Book of Nehemiah

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Enemies said they would kill the people in Jerusalem before they could finish the work. What did the Jews that lived near the enemies do? (4:11-12)

Came and warned Nehemiah and Jerusalem's people

After spending a quarter of the day reading from the Book of the Law of the Lord their God, they spent another quarter of the day doing what? (9:3)

Confession and worshiping the Lord their God

What was Nehemiah's position for the king? (1:11)


How long did the Israelites celebrate? (8:18)

Seven days

Who repaired the Fountain Gate? (3:15)

Shallum the son of Col-hozeh

Who repaired the East Gate? (3:29)

Shemaiah the son of Shecaniah

What did Nehemiah do to show that: "In this way may God shake out of his house and possessions every man who does not keep this promise?" (5:13)

Shook out the folds of his robe

How long had it been for the Israelites to celebrate the festival of the seventh month like this? (8:17)

Since the days of Joshua

How did those who carried material do their job? (4:17)

They did their job with one hand and held a weapon in the other

What did Jerusalem's people do in response to the threat of an upcoming attack? (4:9)

They prayed to God and posted a guard day and night to meet this threat

Why were the nations afraid after the wall was rebuilt? (6:16)

They realized that this work had been done with the help of our God

After the plan of the enemies was frustrated by God. What did Jerusalem's people do? (4:15)

They returned to the wall, each to their own work

Nehemiah 1:3

They said to me, "Those who survived the exile and are back in the province are in great trouble and disgrace. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire."

Where had the people come from? (7:6)

They were from the province of the exiles of king Nebuchadnezzar

What was the outcry of the men and their wives all about? (5:1-2)

They were numerous and were running out of grain

When Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabs, the Ammonites and the people of Ashdod heard that the repairs on Jerusalem's walls had gone ahead and gaps were being closed. What was their reaction and what did they do? (4:7-8)

They were very angry and they all plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem

What did God put in Nehemiah's heart to do? (7:5)

To assemble the nobles and the officials and the people to be enrolled by genealogy

To what kind of work were Nehemiah and his men devoted to while he was governor? (5:16)

To rebuilding the wall

To whom did Nehemiah say: "Now you are selling your brothers, only for them to be sold back to us."? (5:8)

To the nobles and officials

To whom did Nehemiah say: Shouldn't you walk in the fear of our God to avoid the reproach of our Gentile enemies? (5:9)

To the nobles and officials

Who said: "What they are building—even a fox climbing up on it would break down their wall of stones!" (4:3)

Tobiah the Ammonite

During the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem, where did Nehemiah have the leaders of Judah go? (12:31)

Up on top of the wall

Name the gates Nehemiah visited at night while examining the walls and gates:

Valley Gate, Dung Gate, Fountain Gate and the King's Pool

How has Israel acted towards God? (1:7)

Very wickedly and have disobeyed the commands God gave Moses

In their thirst God brought the what? (9:15)

Water from the rock

How long did Nehemiah say the journey to Jerusalem would take? (2:6)

We do not know.

What was the response of the nobles and officials to Nehemiah's demands? (5:12)

We will do as you say, We will give it back, demand nothing more

What did Nehemiah do when he heard about the remnant that survived the exile and about the condition of Jerusalem? (1:4)

Wept, mourned, fasted and prayed

What did the people say in response to Ezra reading the Book of the Law of Moses? (8:6)

"Amen! Amen!"

What are the closing words of the book of Nehemiah? (13:31)

"Remember me with favor, my God"

What did the Israelites promise God regarding marriage? (10:30)

"We promise not to give our daughters in marriage to the peoples around us or take their daughters for our sons."

When the neighboring peoples bring merchandise or grain to sell on the Sabbath, what did the Israelites promise God? (10:31)

"We will not buy from them on the Sabbath or on any holy day."

Why was no Ammonite of Moabite to be admitted into assembly of God? (13:1-2)

"because they had not met the Israelites with food and water"

What was prepared for Nehemiah each day to eat and every ten days to drink? (5:18)

1 ox and 6 choice sheep for food and wine every 10 days

Each day, how many ox and sheep was prepared for Nehemiah? (5:18)

1 ox, 6 choice sheep

For how many years did Nehemiah and his brothers NOT eat the food allotted to the governor? (5:14)

12 years

How many chapters does the Book of Nehemiah have?


