Canterbury Tales / World Lit 1 ( O'Rourke )

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Which pilgrim tells the tale that features the question "What is the thing that women most desire?"?

Wife of bath

Which pilgrim tells the first tale?


Which pilgrim tells the tale that features the characters Arcite, Palamon, and Emily?


Which pilgrim tells the tale that is an example of a courtly romance?


Which pilgrim tells the second tale?


Which pilgrim tells the tale that features "a fart/ As great as if it had been a thunder-bolt"?


Which pilgrim tells the tale that features characters preparing for a flood?


Which pilgrim tells the tale that is a lowbrow response to The Knight's Tale?


Which pilgrim tells the tale that is an example of fabliau?


Which pilgrim tells the tale the features the characters Nicholas, Alison, John, and Absolon?


Which pilgrim tells the tale that features the characters Chauntecleer, Pertelote, and Russel?

nun's priest

Which pilgrim tells the tale that is an example of a beast fable?

nun's priest

Which pilgrim tells the tale that features two characters who dispute as to whether dreams should be heeded or not?

nun's priest two characters:

Which pilgrim tells the tale that features a character who buys a poison?


Which pilgrim tells the tale that features three rioters who go looking for Death?


Which pilgrim tells the tale that illustrates the moral "Radix malorum est cupiditas"?


Which pilgrim tells the tale that is an example of an exemplum?


Which pilgrim tells the tale that features a rape?

wife of bath

Which pilgrim tells the tale that illustrates the idea that husbands should submit to their wives?

wife of bath

Which pilgrim tells the tale that is set at the court of King Arthur?

wife of bath

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