domains of life

Archaea, Eucaryota, Eubacteria

Major extinction events

Are examples of Gould's principle of contingent evolution, are often followed by major adaptive radiations, leave many ecological niches unoccupied, were caused by collisions with asteroids and vulcanism

Since the 1990's, which component of the whole Earth system has been absorbing the greatest proportion of CO2 released by human activities


The Hersey-Chase experiments in 1952 were important because they showed that: a. proteins were the hereditary molecules b. DNA was the hereditary material c. a nuclear extract was madeup of H,O,N and P with a unique ratio of N to P d. the X-ray diffraction data showed a double helix e. the concentrations of A=T and C=G

B. DNA was the hereditary material

Cells that can extract energy to make carbohydrates by oxidizing inorganic compounds such as Hydrogen Sulfide are called


What is transcription regulated by?

Circadian Clock

What does CRISPR stand for?

Clustered Regularly Interspersed Short Palindromic Repeats

The fundamental reason why trade winds exist is the

Coreolis effect

Which of the following is NOT true about the Dengue Virus? A. "backbone" fever B. 3-14 days for symptoms to develop C. fever, headache, joint pain, skin rash D. isn't life threatening E. caused by 1 of 4 different, but related viruses


They Hershey-Chase experiemts in 1952 were important because they showed that

DNA was the hereditary material


DNA: deoxyribose sugar, thymine, double strandRNA: ribose sugar, uracil, single strand

What is essential for generation miRNAs of mammals?


The recovery of biodiversity on Rakata is explained by which of the following?

Dispersed by air and water to Rakata during the year after the eruptions, species that existed elsewhere reestablished the islands biodiversity to pre-eruption levels and the previous balance of immigration and extinction once again maintained the equilibirum species diversity

In the Galapagos islands, the population of Geospiza magnirostris on San Salvador island consists of a large billed morph and a small billed morph. This situation most likely reflects the outcome of

Disruptive selection

As Wallace notes, as islands of similar size get farther from a mainland source of colonists the number of resident species gets lower. This effect is known as

Distance Law

Sympatric speciation definition

Divergence into two species without barriers to gene flow

What is the relationship between dominant and recessive traits?

Dominant traits mask recessive traits

What is another word for the single stranded RNA hemorrhagic fever


Which is true about Ebola?

Ebola reached epidemic levels in West Africa because of its ability to sustain human-to-human transmission

Type of infectious disease affecting a large number of the population but is local outbreak


inheritance of traits transmitted by mechanisms not directly involving the nucleotide sequence

Epigenetic Inheritance

When did Ebola begin?

February 2014 in Guinea

The trend over time of the global fishing industry to catch species that are lower in average tropic level is called

Fishing down the food web

Give two examples of entropy driven reactions

Formation of a lipid bilayer and protein folding

What is the evidence that Pangaea was a single landmass that later split up?

Fossil records and otherwise anomalous current distributions of species

Perhaps the most important mutualistic associations in the biosphere are those involving

Fungi and the roots of plants

The amount of plant production measured before the plants' metabolic needs are accounted for is called


With regard to a few generations, which of the following statements about genetic diversity is false?

Genetic diversity is enhanced by mitosis of somatic cells

This is a mechanism for evolution that Darwin did not account for

Genetic drift

This process occurs in small populations and causes change in allele frequencies and the loss of genetic diversity which can reduce fitness and leave populations more prone to extinction

Genetic drift

____ is the name of the genome project that was launched in 2009 whose goal was to sequence the DNA of 10,000 vertebrates

Genome 10K project

When there seem to be no contemporary selective forces that can explain the traits of species such as the New Zealand Moa, evolutionary biologists often invoke the idea of

Ghost of selection/predation past

Discoveries about humanlike Neanderthal behavior

Glue, buried dead, use of tools, language (art, music, self adornment)

Allopatric speciation example

Grand Canyon squirrels

Which are traits common to all species in the order primates? (Check)

Grasping hand, binocular vision, parental care, sociality, large brain, and bipedialsim

According to a main theory, the latitudinal gradient in species diversity occurs because

Greater productivity and stability in the tropics lower extinction rates and increase speciation rates

Who established the gene concept?

