Biomechanics Final

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the glenohumeral joint exhibits ___ degrees of freedom


proprioceptors that respond to excessive contraction/tension of a muscle

Golgi tendon

what is the mechanical advantage of a pulley system with 6 pulleys?


what muscle elevates the rib cage?


what muscle performs flexion of the cervical spine and head?


what muscles perform right rotation of the cervical spine and head?

SCM (L), erector spinae (R), splenius cervicis (R), splenius capitus (R)

what muscles perform right lateral flexion of the cervical spine and head?

SCM (R), erector spinae (R), splenius cervicis (R), splenius capitus (R)

the trunk is composed of the

Thoracic spine, rib cage, and pelvic girdle

what muscles perform forced expiration?

Transverse abdominus, Internal obliques, Rectus abdominus, External obliques (TIRE)

these muscles perform hip ___ : TFL, glut min, glut med, deep rotators


upward rotation is accompanied by what humeral movement?


when there is left lateral pelvic rotation, there is also left hip ___, right hip ___, and lumbar spine right lateral ___

abduction, adduction, flexion

when there is right lateral pelvic rotation, there is also right hip ____, left hip ___, and lumbar spine left lateral ___

abduction, adduction, flexion

what are the agonists for humeral horizontal adduction?

anterior deltoid, pec major, coracobrachialis

what are the agonists for humeral flexion?

anterior deltoid, upper pec major

thoracic spine curves ____ (flexion)


atlas (C1) sits on axis (C2); most cervical rotation occurs here; most moveable joint of any two vertebrae

atlantoaxial joint

first joint of the spinal column; allows capital flexion and extension

atlantooccipital joint

strengthening exercises for the major and minor rhomboid muscles does not include the

bench press

during the up phase of an arm curl, the ___ muscle contracts ___ to perform elbow ___

bicep, concentrically, flexion

what muscle attach to the radial tuberosity?


what muscles attach to the coronoid process


what is the goal of a pulley system?

change direction of force

which kinetic chain is more functional?


which kinetic chain occurs when the chain is securely attached at both ends?


Fmuscle > Fresistance; joint angles move in the direction of the applied muscular force


what isotonic contraction causes joint movement?


the wrist is a ___ type of diarthrodial joint and is capable of what movements?

condyloid; flexion, extension, abduction, adduction

what muscle attach to the deltoid tuberosity?


what are the agonists for humeral abduction?

deltoid, supraspinatus, upper pec major

what muscle is responsible for breathing during quiet rest?


when this muscle contracts and flattens, air is inspired


during the down phase of a jumping jack (landing), ankle ___ is accomplished by eccentric contraction of the ____

dorsiflexion, gastroc/soleus

Fmuscle<Fresistance; joint angles move in the direction of the resistance or gravity


what isotonic contraction controls joint movement?


the push-up and bench press are similar in that they both strengthen the ____

elbow extensors, glenohumeral flexors, horizontal adductors, shoulder girdle protractors

____ can be described as a state of zero acceleration, where there is no change in the speed or direction of a body


what muscle would be most effective in performing anterior pelvic rotation?

erector spinae

what muscles perform right rotation of the lumbar spine and trunk?

erector spinae (R), rectus abdominis (R), internal oblique (R), external oblique (L), quadratus lumborum (L)

what muscles perform right lateral flexion of the lumbar spine and trunk?

erector spinae (R), rectus abdominis (R), internal oblique (R), external oblique (R), quadratus lumborum (R)

what muscles perform extension of the lumbar spine and trunk?

erector spinae, quadratus lumborum

what muscles perform extension of the cervical spine and head?

erector spinae, splenius cervicis, splenius capitus

the rectus femoris is more effective in extending the knee when the hip is in ___


these muscles perform elbow ___ : triceps brachii, anconeus


these muscles perform hip ___ : gluteas max, hamstrings, deep rotators


these muscles perform knee ___ : quads


when there is posterior pelvic rotation, there is also hip ____, and lumbar spine ____

extension, flexion

what muscles attach to the lateral epicondyle?

extensor digitorum, extensor carpi radialis brevis, supinator

what muscles further expand the chest

external intercostals

what is not a function of the latissimus dorsi muscle?