In their hunger God brought them what? (9:15)

Bread from heaven (manna)

What did Hanai report to Nehemiah about the wall and gates of Jerusalem? (1:3)

The walls were broken down and its gates burned with fire

About how many Jews and officials ate around Nehemiah's table? (5:17)


How many days did Nehemiah stay in Jerusalem before he set out during the night with a few others? (2:11)

3 days

When did Nehemiah return to the king of Babylon? (13:6)

32 year of Artaxerxes

How many people from the sons of Solomon's servants came to Jerusalem? (7:60)


What did the governors prior to Nehemiah demand from the people? (5:15)

40 Shekels of silver in addition to food and wine

How many shekels did the governors preceding Nehemiah take from the people? (5:15)

40 silver shekels

How long did God sustain them in the desert? (9:21)

40 years

How many times did Sanballat and the enemies try to meet with Nehemiah to harm him? (6:1-4)

5 times

How long did it take to rebuild the walls? (6:15)

52 days

By day God led them with what? (9:12)

A pillar of cloud

By night God led them with what? (9:12)

A pillar of fire

Who was to accompany the Levites when they received the tithes? (10:38)

A priest descended from Aaron

On the 24th day of the seventh month, how long did the Israelites stand and read from the Book of the Law of the Lord their God? (9:3)

A quarter of the day

God hurled the pursuers into the depths like what? (9:11)

A stone into mighty waters

What name did God give Abram? (9:7)


The Lord God chose whom to bring out of Ur of the Chaldeans? (9:7)


What did Nehemiah answer the king? (2:5)

Allow him to go to the city in Judah (Jerusalem) where his ancestors are buried so that he can rebuild it

What was Nehemiah's reaction to the outcry of the poor? (5:6)


What was the nationality of Gresham? (2:19)


Who was the king of Persia when Nehemiah served as cupbearer? (2:1)


How did Nehemiah describe the covenant of God? (1:5)

As a covenant of love

Who was the keeper of the king's forest who provided Nehemiah with timber? (2:8)


Who repaired zealously from the angle to the entrance of the house of Eliashib the high priest?

Baruch son of Zabbai

Why did Sanballat become angry? (4:1)

Because he heard the wall was being rebuilt

Why did the king grant Nehemiah's requests? (2:8)

Because the gracious hand of my God was on him

In response to the enemies' threats. Where did Nehemiah place guards? (4:13)

Behind the lowest points of the wall at the exposed places

What did they go and find in order to build their shelters? (8:15)

Branches from olive and wild olive trees, and from myrtles, palms and shade trees

God saw the suffering of our forefathers in what country? (9:9)


Who built the Sheep gate? (3:1)

Eliashib the High Priest

The Book after Nehemiah:


How often will the Israelites forgo working the land and will cancel all debts? (10:31)

Every 7th year

The Book before Nehemiah:


What was the total number of people assembled? (7:66-68)

The whole assembly together was 42,360, besides their male and female servants, of whom there were 7,337.

Who read the Book of the Law of Moses to the people? (8:1)

Ezra the priest

What did the men and their wives have to mortgage to get grain during the famine? (5:3-4)

Fields, vineyards, and homes

How long did Ezra read the Book of the Law of Moses? (8:2)

From day-break till noon

What was the period of time that Nehemiah was governor in the land of Judah? (5:14)

From the twentieth to the thirty-second year of King Artaxerxes (12yrs)

When the workers heard the sound of the trumpet, what were they to do? (4:19-20)

Gathered at the location where the trumpet had sounded, ready to engage the enemy

Why did the people offer great sacrifices and rejoice during the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem? (12:43)

God had given them great joy

Who was Nehemiah's father? (1:1)


What happened to the sons and daughters (especially their daughters) of the poor when they could not afford to buy grain? (5:5)

Had to be enslaved

How many of the people followed the second choir past the Tower of the Ovens to the Broad Wall? (12:38)


They rebuilt the wall until it has reached what height? (4:6)

Half of its height

How was work distributed after the threat of an attack had passed? (4:16)

Half of the men did the work while the other half were equipped with spears, shields, bows and armor

What is the name of the brother that Nehemiah mentions in the beginning of the book? (1:2)


Who repaired the Valley Gate? (3:13)

Hanun and the inhabitants of Zanoah

What did Nehemiah do after accusing those who were exacting usury on their countrymen? (5:7)

He accused the nobles and officials

What had God done with the curse of Balaam against Israel? (13:2)

He had turned the curse

What did Nehemiah do when the king asked him, "What is it you want?" (2:4)

He prayed to the God of heaven

What reform did Nehemiah make among his priests and Levites after his return from visiting Artaxwexes? (13:30)

He purified them to everything foreign, and assigned them duties, each to his own task

What did King Artaxerxes perceive about Nehemiah? (2:2)

He was sad

What did God tell Moses if they obey His commandments? (1:9)

He will gather them

What did God tell Moses if they are unfaithful to Him? (1:8)

He will scatter them among the nations

The leaders of the people settled where? (11:1)