Gregor Mendel

According to the Gaia Hypothesis:

Humans have coevolved with many of the species of plants and animals in the biosphere and are hence a natural part of the system of checks and balances

Geographically, species richness in both terrestrial and marine environments generally decline with

Increasing magnitude of latitude

When an ecological interaction between two species is mediated by an intermediate species, we call the effect


These break the cycle of overexploitation that arises from viewing oceans fisheries as a commons subject to unregulated, free market competition

Individual Trade Quotas

Zoonotic diseases are

Infectious disease that can be transmitted from other vertebrate animals to humans

From the study of large, infrequent disturbances over the past 25 years, ecologists have concluded that

Large disturbances are like vast editing processes in which some biotic elements are deleted, others transformed, and still others left unaffected

Sustainability definition

Living within regenerative capacity of the biosphere

Genetic changes that underlie oncogenesis alter fundamental properties of cells (except)

Malignant cells are more highly oxygenated and do not migrate toward a blood supply

Who influenced Darwin's thinking about evolution by pointing out that overpopulation in humans could increase death rate due to lack of food


X linked conditions are more common in men than in women because

Men only need to inherit one of the recessive alleles for the condition to be fully expressed

The amount of plant production left over for use by herbivores after the plants' metabolic needs are accounted for is


The Orcas and otters example from class illustrates

Nonproximate effects, negative and positive feedbacks, nonlinear effects, and the impact of top predators on ecosystems

Which of the following properties applies to complex systems?

Nonproximate effects, nonlinear relationships, and emergent properties

Vast deposits of iron oxides known as the Branded Iron Formations were laid down in the Earth's oceans starting about 2 BYA, due to

O2 concentrations in Earths atmosphere increasing to 15% over 2 billion years due primarily to Cyanobacteria

region on DNA near promoter, acts as switch for gene expression to be on and off, determines whether RNA polymerase can bind to promoter


Which of the following would be considered a keystone species

Orcas, Wolves, Sharks, Humans

The ____ Revolution may have been a major factor in the evolution of larger, more complex, and more diverse organisms that arose during the Cambrian Explosion.


Allopatric speciation definition

Physical barriers between populations prevents interbreeding

Human overfertilization of cropland with N and P eventually effects coastal waters by causing toxic ____ and a growing number of ____ along continental shelves

Phytoplankton growth, dead zones

The melting of polar ice caps is largely caused by

Positive feedbacks on the temperature of polar oceans as ice dissapears driven by the low albedo of ocean water

The strucutre of many complex networks, including food webs and protein networks, follow similar ____ laws


The Oeconomy of Nature was

Presented a systems view of the natural world

There is a large scale, whole Earth correlation between increasing terrestrial productivity and species density as latitude decreases. More local relationships between productivity and the species diversity of terrestrial plants and animals usually

Primarily show a humped shape relationship

The chicken and egg problem for the origin of life states that ____ are needed to make DNA and ____ is needed to make ____

Proteins, DNA, Proteins

What is evidence that RNA may have preceded DNA in early cellular systems?

RNA regulated gene expression, repairs genes, and carries genetic information from DNA to ribosomes

Technological advances to manipulate gene expression include one of the following

RNA splicing

New tools for cancer detection and treatment include all of the following except

Radiation therapy

What happens when Delta G is positive

Reaction proceeds towards reactants

For hydrolysis of ATP, DeltaG is -30.5kJ/mol. What is true?

Reaction would proceed spontaneously

Most genetic disorders of humans are caused by

Recessive alleles

The persistence of older phylogenetic groups in the tropics and the sympatric coexistence of greater numbers of related species suggests that

Reduced extinction rates and higher speciation rates

Which is false about the increase of health for infectious diseases?

Refusal to be vaccinated

The HGP and other genomics studies have not provided the mechanistic insights we expected for the following disorder/disease

Schizophrenia and depression

____ is a method of DNA sequencing that was developed for the HGP

Shotgun sequencing

The Miller experiment showed that

Simple organic molecules can form spontaneously under early Earth conditions

Prior to mitotic anaphase, each chromosome of a eukaryotic cell consists of a pair of identical structures called

Sister chromatids

Give one example of an emergent property from the physical world


The ____ hypothesis is one of the leading theories explaining why primates, and especially Homo sapiens, evolved such a comparatively large brain.

