Ch. 12 Exam 3 Anatomy

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What is a retinaculum?

A thickened fibrous band of fascia

The principal elbow flexors located on the anterior side of the humerus are the

Bicepts brachii, Brachialis, and Brachioradialis

What muscle is known as the "swimmer's muscle"?

Latissimus dorsi

There are three anterior thoracic muscles. What is the exception?

Levator scapulae

The longest muscle of the body is the


On spring break you travel to Malibu, California. While there, you visit the famous Malibu beach to observe the parade of body builders. They each show off their massive muscles with the standard "pump you up" arm flexion. What muscle would be least involved with this action?


What muscle pulls the pinky finger away from the other fingers?

abductor digiti minimi

What muscle does not originate on the ischial tuberosity?

adductor longus

If you had all of your fingers (including the thumb) spread out wide (full abduction), what muscle or group would bring your thumb toward your first finger?

adductor pollicis

Crural muscles are those that move the

ankle, foot, and toes

Muscles of the pectoral girdle originate on the

axial skeleton and insert on the clavicle and scapula

Besides the supinator, what other muscle is a powerful supinator of the forearm?

biceps brachii

Of the muscles listed, the only one that inserts on the head of the fibula is the

biceps femoris

The quadriceps femoris has four heads. What is the exception?

biceps femoris

The condition known as "tennis elbow" is caused by trauma or overuse of the

common extensor tendon of the posterior forearm muscles

During an automobile accident, a friend of yours suffers a fractured femur. As a result, the muscles of the thigh begin to swell, compressing blood vessels and nerves within the quadriceps fascia. If the blood supply is not restored within a few hours his nerves and muscles could atrophy—a dangerous situation. What condition is he experiencing?

compartment syndrome

The intrinsic foot muscles form a ___________________ group and a __________________ group.

dorsal; plantar

Three tendons form the border for the "anatomic snuffbox". What is the exception?

extensor digiti minimi tendon

A muscle not innervated by a plantar nerve is the

extensor digitorum brevis

What muscle inserts on a tendon that extends toes 2-5?

extensor digitorum longus

The muscle that extends the great toe is the

extensor hallucis longus

All of the muscles listed, except one, are innervated by the tibial nerve. What is the exception?

fibularis longus

When a child raises her hand to show you she is five years old, she is using all of the following muscles except the

flexor digitorum

The muscle or group that does not originate from a metatarsal is the

flexor hallucis brevis

To form your hand into a fist you would use all of the muscles listed, except the

flexor hallucis longus

All of the anterior muscles of the forearm, except one, have their origin on the medial epicondyle of the humerus via a common flexor tendon. What is the exception?

flexor pollicis longus

All of the muscles listed, except one, have their origin on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. What is the exception?

flexor pollicis longus

All of the muscles listed, except one, are innervated by the deep fibular nerve. What is the exception?


The muscle that makes up the calf of the leg is the


These two muscles are known as the triceps surae and together are the most powerful plantar flexors of all of the leg muscles.

gastrocnemius and soleus

What two muscles insert on the calcaneal tendon?

gastrocnemius and soleus

Of the muscles listed, the one not inserting on the quadriceps tendon is the

gluteus maximas

One of the largest muscles in the body and the one most responsible for extending and laterally rotating the thigh is the

gluteus maximus

There are three gluteal muscles. Select the one that is correctly matched with its primary action.

gluteus medius: adducts the thigh

Of these muscles, the one not involved in extending the leg is the


Deviation of the tip of the great toe to the medial side of the foot away from the second toe is a(n)

hallux valgus

The ___________________ muscles of the foot both originate and insert within the foot.


Of the muscles that move the glenohumeral joint, two originate on the axial skeleton. What ones?

latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major

The _________________ is a narrow, elongated muscle that is deep to both the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles. It originates from multiple heads on the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae and inserts on the superior angle of the scapula.

levator scapulae

The muscle or group not originating from the calcaneus is the


Most muscles that move the thigh originate on the

os coxae

If you had all of your fingers (including the thumb) spread out wide (full abduction), what muscle or group would bring fingers 2-5 together?

palmar interossei

What muscle of the forearm is absent in approximately 10 percent of individuals?

palmaris longus

All of these muscles, except one, have their origin on the scapula. What is the exception?

pectoralis major

This thick sheet of fascia extends between the phalanges of the toes and the calcaneus, and also encloses the plantar muscles of the foot.

plantar aponeurosis

Your grandmother complains of pain on the underside of her foot near the heel. Consequently she has been forced to stop her daily 6 mile run. What condition is most likely causing her pain?

plantar fasciitis

The muscle or group responsible for adduction of the toes is the

plantar interossei

What muscle "unlocks" the fully extended knee joint?


What muscle does not insert on any toe, including the big toe?


The function of a retinaculum is to

prevent tendons from bulging outward

All of these muscles, except one, is innervated by the radial nerve. What is the exception? (it is innervated, instead, by the median nerve).

pronator teres

The most powerful muscle in the body is the

quadriceps femoris

With three seconds left on the clock, Mia breaks free and scores the winning goal. Of the muscles listed, select the one with the primary action in extending the leg for kicking.

quadriceps femoris

What is not one of the hamstring muscles?

rectus femoris

The __________________ is a large, saw-toothed, flat, fan-shaped muscle positioned between the ribs and the scapula.

serratus anterior

If you were to remove the gastrocnemius muscle you would expose the


There are four posterior thoracic muscles. What is the exception?.


The pronator teres and pronator quadratus cause pronation of the forearm. What muscle opposes this movement?


All of these muscles, except one, adduct the arm. What is the exception?.


What muscle is the one most commonly damaged in a rotator cuff injury?


What muscle does not adduct the thigh?

tensor fasciae latae

Four muscles are referred to as rotator cuff muscles. What is the exception?

teres major

What group of muscles forms a thick, fleshy mass at the base of the thumb?

thenar group

Muscles that move the knee joint are collectively referred to as ___________________ muscles.


Of the muscles listed, the one not involved in flexing the leg is the

tibialis anterior

The primary dorsiflexor of the foot at the ankle is the

tibialis anterior

What muscle is not involved in plantar flexing the foot?

tibialis anterior

A muscle that does not evert the foot is the

tibialis posterior

The _________________ is a large, flat, diamond-shaped muscle that extends from the skull and vertebral column to the pectoral girdle laterally. It depresses, retracts, or rotates the scapula.


All of the muscles that move the glenohumeral joint insert somewhere on the humerus, except one. What one?

triceps brachii

The prime extensor of the elbow joint is the

triceps brachii

Where would you find the extensor retinaculum?

wrist and ankle

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