In Jerusalem

Why did Nehemiah command the Levites to purify themselves and guard the gates of Jerusalem? (13:22)

In order to keep the Sabbath day holy

What city was Nehamiah located as the book of Nehemiah opens? (1:1)

In the fortress (citadel) of Susa

In what month and year does the book of Nehemiah take place? (1:1)

In the month of Kislev in the twentieth year

In what year did Nehemiah appear before Artaxerexs with great sadness? (2:1)

In the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes

In what year was Nehemiah appointed to be governor in the land of Judah? (5:14)

In the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes

Nehemiah shook out the folds of his robe to symbolize what? (5:13)

In this way may God shake out of his house and possessions every man who does not keep this promise

Who repaired the Gate of Yeshanah? (3:6)

Joiada the son of Paseah and Meshullam the son of Besodeiah

How did the Levites celebrate at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem? (12:27)

Joyfully with songs of thanksgiving and with the music of cymbals, harps, and lyres

Nehemiah 1:11

Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant and to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name. Give your servant success today by granting him favor in the presence of this man."

Who repaired the Muster Gate? (3:31)


Who repaired the Dung Gate? (3:14)

Malchijah the son of Rechab

Who was bringing fish and other merchandise into Jerusalem and selling them on the Sabbath? (13:16)

Men from Tyre who lived in Jerusalem

God sent what against Pharaoh? (9:10)

Miraculous signs and wonders

What did the poor do to their fields, vineyard, and homes? (5:3)

Mortgage them

Who lend the poor people money for grain? (5:10)

Nehemiah and his brothers

Who was given charge of Jerusalem? (7:2)

Nehemiah's brother Hanani and Hananiah the governor of the castle

Who did Nehemiah accuse for exacting usury on their countrymen? (5:7)

Nobles and officials

Who had to take an oath to do what they promised to Nehemiah? (5:12b)

Nobles and officials

What oath did Nehemiah make the men take who had married the foreign wives while he was gone to Babylon? (13:25)

Not to allow their children to marry foreign people

When were the gates to be opened? (7:3)

Once the sun was hot

How many of the rest of the people were to live in Jerusalem? (11:1)

One out of every ten

God divided the sea before them, so that the Israelites did what? (9:11)

Passed through it on dry ground

What did Nehemiah do to the men who married foreign wives while he was gone to Babylon? (13:25)

Rebuked them, called curses down on the them, beat some of the men, pulled the hair of some of the men, and made them take an oath in God's name

Who were disturbed that someone had come to promote the welfare of the Israelites? (2:10)

Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite

What three men mocked and ridiculed the workers as they began to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem? (2:19)

Sanballat, Tobiah, Greshem

Where were the guards supposed to be? (7:3)

Some in front of the guard posts and some in front of their homes

Who built the Fish Gate? (3:3)

Sons of Hassenaah

What did Nehemiah cause to stop after hearing the cry of the poor? (5:1-10)


What were the Israelites supposed to live in during the feast of the seventh month? (8:14)

Temporary shelters

After they were insulted by Sanballat and the others. What did they pray to God? (4:4)

That their insults were turned back on their own heads

What was read for the people to hear on the day of the dedication of the wall? (13:1)

The Book of Moses

What did Nehemiah question Hanani and the other men? (1:2)

The Jewish remnant and also about Jerusalem

Who helped the people understand what was being read from the Book of the Law of Moses, making it clear and giving the meaning? (8:7)

The Levites

How did the people determine when each family was to bring to the house of God a contribution of wood to burn on the altar? (10:34)

The cast lots

What were the things Nehemiah wanted the nobles and officials to give back to their countrymen? (5:11)

Their fields, vineyards, olive groves, houses, the usury being charged, the hundredth part of the money, grain, new wine and oil

Where did Nehemiah plan to use the beams made from the timber to be obtained from Asaph? (2:8)

The gates of the citadel by the temple

Who would provide safe passage to Nehemiah on his way to Judah? (2:7)

The governors of Trans-Euphrates

Who repaired the Horse Gate and how did they divide the reparation? (3:28)

The priests repaired it, each one opposite to their own house

Who was sitting beside the king when he asked, "How long will your journey be?" (2:6)

The queen sitting beside him

By what month were the people of Israel in their towns? (7:73)

The seventh month

Whose sins does Nehemiah confess to God? (1:6)

The sins of Israel, himself and his father's family

God made their sons as numerous as what? (9:23)

The stars in the sky

What happened to the enemies after the wall was built? (6:16)

The surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence

What false statements did Sanballat and the enemies accuse Nehemiah of? (6:6)

You and the Jews are plotting to revolt, and you are about to become their king

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