ch 12

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Which of the following statements does NOT apply to the results of research on differences between how experts and novices solve problems?

Being an expert in one field can transfer to better problem solving in another field.

Functional fixedness would be LOWEST for a(n)

novel object

Which of the following is not part of a complete definition of a problem?

Has one correct answer

Which of the following is not true about divergent thinking?

It has a single correct answer.

Which of the following provides the best example of functional fixedness?

Using a juice glass as a container for orange juice

The ability to shift experience from one problem-solving situation to a similar problem is known as

analogical transfer.

The typical purpose of subgoals is to

bring the problem solver closer and closer to the goal state.

Attention, perception, memory, and decision making are all different types of mental processes in which the mind engages. These are known as different types of


Intermediate states can be created by

creating subgoals

Metcalfe and Wiebe gave participants problems to solve and asked them to make "warmth" judgments every 15 seconds to indicate how close they felt they were to a solution. The purpose of this experiment was to

demonstrate a difference between how people solve insight and non-insight problems.

Ali works for Citrus Squeeze, a company that makes orange juice. Sales of their calcium-enhanced OJ have been poor, and the product was cancelled. His factory still had three cases of cartons, and Ali was told he could take them if he wanted them. With the cartons, Ali made several birdfeeders for his backyard and also planted tree seedlings in some of them; he used the remaining ones to build a "fort" for his four-year-old son. Ali's use of the cartons represents

divergent thinking.

Experts categorize problems based on

general principles that problems share.

Phoenix Decorating Company is responsible for designing and building many of the floral floats seen in the Tournament of Roses Parade every New Year's Day. Phoenix's designers start preparing the floats for the next year's parade soon after the first of the year. For each corporate sponsor, Phoenix gets their best advertising team members, and they sit in a room for several hours throwing out every idea they can come up with, no matter how good or bad it is. After a substantial list has been created, they then go through every idea and rate its merits or deficits, until they come up with the best idea to pitch to the corporate sponsor. This process demonstrates

group brainstorming.

The analogical paradox refers to problem-solving differences between

laboratory and real-world settings.

Finke's creating an object studies show that people were more likely to come up with creative uses for preinventive objects if they

made the objects themselves.

Actions that take the problem from one state to another are known as


Gestalt psychologists consider problem solving as a process involving

reorganization or restructuring.

Illustrative of functional fixedness, people are more likely to solve the candle problem if

the box is empty.

The water-jug problem demonstrates that one consequence of having a procedure that does provide a solution to a problem is that, if well-learned, it may prevent us from

seeing more efficient solutions to the problem.

The best description of the purpose of think-aloud protocols is that they are used to determine

what information a person is attending to while solving a problem

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