CDL Questions

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22. How far ahead of your vehicle should you look while driving in the city?

* 12-15 seconds (one block)

39. You are driving a vehicle with a light load, traffic is moving at 35mph in a 55mph zone. The safest speed for your vehicle in this situation is most likely:

* 35mph

42 You are driving a 40ft vehicle at 45mph, driving conditions are ideal(dry pavement and good visibility) the least amount of space you should keep in front of your vehicle to be safe is the distance you would travel in :

* 5 seconds Rule 1 second for every 10ft over 35mph > add 1 second

44. Which of these statements about overhead clearance is true?

* A vehicles clearance can change with the load carried

24. The CDL manual suggest several things to do when passing a vehicle. which of these is not one of them

* At night, turn you high beams on before passing and turn them off after passing

4. You are checking your brakes and suspension system for a pre-trip inspection. which of this statements is true?

* Brake shoes and pads should not have oil, grease or brake fluid on them, and one missing leaf spring can be dangerous

25. You should use your mirrors to check:

* Conditions of your tires , the rear of the vehicle while turning and traffic gaps while merging

15. Double clutching is a term describing:

* Engaging and disengaging the clutch twice

40. which of these can cause a vehicle to skid?

* Entering a curve too fast

6. Which of these pieces of emergency equipment should always be carried in your vehicle?

* Fire extinguisher, spare electrical fuses and reflective triangles

1. According to federal law, it is illegal to have a commercial Drivers license

* For more than one state

32. You should avoid driving through deep puddles or flowing water but if you must, what will keep brakes working ?

* Gently pressing the brake pedal while driving through the water

48. Which of these statements about crossing or entering traffic with a heavy vehicle is true?

* Heavy vehicles need larger gaps in traffic than cars

52. Which of these statements is true about high beams?

* High beams should be use when it is safe and legal to do so

30. Which of these statements about marking a stopped vehicle is true?

* If a hill or curve keeps drivers behind you from seeing the vehicle, the rear reflective triangle should be placed 500 ft behind the vehicle

43. you are being tailgated you should:

* Increase the space in front of your vehicles

11. When backing a loaded truck you need a helper because:

* Mirrors don't let you see directly behind the trailer

35. Which of these statements about speed management is true?

* On a wet road you should reduce your speed about 1/3, on packed snow reduce speed atlas 1/2 and on slippery roads it will take longer to stop and will be harder to turn without skidding

46. The three things that add up to total stopping distance are:

* Perception,Reaction and breaking distance

34. What should you do if your vehicle hydroplanes?

* Release the accelerator

5. You are checking your wheels and rims during a pre-trip inspection. which of these statements is true?

* Rust around wheel nuts may mean that they are loose

54. In hot weather, tar in the road pavement frequently rises to the surface and spots where tar bleeds can make the surface:

* Slippery

41. You are driving a heavy vehicle, you must exit the highway using an off ramp that curves downhill, you should:

* Slow down to a safe speed before you turn, usually 5mph less than posted

61. On a vehicle ahead of you, there is a red triangle marking with an orange center, what does this marking mean?

* Slow moving vehicle

19. Auxilary brakes or speed retarders are design to ?

* Slow the vehicle

3. Your checking your steering and exhaust system during a pre-trip inspection. which of this is true.

* Steering wheel play of more than 10(2inch) can make it harder to steer

21. Which of these statements about mirrors is true?

* There are blind spots that your mirrors cannot show you

2. You are checking your tires during a pre-trip inspection. which of this is true

* Tires of mismatched sizes shouldn't be used on the same vehicle

47 . to keep drivers from passing on the right when turning right with a tractor trailer, position the

* Trailer to block them

62. Your vehicle is in a traffic emergency and could collide with another vehicle if you don't take action, what should you do?

* Turn the wheel, because you'll avoid the other vehicle easier than you can stop

8. The best way to check for loose lugs is to

* Use a lug wrench

7.Which of theses is not part of a pre-trip inspection?

* Valve clearance

9. How do you test Hydraulic brakes for leaks?

* When stopped, pump the pedal three times, apply pressure and hold for five seconds and see if it moves

26. Which of these statements about using turning signals is true?

* When turning you should signal early and cancel signal after turning

12.What is the proper way to hold a steering wheel?

* With both hands on opposite sides

10. Which of these statements about backing a heavy vehicle is true?

* You should avoid backing whenever you can but if you must

55. Which of these statements about tires and hot weather driving is true?

* You should inspect your tires more often

56. You are driving a new truck that has manual transmission, what gear would you use on a long downhill grade?

* a lower gear than you would use to go uphill

49. To make a left turn start turn:

* at the center of the intersection

27. The image in a convex mirror will appear:

* farther away than it really is

58. Truck escape ramps

* help avoid damage to vehicle

14. To correct a trailer drift when backing straight, turn the wheel:

* in the same direction the trailer is shifting

37. The road is most slippery :

* just after is starts to rain

57. Which is the best way to use the brake pedal on steep downhill grade?

* light steady pressure

20. When looking ahead of your vehicle while driving you should?

* look back and forth

59. While traveling down a long steep hill. your brakes begin to fade and then fail, you should :

* look for an escape ramp/route

31. You must park on the side of a level, straight two lane road or undivided highway. Where should you place the three reflective triangles?

* one 100ft in front of the vehicle, one about 10 ft of the rear and one about 100ft of back of the vehicle

36. The road on which you are driving becomes very slippery due to glare ice, which of these is a good do in such a situation?

