BUS 101 Exam 3

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Local Job Rotation

A _____ union is a branch union that represents a specified area or even a specific plant.


_____ provides new employees with information about company policies, salary and benefits, and parking. It also includes work rules and performance expectations.

Unity of command

. _____ guarantees that each employee will have only one direct supervisor.

Organizational Chart

A(n) _____ is a picture of the relationships among tasks and those employees given authority to do those tasks


A(n) _____ organization is a network of connections and channels of communication based on the informal relationships of individuals inside an organization.


A(n) _____ organization is characterized by a relatively high degree of job specialization, rigid departmentalization, many layers of management, narrow spans of control, centralized decision making, and a long chain of command.

company policy, relationships with supervisors, working conditions, relationships with peers and subordinates, salary and benefits, and job security

According to Herzberg, hygiene factors are:

leadership (or interpersonal), informational, and decision making.

The three basic roles of management are:

Douglas McGregor

Theories X and Y management styles are the result of studies by:

Legitimate. Reward. Expert. Referent. Coercive.

What are the five key types of power?


_____ involves coordinating and allocating a firm's resources so that the firm can carry out its plans and achieve its goals.

Recruitment branding

_____ involves presenting an accurate and positive image of the firm to those it is recruiting for jobs.


_____ is the attempt to find and attract qualified job applicants in the external labor market.

Group Cohesiveness

_____ is the degree to which group members want to stay in the group and tend to resist outside influences.

Work Specialization

_____ is the degree to which tasks are subdivided into smaller jobs.

want and need

_____ is the gap between what is and what is desired, and _____ is the gap between what is and what is required.


_____ is the process of guiding and motivating others toward the achievement of organizational goals.


______ is the legitimate power granted by the organization and acknowledged by the employees


______ is the practice of giving a great deal of authority and decision-making freedom to lower- level managers.


A ______ is a formal complaint, by an employee or by the union that management has violated some part of the contract.


_____ is the process of grouping jobs together so that similar or associated tasks and activities can be coordinated


_____ is the process of guiding the development, maintenance, and allocation of resources needed to attain organizational goals.

Human Resource Management

_____ is the process of hiring, developing, motivating, and evaluating people in order to achieve organizational goals.

collective bargaining

_____ is the process of negotiating labor agreements between union members and management.

Cooperate Culture

_____ is the set of attitudes, values, and standards that distinguishes one organization from another.

Entry, managerial, executive

9. The three basic levels of the managerial hierarchy are:


_____ is the practice of giving only limited authority and decision-making to lower-level managers.

Controlling Function

Feedback is an important part of which function of management?


Human resource _____ is the creation of a strategy for meeting future human resource needs.

hiring, developing, motivating, and evaluating

Human resource management is the process of _____ people in order to achieve organizational goals.


In a(n) _____ election, the workers may vote out an existing union.

planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling

Management involves

Contingency plan

Management needs to be prepared to deal with problems and seize opportunities as they arise. A company often identifies alternative courses of action to be taken if events undercut a strategic or tactical plan. These are called _____ plans.

Fredrick Herzberg

Motivation and maintenance factors are essential parts of a job-satisfier theory formulated by:

Clear Chain of command

The _____ defines the relationships of authority from one level of organization to the next, from top to bottom

Managerial Hierarchy

The ______ refers to the levels of management within the organization. These levels usually conform to the shape of a pyramid.


The ability to view an organization as a whole, to understand how the various parts fit together, and how it relates to other organizations is a(n) _____ skill.

Abraham Maslow

_____ proposed a theory of motivation based on universal human needs.

Job Specification

The skills, knowledge, and abilities a person must have to fill a job are spelled out in a(n):

autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire.

Among managers there are three distinctive leadership styles. They are:

Mission Statement

An organization's _____ is its general purpose or reason for existence.


. _____ is something that prompts an individual to release his or her energy in a certain direction.

Strategic planning

. _____ planning is the creation of long-range, comprehensive objectives and the development of long term courses of action

Technical Skill

The specialized knowledge and ability that a person brings to a job, such as computer programming, is called a(n) ______ skill.

Group Norms

The standards used to determine whether a group member's actions are acceptable are called group:

union represenative

The term ______ refers to the employees who are eligible to vote and who will be represented by the union.

Division of Labor

_____ is the process of dividing the work and assigning tasks to workers.


_____ is the process of ensuring that the organization's objectives are being met and of correcting deviations from the plan.


_____ is the settling of a labor-management dispute by having a third party make a binding decision.

Tactical Planning

_____ planning is short-range, detailed planning that is based on long-range planning. It typically has a time frame that is less than one year long.

Naturally Unmotivated and Dislike work

A Theory X manager would assume his or her workers are:

Mission Statement

A _____ is a formal document that states an organization's purpose and reason for existing and describes its basic philosophy.

Job Analysis

A _____ is a study of the tasks required to do a particular job well.

Labor Organization

A _____ is an organization of employees formed to represent workers in their disputes with management over wages, hours, and working conditions.

Selective Strike

A _____ strategy is a union strategy of conducting a strike at a critical plant that supplies parts to other plants.


A(n) _____ organization is characterized by a relatively low degree of job specialization, loose departmentalization, few levels of management, wide spans of control, decentralized decision making, and a short chain of command.

increasing output in response to being watched

According to the Hawthorne effect:

Fredrick Winslow Taylor

The father of scientific management was:


_____ provides the structure of people, positions, departments, and activities within which the company objectives can be accomplished.

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