business and trade econ quiz

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As of 2020, how many members are in the World Trade Organization?


In the long run, imports must _________ exports.


If the US dollar has a low value relative to other countries, it's said to be ________.


Which verse says, "If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat"?

2 Thessalonians 3:10

From 2009 to 2020, the exchange rate between the euro and the US dollar varied. During that time, the number of euros you would've received for $100 ranged from _________.

70 to 95 euros

In one sentence, define the term sole proprietorship.

A sole proprietorship is a business with only one owner; most American companies are proprietorships.

In one sentence, explain the term weak dollar.

A weak dollar is when the value of a U.S. dollar is trending downward and has a low value compared to the higher values of other foreign currencies.

Who wrote in defense of free trade, "In every country it always is and must be the interest of the great body of the people to buy whatever they want of those who sell it cheapest"?

Adam Smith

According to Hazlitt, which of the following would be consequences of the United States placing a new tariff on foreign sweaters, resulting in the creation of a domestic sweater industry? (choose all that apply

American consumers would be forced to subsidize this industry. There would be no net addition to American industry or employment.

In the video about entrepreneurship, how was the owner of Clean & Mean able to craft her work schedule in a way that allowed her to go to the mall with her mom on Friday mornings?

Because of the level of independence offered by entrepreneurship.

In the video about entrepreneurship, why was the owner of Clean & Mean able to craft her work schedule in a way that allowed her to go to the mall with her mom on Friday mornings?

Because of the level of independence offered by entrepreneurship.

The United States has free trade agreements with which of the following nations? (choose all that apply)

Canada Mexico Morocco

Which of the following is a regional political and economic union that promotes trade by removing trade barriers and adopting a common currency?


Which verse says, "There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil"?

Ecclesiastes 2:24

Hazlitt quotes an essay by William Graham Sumner, in which A and B work together to propose laws that help X, who is suffering, but that these laws usually focus on what C will do for X. C is referred to as the ______________.

Forgotten Man

Hazlitt writes that "a little economics can easily lead to . . . paradoxical and preposterous conclusions." What does he say about depth in economics?

It brings people back to common sense.

Which verse says, "In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven"?

Matthew 5:16

Established in 1994, this treaty created a zone of free trade between Canada, Mexico, and the United States.


Which of the following are disadvantages of franchises? (choose all that apply)

Owners have to pay an expensive franchise fee. Owners have limited control over their business.

In Economics in One Lesson, Hazlitt talks about what would happen if a tariff that had brought an industry into existence was repealed. What does Hazlitt say the results would be? (choose all that apply)

Production on net balance would go up. Employment on net balance would NOT go down. Domestic manufacturers in that industry would go out of business, and many workers would lose their jobs. Products in that industry would become less expensive or higher quality.

What effect do tariffs have on domestic producers?

Tariffs help producers in the protected industries at the expense of all other domestic producers.

What effect do tariffs have on labor productivity and wages?

Tariffs reduce labor productivity and reduce wages.

Hazlitt's arguments against tariffs are directed against which of the following fallacies? (choose all that apply)

That tariffs provide employment. That tariffs raise wages. That tariffs protect the American standard of living.

Short Answer: Name four countries that the United States has a free trade agreement with.

The United States has a free trade agreement with Chile, Peru, Canada, and Korea.

Short Answer: In one sentence, define the term comparative advantage.

The comparative advantage is a nation's ability to produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than other countries it trades with.

If a lot of Americans are buying products made in Europe, which of the following will happen? (choose all that apply)

The supply of American dollars on the foreign exchange market will increase. Demand for euros on the foreign exchange market will increase.

Short Answer: List the three purposes of God's gift of work.

The three purposes of God's gift of work are to serve God, to provide for the necessities required in our lives, and to satisfy ourselves after a job is done well.