Social brain

disease occasionally in low numbers, Not geographically defined ex) Tegus, rabies, plague, measles


Lizards on a small Caribbean island having average body lengths survive more hurricanes. This shows

Stabilizing selection

During which zoonotic stage is there no transmission to humans with the agent only in animals?

Stage 1

primary infection zoonotic stage with transmission from animals

Stage 2

This person was the first to predict that the Earth's temperature would increase because of rising CO2 levels

Svante Arrhenius

In African rift lakes, hundreds of species of cichlid fish species have evolved apparently from a single ancestral species over comparatively short time spans. The most likely mechanism within lake adaptive radiations is

Sympatric speciation

What did James Allison and Tasuku Honjo discover?

T-Cells can fight cancer by deactivating the brakes

According to the Whittaker diagram, Nakina, Ontario with an average annual temp of 0C and annual precipitation of 85.7cm would be located in which of the following biomes


Give one example of an emergent property from the biological world

Termite nests

The Darwinian reason for why pea hens mate preferentially with peacocks with larger tails and more eye spots is

That tail size and spot density are honest indicators of the peacocks possession of fitness enhancing genes that are heritable and hence will be passed on to the pea hen's offspring

The new epoch for our planet and the new era of human history that we are now living in is termed

The Anthropocene

The graph of atmospheric CO2 concentrations at the top of Mauna Loa against time from 1958 until the present is called

The Keeling curve

Which is true about double stranded DNA?

The X-ray diffraction pattern indicated a helical structure

The human footprint on Earth can be defined as

The are of land required to provide resources and absorb emissions for the human population

Suppose the males of a given species have a much larger investment in reproduction than females. What is the likely pattern of mating behavior in this species?

The females are flashy, colorful and aggressive and compete with other females for males

The Sun's energy is derived from

The fusion of 4 protons to form a helium atom with less mass which releases energy equivalent to E=mc^2

Holistic, systems based methods of understanding complex systems stress

The idea that ultimately everything is connected to everything else, The concept of emergent properties, and that nonlinear and nonproximate effects make understanding and prediction of the dynamics of complex systems difficult

What is the relationship between immigration/extinction rates and island size?

The large island has a higher immigration rate and lower extinction rate and consequently a higher equilibrium number of resident species

The eruption of Mount Pinatubo provides an example of the connection between e

The lithosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere

Ecosystem resilience is a measure of

The magnitude of disturbance a system can absorb before it fails to return to its previous state

Which of the following would be the least likely ecological change in ta terrestrial ecosystem following the removal of a top predator such as the wolf

The number of species coexisting together in the ecosystem would increase

What happens when lactose is NOT present in E coli?

The operon is off, repressor bound to operator, RNA polymerase cannot bind AND the repressor is constitutively expressed

What happens when lactose is present in E Coli?

The operon is on, lactose binds to the repressor(conformational change)

RNA is more chemically reactive than DNA because of the following except

The presence of adenine

What happens when Delta G is zero

The reaction is at equilibrium

What happens when Delta G is negative

The reaction proceeds towards products

The ultimate reason why the biomass of organisms at lower levels of a food web is greater than that of species in the higher levels of a food web is that

The seconds law of thermodynamics

Within one chromosome during mitosis, what is the relationship between the sequence of bases in DNA of one sister chromatid compared to another?

The sequences are identical

What property of food webs can greatly enhance their stability

The tendency for food webs to be dominated by a small number of hubs

When the exploitation of an open resource drives people unilizing that resource towards catastrophic overexploitation the result has been termed

The tragedy of the commons

The 3-D strucutre of RNA is very different from DNA because

Uracil, base pairing prevents formation of anti-parallel double helix, series of nucleotides connected by covalent bonds

Darwin and Wallace both realized that natural selection cannot act and evolution would not occur without this in a population


Recent research on giant viruses like Megavirus suggest that

Viruses were originally free living cells that later evolved into extreme parasites incapable of functioning without their hosts

The oceanic and terrestrial carbon sinks are important because

Without them the CO2 concentration of the atmosphere would be significantly higher and the Earth's temperature would then be much higher

what is the infant brain disorder, microcephaly, Guillen barre syndrome?


