Biology Final

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Senses light and beneficial for phototaxis (Movement towards light).


Simple cells which do not have their DNA in a nucleus; NO membrane bound organelles.


Site of cell Respiration in eukaryotic cells. Produces ATP.


Small hair-like projections on the outside of a cell; sweeps food towards the oral groove.


Smallest organelle found in all cells; makes protein; gets instructions from DNA.


"Fake foot." Used to surround food item and bring it into the cell. Can also be used for movement.


A cell's _______ is directly related to its function. Ex. (paramecium, muscle cell, vascular tissue, nerve, red blood cell, sperm cell)


All living things are made of ____. ALL cells contain: ribosomes, cell membrane, DNA, cytoplasm.

Levels of Organization of Life

All living things are made up of cells .... many may group together to form - tissue - organ - organ systems - organism (multicellular).


Amino Acids 1. Transports material into/our of the cell (channel or pump) 2. Components of cells and tissues (muscle, hair) 3. Speeds up the rate of a reaction Ex. insulin (transport material), hemoglobin (component of cell and tissue), enzymes (speed reactions)


An _________ is a behavior or feature that an organism possesses, which increases its chance of survival in their environment. Must have a genetic basis so that it can be passed from parent to offspring. Ex. (Oral groove, cilia, pseudopod)


An enzyme may _____ as a result of temperature or pH.


Are channels for large or charged material to move in and our of the cell.

Cell Wall

Provides support and structure to plant, fungi, and bacteria cells; found outside cell membrane.


Circular ring of DNA found in prokaryotic cells.

Cell Membrane

Controls what enters and leaves the cell; it is selectively permeable.


Differentiation allows each of cell types to form from ____ cells.


Does not change and can be used over and over in reactions. Can only work on one specific substrate.


Fatty acid and glycerol 1. Makes biological membranes 2. Long-term energy storage 3. Insulation and waterproofing Ex. fats, steroids, phospholipids

Surface Area

Folds in organs and organelles increase _____ _____. This increases the structure's ability to do its job.


ID tags found on the outer surface of the cell.


If a nerve, muscle, and blood cell came from the same person, the DNA in each of them would be ________.

Contractile Vacuole

Pumps water out of the cell to prevent cell lysis (breaking open due to osmosis).


Long whip-like tails used for movement (swimming).


Means either a animal or plant cell will swell. However, only an animal cell will rupture because it doesn't have a cell wall. This means there is a lower concentration of solute than inside the cell.


Monosaccharide 1. Main energy source 2. Provides structure and support Ex. glucose (simple), glycogen and starch (complex), cellulose (structure)


More complex cells which protect DNA inside a nucleus; have specialized structures called membrane bound organelles.

Active Transport

Movement of material across the cell or plasma membrane using energy (ATP). Energy may be needed because: 1. Going from low to high concentration 2. Large quantity 3. Result is an increase in the concentration gradient Ex. pump, exocytosis

Passive Transport

Movement of material across the cell or plasma membrane without the use of energy (molecules move due to a concentration difference.... a gradient). Ex. diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis

Nucleic Acids

Nucleotides 1. Controls heredity information 2. Contains instructions for making proteins Ex. DNA (heredity), RNA (instructions)

Oral Groove

Opening to being larger material into a cell.


Prokaryote that has uncoiled DNA, flagella, a capsule, and plasmid.

Food Vacuole

Specialized storage food can be broken down by enzymes (inside the cell).


Stores the DNA in eukaryotic cells; control center of the cell.


Stores water and dissolved material; in plants it is usually the largest organelle.

Cellular Respiration

Takes energy in glucose and stores it in ATP. Occurs in the mitochondria. Process used by all eukaryotes. C6H12O6 + O2 = ATP + H2O + CO2


The cell membrane helps cells ______ homeostasis by regulating what may enter or leave the cell.

Adenosine Triposphate (ATP)

The energy storing molecule used by cells to move, work, and survive.


To make more ATP a _______ must be added back on to a molecule of ADP.


To release energy from ATP one phosphate must be ____. ATP then becomes ADP (adenosine diphosphate).


Uses sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to make glucose and oxygen.


Using energy from the sun to produce glucose. Occurs in the chloroplast. Process used by plants and algae. ATP + H2O + CO2 = C6H12O6 + O2


When a plant and animal cell shrink. Higher concentration outside the cell than inside.


When the concentration is the same inside and outside the cell.

Photosynthetic Bacteria

_____ ______ do not have chloroplasts and therefore do not go through photosynthesis.


________ is essential for organism to live. Ex. sweating while the body is hot, regulation of sugar using hormones

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