CASD-130 Ch.1-5

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In the context of behavior modification, identify a true statement about reinforcement.

A reinforcement should be sure of clearly identifying what he or she is reinforcing.

Value system

A set of standards by which a person chooses to live

Corporate culture

A system of shared values throughout any given company or other organization

Task identity

A worker's perception of the significance of a job, often based upon the worker's authorization to start and complete a job.

------- is a refinement of Maslow's hierarchy that includes only three needs areas: existence, relatedness, and growth

Alderfer's ERG theory

Check a statement that is an example of organizational citizenship behavior.

An employee helping a coworker from a different department finish his work

Anna possesses a timid personality. She is not vocal about her opinions and keeps her feelings to herself. She never feels the need to confide in others and is close-mouthed about issues in her personal life. In the context of the Johari Window, check the true statement from the following list.

Anna possesses a large hidden pane.

Examine the statements below and check the correct one regarding a healthy self-concept.

Balancing one's needs with the needs of others is crucial to a healthy self-concept and self-esteem.

According to Carl Rogers, how can people develop a healthy self-concept? (Check all that apply)

By bringing their ideal and real selves close. By altering their ideal selves to fit the reality.

------- is the exchange of pleasantries that people rely on everyday and requires very little self-disclosure

Cliche conversation

According to John Powell, arrange the levels of self-disclosure starting from the lowest (fifth level) of self-disclosure to the highest (first level) of self-disclosure. (Arrange the levels in the discending order). (Place the fifth level on top and the first level at the bottom).

Cliche conversation Reporting the facts about others Expressing ideas and judgements Expressing feelings and emotions on the "gut level" Peak communication

------ theory was developed by Victor Vroom to describe human behavior in terms of people's goals, choices, and the expectation that goals will be reached.


Extrinsic rewards or motivators

External factors intended to provide motivational incentives, including salary, bonuses, promotions, praise, or high grades in classes.

The place and time period of the first few years of most people's lives are irrelevant to the formation of values.


The prevailing attitude in the United States is that the traditional values of the top-down organization must be followed in all organizations.


Values conflicts can occur only between two individuals


Instrumental values are more likely to maintain a high priority throughout your life as compared to terminal values.

False ??!

Good working conditions are sufficient to create high job satisfaction among employees.

False ??!

The blind pane of the Johari Window can be very disturbing these who choose not to believe what others say about them

False ??!

The four panes of the Johari Window always remain the same size for all relationships and interpersonal encounters of a group.

False ??!

When people refer to attitudes, they are referring to values

False ??!

Check an intrinsic reward from the list below

Increased responsibility


Internal esteem needs and self-actualization

Intrinsic rewards or motivators

Internal factors related to the value of work, including the amount of creativity allowed, the degree of responsibility, and the satisfaction of helping others.

Generation X, Y, and Beyond


According to Carl Rogers, which of the following is true of an individual's ideal self?

It comes from the messages the individual receives from his or her parents about what he or she should be like.

The unknown pane in the Johari Window is likely to be exciting and more frightening than the blind pane because ---------

It contains repressed emotions and information that may come out in one's fantasies, dreams, and even slips of the tongue.

Which of the following is true of an individual's ideal self?

It is the individual's vision for his or her future self.

Which of the following is true about the growth mindset?

It promotes personal development.

Identify a true statement about the growth mindset

It refers to the belief that hard work can develop one's abilities.

Jenny is open and honest about her work. She always makes her thoughts and feelings about her work, colleagues, and work environment very clear. Her peers often say that Jenny is a genuine and real person. Identify a correct statement that summarizes this scenario.

Jenny is good at self-disclosure

Gut-level communication is a key feature of ------ of the self-disclosure pyramid

Level 2

Dana is a very open and reveals her conscious thoughts, opinions, and theories regarding issues at the workplace. She freely airs her ideas and judgements but does engage in some self-censorship. Dana is on ------- of the self-disclosure pyramid.

Level 3

Identify the risks related to self-disclosure from the list below. (Check all that apply).

Losing self-respect Being considered a loser.

Identify a true statement regarding low self-esteem

Low self-esteem may keep an individual from making risky decisions if a job calls for creatively in decision making.

Which of the following should be done by a reinforce to improve the feelings of self-worth in employees?

Make sincere praise.

Marks tends to deny that there are problems that he needs to rectify in his life. In difficult situations, Mark focuses on his negative feelings instead of solving the problem at hand. Which of the following is true of Mark?

Mark is a pessimist ??!


Mostly physical needs


Needs linked to relationships

--------- is a way to describe the quantity of real conversation in cliche conversation.


------ ------ ------ is an attitude of willingness to go beyond the expected behaviors that are generally associated with life in the work place.

Organizational Citizenship Behavior

-------- communication, or Level 1 communication, is characterized by total honesty and genuine self-disclosure and happens rarely.


Check the needs that correspond to McCleland's manifest needs theory from the list below. (Check all that apply)

Power needs Achievement needs Affiliation needs

Pre-Baby Boomers

Radio networks

------- explains human behavior in terms of the results, both good and bad, that have occurred under similar conditions in the past.

