BOLD 207-03 Swindle Final Exam Questions from old tests

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Which chapters in Isaiah focus attention on the coming Assyrian threat?


What visions constituted Jeremiah's call to prophecy? Mark all that apply.

1. A basket of summer fruit 2. A boiling pot facing away from the north 3. A branch of an almond tree

Which of the following sins are denounced by Micah? Mark all that apply.

1. Coveting and stealing land and inheritance 2. Refusing to hear the truth of God's Word 3. Utilizing deceptive weights and measures 4. Worshiping carved images

How does the story-line of Habakkuk unfold?

1. Habakkuk's first complaint: "How long are you going to let this go on?" 2. Habakkuk's second complaint: "They're worse than we are!" 3. God's first answer: "I'm raising up the Babylonians." 4. God's second answer: "I'll deal with them too."

What chapters in Jeremiah are known as the "book of comfort?"


Which of the following literary devices is deployed by Nahum? Mark all that apply.

A broken acrostic A delay of identification Use of taunt songs

This king of Judah, when threatened by enemies in Israel and Syria, paid Assyria to come to his aid.


Who was the priest at the idolatrous shrine at Bethel who warned Amos to stop saying threatening things about the shrine and to go home?


Which of the following literary devices does not appear in Jonah?

An acrostic poem

Which country is not featured in Amos' oracles against the nations?


This man was Jeremiah's scribe.


This Babylonian leader saw the handwriting on the wall.


From what town does Micah foresee a righteous ruler emerging to shepherd the Lord's flock?


What groups of people are identified for special rebuke in Micah 3? Mark all that apply.

Businessmen Politicians Preachers

Which word of phrase best describes the prophet as one who stand up against the abuse of absolute power?

Conscience of the King

Which word or phrase best describes the prophet as one who reads the fine print of an agreement between two parties, and warns the offending party to comply with the agreement or suffer the consequences?

Covenant Lawyer

This Persian leader signed a decree allowing conquered peoples to return home.


This prophet saw the rise and fall of earthly kingdoms, and the rise and dominion of God's kingdom.


This prophet was trained for Babylonian Royal Service when he was probably only in his teens. He served God faithfully in both Babylonian and Persian regimes.


This prophet's book contains disputations.


Which of the following prophets DO NOT belong to the Assyrian Age? Mark all that apply.

Daniel Zephaniah

Amos utilizes a rhetorical device in the first two chapters of his book that effectively hooks his audience. What is the rhetorical device?


This prophet saw God leaving the temple.


This prophet saw the "rebodification" of a valley of dry bones. It represented the resurrection of Israel from exile.


This prophet was made a watchman over the house of Israel.


This prophet's wife died as a sign to the exiles of Judah.


These prophets contain significant segments of apocalyptic material. Mark all that apply.

Ezekiel Daniel Zechariah

These prophets prophesied primarily about the rebuilding of the temple after the return from exile. Mark all that apply.

Ezekiel Haggai Zechariah

This prophet's name means "to embrace."


This prophet promised great things for Zerubbabel.


The historical backgrounds for these prophets are revealed in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Mark all that apply.

Haggai Zechariah Malachi

This (false) prophet led the people of Judah astray by telling them that the exile would last only two years.


Explain Hosea's situation. Name his wife and kids (and explain their names). What does Hosea want to do (ch2), and what does God tell him to do (ch3)? What message is Hosea's life supposed to communicate to the people of Israel and Judah?

He is called to marry his wife Jezebel and has jezreel, , ,(no mercy, not my people, and God scatters). Hosea wants to leave Jezebel and God tells him to stay. Hosea's life is supposed to communicate the idea of betrayal and emotional pain that God is feeling.

Micah is typically divided into three sections each beginning with what imperative?


Which southern king turned to the Lord in the face of the Assyrian crisis and was saved?


What title for YHWH became Isaiah's favorite after his vision of the Lord in the temple?

Holy One of Israel

Israel's covenant violations fall into three categories. Name them.

Idolatry, Adultery, Greed

What name was the sign child of Isaiah 7:14 to be given?


Which word or phrase best describes the prophet as on who speaks to the people on behalf of God and who speaks to God on behalf of the people?


What might explain the dramatic response by the Assyrians to Jonah's preaching? Mark all that apply.

International and internal problems A recent solar eclipse Jonah's fish story and appearance The preaching of the Word of God

This prophet's name means "YHWH is salvation."


Why poetry a good literary vehicle for the messages of the Israelite prophets and sages?

It's memorable

When this king was read the scroll that Jeremiah dictated to his secretary, he cut it up and burned it in a fire pit.


In what other prophetic work is Micah quoted?


This prophet's name means "the Lord establishes."


Which of the following prophets belong to the Babylonian Age? Mark all that apply.

Jeremiah, Habakkuk, Obadiah, Ezekiel

According to 2 Kings 14, Jonah prophesied good for Israel during the wicked reign of what king?

Jeroboam II

This is the prophet of the locust plague.


This prophet called his people to repent by rending their hearts and not just their garments.


Which of the following prophets prophesy primarily to nations other than Israel? Mark all that apply.

Jonah, Nahum, Obadiah

This man was considered to be the founding figure in Hebrew prophecy. He was the prophet par excellance.


This is the most common word for prophet in the Hebrew Bible. Literally it describes one who has been called to a task.


According to Hosea 4, why is there so much swearing, lying, murdering, stealing, adulterating, corrupting, and blood shedding going on in Hosea's land?