A genome graph: a. is a network of DNA sequences typically from 1,000 or more individuals. b. relies on dideoxynucleoside triphosphates to lead to short fragments of DNA. c. is too confusing to be of use. d. is unethical because it shares the source of the DNA. e. is a reference genome based on a few individuals.


In many organisms including humans, chromosomes are found in homologous pairs. Homologous chromosomes a. are identical in the arrangement of their genes, but some versions of the genes (alleles) may differ between the chromosomes. b. are identical both in the arrangement of their genes and in every version of every gene. c. all of the choices stated. d. have roughly similar arrangements of their genes, but some versions of the genes may differ between the genes. e. are similar in size and shape, but this deceptive similarity has nothing to do with placement of gene arrangement or type.


Which of the following is true about double-stranded DNA? a. Its 3-D conformation is quite different from RNA's 3D conformation. b. The two strands are identical. c. It is shaped like a triple helix. d. Adenine and uracil are present in equal amounts. e. Adenine and cytosine are present in equal amounts.


Autism is not

a disease of elderly populations similar to Alzheimer's disease


a heritable factor that controls a specific characteristic (i.e. flower color)

We have learned the following from Cancer Genomics Projects except for the following one statement that is incorrect. a. All breast cancer patients have the same oncogenic signature. b. Most cancers are caused by 2-8 sequential alterations over 20-30 years. c. Mary Claire King was the first to show that breast cancer can be inherited. d. A large percentage of epithelial cancers can result from whole chromosome shattering or chromothripsis. e. All cancer patients do not respond to the same chemotherapy or treatment plan.

a. All breast cancer patients have the same oncogenic signature.

Autism is a complicated genetic disorder. Identify the one false statement. b. There are somatic mutations that only appear in a small fraction of the cells of the body. c. Autism is typically not recognized until kids are 2-3 years old. d. The genetic profile was identified through deep sequencing techniques. a. Autism is a disease similar to cancer where mutations accumulate as a function of age. e. New predictive approaches have resulted through using systems biology to identify an increase in common metabolites in autism not seen in normal children.

a. Autism is a disease similar to cancer where mutations accumulate as a function of age

Scientists commonly choose white blood cells that are going through mitosis to prepare karyotypes. Why? a. During mitosis, chromosomes are more condensed than during interphase. b. Cells in mitosis contain the greatest number of chromosomes, thus providing more material for study. c. Karyotypes are based on chromatin and not chromosomes. d. Cells in mitosis have the fewest chromosomes, thus simplifying karyotype analysis. e. More cells are in mitosis than any other stage of the cell cycle, making it easier to obtain mitotic cells for study.

a. During mitosis, chromosomes are more condensed than during interphase.

A researcher treats cells with an inhibitor that prevents DNA synthesis from starting. This treatment would trap the cells in which stage of the cell cycle? a. G1 b. G2 c. mitosis d. G0 e. cytokinesis

a. G1

The ENCODE Project revealed new insights about the human genome. Identify the one correct answer. a. Recognition that evolutionary change occurs through sequences that alter gene regulation. b. ~80% of the genome encodes proteins. c. >80% of the human genome could not be explained; it had no biochemical function. d. The organization of the human genome is similar to the bacterial genome. e. The results do not require validation.

a. Recognition that evolutionary change occurs through sequences that alter gene regulation.

The latest update from the Human Genome Project in 2018 reports all of the following except one below. Identify the incorrect statement. a. There is one gene product for each gene. b. The definition of a gene now includes any interval along chromosomal DNA that is transcribed into functional RNA as well as RNA translated into protein. c. The number of genes identified keeps increasing. d. We actually do not know the total number of genes. e. There continues to be faster, more accurate, DNA sequencing and at lower costs.

a. There is one gene product for each gene.

