Biology Quiz Questions

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How many nucleotides make up a codon?


If adenine makes up 20% of the bases in a DNA double helix, what percent of the bases are guanine?


Aerobic cellular respiration generates about how much ATP from one glucose?


What helps to stabalize mRNA by inhabiting its degradation?

5' cap and poly (A) tail

The DNA codon AGT codes for an amino acid carried by a tRNA with the anticodon______.


What compound directly provides energy for cellular work?


The Calvin Cycle requires_____and_____from the light-dependent reactions in order to opperate.


If one strand of a DNA double helix has the sequence GTCCAT, what is the sequence of the other strand?


What seals the sticky ends of restriction fragments to make recombinant DNA?

DNA ligase

Which enzyme catalyzes the elongation of a new DNA strand?

DNA polymerase

Which of the following options best depicts the flow of information when a gene directs the synthesis of a cellular component?


One of the compounds that is a direct output of the Calvin cycle is______?


What is the source of the oxygen gas released by a photosystem?


In photosynthesis, redox reactions ultimately transfer electrons from ______ to _________.


If you commit a crime, you need to make sure that you do not leave even the smallest speck of blood, hair, or other organic matter from your body. If you do, the DNA in this material can be amplified by_______, subjected to genetic analysis, and used to identify you as the perpetrator of the crime.


WHich enzyme catalyzes the linking together of RNA nucleotides to form RNA?

RNA polymerase

Which enzyme is responsible for RNA synthesis?

RNA polymerase

Who discovered the structure of DNA?

Watson and Crick

What must pyruvic acid be converted to before it can enter the citric acid cycle?

acetyl CoA

A transgenic animal

an animal containing a gne from a third "parent,"which may even be another species

During cellular respiration, the energy in glucose is...

carried by electrons

The function of mitochondria is

cellular respiration

Which part of cellular respiration produces the most NADH?

citric acid cycle

The expression of both alleles for a trait in a heterozygous individual illustrates...


Homology is evidence of

common ancestry

The similarity of the embryos of fish, frogs, birds, and humans is evidence of

common ancestry

The nucleus of a cell...

contains DNA

Where in the cell does glycolysis occur?


Linked genes generally

do not follow the laws of independent assortment

Mendel's law of independent assortment states that

each pair of alleles segregates independently of the other pairs of alleles during gamete formation

A frameshift mutation could result from

either an insertion or a deletion of a base

What waste product do yeast produce under anaerobic conditions?

ethyl alcohol

The expressed (coding) regions of eukaryotic genes are called


What are the coding segments of a strech of eukaryotic DNA called?


In the Hardy-Weinberg formula, what does p^2 represent?

frequency of the homozygous dominants

What is the function of stomata?

gas exchange

During the process of electrophoresis, the _______ functions like a thick filter, seperating the samples according to their size


All of the alleles of all of the genes within a population defines that population's

gene pool

The modern synthesis was a fusion of

genetics and evolutionary biology

Which metabolic pathways is common to both aerobic and anaerobic processes of sugar breakdown?


What is the correct sequence of stages in cellular respiration?

glycolysis, citric acid cycle, ETC

A carrier of a genetic disorder who does not show symptoms is most likely to be________to transmit it to offspring.

heterozygous for the trait and able

What type of chemical bond joins the bases of complementary DNA strands?


What occurs when RNA polymerase attaches to the promoter DNA?

initiation of a new RNA molecule


is the direct transfer of DNA from one bacterium to another

Transcription is the_____

manufacture of a strand of RNA complementary to a strand of DNA.

A physical or chemical agent that changes the nucleotide sequence of DNA is called a(n)...


In The Origins of Species, Darwin argued that the mechanism of descent with modification was

natural selection

The monomers of DNA are?


DNA ligase binds

nucleotides together


occurs when a phage transfers bacterial DNA from one bacterium to another

What is the normal complement of sex chromosomes in a human male?

one X chromosome and one Y chromosome

The final electron acceptor of aerobic respiration is


The function of chloroplasts is


The smallest unit of evolution is


Cells that lack a membrane-bound nucleus are______cells.


The region of DNA where RNA synthesis begins is the


A product of glycolysis is

pyruvic acid

When DNA from two sources is combined into one single piece of DNA , it is know as...

recombinant DNA

What does Darwinian fitness measure?

reproductive success

What cuts DNA molecules at specific locations?

restriction enzymes

Natural selection...

results in evolutionary adaptation

Which enzyme does HIV use to synthesize DNA to RNA?

reverse transcriptase

Gel electrophoresis sorts DNA molecules on the basis of their


The light reactions of photosynthesis convert ____ energy to______energy.


The Golgi apparatus

stores, modifies, and packages proteins

The functions of the central vacuoles of plant cells include

storing waste products, storing pigments that will help attract pollinating insects, helping increase the size of cells by absorbing water, and storing poisons

Alleles of a gene are found at______chromosomes.

the same locus on homologous

In photosynthesis, an H+ ion gradient forms across the...

thylakoid membrane

What name is given to the membranous sacs found within a chloroplast?


What is one reason why plants have accessory pigment molecules, like chlorophyll b and carotenoids?

to absorb energy in parts of the electromagnetic spectrum that chlorophyll a cannot

The transfer of genetic information from DNA to RNA is called...


The shape of a DNA molecule is most like a?

twisted rope ladder

RNA contains______whereas DNA contains______.


DNA replication...

uses each strand of a DNA molecule as a template for the creation of a new strand.

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