external rotation

3 pairs attach indirectly to sternum, 2 pairs of floating ribs - ends are free

false ribs

elevation is accompanied by what humeral movement?


the rectus femoris is more effective in hip flexion when the knee is in ___


these muscles perform elbow ___ : biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis


these muscles perform hip ___ : rectus femoris, iliopsoas, pectineus, sartorius


these muscles perform knee ___ : hamstrings, popliteus, gastroc


when there is anterior pelvic rotation, there is also hip ____, lateral spine ____

flexion, extension

which phase is the deceleration phase; eccentric contractions; goal: control the movement of the limb/body part and prevent injury


what are the three exercise variables that can be adjusted to increase overload?

frequency, duration, intensity

What is the axis of the sagittal plane?


elbow flexion during a push-up occurs about what axis?


hip flexion takes place about what axis?


what plane is responsible for abduction and adduction?


bi-articular muscles of the knee and ankle


bi-articular muscles of the hip and knee

gracilis, sartorius, rectus femoris, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranous, tensor fascia latae

the agonist muscles working at the hip during a forward lunge are the


begin seated and slowly straighten your right knee. The antagonist musle is the ___, which ___ contracting during the movement

hamstrings, is not

what component of the stance phase occurs wen landing on the heel


retraction is accompanied by what humeral movement?

horizontal abduction, external rotation

during the "up" phase of a push-up, the humerus is ___ due to ___ contraction of the ___.

horizontally adducted, concentric, pectoralis major

these muscles perform hip ___ : semitend, semimemb, gracilis

internal rotation

when there is left transverse pelvic rotation, there is also left hip ___, right hip ____, and lumbar rotation

internal rotation, external rotation

when there is right transverse pelvic rotation, there is also right hip ____, left hip ____, and lumbar rotation

internal rotation, external rotation

classified as arthrodial joints (gliding)

intervertebral joints

what contraction is used when joint angles remain constant?


what statement is not valid regarding a closed kinetic chain?

it involves the body moving in relation to the relatively unfixed distal segment

increased anterior concavity of thoracic curve (flexion)


the left shoulder has this relationship to the sternum


which muscle would not be concentrically active when attempting to place the R ear on the R shoulder while lying on the L side?

left sternocleidomastoid

muscles are able to exert greater force when they are ____


what are the agonists for elevation?

levator scapulae, upper/middle traps, rhomboids

increased posterior concavity of lumbar and cervical curves (extension)


what are the agonists for depression?

lower traps

reduction of normal lordotic curve, resulting in a flat-back appearance

lumbar kyphosis

wrist flexors originate on the ___ of the humerus, while the wrist extensors originate on the ___ of the humerus

medial epicondyle, lateral epicondyle

what is the origin of the palmaris longus and what actions does it help perform?

medial epicondyle; wrist flexion

what are the agonists for retraction?

middle/lower traps, rhomboids

what component of the stance phase immediately follows heel-strike; foot moves into pronation


which phase is the action part of the skill; Goal: summation of force is directed onto the ball, opponent, etc


____ are proprioceptors that respond to excessive stretch of a muscle, and their activation leads to ____

muscle spindles, muscle contraction

which kinetic chain occurs when the chain is not securely attached at the distal end?


the ___ is the most proximal attachment of a muscle


list the three muscles that are responsible for wrist flexion but not finger flexion

palmaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi radialis

what muscles attach to the medial epicondyle?

palmaris longus, flexor digitorum, flexor carpi ulnaris

what are the agonists for downward rotation?

pec minor, rhomboids

What muscles attach to the coracoid process?

pectoralis minor, coracobrachialis, biceps

what are the agonists for protraction

pectoralis minor, serratus anterior

horizontal abduction of the shoulder joint is accomplished by action of which muscles?

posterior deltoid, infraspinatus, teres minor

what are the agonists for humeral horizontal abduction?

posterior deltoid, middle deltoid, teres minor, infraspinatus

cervical and lumbar spine curve ____ (extension)


the biceps femoris muscle is located ____ and performs ____ of the hip joint

posteriorly, extension

which phase is the most critical phase for desired activity; Goal: to lengthen the appropriate muscles so that they can generate force and momentum in the next phase


these muscles perform radioulnar ___ : pronator teres, pronator quadratus, brachioradialis


scapulothoracic ___ and glenohumeral ___ typically function synergistically and are located ___, relative to the joints they cross

protractors, horizontal adductors, anteriorly

based on the SAID principle, which of the following is an example of an exercise designed to strengthen the latissimus dorsi muscle for actions during rock climbing?