The 3-D structure of RNA is very different from DNA because of the following EXCEPT: a. a series of deoxynucleotides connected by covalent bonds b. the nitrogenous base uracil c. the 2'-hydroxyl (-OH) makes RNA more chemically reactive d. the base pairing prevents formation of an anti-parallel double helix e. RNA molecules vary in length from 10s-10002 nucleotides yet DNA can be billions of base pairs

a. a series of deoxynucleotides connected by covalent bonds

Which of the following allows for a single gene to encode for more than one polypeptide? a. alternative mRNA splicing. b. mRNA degradation. c. CRISPR. d. DNA packing. e. Circadian clock regulation.

a. alternative mRNA splicing.

small changes in viral genetic makeup

antigenic drift

large changes in genetic makeup

antigenic shift

In many organisms including humans, chromosomes are found in homologous pairs. Homologous chromosomes

are identical in the arrangement of their genes, but some versions of the genes may differ between the chromosomes

Keystone species

are species whose effects on the other species in a community are much greater than would be predicted from their abundance

What have been the successes from the Human Genome Project? Identify the one incorrect a. Launch of the 10K Genome Project. b. The shotgun approach was fast but not reliable. c. Development of new technologies for DNA sequencing and analysis that have enhanced the speed and decreased the cost. d. Development of new protocols based on DNA analysis such as testing for genetic diseases using blood from the pregnant woman rather than amniocentesis. e. Understanding cancer and rare genetic diseases.


The results of the Human Genome Project have changed how we view our DNA/genome. What were the major surprises? Identify the incorrect answer a. Gene control sequences (promoters, enhancers, microRNA) make up 24% of the human genome. b. A single individual's DNA was sequenced; therefore little was initially learned from it. c. Protein-encoding genes make up ~1.5% of our genome. 98.5% is noncoding DNA. d. There are millions of transposable elements that are repeated throughout the genome. e. There is repetitive DNA sequence between the genes.

b. A single individual's DNA was sequenced; therefore little was initially learned from it.

Over the past 10 years we have learned a great deal about cancer through genomics projects such as The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Project. Which one of the following is incorrect? a. Every individual tumor is distinct with regard to genetic alterations, but pathways affected in different tumors may be similar. b. All breast cancers show the same oncogenic signature. c. Chromothripsis can occur in >50% of soft-tissue cancer types. d. Most cancers are caused by 2-8 sequential alternations over 20-30 years. e. ~140 genes are known whose mutations drive cancer.

b. All breast cancers show the same oncogenic signature.

What was one major surprise from the Human Genome Project published in 2003? a. Protein-encoding genes make up ~98.5% of our genome. b. Protein-encoding genes make up ~1.5% of our genome. c. A single individual's DNA was sequenced so we did not learn much. d. The shotgun approach of sequencing was fast but not reliable. e. The Human Genome Project was expensive and mostly hype based on what resulted from the project.

b. Protein-encoding genes make up ~1.5% of our genome.

X-linked conditions are more common in men than in women because a. men acquire two copies of the defective gene during fertilization. b. men need to inherit only one copy of the recessive allele for the condition to be fully expressed. c. women simply do not develop the disease regardless of their genetic composition. d. the sex chromosomes are more active in men than women. e. the genes associated with the sex-linked conditions are linked to the Y-chromosome, which determines maleness.

b. men need to inherit only one copy of the recessive allele for the condition to be fully expressed.

When is RNA processed?

before leaving the nucleus

hemaglutinin (HA) H1-H16

binds cells receptors and critical fusion of viral and endosomal membranes

Amino Acids

building blocks of proteins (about 20 kinds)

Which of the following is NOT a factor that drives EID emergence? a. socio economic b. environmental c. cultural d. climate change e. ecological


What is CRISPR/Cas9? Identify the one incorrect answer. a. a defense system that bacteria use to protect against invading genetic elements. b. Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats. c. A method of protein sequencing. d. A gene-editing tool. e. Offers exciting promise for curing human diseases, advancing agriculture, altering pests that carry disease.

c. A method of protein sequencing

There is the need for differential gene expression for the humans because of one of the following. Identify the one correct answer. a. Gene expression is very straight forward because the genes lie in tandem, and all are turned on at the same time. b. Cells differentiate by the action of enzymes. c. All cells contain the same genotype. d. There is one master homeotic gene that turns on all genes at one time in all cells. e. There is no need for differential gene expression.

c. All cells contain the same genotype.

