Ch. 13-16

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Preexisting chants formed the basis for __________________________

early polyphony

The Western tradition has become popular and distinctive because of its potential for ___________________________.

layered complexity

Contact with Eastern cultures and developments in feudal social structure spawned new ideas about ________,________, and _____

life, art, and beauty

Word painting

madrigalisms; music directly reflects the meaning of the words

In Ancient Greece (Pythagoras) music aligned with ___________________


In medieval times, music aligned with ________________, ________________, and __________________; and apar of the Quadrivium

mathematics, geometry, and astronomy

In predominantly Muslim communities, a public call to prayer is sung from the______________, a tower on the mosque, by a prayer leader called a muezzin.


Spontaneous social singing among friends is often _____________________, such as "Happy Birthday."


Polyphony also known as

multivoiced music

Religious wars (the Crusades) and medieval explorations enabled an exchange of ____________________ and ___________________ about music with Middle Eastern and Far Eastern cultures.

musical instruments and theoretical ideas

Aristocratic poet-musicians were known as


What were aristocratic poet-musicians known as in Southern France?


What were aristocratic poet-musicians known as in Northern France?


Organum is the earliest type of polyphony that consisted of what?

two-, three-, or four voice parts sung in fixed rhythmic patterns (rhythmic modes)

Which one thing was always clear: in madrigals?

the words and music clearly linked

Western tradition emphasizes the ____________ and ______________ of simultaneous musical lines

creation and coordination

What was the Il bianco e dolce cigno about

death of both a swan and the narrator (double meaning of death)

Hildegard's song is not __________________ chant, since is not part of the established sanctioned repertory. Her practice of writing new praise songs was _________________

"Gregorian" ; controversial

_________________ used for worship, distinct from "music"; used in their worship or religious rituals

"intoned speech"

Religious communities are called?


Fixed text forms

(rondeau, ballade, virelai)

How many times do Muslims pray?

5 times daily

A call to prayer also known as _______


What are the 3 parts of Alleluia, O virga mediatrix?

Alleluia (sung by all) Verse (sung by single leader) Alleluia (sung by all)

Which composer worked as a singer in the Sistine Chapel choir?


___________ wrote music for amateur performers.


Guillaume de Machaut (c. 1300-1377) was the foremost composer of the _________________

Arns Nova

Guillaume de Machaut was a poetcomposer of the

Ars nova (new art)

New complexities of rhythm, meter, harmony, and counterpoint

Ars nova early 1300s in France

Adhan (call to prayer) was followed by the ___________________________

Blessings on the Prophet

The forefront of evolution

Cathedral of Notre Dame

_____________________________ were often simpler and lighter in style than their Italian counterparts.

English madrigals

______________________________ features a pastoral text, lively rhythms, and good humor. The poem tells of a shepherdess being pursued by her lover, and ends happily and amorously; As social music, written for friends to sing together delighting in the tale.

Fair Phyllis (LG3) - by John Farmer

Ars nova appeared in __________ and soon thereafter in _________.

France; Italy

_____________________________ was the daughter of a noble german couple who promised her (as 10th child) to the service of the church as a tithe.

Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179)

_____________________________ opens with two voices singing in a rhythmic mode (a fixed pattern of long and short notes) opmode over a sustained bottom voice, taken from chant.;Bottom voice taken from chant; Style of Perotin, highly melismatic

Gaude Maria virgo (LG3)

In Notre Dame polyphony, _______________________ was used as a foundation, atop which were added decorative upper voices; chant moved along in long, sustained notes, and was no longer recognizable as a melody.

Gregorian chant

_________________ was a poet composer of the French Ars nova (new art) who wrote sacred music and polyphonic chansons (secular songs) set to fixed text forms (rondeau, ballade, virelai).

Guillaume de Machaut

French court musician, also cleric; a prolific composer of both secular and sacred music; He took Holy orders at young age

Guillaume de Machaut (c. 1300-1377)

Alleluia, O virga mediatrix (late twelfth century - written for a feast day honoring the Virgin Mary, and the text compares her to a blossoming flower or branch. Who was this by?