Which of the following are advantages of cooperatives? (choose all that apply)

Their owners all have a say in how the business is run. Their owners don't have personal liability for the business. Their owners often get discounts on the goods and services produced by the cooperative

Which of the following are advantages of partnerships? (choose all that apply)

Their owners can share responsibilities based on their different skills. Their owners don't have to pay any special business taxes. They are generally easy and inexpensive to start.

Which of the following are advantages of sole proprietorships? (choose all that apply)

Their owners get to keep all the profits for themselves. Their owners have total control over their business. They are generally easy and inexpensive to start.

Which of the following are disadvantages of sole proprietorships? (choose all that apply)

Their owners usually have limited financial resources. Their owners have unlimited personal liability.

According to Hazlitt, which of the following would be consequences of the United States placing a new tariff on foreign sweaters, resulting in the creation of a domestic sweater industry? (choose all that apply)

There would be no net addition to American industry or employment. American consumers would be forced to subsidize this industry.

Why do politicians often establish trade barriers even though the barriers usually do more harm than good?

They are incentivized to create policies that disperse costs over a large number of people but benefit small, powerful groups.

Which of the following are disadvantages of corporations? (choose all that apply)

They are more complicated and expensive to establish than other business structures. Their owners are subjected to double taxation.

Which of the following are advantages of corporations? (choose all that apply)

They can access an enormous amount of money they can invest. Their owners have limited liability.

Which of the following agreements was negotiated during President Trump's administration and contains provisions that benefit American farmers, protect intellectual property, and regulate digital trade?


What group was established in 1995 and oversees international trade agreements, provides a place for its member nations to negotiate, and acts as a mediator when disputes arise?

World Trade Organization

What should you do when you reach the traditional retirement age of sixty-five?

You can quit your regular job if it's feasible, but you should continue working to advance God's kingdom as long as you're able.

Match the following terms with their definitions: import export quota embargo tariff

a foreign product bought from a seller in another nation a domestic product sold to a buyer in another nation a limit on the quantity of a product that's allowed into a nation forbids buying or selling a certain good with a certain country a tax on imported goods

If Country A can produce wheat at a lower cost than Country B, then Country A has a(n) ____________ advantage in wheat production.


Hazlitt says that, like mathematics, the answer to an economics problem __________________.

already lies in the statement of the problem

Which of the following would be hurt by a strong dollar? (choose all that apply)

an American farmer who exports corn to the Middle East

Which of the following would be hurt by a weak dollar? (choose all that apply)

an American traveling to Germany an American company that buys steel from China an American consumer buying products from England

Entrepreneurs develop new products and start new businesses by ________________.

bringing natural, human, and capital resources together

If Country A can produce wheat at a lower opportunity cost than Country B, then Country A has a(n) ___________ advantage in wheat production.


A business that operates as a separate legal entity from its owners is called a ___________.


Which of the following is an example of a cooperative?

credit union

Hazlitt writes that "the economist, assigned a practical problem, must know both the essential facts of that problem and the valid __________ to be drawn from those facts."


When a nation imports more goods than it exports, it has a trade ________.


Hazlitt compares economics to both mathematics and ___________.


Individuals who take risks to bring natural, human, and capital resources together, in order to develop new products and start new businesses are called ______________.


Which of the following are true about the impact of entrepreneurship on society? (choose all that apply)

entrepreneurship increases competition entrepreneurship leads to higher quality goods

One way that nations can control the value of their currency is by establishing a ____________, in which the value of a currency is set at a specific value relative to another currency or some other measure of value.

fixed exchange rate

One way that nations can control the value of their currency is through a ___________, in which the value of a currency is determined by the forces of supply and demand.

floating exchange rate

Trade barriers are harmful to which of the following groups? (choose all that apply)

foreign producers in the affected industries domestic consumers

A business owned by an entrepreneur that is licensed to sell products under the name of a larger corporation is called a ____________.


Hazlitt writes that economics should be concerned "not only [with] some special interest in the short run, but [with] the _________ interest in the long run."