Why is the inheritance of so many traits difficult to explain using only Mendel's view of genetics? a. Failures in the predictive power of Mendel's ideas about inheritance are artifacts that reflect our incomplete understanding of the organisms under study b. Mendel worked with peas, not humans, and the genetic principles that operate in a simple organism like a pea plant cannot be applied to an organism as complex as a human c. Mendel was correct for the traits he investigated, but his principles must be extended to explain more complex patterns of inheritance d. Mendel's laws of segregation and independent assortment apply only in a limited set of cases in sexually reproducing organisms. e. Because Mendel did not know about chromosomes, he could not have been expected to describe the laws of inheritance.

c. Mendel was correct for the traits he investigated, but his principles must be extended (not discarded) to explain more complex patterns of inheritance

Count Me In was established in 2018 as a nonprofit organization committed to advancing patient- partnered research with support from the Broad Institute, Emerson Collective, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and the Biden Cancer Initiative. The approach is based on the following statements except one. Choose the one incorrect answer. a. Each cancer has a specific oncogenic signature. b. Only through very large data sets can identification of mutations common to a particular cancer group be correlated with a specific treatment approach. c. There is not a need for this approach because our physicians have access to all of our medical results. d. The goal is not just to have a genome data base but to include saliva, blood, and stored tumor samples, clinical information to discover new and important patterns in cancer progression and response to treatment. e. The goal is that this become a freely accessible data base much like that of the Human Genome Project and the Cancer Atlas.

c. There is not a need for this approach because our physicians have access to all of our medical results.

We have learned a great deal about COVID-19 except one incorrect response below. Identify it. a. The COVID-19 virus is a single-stranded virus. b. Of the 7 known coronaviruses, COVID-19, SARS, and MERS are considered zoonotic. c. We now know that COVID-19 was engineered for biological warfare and escaped from a military laboratory. d. COVID-19 is presently considered a pandemic by the World Health Organization. e. Sheltering in place and social distancing do flatten the curve.

c. We now know that COVID-19 was engineered for biological warfare and escaped from a military laboratory.

The 3-D structure of RNA is very different from DNA because of the following: a. the 2'-hydroxyl (OH) makes RNA more chemically reactive b. the nitrogenous base uracil c. all of the choices d. the base pairing prevents formation of an antiparallel double helix e. a series of ribonucleotides connected by covalent bonds

c. all of the choices

James Allison and Tasuku Honjo were awarded the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine because of which one of the following? A. They were responsible for the shotgun method of sequencing. b. They developed a new CRISPR strategy to fight cancer. c. They patented the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes and developed a diagnostic test for breast cancer. d. They identified key proteins on T cells, called immune checkpoint proteins, that were normally responsible for turning off activated T cells. e. They identified key proteins on hemoglobin that are normally responsible for turning off sickle cell anemia.


Mary Claire King in 1990 identified the gene associated with increased risk of breast cancer. Based on her initial work, we now know the following except one incorrect statement. a. BRCA1 and/or BRCA2 mutations increase the risk for breast cancer. b. BRCA1 and BRCA2 encode for proteins involved in DNA repair. c. Dr. King developed the BROCA diagnostic test in 2015, which can screen for 50-60 genes in patients suspected of a predisposition to hereditary cancers. d. In 2015, Myriad Genetics argued before the Supreme Court that naturally occurring DNA should not be patent eligible. e. BRCA1 is localized to chromosome 17.


Which of the following is not true in regards to the encode project today? A. are long range signals for regulation b. evolutionary changes alter regulation c. noncoding regions harbor rich array of elements with diverse gene regulatory d. all the above are true e. evolutionary changes through protein coding sequences


Which of the following was a novel deduction that Watson and Crick were able to make about DNA based on Rosalind Franklin's X-ray diffraction data, i.e., Photo 51? a. They concluded that DNA was composed of nucleotides. b. The amounts of A = T and the amounts of C = G in all DNA molecules. c. None of the choices stated. d. The consistent width of DNA led them to conclude that purines must base-pair with pyrimidines. e. Chromosomes are the locations of our genes encoded by sequences of nucleotides.