From age eight she lived in a stone cell with one window, and took her vows to become a nun at age fourteen. Also experienced visions up to adulthood. Who was this?


In 1150 founded a monastery (in Rupertsberg, Germany); Miracles and prophecies made her famous; Wrote poems (compositional style expressions)


________________________ was a composer, as well as head of a monastery in a small town in western Germany.

Hildegard of Bingen

Intended for amateurs, easy to sing, moved in homorhythm; the words were clear, and there was very subtle word-painting

Il bianco e dolce cigno

This text sung by a mixed group of men and women, one per part, and in domestic settings; Chamber music, one per part, each reading from a part book

Il bianco e dolce cigno

What was Arcadelt's first book of madrigals?

Il bianco e dolce cigno (the white and sweet swan)

The Adhan is the ______ call to prayer.


During the reign of Elizabeth I, English composers developed the _____________________ into a native art form; some texts included humorous nonsense

Italian madrigal

The __________________ was the most important secular genre of the 16th C, and was a favorite diversion for cultivated amateurs.

Italian madrigal

_______________________ was an early master of the Italian madrigal; linking music and lyric poetry

Jacques Arcadelt

His first book of madrigals (1538) was the most widely reprinted collection of the time; became influential once he moved to Italy; working in both Florence and Rome

Jacques Arcadelt (c. 1507-1568)

____________________________ put together existing technologies to create a printing press; Produced 1st printed book in West, The Bible

Johannes Gutenberg

English madrigals wrote by?

John Farmer

______________ was one of the most important English madrigal composers.

John Farmer

__________________ an active Irish composer before moving to England; his madrigals were lighthearted and clever, and exemplified a truly native art form.

John Farmer

Who is associated with the Chanson?

Josquin and Arcadelt

Which prayer for mercy is taken from the Central Mediterranean Christian tradition?

Kyrie (based on greek prayer)

A Notre Dame polyphonic leader, is credited with compiling the Magnus liber organi (Great book of organum).

Leonin and successor Perotin

______ is the set order of services and structure of each service.


What did aristocratic poet-musicians write about?

Love songs, laments, political songs, and chronicles of the Crusades

____________ was the leader of the Notre Dame School.


What was Machaut's chanson called?

Ma fin est mon commencement

Farmer and Arcadelt are associated with the


______________ poetry often used double meanings.


_______________ feature expressive text setting, word-painting, and multiple meanings; usually short poems full of emotional words; wide range of tops


This book contained music for the entire church year, in the new polyphonic style. Leonin's successor, Perotin, expanded the number of voice parts for organum to three and then four.

Magnus liber organi

Who launched the Reformation?

Martin Luther

A Mass in which the texts vary from day to day throughout the church year, depending on the feast being celebrated is known as the _______________

Mass Proper

A series of services celebrated in religious communities at various hours of the day is known as the Offices

Mass Proper

The text for the _______________ changes every day of the year.

Mass Proper

Hildegard lived during

Middle Ages

Monasteries largely shaped the rise of culture during the

Middle Ages

The fall of the Roman Empire marks the beginning of the

Middle Ages

Throughout the __________________________ information transmitted orally; few could read and write, if book desired it'd have to be hand-copied (by a monk)

Middle Ages

Virgin Mary was the most idealized woman in Western culture during the __________________

Middle Ages.

What did the Europeans bring back with them after the violent episodes from the Crusades (religious wars)

Military tactics, the Arabic number system (1, 2, 3, 4 instead of I, II, III, IV), and advances in medical and scientific knowledge

A sacred work with a Latin text, for use in the Mass and other religious services, is known as a ____________


The trouvères were poet-musicians who flourished in ______________________

North of France

______________ required greater notational precision than monophony(esp. with pitch and rhythm; Was preceded by improvised polyphony; Organum grew out of custom of improvising a second voice with Gregorian melody

Notated polyphony

Who exemplifies the increasingly international profile of late-sixteenth-century composers?

Orlande de Lassus

______ mastered the art of printing polyphonic music.

Ottaviano Petrucci

_______________________ developed polyphony music printing; very expensive books

Ottaviano Petrucci

Which composer is associated with the Counter-Reformation?