No one knows the Lord

This prophet prophesied to the Edomites.


The typical prophetic message is summarized in three points. A call to _____. If there is no repentance...______. ______.

Repentance, Judgment, Mercy

In what other books is Habakkuk's, "the righteous shall live by his faith," appear? Mark all that apply.

Romans Galatians Hebrews

This man served as a prophet during a transitional period for Israel. Prophecy also experienced a transition at this time.


Which of the following symbols in Jonah represents chaos or distance from the Lord? Mark all that apply.

Sea, Dessert

Where did Jonah attempt to flee from the presence of the Lord?


What was the name of Amos' hometown?


What image is used throughout the prophetic literature to describe the coming judgment upon Israel and the nations?

The Day of the Lord

What figure, featured in the second half of Isaiah, does Isaiah prophesy will trust God completely, thereby fulfilling his plans for his people?

The Servant of the Lord

This "song" in Isaiah 5 laments the fact that Israel had every spiritual advantage but failed to produce any spiritual fruit. This "song also served as the basis for one of Jesus' most damning parables against the Pharisees.

The Song of the Vineyard

By what name do we know the conflict that broke out between Judah, Israel, and Syria over how to deal with the rising Assyrian threat?

The Syro-Ephraimite War

Which of the following is not a taunt made by Nahum?

The eclipse taunt

The rise of Prophecy in Israel was closely related to rise of this institution. HINT: Two words. The first is THE... Capitalize the T in THE.

The monarchy

This word has to do with the question of the justice of God.


What alternative does Amos offer his people who are constantly seeking to serve themselves?

To seek the Lord

Isaiah's prophetic career began in the year that this notable king died.


Name three sources of Edomite pride highlighted by Obadiah.

Wealth, Location, Strength

Identify the following participants in the covenant lawsuit of Micah 6:

YHWH: Plaintiff Micah: Attorney Nation of Judah: Defendant Hills, Mountains, Foundations of the Earth: Jury

Which prophetic book begins with a unique four generation genealogy?


Four of the five chapters of Lamentations are this kind of poetry: _______ (do not capitalize your answer).


What does Nahum's name mean?


This is the name for the sections of Jeremiah's book in which he lets God know how he feels about his task, and about how he's been treated... A: Jeremiah's __________ (don't capitalize the first letter).


T/F: Amos was an Israelite prophet who preached to a Judahite audience.


T/F: Because God is God, he is not moved with emotion. Relationship with him is solely a legal arrangement.


T/F: Christ's incarnation and the beginning of the church are the primary subjects of Hebrew prophesy.


T/F: Habakkuk is unique among the prophets in that the book that bears his name is in the form of stories about a prophet rather than sermons from a prophet.


T/F: Jeremiah promises that God will make a new covenant with Israel and Judah, because the old one was defective.


T/F: Jonah did not want to warn Nineveh of coming destruction, because he had a moral opposition to serving a god of blood, guts, wrath, and gore. His was a righteous rebellion.


T/F: Jonah experiences real repentance in the belly of the fish.


T/F: Obadiah believes that one's religion is a private matter, and that one should not concern himself of herself with the issues of others.


T/F: Only crazy TV preachers believe there is a connection between human sinfulness and cosmic corruption.


T/F: The Edomites were the descendants of Ishmael.


T/F: The book of Jonah is primarily a collection of prophetic oracles.


T/F: The sign Isaiah offered Ahaz to try to convince him not to do something stupid in response to the Israelite/Syrian threat was a virgin birth.


T/F: There has never been a verified account of a person being eaten by a fish and living.


T/F: Yahweh will not hold accountable those who do not know him.


T/F: Zephaniah is the only prophet to discuss the day of the Lord.


T/F: Zerubbabel was the Judahite governor who led the wall rebuilding effort among the returnees.


For Jeremiah, true circumcision is a circumcision of the __________( do not capitalize your answer).


Jeremiah's most famous sermon condemns the peoples' misplaced trust in this structure: the __________.


The exile represented a reversal of the covenant. Name three promises that were reversed.

the breakup of the monarchy, the destruction of the temple and the city, the scattering of the nations.

T/F: According to Amos 3:7-8, God does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.


T/F: Amos lists Israel and Judah among God's enemies.


T/F: Elijah is a good example of a pre-classical prophet.


T/F: Hosea was the only writing prophet to the Northern Kingdoms.


T/F: In the "book of comfort" Jeremiah envisions all the judgments of his previous oracles against Judah being reversed.


T/F: Jeremiah objected to God's call by saying that he was only a youth who didn't know what to say.


T/F: Jeremiah's book is not presented in chronological order.


T/F: Micah is the first prophet to specifically threaten Jerusalem.


T/F: Often the prophets picture the day of the Lord as a reversal of creation.


T/F: That Jesus compares himself to Jonah -- three days in the fish/grave -- lends support to the belief that Jonah's story is, in fact, historical and reliable.


T/F: The Assyrians attempted to control their empire through exile, humiliation, and intimidation, among other things.


T/F: The Israelites of Amos' day believed that the Day of the Lord would be a day when God came in judgment on his enemies.


T/F: The prophet Jonah, by his actions, makes the pagan sailors look righteous.


T/F: Zechariah contains more messianic elements than every prophet but Isaiah.


Jeremiah accuses his people of following worthless idols and becoming _______ (do not capitalize your answer).


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