Business Management Ch. 5

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The following are actions that management might take when performance does not meet standards?

- Take steps to improve performance - Change policies and procedures. - Revise the standard

The greatest resistance to change is experienced when

- it occurs suddenly - people are not prepared for change - no reasons for the change are given

According to Maslow, people must satisfy their need for esteem before social needs motivate them.


Communication is simply telling employees what to do.


Effectiveness of a work team is the responsibility of team members; managers cannot influence its success.


If change is effective, it will not have negative effects on employees.


It is generally best to keep a larger inventory on hand than will be needed in order to avoid shortages.


Most employees like change and respond well when change is introduced.


People can be motivated by internal factors but not by external factors.


The difference between current performance and the standard is profit.


The only type of standard of importance in business today is quality standards.


The motivation theory that describes individual needs in five categories that form a hierarchy was developed by


The motivation theory that suggests that individuals seek to satisfy needs in order, from lowest to highest, was described by


Before a team can be effective, members must clearly understand the activities to be completed.


Budgets are controlling devices as well as planning devices.


Controlling is determining whether goals are being met and what actions to take if they are not being met.


Implementing involves carrying out plans and helping employees to work effectively.


Increased costs, without a proportionate increase in sales dollars, decreases profit.


Measuring performance is one step in the controlling process.


Perfection—having no errors—may be the only acceptable standard for some products and services.


Reviewing performance is part of the controlling function.


Standards should be revised when it is clear they will not accurately reflect performance and when attempts to improve performance have not been successful.


The first step in an effective change process is to carefully plan for the change.


To implement successfully, managers must complete activities designed to channel employee efforts in the right direction to achieve the goals.


A group of people who cooperate to achieve a common goal is

a work team

Which of the following is NOT a type standard commonly used in business?


Employees who take personal responsibility for their own work and set personal goals have a high need for


According to Herzberg, which of the following is likely to increase worker motivation?

challenging work

The management function that provides information needed to improve operations is


Generally, to which standard do most businesses pay the greatest attention?

cost standards

Variance reports identify differences between

current performance and the standard

Which of the following is the correct order of steps in controlling?

establish standards, measure performance, take corrective action

According to Herzberg, pay and fringe benefits, working conditions, and the type of supervision are examples of

hygiene factors

The management function of guiding employee actions toward achievement of a company's goals is


Low inventories are too lost sales as high inventories are to

increased cost

Just-in-time inventory controls help a business

maintain low inventory levels

Standards are less likely to be accurate when

new procedures are implemented

Management is most concerned when

performance is lower than standards

The number of units to be produced, number of sales prospects to be contacted, and number of lines of information to be entered are examples of

quantity standards

Which of the following is NOT an important implementing activity?

setting standards

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