_____ is the music of the early Christian church.


_________________ features monophonic, nonmetric melodies set in one of the church modes, or scales


What was the music of the early Christian church called?

Plainchant or just Plainchant

Organum is the earliest ______ music.


_______________________, originally improvised and eventually notated, is an essential feature of the Western musical tradition.

Polyphony (multivoiced music)

Johannes Gutenberg was a pioneer in _________, one of the major advancements in the Renaissance.


What was an agent for social change increasing literacy

Printing and reading

Islam is centered on the__________, the sacred text presenting the word of God as transmitted to the Prophet Muhammad by the Archangel Gabriel.


Who fostered the extensive development of worship music, starting in the Middle Ages?

Religious communities (monasteries)

Both professional and amateur music making expanded in the _____________ through secular vocal and instrumental genres.


The ________ first flourished in Italy.


______________ & _______________ challenge our current understanding

Riddles and puzzles

Latin was the language of the ____________________________________

Roman Catholic Church.

____________________ is a shared feature among many world cultures, allowing for a more intense personal and collective connection with the divine.

Sung worship

What are the 3 categories that chant melodies fall into?

Syllabic, neumatic, and melismatic - based on how many notes are set to each syllable of text

What is the primary (and most solemn) ritual of the Roman Catholic Church?

The Mass

What are the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei?

The prayers of the Ordinary Mass set to music

What is an aristocratic poet-musicians favorite topic to write about?

Unrequited love

Who does Hildegard celebrate in some of her songs?

Virgin Mary

Arab musical instruments became models for _________________ instruments


What did the Ma fin est mon commencement employ?

a palindromic form and an enigmatic text to display compositional craft and challenge the listener

One of the most widespread purposes of music throughout the world is to connect to ___________________, and medieval Europe was no different.

a spiritual power

A performance style that alternates between two groups is known as ______________


France is associated with the


In the secular realm, Machaut favored _____________


Secular songs


The Quran is _____________, not read, and this chanting is governed by established oral traditions.


Western culture has developed a tradition of social part songs, in which separate _______________________________________________

musical lines combine into a harmonious whole

Ars nova

new art

In the Middle Ages, Paris's Cathedral of Notre Dame was a center for ________________


Gaude Maria virgo alternates ________________________ with ________________________

polyphonic music (sung by soloists); monophonic chant (sung by the choir)

Men and women in the Middle Ages who devoted themselves to the monastic life were withdrawn from secular society, spending their days doing what?

praying, preaching, performing acts of charity, and pursuing scholarship some were "given" to church as children

Performing a chant, featuring alternation between the choir and a leader, is called ______________


Ars nova (New Art, as opposed to Ars antiqua, old art) that appeared in France featured new complexities of __________, _________, _________, and __________

rhythm, meter, harmony, and counterpoint

Gaude Maria virgo ended with two voices singing in a __________________


The madrigal was the most important ____________ genre


word "death" in Italy referred to what?

sexual climax

Instead of a text about love, Ma fin est mon commencement is enigmatic, especially its refrain "my end is my beginning and my beginning my end". The music supports this puzzle via _____________________________________

structural palindromes

The Crusades were a series of religious wars waged Western Europeans trying to win back ________________ from Muslims

the Holy land of Palestine

During the Renaissance period, Two secular genres arose as favorites for domestic music making: ____________________ and _____________________

the chanson in France and the madrigal in Italy

Religious wars (Crusades) and medieval explorations enabled _________ Middle Eastern and Far Eastern cultures.

the exchange of instruments and theoretical ideas about music with

What does the expressive music of Hildegard of Bingen exemplify?

the tension between an individual, creative response to divine inspiration and community expectations of worship

Growth of amateur musicians making music at home consisted of

vocal, instrumental, or a mixture of the two. Most prosperous homes had at least one instrument

Farmer and his English composers adopted the Italian practice of _____________________, enlivening the story.

word painting

What were religious duties?

work in the fields or library, or with producing items that could be sold in order to bring revenue to the order. Many were dedicated to writing and gaining knowledge from earlier times

This music is monophonic in texture

worship music

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