Reinforcement theory

The unknown pane in the Johari Window is likely to be more exciting and frightening than the blind pane because of its contents. Which of the following are included in the unknown plane? (Check all that apply).

Repressed childhood memories of an individual. Prejudices and unspoken attitudes of one's parents.

The unknown pane in the Johari Window is likely to be more exciting and frightening than the blind pane because of its contents. Which of the following are included in the unknown pane? (Check all that apply_).

Repressed childhood memories of an individual. Prejudices and unspoken attitudes of one's parents.

Identify the two primary elements in human relations. (Check all that apply).

Self-disclosure Self-awareness

Identify the statements that accurately describe the value patterns identified by Daniel Yankelovich that emerged after the 1970s. (Check all that aplpy)

Te value of leisure time increased as it became a rate commodity. The significance of the nature of an individual's paid job increased.

Baby Boomers


Which of the following events is most likely responsible for shaping the values of the Pre-Baby Boomer generation?

The Great Depression

Skill variety

The opportunity and capability to use an assortment of expertise in one's job position.

Johari Window

The panes in the -------- --------- illustrate an individual's open, hidden, and unknown sides.


The possibility that increased effort will produce a good outcome


The probability that the outcome will be better is a person tried.

Identify the true statements about the self-esteem. (Check all that apply)

The self-esteem of young children is a reflection of the esteem that parents and others have for them. Though internal, the sense of self is influenced by various external forces.

Identify a true statement about self-esteem according to psychologist Carl Rogers.

The sense of self is a guiding principle that forms an individual's personality.


The value a person places on a reward


The worth or importance a person attaches to different factors in his or her life.

In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, identity a feature of physiological needs

They are often called primarily needs because they are necessary in order to stay alive.

Identify the true statements about people who spend their lives building barriers to human relations. (Check all that apply).

They believe that the nonexistence of such barriers would cause catastrophes such as loneliness and rejection. They build online personas that are different from their real selves to promote a social image that they want people to believe.

Identify the American views on authority and power in an organization. (Check all that apply)

They follow group decision-making. They believe in power sharing


This type has to do with actions, problem solving, and the ability to succeed at particular tasks.

Perception about self-worth

This type has to do with how you feel about yourself when you are alone.

Why do most individuals avoid self-disclosure? (Check all that apply)

To deny that they have problems To gain everyone's approval. To protect other people's feelings.

Advocates of gamification state that work can be made more fulfilling for employees techniques


An individual begins to notice patterns that might reveal personal weakness when he or she relates to others on a gut-level.


Hunches about people can be cleared by working on one's own self-awareness and self disclosure and by encouraging self-disclosure from other.


Positive attitude is a position resulting from healthy self-esteem, optimism, extraversion, and personal control


The blind pane is disturbing to people to who would rather not believe that others see personality traits that they don't see in themselves.


The performance of a person with low self-esteem will not rise above the level that others expect of him or her.


The real self part of the self-concept is something that has to be discovered


To be truly motivated means feeling a desire to do whatever task needs to be completed to reach a goal or purpose


People with personal control believe that they are responsible for their own situations and life events

True ??!

When job satisfaction is very high, employees are less likely to be absent for unexcused reasons.

True ??!

When people operate on hunches or perceptions they have about each other, they are operating on the gut level of self-disclosure.

True ??!

One of the ways to deal with the fear of self-disclosure is to consider the worst-case scenario as a possible outcome.

True ??!

The open pane of the Johari Window contains information that you know about yourself and have no reason to hide from most people

True ??!

Values exist not only within individuals, but in organizations as well

True ??!

An attitude consists of -----. (Check all that apply).

actions thoughts feelings

A true statement about the looking-glass self is that it is --------

affected by one's view of reality

A feature of organizational climate is that it ----

affects the way employees feel and act

A true statement about optimist is that they -----. (Check all that apply)

are associated with reduced risk of heart disease and stroke. are inclined to try to resolve their problems.

A true statement about values is that they ------

are established in early childhood and are strongly influenced by parents' values

An evaluation of people, ideas, issues, situations, or objects is called a(n)


Which of the following is a step to arrive at an authentic, effective style of self-disclosure?

avoiding very personal disclosures

A future of the hidden pane in the Johari Window is that it -------

becomes smaller as a close relationship develops.

The process of changing behavior of a reward or lack of reward or lack is called ------- ------

behavior modification

Self-efficacy is best described as the --------

belief people have in their ability to deal with problems when they occur.

Members of a workforce can improve interpersonal relationships by -------

clearing up hunches and assumptions about each other.

The emotional state that results from acting in ways the contradict one's belief or other actions is called ------

cognitive dissonance

Jack is a writer for news magazine. He tends to plagiarize well-known writers when writing his monthly article. He knows that his actions are wrong but continues to do so in order to produce better work. His actions cause him a lot of stress, anxiety, and fear. In his scenario, Jack is experiencing ------

cognitive dissonance.