which muscle is not strengthened to any substantial degree by sit-ups?

quadratus lumborum

during the down phase of a vertical jump, the ____ muscle contracts ___ at the knee

quads, eccentric

which phase will the muscles used in the previous phase concentrically contract to return the body to its original position; Goal: regain balance and positioning


what muscles perform flexion of the lumbar spine and trunk?

rectus abdominus, internal oblique, external oblique

what statement is not valid regarding an open kinetic chain?

requires the movement of other joints in the extremity

the dumbbell bent-over row is an excellent shoulder girdle exercise due to its work on the ____


holding the down phase of a lat pull to emphasize shoulder girdle retraction is a strengthening exercise for what muscles?

rhomboids, middle/lower traps

what muscle contracts concentrically to cause extension of the head, right cervical rotation, and right cervical lateral flexion?

right splenius

what muscle contracts concentrically to cause cervical flexion, left cervical rotation, and right cervical lateral flexion?

right sternocleidomastoid

the carpometacarpal joint is what type of joint?


What is the axis of the frontal plane?


what plane is responsible for flexion and extension?


what muscles elevate first 2 ribs to increase thoracic volume


lateral curvatures or sideward deviations of the spine


During the lowering phase of a "dead lift" exercise the agonist muscles of the knee does not include


Emphasizing the end of a push-up by exaggerating shoulder girdle protraction is an excellent strengthening exercise for the_____

serratus anterior

what muscles attach to the medial border of the scapula?

serratus anterior, rhomboids, levator scapula

From medial to lateral the erector spinae muscles are the ________.

spinalis, longissimus, iliocostalis

the ___ process can be palpated on the posterior surface of the spine when it is flexed


which phase is relatively static, allows athlete to assume a balanced body position; Goal: set joint angles in the correct position?


what muscle attaches to the lesser tubercle


these muscles perform radioulnar ___ : biceps brachii, supinator muscle, brachioradialis


radioulnar supination involves action of what three muscles?

supinator, brachioradialis, biceps

Five functions of the skeletal system

support, movement, protection, mineral storage, red blood cell production

what muscles attach to the greater tubercle?

supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor

what walking component occurs when foot leaves ground and leg moves forward to another point of contact?

swing phase

during the "release" phase of a lat pull, which muscles are contracting eccentrically to perform shoulder joint abduction?

teres major and subscapularis

what are the agonists for humeral adduction?

teres major, latissimus dorsi, lower pec major

what are the agonists for humeral extension

teres major, latissimus dorsi, lower pec major

what are the agonists for humeral internal rotation

teres major, latissimus dorsi, pec major, subscapularis

what muscle attaches to the lateral border of the scapula

teres minor

what are the agonists for humeral external rotation?

teres minor, infraspinatus

Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands; SAID principle

the body will gradually, over time, adapt very specifically to the various stresses and overloads to which it is subjected

what statement is correct regarding the lowering phase of a barbell press?

the shoulder girdle performs eccentric downward rotation

with respect to the agonist muscles involved in performing a lat pull, which statement is not true?

the wrist and hand perform concentric flexion

all ribs attach posteriorly to the ___ vertebrae


what component of the stance phase follows midstance; foot returns to supination prior to and during push off


Shaking the head "No" occurs in which plane?


where is the origin and insertion of the levator scapulae muscle?

transverse processes C1-C4; medial border of scapula

what muscle attaches to the spine of the scapula


the ___ muscle is not contracting at the elbow during an arm curl


which muscles are agonists during a triceps extension?

triceps and anconeus

what is not an agonist muscle of shoulder flexion when performing "alternating prone extension" exercises?

triceps brachii

attach directly to sternum (7 pairs)

true ribs

what are the agonists for upward rotation?

upper/middle/lower traps, serratus anterior

what is not an agonist muscle of hip extension when performing "alternating prone extension" exercises?

vastus medialis

What is the axis of the transverse plane?


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