During mitosis, the chromosomes move because _______________________________. a. they diffuse within the nucleus to areas where they are less concentrated. b. other chromosomes push them along. c. of the increased concentration of proteins and membrane vesicles in the cells. d. they attach to a dynamic, precisely regulated mitotic spindle. e. because of the electrostatic interactions with the cytoplasm

d. they attach to a dynamic, precisely regulated mitotic spindle.

Cells with two of each kind of chromosome are described by the term


the gene that can generate 17,500 proteins found in different nerve cells


A carrier of a genetic disorder who does not show symptoms is most likely to be____________ to transmit it to offspring. a. heterozygous for the trait and unlikely b. homozygous for the trait and able c. heterozygous for the trait and unable d. homozygous for the trait and unable e. heterozygous for the trait and able


A mouse that has the genotype AANnPpzz will have the same phenotype as a mouse with the genotype: (Note that the uppercase alleles A, N, P, and Z are dominant). a. AAnnPPZz b. AANnppZz c. AANNPPZZ d. AaNNPpZz e. AaNNPPzz


What is NOT a role of siRNA? (Small Interfering RNA) a. double stranded b. hybridizes with target c. silence gene expression d. defense mechanism e. does not cleave


All are true of a genome graph except which one of the following. a. A network of DNA sequences typically from 1,000 or more individuals. b. More accurate because captures regions that were not identified previously because of insertions, duplications, and or deletions. c. May identify mutations missed by sequence comparison to a single genome. d. This universal genome approach could store information about from whom the genome(s) came. e. A reference genome based on a few individuals.

e. A reference genome based on a few individuals.

The structure of DNA is very stable because of the following. Choose the one statement that is true. a. Orientation of the strands is antiparallel. b. The two strands are held in register through precise hydrogen bonding between adenine & thymine and guanine & cytosine. c. Stability results because of a large number of noncovalent interactions including hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic interactions and van der Waals interactions. d. The absence of uracil. e. All of the above.

e. All of the above

James Allison was awarded the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the following medical breakthroughs. Which statement below is false. a. He identified a key protein receptor that allows the immune system's T cells to recognize the antigens of infected or abnormal cells including cancer cells. b. He showed that the activated T-cells multiply, but turn off rather than continue to attack cancerous cells. c. He proposed that activated T-cells also had a second receptor that was a control switch or immune checkpoint that turned off activated T-cells. d. He developed antibodies to the checkpoint receptor that bound and inactivated the switch so that the T cells would continue to attack the cancer cells. e. He pioneered the use of immune checkpoint inhibitors to treat COVID-19.

e. He pioneered the use of immune checkpoint inhibitors to treat COVID-19.

Lovelock's Daisy World ultimately collapsed because

increasing temperature driven by growing solar radiation exceeded the upper thermal maximum of white daisies

Most deadly pandemics have been caused by

influenza viral strains

functioning unit of DNA containing a cluster of genes under the control of a single regulatory promoter


new case of disease increasing and spreading rapidly with wide global distribution ex) HIV/AIDS


region of DNA that facilitates transcription of genes site for RNA polymerase to bind DNA


During which stage of meiosis does crossing over and formation of tetrads occur?

prophase 1

What was significant about the 2014 Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone?

rapid accumulation of interhost and intrahost genetic variation with no evidence of additional zoonotic sources, sustained human-human transmission by contact bodily fluids

In terms of global air circulation, the Hadley cells around the tropics are regions where air

rises and cools, dropping rain

the large RNA-protein complex that processes introns and exons is called


exclusive human agent with transmission only from humans

stage 5

Why are so many EIDs linked to Viruses?

viruses have high rate of mutation

The Permian extinctions...

were the result of huge and prolonged volcanic eruptions

Is coordinated gene expression of genes not in tandem common?


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