Organizations often call upon an individual to look closely at his or her own values and try to understand and accept the values of others without compromising his or her personal integrity in order to -----

deal with problems that stem from differing interpersonal values.

In the context of changing existing attitudes, when giving attitude-improving feedback to employees, one should

describe how taking certain actions would improve overall job attitude and success within an organization

An effective way to add to one's self-efficacy and feel more self-respected is by ------

developing a winning skill

An effect of the value patterns that emerged after the 1970s is that is

emphasized individual freedom of choice

Unlike the Asian value system, a feature of the American values system is that it ---------

encourages rugged individualism

A feature of Level 4 of the self-disclosure pyramid is that it -------

excludes any real self-disclosure and stays on a "what so-and-so has been doing" basis

A feature of values is that they are -------

existent within individuals as well as organizations

In level 3 of the self-disclosure pyramid, an individual -------

expresses his or her ideas and judgements.

When giving attitude-improving feedback, one must deal with -------

facts rather than opinions

In the context of today's business world, a feature of Asian culture is that it -----

favors group strengths over individual strengths

Data provided to people either on how well they are carrying out a task, or on how well they are being understood, refers to -------


The term "-------" refers to the use of mechanics and design techniques found in video games to engage and motivate employees in work tasks.


Reinforcers and incentives can be made more effective if the employees involved have the opportunity for ------- --------, which allows employees to set their own goals.

goal setting

--------- ----------- communication, or level 2 communication, is a level of communication in which feelings are conveyed sincerely.


Organizations can increase their employees' commitment to goals by -----. (Check all that apply)

having employees participate in the goal-setting process. setting goals that are challenging but attainable. providing feedback on how the employees are doing in meeting the goals.

The pane in the Johari Window that contains information and feelings that one is aware of but conceals from other people is known as the ------- --------

hidden pane

A person who possesses --------- will be open to new experiences that translate into effectiveness and flexibility at the workplace.

high self-esteem

Increasing the number of skills used on the job results in a -----

higher likelihood of being motivated to work hard.

In the context of Herzberg's two-factor theory, ------ are factors related to a job that do not necessarily motivate but improve working conditions


A true statement about the open pane in the Johari Window is that it --------

increases in size as a friendship develops.

The open pane in the Johari Window contains ------

information that individuals know about themselves and have no reason to hide.

A true fact about self-concept is that it -------

is affected by everyday actions

A feature of Level 1 of the self-disclosure pyramid is that it --------

is based on the peak experience concept developed by Abraham Maslow

A characteristic of the blind pane in the Johari Window is that it -----

is capable of hiding both good and bad qualities in people


is the ability to perceive oneself realistically, without a big difference between what one is and how one imagines others perceive oneself.


is the picture that individuals have of themselves

Identify the advantages of hut-level communication. (Check all that apply)

it allows one to explore one's strengths and weakness. It involves the sharing of honest emotions. It encourages openness and honesty in others.

Based on Herzberg's two-factor theory, a true statement about hygienes is that they -------

keep workers from becoming dissatisfied

The first step in dealing with fear is to --------

look at exactly what one is afraid of

The self that an individual assumes others see when they look at him or her is the ------

looking-glass self

The ----- was developed by David McClelland to show that all people have needs that motivate them on the job and in life.

manifest needs theory

The ------- was developed by David McClelland to show that all people have needs that motivate them on the job and in life.

manifest needs theory

The willingness to make an effort toward achievement is known as


Cliche conversation includes ---------

niceties such as "Have a nice day"

Having a healthy self-concept means -------

not subjecting oneself to other people's opinions

Morale is the -------

overall mood of an individual or group

The blind pane can shrink when a person

pays heed to other people's feedback ??!

The separate responses illustrated by the panes in the Johari Window deal with -------

people's understanding of themselves

The responses in the Johari Window panes deal with

people's understanding of themselves ??!

Based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, necessities fro life such as air, food, warmth, and water are included in -------

physiological needs

A -------- comes from a position of healthy self-esteem, optimism, extraversion, and personal control.

positive attitude

A healthy self-esteem is most likely to be accompanied by a(n)

positive attitude

Self-respect is best described as --------

positive self-image with high self-esteem

Psychological research shows that people with low self-esteem are -----. (Check all that apply).

prone to alienation that affects work performance. awkward in social settings including the workplace.

In the context of the different levels of the self-disclosure pyramid, the self-disclosure level that involves --------- excludes all personal comments with the only hint of self-disclosure coming from the person's choice of topic.

reporting the facts about other people

The process of discovering one's real self is known as developing one's ------


The extent to which an individual values himself or herself refers to his or her


If a person has negative self-description, this description is automatically memorized for future use by the -------- part of his or her self-concept.


Lack of self-disclosure results in ------

the loss of relationships with others

Author John Powell identified five general levels of self-disclosure: cliche conversation, reporting the facts about others, expressing ideas and judgments, expressing feelings and emotions on the "gut level," and peak communication

true ??!

Lack of self-disclosure results in the loss of relationships with others because it -------

unravels the common thread that ties a person to the others.

Self-image is the ------

way an individual truly feels about himself or herself

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