Which of the following are effects of the expansion of trade? (choose all that apply)

generates economic growth and encourages investment increases employment in industries that export goods to other nations increases the variety of products available for consumers to purchase increases competition, which lowers prices and improves quality

Work is a(n) ______ from God.


The interaction and integration of individuals, businesses, and governments worldwide is called _____________.


Historically, many countries used to fix their currency to a set amount of ______.


​Historically, many countries used to fix their currency to a set amount of ______.


Which of the following can discourage the creation of new businesses?

high tax rates

Which of the following are challenges for entrepreneurs? (choose all that apply)

high time commitment high financial commitment high levels of stress

Which of the following are ways that entrepreneurs benefit society? (choose all that apply)

improving existing products generating economic growth fostering technological advancements developing new products

Because of ________________, the world's nations have becoming increasingly interdependent economically.

increased specialization

When American companies move production overseas, it is called ________.


In the United States, how many small businesses fail within the first year?

one in five

In the United States, one in five small businesses fail within the first year. How many fail within the first five years?

one in two

When American companies send work to businesses or workers in other countries, it is called _________.


A business with two or more owners is called a _____________.


An agreement between business partners that outlines each partner's privileges and responsibilities is known as a ____________ agreement.


A limit on the quantity of a product that's allowed into a nation is called a(n) _______.


In his discussion of economic problem solving, Hazlitt quotes philosopher George Santayana, who wrote that logic "traces the _________ of truth."


What is the chief consequence of trade barriers?

reduced competition

Hazlitt writes that economics "is a science of recognizing ____________ consequences."


An individual who owns stock in a corporation is called a ____________.


In Nearing Home, Billy Graham writes that "someone who brags about working seventy or eighty hours a week" has become a(n) ________ of his or her job.


Proverbs 19:15 says, "Slothfulness casts into a deep ______, and an idle person will suffer hunger."


Because of increased __________, the world's nations have becoming increasingly interdependent economically.


In Adam Smith's theories, free trade was considered to be one aspect of the __________ of labor.


____________ occurs when a nation focuses its resources on producing goods that it expects to trade.


When a country determines its areas of comparative advantage and specialization, it puts itself in a position to ____________ through trade with other countries.

strengthen its economy

Hazlitt writes, "The effect of a tariff, therefore, is to change the ____________ of American production" because it makes some industries larger and others smaller.


When a nation exports more goods than it imports, it has a trade ________.


What is one key element that encourages people to trade?

the ability to buy a particular good from someone else cheaper than it costs to make it yourself

What happens when all nations specialize in the areas where they have comparative advantages? (choose all that apply)

the global standard of living increases total world production increases

Which of the following factors impact how much trade takes place between two countries? (choose all that apply)

the political climate in each country the exchange rate between their currencies the countries' willingness to encourage or discourage trade the size of each country transportation costs each country's capacity to produce goods

Which of the following are reasons that trade barriers are established? (choose all that apply)

to apply diplomatic pressure to a foreign government to protect domestic industries that would be hurt by free trade to strengthen national defense

What does Hazlitt say is the goal of economic science?

to see the problem as a whole, and not in fragments

Ecclesiastes 2:24 says, "There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his ____."


What happens when all nations specialize in the areas in which they have comparative advantages? (choose all that apply)

total world production increases the global standard of living increases

Owners of sole proprietorships and partnerships have _____________ liability for their business.

unlimited personal

In the past, the United States has been so focused on exporting goods that it gave other nations loans to pay for the goods America exported to them. But if these loans are never repaid, it means that _____________.

we are giving the goods away

In the past, the United States has been so focused on exporting goods that they gave other nations loans to pay for the goods America exported to them. But if these loans are never repaid, it means that _____________.

we are giving the goods away

When we make a voluntary trade, we are exchanging one item for another because __________________.

we value the item acquired more than what we're giving up

When do entrepreneurs earn a profit?

when they're able to sell their goods for more money than it cost them to produce those goods

Genesis 2:15 says, "The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to ____ it and keep it."


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