* stop driving as soon as you can safely do so

28. If you must slow down unexpectedly because the road is blocked, warn drivers behind you

* tapping on the brake pedal

18. which of these statements about retarders is true?

* they can cause the drive wheels to skid when they have poor traction

13. When backing into an alley, you can see best if you turn:

* to your left side

33. Ice will be most slippery when the temperature is?

* well below freezing

45. Which of these statements about driving in areas with strong winds is true?

* winds are specially a problem when coming out of tunnels

16. Which of these statements about double clutching and shifting is true?

* you can use the tachometer to tell you when to shift

38.Which of these statements about speed management is true

*. Choose a driving speed that lets you stop in the space that you can see ahead

23. The distance that you should look ahead of your vehicle while driving. amounts to about what fraction of a mile at high speeds (highways)

*1/4 of a mile

51. Which of these statements about staying alert to drive is true?

*The only thing that can cure fatigue is sleep

29. To alert others to your location, it is best to:

*Use a slight tap on the horn

60. While driving, you see a small object in your lane, you should

*steer around it if it is safe to do so

95. Cargo than can shift needs at least how many tie downs?

- 2

83. Which of these statements about drinking alcohol is true?

- A few beers have the same effect as a few shots of whiskey

85. Driving under the influence of any drug which makes you drive unsafely such as narcotics or hallucinogenic is;

- Against the LAW

81. Which of these is a good rule to fallow when using a fire extinguisher?

- Aim at the base of the fire

87. Which of these is a good thing to remember about drinking alcohol?

- Alcohol affect judgement and self control necessary to safe driving. increases the chances of a crash and can make you lose your license

93. The center of gravity of a load;

- Can make a vehicle likely to roll over on curves

94. The key principle in balancing cargo weight is to keep the load;

- Centered

63 to avoid an accident, you turn onto the right shoulder, how should you merge back into traffic?

- Come to a complete stop before steering back into traffic

92. If a Vehicle is loaded with most of the weight on the steering axle, what can happen;

- Difficult steering

86. There are certain medications that may affect driving for some people and not for others, therefore the law allows you to use them and have them with you if;

- Doctor has informed you that it doesn't affect your driving ability

71. The most common cause of serious vehicle skids is :

- Driving too fast for road conditions

72. If a straight vehicle (no trailer or articulation) goes into a front wheel skid, it will

- Go straight ahead even if the steering wheel is turned

82. The best way to prevent fatigue is to schedule trips during;

- Hours that your are normally awake

97. Which these is the most important thing to remember about emergency breaking?

- If the wheels are skidding you cannot control the vehicle

89. You are transporting hazardous materials. when you are behind the wheel the shipping papers must be on the drivers seat or;

- In the drivers door pouch

50. Which of these is a good rule to follow when driving at night?

- Keep your speed slow enough to stop within range of your headlights

67. Which of these is a sign of tire failure?

- Loud bang (any tire)

53. When the roads are slippery you should

- Make turns as gently as possible

99. Which of these would tell you that a shipment contains hazardous materials;

- Name of Hazard class on shipping paper, a four inch diamond shape has mat label on the container and a hazardous material placard on the vehicle

74. To correct the rear wheel braking skid you should:

- Release the brakes and steer/counter steer

98. which of these statement about brake is true

- The heavier the vehicle and the faster it moves, brakes have to absorb more heat to stop it

76. When requesting emergency assistance at an accident scene, the most important information to give is;

- The location of the accident

84. As BLOOD ALCOHOL CONCENTRATION ( BAC) goes up, what happens;

- The person is even more dangerous if allowed to drive

100. If you see a "Shipper's Certification" printed on shipping papers, this may tell you that;

- The shipment contains hazardous materials

78. Which fire can you put out with water;

- Tire fire

88. The intent of the Hazardous materials regulations has 3 parts, 2 of those parts are to ensure safe drivers and equipment and to communicate the risk. what is Third.?

- To contain the material

73. What is counter steering?

- Turning the wheel back the other way after steering to avoid a traffic

75. Which of these can cause a fire?

- Under inflated tires, loose fuel connections and electrical short circuits

96.Shifting gears is not permitted;

- When crossing railroad tracks

65. which of these is the most important remember about emergency braking?

- if the wheels are skiddding, you can't control the vehicle

77. In an accident the first thing you do is

- keep another accident from happening

80. If there is a fire in the cargo area the doors, should be ;

- kept close

69. You are driving on a straight, level highway at 50mph, there are no vehicles in front of you, a tire blows out on your vehicle, what should you do first?

- stay off the brake until the vehicle slows down on its own

66. If force to leave the road and return while traveling at high speed you should :

- steer sharply back and quickly counter steer

70. you are starting your vehicle in motion from a stop, as you apply power to the drive wheels, they start to spin, what should you do?

- take your foot off the accelerator

79. An on -road inspection should include checking for

- tire overheating, gasoline fires and cargo securement

90. You don't have a hazardous material endorsement on you commercial drivers license. when can you legally haul hazardous materials?

- when the load does not require placards

64. Some traffic emergencies require you to leave the road, what should you always remember? - you should avoid breaking until your speed has dropped to around 20mph

- you should avoid breaking until your speed has dropped to around 20mph

68. How do you correct a rear wheel acceleration skid?

-stop acceleration and push in the clutch

91. Which of these statements about cargo loading is true?

State regulations dictate legal limits

17.Which of these statements about downshifting is true?

when downshifting for a curve, do so before entering the curve

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