Building Classification

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Group F (# of subgroups)


Group S (# of subgroups)


Group R (# of subgroups)


Group I (# of subgroups)


Group A (# of subgroups)


Group H (# of subgroups)


F-1 (examples)

Aircraft repairs, Bakeries Manufacturing motor vehicles Dry cleaning using or storing combustible solvents Food processing (except meat slaughtering) Production laboratories (moderate hazards) (examples)

I-1 (examples)

Alcohol and drug abuse rehabilitation centers Halfway houses (examples)

R-2 (examples)

Apartment houses, Apartment hotels Student apartments (examples)

F-2 (examples)

Appliances, Glass products Production laboratories (low hazards) Nonflammable plastic products (examples)

A-3 (examples)

Art galleries, Bowling alleys Classrooms (with 75 persons or more) Courtrooms, Houses of worship Museums, School auditoriums (examples)

Group A (description)

Assembly: for gathering together people (description)

Group B (examples)

Banks Civic administration offices Educational occupancies above the 12th grade (not in Group A) Nonproduction Laboratories Radio and television stations not admitting an audience (examples)

A-2 (examples)

Banquet halls, Cafeterias, Bars, Restaurants (examples)

Construction Site (description)

Building undergoing construction, alteration or demolition (description)

Group B (description)

Business: Office, professional, service-type transaction, public or civic services (description)

Group U (examples)

Carports, Fences more than 6 feet high Towers (examples)

H-4 (examples)

Corrosive, Toxic materials (examples)

I-4 (description)

Day care facilities, occupied by persons of any age who receive custodial care (without overnight) by individuals other than parents, guardians, or relatives in a place other than at the home. (description)

I-4 (examples)

Day nurseries (examples)

Group M (examples)

Department stores, Drug stores Motor fuel-dispensing facilities Wholesale stores (examples)

Group E (description)

Educational: 5 or more persons at any one time for educational purposes offered to children through he 12th grade and where no more than 2 children under the age of 2 (description)

H-1 (examples)

Explosive Materials Denotable water-active materials (examples)

Group F (description)

Factory: for assembling, disassembling, fabricating, finishing, manufacturing, packaging, repair, cleaning or processing operation that are not in Group H (description)

H-2 (examples)

Flammable or combustible liquids are Very likely used in open system Flammable gas (examples)

H-3 (examples)

Flammable or combustible liquids are used in close system Flammable solids Oxidizing cryogenic fluid (examples)

A-2 (description)

Food and/or drink consumption (description)

A-5 (examples)

Grandstands, Bleachers, Stadiums (examples)

Group H (description)

High Hazard: for manufacturing, processing, generation or storage of materials that constitute a physical or health hazard in quantities in excess of the those found in BC table 307.7(1) and table 307.7(2) (description)

I-2 (examples)

Hospitals, Nursing homes Mental hospitals where patients are not under restraint (examples)

R-1 (examples)

Hotels, Homeless shelters School student dormitories not in R-2 Group (examples)

I-1 (description)

Housing persons, on a 24-hours basis, capable of self-preservation and responding to an emergency situation without physical assistance from staff (description)

A-4 (description)

Indoor sporting events or activities with spectator seating (description)

Group I (description)

Institutional: people are cared for or live in a supervised environment (description)

S-2 (description)

Low hazard storage occupancy for non-combustible materials (description)

F-2 (description)

Low-hazard involve non-combustible, non-flammable materials, or low-hazardous production (description)

H-4 (description)

Materials that are health hazards (description)

H-1 (description)

Materials that present a detonation hazard (description)

H-3 (description)

Materials that readily support combustion or present a physical hazard (description)

I-2 (description)

Medical, surgical, nursing or custodial care, on a 24-hour basis, of more than 3 persons, who are not capable of self-preservation or responding to an emergency situation without physical assistance from staff (description)

I-3 (examples)

Mental hospitals where patients are under restraint Prisons, Jails, Detention centers (examples)

Group M (description)

Mercantile: display and sale of merchandise (description)

F-1 (description)

Moderate-hazard (description)

S-1 (description)

Moderate-hazard storage occupancy for any flammable or combustible materials (description)

Group B (likeliness of hazardous materials)

Moderately likely

Group E (likeliness of hazardous materials)

Moderately likely

Group S (likeliness of hazardous materials)

Moderately likely

R-2 (description)

More than 2 dwelling units for shelter and sleeping accommodation on a long-term basis for a month or more (description)

I-3 (description)

More than 5 persons who are detained under restraint or security reason (description)

Construction Site (examples)

New building under construction; buildings or floors undergoing alteration; buildings under demolition (examples)

R-3 (description)

No more than 2 dwelling units on a long-term basis for a month or more (description)

Group A (likeliness of hazardous materials)

Not likely

Group I (likeliness of hazardous materials)

Not likely

Group R (likeliness of hazardous materials)

Not likely

Group U (likeliness of hazardous materials)

Not likely

S-2 (likeliness of hazardous materials)

Not likely

R-1 (description)

Occupied for a period less than one month (description)

R-3 (examples)

One- and two-family dwellings Group homes (examples)

A-5 (description)

Participation in or viewing outdoor activities (description)

Group R (description)

Residential: for dwelling or sleeping purposes when not classified as Group I (description)

Group E (examples)

Schools, Day care facilities where no more than two children are under the age of 2 (examples)

H-5 (description)

Semiconductor fabrication facilities using hazardous production materials (HPM) in excess of the permitted aggregate quantity (description)

S-1 (examples)

Storage of Aerosol, Boots and shoes, Woolen clothing, Furniture Leather, Wax candles, etc (examples)

S-2 (examples)

Storage of Electrical motors, Food products, Glass, etc (examples)

Group S (description)

Storage: for storage when not classified as a hazardous occupancy (description)

A-4 (examples)

Swimming pools Tennis courts (examples)

A-1 (examples)

Theaters, Concert halls (examples)

H-2 (description)

Uses present a deflagration hazard or a hazard from accelerated burning (description)

Group U (description)

Utility & Miscellaneous: structures of an accessory character, or not classified in any specific occupancy (description)

Construction Site (likeliness of hazardous materials)

Very likely

Group F (likeliness of hazardous materials)

Very likely

Group H (likeliness of hazardous materials)

Very likely

Group M (likeliness of hazardous materials)

Very likely

I-2 (likeliness of hazardous materials)

Very likely

S-1 (likeliness of hazardous materials)

Very likely

A-1 (description)

With fixed seating, intended for the production and viewing of the performance arts or motion pictures (description)

A-3 (description)

Worship, recreation or amusement, and other assembly uses not classified elsewhere in Group A (description)

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